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Train Simulator 2013 Quick Reference

Steam Controls - When Overlay (HUD) displayed

Brake Control/display

Controlling the view

Cab view. External front camera. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Up arrow Down arrow

Some controls only apply to certain control models. To set the control model, select GAMEPLAY from the Options menu in the Main Menu. Change the Driving Model to either Simple Controls or "Expert". Controls exclusive to the Simple control model appear in green. Controls exclusive to the Expert control model appear in red. Note that not all controls are present in every locomotive. Also, features in TS2013 are periodically updated please check the latest electronic documentation provided with the software for any changes.

Blower on/off Fire status/Load coal Water status/Load water Boiler pressure

Rear of train Trackside camera Passenger view Front coupling camera

Steam Controls - When no Overlay (HUD) displayed

Small ejector on/off Cylinder cocks on/off J C R/shift-R F/ shift-F I O K/shift-K L/shift-L N/shift-N M/shift-M

Overhead Yard camera Detach camera from train for general exploration Zoom in. (scroll mouse wheel) Zoom out (scroll mouse wheel)

Simple Driving
Accelerate Decelerate Change direction. Emergency Brake Horn A D S Backspace Spacebar Damper/ Blower control A/D Injector Control. Coal Increase/decrease the rate of shovelling. Open/close the firebox door Turns on/off Live injector Turns on/off Exhaust injector Increases/decreases the flow to the Live injector Increases/decreases the flow to the Exhaust injector Increases/decreases the Blower. Increase/decrease the Damper

Head out of cab left/Head out of cab Shift+2 right. Alternate camera Move forward to next cab. (For consists with multiple cabs) Move back to previous cab. (For consists with multiple cabs) Ctrl+ = Ctrl+ -

Expert Driving
Increase/Decrease throttle (open/close regulator for steam trains) Increase/Decrease Reverser

Additional keys (Note: not all are available in all views): Zoom: , Zoom fast: Shift + , Shift + Pan: , Angle: ctrl+ ,


Increase/Decrease Train brake Increase/Decrease locomotive brakes Increase/Decrease dynamic brakes Gear up/Gear down

/; ]/[ ./, E/shift-E

The use of this software product is subject to the users acceptance of the limited license and other terms and conditions set forth in the User Agreement available online at

2012 Limited. All rights reserved The Train Simulator 2013 logo is a trademark of Limited. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Page 1

Copyright 2012. All rights reserved. Release 1.0

Train Simulator 2013 Quick Reference

Other Controls
(Note: Not all controls are available on all locomotives) T Load/unload passengers or freight Lights. Will cycle through headlight states if appropriate. Wipers. Screenshot. Engine stop/start. Raise/Lower Pantograph (Electric trains only) H or Shift-H V Ctrl+S Z P

Accessing other Information

Display 2D Track map. Display Task Information. Display Coupling view (locomotives, wagons, coaches). Turn on/off minimal Overlay (HUD) Turn on/minimise/off Driving Overlay F3 F4 9 F1

Driving Interface
Simple-mode Driving Interface

Expert-mode Driving Interface

F5 Engine information. Only available if driving interface off. Display labels. If Display Labels on, display engine and wagon numbers. F6 F7 Current speed and speed limit

Q Alerter. Use of this feature will depend on the train and route being used. You must respond to the Alert or the brakes will be applied In general, a horn will advise you to acknowledge the warning Sander. Bell Emergency Brake. Horn. Sound the horn or whistle. Handbrake off. This icon is displayed in the Coupling view Pause. Gives you a choice of: Continue/Save Scenario State/View Controller Layout/View Keyboard Layout/Enter World Editor/in-game options/Quit Request permission to pass signal in front/behind Change state of junction in front/behind. Couple manually. Exit. You will receive an option to exit or continue. Enter World Editor. Save position in Scenario. X B Back-space Spacebar

Other Icons
Activity markers Load bulk freight Load Container Couple Performance Indicators Current time and scenario instructions, comfort indicator Track profile

Comfort. Fuel usage (above defined threshold). Operational error.

/ Esc Uncouple Load fuel Tab/ Alt+Tab G/ Shift+G Load water Ctrl+Shift+C Ctrl-Q Ctrl-E F2 Timeliness (early) Perfectly accurate position Set junction Coach aligned with platform Accuracy warning Load passengers Speeding. Time keeping (late). Wheel slip.

Shows: Incline; Wagons; Distance to the next signal; Speed limits; Stations Coupling view

Shows: locomotives/wagons/coaches in consist, state of handbrake

Steam engine indicators

This shows (left to right): Boiler level; Boiler Pressure; Fire Mass ; Water level; Coal level.

Diesel/Electric engine indicators

This shows (left to right): Brake cylinder pressure and Brake pipe pressure.

Copyright 2012. All rights reserved. Release 1.0

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