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Bad Habit

R. Rama Putranto

Fixed or Constan Practice Established by Frequent repetition Is a form reaction that is resistant to change, whether useful or harmful, depending on the degree to which it interferes with the childs physical, emotional and social functions

Jenis Kebiasaan Buruk

Menghisap Ibu Jari (Thumb Sucking) Menghisap Bibir atas (Lip Sucking) Menghisap Bibir bawah (Lip Sucking) Mendorong Gigi anterior oleh lidah Meletakkan Lidah diantara gigi anterior Menghisap pipi Meletakkan lidah di antara gigi posterior

Classification the Habit (based on Cause)

Physiologic Habit

Pathologic Habit

Classification the Habit (based on the origin of the Habit)

Retained Habit

Cultivated Habits

Etilogical Agent in Developmen of oral Habit

Anatomical Mechanichal Interferrences Pathological Emotional Imitation Random Behavior Equilibrium Theory


Classification of Thumb Sucking (Cook, 1950)

Group : Pushed Palated in Vertical direction
Buccal Wall Contractions

Group : Pressure in Oral Cavity

Posterior Cross Bite

Posterior Cross Bite due to Thumb Sucking

4 Type of Thumb Sucking

Group 1 ; occupies a large area of hard palate and lower incisors press out on the thumb (50%) Group 2 : The thumb extended into mouth around the first joint or just anterior it. No palatal contact, contact only maxillary and mandibulary anterior (24%) Group 3: Thumb place fully into the mouth in contact with the palate as in group 1 without any contact with antewrior mandibulary

Group 4: Thumb did not progress appreciably into the mouth. The lower incisor made contact approximately at the level of thumb nail

Moyers divided The thumb sucking habit into 3 stage

Stages 1 : Normal and subclinically significant sucking Stage 2 : Clinically significantly sucking Feature: From 3-6/7 years old More serious attention required purposeful digit sucking because - Possibility of clinically significant anxiety - Best Time to solve dental prolem related to digit sucking Firm and definite corrective program is indicate
Stage 3 : persistence of thumb sucking till stage 3 is a symptom of significant problem that can be associated a malocclusion

Effect of digit sucking habit

Maxilla Mandibula

Dentofacial Changes associated with NNS can affect

Lip Placement and fuction Inter-arch relatinship

Othes effect

Inter arch Relationship invertical and horizontal placed digit sucking

Effect on Lip Placement and Fuction

Lip Incompetence
Hypotonic upper lip

Hyperactive Lower lip

Effect on Tongue placement and Function

Tongue Thrust
Lower Tongue position Lip to Tongue rest position

Tongue Thrust

Classification of Appliances for thumb sucking

Removable Apliance Fixed Appliances

Tongue Spike Tongue Guard Spurs/ rake

Quad Helix Hay Rakes

Maxillary lingual arch with palatal crib

Tongue Spike

Tongue Guard

Spurs/ rake

Quad Helix

Hay Rakes

Maxillary lingual arch with palatal crib

Abnormal Placement Tongue/ TonguebThrust Swallow


Tongue Thrust

Tongue Thrust





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