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2 theSun | MONDAY MAY 4 2009

news without borders

Tee Keat denies IWG out
PAS urges
top leaders
by Bernard Cheah
to topple his deputy
by Tan Yi Liang last Dec 15 by “a group of no knowledge on this MCA members” chaired issue.”
by Dr Daphne Loke, a Asked whether he
SEBERANG PERAI: Penang PAS has called on its KUALA LUMPUR: MCA president director of the SEGi Uni- would be meeting Chua
top leaders to reconsider its decision not to field Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat yesterday versity College Graduate on this, he said: “No.”
a PAS candidate in the upcoming Penanti by-elec- denied that the MCA Integrity Watch School of Business. The Pressed further on
tion. Group (IWG) was set up to topple his college boss, Datuk the issue, Ong said: “All
Penang PAS deputy commissioner Dr Mujahid deputy Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek. Clement Hii, is now the I know is what I read in
Yusuf Rawa said the state party hopes to field “Substantiate the allegation. And on executive deputy chair- media reports. We are
a candidate in the by-election on May 31 in an him (Chua) mulling a move to Pakatan man of Star Publications not born to answer all
effort to preserve a healthy Rakyat, go ask him. He’s the newsmaker, (M) Bhd, publisher of The sorts of allegations. We
democratic practice. not me,” Ong said. Star. are born on this planet
“This decision is made Chua had, in an interview Simon Lim Seng Chai, to shoulder greater
not to eye the post of deputy with online news portal The an independent director responsibility.
chief minister (I) which was Nut Graph, said even the IWG of Cityneon Holdings “Don’t you think
promised by the state gov- had called for him to resign Limited (Singapore), a that all the allegations
ernment but to clear the bad despite being duly elected as company substantially are nothing compared
air around Pakatan Rakyat the party No. 2. owned by Star Publica- to the bigger picture
(PR) over the resignation of He said he and his son tions (M) Bhd, was ap- which we are witness-
former DCM (I) and Penanti (Labis MP Tee Yong) were pointed Ong’s political Chua ing now?”
assemblyman Mohammad approached by Pakatan to secretary on April 1. Ong was speaking
Fairus Khairuddin. His sud- join the Opposition and that Ten days after the to reporters after re-
den resignation has tainted he was mulling the offer and birth of IWG, the group called on Chua ceiving three corneas for Malaysians
the image of PR,” he told a would decide positively if “I to follow the example set by Chinese at the Maha Vihara Buddhist Temple
press conference in Penaga cannot function in a role that educationist Loot Ting Yee who quit all here.
yesterday. I’m given”. his posts after being accused of sexual “As I said earlier, I am not interested
Speaking on behalf of Chua told theSun: “The harassment. in answering petty questions linked
Penang PAS commissioner IWG is all the president’s Asked about a possible meeting be- to personal interest,” said Ong, who
Mohd Salleh Man, he said men.” tween Umno vice-president Datuk Seri had earlier called on Malaysians to
the PR should take into After the MCA elections in Hishammuddin Hussein and Chua, Ong discard the “zero-sum” mentality and to
account the opinions of October, the IWG was set up said: “I am not aware (of that). I have embrace the 1Malaysia policy.
the grassroots who are not
happy with the “trend” of
resignations among the wakil rakyat. State assembly sitting open to all media, says speaker
Mujahid said the proposal was based on demo- IPOH: All media organisations will be allowed people have the right to know the antics of most uncalled for as the assembly is the
cratic principles and not to create the impression to cover the proceedings of the Perak State their elected representatives during the state highest body to formulate laws and policies
that there is internal conflict in PR. Press Assembly sitting on Thursday. assembly sitting,” he said. for the people.
He said the proposal will be conveyed to PAS Digest: The decision was made by State Assembly Prior to this, the State Information De- “Antong is denying the people’s right to be
election director Datuk Mustafa Ali today. Chua Speaker V. Sivakumar. partment, in a letter dated April 30, stated informed of the laws and policies put forth by
“If the top leaders are adamant about following In a statement issued here yesterday, he that only 13 media organisations would be their government in the assembly. In this cru-
PR’s decision to field a PKR candidate in the by- thanks BN said they were, however, required to submit allowed to cover the state assembly sitting. cial and critical moment of the state, it’s even
election, we will adhere to it,” he said. leaders written applications to the Speaker’s Office at They are RTM, BernamaTV, TV3, TheStar, more vital for the people to be well informed
He also said if a PAS candidate was fielded in for their Level 2, Bangunan Perak Darul Ridzuan, from New Straits Times, Berita Harian, Utusan Ma- of the proceedings and development taking
the by-election, it would be a sure win for PR. 9am tomorrow. laysia, China Press, Sin Chew Daily, Nanyang place in the assembly.
“In Penanti, we have about 3,000 to 5,000 confidence “I’ll issue the permission letters to the Siang Pau, Tamil Nanban, Tamil Nesan and “Antong is usurping the authority of the
PAS members and 11 branches. There is enough in him media organisations at my own discretion, Bernama. state assembly. Provisions in the Standing
manpower here,” he said. pg 6 as provided under the Perak State Assembly Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abdul Orders of State Assemblies do not give the
On April 28, PKR de facto leader Datuk Seri Standing Order 84,” he added. Kadir is expected to call for a press confer- state secretary, who is an ex-officio, the
Anwar Ibrahim had announced that Penang PKR Sivakumar said he was issuing the ruling ence tomorrow to clarify the matter, reports authority to decide on the covering of the
deputy chief Mansor Othman, 56, will be the party’s to safeguard the principles of democracy and Bernama. proceeding by the media,” he said in a state-
candidate to contest the Penanti state seat, which freedom of the press. Meanwhile, Gerakan secretary-general ment yesterday.
fell vacant after Fairus tendered his resignation “There is no reason to bar any media Teng Chang Yeow said state secretary Abdul- Teng said the state government should
on April 16. organisation from covering the sitting. The lah Antong Sabri’s “media restriction” was instruct Antong to lift the restriction.

for Pangkor, said the extreme accusation Highlight human interest

was also carried in Khalil Idham’s blog site stories, Rais tells media
briefs “He has made a desperate allegation. I
have lodged a police report and discussed
KUALA KLAWANG: Information, Communi-
cations and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Dr
with my lawyer to take legal action,” he told Rais Yatim wants all the media in the coun-
try to highlight human interest stories.
TV channel for local reporters at his residence last night.
He said this when commenting on the He said most of the stories featured on
sports by year-end entry entitled “Titi Serong assemblyman’s TV today portrayed dignitaries or speeches
KUALA LUMPUR: A TV channel dedicated to media statement” which was carried by the of certain individuals but rarely on human
local sports and sports role models is expected blog. Among other things, the entry claimed interest.
to be launched by the end of the year. Zambry and the Barisan Nasional had allowed “The success story of a Chinese smallhold-
Olympic Council of Malaysia (OCM) president er in a new village who gets aid from Risda is
a “bomoh” to enter the State Legislative As-
one example, but such stories are not aired
Tunku Imran Tuanku Ja’afar said OCM and Astro, sembly to cast a spell on the speaker’s seat
at all. Another example is that of an Indian
the pay TV operator, were finalising the details of and calling on the Perak Mufti, Datuk Seri
community obtaining success from breeding
the channel which would cover domestic sports Harussani Zakaria, to come up with an edict
goats ... such stories also we seldom see.
as well as regional and international sports in or “fatwa” on the matter. – Bernama “The focus is always on socio-political
which Malaysians are taking part. speeches. I’m not saying such statements are
In an interview with Bernama, he said a TV Ministry to introduce not important. They are, but the TV stations
sports channel was the “missing link” in the coun-
try’s efforts to develop sports to higher levels. ‘1Youth’ concept should realise that we are building a society
and we should project healthy practices,” he
“All our TV in terms of sports focus on inter- KANGAR: The Youth and Sports Ministry will in- told reporters.
national events. So what we desperately need troduce the concept of “1Youth” to expedite the
and what OCM is talking to Astro is a sports process of achieving “1Malaysia”, its minister,
channel that focuses on domestic sports and Datuk Ahmad Shabery Cheek, said yesterday. Police nab ‘Myanmar
building up the role models,” he said. He said as almost half of the 27 million popula- refugee’ with fake IC
tion in Malaysia are youths, there was a need to KUALA LUMPUR: A 53 year-old man, claiming
Zambry lodges police report instil the spirit of the “1Malaysia” concept mooted
by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak
to be a Myanmar refugee, was detained when
he was found in possession of a fake identity
against PAS rep among youths, and for them to embrace it. card during a police operation in the Bukit Bin-
IPOH: Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Speaking to reporters after launching the tang area last Friday.
Abdul Kadir has lodged a police report against national-level National Youth Day and Week Dang Wangi OCPD ACP Zulkarnain Abdul Rah-
PAS assemblyman for Titi Serong, Khalil Idham celebration here yesterday, Ahmad Shabery, man told Bernama yesterday police approached
Lim, for allegedly making extreme accusations who represented Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri the man who was behaving suspiciously in the
through a media statement yesterday. Muhyiddin Yassin, said failing to do so could de- area at about 4.30pm and found that he was in
Zambry, who is also the assemblyman lay efforts to realise the “1Malaysia” concept. possession of the card.

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