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General Comments

Marking Scheme PHYS 1008 Winter 2012

This is a SHORT IN-CLASS report so no procedure required. The reading errors were given as 0.5oC for the thermometer. For the DMM, its +/- 2 on the last stable digit. The number of significant figure is 2 for the calculation and 1 for results. If the error has the digit 1 as the significant digit, keeping 2 digits is actually better, but not required (e.g. 0.13).

1 2 2 2 2 = + 2

Comparison of results

Both results are consistent if:

2 2 + =

Max Deduction


Any section word for word from text No Purpose No Method No Observations Discussion

only warning -2 -5 -5 Bonus out of 5 Write it in the report

Section 1 Calibration (max -34)

Table of V and T at 0.5mV intervals up to 80oC Found their constant a With errors Found the voltage at T=100oC from the equation With error Found the voltage at T=100oC from the graph With error Graphs of V vs T (-20 max) If the error bars are too small, it is ok to mention it somewhere in the caption of the graph. If plotting the two lines for the error (slope max and min) is impractical for this reason, then they should use the smallest division on the graph paper (usually 1mm) to calculate the smallest practical slope measurable and perform calculations from it. All graphs require a descriptive title in sentence form Axes should be labeled and the units shown. The scale should be chosen so that the graph occupies at least 2/3 of the page. The major divisions should be some sensible multiple such as 2, 5, 10, etc. Error Bars The points should be distinct and have error bars. When error bars are too small to plot a comment should be made. The average point must be plotted and labeled. The triangle for the slope calculation should be large. No triangle Max and Min slope lines must be shown unless the points form such a good straight line that drawing them would just produce a thick line -3 -2 each missing axes label -4 -5 -2 -2 -5 -5 -10 -5 -5 -5 -2 -5 -2

Section 2 Temperature measurement (max 16)

Measurement of CO2 sublimation temperature From the equation With error From the extrapolation of the graph With error -5 -3 -5 -3

Section 3 Comparison to Accepted data (max 15)

Addition of accepted data point on their plot Comparison between values and the the accepted values (graph) Comparison between values and the the accepted value (-78.5oC) -5 -5 -5

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