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Northside Church JULY/AUG 2013

O Jerusalem, I have posted watchmen on your walls; they will pray day and night continually. Take no rest, all you who pray to the Lord. Isaiah 62:6


AnessentialpartofrelationshipwithGodisthedaily(orregular) timeofworshipandpraise.Afterall,ourprimarypurposeisto praiseandworshiptheFather.


After you have spent time in genuine praise and worship, you are ready to enter a period of confession and cleansing. Consistent confession is the primary way we receive Gods forgiveness and maintain a Spirit lledlife.

Praise the Lord through these verses:

Ephesians 4:2224

Psalm 63:15

O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you, in a dry and weary land where there is no water. I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power and glory. Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you. I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands. My soul will be satis ied as with the richest of foods; with singing lips my mouth will praise you.

You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.

Ask the Spirit to search your heart and reveal any areas of
unconfessed sin. Acknowledge these to the Lord, turn from them, and thank Him for His forgiveness.

Initsessence,meditationissimplythepracticeoflisteningtoGods voiceasHespeaksthroughHisWordandprayer;askGodtospeakto yourheart.

Isaiah 49:13

Shout for joy, O heavens; rejoice, O earth; burst into song, O mountains! For the LORD comforts his people and will have compassion on his af licted ones.

Psalm 25: 45 Show me your ways, O LORD, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.

Sit quietly and wait for God to speak. Remember, our God
is a personal God and He speaks to His children.


(45 MINUTES) PRAY FOR OUR LEADERSHIP Pastor Rocky, Sherrie, Jon and Christy, Mary and Brian, Joshua, and Matthew. Lord, I pray for Pastor Rocky as he preaches Gods Word each week. I pray that his eyes will be open to the truths You want him to communicate and pray that he will share with wisdom, boldness, and love. Continue to give him vision as he leads our church family. Help him to guard his time with You so that he will lead from that overflow. Help him not to grow weary in well doing. Be with Sherrie as she walks with him as his helpmate. Give her wisdom to know how to best fulfill that role. Be with Mary and baby Noah as she is in her last weeks of pregnancy. I pray for a safe and healthy delivery.
David (Schrodt), Katy, Josiah, Jacob, Callie, Caleb and Judah. Lord Jesus, I ask that You would help David to love You with all of his heart, soul, mind, and strength. May he always be careful to do what You have commanded; to not turn aside to the right or to the left and to fear You and serve You only. May he love Your law and meditate on it day and night. Bless him and keep him. Fill him with Your Spirit so that he will walk according to Your ways. Give him the wisdom of Solomon, the knowledge of Enoch, and the understanding of Paul. Reveal to him the hidden treasures in Your Word. Show him Your Glory as you showed it to Moses. Protect him from the enemy and use him to minister to others. Also, help David to love Katy as You love Your church and help Katy to respect David and be the helpmeet for him that You have called her to be. Help David and Katy to discipline their children only in love and may they walk in integrity that their children may follow their example. May their children always discern right from wrong and may You protect them from the enemy. May they be as arrows in the hands of a warrior. May they be as trees planted by streams of water yielding good fruit and whose leaves do not wither and that in whatever they do they prosper. Give David and Katy wonderful teaching opportunities to instill Your Word into their precious hearts. Bless David as he participates in the mission trip to Greece (August 16-26). Help him to minister to the missionaries at the conference as he leads the worship each day. Lord, I ask that You would remove all deception from Davids sister, Debbie. Please soften her heart to receive Your truth. I ask that You would give David clear direction as he plans the services each week and shepherds those under his care.

Scott, Tracey, Garrett, and Jessica. Lord, I pray that You

will fill Scott up with Your spirit and that You will be his source of strength, energy, encouragement, and wisdom as he serves You daily. I pray for a healthy balance in his life and pray that he is the husband, father and the leader of his home that You desire him to be. Thank You for the incredible blessings You are bringing in his ministry area. Thank You for the numerous children/students that have come to know Christ. Father, give Scott wisdom and discernment and continue to provide direction as he leads Northside Christian Academy. Be with him as he is interviewing new teachers for the coming year. Thank you that the teachers have a love for education and children but more importantly a genuine love for Jesus Christ! We praise You for the new families that have enrolled at both campuses500 children have enrolled in NCA! Thank You God for the lives You are changing through the school. Please give Scott understanding and compassion as he meets with individual members and as he prepares for his weekly LIFE Group. Thank You for the number of needs that we have seen You meet! Guide Scott in his leadership role within our Future Development as we research and prepare for our second building phase. Lord we ask that You touch the hearts of our people and provide the resources needed so that Your vision can come to fruition. I pray for Tracey, that You will continue to guide and protect her, and that she will continue be an example of a godly wife and mother. Protect their marriage and have them grow closer together as they grow closer to You. I pray for Garrett, that You protect him from peer pressure. I pray that You will continually protect and guide him in the direction that will mold him into the young man that You desire. I pray that You would use him at his summer job in Spartanburg to be salt and light. I pray for Jessica as she prepares for college at USC. Protect, guide and direct her daily. I pray that she continues to seek You in her life and that others see a difference in her. Please protect Scott, Tracey, Garrett and Jessica and keep them strong in their faith as they serve at Northside. I pray that they all grow closer to You each and every day. Steve, Karen, David, Kevin, Michael, Jennifer & Nathan, Sarah & Matt. I pray that Steve would be filled with the knowledge of Your will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding and that he would walk in a manner worthy of the Lord and that he would please You in all respects. Help him to bear fruit in every good work. I pray that Steve will increase in his knowledge of You. I pray that Steves children would be champions for Christ. That he and Karen would grow closer to one another and closer to You. Lord, I pray that Aaryn and Ally Grace will come to know Christ at an early age. Equip Jennifer and Nathan to be godly parents to these precious little girls. I pray for

Sarah and Matt, that their marriage will be one that honors and brings glory to God. I pray for Michael as he serves You at The Hill and at the West Campus. Give him guidance and direction in his continuing education. I ask that You help David balance his time between his college schedule and his full time job. Help him to see You in every aspect of his everyday life.

David (Ford), Lori, Jeffrey, Megan, Cassidy, Sydney, Aimee, Eric. We praise You, Abba Father, that You sustain us and bless us, not because of our faithfulness but because of Yours! Cause each member of the Ford family to see You in a fresh way each day. We beg you to build a hunger in their household that creates an inescapable draw to your Word. We pray Psalm 119:5-6, 25b-27, That you would direct their ways to keep Your statues! So that they shall not be ashamed, when they have respect unto all Your commandments. Quicken the Ford family according to Your word. Teach them Your statutes. Make them to understand the way of your precepts: so they shall talk of Your wondrous works! We praise You for the opportunity that David, Jeffrey, Megan, and Aimee have to minister to the people in Chili this summer. Please use this time to solidify Your call on their lives. Thank You now, for a profitable trip and safe return. As the new school year approaches, please direct Jeffrey and Megans footsteps as they enter the college environment. Help them to choose wisely in areas of studies, activities, and lifestyle. Thank You that the Fords have the opportunity to host foreign exchange students again. We ask that You would help Gilda and Vanessa to feel welcomed and adjust quickly to their American family. Please prepare their ears to hear and their hearts to receive the blessings found in Your Word and modeled through the lives of the Ford family. Please be with Cassidy and Sydney as they adjust to a brand new high school and learning system at River Bluff High, and guide Eric and Aimee as they continue to grow in their hunger for learning. Please let the Ford family be blessings to their peers, teachers, coworkers, and all they meet. Jon, Christy and Gracelyn. Lord God we ask that You continue to be with Jon and Christy as they adjust to parenthood. Be with little Gracelyn and keep her safe and healthy. Lord we praise You for how You are blessing Jon & Christys ministry! I pray for Jon in his position as Campus Pastor at our new West Campus. Give him wisdom in all decisions and guide his every step as he directs this ministry. I pray that You will use him to bring many to a saving knowledge of You. I pray that

Your favor would be upon them as they lead our college ministry. Guide and direct their paths and grant them wisdom as they connect with these students. Fill Jon with Your Spirit and use him to lead many lost students to a saving knowledge of You. I pray that Jon and Christy would grow closer to You and closer to each other. Continue to bless their marriage and use them in a mighty way for Your kingdom. Be with Jon as he leads the mission trip to Haiti June 28-July 6.

Pastor J.O. Reed. Lord, please keep Pastor Joe healthy and bring fruitfulness in his ministry as he continues to serve You. Ronnie Bullock and Victoria. Father, I pray for wisdom and discernment for Ronnie as he directs Mission Columbia. Be with him as he prepares to move to a new location. Give him wisdom and discernment as he determines the true need of those requesting assistance. I pray Youll give him many opportunities to share the Gospel. Please keep him healthy and strong. Be with Victoria and help her keep her eyes on You so that she can become the Godly young woman You desire her to be. Guide her in every decision so that You are glorified through her life and she is filled with Your joy. Pray for the Administrative Staff Father, I pray that Youll be with the support staff as they work alongside our pastors. Give each of them creativity and insight as they do Your work at Northside. Bless them and their families. Pray for Your Deacon Officers & Families Richard KesterChairman (Barbara) Dave McRobertsVice Chairman (Deborah, Kristin, Joey) John BaileySecretary (Joye) Jae MattoxShepherding Coordinator (Erica, Lynan) Pray for Your Deacon & Family Lord, I pray that You will give ___________ a whatever it takes attitude as he works alongside our Pastor as his partner in ministry. Pray for Your LIFE Group Teacher & Family Lord Jesus, I pray that You will speak through my LIFE Group teacher __________________ and that You would anoint them with the Holy Spirit as they communicate the truth of Your Word.


SERVICES AT OUR LEXINGTON CAMPUS: Father, I praise You for all the new people You continue to bring through our doors. Help us to be effective as we minister in Your name. I ask that You continue to work in our hearts and minds to change us into vessels You can use. Help us to worship You in Spirit and in Truth. I pray that You would overwhelm us with Your presence as we Worship together as a body. Help us love, encourage, and challenge each other as we live out our faith. I thank You for all You have done and ask that You continue to guide and direct our steps. Help us be obedient to Your will and not get sidetracked by the distractions of this world. I ask You to continue to work in the lives of those You bring to Northside, that many lives would be transformed as they hear the gospel message. OUR FINANCES: Father God, thank You for how You are blessing us financially. I pray You will continue to teach us to give with the extravagant generosity the people of Israel gave in Exodus 36:1-7 to build the tabernacle. UNITY: Help us Lord, to be a unified body of believers. Join our hearts together in one accord and give us a unified purpose of sharing Your love with others. Give us Your vision and help us all move forward together as we build Your Kingdom.

FORWARD...FaithFamilyFuture Father, as we prepare for our second phase and continue in our capital campaign Forward, we ask that You do a supernatural work in us and through us. Thank You for those who have committed to give so that we can see Your vision become a reality. We ask that You bring others to join us in this journey. Thank You for the privilege of sacrificing for You! We praise You for the growth weve seen since our relocation to Lexington. Help us to never get comfortable where we are, but to always be ready to move forward when You say its time. We ask that everyone who calls Northside home would catch a vision of what You can do through us if we are obedient and trust You completely. Continue to give our leaders wisdom and guidance in every aspect of this project. Keep reminding us that this is not about bricks and mortar, but about ministry and the lives that can be changed by You. Increase our faith, Lord! May everything we do be out of Worship for You.


Father, Your Word tells us that You inhabit the praises of Your people. Make us a praising, worshipping church. Forgive us for any attitudes that may keep us from worshipping with all our hearts. Forgive us for those times that we simply go through the motions without truly worshipping You for who You are and what Youve done. SPIRIT OF FREEDOM 2 Corinthians 3:17 says where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. Lord, I pray that You would move among us and pour out Your Spirit of Freedom. We long to be true worshippers! Help us be free to worship You. SPIRIT OF PRAYER But you, dear friends, build yourselves up in your most holy faith and pray in the Holy Spirit. Jude 1:20 Lord, help us to realize the importance of prayer! I ask that You would help Northside become a House of Prayer. Bring many who will join us in our Prayer Ministries: Watchman on the Wall, Pre-Service Prayer and Intercessory Prayer. SPIRIT OF UNITY Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. Ephesians 4:3 Father God, help Northside achieve the unity of faith that is pleasing in Your sight. The forces of darkness draw strength from the division of Your people. I ask that You would help us be a unified body of believers. Create in us a Spirit of Unity as we move forward, yearning to become the church You want us to be.


Father, we praise You for the opportunity You have placed before us to open a satellite campus in the White Knoll area. We stand in awe that You would entrust us with this task! We praise You for the new folks that continue to visit each Sunday! We specifically pray that You will use VBS the week of July 8 to reach new children and their families with the Gospel. Continue to be with Jon Purvis as he leads the West Campus. Give him a heart for the lost in that community and wisdom to know how to reach them. Be with Michael Allen as he leads worship. Guide him and the worship team as they prepare for the time of Worship on Sunday mornings. Thank You for the volunteers who have gone to that campus to assist/serve where needed. We ask that You continue working in the lives of those in that community and soften hearts where needed, so they are open to the Gospel message. Give us a vision and a plan for this new campus that will bring honor and glory to Your name.

PRESCHOOL MINISTRY Thank you Father, for the team that You are building in the preschool ministry. We ask that You would guide our steps and keep our paths straight as we lay out a plan to effectively introduce each of these small ones to their first glimpses of You. Bless each of our teachers as they prepare each week to tell Your story, about a world affected by sin and how You can fix it. Thank You that the Bible is true, and not fairytale. We ask that You would use these weeks of summer to refresh our volunteers and draw them closer to You. Bless their ears to hear Your voice, their eyes to see Your actions, and their hands to serve Your people. Show us how to minister to each other, as well as to those that walk through our classrooms doors. Continue to develop a spirit of camaraderie among our team. Show us how to capitalize on the individual talents and gifts among our team to minister to others in a way that makes an eternal impact and draws young families to You. CHILDRENS MINISTRYThank you Heavenly Father for every person that serves in Childrens Ministry. May each one grow in Your Word daily and be challenged to guide our younger generation to boldly serve You. Let our teachers and leaders feel the urgency to not waste a minute of the time spent training our children. Please fill their hearts with Your love and patience. As we enter the busy summer season of ministry, we pray that our plans would be a reflection of Your best for each child and adult. Guide every decision our team makes as we navigate the challenges and logistics of Camps at both campuses. May we unite and focus solely on You. For Vacation Bible School, Thirsty and Winshape C-3 campsthat many discover Your love for the first time, accept Jesus as Savior and begin a path of growth in their relationship with Him. We pray for our Kids Worship team, that You will build a team that passionately works to see kids come to know You as Savior and Lord. For our Missions team as they take their first missions trip to the Week of Hope in Charleston, June 30-July 5. May those children be set on fire and experience first-hand the eternal value of service. We pray for safe travels and that the children and adults would be stretched beyond their comfort zone. As our Awana and Music & Missions leaders begin planning for next fall, please guide their hearts with a clear vision and direction to accomplish Your work . Lord, we ask You to send servants to fill our open positions. Would You bring new families to our door so we might minister Your love to them? Protect and keep the Word that each child will hear, that our children will grow and produce much fruit. Lord, we dont ask that You bless our plans, but that our plans reflect Your will and accomplish Your purpose in us!

COLLEGE MINISTRY Father, please bless our College Ministry. We ask that You continue to be with Jon and his leadership team as they come up with creative ways to share the Gospel with these students. Be with Jon as he prepares his messages for The Hill each week. Give him wisdom as he prepares for the summer teaching series on Spiritual Warfare. We pray for our team going to Haiti June 29-July 6. Keep them safe as they work on constructing a new orphanage building. Use them in a mighty way for Your Kingdom Purposes as they minister to children in summer camps there. STUDENT MINISTRY Lord, I pray for the summer activities at APEX. May you continue to use the leadership team to guide the students in their spiritual growth. Our desire is to raise up a generation that knows Youthat is passionate about studying Your Word, and that is excited about sharing with those around them what You are doing in their lives. May our students catch Your vision for their lost friends. As the leadership team completes preparation for UNITE summer camp on July 8-12 in Brevard, NC; we ask that You will help all of the details to fall into place. Prepare the heart of each student who attends. May it be a week that brings You honor and glory and makes an eternal impact on those in attendance. We praise You God for what you are doing in the lives of our students. Continue to guide us as we seek the person You have called to be our Student Minister. Begin giving him a heart for our students and our city.

NORTHSIDE CHRISTIAN ACADEMY Father, thank You for Your continued blessings on NCA. As we prepare for the 2013-2014 year, we continue to ask for your wisdom and guidance. We pray that You will do a mighty work in the new year and that many children will come to know You as their Lord and Savior. Thank You for our principals: Michelle Brewer (Lower School), Kathy Lord (Upper School) and for all the godly teachers and staff You have placed on our team. Please bless them as they work with our children. We ask that you continue to guide and direct every aspect of NCA.

ADULT MINISTRY / LIFEGROUPS Lord, I pray for our LIFE Groups and the leadership in each department. Equip them, by the power of Your Holy Spirit, to lead boldly and confidently. Give them opportunities to share the gospel and bring You glory both in the church and in the marketplace. I pray that Your Word will take root in peoples lives so that we will not simply be hearers only, but doers of the Word. I pray for a special anointing on those You have called into leadership at our West Campus. Give them insight as they teach Your Word, boldness as they share their faith with others and discernment in keeping balance in their lives. Protect their time with You so they may shine the light of Christ in every aspect of their lives. MUSIC MINISTRY - Lord, please continue to prompt people to serve in the needed areas of the Audio/ Visual ministry, the various choirs, and instrumentalists for the first service. May they be people with a love for You and a skill to serve in these ministries. God, help David to effectively minister to the needs of those who sacrifice their time and talents each week. Bless everyone involved in the music ministry and all the time they put in to make each Sunday a beautiful time of worship! Lord, as those who lead the rest of the congregation before Your throne, may they lead with integrity and character. May You guide every decision that David makes on behalf of the Worship and Arts ministry.

MENS MINISTRYFather, empower the leaders You are raising up from the Mens Great Commission Discipleship groups. Use them in a mighty way. Grow their faith and grow Your kingdom through their obedient witness. Open their eyes to see the opportunities You have put before them to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. Give them a hunger for You and Your Word. Protect them and their families from the enemy. LADIES MINISTRYFather, I pray for all the ladies who are involved in Bible study and discipleship groups this Summer and planning for the Fall. Thank You for their leadership in all aspects of the church. I ask that You call each one into a deeper relationship with You. Challenge them to apply Your Word to their lives and to then share this good news with two new ladies in 2013. I pray for the Women of Faith conference in October that is being held in Charlotte and the ladies from Northside who will go. Give them special insight into your Word and a challenge to share it with someone else. FIRST IMPRESSIONS MINISTRY God, I thank You for the faithful volunteers that are serving in our First Impressions Ministry. I ask that You would bring others to join them, especially those who would serve on the Parking Team. Lord, I pray that visitors to our church will see the love and grace of Christ and feel welcomed and appreciated. Help each of us be purposeful in reaching out to those who may be visiting in our midst. PRAYER MINISTRY Father, thank You for the dedicated Prayer Warriors at Northsideplease bless them for their faithfulness. As we change the format for Watchman on the Wall in the near future, I ask that You would bring many who will join us in praying for our church. I also pray that You would raise up an army of prayer warriors who will become Lighthouses of prayer; determining to take their neighborhoods for Christ. Help us to realize that a praying Church is a powerful Church! Burden us, Dear Lord, until we give prayer the priority it deserves.

PASTORAL CARE MINISTRYFather, I thank You for all those involved in visiting members in the hospital and rehabilitation facilities. I thank You for the love and hope they give as they listen to and pray with each one. May You grant them an abundance of kindness and energy, and an unwavering boldness as they share the good news of Jesus Christ with this special group of members.

PRAY THAT WE WILL BE A CHURCH THAT HAS A HEART FOR MISSIONS & EVANGELISM COLUMBIA & SURROUNDING AREAS Father God, I ask You to tear down every excuse we have for not sharing our faith regularly. I pray that You would give us a heart to share the gospel with every home within 15 miles of our church campuses. Help all our members to embrace the each one reach one strategy so that many will come to know You as Lord and Savior.
Father, I pray for Daybreak Ministries as they minister

to ladies in crisis pregnancya listening ear, compassionate help, practical resources and sharing the love of Christ.
Father, I pray for the Lexington Baptist Association as

they help churches in the association reach their communities for Christ through prayerwalking, outreach, disaster relief, community service and partnerships. SOUTH CAROLINA & U.S.

Father, I pray for the churches in Pineville, KY as they follow-up with church members and the community after the Appalachia Mission Team has returned home. Grow the faith of new believers and continue to mature the faith of longtime followers of Christ. Challenge them to share the good news of Christ in a powerful way in their communities.

Father, I pray for those going to Greece from Northside August 16-26 (Steve Allen, John & Joye Bailey, Diane Bredeweg, Debbie & Jim Burkett, Amanda & Linda Crafton, Susan Dennison, Lorena DuBose, Butch Faile, David & Lori Ford, Darren Goude, Elizabeth Gressette, Carolyn Heimburger, Richard Hillman, Margaret Johnson, Louis LeBoeuf, Kevin McIver, Kristen Moore, Heather Pepin, Lynn Pifer, Rocky & Sherrie Purvis, Jason & Tracy Rauch, Donna Scarboro, David Schrodt, Pam Smith, Donna Stamey, Pat Thomas and Emily Wright) and the 15 people coming from other parts of the US. Be with them as they minister to the workers and their families working in Northern Africa and the Middle East. As the workers come together to plan and celebrate their work in this challenging area, help us to love and care for their children in a way that honors You and celebrates them. Use the activities for the evenings to minister to the ladies as well as the entire family. Above all, help us to be pleasant, encouraging, and affirming in all we do. Lord, I pray for Andrew and Angie Sutton and their ministry among the orphans in Haiti. I pray for the house mothers and staff as they have times of worship and devotion with the children. I pray that their hearts would be open and ready for You to speak to them through Your Word. I pray also for Northside members who will be a part of the Haiti Mission Team June 29-July 6: Jon Purvis, Matthew Purvis, Michael Polson, Christopher Reckart, Rafael Gonzalez, ChristiAnna Godwin, Joanne Lu, Lauren Peterson, Jon Foster, and Thomas Williams. Prepare their hearts to share the good news with this special group of children.

NorthernAfricaandMiddleEast:TheDesertCluster(DC) 44+millionpeople,215peoplegroups(pgs),177of themunengagedunreachedpeoplegroups(uupgs).Pray thatallna onalbelieversintheDCwillhaveanoverwhelmingloveandcallfromtheFathertosharewith neighboringupgs.AsktheFatherforHisideasonhowto accessupgsthatseemimpossibletoaccess.Praythat colleaguesintheDCwillhavephysicaland spiritualstaminaforthelonghaulandseewitheyes ofFaiththeworkoftheFather.

Lord, I pray for our missions leadership as we seek the Unengaged Unreached People Group (UUPG) among the NAME region that we believe YouGod, want us to begin work in. Give us clear guidance and direction as we seek to be on mission with You. Give wisdom to the leadership team as they meet and seek to discover Your will in this area. Lord, call us out of our comfort zones. Help us be a willing church to be on mission with You. May Northside be a church meeting the needs of the nations through prayer, giving and going!



I thank my God always, making mention of you in my prayers. Philippians 1:3-4

Call the next Warrior on the Wall and say, _______ I prayed for you and commend you in the name of Jesus as you take your place on the Wall and pray.

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