Research Methodology

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PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION One of the main functionaries of Personnel management in industrial organization is to concentrate on welfare measures to be undertaken. The philosophy o the healthy organization is to establish employee safety measures and to undertake Welfare activities in the fields to social changes gives an opportunity to the workers to express their social responsiveness to the welfare amenities all looked after by the personnel management. Here is a necessity to study now Labor welfare office perform their duty in creating their environment that boost up the morale of the people working in the factory. The different acts, rules, regulation s as prescribed by the government to safeguard the welfare of the workers and employees to put up into force, which are clearly explained. 4.2.NEED FOR THE STUDY The organization under study namely, Ramagundam Super Thermal Power Station (RSTPS)National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) is one of the major concern in India for a generating and distributing electricity to the industrys and domestic purpose in South India. The NTPC has various welfare schemes designed for its units according to the location and profitability performance of the units. The present study on workers position on labor measures undertaken for the following reasons: The admission personal at NTPC, Ramagundam unit, where in the research had undergone final project, wanted to know the perception of the workers regarding the welfare measures that have provided. 1) The top-management also wanted the research to find out the area where the management has failed to satisfy the employees needs with regard to labor and welfare schemes. 2) Further top management wanted the research to find out what are the employees needs

over the above the existing welfare schemes. SCOPE OF STUDY The scope of the study covers all the welfare activities anything done for the intellectual, physical, moral, and economic betterment of the workers. Before examining, the welfare activities in NTPC an attempt made to explain the concept, scope, and importance of labor welfare in India. Hence, the study specially deals with the labor welfare facilities of the NTPC.

OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY The present study entitled employees Welfare & Safety measures undertaken with a view to analyze the gap between promise and performance of the NTPC as far as welfare measures are concern. More particularly the objectives are: To study the extent of health and welfare facilities provided by carnation. To find the welfare facilities, researching the labor and their families. To examine the effect of inadequate welfare facilities on workers health, efficiency and industrial relations. To evaluate the performance of implementing machinery, to offer some

suggestions which go a long way in improving the implementation of labour welfare measures in NTPC, Ramagundam unit in particular and labour welfare measures in general. To find out the various labor welfare issues provided by the NTPC Ramagundam unit. To analyze whether the workers are benefited with the government schemes that are available to them. To find out the opinion of the workers about the various schemes prevailing at present in their work place. To study the workers perception about the labor welfare schemes.

RESEARCH DESIGN: Descriptive research Design: Descriptive research is followed in this study. The major purpose of this research is description Of the state of affairs as it exists at present. QUESTIONNAIRE DESIGN: The questionnaire formed for the research study is a structured questionnaire in which all the questions are predetermined before, conducting the survey. The form of question is of both closed and open type. The questionnaire for the research was framed in a clear manner such that it enables the respondents to understand and answer the question easily. The questionnaire was designed in such a way that the questions are short and simple and is arranged in a logical manner

.Data collection method:

Primary data:
Primary data is the new or fresh data collected from the respondents through structured questionnaire. The data was collected through primary and secondary source. For primary data collection a structed questionnaire with 5-point Likert scale was prepared. The questionnaire was distributed to the employee of the NTPC, Ramagundam for their responses

Secondary data:
The secondary data is collected through the structured questionnaire, literature review and also from the past records maintained by the companyFor secondary data collection company website were referred. From company website the profile of the company was taken. Sample Size taken for this research was 108 employees of NTPC, Ramagundam. Sample frame for this project is employees of NTPC Ramagundam

SAMPLING DESIGN: Collecting data about each and every unit of the population is called census method. The approach, where only a few units of population under study are considered for analysis is called sampling method. There are two main categories under which various sampling method can be put.
The two categories are 1. Probability sampling 2. Non-probability sampling The sampling method adopted for the study is convenience sampling under non-probability sampling. NON-PROBABILITY SAMPLING In non-probability sampling, the chance of any particular unit in the population being selected is unknown, since randomness is not involved in the selection process. But this does not mean that the findings obtained from non-probability sampling are of questionable value. If properly conducted their findings can be accurate as those obtained from probability sampling. The three frequencies used non-probability designs are 1. Judgment sampling 2. Convenience sampling 3. Quota sampling

CONVENIENCE SAMPLING: In this project, the sample units are chosen primarily on the basis of the convenience to the investigator. The units selected may be each person who comes across the investigator, population is not divided, whoever eligible from executive as well non executive level are considered. For this

project information are collected from skilled worker & Company Executive by using Questionnaire method & interview.
SAMPLE FRAME: A Sample frame may be defined as the listing of the general components of the individual units that comprise the defined population i.e. in this project employees of NTPC ramagundam are the sample frame here. SAMPLE SIZE It refers to the number of elements of the population to sample. The sample size chosen for the survey is 108.

Tools and Techniques In the research SPSS 16.0 was used. With the help of it factor analysis was done. With the help of factor analysis the 29 variables was reduced to 8 factors.
PERCENTAGES Percentages refer to a special kind of ratio. Percentages are used in making comparison between two or more series of data. Percentages are used to describe relationships, it is expressed as. Percentage = (no of employees/total no of employees) 100 CHARTS: Charts are graphic displays of data for easy understanding of relative positions that is not always possible with descriptive words or numbers. Types of charts commonly used in business data presentation are: Bar and pie. BAR CHARTS: The bar chart is commonly used for presentation of qualitative data. The data can be continuous or discrete data, which are plotted against discrete data intervals. The vertical bar diagram, also called bar chart where the length or height of bars represent the numerical value of the event or measurement. Width or gap between the bars is of no significance to the bar chart data, but they are uniform in a diagram.


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