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1. Recognizing rising and falling intonation in sentences 1.1 Identifying the stressed and unstressed syllables 1.2 Recognizing pauses and stops in utterances that signal meaning 2. Following 3-4 step directions 3. Getting information from a conversation listened to 4. Noting details in a selection listened to 4.1 Identifying setting, suspense, climax in the story 5. Giving the main idea of the selection listened to 5.1 Telling what the story/poem/news is about in two or three sentences.

1. Using words presented under auditory discrimination in sentences words with stressed and unstressed syllables 1.1 Using the dictionary - to interpret stress marks for correct accent - select appropriate meaning from several meanings given - to locate words using guide words 1.2 Locating information in a book, magazine, newspaper 2. Giving series of directions using sequence signals e.g. first, then, next, etc. 3. Identifying courteous expressions in appropriate situations. 4. Using courteous expressions in appropriate situations e.g. telephone conversation

1. Decoding words in stories read using phonetic analysis e.g. /ze/z/ - breeze, /th/ - thank 1.1 Reading orally stories/poems with correct stress and intonation - showing enjoyment of stories/poems read 2. Doing accurate slow reading in order to follow common directions in prescriptions, medicine labels, simple experiments 3. Decoding meaning of unfamiliar words 3.1 through structural analysis words with affixes and inflectional endings 3.2 compound words written as - one word (backyard) - two words 9 security guard0 - hyphenated ( sister-in-law) 3.3 using context clues 3.4 using the dictionary to get appropriate meaning to a given word learn synonyms, antonyms and homonyms

1. Writing the correct spelling of words with stressed and unstressed syllables e.g. words with silent letters, words ending in ph sounded as /f/ 2. Writing sentences/paragraphs giving simple directions in doing something e.g. making a project, playing a game 3. Writing from dictation 3.3 using context clues 3.4 using the dictionary to get appropriate meaning to a given word learn synonyms, antonyms and homonyms


1. Noting details in a selection listened to 1.1 Identifying setting, suspense, climax in the story 2. Give the main idea of a selection listened to 2,1 Telling what the story/poem/news is about in two or three sentences 3. Classifying related ideas from news/stories heard

1. Using plural of nouns in sentences 1.1 Using expressions denoting quantity for mass nouns - e.g. a lot of, some etc. 2. Using possessive form of singular nouns 2.1 Using possessive form of plural nouns. 3. Using the different verb forms (regular and irregular) - present form - past - future 3.1 Using the verb that agrees with the subject in number 3.2 Using easily confused verbs

1. Noting significant details that relate to the central theme. 1.1 Locating answers to wh- questions that are explicitly stated in the texts. 1.2 Demonstrating knowledge of story grammar by being able to identify setting, characters and main events in the story.

1.3 Finding descriptive words /actions in selection read 2. Giving the main idea of a 2-paragraph text 2.1 Identifying the main idea that is implied or explicitly stated 2.2 Evolving a title in topic form for text based on the main idea or big idea. - e.g. Big Idea Monica is healthy. Title in topic form Healthy Monica 2.3 Skimming the general idea on what the material is about 3. Organizing ideas 3.1 Classifying related concepts/ideas under proper heading 3.2 Giving a heading or title for texts read without title 3.3 Identifying sub-heading for given heading 3.4 Outlining a two-paragraph passage

1. Writing paragraphs according to order of time, events and location 2. Writing simple friendly letters observing correct format 3. Writing a paragraph based on an outline

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