MGMT 371 Syllabus-Fall2011-Sect002

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Course Syllabus MGMT 371, Principles of Management, Fall, 2011; Section 002, Tuesday, Thursday; 2:00 3:15pm Dr.

. Bruce M. Meglino Your first assignment in this course is to carefully read this course syllabus. It contains much information you will need during the course. You are responsible for understanding all information contained in this syllabus. Instructors Availability: You may contact me in any of the following ways: Office: Moore 768 Phone: 777-5970 Office Hours:* Tuesday Thursday 12:15 2:00; 3:15 4:00 12:15 2:00; 3:15 4:00 E-Mail

*and by appointment Text: Management 10th Edition, Richard L. Daft, South-Western, Cengage Learning, 2012 ISBN10: 0-538-47953-1, ISBN13: 978-0-538-47953-0 You can obtain information about purchasing a hardcover or electronic version of this book or renting a copy of the book at:

Instructional Objectives of the Course: The purpose of the course is to enable you to think like a manager and to provide you with the basic information you need to be successful as a manager. You will learn the functions of management, the tools that managers use, and the vocabulary youll need to understand management and business communications and publications. By learning what managers do, you will be better able to function in a management position, integrate material from other relevant courses, and decide whether you are interested in a career in management. Attendance Policy: The University of South Carolinas policy is that absence from more than 10 percent of scheduled classes is excessive. I believe that this policy is too liberal, and expect you to attend every class. I will not record attendance; however, many examination questions will be taken from lecture material that is not covered in your text. Also, 25% of your final grade will be based on unannounced quizzes. Therefore, your grade in the course will be significantly lower if you are absent from class. Exam Dates: As noted in the attached course outline, exams will be given on the following dates:

Percent of Final Grade September 20 (Tuesday) November 1 (Tuesday) December 7 (Wednesday, 2:00 p.m.) Exam 1 Exam 2 Exam 3 Unannounced Quizzes 25% 25% 25% 25%

Exams: We will have three 1-hour exams; two of these exams will be given during the semester, the third will be given during the regularly scheduled final exam period. Each exam will count 25% toward your final grade and will cover all material since the previous exam; that is, exams will not be cumulative. Approximately 50% of the exam questions will come from class notes and 50% will come from text material that we havent specifically discussed in class. Each exam will be graded on a 100 point scale (A = 90-100, B = 80-89, etc.). Please note that I will only give a "plus" grade (i.e. C+ and B+) when a student barely misses the next higher grade (I will not assign a grade of D+). If you are absent from either of the first two exams, you must take a cumulative make-up exam in addition to the third exam. The cumulative exam will cover material from the first two exams and will be given immediately after the third exam. I will not return exams during regular class meetings. If you wish to review your answers along with an answer key, arrange to see me during my office hours. If you inform me ahead of time, I can have the information waiting for you when you arrive. Quizzes: We will have eight unannounced quizzes during the semester. I will count the highest five of these quizzes toward your final grade. Each quiz will be graded on a 20 point scale. I will assign a grade of zero to all quizzes that you miss. Quizzes will cover class material and reading assignments from the two previous classes and from the reading assignment that is scheduled for the day of the quiz (see assignments on page 4). I will not count an exam or quiz that you take in a different section of this course. Responsibility for Material: The art and science of management is inclusive; that is, it encompasses many different disciplines, theories, modes of practice, techniques, etc. We will discuss many of these in class. However, because of time limitations, you must learn others by reading the assigned chapters in your text (see assignments on page 4). As noted above, you should be prepared to answer examination questions about all of the material contained in the assigned chapters of your text. Posting of Grades: I will post your numerical grades for all exams and quizzes on Blackboard; I will post your final grade in the course on VIP. The grades shown on Blackboard are your official grades in the course. Be sure to check them regularly and inform me of any errors or omissions. To assure that you receive any correspondence in the course, verify that your email address shown on Blackboard is correct. Exam Difficulty: Former students have commented that exams in this course were more difficult than they had expected. To avoid such surprises, make sure you take accurate class notes, keep up with readings in the text, and arrange to see me about anything you dont understand. Former students have also observed that they were required to memorize a lot of facts and vocabulary in this course. This is true of all introductory courses and is a requirement for advancement in a discipline. Take this into account as you prepare for exams. Academic Integrity: I expect you to practice the highest possible standards of academic integrity. Any deviation from this behavior, including the possession of previous exams in this course, will result in a minimum of your failing the examination, and may result in additional, more severe disciplinary measures. I will report any suspected violations of academic integrity to the Office of Academic Integrity. Fire Alarm during an Exam: In the event that a fire alarm sounds during an exam, you must return your exam as you exit the room. I will arrange a make-up exam as soon as possible. Anyone who does not return an exam will be considered absent for the exam and will not be allowed to take the make-up exam. Extra Credit: On occasion there is a need for students to participate in management-related studies during the semester. In such cases, I will consider the experience to be a learning exercise and will award extra credit of approximately 5 points (added to your first exam) for participation in a study conducted outside of class. If participants are needed, sign up for the studies will be announced at the end of class. Please let me know if time constraints prevent you from attending any regularly scheduled studies. Lateness: If you arrive to class early, please leave space in the back rows for students who arrive late. If you arrive

late please sit in the back rows in order to avoid disrupting the class. Outside Reading: I recommend that you regularly read at least one business publication during the semester in order to reinforce the relevance of the concepts being taught. This is also a good habit to maintain throughout your career. Note: Responsibility for acquiring the material presented in class rests entirely with you. If you miss a class, you should obtain the notes from another student. I will not make course materials or PowerPoint slides available outside of class. Student Conduct: The Undergraduate Student Leadership Council and the faculty of the Darla Moore School of Business approved the following code of conduct. I expect you to adhere to this code while you are a student in this course and I will enforce its applicable provisions. Darla Moore School of Business Code of Student Conduct for Undergraduate Students The Darla Moore School of Business is recognized globally for educating students who are prepared to become responsible business and civic leaders. An effective learning environment where students and faculty value integrity, professionalism and diligence is foundational to this mission. Consistent with these values, the Student Leadership Council and the faculty of the Darla Moore School of Business expect students to: spend a minimum of two hours outside of class studying for each hour of classroom time; exhibit classroom behavior that is respectful to faculty and fellow students; refrain from the use of phones and other electronic equipment during class, unless permitted by the instructor; arrive at class on time, actively participate in class, and not leave class early; keep up with assigned readings and complete assignments on time; contribute fully to team assignments; respect the universitys staff and be responsible stewards of its facilities; and abide by the University of South Carolina Honor Code

MGMT 371 COURSE OUTLINE AND ASSIGNMENTS (Assignments are shown in parentheses)
Monday 15-Aug 22-Aug 29-Aug 5-Sept Labor Day 12-Sept 19-Sept 26-Sept 3-Oct 10-Oct 17-Oct 24-Oct 31-Oct 7-Nov 14-Nov 21-Nov 28-Nov 5-Dec 16-Aug 23-Aug Mgmt. & Decision Making (Chapter 9) 30-Aug Foundations of Management (Chapter 2) 6-Sept International Management (Chapter 4) 13-Sept Planning & Strategic Mgmt. 20-Sept EXAM 1 27-Sept Organizational Structure (Chapter 10) 4-Oct Organizational Structure 11-Oct Motivation & Performance (Chapter 16) 18-Oct Motivation & Performance 25-Oct Teamwork in Organizations (Chapter 18) 1-Nov EXAM 2 8-Nov Corporate Culture 15-Nov Human Resource Mgmt. 22-Nov Leadership (Chapter 15) 29-Nov Communication (Chapter 17) 6-Dec Tuesday Wednesday 17-Aug 24-Aug Last day to drop/add 31-Aug 7-Sept 14-Sept 21-Sept 28-Sept 5-Oct 12-Oct 19-Oct 26-Oct 2-Nov 9-Nov 16-Nov 23-Nov
Thanksgiving Recess

Thursday 18-Aug Introduction (Read Syllabus) 25-Aug Mgmt. & Decision Making (Chapter 1) 1-Sept Foundations of Management 8-Sept Planning & Strategic Mgmt. (Chapters 7 & 8) 15-Sept Planning & Strategic Mgmt. 22-Sept Control (Chapter 19) 29-Sept Organizational Structure 6-Oct Organizational Structure 13-Oct Motivation & Performance 20-Oct Fall Break 27-Oct Teamwork in Organizations 3-Nov Corporate Culture (Chapter 3) 10-Nov Human Resource Mgmt. (Chapter 12) 17-Nov Personality & Job Performance (Chapter 14) 24-Nov Thanksgiving Recess 1-Dec Communication 8-Dec

Friday 19-Aug 26-Aug 2-Sept 9-Sept 16-Sept 23-Sept 30-Sept 7-Oct 14-Oct 21-Oct 28-Oct 4-Nov 11-Nov 18-Nov 25-Nov
Thanksgiving Recess

30-Nov 7-Dec EXAM 3 2:00 PM

2-Dec Last day of classes 9-Dec

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