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Once upon a time, there was a widow who lived with her child, the child names Maling

Kusang. He has suitable name by his daily life. He just has one clothes all in his life, and, now, it was so dirty and kusang, like his names maling kusang. They lived in a small village, its called Wakatobi. Wakatobi is a small village where everys people lived by farming and sailing. Maling kusang was so naughty, and all people in the village was hated him, because of that. One day,, his mother(kalambe) was really shy. There are some people came in her home and complaind about Malimgs naughty. Kalambe, The mother was really angry with maling, and chase away Maling from their house. Khadijah Kalambe Khadijah : Heyyy,, Maling,, get out,, get out from ur house : What?? What had happened khadijah?? Whats the matter?? : Whats the matter??? Dont you aware?? You are the worst mother in the world, kalambe. Do you know, what have you kid do in outside? : Whats wrong?? What have my little kid do??? : He was so naughty,, are u know?? Yesterday,, he had stealed my handphone.. Do you know that?? : What??? I never know that,, and I never teach him to do that Im so sorry khadijah.. I dont know. Im so sorry.. So, what now?? : Now, I want you to grumble Maling. You hear it?? : Ok,, khadijah,, Im so sorry,, and soon, I will grumble Maling because of it. After got complain,, kalambe was so sad and really angry. And at night,, Maling was back to the home. : Maling kusang,, come here : Yes, mom. But, Im really tired today. : What??? Tired?? Tired because what?? : Because steal.. hhahhahha.. what a naughty boy..

Kalambe Khadijah Kalambe

Khadijah Kalambe

Kalambe Maling Kalambe Maling

Kalambe Maling Kalambe

: Our neighbour,, khadijah told me that you have stole her handphone. : What?? Are u kidding me?? Khadijah handphone was so bad, you know?? Nobody want to steal it.. : What?? Bad?? Hey,, dont try to lie me,, youre so naughty boy. I cant hold all this contemtible anymore. I think,, it wannabe better if you never born in this world,, you know?? : hah?? Are u sure?? So what now? What do you want to me now?? : Hmm.. I want you get out from this house. Get out now. : No.. Dont chase me from my house. This is my home,, not yours.. : Hey,, it is mine,, not yours.. so, get out now,, get out from my home.. (push and strike Maling)

Maling Kalambe Maling Kalambe

Maling was so angry,, and finally,, he got out from the home. But in outside was midnight and rain so hard. Maling was so confused, and not knoe where will he go. After talk in a few hour, finally, he saw a big ship was landed in the harbour, and go there and take shelter there. A few minutes later, he was sleepy, and then, he is sleeping. While he was sleep, the storm is happening. The ship was drift by waves. In tomorrow morning, he woke up and shocked, because he was in nice room. Its looks the room in the castle. Maling : where is it?? Where am I?? King : Oh,, you already wake up. You look so confused, Do you want to know about what happened to you?

Maling : Yes, I wanna know, what had happened to me? King : There was storm last night, and I have found you in the beach.

Maling : Storm?? Beach??? Oh, who are you??



: Yes,, Im the king of this town. My names King William.

Maling : So, what town is it? King : Its called Bau-Bau town.

Maling : Bau-Bau? Where is that?? King : I cant tell you right now,, it will have a long time if I tell u now. So, don;t thinking more about that, you just easy and be happy. So, lets take breakfast with me now.

Maling : Ok, my lord, thank u very much While taking breakfast, the king was told about his daughter. His daughter was named snow white. But, what a pity thing happened, snow white was lost when they take a picnic in the jungle. There are many prize contest that the king already make. But no one cand found the princess. So that, the king ask Maling to looked for Snow White. And Maling agree to do that. And finally, Maling go to seek the princess in the jungle. Maling : Ohh.. today was so hot. Where can I find the orincess? Hansel : Oh, of course old brother? What do you want to know? Maling : Have you ever see the girl who looks like a princess in this jungle? Hansel : Emm,, I think ya But?? Maling : But what? Whats wrong? Gretel : I think she was caged by the enchanter. Maling : Enchanter?? What do you mean?? Gretel : Ok, Ill tell you. There is a small house in this jungle, made from chocholate, ice cream, candies, and other cake. That is the enchanters house. And, we ever entered there and almost get caught by the enchanter too. Maling : And you see the princess there?? Gretel : Yes, I still be able to see a beutiful girl in the cage. Maling : In the cage? So, where can I find that house?

Hansel : Its over there, just straight, and behind that tree, you will see it. Maling : Okay, thank you,, So, finally, Maling know where does he can find the princess. And he go to the enchanter house, and see the enchanter. But he think, of course, he cant enter to that house easily. So, he thinking hard, and finally, he can get the best solution. He will enter in that house by pass off as the getting lost one. Maling Enchanter Maling Enchanter Maling Enchanter Maling : Excuse me, grand mother, I was getting lost. And I really tired. Can I take a rest here? : Hi.. hi.. hi.. of course,, boy. Sit down, please. Take it easy. : Thank you, grandmother. : Youre welcome. So, do you want a drink. : I really thanks for that. : Ok, wait a minute. : Certainly

While the enchanter going to take a drink, Maling was entered to the house and looking for the princess. And he finally find her. Snow white Maling Snow white Maling Snow White : who are you? What do you want? : Im maling. I come here to make you free, your father asked me. : Really? Thanks god. Ok, quickly. Let me go out from here. But, wait. How can i believe you? I never see u before. : please believe me. I come here to save you. : No. I dont know who you are. And i will not go with you. I stay here and, you, get out from here.

Maling was confused, how can he save the princess while she not believe him. So, he back to his chair and thinking. A few minutes later, he get the solution. And, he will pass off as the enchanter and hypnotizing the princess.


: Hello, beautiful princess. How are you today? I know that you really hungry. So I come here, and bring this fresh apple tou you. : Thank you, enchanter. Its not usual that you become kind to me today.

Snow White

And while Maling give the apple, he try to hypnotizing the princess. Maling (Enchanter) Snow White Maling (Enchanter) Snow White : Look at my eyes. And more deep, more deep : what are you : okay, now, follow what am I say. You got it? : ok, enchanter.

After make free the rpincess, Maling and the princess go back to the castle. As the thanks, The King marriage The Princess with Maling. Of course, Maling was so happy and cant believe that. And after some days after married,, Snow white Maling Snow white Maling Snow white Maling Snow white Maling Snow white Maling Snow white : Maling, now, we have already married. But, I dont know mnay thing about you. : Its not important my princess. You didnt need it. : What? Of course, I need it Where do you come from, maling? : Im from a town that it is so far from here. So, youll never want to go there : Of course, I want, I really want to know ur come from, especially ur family. : But, I have no family anymore. I just lived alone. : Really?? : Yes, its right, its impossible if I lie you. : Hmm.. okay, I trust you. : Ok, my princess. I need to go now. See u : See you too..

After Malings go, the princess was thinking more. She really want to know about family and identity of her husband. So, she command the Soldier to looked for know about Malings family and identity. Three days later, the Soldier was back and tell to the princess that he has know where Malings live before. Soldier Snow white Soldier Snow white Soldier Snow white Soldier : Excuse me, my princess, I back now after three days ago, and I want to report you about Malings town. : So, what you get? : Princess, Maling was lived in the small town, it is Wakatobi. He lived with his mother before. : Mother? But, ha had say to me that he has no family anymore. : But, my princess, it is the information that I get. : Okay, thank you for that. : Let me go out, princess. Excuse me.

Princess was confused and little angry, because Maling was lie with her. So that, she go to meet with Maling and talking about this. Snow white Maling Snow white Maling Snow white Maling Snow white Maling : Maling kusang, I already know about you town, ur life, and ur family. : What do you mean, my princess? : I know that u lived in Wakatobi, a small town. : Wait, how u can know that? : Its not important, how do I know, now, I want to go there and meet with your family. : Family? I had say to you that I have no one family anymore. : You have lie me.. according information I have get, you live with your mother. : What?

Snow white

: Enough, you not need to explain it to me. In essential, tomorrow, we will go there.

Maling was so confused, what will be do now. And tomorrow, they finally go to Wakatobi by ship. After take a journey in a few hour, they arrived and tie up on the harbour. Every people was so surprised when they look Maling and Snow White go out from the ship. Villager I Villager II Villager I Villager II : Oh my God, thats Maling Kusang, the naughty boy : And who is the beutiful girl? : I think, she is Malings wife. He has a beautiful wife, and now, he havebeen a richman. : Really? Come on, hurry, go, and tell every one that Maling Kusang already back and become a richman. And I will go to Kalambes house, and tell her about it. : Okay, MALING KUSANGS COMING 3X MALING KUSANG BECOME RICHMAN 3X

Villager I

And then, in Kalambes house. Villager II Kalambe Villager II Kalambe Villager II Kalambe Villager II : Assalamualaikum,, kalambe. : Waalaikum salam, whats going on? : Maling Kusang is coming with his wife, and he become a richman. : What?? Really?? Are u serious? : Yes, of course : Where is he? : In the harbour.

Hearing it, soon, Kalambe go to the harbour. Kalambe Snow white : Maling Maling Youre come back my son, youre come back : Who is that old woman, Maling?

Maling Snow white Kalambe Snow white Kalambe Snow white Maling Kalambe

: I dont know, princess, I dont know : But, she is calling your name. Who are you oldman? : I am Malings mother.. Are you Malings wife? : Yes, I am. But : I really happy because Maling has back with his wife. Evenless, youre so beautiful : Thank you : What? My mother? I have no mother like u. U are so dirty and old. Youre look so poor. Get out. : But, Im your motheR, Maling. I swear.

Maling still go and not see his mother, while his mother was so sad and angry. And because of that, she immediately banned Maling to be stone. Kalambe : Your so rebelliois, Maling. And now, I banned you be a stone. I BANNED YOU BE A STONE

And finally, Maling was became a stone. And snow white, back to her ship and ran away.

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