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Running head: DEMENTIA

Dementia Trisha Rose University of Advancing Technology Science Fiction as Literature ENG 310 Ellen Wolterbeek June 16, 2013


Bob Carson sat on a chair in the waiting room just outside medical. He was trying to wait patiently for his turn. He clenched the water bottle in his lap with both hands in a feeble attempt to get them to stop trembling. Ever since that day Carson just hasnt been the same. That experience in the arena changed him and he wasnt so sure he liked those changes Bob Carson? Carson jumped at the sound of his name. Shakily he got to his feet and faced the nurse that had called his name. Thats me. Said Carson. He was on such high alert from being in this room with that same color all over the place that he felt the wet pathway his sweat made as it made its way down the center of his back. She gave him an odd look before saying, Alright, Follow me please. He proceeded to follow her through the doorway and breathed a huge sigh of relief. The floors, ceilings, AND walls were all a soothing bleached out white. It wasnt that he only wanted to be around the color white, it was just that he didnt want to be around one color in particular. This specific color haunted him no matter where he went. He saw it when he was awake and when he was asleep. The color of the arena where he killed BAM! Carson snapped out of it as he slammed into the unsuspecting nurse that had stopped at his exam room. I-Im so sorry. I d-d-didnt meant t-to. Carson sputtered nervously. The nurse furrowed her brow in concern.

DEMENTIA Are you alright, Carson? She asked carefully. I dont really know anymore. Carson responded quietly. The nurse studied him pensively for a minute before ushering him into the exam room. Well hopefully the doctor can help you figure out whats wrong! She said with a fake chirpiness that was intended to attempt to cheer him. It didnt work. She closed the door gently behind her. After what seemed like forever the door opened. An older man stood there in the doorway. He looked to be about 60 with slicked back

grey hair and medium tan wrinkles across his face. He had black slacks and white doctors jacket on. Hi Carson, my name is Dr. Li Faun. He shook Carsons hand firmly with a smile on his face. Carson looked at the doctor apprehensively, Hello Dr. Faun. Dr. Faun went through some basic examination and checked each thing off the checklist as he cleared Carson as ok on the list of things he needed to pass to get back to earth. Finally Dr. Faun sat down on the stool facing Carson. So tell me about the marks on your torso and leg. How did you get them? Dr. Faun asked. Carson sat there trembling, unsure of how to answer the doctors question. He took a deep breath and just let everything out in a rush. I was placed in this Arena with blue sand and blue plants by this advanced species. If the humans and the rollers were to meet in battle, one race would be obliterated and the other would be hurt so badly that it would be a broken victory. So, I was pitted against the roller in a fair fight

DEMENTIA to decide which race would be completely destroyed and which race would completely win. If I won, the humans would win and the rollers would be destroyed. The same rule applied to the roller. I won. Carson sucked in several ragged breaths when he was finally done talking. The doctor just sat there in silence staring at him for several very long minutes.

Finally, He began to write on his clipboard. After several more minutes of this, he pulled out a pad of paper and wrote on it. He tore off the piece of paper he was writing on and handed it to Carson. Carson read it carefully. It was a referral to a physiatrist. He sighed, You dont believe me. The doctor studied him pensively for a few minutes before saying carefully, I think that I am not qualified to clear you to go back to earth without talking to a physiatrist. I am sure he can help you a lot more then I can. Perhaps you are just suffering some residual confusion about the battle. Im not confused! Carson exclaimed. The doctor held his hands up, Thats for the physiatrist to help you with. He can help you parse through the reality you are living in and help you figure out what you need to know to live a normal life. OK. Carson agreed. Maybe he can help me with a few things. The doctor nodded, satisfied. Call the number on the paper to make an appointment. Dr. David Cornell can help you. Carson nodded numbly and shuffled out of the doctors office sadly. ------------


3 days later. Carson arrived at his appointment promptly at 5pm. He checked in with the receptionist and then sat down to wait for his name to be called. Finally, after what seemed forever, the door opened and the doctor called his name. He looked up nervously at the doctor and just stared at him not sure what to say. The doctor waited for a bit before locking his gaze on Carson. Are you Bob Carson? The doctor asked gently. Carson gulped before answering. Yes. He said nervously. Dr. David Cornell smiled softly and said, Please come in and make yourself comfortable. Carson got up and walked into the office and sat down on a plushy nude leather couch. He looked around to take in his surroundings. There were a few scenic pictures of a gorgeous valley with a river running through it. The carpet was black and the doctors desk was a beautiful deep mahogany. He shuddered at the sight of the river. He could not stand that color anymore. The doctor walked over and sat on a chair that was near his desk. Hello Carson, how have things been for you since youve been back from the war? Asked Dr. Cornell conversationally. Not well. Some things happened that only I remember and its really hard to walk around knowing what really happened regarding the war. Carson said bitterly.

DEMENTIA Would you mind telling me about this reality that you are aware of and that no one else is aware of? Dr. Cornell asked gently. Carson took a deep breath before diving into the story of everything that happened in the blue desert with the roller and the lizard and finally how he had to fight with the last bit of energy to kill the roller and win the battle to champion his race to survival. Carson sat there shaking and sweating profusely when he had finally finished. Dr. Cornell had taken studious notes the entire time Carson spoke. Dr. Cornell finished his notes before finally saying something. I think that you may be suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. The dangerous events of the war have caused your mind to snap and view an alternate reality as a way to cope with what really happened. War is never an easy thing. Said Dr. Cornell. Carson just stared at the doctor despondently. The doctor paused before continuing. I am going to recommend that you be committed to the Institution of Recovery. It is an institution that is under my care. I will be able to closely observe you as you recover from your trauma. Carson stared at the doctor in horror. He could not believe what he was hearing. I am not crazy! Carson cried. And I refuse to be institutionalized! Dr. Cornell just looked at Carson calmly. This isnt an option. You cant choose to not go. If you do not show up at this date and time then some personnel will show up to forcibly bring you to the institution. Dr. Cornell scribbled the date and time on a piece of paper and handed it to Carson. Carson took the piece of paper angrily. Fine. He said furiously.

DEMENTIA He stood up abruptly. We are done here. Ill see you next week. Without waiting to hear from the doctor, he stormed out of the office and slammed the door behind him angrily. -----------8 Days later

Carson showed up somberly at the Institution of Recovery with nothing but the clothes on his back and the keys to his quarters. He slumped through the doors to see the doctor already waiting for him. Dr. Cornell was standing with a few orderlies, chatting casually. Dr. Cornell spotted him quickly. Carson! Im so glad you could make it on time! I think youll find your stay wont be as long as you think it might be. He smiled genially. Carson didnt say a word. Dr. Cornell ushered him to follow. This way please. The doctor turned to walk towards a pair of double doors and swiped a card to unlock the doors. The orderlies nudged him forward so Carson walked forward and entered into what would quite possibly be worse than the arena. Carson followed the doctor to a door marked with the number 22. One of the orderlies walked forward to unlock the door with a set of keys. This is your room Carson. Feel free to settle in. An orderly will be back later to bring you dinner and your meds. The orderly will take your clothes and you can change into the clothes that are provided for you in the dresser. They are your size so dont worry about that.


Tomorrow we will start the treatment of your PTSD. The doctor smiled lightly before turning to leave the room. Both orderlies stepped into the room. One turned around and locked the door behind him before standing against the door. The other one looked at him blankly before saying, Take off your clothes please. Carson, mortified stripped off his clothes quickly and handed them over along with his keys. One of the orderlies produced a bag with his name on it and placed his items into it. The orderly looked at him calmly and said, You will get your things back when you check out. The orderly leaning against the door unlocked the door and opened it. The second orderly left the room and turned around to watch Carson while the other orderly followed close behind. The door shut and with a sense of finality, the key slide into place effectively locking him into the room. Carson changed into a pair of plain cotton pants and cotton shirt and lay on the bed to rest until dinner came. -----------A few hours later. The door opened and an orderly came in and placed a dinner tray on the small desk in his room. Then he approached with two small paper cups. One cup had 2 pills in it and the other with water in it. You have to swallow these. The orderly said. Carson stared at them for a few seconds before giving in and just quickly swallowing the pills.

DEMENTIA Open your mouth. Commanded the orderly. Carson opened his mouth obediently and as soon as the orderly was satisfied Carson had swallowed the pills, he turned and left the room. The door was locked behind him. The food was bland and unappetizing so Carson just wolfed it down as fast as he could. Then Carson lay down to get some rest until the morning. -----------The next morning The next morning Carson was woken up by an orderly entering the room to place breakfast on his desk and then leave again. He looked at it somberly before going back to sleep. He woke up again later but this time an orderly was shaking him awake. Ok, Ok! Im awake! Carson snapped brushing off the orderly. The orderly just stared at him vacantly and said, Its time for your treatment with Dr. Cornell. Carson got up groggily and followed the orderly out his door and down the hallway. Another orderly had been waiting outside the door and followed closely behind.

After a few turns they got to another room. The orderly unlocked the door and stood back for Carson to walk in. There was a table with wires and straps and a strange machine next to it. Dr. Cornell smiled when he saw Carson. Lets get you set up for your first round of treatments. What is this? Carson questioned suspiciously.



This machine will send Electro-Magnetic pulses to a specific part of your brain to help you see that this blue desert is just a dream world and does not truly exist. Dr. Cornell explained calmly. Carson gasped in horror and turned to run out of the room. He ran smack into the two orderlies who had apparently followed him in. Both orderlies each grabbed an arm and dragged him to the table and strapped him in all the while Carson kicked and screamed and struggled with all his might. Finally Carson lay there panting as the Doctor attached a few wires at select places on his head. Carson cried out, You cant do this! Dr. Cornell responded, Oh I can definitely do this. And you need to be cured so this is necessary. This is the fastest way for you to get out of here. The Doctor pushed a mouth piece into Carsons mouth. Youll need this in a little bit. Carson trembled in fear as he watched the doctor adjust the meter and flip the switch. Pain exploded in his head and Carson screamed and screamed. He kept on screaming for what seemed like forever. Finally Carson passed out from the pain. -----------Some unknown amount of time later. Carsons eyes snapped open to a severe pain in his leg. He looked around and realized very quickly where he was. He was back in the desert. He must have passed out from the heat exhaustion. The cut in his leg was bad and getting worse. He was all the way at the back of the Arena where he had crawled to in order to get some rest.



With horror he realized just how bad things could be for him if he survived. So he got up and crawled to the barrier. He got to the barrier and flopped onto his back next to it. He didnt move. The Roller approached carefully with a stick in his hand. He poked through the barrier at Carson carefully. Pain exploded in Carsons chest as the Roller quickly took advantage and began repeatedly stabbing Carson in the chest. Carson just lay there and took it. This was better than whatever existence that may await him after this experience. Blood bubbled up through Carsons lips and dribbled down his chin and sunk into the hot sand. Everything around Carson faded quickly into a peaceful oblivion. He wouldnt have to face that mad doctor now

DEMENTIA References Brown, F. (1944). Arena. [Document]. Retrieved from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, OCD. (n.d.). Retrieved from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). (n.d.). Retrieved from


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