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Dont Get Sick with this Military Force: They will leave you on the side of the road,

and not give you a second thought!


Wallice Bellair 1

Preface This book is not about the average soldier, the grunt, as they are affectionately called. The author finds the protest of some profs at the University of Regina against Project Hero absolutely deplorable [see Appendix 1]. This book is rather about the miserable treatment of the little guy. Where does this mean-spirited attitude come from? Lets look at the mean-spirited nature of the Federal Government of Canada to prove the point. What kind of money are the Canadian politicians raking in. As cited, here are some of the salaries of politicians at a federal level: Backbench Member of Parliament (MP): $157,731 MP with odd job appointments (ie. caucus chair, commitee chairman etc): $163,415 $196,910 Leader of Federal Party: $211,425 Junior Cabinet Minister (ie. ministers/secretaries of state): $214,368 Senior Cabinet Minister/Opposition Leader/Speaker of the House: $233,247 + car allowances Prime Minister: $315,462 + large house budget + car allowances1 However, what did the Government of Canada recently award Canadian seniors with? As cited by Claude Gravelle, an NDP MP for Nickel Belt

(Ontario): Mr. Speaker, seniors are greatly worried about the coming winter. Many are on fixed income and are very worried about paying their bills. To add insult to injury, the government only gave a $1.50 increase to the old age security.2 As further cited by Claude Gravelle: The Conservative government can spare millions of dollars on television and billboard ads but can only spare a $1.50 increase to old age security, after a two year freeze. 3 What? With these Federal politicians feeding at the trough, they miserly give Canadian seniors a lousy $1.50 increase after a two year freeze on their meager income? Who heads the Canadian Conservative Government, Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada, Hill Office, House of Commons, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0A6; Telephone: (613) 992-4211; Fax: (613) 941-6900; EMail: If you think this unfair, why not give him a call, fax him or email him? The Canadian Government may not realize a meager $1.50 raise after three years is not scrooge like? Another guy you might want to communicate with is: Jim Flaherty, Minister of Finance, Hill Office, House of Commons, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0A6; Telephone: (613) 992-6344; Fax: (613) 992-8320; EMail: Then again, you might want to contact this one: Diane Ablonczy, Minister of State (Seniors), Hill Office, House of Commons, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0A6; Telephone: (613) 996-2756; Fax: (613) 992-2537; EMail: What is a seniors pension?

An Old Age Security Pension appears to be $521.62 per month.4 Oh, my God. A whole $521.62 per month? Almost $6,000.00 per year [old age is taxed, isnt it]? What Canadian Minister is responsible for this wind-fall? Why, apparently she is Diane Finley? You may definitely want to communicate with this one, unless you think the $1.50 raise after three years isnt mean-spirited? Diane Finley, Minister of Human Resources Development (Services Canada), Hill Office, House of Commons, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0A6; Telephone: (613) 996-4974; Fax: (613) 996-9749; EMail: What kind of people are these Canadian politicians, a quick web search found these comments. Lets look at the captain of the ship, Harper. As cited in The Hill Times: Prime Minister Stephen Harper took steps Thursday to trim expenses in the federal civil service, eliminate the per vote subsidy for federal political parties, and other belt-tightening lead by example measures, but Mr. Harper also opted for the more costly position of naming 11 ministers of state over the less costly position of secretaries of state when he unveiled his much larger 38-member ministry on Oct. 30.5 There are 11 ministers of state serving in the Conservative governments ministry. While ministers of state are not technically members of Cabinet, they are members of the ministry, and the combined cost of the $74,000 pay increase for the 11 ministers of state is $818,400. The total operating budgets for ministers of state can be up to $642,590, which could potentially bring budgetary

expenses for the 11 new ministers of state to $7,068,490, or $7,711,080 with the minister of state salaries. 6 Yep, that seems fair, doesnt it? Give the Canadian seniors a $1.50 raise after three years but spend over 7 million on a more expensive ministry. Boy, does the the trough look pretty good to Harper, what do you think? Now, lets look at Flaherty. As cited: The Canadian Federation of Independent Business has lashed out at the federal government for granting wage increases to public servants at the same time Canadians are being told to brace for a period of frugality. 7 "We are stunned to learn of this tentative deal which is completely contradictory to the messages the federal government has been giving warning Canadians that we are in an era of modest growth and that we all need to tighten our belts," CFIB's president, Catherine Swift, said in an open letter to Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Treasury Board President Stockwell Day and Finance Minister Jim Flaherty. 8 "Are we to understand that the federal public servants who already enjoy a significant wage and benefit premium of over 40 per cent, on average, over their private sector counterparts are being permitted to play by different rules than the rest of us?" 9 Hmmm, tell the rest of people in Canada to tighten their belt but lets give ourselves a raise? Is that what these comments are about? Lets look at Ablonczy. As reported: The Honorable Diane Ablonczy, Minister of State for Seniors, today (June 15, 2010) pledged the Governments support in the fight against elder abuse at the World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

conference in Toronto.10 Any form of abuse is unacceptable and should not be tolerated. We need to create an environment where people will take action against this serious issue, said Minister of State Ablonczy. We need to give seniors and other Canadians the information they need to raise awareness, stand up and take action.11 Hello, hello anyone home? What could be more damaging to a senior than being given a $1.50 raise after three years? Did Ablonczy who is supposed to be looking out for Canadian seniors raise any protest when their meager income was frozen in year one? Did Ablonczy who is supposed to be looking out for Canadian seniors raise any protest when their meager income was frozen in year two? Did Ablonczy who is supposed to be looking out for Canadian seniors raise any protest when their meager income was given a whole $1.50 increase in year three? It has to be asked, is this Ablonczy out to lunch too? Lets look at Findley. As cited: The Harper gang are hogs at the trough they used to complain about. 12 As reported by Bob Speller, federal Liberal candidate for Haldimand-Norfolk: The husband of local MP Diane Finley is set to make $130,000 a year for life courtesy of the Harper government. 13 Haldimand-Norfolks farmers and steelworkers are struggling but Ms Finleys husband is getting cash for life, Speller said. 14

Diane Finleys husband has won the lottery and we are all going to pay for it. he said. 15 As further cited by Bob Speller: Stephen Harper is now officially the Senate patronage king. Harper used to say he would never appoint his friends to the Senate but as Prime Minister, Harper brazenly stacked the Senate with 18 appointments just before Christmas. Now he is poised to do it again just before Labour Day.16 He has now tied Conservative Robert Borden as the only Prime Minister in Canadian history to make 26 Senate appointments in a single year. 17 Diane Finleys and the Conservative Partys web site said during the 2006 election that A conservative government will not appoint to the Senate anyone who does not have a mandate for the people. Just another one of the numerous broken promises from this Member of Parliament Speller said. 18 The difference between the Harper gang and hogs at the trough is that hogs will stop feeding when the trough is empty. The trough will never empty for the Harper gang and we will all pay for it. 19

Footnotes 1. Federal Politician Salaries Higher Than You Think Written by FrugalTrader on Oct 5, 2009 filed under General Finance cache.aspx?q=Canadian+Politician+salaries&d=477825433121877 2&mkt=en-US&setlang=enUS&w=d39faa4,8b22937&icp=1&.intl=us&sig=Zl1WQdOr9EpL AcXswRxrjA-2 3. Hansard, 40th Parliament, 3rd session, Number 075, Friday, October 1, 2010 guage%3DE%26Mode%3D1%26Parl%3D40%26Ses%3D3%26D ocId%3D4669689+%E2%80%9CMr.+Speaker,+seniors+are+great ly+worried+about+the+coming+winter.+Many+are+on+fixed+inc ome&cd=5&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca Also cited at: Claude Gravelle, an NDP MP for Nickel Belt (Ontario),+seniors+are+greatly+worri ed+about+the+coming+winter.+Many+are+on+fixed+income&cd =1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca 4. Old Age Security Benefit Payment Rates, October - December 2010 5 6. The Hill Times April 14th, 2010 by Harris MacLeod d=4662217200503736&mkt=en-US&setlang=enUS&w=a62d3e7d,f1537144&icp=1&.intl=us&sig=QECWCTzhX

moGOmrlvKHV3w-7 - 9. Business group slams public service wage hikes Deal contradicts message Tories have been sending, CFIB says Last Updated: Wednesday, October 6, 2010 | 2:33 PM ET . 10 11. Minister of State Ablonczy marks World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. Toronto, Ontario, Canada; June 15, 2010 &d=4774831237958483&mkt=en-US&setlang=enUS&w=1ab28799,85e4c30&icp=1&.intl=us&sig=.sPVv1npltuOM 2mK9Y_xsQ-12 19. Senate appointment means Finleys husband wins lottery with cash for life Bob Speller'S+HUSBA ND+SENATOR&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca

Index Page 15 - Chapter 1 [Lets look at a young male Canadian Forces member this time] Page 17 - Chapter 2 [Canadian Forces send this young male Canadian Forces member home with no information] Page 22 - Chapter 3 [This young male Canadian Forces members family doctor does his best] Page 26 - Chapter 4 [What did the Canadian Forces do for this young male Canadian Forces member] Page 29 - Chapter 5 [Captain D.R. Bowhey keeps pushing this young male Canadian Forces member] Page 33 - Chapter 6 [News media not much help] Page 34 - Chapter 7 [Canadian Forces Application 2009 Not Yet Processed] Page 37 - Chapter 8 [What a colossal waste of time complaining to the Canadian Human Rights Commission] Page 43 - Chapter 9 [Defense Minister Peter MacKay refuses to hire kid using feeble excuse his degree is from outside Canada] Page 55 - Chapter 10 [The Canadian Forces very own Col. Russell Williams] Appendices Page 65

Appendix 1 [Regina profs pan free tuition for soldiers' kids] Appendix 2 [Passed Everything for Nanaimo 748 Communications Squadron] Appendix 3 [Shilo boot camp (BMQ) very physically demanding]


Appendix 4a [Young male Canadian Forces member had trouble breathing] Appendix 4b [Prescribed Prednisone] Appendix 5 [Lungs are clear] Appendix 6 [Young male Canadian Forces member felt dizzy and feels off balance] Appendix 7 [Young male Canadian Forces member felt better and did pt this am and looked well] Appendix 8 [Still taking Prednisone for asthma / bronchitis?] Appendix 9 [Vomited this morning] Appendix 10 [Ketone reading was 160/16 and ph at 5] Appendix 11 [Ketone reading was large and ph at 6] Appendix 12 [WBC, NEUTS and MONOS high] Appendix 13 [Admitted to Brandon Regional Health Centre] Appendix 14 [Radiological exam showed nothing amiss] Appendix 15 [Urine analysis indicated nothing amiss] Appendix 16 [CREATINE KINASE and ALT high] Appendix 17 [CKMB MASS of 21.0] Appendix 18 [Symptoms related to exercise-induced problems] Appendix 19 [Return to ER if symptoms worsen] Appendix 20 [Hematology found normal ranges] Appendix 21 [UREA low]


Appendix 22 [Emergency re-admission abdominal pain lower upper quadrant, vomiting, diarrhea] Appendix 23 [Summary is being sent to his GP] Appendix 24a [Document for his family doctor] Appendix 24b [Document for his family doctor] Appendix 25 [Family doctor requested blood work] Appendix 26 [Family doctor requested blood work] Appendix 27 [Family doctor requested blood work] Appendix 28 [Family doctor requested blood work] Appendix 29 [Family doctor requested blood work] Appendix 30 [Family doctor requested blood work] Appendix 31 [Family doctor requested blood work] Appendix 32 [Family doctor requested blood work] Appendix 33 [Family doctor requested blood work] Appendix 34 [Family doctor requested blood work] Appendix 35 [Family doctor requested blood work] Appendix 36 [Family doctor requested blood work] Appendix 37 [Family doctor requested blood work] Appendix 38 [Family doctor requested blood work] Appendix 39 [RBC, ALT, and AST high] Appendix 40 [Letter from Leighanne MacKenzie of the Vancouver Island Health Authority]


Appendix 41 [Captain D.R. Bowhey of the Nanaimo 748 Comm Unit tried to get rid of this under-the-weather young male Canadian Forces member] Appendix 42 [Higher-ups change RTU to a medical RTU due to the undetermined medical conditions you have presently] Appendix 43 [Family doctor confirmed his medical condition] Appendix 44 [Captain D.R. Bowhey of the Nanaimo 748 Comm Unit tells this under-the-weather young male Canadian Forces member he must show up for military training] Appendix 45 [Captain D.R. Bowhey of the Nanaimo 748 Comm Unit tells this under-the-weather young male Canadian Forces member that no further civilian doctor excusals will be accepted] Appendix 46 [Captain D.R. Bowhey of the Nanaimo 748 Comm Unit apparently trying to use the excuse that this young male Canadian Forces members underlying ailment may make him unfit for continued employment with the Canadian Forces] Appendix 47 [Captain D.R. Bowhey of the Nanaimo 748 Comm Unit apparently trying to use the excuse that this young male Canadian Forces members underlying ailment may make him unfit for continued employment with the Canadian Forces] Appendix 48 [Family doctor responds to Captain D.R. Bowhey of the Nanaimo 748 Comm Unit] Appendix 49 [Light duties] Appendix 50 [Karen Pauls, a national reported with the CBC news] Appendix 51 [Karen Pauls, a national reported with the CBC news] Appendix 52 [Karen Pauls, a national reported with the CBC news]


Appendix 53 [Karen Pauls, a national reported with the CBC news] Appendix 54a [Using the back of the medical information sheet about Prednisone] Appendix 54b [Using the back of the medical information sheet about Prednisone] Appendix 54c [Using the back of the medical information sheet about Prednisone] Appendix 54d [Using the back of the medical information sheet about Prednisone] Appendix 54e [Using the back of the medical information sheet about Prednisone] Appendix 54f [Using the back of the medical information sheet about Prednisone] Appendix 55 [Young male Canadian Forces [former] members 19 October, 2009 application] Appendix 56 [He emailed the Canadian Forces on 23 February, 2010 to ask what was happening to his application] Appendix 57 [He emailed the Canadian Forces again on 29 April, 2010 to ask what was happening to his application] Appendix 58 [Canadian Forces reply waiting for medical documents] Appendix 59 [Complaint in June, 2010 to the Canadian Human Rights Commission] Appendix 60 [Disturbing details chronicle colonel's double life] Appendix 61 [Col. Williams assaulted victim after she had seizures]


Chapter 1 [Lets look at look at a young male Canadian Forces member this time] In a previous study, we looked at a young female Canadian Forces member who put in a grievance against the Canadian Forces, where the Canadian Human Rights Commission used the so-called impartial results from the Canadian Forces chief general [Uncle Walt] to determine if her human rights discrimination complaint with the Canadian Human Rights Commission was frivolous?1 What a good scam? Thats what happened to our young female Canadian Forces member. 2 In this book, we are going to change direction and this time and look at a young male Canadian Forces member who became sick while with the Canadian Forces and what did they do for him? Absolutely nothing! They left him on the side of the road and didnt give him a second thought? He was treated like Warrant Officer Matt Stopford. Remember him, Warrant Officer Matt Stopford was decorated for leadership in Croatia, but the army failed to tell him they'd discovered his own men found him too gung-ho and were poisoning his coffee.3 When Stopford -- blind in one eye and crippled with internal injuries -- sought to learn the names of those who poisoned him, the army refused on grounds of respecting the privacy of the perpetrators.4 What buggars? As further cited:


Nearly 10 years later, the Minister of Defense sent Stopford to the Mayo Clinic which reported they'd delayed too long for a cure.5 After 17 years as a soldier, Stopford, at age 34, was cast aside with life-altering internal afflictions.6 One has to ask: What kind of swine work for the Canadian Forces? Incredibly, in our case, this young male Canadian Forces member when he got better and wanted to re-join the Canadian Forces, they didnt hire him or even process his application contrary to Canadian Human Rights Commission discriminatory practices? What did the Canadian Human Rights Commission do for him? You guessed it, absolutely nothing! Footnotes 1 - 2. Reference to: General W.Z. Natynczyk says boot fitting procedures were not followed by 748 Comm Sqn, Nanaimo. 3 - 6. Army 'eating its own' again? n+troops+poison+PPCLI+Warrant+Officer+Matt+Stopford&cd=6 &hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca


Chapter 2 [Canadian Forces send this young male Canadian Forces member home with no information] Like the young female Canadian Forces member in General W.Z. Natynczyk says boot fitting procedures were not followed by 748 Comm Sqn, Nanaimo1, this young male Canadian Forces member had passed the testing and physical and joined the Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada 748 Comm Unit [see Appendix 2]. And, like the young female Canadian Forces member in General W.Z. Natynczyk says boot fitting procedures were not followed by 748 Comm Sqn, Nanaimo2, this young male Canadian Forces member was sent to boot camp [BMQ] at the Shilo base [see Appendix 3]. On one of the 2.4 km runs on 5 July, 2006, this young male Canadian Forces member had trouble breathing, and was sent to the Shilo medical unit where he was prescribed prednisone [see Appendix 4a & 4b]. A rural diagnostic service found this young male Canadian Forces members lungs to be clear on the same day [see Appendix 5]. The next day 6 July, 2006 this young male Canadian Forces member was seen at the Shilo medical clinic again where it was recorded that he felt dizzy and feels off balance [see Appendix 6]. The next day 7 July, 2006 this young male Canadian Forces member was seen at the Shilo medical clinic again where it was recorded that he felt better and did pt this am, running around gym, doing push-ups and sit-ups, and that he looked well [see Appendix 7]. On 12 July, 2006 it was recorded in the Shilo medical clinic log, this young male Canadian Forces member was still taking prednisone for asthma / bronchitis? [see Appendix 8]. Also recorded on the same day, this young male Canadian Forces member vomited this morning [see Appendix 9].


Also recorded on the same day, this young male Canadian Forces members ketone reading was 160/16 and ph at 5 [see Appendix 10]. As noted, energetic exercise can also make ketone levels rise when all the glucose has been used up? Well, this young male Canadian Forces member was at boot camp [BMQ], and possibly the tough physical exertion had caused high ketone levels? Also recorded on the same day, this young male Canadian Forces members ketone reading was large and ph at 6 [see Appendix 11]. Also recorded on the same day, this young male Canadian Forces members hematology readings showed high levels, WBC (A high WBC count often means that an infection is present in the body), NEUTS (Neutrophil granulocytes, more commonly known as neutrophils, are the most common type of white blood cells found in human beings. They are an essential part of the immune system. They are also the first immune cells that reach the site of infection through a process known as chemotaxis), and MONOS (Monocyte is a type of white blood cell, part of the human body's immune system. Monocytes can move quickly (approx. 8-12 hours) to sites of infection. A high count is found in severe infection)? [see Appendix 12]. In other words, it appeared this young male Canadian Forces member was suffering some sort of infection, rather than as a result from exercise? On 13 July, 2006 it was recorded in the Emergency ward of Brandon Regional Health Centre [Hospital] that this young male Canadian Forces member had been admitted because he had pain on the left side of his abdomen [see Appendix 13]. A radiological exam of this young male Canadian Forces members abdomen showed nothing amiss [see Appendix 14]. A urine analysis indicated nothing amiss [see Appendix 15].


A routine chemistry showed that this young male Canadian Forces members CREATINE KINASE (An abnormally high level of creatine kinase reflected in the blood test is indicative of a detriment to any organ of the body, especially the ones related to muscles and brain) was high and his ALT (High levels of ALT are usually due to a virus infection) was high [see Appendix 16]. Hence, it indicates that this young male Canadian Forces member had a possible viral infection? It appeared that a special chemistry reading for CKMB MASS of 21.0 was high? [see Appendix 17]. As cited, new assays for early markers such as myoglobin, troponin T, and creatine kinase isoenzyme MB mass (CKMBmass) are highly sensitive for the diagnosis of AMI (acute myocardial infarction).3 As can be seen in Appendix 17, it appears that troponin was within normal range, however, the CK-MBmass was high? Did this mean that this young male Canadian Forces member was being monitored for a potential heart attack? On the same day, 13 July, 2006 this young male Canadian Forces member was discharged from the Emergency ward of Brandon Regional Health Centre [Hospital] with a reference to his symptoms being related to exercise-induced problems [see Appendix 18]. A discharge instruction page return to ER if symptoms worsen [see Appendix 19]. On 14 July, 2006 hematology found normal ranges for this young male Canadian Forces member [see Appendix 20]. However, a routine chemistry found his UREA low [see Appendix 21]. The next medical document this young male Canadian Forces member received through access to information from his Canadian


Forces file is an emergency re-admission to the Brandon Regional Health Centre [Hospital] on 17 July, 2006 where it was recorded the reason for admission abdominal pain lower upper quadrant, vomiting, diarrhea [see Appendix 22]. The next item this young male Canadian Forces member received through access to information from his Canadian Forces file is a doctors progress sheet that shows his CK (Creatine kinase) apparently down, his ALT (Alanine aminotransferase blood test is typically used to detect liver injury) apparently down, his AST (Aspartate aminotransferase) at 53 and that a summary is being sent to his GP (general practitioner) [see Appendix 23]. This young male Canadian Forces member was sent home from Shilo by the Canadian Forces with the attached document for his family doctor [see Appendix 24a & 24b]. As Appendix 24b reveals, it was simply a copy of this young male Canadian Forces members routine chemistry on 14 July, 2006 which revealed high CHLORIDE (These tests may also be ordered to help diagnose the cause of signs and symptoms such as prolonged vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, and respiratory distress), high CREATINE KINASE, high ALT, and high AST [see Appendix 24b]. This young male Canadian Forces member received absolutely nothing else from the Canadian Forces about his condition or medical disposition. He was simply sent home and forgotten! Footnotes 1 - 2. Reference to: General W.Z. Natynczyk says boot fitting procedures were not followed by 748 Comm Sqn, Nanaimo. 3. Adams JE, Abendschein DR, Jaffe AS. Biochemical markers of myocardial injury. Circulation, 1993, 88, 75063. Also see: Mair J, Morandell D, Genser N, Lechleitner P, Dienstl A, Puschendorf


B. Equivalent early sensitivities of myoglobin, creatine kinase MB mass, creatine kinase isoform ratios, and cardiac troponins I and T for acute myocardial infarction. Clin Chem, 1995, 41, 1266 72. Also see: Katus HA, Remppis A, Neumann FJ, et al. Diagnostic efficiency of troponin T measurements in acute myocardial infarction. Circulation, 1991, 83, 90212. Also see: de Winter RJ, Koster RW, Sturk A, Sanders GT. Value of myoglobin, troponin T and CK-MBmass in ruling out an acute myocardial infarction in the emergency room. Circulation, 1995, 92, 34017. Also see: Bakker AJ, Gorgels JPMC, Van Vlies B, et al. Contribution of creatine kinase MB mass concentration at admission to early diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction. Br Heart J, 1994, 72, 1128.


Chapter 3 [This young male Canadian Forces members family doctor does his best] With the routine chemistry results from 14 July, 2006 which revealed high CHLORIDE, high CREATINE KINASE, high ALT, and high AST [see Appendix 24a & 24b], this young male Canadian Forces member saw his family doctor to see if he could make heads or tails of the problem. This young male Canadian Forces members family doctor was the best, caring, concerned and eager to get to the bottom of such readings. As such, this young male Canadian Forces members family doctor requested blood work and other tests to try to determine the underlying cause of such readings [for example, see Appendices 25 - 38] especially since his RBC (High numbers of RBCs may be due to Kidney disease), ALT, and AST readings were still high months later [see Appendix 39]. Incredibly, a specialist infectious disease doctor who may have been able to pin-point the problem refused to see this young male Canadian Forces member because he may have had an infectious disease. What? You see, the hospital to which this young male Canadian Forces member had been referred, the Nanaimo Regional General Hospital Emergency Department, at the time of his appointment was experiencing a norovirus outbreak and the specialist doctor refused to see this young male Canadian Forces member for fear that he had the norovirus? As cited by the Vancouver Island Health Authority1 in 2006, The virus came into the Hospital from the community through a patient in the Emergency Department on August 5. Over the course of the outbreak approximately 26 patients and 20 staff had been affected by this highly contagious illness characterized by sudden onset of nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea that lasts for several hours.


The parents of this young male Canadian Forces member complained of such behavior. In response, in a letter dated 19 August, 2006 Leighanne MacKenzie of the Vancouver Island Health Authority apparently tried to belay this fact by stating it would be prudent to wait two or three days prior to Dr. Forrest seeing (this young Canadian Forces member) to ascertain if his symptoms would settle down on their own [see Appendix 40]. Well, it was quite obvious this young Canadian Forces members symptoms did not settle down [see Appendices 25 to 38, especially Appendix 39]! Did this specialist infectious doctor [Dr. Forrest] ever see this young male Canadian Forces member, as Leighanne MacKenzie of the Vancouver Island Health Authority intimated he would? No, never? Not in person? Dr. Forrest never did see this young male Canadian Forces member in person? However, he did apparently review this young male Canadian Forces members medical file maintained by his family doctor [see Appendix 48]? What good was that? An infectious disease doctor could have immediately requested appropriate tests for routine causes of this young male Canadian Forces members symptoms! Also an infectious disease doctor could have also ordered special tests or exotic tests to help determine the causes of this young male Canadian Forces members symptoms instead of leaving the job to this young male Canadian Forces members family doctor!


Was it due to the original reason, Dr. Forrest thought this young male Canadian Forces member had contracted norovirus at Nanaimo Regional General Hospital Emergency Department? Or, was it because the case involved a Canadian Forces member and the infectious disease doctor didnt want to get involved, especially as this young male Canadian Forces member had contracted something at Canadian Forces Base Shilo? Did this infectious disease doctor not want to get involved with the Federal Government of Canada? Footnotes 1. Vancouver Island Health Authority News Release - For Immediate Release August 22, 2006 6.pdf Norovirus Outbreak Over at Nanaimo Regional General Hospital NANAIMO The Norovirus outbreak at the Nanaimo Regional General Hospital (NRGH) has now been declared over. The virus came into the Hospital from the community through a patient in the Emergency Department on August 5. Over the course of the outbreak approximately 26 patients and 20 staff had been affected by this highly contagious illness characterized by sudden onset of nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea that lasts for several hours. Also note, another outbreak occurred in 2010. Hospital-wide norovirus outbreak hits Nanaimo General The Canadian Press Date: Saturday May. 15, 2010 9:03 AM ET


+Nanaimo+Regional+General+Hospital&cd=3&hl=en&ct=clnk&g l=ca NANAIMO Health officials have declared a hospital-wide outbreak of Norovirus at Nanaimo Regional General Hospital. The Vancouver Island Health Authority says 22 patients are currently showing symptoms and has asked the public to postpone visits. Norovirus outbreaks had previously been declared on several units in the facility, with four more people getting ill on Friday. Officials say all new cases occurring over the last week were caused by sick patients entering the Emergency Department and exposing others. Norovirus, a highly contagious illness that lasts between one and three days, can cause sudden episodes of nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. There is no vaccine or medicine that can prevent Norovirus.


Chapter 4 [What did the Canadian Forces do for this young male Canadian Forces member] What did the Canadian Forces do for this young male Canadian Forces member while his family doctor was trying to figure out what he had contracted at the Canadian Forces base in Shilo, Manitoba, Canada in the summer of 2006? The Canadian Forces did absolutely nothing for him! Except, however, try to get rid of him. As cited in Appendix 83, Captain D.R. Bowhey of the Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada 748 Comm Unit tried to get rid of this under-the-weather young male Canadian Forces member on 03 August, 2006 [see Appendix 41]. Thats right, this Bowhey tried to fire the young male Canadian Forces member! You can read more about Bowhey in General W.Z. Natynczyk says boot fitting procedures were not followed by 748 Comm Sqn, Nanaimo.1 He was the same guy in charge of the clown sized boots issued to the young female Canadian Forces member in General W.Z. Natynczyk says boot fitting procedures were not followed by 748 Comm Sqn, Nanaimo.2 Due to the clown sized boots issued to that young female Canadian Forces member, when she turned up at boot camp she suffered friction marks, hot spots and blisters caused by grossly oversized combat boots as documented and signed by Canadian Forces Shilo Base Surgeon Major Salsman.3 Bowheys the same guy that tried to get rid of the young female Canadian Forces member because she suffered plantar fasciitis and needed special boots so she could perform her military duties as also cited by Canadian Forces Shilo Base Surgeon Major Salsman.4


As clearly stated on 10 July, 2006 Canadian Forces Shilo Base Surgeon Major Salsman placed an order for special proper fitting boots for this young Canadian Forces female member with vibram-soles to accommodate her wide feet so she could perform her military duties.5 Hes the same guy that refused to give the young female Canadian Forces member the special boots to accommodate her plantar fasciitis.6 In our current case, what did our young male Canadian Forces member do? In response to Captain D.R. Bowhey of the Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada 748 Comm Unit attempt to get rid of him, this young male Canadian Forces member objected to Bowheys underhanded attempts especially sibnce he was still under-theweather [see Appendix 41]! What a great commander this Captain D.R. Bowhey of the Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada 748 Comm Unit must be, heres a young male Canadian Forces member under his command where his family doctor is trying to figure out what ails him and this Bowhey is trying to get rid of him? Sort of reminds one of the Canadian Forces treatment of Warrant Officer Matt Stopford. Hes the guy the Canadian Forces didnt tell had been poisoned by his own men? Warrant Officer Matt Stopford was decorated for leadership in Croatia, but the army failed to tell him they'd discovered his own men found him too gung-ho and were poisoning his coffee.7 In Matt Stopfords case, the Canadian Forces, after 17 years as a soldier, Stopford, at age 34, was cast aside with life-altering internal afflictions.8 Sort of reminds one of this Captain D.R. Bowhey of the Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada 748 Comm Unit?


Was this Bowhey trying to do the same to this young male Canadian Forces member? Cast him aside? Leave him by the side of the road? And not give him a second thought? Footnotes 1 - 6. Reference to: General W.Z. Natynczyk says boot fitting procedures were not followed by 748 Comm Sqn, Nanaimo. 7 - 8. Army 'eating its own' again? n+troops+poison+PPCLI+Warrant+Officer+Matt+Stopford&cd=6 &hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca


Chapter 5 [Captain D.R. Bowhey keeps pushing this young male Canadian Forces member] Captain D.R. Bowhey of the Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada 748 Comm Unit first attempt to get rid of this under-the-weather young male Canadian Forces member failed because the young fellow wouldnt go along with Bowheys mean-spirited actions [see Appendix 41]. Was that the end of it for this Bowhey? You guessed it, no way. This guy kept coming back, again and again, trying to pressure the young male Canadian Forces members release [firing] or for him to quit. These efforts by Bowhey were troubling, especially since this young male Canadian Forces members status had been changed by higher-ups where his RTU was changed to a medical RTU due to the undetermined medical conditions you have presently [see Appendix 42]. This young male Canadian Forces members family doctor confirmed his medical condition, as cited in a medical note dated 22 September, 2006 and that he was not fit for military training [see Appendix 43]. In response, this Bowhey tells this under-the-weather young male Canadian Forces member young male Canadian Forces member he must show up for military training [see Appendix 44]. The next letter dated 5 January, 2007 from this Bowhey makes reference to this young male Canadian Forces member being on medical excusal from military training for 5 months, with the comment that hopefully your doctors have been able to isolate your ailment with the further statement no further civilian doctor excusals will be accepted [see Appendix 45]? What?


What is this Bowhey telling this under-the-weather young male Canadian Forces member young male Canadian Forces member? Too bad, tough luck if you are still under-the-weather from your Canadian Forces Shilo Base days [July 2006] Bowhey will not accept any more medical notes from his family doctor [and specialist medical tests] who is trying to determine this young male Canadian Forces members underlying ailment [see Appendix 48]? This Bowhey followed his 5 January, 2007 letter with another one dated 20 January, 2007 and one more on 24 January, 2007 where he is apparently trying to use the excuse that this young male Canadian Forces members underlying ailment may make him unfit for continued employment with the Canadian Forces [see Appendix 46 & 47]. Sort of like Warrant Officer Matt Stopford who at age 34, was cast aside with life-altering internal afflictions by the Canadian Forces.1 In response to Bowhey, this young male Canadian Forces members doctor wrote a letter dated 31 January, 2007 [see Appendix 48]. In it, this young male Canadian Forces members family doctor makes it very clear whatever this young fellow caught at Canadian Forces Base Shilo in July, 2006 was persisting [see Appendix 48]. What was Bowheys reply? Although the young male Canadian Forces member had been offered light duties, Bowhey in a letter dated 20 March, 2007 indicates this was not true your allegation of the CO reneging on an offer of light duties is unfounded [see Appendix 49]? Hmmm? If there was no offer of light duties while this young male Canadian Forces member was under-the-weather, why did this Captain D.R. Bowhey of the Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada 748 Comm Unit in the same letter state and the possibility of light


duties [see section 1 of Bowheys letter] and to take advantage of the light duty opportunity [see section 2 of Bowheys letter] and if you wish to be considered for light duties [see section 3 of Bowheys letter] or was Bowheys letter simply a ploy for the Canadian Forces doctors to rate him unemployable [see Appendix 49]? Doesnt make any sense Bowhey? Does it? After all, Bowhey in this same letter suggests another way to get rid of this young male Canadian Forces member? What was that? Another way to get rid of this young male Canadian Forces member? Was that Bowheys intention all along? From Bowheys original attempt to fire the young male Canadian Forces member on 03 August, 2006 [see Appendix 41]? What could this other method be? As this Bowhey states, as stated in his 20 March, 2007 letter I suggest you consider a voluntary release from the Canadian Forces [see Appendix 49]! In fact, having seen the treatment he had received from the Canadian Forces, and now that his blood work was coming back in-line, thats exactly what this young male Canadian Forces member did on 26 April, 2007 he resigned from the Canadian Forces. Good for him! Poor Warrant Officer Matt Stopford2 comes to mind, get out quick if Bowheys the type of officer the Canadian Forces employ?


Thats the authors advice to the young male Canadian Forces member. Footnotes 1. Army 'eating its own' again? n+troops+poison+PPCLI+Warrant+Officer+Matt+Stopford&cd=6 &hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca


Chapter 6 [News media not much help] But wait, thats not he end of the story. In an effort to try to figure out what unknown disease may have been floating around the Canadian Forces Base at Shilo, Manitoba in the summer of 2006 attempts were made through the media by this young male Canadian Force members parents to see if they could help out. However, although Karen Pauls, a national reported with the CBC news expressed interest in 2006 and did some initial checking nothing further was hear from her [see Appendices 50 - 53]? With the news media covering so much fluff you would think this might be of some interest? Or did the Government of Canada and / or the Canadian Forces tell this reporter to back off?


Chapter 7 [Canadian Forces Application 2009 Not Yet Processed] Still, this isnt the end of the story. Incredibly, after being treated so shoddily by the Canadian Forces, this young male Canadian Forces [former] member decided to re-apply to the Canadian Forces again in 2009? To give an indication of this young males determination, while he was under the weather and given prednisone, he was using the back of the medical information sheet about prednisone given to him by the Shilo medical unit to write notes about the BMQ [boot camp] courses he was taking at the time [see Appendix 54a front of medical page and 54b back of page young fellows notes; see Appendix 54c front of medical page and 54d back of page young fellows notes; see Appendix 54e front of medical page and 54f back of page young fellows notes]. Just incredible! Heres this young male Canadian Forces member at boot camp in 2006, under-the-weather on prednisone and still he has the where-for-all to attend classes and take notes on the back of his medical information sheet [see Appendix 54a to 54f]. However, lets see how the Canadian Forces treated this young male Canadian Forces [former] member in his second time around when he decided to re-apply to the Canadian Forces in 2009? This young male Canadian Forces [former] members 19 October, 2009 application appears as Appendix 55. It seems straight forward, doesnt it? When this young male Canadian Forces [former] member hadnt received any call regarding his application, he emailed the Canadian Forces on 23 February, 2010 to ask what was happening to his application [see Appendix 56]. When this young male Canadian Forces [former] member again


hadnt received any call regarding his application, he emailed the Canadian Forces again on 29 April, 2010 to ask what was happening to his application [see Appendix 57]. To this email request, this young male Canadian Forces [former] member received a reply email dated 30 April, 2010 from the Canadian Forces [see Appendix 58]. Oh good, apparently the Canadian Forces were waiting for his previous medical records [see Appendix 58], where it should be clear from those records that he contracted some sort of ailment at Canadian Forces Base Shilo in the summer of 2006 [see Appendices 24a, 24b & 48], and had finally been classed as medically RTUd to his unit [see Appendix 42], where he finally resigned once his blood work had settled down. Should be no problem in his re-applying to the Canadian Forces some 2 years later, should it? Apparently not with the Canadian Forces? Come June, 2010 when this young male Canadian Forces [former] member hadnt received any call about his application, he contacted the Canadian Forces again as to what was happening to his application, where he again received an email reply on 17 June, 2010: From: Sent: June 17, 2010 9:59:45 AM To: This young male Canadian Forces [former] member Cc: Sir, Capt Purcell explained in his email dated 05 May 2010 that we (CFRC Winnipeg) are awaiting previous service medical documents prior to further processing.


The previous service medical documents were requested by our senior medical technician on 04 Dec 09 after receiving the file from CFRC Victoria on 24 Nov 09. As mentioned before, the requested documents could take from 6 months up to 1 year to receive from the medical people who manage this process. This is standard procedure for all applicants who have had previous military service (Primary Reserve or Regular Force). Bruce Doggett Captain Production Officer Canadian Forces Recruiting Centre Winnipeg Canadian Forces Recruiting Group National Defense Winnipeg, Canada R3C 0P4 Telephone 204-983-3680 x 237 Facsimile 204-984-2049 Teletypewriter (National Defense) 1-800-467-9877 Government of Canada What? The Canadian Forces were still waiting for his medical records, and this could take up to a year to receive? What nonsense? Or, what a lame excuse for not processing this young male Canadian Forces [former] members re-application to the Canadian Forces? At the writing of this book, this young male Canadian Forces [former] members re-application to the Canadian Forces had not been processed?


Chapter 8 [What a colossal waste of time complaining to the Canadian Human Rights Commission] When this young male Canadian Forces [former] member saw that his re-application to the Canadian Forces was not even being processed, apparently for medical reasons, he made a complaint in June, 2010 to the Canadian Human Rights Commission [see Appendix 59]. After all, Federal Government of Canada Departments are not supposed to discriminate on the basis of sick However, when this young male Canadian Forces [former] member had not heard anything by October, 2010 from the Canadian Human Rights Commission about his complaint, he emailed the Canadian Human Rights Commission on 24 October, 2010 to see what was happening to his complaint: My Canadian Human Rights Complaint Sent: October 24, 2010 4:49:32 AM To: 24 October, 2010 Jennifer Lynch, Chief Commissioner Gaston Boisvert, Early Resolution Team Leader Canadian Human Rights Commission 344 Slater Street, 8th Floor, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 1E1 E-Mail: RE: My Canadian Human Rights Complaint # 2010-0691 2010-06 1

I make reference to a letter dated 18 June, 2010 from Lynch regarding my CHRC complaint # 2010-0691. Although I made out a complaint against the Canadian Forces, I have not heard a disposition of my complaint?


Where is the disposition? Thank you, Signed, this young male Canadian Forces [former] member This young male Canadian Forces [former] member received a prompt reply the next day from the Canadian Human Rights Commission on 25 October, 2010: Reply to your e-mail in uiry to the Chief Commissioner From: GASTON BOISVERT (gaston.boisvert@CHRCCCDP.GC.CA) Sent: October 25, 2010 6:22:11 AM To: This young male Canadian Forces [former] member Cc: MARCIA WALDRON (marcia.waldron@CHRCCCDP.GC.CA) ** Confidential ** Mr. Your file was assigned in August to Marcia Waldron, Human Rights Officer at the Commission. Both you and the respondent [Canadian Forces] were notified by letter on August 23rd that your complaint raised issues under section 41 (c) of the Canadian Human Rights Act. The parties were invited to provide their written positions on the s. 41 (c) issues no later than September 29th, 2010. The written positions from the parties were received at the Commission and reviewed carefully by Ms. Waldron.


She prepared a s.41 (c) analysis report based on the information provided by the parties and she has submitted it to the section 41 Team for review at it's meeting this Wednesday afternoon. Once the report is approved by Team 41 it will be disclosed to both parties by Ms. Waldron, and written submissions in response to the report will be invited. In brief, your complaint is active and is being processed within the applicable timelines. A section 41 (c) analysis has been prepared, and once approved it will be disclosed to you and to the respondent. I anticipate that this will occur late this week or early next week. Sincerely, Gaston Boisvert Manager, Early Resolution Services Dispute Resolution Branch Canadian Human Rights Commission 344 Slater, 9th floor Ottawa, Ontario K1A 1E1 1-(888)-214-1090; (613) 943-9233 Interesting, this young male Canadian Forces [former] members Canadian Human Rights Commission complaint was being reviewed under section 41 (c) of the Canadian Human Rights Act? What is section 41 (c) of the Canadian Human Rights Act? As cited in the Canadian Human Rights Commission web page about the Canadian Human Rights Act it clearly indicates that the Canadian Human Rights Commission was looking for a way out not to deal with this young male Canadian Forces [former] members Canadian Human Rights Commission complaint. As cited: Under section 41(c) of the Act, the Commission can dismiss a complaint beyond the jurisdiction of the Commission; for example, where a complaint alleges a discriminatory practice to which the Act does not apply or a prohibited ground of discrimination not set


out in the legislation. The provision would also apply to matters that are expressly not covered by the legislation, such as action taken by the Government of the Yukon and any provision made under or pursuant to the federal Indian Act (s. 67). As well, where the complaint is considered to be trivial, frivolous, vexatious or made in bad faith, the Commission is justified under section 41(d) of the Act in refusing to accept it. A trivial, frivolous or vexatious complaint is one which in the opinion of the Commission is totally lacking in merit (in other words, the case is clearly unsupported on the facts or is one for which the law provides no remedy). Ah, yes. Heres the apparent favorite excuse of the Canadian Human Rights Commission not to look at a complaint, rule it trivial, frivolous, vexatious or made in bad faith, the Commission is justified under section 41(d) of the Act. This same thing occurred to the young female Canadian Forces member in General W.Z. Natynczyk says boot fitting procedures were not followed by 748 Comm Sqn, Nanaimo.1 Was this young male Canadian Forces [former] members application to the Canadian Forces trivial, frivolous, vexatious or made in bad faith? As far as the author is concerned, this young male Canadian Forces [former] member made a big mistake in re-applying to the Canadian Forces. He should have learned from his initial treatment by the Canadian Forces, where when he contracted something at Canadian Forces Base Shilo, and then was left on the side of the road, with the Canadian Forces not giving him a second thought! This young male Canadian Forces [former] member should have realized the Canadian Forces arent user friendly! As mentioned, sort of reminds one of Warrant Officer Matt


Stopford.2 Lets remember him one more time, and the way some buggars with the Canadian Forces treated him! As far as the author is concerned, one cant mention Warrant Officer Matt Stopford enough to the author his treatment surely proves the mean-spirited nature of the Government of Canada as an employer? What a sad sight, the author used to see this poor guy wandering the streets of his home town! Warrant Officer Matt Stopford was decorated for leadership in Croatia, but the army failed to tell him they'd discovered his own men found him too gung-ho and were poisoning his coffee.3 When Stopford -- blind in one eye and crippled with internal injuries -- sought to learn the names of those who poisoned him, the army refused on grounds of respecting the privacy of the perpetrators.4 Nearly 10 years later, the Minister of Defense sent Stopford to the Mayo Clinic which reported they'd delayed too long for a cure.5 After 17 years as a soldier, Stopford, at age 34, was cast aside with life-altering internal afflictions.6 Absolute bastards the way some with the Canadian Forces treated Stopford! If nothing else, hopefully this book embarrasses these [few] buggars some more! Footnotes 1. Reference to: General W.Z. Natynczyk says boot fitting procedures were not followed by 748 Comm Sqn, Nanaimo. 2 - 6. Army 'eating its own' again?

41 n+troops+poison+PPCLI+Warrant+Officer+Matt+Stopford&cd=6 &hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca Also see: A soldier becomes a target Michael Friscolanti, October 8, 2007 0109_110109+Warrant+Officer+Matt+Stopford+dead&cd=10&hl =en&ct=clnk&gl=ca


Chapter 9 [Defense Minister Peter MacKay refuses to hire kid using feeble excuse his degree is from outside Canada]

Hon. Peter Gordon MacKay Minister of National Defence House of Commons Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6 Telephone: 613-992-6022 Fax: 613-992-2337 EMail: Web Site: Constituency Office 219 Main Street, No 303 Antigonish, Nova Scotia B2G 2C1 Telephone: 902-863-7005 Fax: 902-863-7006 Constituency Office 980 East River Rd, New Glasgow, Nova Scotia B2H 3S8 Telephone: 902-752-0226 Fax: 902-752-0284 Constituency Office 22553 Highway 7 PO Box 255 Sheet Harbour, Nova Scotia B0J 3B0 Telephone: 902-885-3490 43

Fax: 902-885-3179 SINCE WHEN IS A DEGREE FROM NANAIMO, BRITISH COLUMBIA NOT A DEGREE FROM CANADA???? Your father helped me when I was suing the RCMP!!!! In fact, I received a $275,000 out of court settlement in 1990 because of their lies, fabrications, etc. However, since commencing my suit and winning my suit, the RCMP and the Federal government of Canada has felt they can harass and discriminate against my children?????? This apparently includes your department, National Defense, the Canadian Military? The last time my son applied they didnt even process his application??? This time, your department is using the feeble excuse that a degree from Nanaimo, British Columbia is from outside of Canada?? SINCE WHEN IS A DEGREE FROM NANAIMO, BRITISH COLUMBIA NOT A DEGREE FROM CANADA???? How would you like to explain how a degree from Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada is from outside of Canada?? Your father had balls do you? Will I hear from you? Or, like Harpers other henchmen mums the word?? What happened to the days when we had people like Elmer MacKay in politics? I would think you would like to show your worth didnt this idiot harper demote you from deputy prime minister??


Hope to hear from you about my sons application to your department and why your people are saying he has a degree from outside of Canada? If no reply, my son will just have to be satisfied with another book about the harassment and discrimination what a great country under this scum-bucket Harper!!! The father



Bachelor of Arts Degree (B.A.) Dual Minor - History, First Nation Studies Malaspina University College Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada Total Credit Hours 147, GPA 3.25, Granted: 07 June, 2007: Age 19


SINCE WHEN IS A DEGREE FROM NANAIMO, BRITISH COLUMBIA NOT A DEGREE FROM CANADA???? Original Message ----From: Sent: 12/03/12 12:06 PM Subject: A0916xx Canadian Forces Application Good Day, Thank you for your interest in the Canadian Forces (CF). We have received your proof of citizenship and education transcripts. However, after reviewing your transcripts, I noticed that your education was received outside of Canada. You will be required to get your education assessed in order to prove its credentials against our Canadian Institutions. There are a number of organizations across Canada that evaluate foreign secondary and post-secondary education. Some of these organizations offer free services and others require a fee, which is not reimbursable by CF Recruiting. These organizations should all fall under the national accreditation organization called the Alliance of Credential Evaluation Services of Canada (ACESC). Fees associated with translation of the applicants educational documents into either English or French are also not reimbursable by CF Recruiting. Should you have any additional questions please contact us. You may apply online at Sincerely, B. Kirke Master Corporal/Caporal Chef Online Recruiter | Recruteur en ligne


Canadian Forces Virtual Recruiting Centre | Centre de Recrutement Virtuel des Forces canadiennes National Defence | Dfense nationale 1164 Devonshire Ave, Suite 400, North Bay, ON, P1B 6X7 Toll Free | Sans frais: 1 866 966 8718 ext. 247 Telephone | Tlphone: 1-705-476-1179 ext. 247 Facsimile | Tlcopieur: 1-705-497-9534 / Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada


[Father successfully sued RCMP!]


[Father successfully sued RCMP!]


[Father successfully sued RCMP!]


The father was diagnosed with a multitude of disorders as a consequence of RCMP and Federal Government illegal acts, harassment and other abuse. Authors note: Anyone who has to identify a loved-one in the morgue can appreciate the horror, grief, anger one experiences?


The father was diagnosed with a multitude of disorders as a consequence of RCMP and Federal Government illegal acts, harassment and other abuse. Authors note: Anyone who has to identify a loved-one in the morgue can appreciate the horror, grief, anger one experiences?


The father was diagnosed with a multitude of disorders as a consequence of RCMP and Federal Government illegal acts, harassment and other abuse.


Chapter 10 [The Canadian Forces very own Col. Russell Williams] Lets turn our attention to this case. Apparently this kind of guy [Colonel Russell Williams] was the Canadian Forces golden boy [see Appendix 60 & 61]. In the previous chapters we have mentioned a clean-cut young male Canadian Forces member treated like dirt after he caught some sort of ailment at Canadian Forces Base Shilo who still wanted to re-join the Canadian Forces. Did the Canadian Forces re-hire him? No way! Like a spoiled, sulky child the Canadian Forces didnt even process his 2009 re-application? What namby-pamby babies? However, lets look at their golden boy? As cited: A commander who was a rising star in Canada's military pleaded guilty Monday to the murders of two women, the sexual assaults of two others and dozens of breaking and entering charges in which he stole panties from the bedrooms of girls as young as 11.1 Col. Russell Williams, who once flew prime ministers and served as a pilot to Queen Elizabeth II during a visit, was the commander of Canada's largest Air Force base until he was charged earlier this year. He was photographed in January with Defense Minister Peter MacKay and Canada's top general during an inspection of a Canadian aircraft on its way to support relief efforts in Haiti. He is alleged to have killed his second victim just over a week after he appeared with MacKay.2 He pleaded guilty Monday to two first-degree murder charges,


two sexual assaults and 82 breaking and entering charges in a Belleville, Ontario court. The 47-year-old faces an automatic sentence of life in prison with no possibility for parole for at least 25 years.3 Prosecutors said Williams targeted girls and women in their teens and 20s and often photographed himself in their underwear.4 At the sentencing hearing following his guilty plea, prosecutors showed photographs of Williams wearing a 12-year-old girl's cartoon-decorated underwear, with his genitalia protruding from them, while he was lying on her bed.5 Other photos showed him wearing underwear belonging to 11year-old twins.6 In some of the pictures he was masturbating.7 People in the courtroom, many of them victims and their families, were in tears and appeared stunned.8 Prosecutors also said Williams videotaped the assaults and murders.9 He pleaded guilty to the murder of Jessica Lloyd, 27, whose body was found in February, and Marie Comeau, a 38-year-old corporal under his command who was found dead in her home last November. Both women were asphyxiated.10 As further reported: Whether his victims fought him off or complied with every perverted command he gave them, convicted sex killer Col. Russell Williams showed no mercy to the two women who begged for their lives before he brutally murdered them, court heard Tuesday.11 The horrifying details came on the same day court heard Williams was in his 20s when he developed a fetish for stealing women's lingerie that would culminate in murder.12


Williams repeatedly raped 37-year-old Comeau who first caught his eye during a military VIP flight after breaking into her home last November and striking her repeatedly in the head with a flashlight.13 He paused only to re-adjust his cameras, or to reach for the device during the attack to get a close-up shot of the rape, the court heard.14 After nearly two hours, Williams put a piece of duct tape over her nose, cutting off her air supply.15 As she slumped to the floor, court heard that Comeau made a final plea: "Have a heart please. I've been really good... I want to live."16 She died and Williams turned off the camera.17 What a sick bastard? As one person commented, this is one sick Canadian bastard. I hope he burns in hell for ALL OF ETERNITY! Was this rising star ever psychologically assessed? As further cited: His next victim, 27-year-old Lloyd, did everything Williams asked of her in an effort not to "upset" him, the Crown said.18 Williams broke into her Belleville home in January, tied her up and raped her repeatedly for hours.19 Only this time, he fastened a black zip tie around her neck and took her to his Tweed home, where he repeated the torture.20 Lloyd was so terrified she apologized when she failed to move into the sexual position Williams demanded. She even asked permission to lower her legs after he had raped her. It had no effect.21 When she started to convulse from a seizure, in extreme distress


and begging for help, he calmly walked to his camera to turn it on.22 At one point, Lloyd pleads: "If I die, will you make sure my mom knows that I love her."23 That heart-wrenching detail, read aloud in court, left many in the room sobbing loudly.24 Lloyd's ordeal which lasted almost an entire day is documented in photos and on videotape. He even snapped a photo of her body after he has struck her and strangled her with rope, the blood from the wound pooling near her head.25 Once a rising star in the Canadian Armed Forces, Williams has become an outcast whose depraved actions have rocked the military to its core.26 Again, what a dirty bastard this rising star was? Because this guy was a rising star, how long did the Canadian Forces cover-up this guys indiscretions? Surely, someone must have complained about him and / or his behavior? Again, was this bastard ever psychologically assessed? Are the psychologists the Canadian Forces employ well qualified? In one particular case, it appears that a psychologist that works for the RCMP now used to apparently work for the DND. It appears that, instead of the required APA [American Psychological Association] and / or CPA [Canadian Psychology Association] accredited program, this guy graduated from some other program? As cited: Every one knows that if they want to make psychology a career


goal, one has to obtain a recognized degree from a properly approved university.27 The standard for America is a degree program that has been approved by the American Psychological Association and in Canada the degree program has to be approved by the Canadian Psychological Association. In terms of at least one psychologist employed by the RCMP28, his diploma when he received it had neither approval.29 In other words, this RCMP psychologist who is accessing RCMP applicants in terms of their suitability has a diploma that is neither approved by the American Psychological Association nor by the Canadian Psychological Association. One young clean-cut RCMP applicant30 actually questioned this guys credentials: RECEIVED MAY 3 1 2010 D Division HSO 25 May, 2010 Neil Anderson Newly contracted RCMP Psychologist Health Services Offices D Division Headquarters: 1091 Portage Avenue P.O. Box 5650 Winnipeg, MB R3C 3K2 Mr. Anderson, I noticed that you are cited as having a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute (Carpinteria, California), however, aren't their programs not approved by the APA because of the distance component in them and their programs are definitely not CP A approved and if not APA or CP


A approved are their degrees up to par? Given this, I will have to question your interview with myself that occurred on 7 May at R.C.M.P., 754 Dominion, Winnipeg, MB. Thank you The young recruit did not receive a reply to his 25 May, 2010 letter from this guy, Neal Anderson! You would think the RCMP [and the DND as he apparently used to work for them too] would have chosen someone with an APA or CPA approved degree? What kind of psychologist assessed the rising star for the Canadian Forces, Col. Russell Williams? Footnotes 1 10. Canadian Air Force star admits killing 2 women He pleads guilty in their deaths, assaults on 2 others and 82 breakins By Charmaine Noronha, The Associated Press, 2010-10-18 11 26. Col. Williams showed no mercy as murder victims begged for their lives By: Maria Babbage, The Canadian Press Latest NewsThe Canadian Press - ONLINE EDITION Posted: 19/10/2010 ed+up+for+Col.+Russell+Williams+crimes&cd=7&hl=en&ct=cln k&gl=ca Also see: This is one sick Canadian bastard. I hope he burns in hell for ALL OF ETERNITY! cited in: Canadian military officer


exposed as serial killer Tuesday 19th October, 2010 27. The Very Thin Red Line: This police force is horribly broken. 8684632&sr=1-9 28. Reference to: RCMP Contracts Over $10,000 Dr. Neal D. Anderson (Ph.D., C. Psych.) is a registered clinical psychologist in private practice in Manitoba. He has a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute (Carpinteria, California). Reference to: tute+canadian+psychology+association&cd=3&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl =ca 29. This psychologist has his diploma from Pacifica Graduate Institute which is neither approved by the American Psychological Association nor by the Canadian Psychological Association. Reference to: PACIFICA: are you approved From: Wendy Overend ( Sent: May 13, 2010 10:55:59 AM To: thegoodones@ Pacifica has applied to APA for consideration. Please keep an eye on our website for news and updates on the APA application process. APA is only applicable to the Ph.D. Clinical Psychology program... which is full-time low residency and NOT a hybrid


distance learning program. Please sign up online if you are interested in receiving our materials! Thanks, Wendy Again, as of 15 August, 2010 Pacifica Graduate Institute confirms again that they are not APA approved, with the statement the Pacifica continues to update its Self-Study for application to the American Psychological Association for accreditation. In other words, Pacifica Graduate Institute is not APA approved. 30. Reference to RCMP Application # A00184954 obtained under Privacy Access. A search of Canadas security and intelligence agency [CSIS] found no criminal record or any record about the young 22 year old applicant: Applicant Security Form Page 1 of 1 Personnel Security (RCMP) > Personnel Security > CSIS Response Applicant |D;A00184954 Application Status: Active Location: D0026 Security Screening Request No.: 170067878 CSIS Result Code: 1 No Reportable Traces Comments CASE CONCLUDED WITHOUT FIELD INVESTIGATION. 201002-24


Postscript This young male Canadian Forces members medical symptoms are cited in this book in the hope that someone is aware of some ailment circulating Shilo Military Base in the summer of 2006 that may explain his symptoms? After all, one isnt going to get any such information from the Canadian Forces? Just look at their rising star Russell Williams [Chapter 10]? How many victims reported his behavior to the Canadian Forces long before he was finally arrested? Should the victims or their families sue the Government of Canada and the Canadian Forces? You bet they should? This book has hopefully described the mean-spirited Canadian Government departments, in this case the Canadian Forces and the Canadian Human Rights Commission, when they thought they could run rough-shod over this young male Canadian Forces member without consequences. Similarly, hopefully the book has made clear the continued meanspirited nature of the Canadian Forces, not to assist a young male grunt who had contracted some sort of ailment at Canadian Force Base Shilo in the summer of 2006 only to be discarded by the Canadian Forces on his return home. These deplorable actions of the Canadian Forces were followed by the Canadian Human Rights Commission in their tag-team effort with the Canadian Forces not to deal with his legitimate human rights complaint that his 2009 re-application was not being processed apparently contrary to human rights doctrine. People are tired of the tricks by the Federal Government of Canada to protect itself from legitimate complaints.


This book may prove beneficial to anyone who finds themselves in similar circumstances as this young male Canadian Forces member. As far as the author is concerned and, if nothing else, this book hopefully demonstrates that the Canadian Government appears to be a very vindictive employer The author knows that many people are disgruntled with the crap that goes on in our society. However, the majority simply throw their hands in the air and say cant fight city hall. Sure you can! Many blog their frustrations. Its a good way to ventilate, but its not a permanent record of the slights that people suffer. The authors recommendation is that, if you get no satisfaction through regular channels, then write about the injustice. There are many ways to economically publish your work nowadays. Youll be doing the rest of us a big favor, well be well aware of the culprits that curry injustice, so we can protect ourselves from such persons and / or the government departments where they work. Wallice Bellair


APPENDICES Appendix 1 [Regina profs pan free tuition for soldiers' kids] Regina profs pan free tuition for soldiers' kids Last Updated: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 CBC News A scholarship program for the children of dead soldiers is raising questions among some professors at the University of Regina. They say they're concerned about Project Hero, a program that pays the tuition of students who have had a parent die while on military duty for Canada. More than 80 universities and colleges in Canada have committed to the project, which pays for four years of tuition, plus $1,000 for books. U of R president Vianne Timmons announced two weeks ago the university would provide the scholarship, but that has led to a campus controversy. Sixteen professors have signed a letter to Timmons stating the program glorifies military action and they don't want their school to be part of it. Among those with concerns is Jeffrey Webber, who teaches political science and who says the name of the program celebrates military intervention abroad. "We think this is a glorification of the Afghan effort," he said. Group proposes alternative Webber said it's not that they are against helping the children of the Canadian military. "Why stop at the question of dependents of Canadian Forces personnel? There's all kinds of people who are killed in workplace accidents," he said.


As an alternative to the program, the group says there should be universal access to post-secondary education. The program was started about a year ago by Toronto businessman Kevin Reed and retired general Rick Hillier. "We just thought it was the right thing to do for these men and women in uniform," said Reed, who's an honorary lieutenantcolonel of the military's Canadian Brigade Group service units. Story comments March 30/10 Regarding Jeffrey Webber and friends opposing Project Hero is another example of academics who are ignorant to the realities of life and ungrateful to those that have fought for the freedom that they enjoy. What a disgusting lot! The University of Regina could do better. Do the children of these Prof's get free tuition? If so exactly WHY? What in God's name have these jokers done to deserve it. They make enough money sitting at their desks unlike a family which has lost it's bread winner serving this country. I sure hope these Prof's have not had any kids. The gene pool is simple being deluted if they have! I wonder if the female Prof's that signed it would like to go to a Taliban dominated area and try to teach. Now that I would really like to see, instead of them living here and working under the protection the men and women of the armed forces have provided for them. Send them all over their. They would be a lesser loss than a Canadian Forces member!


Appendix 2 [Passed Everything for Nanaimo 748 Communications Squadron]


Appendix 3 [Shilo boot camp (BMQ) very physically demanding]



Appendix 4a [Young male Canadian Forces member had trouble breathing]


Appendix 4b [Prescribed Prednisone]


Appendix 5 [Lungs are clear]


Appendix 6 [Young male Canadian Forces member felt dizzy and feels off balance]


Appendix 7 [Young male Canadian Forces member felt better and did pt this am and looked well]


Appendix 8 [Still taking prednisone for asthma / bronchitis?]


Appendix 9 [Vomited this morning]


Appendix 10 [Ketone reading was 160/16 and ph at 5]


Appendix 11 [Ketone reading was large and ph at 6]


Appendix 12 [WBC, NEUTS and MONOS high]


Appendix 13 [Admitted to Brandon Regional Health Centre]


Appendix 14 [Radiological exam showed nothing amiss]


Appendix 15 [Urine analysis indicated nothing amiss]


Appendix 16 [CREATINE KINASE and ALT high]


Appendix 17 [CKMB MASS of 21.0]


Appendix 18 [Symptoms related to exercise-induced problems]


Appendix 19 [Return to ER if symptoms worsen]


Appendix 20 [Hematology found normal ranges]


Appendix 21 [UREA low]


Appendix 22 [Emergency re-admission abdominal pain lower upper quadrant, vomiting, diarrhea]


Appendix 23 [Summary is being sent to his GP]


Appendix 24a [Document for his family doctor]


Appendix 24b [Document for his family doctor]


Appendix 25 [Family doctor requested blood work]


Appendix 26 [Family doctor requested blood work]


Appendix 27 [Family doctor requested blood work]


Appendix 28 [Family doctor requested blood work]


Appendix 29 [Family doctor requested blood work]


Appendix 30 [Family doctor requested blood work]


Appendix 31 [Family doctor requested blood work]


Appendix 32 [Family doctor requested blood work]


Appendix 33 [Family doctor requested blood work]


Appendix 34 [Family doctor requested blood work]


Appendix 35 [Family doctor requested blood work]


Appendix 36 [Family doctor requested blood work]


Appendix 37 [Family doctor requested blood work]


Appendix 38 [Family doctor requested blood work]


Appendix 39 [RBC, ALT, and AST high]


Appendix 40 [Letter from Leighanne MacKenzie of the Vancouver Island Health Authority]


Appendix 41 [Captain D.R. Bowhey of the Nanaimo 748 Comm Unit tried to get rid of this under-the-weather young male Canadian Forces member]


Appendix 42 [Higher-ups change RTU to a medical RTU due to the undetermined medical conditions you have presently]


Appendix 43 [Family doctor confirmed his medical condition]


Appendix 44 [Captain D.R. Bowhey of the Nanaimo 748 Comm Unit tells this under-the-weather young male Canadian Forces member he must show up for military training]


Appendix 45 [Captain D.R. Bowhey of the Nanaimo 748 Comm Unit tells this under-the-weather young male Canadian Forces member that no further civilian doctor excusals will be accepted]


Appendix 46 [Captain D.R. Bowhey of the Nanaimo 748 Comm Unit apparently trying to use the excuse that this young male Canadian Forces members underlying ailment may make him unfit for continued employment with the Canadian Forces]


Appendix 47 [Captain D.R. Bowhey of the Nanaimo 748 Comm Unit apparently trying to use the excuse that this young male Canadian Forces members underlying ailment may make him unfit for continued employment with the Canadian Forces]



Appendix 48 [Family doctor responds to Captain D.R. Bowhey of the Nanaimo 748 Comm Unit]


Appendix 49 [Light duties]



Appendix 50 [Karen Pauls, a national reporter with the CBC news]


Appendix 51 [Karen Pauls, a national reporter with the CBC news]


Appendix 52 [Karen Pauls, a national reporter with the CBC news]


Appendix 53 [Karen Pauls, a national reporter with the CBC news]


Appendix 54a [Using the back of the medical information sheet about Prednisone]


Appendix 54b [Using the back of the medical information sheet about Prednisone]


Appendix 54c [Using the back of the medical information sheet about Prednisone]


Appendix 54d [Using the back of the medical information sheet about Prednisone]


Appendix 54e [Using the back of the medical information sheet about Prednisone]


Appendix 54f [Using the back of the medical information sheet about Prednisone]


Appendix 55 [Young male Canadian Forces [former] members 19 October, 2009 application]


Appendix 56 [He emailed the Canadian Forces on 23 February, 2010 to ask what was happening to his application]


Appendix 57 [He emailed the Canadian Forces again on 29 April, 2010 to ask what was happening to his application]


Appendix 58 [Canadian Forces reply waiting for medical documents]


Appendix 59 [Complaint in June, 2010 to the Canadian Human Rights Commission]



Appendix 60 [Disturbing details chronicle colonel's double life] Disturbing details chronicle colonel's double life News Staff Date: Mon. Oct. 18 2010 9:58 PM ET Warning: This story contains details that may be disturbing to some readers. A court heard chilling details Monday of Col. Russell Williams's double life, including the thousands of graphic photos he took of himself wearing stolen women's underwear, and the sexual assault of a young mother as her baby slept nearby. The proceedings began Monday morning in a Belleville, Ont., courtroom where Williams, former commander of CFB Trenton, pleaded guilty to two murders, two sexual assaults and 82 breakins in Eastern Ontario. The 47-year-old admitted to murdering Jessica Lloyd, whose body was found in February in a field near her Tweed home, and Cpl. Marie-France Comeau, who served as a flight attendant on military flights that Williams piloted. Comeau was found dead in her home last November. In the final charge to be addressed in court before the session ended for the day, the Crown described details of the sexual assault of a young mother, whose identity is protected by a publication ban. The victim woke up in her bed to Williams holding her head down before being tied up and blindfolded and photographed in various states of undress. The attack lasted for about two hours. The court heard the victim told police that Williams treated her more nicely after she told him he didn't seem like the type of person to commit such acts. The victim also told police Williams seemed like a dad.'


Before Williams left, he told the young woman to count to 300 before untying herself. She stopped at 70 and Williams told her to keep going. When she reached 200 she realized he was gone and called police. For hours on Monday, prosecutors described to a shocked courtroom how Williams took thousands of graphic photographs of himself wearing women's and girls' underwear during dozens of thefts. The list of charges was so long that it took nearly 40 minutes to read through in court. The crimes began in the fall of 2007 and ended at the start of this year. After Williams entered his guilty pleas, a Crown prosecutor read aloud an agreed statement of facts, which provided details on how the disgraced colonel selected his victims. The prosecutor said Williams would stake out the homes of young, attractive women, before breaking in and stealing their lingerie and other items. Generally the women he targeted were between their late teens and early 30s, though in a few cases Williams broke into homes where pre-teen girls lived. He broke into the bedrooms of at least 12 girls under the age of 18. After breaking into a home, Williams would hunt for lingerie in bedrooms. Then he would model the underwear he intended to take and would masturbate. He always took a photograph of the room where he found the underwear and generally a photo of himself wearing it, prosecutors said. The prosecution also said Williams took thousands of these photos, including a shot of himself wearing underwear that belonged to twin 11-year-old girls.


The court was shown numerous examples of these photos, some of which showed Williams masturbating for the camera. Williams would then take the underwear home, adding to a growing collection of stolen clothing. Prosecutors say he kept a time and date stamp on all of the photos, which he stored on hard drives that he kept hidden in his basement ceiling. At his home, Williams eventually burned some of the stolen items once he had collected too many to hold onto. During the morning court session, Williams, wearing a dark suit, kept his head down as the photos of himself were shown in court. In the afternoon, Williams looked up from time to time and stared at the graphic images. Williams was a well-respected soldier and family man leading a double life until his arrest on Feb. 7. Three days before, Williams had driven through a police checkpoint, set up to compare car tires to tread marks found outside of Lloyd's house after she was murdered. The tires on Williams' SUV matched those tread marks. Victims terrorized During one break-in, Williams took items from three female members, between the ages of 12 and 21, of an Ottawa family. One daughter reported finding a photo album left open to a page in which she had filed an old photo ID. Another daughter found personal pictures laid out on her bedroom floor, while another found a Word document on her computer with the word merci.' At another break-in, a 15-year-old girl was too scared to sleep in her own bedroom after dozens of items were taken. At yet another, Williams stole dozens of items from a young woman and left her a lurid letter.


In July 2009, Williams' behaviour escalated, court heard. In one instance, he watched from the backyard as a woman undressed and got into the shower. Williams then undressed, entered the home, stole a pair of panties and left. The court also heard that Williams saved screen shots of Ottawa police news releases about a string of break-ins and thefts. In addition to the statement of facts, the court will hear victim impact statements over the next few days. Lloyd's brother Andy said outside court he and his family look forward to giving their statements to "let (Williams) and the courts know, and the parole board in 25 years, how this has affected us." Lloyd told reporters he was appalled at the photographic evidence presented by prosecutors. "Everybody's probably going to think the same thing I thought," Lloyd said. "I thought it was disgusting. Some of the pictures I thought were terrible." The courtroom was packed with family members of victims, journalists and curious members of the public, many of whom struggled to contain their emotions. Some had to leave the courtroom as the more graphic photographs were displayed. Greg Bowerman, a civilian cook at CFB Trenton, said the case "defaces the Canadian government (and) our people. "Somebody that high-ranking doing something like this, it's a sad day for Canada," Bowerman said. Williams will be sentenced later this week. He faces an automatic sentence of life in prison for the murders he committed. His shocking crimes have drawn the attention of media across Canada and even the U.S. On Monday, reporters from CBS News and the New York Times attended the hearing for the disgraced colonel.


Williams is also facing a $2.45-million civil lawsuit from one of the women he is accused of attacking. That case is separate from the criminal charges he pleaded guilty to on Monday. Gen. Walt Natynczyk, Chief of the Defence Staff, issued a statement on Monday afternoon in reaction to Williams' guilty plea. "The tragic events surrounding Colonel Russell Williams stunned all Canadians and none more so than the members of the Canadian Forces. Today's guilty plea is the first step in a healing process that will no doubt take many years," said Natynczyk. "Upon formal conviction we will be in a position to officially begin the administrative process that will lead to Colonel Williams' release from the Canadian Forces. This will be completed as quickly as possible."


Appendix 61 [Col. Williams assaulted victim after she had seizures] Col. Williams assaulted victim after she had seizures News Staff Date: Tue. Oct. 19 2010 8:13 PM ET Warning: This story contains details that may be disturbing to some readers Disgraced Col. Russell Williams repeatedly sexually assaulted Jessica Lloyd despite the fact she had seizures and begged to be taken to hospital, a Belleville, Ont. court heard Tuesday. Lloyd's family members sobbed as Crown prosecutors detailed the last hours of Lloyd's life during the second day of Williams's sentencing hearing for a series of sexually motivated crimes. On Monday, Williams pleaded guilty to two counts of first-degree murder, two sexual assaults and 82 fetish break-ins in Eastern Ontario. Before court recessed for the day, Williams was formally convicted of all charges against him after prosecutors spent two days detailing graphic evidence of his crimes. Earlier Tuesday afternoon, court heard how the former commander of CFB Trenton told police he first noticed Lloyd when he spied her working out on her treadmill in the basement of her house. He then staked out her home, came back to watch her from the back yard before breaking in and approaching her in her sleep. Williams tied her up, taped her mouth and repeatedly sexually assaulted her before taking Lloyd to his home in Tweed, where he had her shower, let her sleep and then again sexually assaulted her.


When Lloyd began having seizures, she begged Williams to take her to the hospital. Williams did not, and continued to assault her. He videotaped the entire ordeal. "If I die, will you make sure to let my mom know that I love her," Crown prosecutors said Lloyd asked Williams. Williams fed Lloyd some fruit before he hit her over the head with a flashlight and strangled her with a rope. That was Jan. 29. Williams left Lloyd's body at his home as he returned to work at CFB Trenton. He stayed overnight at the base before flying soldiers to California. He returned days later to dump her body in a nearby field. For the past two days, Crown prosecutors have outlined how Williams went from stealing underwear from women's bedrooms to murdering two women from Eastern Ontario and sexually assaulting two other victims in the same region. Earlier Tuesday, court heard how Williams suffocated flight attendant Cpl. Marie-France Comeau in her own home. Crown prosecutors detailed evidence that showed Williams used his authority to learn where she lived and when she worked. Crown prosecutors told the court that Williams first noticed Comeau when she was working on a military flight. The two had a conversation and Comeau mentioned that she lived alone. Upon learning that information, Williams broke into her home twice last November. The second time, he killed Comeau, a 38year-old career soldier. The 47-year-old Williams, wearing a black suit and light-coloured striped shirt, sat quietly as his many crimes were described to the court on Tuesday. Crown prosecutors explained how Williams first broke into the house where Comeau lived by herself last November, stealing some of her undergarments and taking photos of her ID and home.


A week after his initial break-in, Williams returned to her home and broke in again. Hiding in Comeau's basement, Williams intended to wait until she fell asleep to go to her bedroom. But she ended up making a trip to her basement to look for her cat, which was staring at Williams. Comeau called Wililams a "bastard" and screamed. Williams hit her on the head with a flashlight, which caused her head to bleed profusely. He tied her up. He then went outside to cover his tracks. At the front door of Comeau's home, Williams jammed a key in the lock. He broke the key off to prevent anyone from coming through. Inside the house, Williams carried Comeau to her bedroom. He repeatedly sexually assaulted her in the hours before her death. He took photos and videos of his assaults on Comeau, none of which were shown in court. The Crown said Comeau made repeated pleas for her life, asking Williams to "have a heart pleaseI've been really goodI want to live." Williams eventually suffocated her by placing duct tape over her nose and mouth. Williams then took extensive measures to clean up the scene of the murder, including washing Comeau's bedsheets in bleach. He fled Comeau's home and drove directly to Ottawa for a meeting about the acquisition of a C-17 military transport plane. Williams later wrote a letter of condolence to Comeau's father in which he praised Comeau as a "professional, caring and


compassionate woman who earned the respect of all with whom she came into contact." Williams urged the elder Comeau to "please let me know whether there is anything I can do to help you during this very difficult time." Pattern of escalating behaviour Earlier Tuesday, the court also heard a description of a prior incident in which Williams sexually assaulted a woman who fell asleep watching TV in September 2009. The woman woke up when someone hit her on the head with a flashlight, in an attempt to knock her out. It was Williams, who told her she was being robbed. He tied up the woman and blindfolded her. Then he cut off her top and bra and began taking photos of her. He indicated that she would not be harmed if she let him take pictures. He also forced her into various poses. Prior to the start of Tuesday's hearing, Crown prosecutor Lee Burgess said the case was "the most awful" he had dealt with in his 20-year career. Michael Edelson, the lawyer representing Williams, said the day's proceedings were going to be "another extremely difficult day." Williams pleads guilty On Monday, Williams pleaded guilty to murdering two Eastern Ontario women and to sexually assaulting two other women from the same region. Williams also admitted to committing dozens of break-and-enters over the past three years, in which he stole hundreds of undergarments from women who lived in the houses he burglarized.


It was revealed that when Williams broke into houses, he took pictures of himself modeling the underwear he found and often masturbated while doing so. The women he targeted were generally between their late teens and early 30s, though in at least 12 cases, he stole underwear from the bedrooms of underage women. Williams stored the stolen underwear at his home and kept detailed records about his thefts on computer hard drives that he hid in his basement ceiling. Crown prosecutors say he took thousands of photos of the undergarments and other items he stole from women in Eastern Ontario. Williams became known to police on Feb. 4, when they set up a roadblock on Highway 37 between Belleville and Trenton to check SUVs for tires that matched treads found outside Lloyd's home. When police discovered Williams's tires matched the tread, they began to follow him and arrested him three days later. Williams confessed to his crimes and led police to both Lloyd's body and computer files and military duffel bags filled with evidence that he stored in the garage of his Ottawa home. The proceedings will resume Wednesday morning with Williams's confession video and Crown statements. Court will then hear victim impact statements from victims' family members.


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