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Modern passenger vehicles with gasoline engines are provided with different compensating devices for fuel air mixture supply. Even then there is a high fuel consumption because of many factors. One of the important factors that affect the fuel consumption is that design of carburetor. The venturi of the carburetor is important that provides a necessary pressure drop in the carburetor device. Since different SI engine alternative fuels such as LPG, CNG are used in the present day vehicles to reduce the pollution and fuel consumption. Still for a better economy and uniform fuel air supply there is a need to design the carburetor with an effective analytical tool or software. In this work three parameters namely pressure drop and fuel discharge nozzle angle of the carburetor will be analyzed using computational fluid dynamics. For this analysis CFD will be done using 2 softwares namely GAMBIT and FLUENT. The results obtained from the softwares will be analyzed for optimum design of a carburetor.


INTRODUCTION TO CAD/CAM CAD/CAM is a term which means computer-aided design and computeraided manufacturing. It is the technology concerned with the use of digital computers to perform certain functions in design and production. This technology is moving in the direction of greater integration of design and manufacturing, two activities which have traditionally been treated as district and separate functions in a production firm. Ultimately, CAD/CAM will provide the technology base for the computer-integrated factory of the future. Computer aided design (CAD) can be defined as the use of computer systems to assist in the creation, modification, analysis, or optimization of a design. The computer systems consist of the hardware and software to perform the specialized design functions required by the particular user firm. The CAD hardware typically includes the computer, one or more graphics display terminals, keyboards, and other peripheral equipment. The CAD software consists of the computer programs to implement computer graphics on the system plus application programs to facilitate the engineering functions of the user company. Examples of these application programs include stress-strain analysis of components, dynamic response of mechanisms, heat-transfer calculations, and numerical control part programming. Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) can be defined as the use of computer systems to plan, manage, and control the operations of manufacturing plant through either direct or indirect computer interface with the plants production resources.

In fast moving world the time is very important criteria. But in the manual program time takes more and more for every work in the world

In the production department drawing is very important for design the various parts. In the manual work, its takes more time and is also very difficult to draw various components compare to CAD. So, to avoid these difficulties, CAD implements for quick & accurate design. Computer aided design have various packages are Auto CAD, Pro-E, etc. Auto CAD is using for 2D drawing and Pro-E is the latest implement in CAD, Which is especially using for 3D modeling. Most of the industry Pro-E is using for creating a new Design and modification of existing Design. Before to start the production we can visualize entire parts and assembly view of the model by using Pro-E. We were design the entire part of SINGLE PLATE CLUTCH and assembled it. Ansys software is used for analyzing the 3d modeling objects. The ANSYS program has much finite element analysis, capabilities, ranging from a simple, linear, static analysis to a complex nonlinear, transient dynamic analysis. THE DESIGN PROCESS: The process of designing is characterized by six identifiable steps or phase 1. Recognition of need 2. Definition of problem 3. Synthesis 4. Analysis and optimization 5. Evaluation

APPLICATION OF COMPUTERS FOR DESIGN: The various design-related tasks which are performed by a modern computer-aided design system can be grouped into four functional areas: 1. Geometric modeling 2. Engineering analysis 3. Design review and evaluation 4. Automated drafting Geometric modeling In computer-aided design, geometric modeling is concerned with the computer- compatible mathematical description of the geometry of an object. The mathematical description allows the image of the object to be displayed and manipulated on a graphics terminal through signals from the CPU of the CAD system. The software that provides geometric modeling capabilities must be designed for efficient use both by the computer and the human designer. There are several different methods of representing the object in geometric modeling. The basic form uses wire frames to represent the object. Wire frame geometric modeling is classified into three types, depending on the capabilities of the interactive computer graphics system. The three types are: 2D. 2D. Two Dimensional representation is used for a flat object. this goes somewhat beyond the 2D capability by permitting a three-

dimensional object to be represented as long as it has no side wall details. 3D. this allows for full three dimensional modeling of a more complex geometry.

The most advanced method of geometric modeling is solid modeling in three dimensions. Another feature of some CAD systems is color graphics capability. By means of color, it is possible to display more information on the graphics screen. Colored images help to clarify components in an assembly, or highlight dimensions, or a host of other purposes. Engineering analysis CAD/CAM systems often include or can be interfaced to engineering analysis software which can be called to operate on the current design model. Examples of this type are 1. Analysis of mass properties 2. Finite element analysis The analysis may involve stress strain calculations, heat-transfer computations, or the use of differential equations to describe the dynamic behavior of the system being designed.



INTRODUCTION TO PRO-ENGINEER Pro-Engineer is a powerful application. It is ideal for capturing the design intent of your models because at its foundation is a practical philosophy. Founder of this Pro-Engineer is Parametric Technology Corporation. After this version they are released Pro-E 2000i2 , Pro-E 2001,Pro-e Wildfire, Pro-e Wildfire2. Screen Lay Out:

Main Window: When the Pro-E is started, the main window opens on desktop. The four distinct elements of the window are: Pull-down menu Tool bar Display area Message area Pull-Down Menus: The Pro-E pull-down menus are valid in all modes of the system. File: Contains commands for manipulating files Edit: Contains action commands.


View: Contains commands for controlling model display and display performance. Datum: Creates datum features. Analysis: Provides access to options for model, surface, curve and motion analysis, as well as sensitivity and optimization studies. Info: Contains commands for performing queries and generating reports. Application: Provides access to various Pro-E modules. Utilities: Contains commands for customizing our working environment. Windows: Contains commands for managing various Pro-E windows. Help: Contains commands for accessing online documentation. Tool bar: The Pro-E toolbar contains icons for frequently used options from the pulldown

menus. The tool bar is also customized. Display area: Pro-E displays parts, assemblies, drawings, and models on the screen in the display area. An objects on the current environment settings. Message area: The message area between the toolbar and the display area performs multiple Functions by: Providing status information for every operation performed. Providing queries/hints for additional information to complete a

command/task. Displaying icons in the message area, which represent different forms of information such as warnings or status prompts.

SKETCHER Sketcher consists of 1. Sketch 2. Dimension 3. Constrain 4. Modify 5. Move 6. Delete 7. Geometric Tools

8. Section Tools 9. Undo 10.Redo SKETCH: The sketch includes basic geometrical primitives such as Point Line Rectangle Arc Circle Advanced geometry which are used in two dimensional as well as three dimensional drawing. Point: It has been drawn by picking the point directly on desired place. Line: There are two options to draw a line 1. Geometry 2. Centerline Both geometry and center line has the following options 2 points 2 tangent


Rectangle: Rectangle is drawn directly using the command rectangle.

Arc: The following are the options in drawing the arc: 1. Tangent End 2. Concentric 3. 3 tangent 4. Fillet Circle: There are two basic types of drawing a circle. They are geometry and construction. Both the above said types include the following options Center/point Concentric 3 tangent Fillet 3 point


ADVANCED GEOMETRY: It includes several advanced features such as Conic Coordinate system Elliptic fillet Ellipse Spline Text Axis point DIMENSIONING: Dimensions can be added to sections as before. When a dimension is added, a weak dimension or constraint will be removed automatically. Although extra dimensions are no longer allowed, it is now possible to make reference dimensions in Sketcher. MODIFYING DIMENSIONS: When dimension values are modified, the section is updated immediately. If we don't want the section to update until we have modified several dimensions, we have to choose Delay Modify first. After the desired changes have been made, Regenerate should be chosen. MOVE: The Move command allows modifying the section by dragging an entity or vertex to a new position without having to specify which dimensions to be


changed. Move will automatically determine which dimensions to be varied so that the section changes in a natural way while preserving all constraints. Move can also be used to drag a dimension to a different location. DELETE: Delete command is used to remove the features from the basic window. Delete has many options such as Delete item Delete many Delete all


GEOMETRIC TOOLS: Geometric tool has the following options: Intersect Trim Divide Use edge Offset edge Mirror Move entity

SECTION TOOLS: Section tool has the following options: Copy draw Integrate Place section Start point Toggle

All Sketcher operations can now be undone with the Undo command. We can hit Undo repeatedly to reverse actions one after another. Redo is provided, as well.


PART PROTRUSION: Protrusion consists of following options : 1. EXTRUDE 2. REVOLVE 3. SWEEP 4. BLEND EXTRUDE: Extrusion means adding the material from a specified side. Condition 1. The drawn sketch must be a closed loop. 2. Enough references should be mentioned. 3. Protrusion adds the material perpendicular to the selected plane.

Options for giving depth: Blind: By choosing the option blind, we can give directly numerical value. Thru until: Adds the material that goes through all the surfaces until it reaches the specified surface. Up to point/vertex:


Adds the material with a flat bottom that continues until it reaches the specified point or vertex. Up to Curve: Adds the material with a flat bottom that continues until it reaches the specified curve that you draw in a plane parallel to the placement plane. Up to Surface: Adds the material from the selected plane to the selected surface. Exemption: For the basic (first) component, there is no option for giving thru next, thru all and thru until. There is no chance for giving two side blend if one side was chosen.

REVOLVE: The revolve option creates a feature by revolving the sketched section around a centerline. A revolved feature can be created either entirely on one side of the sketching plane, or symmetrically on both sides of the sketching plane. To create or redefine a revolved feature, specify the elements in the following order: Attributes Section Direction Angle

Rules for sketching a revolved feature: The revolved section must have a centerline The geometry must be sketched on only one side of the axis of revolution If more than one centerline in the sketch, Pro-E uses the first centerline sketched as the axis of rotation. The section must be closed

Options for Specifying the Angle of Revolution: Variable: Any angle of revolution less than 360 degrees is specified by using this variable 90 : Creates the feature with a fixed angle of 90 degrees. 180 : Creates the feature with a fixed angle of 180 degrees. 270 : Creates the feature with a fixed angle of 270 degrees. 360 : Creates the feature with a fixed angle of 360 degrees. Up To Point/Vertex:


Creates the revolved feature up to a point or vertex. The revolved feature ends when the section plane reaches the point or vertex. Up to Plane: Create the revolved feature up to an existing plane or planar surface that must contain the axis of revolution.




The ANSYS program has many finite element analysis capabilities, ranging from a simple, linear, static analysis to a complex non linear, transient dynamic analysis.

A typical ANSYS analysis has three distinct steps: Building the model Applying loads and obtains the solution Review the results.

Building a finite element model requires a more of an ANSYS users time than any other part of the analysis. First you specify the job name and analysis title. Then, define the element types, real constants, and material properties, and the model geometry.

DEFINING ELEMENT TYPES: The analysis element library contains more than 100 different element types. Each element type has a unique number and a prefix that identifies the element category. Example: beam, pipe, plant, shell, solid.

DEFINING ELEMENT REAL CONSTANTS: Element real constant are the properties that depend on the element type, such as cross sectional properties of a beam element. For example real constants for BEAM3 , the 2-d beam element, or area, moment of inertia(IZZ), height , shear


deflection constant (SHEAR Z), initial strain (ISTRN) different elements of same type may have different real constant values. DEFINING MATERIAL PROPERTIES: Most elements types require material properties. application, material properties may be: Depending on the

Linear or non linear Isotropic, Arthotropic, or an isotropic Constant temperature or temperature dependant

As with element type and real constant, each set of material properties has a material reference number. The table of material reference number verses material property set ids called material property table. Within, one analysis you may have multiple material properties set. MATERIAL PROPERTY TEST: Although you can define material properties separately for each element analysis, the ANSY program enables you to store a material property set in an archival material library file, then retrieve the set and reuse it in multiple analysis. The material library files also enable several ANSYS user to share common used material property data.


OVERVIEW OF MODEL GENERATION: The ultimate purpose of finite element analysis which to recreate mathematical the behavior of an actual engineering system. In other words, the analysis must be an accurate mathematical model of a physical prototype. In the broadest sense, this model comprises all the nodes, elements, material properties, real constant, boundary conditions, and other features that are used to represent the physical system.

In ANSYS terminology, the term model generation usually takes on the narrower meaning of generating the nodes and elements that represent the spatial volume and connectivity of actual system. Thus, model generation in this discussion will mean the process of define the geometric configuration models nodes and elements. The ANSYS program offers you the following approaches to model generation: Creating a solid model within ANSYS. Using direct generation Reporting a model created in CAD system.

MESHING YOUR SOLID MODEL: The procedure for generating a mesh of nodes & elements consists of three main steps: Set the element attributes Set mesh controls Generate the mesh controls,


The second step, setting mesh controls, is not always necessary because the default mesh controls are appropriate for many models. If no controls are specified, the program will use the default setting on the de size command to produce a free mesh. As an alternative, you can use the small size feature to produce a better quality free mesh. FREE ARE MAPPED MESH: Before meshing the model, and even before building the model, it is important to think about whether a free mesh or a mapped mesh is appropriate for the analysis. A free mesh has no restrictions in terms of element shapes, and has no specified pattern applied to it. Compared to a free mesh, a mapped mesh is restricted in terms of the element shape it contains and the pattern of the mesh. A mapped area mesh contains either only quadrilateral or only triangular elements, while a mapped volume mesh contains only hexahedron elements. In addition, a mapped mesh typically has a regular pattern, with obvious rows of elements. If you want this type of mesh, you must build the geometry as series of fairly regular volumes and or areas that can accept a mapped mesh.


Before you generate a mesh of nodes and elements, you must first define the appropriate element attributes. That is, you must specify the following: Element type

Real constant set Material properties set Element co-ordinate system.


The main goal of finite element analysis is to examine how a structure or component response to certain loading condition. Specifying the proper loading conditions, therefore, a key stepping analysis. You can apply loads on the model in variety of ways in ANSYS program.

The word loads in ANSYS terminology includes boundary. Conditions and externally or internally applied forcing functions. Example of loads in different disciplines are: Structural: displacement, forces, pressures, temperatures (for thermal strain) , gravity Thermal: temperatures, heat flow rate, convections, and internal heat generation, infinite surface Magnetic: Magnetic Potentials, magnetic flux, and magnetic current segment Electric: electric potentials, electric current, charges, charge densities, infinite Fluid: Velocities and pressures A DOF constraint fixes the degrees of freedom of a known value. Examples of constraints are specified displacement and symmetric boundary conditions in structural analysis, prescribed temperatures in thermal analysis, and flux parallel boundary conditions.

A force is concentrated load applied at a node in a model. Examples are forces and moments in structural analysis, heat flow rates in thermal analysis. A surface load is distributed load applied over a surface. Examples are pressures in structural analysis and convections and heat fluxes in thermal analysis. Coupled field loads are simple case of one of the above loads, where results from analysis are used as loads in another analysis. For examples you may apply magnetic forces calculated in magnetic field analysis are force loads in structural analysis. HOW TO APPLY LOADS: You can apply loads most loads either on the solid model (on key points, line, areas) or on the finite element model ( on nodes and elements). For example, you can specify forces at a key point or a node. Similarly, you can specify convections (and other surface loads) on lines and areas or nodes and element faces. No matter how you specify loads, the solver expects all loads to be in term of finite element model. Therefore if your specify loads on the solid model, the program automatically transfers them to the nodes and element at the beginning of the solution.

In the solution phase of the analysis, the computer takes over and solves the simultaneous equations that the finite element method generates. The result of the solution are: a nodal degree of freedom values, which form the primary solution, and b) derived values, which form the element solution. The element solution is


usually calculated at the elements integration points. The ANSYS program writes the results to the database as well as to the result file.

Several methods of solving the simultaneous equations are available in the ANSYS program: frontal solution, sparse direct solution, Jacobi Conjugate gradient (JCG solution, incomplete cholesky conjugate (ICCG) solution, preconditioned conjugate gradient (PCG) solution, automatic iterative solver option (ITER). The frontal solver is the default, but you can select a different solver. POST PROCESSING: After building the model and obtaining the solution, you will want answers to some critical question: will the design really work when put to use? How high are the stresses in this region? How does the temperature of this part vary with

time? What is the heat loss across my model? How does the magnetic flow through this device? How does the placement of this object affect fluid flow? The post processors in the ANSYS program can help you find answer these questions and others. Post processing means reviewing the results of an analysis. it is probably the most important step in the analysis, because you are trying to understand how the applied loads affect your design, how good you finite element mesh is, and so on. Two post processors are available review your results: Post 1 , the general post processor, and post 26, the time history post processor. Post 1 allow you to review the results over the entire model at specific load steps and sub steps ( or at specific time points or frequencies). In a static structural analysis, for example,

you can display the stress distribution for load step 3 or, in a transient thermal analysis, you can display the temperature distribution at time 100 seconds.


The ANSYS solver writes results of an analysis to the results file during solution. The name of the results file depends on the analysis discipline:

Job Name. rst for structural analysis. THE GENERAL POST PROCESSOR: You use Post1, the general post processor, to review analysis results over the entire model, combination of or selected portion of the model, of a specifically defined loads at a single time ( or frequency). Post 1 has many

capabilities, ranging from simple graphics display and tabular listing to more complex data manipulation such as load case combinations.

Graphics display is perhaps the most effective way to review results. You can display the following types of graphics in post1:

Contour displays Deformed shape displays Vector displays


Path plots Reaction force displays Particle flow traces.

INTRODUCTION TO STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS Structural analysis is probably the most common application of the finite element method. The term structural (or structure) implies not only civil engineering structures such as bridges and buildings, but also naval, aeronautical and mechanical structures such as ship hulls, aircraft bodies and machine housings, as well as mechanical components such as pistons, machine parts and tools.

Types of structural analysis. The seven types of structural analysis provided by ANSYS are given below. 1. Static analysis: used to determine displacement, stresses etc. under static

loading conditions. Both linear and non-linear static analyses. Non Linearitys can include plasticity, stress stiffening , large deflection , large strain, hyper elasticity, contact surfaces, and creep. 2. Modal analysis: used to calculate the natural frequencies and mode shapes of a structure. Different mode extraction methods are available.


Harmonic analysis: used to determine the response of a structure to

harmonically time varying loads.


4. Transient dynamic analysis: used to determine the response of a structure to arbitrarily time varying loads. All non-linearitys mentioned under static analysis above are allowed.

5. Spectrum analysis: an extension of the model analysis, used to calculate stress and strain due to response spectrum or a PSD input (random vibrations). 6. Buckling analysis: used to calculate the buckling load and determine the buckling mode shape. Both linear (eigenvalue) buckling and non linear buckling analyses are possible. 7. Explicit dynamic analysis ANSYS provides an interface to the LS-Dyna explicit finite element programs is used to calculate fast solution for large deformation dynamics and complex contact problems.



A steady state thermal analysis calculates the effects of steady thermal loads on a system or component. Engineer/analysts often perform a steady state analysis before doing a transient thermal analysis, to help establish initial conditions. A steady state analysis also can be the last step of a transient thermal analysis, performed after all transient effects have diminished.

You use steady state thermal analysis to determine temperatures, thermal gradients, heat flow rates, and thermal loads that do not vary over time cause heat fluxes in an object that. Such loads include the following.

Convections Radiations Heat Flow rates Heat fluxes (heat flow per unit area) Constant temperature boundaries.

A steady state thermal analysis may be either linear, with constant material properties; or non linear, with material properties that depend on temperature. The thermal properties of most material do vary with temperature, so the analysis usually is non linear, including radiation effects also makes the analysis non linear.


Introduction: Internal Combustion Engines Engine is a device that transforms one form of energy into another form. Heat energy is a device that transforms the chemical energy contained in a fuel to another form of energy and utilizes that energy for some useful work. Internal combustion engine is a device in which the combustion of the working fluid takes place inside the engine e.g. gasoline or diesel engine.

SI Engine SI engine is known as spark ignition engine. In case of such engines the cycle is completed in 4 strokes of the piston namely suction, compression, power and exhaust.

Suction: Suction strokes starts when the piston is at the top dead center. At this time the intake valve is open where as the exhaust valve is closed. When the piston moves towards the bottom dead center, suction is created and fuel-air mixture is drawn into the cylinder.

Compression: During the return of the piston from the bottom dead center towards the top dead center, the charge sucked during the intake stroke gets compressed. During this stroke both valves are in open condition. At the end the mixture is ignited with the help of a spark plug. Due to the ignition the chemical energy of the fuel is converted into heat energy and the temperature rises to about 20000C.

Expansion: During this stroke both the valves remain in closed position and power is also produced.


Exhaust: During this stroke the inlet valve remains in closed position whereas the exhaust valve remains open. The piston moves from bottom dead center to the top dead center and sweeps the burnt gases out of the cylinder.

CI Engine CI engine is known as compression ignition engine. In case of such engines also the cycle is completed in 4 strokes of the piston but it operates at a much higher compression ratio.

Suction: During this stroke the inlet valve opens and the exhaust valve closes. Only air is inducted into the cylinder.

Compression: The air inducted into the cylinder gets compressed due to the movement of the piston from bottom dead center to the top dead center because both the valve remains in closed position.

Expansion: Fuel is injected into the cylinder at nearly the beginning of the stroke. Both the valves are still in closed position. Heat is assumed to be added at constant pressure. When the piston moves from top dead center towards the bottom dead center the product of combustion expands.

Exhaust: Since during this stroke the inlet valve is in closed position whereas the exhaust valve is in opened position, so when the piston movers from the bottom dead center towards the top dead center the product of combustion gets expelled from the cylinder.


Introduction SI engines generally use volatile liquids. The preparation of the fuel-air mixture is done outside the engine cylinder. The fuel droplets that remain in suspension also continue to evaporate and mix with air during suction and compression processes also. So carburetion is required to provide a combustible mixture of fuel and air in required quantity and quality.

Definition of Carburetion The process of forming a combustible fuel-air mixture by mixing the right amount of fuel with air before admission to the cylinder of the engine is called carburetion and the device doing this job is called carburetor.

2.3 Factors Affecting Carburetion The various factors affecting the process of carburetion are

1. Engine speed

2. Vaporization characteristics of the fuel

3. Temperature of incoming air

4. Design of the carburetor

Since the engines are of high speed type there is very little time available for mixture preparation. So to have a high quality carburetion the velocity of the air at point of injection of fuel has to be increased. To achieve this, a venturi is provided in the path of air.

Presence of highly volatile hydrocarbons in the fuel also ensures high quality carburetion. The pressure and temperature of the surrounding air also affects the process of carburetion. Higher atmospheric air temperature increases the vaporization of the fuel and hence a more homogeneous mixture is produced. Design of the carburetor, its intake system and the combustion chamber also affect the uniform distribution of mixture to various cylinders of the engine. A carburetor was developed by Enrico Bernardi at the University of Padua in 1882, for his Motrice Pia, the first petrol combustion engine (one cylinder, 1,225 cc) prototyped on 5 August 1882. A carburetor was among the early patents by Karl Benz as he developed internal combustion engines and their components. The Austrian automobile pioneer Siegfried Marcus invented the rotating brush carburettor. This was further improved by the Hungarian engineers Jnos Csonka and Dont Bnki in 1893.[2] Frederick William Lanchester of Birmingham, England, experimented with the wick carburetor in cars. In 1896, Frederick and his brother built the first gasoline driven car in England, a single cylinder 5 hp (3.7 kW) internal combustion engine with chain drive. Unhappy with the performance and power, they re-built the engine the next year into a two cylinder horizontally opposed version using his new wick carburetor design. In 1885, Wilhelm Maybach and Gottlieb Daimler developed a float carburetor for their engine based on the atomizer nozzle.[3]


Carburetors were the usual fuel delivery method for most U.S. made gasolinefueled engines up until the late 1980s, when fuel injection became the preferred method of automotive fuel delivery.[4] In the U.S. market, the last carbureted cars were:

1990 (General public) : Oldsmobile Custom Cruiser, Buick Estate Wagon, Honda Prelude (2.0 S Base Model)

1991 (Police): Ford Crown Victoria Police Interceptor with the 5.8 L (351 cu in) engine.

1991 (SUV): Jeep Grand Wagoneer with the AMC 360 engine. 1994 (Light truck) : Isuzu[5]

In Australia, some cars continued to use carburetors well into the 1990s; these included the Honda Civic until 1993, Daihatsu Charade until 1997, the Suzuki Swift until its end in 1999, as well as the Ford Laser (1994), Mazda 323 sedan (1996), and Mitsubishi Magna sedan (1996). Low-cost commercial vans and 4WDs in Australia continued with carburetors even into the 2000s, the last being the Mitsubishi Express van in 2003.[citation needed] Elsewhere, certain Lada cars used carburetors until 2006. Carburetors are still found in small engines and in older or specialized automobiles, such as those designed for stock car racing, though NASCAR's 2011 season was the last one with carbureted engines; electronic fuel injection is used beginning with the 2012 race season.[7]


Principle of Carburetion

Both air and gasoline are drawn into the cylinder due to suction pressure created by the downward movement of the piston. In the carburetor, the air passing into the combustion chamber picks up the fuel discharged by a fine orifice in a tube called the carburetor jet. The rate of discharge of the fuel depends on the pressure difference between the float chamber and the throat of the venturi of the carburetor and the area of the outlet of the tube. In order that the fuel is strongly atomized the suction effect must be strong and the nozzle outlet must be comparatively small. To produce a strong suction, a restriction is generally provided in the pipe in the carburetor carrying air to the engine. This restriction is called throat. In this throat due to increase in the velocity of the air the pressure is decreased and suction is created. The venturi tube has a narrower path at the center so that the path through air is going to travel is reduced. As same amount of air must travel must travel through the path of the tube so the velocity of the air at the venturi is increased and suction is created. Usually the fuel discharge jet is located at the point where the suction is maximum. So this is positioned just below the throat of the venturi. The spray of the fuel from the fuel discharge jet and the air are mixed at this point of the throat and a combustible mixture is formed. Maximum amount of fuel gets atomized and some part gets vaporized. Due to increase in the velocity of the air at the throat the vaporization of the fuel becomes easier.



CFD stands for computational fluid dynamics. In this project a simple carburetor as was taken and its various dimensions were measured. Then according to the measured dimensions a meshed structure of the carburetor was drawn with the help of GAMBIT software. Then the meshed structure was exported as the .mesh file and was analyzed with proper boundary conditions using the software FLUENT and the results of this analysis were studied. There are so many parameters to vary but in this case only the effect of the variation of the fuel discharge nozzle angle on the flow across the carburetor is studied. The analysis was done for = 300, 350, 400, 450 where is the angle between the axis of the fuel discharge nozzle and the vertical axis of the body of the carburetor. Another analysis was done to calculate the throat pressure for different angles of the throttle plate.


Fig 6.2 The model carburetor


Results and Discussions The inlet air was assumed to enter the carburetor at normal temperature and the pressure was taken to be 1 atm. The following are results of the analysis of the carburetor for different angles of the throttle plate. Fig 6.3 Fig 6.4 Fig 6.3 shows the statics pressure view for 450 throttle plate angle and fig 6.4 shows the static pressure view for 600 throttle plate angle. From fig 6.3 it is clear that when the throttle plate is 450 open, there is less amount of air flow through the inlet valve and hence the mixture is somewhat richer than the other cases. In this case the pressure at the throat of the venturi is around 93000 Pascal. In fig 6.4, when the throttle plate is 600 open, the mixture is slightly leaner than in case of 450 opened throttle plate condition. In this case the pressure at the throat of the venturi is found to be around 91000 Pascal. 28

Fig 6.3




Fig 6.5


Fig 6.6


Fig 6.8


Fig 6.9


Fig 6.5 Fig 6.6 Fig 6.5 shows the static pressure view for 750 throttle plate angle and fig 6.6 shows the static pressure view for 900 throttle plate condition. From fig 6.5, when the throttle plate is 750 open, there is be more amount of air flow through the inlet of the carburetor. So the mixture will be leaner. In this case the pressure at the throat is found to be 87000 Pascal. From fig 6.6, when the throttle plate is 900 open, there will be maximum amount of air flow through the inlet of the carburetor but the fuel flow remains same so the mixture will be leaned in this case. In this case the pressure at the throat is found to be 85000 Pascal. From the analysis done the throat pressure was found to be 90000 Pascal. Then by taking the previous boundary conditions and the throat pressure as 90000 Pascal, Throat pressure (in pascal) Throttle plate angle ( in degrees) Throttle plate angle ~ Static pressure at throat Series1 variation of throat pressure with throttle plate opening Density of gasoline = = 737 kg/m3 Acceleration due to gravity = g = 9.8 m/s2 Difference between the height of tip of fuel discharge nozzle and the float chamber = h= 8mm So the pressure at the inlet of fuel discharge nozzle = P = gh = 737 * 9.8*(.008) = 147780.8 Pascal The following pictures show the results obtained from the analysis of the carburetor with help of FLUENT. 30


Fig 6.8 Fig 6.9 Fig 6.8 shows the static pressure contour for fuel discharge nozzle angle of 300 and Fig6.9 shows the velocity contour for fuel discharge nozzle angle of 300. It is clear from both the figures that the velocity is maximum at the throat of the venturi as shown in fig 6.9 whereas the pressure is the minimum at the venturi of the carburetor as shown in fig 6.8. Fig 6.8 shows a uniform distribution of pressure and fig 6.9 shows that the velocity also uniformly increases from the inlet of the carburetor towards the throat. Since there is uniform distribution of pressure throughout the body of the carburetor, in this case the fuel will be easily atomized and will also be properly vaporized. 31






Fig6.10 6.11 Fig 6.10 shows the static pressure contour for fuel discharge nozzle angle of 350 and Fig6.11 shows the velocity contour for fuel discharge nozzle angle of 350. It is clear from both the figures that the velocity is maximum at the throat of the venturi as shown in fig 6.10 whereas the pressure is the minimum at the venturi of the carburetor as shown in fig 6.11. Fig 6.10 shows that the pressure is not distributed uniformly throughout the body of the carburetor and the distribution is also same in case of velocity as shown in fig 6.11. So, there will not be proper atomization and vaporization of fuel inside the body of the carburetor. 32


Fig 6.12


Fig 6.13


Fig 6.12 Fig 6.13 Fig 6.12 shows the static pressure contour for fuel discharge nozzle angle of 400 and Fig6.13 shows the velocity contour for fuel discharge nozzle angle of 400. It is clear from both the figures that the velocity is maximum at the throat of the venturi as shown in fig 6.12 whereas the pressure is the minimum at the venturi of the carburetor as shown in fig 6.13. Fig 6.12 shows that the pressure is not distributed uniformly throughout the body of the carburetor and the distribution is also same in case of velocity as shown in fig 6.13. So, there will not be proper atomization and vaporization of fuel inside the body of the carburetor. 33



Fig 6.14


Fig 6.15


Fig 6.14 Fig 6.15 Fig 6.14 shows the static pressure contour for fuel discharge nozzle angle of 450 and Fig6.15 shows the velocity contour for fuel discharge nozzle angle of 450. It is clear from both the figures that the velocity is maximum at the throat of the venturi as shown in fig 6.14 whereas the pressure is the minimum at the venturi of the carburetor as shown in fig 6.15. Fig 6.14 shows that the pressure is not distributed uniformly throughout the body of the carburetor and the distribution is also same in case of velocity as shown in fig 6.15. So, there will not be proper atomization and vaporization of fuel inside the body of the carburetor. 34





Cheap, simple to understand and light! (race use) Easy to swap some jets to change fuelling characteristics No electrics or battery required. (Some race vehicles have none or only small battery because of weight considerations)

Work well in most situations Can be swapped from one engine/car to another pretty easily More instant throttle response is possible than with Fuel Injection as we don't have to wait for sensors to tell a computer what's happening and wait for it to calculate a result!

Better mixture control No "choke" needed for cold starts Reliability less "flat spots" than carb system Higher peak power possible due to no restriction caused by carb venture




Conclusion From the above analysis the conclusions obtained are

1. When the flow inside the carburetor was analyzed for different angles of throttle plate opening, it was found that the pressure at the throat of the venturi decreased with the increase in opening of the throttle plate. Because when the throttle plate opening increases then the flow of air through the carburetor increases but the fuel flow remains constant. So the mixture becomes leaner. But as obtained from the analysis above the pressure at the throat the throat also decreases with increase in opening of the throttle plate so the flow of fuel from the float chamber into the throat increases and hence the quality of the mixture tends to remain constant.

2. When analyzed for fuel discharge nozzle angle of 300, it was observed that the pressure distribution inside the body of the carburetor is quite uniform which leads to a better atomization and vaporization of the fuel inside the carburetor body. But in other cases like where the fuel discharge nozzle angle was 350, 400 or 450, the pressure distribution is quite non-uniform inside the body of the carburetor. So it is concluded that for gasoline operated engine the optimum fuel discharge nozzle angle is 300. 35








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