1.a Sika 62 Coating Checklist Grid H1 & G2

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Himalayan Builders and Engineers

EOB Steel Beam Upgrade Project at the American Embassy, Bangkok, Thailand Contract No.: SGE500- 12 - C - 0024

Check List for Steel Lining with Sikagard 62 Area: Steel Beam at Grid H1 and G2. Supervisor: Samrat Srabua Project Engineer: Prakash Singh Rawal Date: Dec 9, 2012.
SN. Description of work Who Measurement Date Accept Reject Signature

1 Material Preparation - Sikagard 62

Batch No. Quantity


Component A Component B Paint will mix by machine (TONG HOR)

9 kg 3 kg

9kg of each bucket 3 kg of each bucket See photos attached



Paint will mix atleast 3 mins, Please see

Work procedure 2 Steel Surface Preparation - Perform steel surface preparation according to Sa 2 as defined by ISO 8501-1 (Shotblasting) HB Done. But, photos not taken.

17-Oct started and Complet ed 27Oct


- Replica tape testing for 5 location per beam for first 5 beams and 1 location for each beam afterwards


Done at see

attached photos
10-Nov Yes

- Steel member thickness with Ultra Thickness Guage after shot blasting calculation of steel loss will be submitted.The required additional steel plate will be welded as per calculation to the beam sections.Refer to work procedure flow chart.After that start of coating of entire one beam.


Steel thickness survey with ultrasonic thickness Guage test report submited.

Test Done on Nov-10 & report submit on 19 Nov


.......................... (Sika Thailand)

................................ (Applicator)

.............................. (Consultant representative)

Page 2

Himalayan Builders and Engineers

EOB Steel Beam Upgrade Project at the American Embassy, Bangkok, Thailand Contract No.: SGE500- 12 - C - 0024

Check List for Steel Lining with Sikagard 62 Area: Steel Beam at Grid H1 and G2. Supervisor: Samrat Srabua Project Engineer: Prakash Singh Rawal Date: Dec 9, 2012.
SN. Description of work Who Measurement Date Accept Reject Signature
st 3 Application of Sikagard 62 (1 Coat by Hand Roller) - Check no visible rust on steel surface HB / Sika and steel surface is free from dust and (Thailand) other friable matter. at start up and agreed time intervals

If rust found, Hand tool grinding and cleaner used for cleaning metal surface.



- Check material quantity per area before application of First coat 100microns (Sika Guard-62 coating datasheet reveals that the theoretical value of dry film thickness for each of 170micron coatings consumes approx. 0.24 kg/m2 material) Application of 1st Coat by Roller - Check substrate temp. > 3C above dew point, humidity should be 80%


For Each beam qty is 36m2 (with 5% extra area), redq material = 8.64 kgs, so mixing 9kg of A and 3 kg of B = 12 kgs for each batch is enough for One beam 1st coatings




Substrate temp 31.7 C, Humidity = 75% and Dew point = 24.9 C

1 day for 30 substrate temperature



- Allow coat to cure based on minimum / maximum intercoat waiting times - Check dry film thickness before application of 2nd coat for 5 location per beam face




HB / Sika (Thailand) at start up and agreed time intervals nd 4 Application of Sikagard 62 (2 Coat by Hand Roller) - Check material quantity per area HB before application of 2nd coat 170 microns (Sika Guard-62 coating datasheet reveals that the theoretical value of dry film thickness for each of 170micron coatings consumes approx. 0.24 kg/m2 material) Application of nd 2 Coat by Roller

Done see attached photos 10-Dec


For Each beam qty is 36m2 (with 5% extra area), redq material = 8.64 kgs, so mixing 9kg of A and 3 kg of B for each batch is enough for One beam 2nd coatings



- Check substrate temp. > 3C above dew point, humidity should be 80%


Substrate temp 28.3 C, Humidity = 75% and Dew point = 24.4 C



.......................... (Sika Thailand)

................................ (Applicator)

.............................. (Consultant representative)

Page 3

Himalayan Builders and Engineers

EOB Steel Beam Upgrade Project at the American Embassy, Bangkok, Thailand Contract No.: SGE500- 12 - C - 0024

Check List for Steel Lining with Sikagard 62 Area: Steel Beam at Grid H1 and G2. Supervisor: Samrat Srabua Project Engineer: Prakash Singh Rawal Date: Dec 9, 2012.
SN. Description of work Who Measurement Date Accept Reject Signature

1 day for 30 substrate temperature HB / Sika Done see attached - Check dry film thickness of coat's applied by Coating thickness Tester (Thailand) photos at start up and agreed time intervals rd 5 Application of Sikagard 62 (3 or Final Coat by Hand Roller) For Each beam qty - Check material quantity per area HB rd before application of 3 coat 170 is 36m2 (with 5% extra area), redq microns (Sika material = 8.64 Guard-62 coating datasheet reveals kgs, so mixing 9kg that the theoretical value of dry film of A and 3 kg of B thickness for each of 170micron for each batch is coatings consumes approx. 0.24 enough for One kg/m2 material) Application of rd beam 3rd coatings 3 Coat by Roller - Allow coat to cure based on minimum / maximum intercoat waiting times HB - Check substrate temp. > 3C above dew point, humidity should be 80% HB







Substrate temp 28.0 C, Humidity = 75% and Dew point = 25.3 C



- Allow coat to cure based on minimum / maximum intercoat waiting times - Check dry film thickness of coat's applied by Coating thickness Tester

1 day for 30 substrate temperature HB / Sika Done see attached (Thailand) photos at start up and agreed time intervals HB





With reference to the various Check listed above, Sika confirms with its signatures that, based on its respective site visits on the dates indicated above, the application of the above mentioned Sika products has been effected in accordance with Sikas written recommendations; Sika has not detected any visible defects in Sika's products as applied. However, the above confirmations are based only on a visual check of the actual status of the job site and the works executed as seen during Sikas site visit. Sikas responsibility is therefore limited to the results of its visual check and does not imply any further responsibility as to Sika's products, and/or their correct application by any third party.

.......................... (Sika Thailand)

................................ (Applicator)

.............................. (Consultant representative)

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