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Summer Training Report IPGCL/ PPCL

Submitted By: Ankit Bisht Roll No. : 1029121002 Course : B.Tech Branch : Electrical & Electronic

Indraprastha Power GenerationCo. Ltd

This is to certify that Ankit Bisht, student of B-Tech Branch EEE, Batch 2010-2014 of DIT SCHOOL of Engineering & Technology , Greater Noida has successfully completed his industrial training at indraprasth power generation corporation Ltd-IGPCL,New Delhi for Six weeks from 18th June to 30th July2012. He has completed the whole training as per the training report submitted by him. Date: Signature:


This project involved the collection and analysis of information from a wide variety of sources and the efforts of many people beyond me. Thus it would not have bee n possible to achieve the results reported in this document without their help, support and encouragement. I will like to express my gratitude to the following people for their help in the work leading to this report: Supervisors : for their useful comments on the subject matter and for the knowledge I gained by sharing ideas with them. Coordinator: for organizing and coordinating the B. T e c h . Training 2012


1. BRIEF PROFILE OF THE COMPANY Indraprasth Power Generation Co. Ltd. (IPGCL) was incorporated on 1stJuly, 2002 and it took over the generation activities w.e.f. 1st July,

2002 fromErstwhile Delhi Vidyut Board after its unbundling into six successor Companies. The main functions of IPGCL is generation of electricity and its total installed capacity is 747.0 MW including of Pragati Power Station, its associate Company is which was incorporated on 9th january,2001. Indraprasth Power Station First Unit of 36.6 MW at I.P. Station was commissioned in 1963 and was inaugurated by the first Prime Minister of India, late Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru. The Power Station was further expanded in 1967-68 with installation of three Units of 62.5 MW each; in 1971 one more Unit of 60 MW was commissioned. The first Unit of 36.6 MW retired by CEA in Feb.2000.

Rajghat Power House Two Units of 67.5 MW were installed in 1989-90 at Rajghat power House as replacement of old units. The present generation capacity of this Station is 135MW. It is a coal based plant operating on decaled coal from NCL.

Gas Turbine Power Station Six Gas Turbine Units of 30 MW each were commissioned in 1985-86 to cater to the power demand in peak hours. Initially this Station worked as peaking power station but due to growing power demand, it was converted into combined cycle gas turbine station with commissioning of Waste Heat Recovery Units in 1995-96. The total capacity of this Station is 270 MW. The gas supply has been tied up with GAIL through HBJ Pipeline. The APM Gas allocation is not sufficient for full generation from the power station. Subsequently, with the availability of Degasified LNG, an agreement was made with GAIL for supply of R-LNG so that maximum generation could be achieved.

POWER STATIONS AT A GLANCE:Station Rajghat Power Gas Turbine Pragati-I Pragati-III Station Power Station Power Station Power Station (Bawana)

Station Capacity (MW) Units Capacity (MW) Commissioning 1989-90 6x30 (GT) 2x67.5 3x34 (WHRU) 2002-03 1985-86 (GTs) & 1995-96 (STGs)

1500 (N) 2x104 (GTs) + 1x122 (STG) 4x250 (GTs) + 1x122 (WHRU) 2x250 (STGs)

GT-1 on 11.10.2010


Treated water River Yamuna from Sen Nursing Home River Yamuna & Delhi Gate Treated water STPs from Rithala



TO MAKE DELHI POWER SURPLUS OUR MISSION To maximize generation from available capacity To plan & implement new generation capacity in Delhi Competitive pricing of our own generation To set ever so high standards of environment Protection. To develop competent human resources for managing the company with good standards.



Six Gas Turbine Units of 30 MW each were commissioned in 1985-86 to meet the electricity demand in peak hours and were operating on liquid fuel. In 1990 the Gas Turbines were converted to operate on natural gas. Later due to growing power demand the station was converted into combined cycle gas turbine Power Station by commissioning 3x30 MW Waste Heat Recovery Units, in 1995-96.

Steam turbines are devices which convert the energy stored in steam into rotational mechanical energy. These machines are widely used for the generation of electricity in a number of different cycles, such as: Rankine cycle Reheat cycle Regenerative cycle Combined cycle

The steam turbine may consist of several stages. Each stage can be described by analyzing the expansion of steam from a higher pressure to a lower pressure. The steam may be wet, dry saturated or superheated. Consider the steam turbine shown in the cycle above. The output power of the turbine at steady flow condition is: Power = m (h1 - h2) Where m is the mass flow of the steam through the turbine and h1 and h2 are specific enthalpy of the steam at inlet respective outlet of the turbine. The efficiency of the steam turbines are often described by the isentropic efficiency for expansion process. The presence of water droplets in the steam will reduce the efficiency of the turbine and cause physical erosion of the blades. Therefore the dryness fraction of the steam at the outlet Of the turbine should not be less than 0.9.


An ideal steam turbine is considered to be an isentropic process, or constant entropy process, in which the entropy of the steam entering the turbine is equal to the entropy of the steam leaving the turbine. No steam turbine is truly isentropic, however, f r o m 2 0 % _ 9 0 % b a s e d o n t h e a p p l i c a t i o n o f t h e t u r b i n e . T h e interior of a turbine comprises several sets of blades, or buckets as they are more commonly referred to. One set of stationary blades is connected to the casing and one set of rotating blades is connected to the shaft. Thes e s i n t e r m e s h w i t h c e r t a i n m i n i m u m c l e a r a n c e s , w i t h t h e s i z e a n d configuration of sets varying to efficiently exploit the expansion of steam at each stage.

Schematic diagram outlining the difference between an impulse and a reaction turbine. To maximize turbine efficiency, the steam i s e x p a n d e d , g e n e r a t e d work, in a number of stages. These stages are characterized by how the energy is extracted from them and are known as impulse or reaction turbines. Most modern steam turbines are a combination of the reaction and impulse design. Typically, higher pressure sections are impulse type and lower pressure stages are reaction type.

Implus Turbine
An impulse turbine has fixed nozzles that orient the steam flow i n t o h i g h s p e e d j e t s . T h e s e j e t s contain significant kinetic ene r g y , w h i c h t h e r o t o r b l a d e s , s h a p e d l i k e b u c k e t s , c o n v e r t i n t o s h a f t r o t a t i o n s the steam jet changes direction. A pressure drop occurs across only the stationary blades, with a net increase in steam velocity across the stage. As the steam flows through the nozzle its pressure falls from steam chest pressure to condenser pressure (or atmosphere pressure). Due to this relatively higher ratio of expansion of steam in the nozzle the steam leaves the nozzle with a very high velocity. The steam leaving the moving blades is a large portion of the maximum velocity of the steam when leaving the nozzle. The loss of energy due to this higher exit velocity is commonly called the "carry over velocity" or "leaving loss".

R e a c t i o n T u r b i n e s:
In the reaction turbine, the rotor blades themselves are arranged to form convergent nozzles. This type of turbine makes use of the reaction force produced as the steam accelerates through the nozzles formed by the rotor. Steam is directed onto the rotor by the fixed vanes of the stator. It leaves the stator as a jet that fills the entire circumference of the rotor. The steam then changes direction and increases its speed relative to the speed of the blades. A pressure drop occurs across both the stator and the rotor, with steam accelerating through the stator and decelerating through the rotor, with no net change in steam velocity across the stage but with a decrease in both pressure and temperature, reflecting the work performed in the driving the rotor. NOTE: IN MOST OF THE POWER PLANTS A IMPULSE-REACTION TURBINEI S U S E D WHICH IS A MIXTURE OF THE TWO ABOVE M E N T I O N E D TURBINES.

Operation and Maintenance :

W h e n w a r m i n g u p a s t e a m t u r b i n e f o r u s e , t h e m a i n s t e a m s t o p valves (after the boiler) have a bypass line to allow superheated steam to slowly bypass the valve and proceed to heat up the lines in the system along with the steam turbine. Also a turning gear is engaged when there i s n o s t e a m t o t h e t u r b i n e t o s l o w l y r o t a t e t h e t u r b i n e t o e n s u r e e v e n heating to prevent uneven expansion. After first rotating the turbine by the turning gear, allowing time for the rotor to assume a straight plane (no bowing), then the turning gear is disengaged and steam is admitted to t h e t u r b i n e , f i r s t t o t h e a s t e r n b l a d e s t h e n t o t h e a h e a d b l a d e s s l o w l y rotating the turbine at 10 to 15 RPM to slowly warm the turbine. Problems with turbines are now rare and maintenance requirements a r e r e l a t i v e l y s m a l l . A n y i m b a l a n c e o f t h e r o t o r can lead to vibration, w h i c h i n e x t r e m e c a s e s c a n l e a d t o a b l a d e l e t t i n g g o a n d p u n c h i n g straight through the casing. It is, however, essential that the turbine be turned with dry steam. If water gets into the steam and is blasted onto the blades (moisture carryover) then rapid impingement and erosion of the blades can occur, possibly leading to imbalance and catastrophic failure .Also, water entering the blades will likely result in the destruction of the thrust bearing for the turbine shaft. To prevent this, along with controls and baffles in the boilers to ensure high quality steam, condensate drains are installed in the steam piping leading to the turbine.

Speed regulation :
The control of a turbine with a governor is essential, as turbines need to be run u p s l o w l y , t o p r e v e n t d a m a g e w h i l e s o m e a p p l i c a t i o n s (such as the generation of alternating current electricity) require precise speed control. Uncontrolled acceleration of the turbine rotor can lead to n over-speed trip, which causes the nozzle valves that control the flow of steam to the turbine to close. If this fails then the turbine may continue a c c e l e r a t i n g u n t i l i t b r e a k s a p a r t , o f t e n s p e c t a c u l a r l y . T u r b i n e s a r e expensive to make, requiring precision manufacture and special quality materials.

Gas Turbine
A gas turbine, also called a combustion turbine, is a rotary engine that extracts energy from a flow of combustion gas. It has an upstream compressor coupled to a downstream turbine, and a combustion chambering-between. (Gas turbine may also refer to just the turbine element.)Energy is added to the gas stream in the combustor, where air is m i x e d w i t h f u e l a n d i g n i t e d . C o m b u s t i o n i n c r e a s e s t h e t e m p e r a t u r e , velocity and volume of the gas flow. This is directed through a nozzle over the turbine's blades, spinning the turbine and powering the compressor. Energy is extracted in the form of shaft power, compressed air and t h r u s t , i n a n y c o m b i n a t i o n , a n d u s e d t o p o w e r a i r c r a f t , t r a i n s , s h i p s , generators, and even tanks. Gas turbines are described thermodynamically by the Brayton cycle, in which air is compressed isentropic ally, combustion occurs at constant pressure, and expansion over the turbine occurs isentropic ally back to the starting pressure. In practice, friction and turbulence cause: 1. Non-isentropic compression: for a given overall pressure ratio, the compressor delivery temperature is higher than ideal. 2. Non-isentropic expansion: although the turbine temperature drop n e c e s s a r y t o d r i v e t h e c o m p r e s s o r i s u n a f f e c t e d , t h e a s s o c i a t e d pressure ratio is greater, which decreases the expansion available to provide useful work. 3. Pressure losses in the air intake, combustor and exhaust: reduces the expansion available to provide useful work.

Figure 5: Idealised Brayton Cycle

A s w i t h a l l c y c l i c h e a t e n g i n e s , h i g h e r c o m b u s t i o n t e m p e r a t u r e means greater efficiency. The limiting factor is the ability of the steel, nickel , ceramic, or other materials that make up the engine to with stand h e a t a n d p r e s s u r e . C o n s i d e r a b l e e n g i n e e r i n g g o e s i n t o k e e p i n g t h e turbine parts cool. Most turbines also try to recover exhaust heat, which otherwise is wasted energy. Recuperates are heat exchangers that pass exhaust heat to the compressed air, prior to combustion. Combined cycle designs pass waste heat to steam turbine systems and combined heat a n d p o w e r ( c o - g e n e r a t i o n ) u s e s w a s t e h e a t f o r h o t w a t e r / s t e a m production. Mechanically, gas turbines can be considerably less complex than i n t e r n a l c o m b u s t i o n p i s t o n e n g i n e s . S i m p l e t u r b i n e s m i g h t h a v e o n e moving part: the shaft/compressor/turbine/alternative-rotor assembly (see image above), not counting the fuel system. M o r e s o p h i s t i c a t e d t u r b i n e s ( s u c h a s t h o s e f o u n d i n m o d e r n j e t engines) may have multiple shafts (spools), hundreds of turbine blades, movable stator blades, and a vast system of complex piping, combustors and heat exchangers. As a general rule, the smaller the engine the higher the rotation rate of the shaft(s) needs to be to maintain top speed. Turbine blade top speed determines the maximum pressure that can be gained, this produces the maximum power possible independent of the size of the engine. Jet engines operate around 10,000 rpm and micro turbines a r o u n d 100, 000 rpm. Thrust bearings and journal bearings are a critical part of design. Traditionally, they have been hydrodynamic oil bearings, or oil-cooled ball bearings. These bearings are being surpassed by foil bearings, which have been successfully used in micro turbines and auxiliary power units.


Systems which are designed for maximum efficiency in which the hot exhaust gases from the gas turbine are used to raise steam to power a steam turbine with both turbines being connected to electricity generators. To minimize the size and weight of the turbine for a given output power, the output per pound of airflow should be maximized. This is obtained by maximizing the air flow through the turbine which in turn depends on maximizing the pressure ratio between the air inlet and exhaust outlet.

System Efficiency:

Thermal efficiency is important because it directly affects the fuel consumption and operating costs. Combined Cycle Turbines It is however possible to recover energy from the waste heat of simple cycle systems by using the exhaust gases in a hybrid system to raise steam to drive steam turbine electricity generating set. In such cases the exhaust temperature may be reduced to as low as 140C enabling efficiencies of up to 60% to be achieved in combined cycle systems. Thus simple cycle efficiency is achieved with high pressure ratios. Combined cycle efficiency is obtained with more modest pressure ratios and greater firing temperatures .Fuels one further advantage of gas turbines is their fuel flexibility. Crude and other heavy oils and can also be used to fuel gas turbines if they are first heated to reduce their viscosity to a level suitable for burning in the turbine combustion chambers.

The Open Cycle efficiency of the plant is about 31% The Closed Cycle efficiency is around 49%

MechanIcal EquIpments:
Heat Recovery Steam Generator
A heat recovery steam generator or HRSG is an energy recovery heat exchanger that recovers heat from a hot gas stream. It produces steam that can be used in a process or u s e d t o d r i v e a steam turbine. This combination produces electricity more efficiently than either the gas turbine or steam turbine alone. The HRSG is also an important component in cogeneration p l a n t s . cogeneration plants typically have a higher overall efficienc in comparison to a combined cycle plant. This is due to the loss of energy associated with the steam turbine.

Figure 6; Heat Recovery Steam Generator at PPCL

Evaporator Section: The most important component would, of course, be the Evaporator Section. So
an evaporator section may consist of one or more coils. In these coils, the effluent (water), passing through the tubes is heated to the saturation point for the pressure it is flowing.

Superheated Section: The Superheated Section of the HRSG is used to dry the saturated vapors being
separated in the steam drum. In some units it may only be heated to little above the saturation point where in other units it may be superheated to a significant temperature for additional energy storage. The Superheated Section is normally located in the hotter gas stream, in front of the evaporator.

Economizer Section: The Economizer Section, sometimes called a preheated or preheat coil, is used to
preheat the feed water being introduced to the system to replace the steam (vapors) being removed from the system via the super heater or steam outlet and the water loss through blow down. It is normally located in the colder gas downstream of the evaporator. Since the evaporator inlet and outlet temperatures are both close to the saturation temperature for the system pressure, the amount of heat that may be removed from the flue gas is limited due to the approach to the evaporator, whereas the economizer inlet temperature is low, allowing the flue gas temperature to be taken lower. The steam turbine-driven generators have auxiliary systems enabling them to work satisfactorily and safely. The steam turbine generator being rotating equipment generally has a heavy, large diameter shaft. The shaft therefore requires not only supports but also has to be kept in position while running. To minimize the frictional resistance to the rotation, the shaft has a number of bearings.

Figure 7 : Block Diagram of a Power Plant Which Utilizes the HRSG Condenser: The surface condenser is a shell and tube heat exchanger in which cooling water is circulated through the tubes. The exhaust steam from the low pressure turbine enters the shell where it is cooled and converted to condensate (water) by flowing over the t u b e s . S u c h condensers use steam ejectors or rotary motor-driven exhausters for continuous removal of air and gases from the steam side to maintain vacuum for best efficiency, the temperature in the condenser must be kept as low as practical in order to achieve the lowest possible pressure in the condensing steam. Since the condenser temperature can almost always be kept significantly below 100 C where the vapors pressure of water is much less than atmospheric pressure, the condenser generally works u n d e r vacuum. Thus leaks of non-condensable air into the closed loop must be prevented.

Deaerator: A steam generating boiler requires that the boiler feed water should be devoid of air and other dissolved gases, particularly corrosive ones, in order to avoid corrosion of the metal. Generally, power stations use a deaerator to provide for the removal of air and other Practical considerations demand that in a s t e a m b o i l e r / s t e a m t u r b i n e / g e n e r a t o r u n i t t h e circulating steam, condensate, and feed water should be devoid of disso l v e d g a s e s , particularly corrosive ones, and dissolved or suspended solids. The gases will give rise to corrosion of the metal in contact thereby thinnin g them and causing rupture. The solids will d e p o s i t o n t h e h e a t i n g s u r f a c e s g i v i n g r i s e t o l o c a l i z e d h e a t i n g a n d t u b e r u p t u r e s d u e t o overheating. Under some conditions it may give rise to stress corrosion cracking d i s s o l v e d g a s e s f r o m t h e b o i l e r f e e d w a t e r .

Figure 10: Deaerator

Cooling Towers :
Cooling towers a r e h e a t r e m o v a l d e v i c e s u s e d t o t r a n s f e r p r o c e s s w a s t e h e a t t o t h e atmosp here.Cooling towers may either use the evaporation of water to remove process heat and cool the working fluid to near the wet-bulb air temperature or rely solely on air to cool the working fluid to near the dry-bulb air temperature. Common applications include cooling the circulating water used in oil refine ries, c h e m i c a l p l a n t s , p o w e r s t a t i o n s and b u i l d i n g c o o l i n g . T h e t o w e r s v a r y i n s i z e f r o m s m a l l r o o f - t o p u n i t s t o v e r y l a r g e hyperboloid structures(as in Image 1) that can be up to 200 meters tall and 100 meters in diameter, or rectangular structures (as in Image 2) that can be over 40 meters tall and8 0 m e t e r s l o n g . S m a l l e r t o w e r s a r e normally factory-built, while larger ones are constructed on site.









All large generators require auxiliary systems to handle such things as lubricating oil for the rotor bearings, hydrogen cooling apparatus, hydrogen sealing oil, de-mineralized water for stator winding cooling, and excitation systems for field-current application. Not all generators require all these systems and the requirement depends on the size and nature of the machine. For instance, air cooled turbo generators do not require hydrogen for cooling and t h e r e f o r e n o s e a l i n g o i l a s w e l l . O n t h e o t h e r h a n d , l a r g e g e n e r a t o r s w i t h h i g h o u t p u t s , generally above 400 MVA, have water-cooled stator windings, hydrogen for cooling the s t a t o r c o r e and rotor, seal oil to contain the hydrogen cooling gas under high pressure, lubricating oil for the bearings, and of course, an excitation system for field current. There are five major auxiliary systems that may be used in a generator. They are given as follows: 1. Lubricating Oil System2. Hydrogen Cooling System 3. Seal Oil System4. Stator Cooling Water System Excitation System

Differential Expansion In Turbines:

Differential Expansion on a turbine is the relative measurement of the rotor's axial thermal growth with respect to the case. Differential expansion is the difference t h e r o t o r c o m p a r e d t o t h e t h e r m a l g r o w t h o f t h e c a s e . D i f f e r e n t i a l expansion monitoring is most critical during a turbine "cold" start-up. A c o m m o n s t e a m t u r b i n e h a s a t h i c k , h e a v y c a s e , a n d a l i g h t e r , h o l l o w rotor. Due to the mass of the case it will grow slower than the rotor, so the operator must make sure the case has expanded enough to keep it from making contact with the rotor. To monitor, transducers can be placed on a collar or ramp that have been machined onto the turbine

Differential Expansion Measurement on Large Steam Turbines :

One of the challenges facing instrumentation engineers in the power generation sector is the accurate measurement of shaft growth relative to casing on large steam turbines. The measurement is commonly referred to as differential expansion and applies to various stages of the turbine the critical areas being the turbine low and intermediate pressure rotor stages (due their large shaft lengths). From barring the turbine through to run up, the shaft can experience axial expansion of up to 50mm due to the operational temperature rise, depending on configuration and power rating.

With todays steam turbine arrangements exceeding the 900MW barrier this measurement is as relevant as ever andcontinui n g challengec o m m o n t e c h n i q u e s f o r m e a s u r i n g l a r g e d i f f e r e n t i a l e x p a n s i o n r a n g e s i n c l u d e e x t e n d e d r a n g e p r o x i m i t y pr o b e s a g a i n s t s t a n d a r d f l a t c o l l a r s ; t a p e r e d c o l l a r s , w h i c h of f e r a n e f f e c t i v e e x t e n d e d r a n g e t o a ste rn dard probe and magnetic follower arrangements.Largerangeprobesr e q u i r e a s u f f i c i e n t t a r g e t a r e a t o b e l i n e a r ( g r e a t e r t h a n 2 x p r o b e diameter) which is not always available, standar d collar arrangements also, do not allow for other shaft movement (not in the axial direction) which can result in significant errors in measurement. The tapered collar arrangements overcome the proximity probe target issue by utilizing a smaller probe and through the use of a four probe arrangement c an effectively eliminate other movements in the turbine structurethatcane f f e c t t h e t r u e d i f f e r e n t i a l e x p a n s i o n m e a s u r e m e n t . H o w ever, t h e s e s o l u t i o n s are mechanically complex, problematic during commissioning and difficult to maintain calibration. For a number of years Subsonic have been providing a differential e x p a n s i o n m e a s u r e m e n t s o l u t i o n b a s e d o n a m ar k s p a c e technique, which overcomes allot the shortcomings of the above methods. The principle operates on detecting movement on a series of plates attached to the turbine shaft. The shaft target pattern consists of a number of pairs of teeth and slots surrounding and rotating with the shaft. Each pair of t e e t h a r e t a p e r e d a x i a l l y s u c h t h a t a l t e r n a t e t e e t h t a p e r i n o p p o s i t e directions, the narrow parallel slot between the teeth being at an angle to the shaft axis. A wider parallel slot between each pair of teeth is used to allow the measurement system to identify each pair. The figure 14 below illustrates the technique.

Figure 14: Technique for Measuring Differential Expansion The technique operates on measuring pulse widths and detecting changes i n t h e p a t t e r n s t o d e t e r m i n e t h e d i f f e r e n t i a l e x p a n s i o n o f t h e s h a f t . A standard speed probe can be utilized for the pulse measurement and with appropriate s i g n a l p r o c e s s i n g ; c h a n g e s i n t h e p r o b e g a p a c r o s s t h e measuring range have no effect on accuracy, since it is the shaft transitions that are measured. Therefore the measurement provides a true differential expansion reading and requires no further allowances for movement in the non-axial direction. T h e t e c h n i q u e h a s n o r e a l l i m i t o n t h e m e a s u r e m e n t r a n g e , b e i n g restricted only by the plate dimensions. During commissioning n ormalized range is calculated by moving the probe across the required measurement window - determining the pulse width ratio at each extreme(T2 and T3 with respect to d). The true differential expansion reading canthen be determined from the given formula .A turbine shaft with mark-space plates is illustrated below.

Figure 15: Turbine Shaft With Mark-Space Plates Sensonics produce a specific measurement module as part of the Sentry Turbine Supervisory Equipment Series to carry out the necessary signal processing and to assist with the commissioning activity. The MO8612utilises a self-tracking threshold technique to ensure signal pulses are measured at the optimum position within the pulse height independent of t h e p r o x i m i t y p r o b e g a p . S p e c i f i c p l a t e p a t t e r n s c a n b e s e l e c t e d d e p e n d i n g o n a p p l i c a t i o n t h r o u g h t h e s o f t w a r e i n t e r f a c e a n d c u s t o m patterns created if required. It is usual to implement a number a platesa r o u n d t h e s h a f t , t h e m o d u l e m a k e s m u l t i p l e m e a s u r e m e n t s p er revolution and minimises plate wobble through the implementation of averaging algorithms.

FIGURE 16 : Sentry API670 Turbine Supervisory Equipment Series

While it is usual to implement a number of chevron patterns around the shaft, reality is quite different. From experience the quantity can varyfrom one s e t o f p l a t e s t o m a n y - d e p e n d i n g o n t h e t u r b i n e e n g i n e e r s preference. If an uneven distribution is selected it is important the overall balance of the rotating shaft is maintained, with the addition of opposing weights if necessary. The plate pattern is fitted at a position on the rotor section close to where the shaft fits in to the bearing pedestal t h i s l o c a t i o n a l l o w s straightforward access to the plate pattern through the bearing cover. Turbine casing and pedestal are mechanically joined in m o s t circumstances, where the pedestal and casing movement is catered for with a sliding base arrangement. At the HP, IP and LP3 locations a bracket assembly fitted to the pedestal cover accepts a standard inductive proximity probe to generate the timing waveforms. Steam turbine specifications: Capacity No. of stages Steam flow Inlet temperature Inlet pressure Lube oil grade No. of journal bearings No. of thrust bearings Exhaust steam pressure Exhaust steam flow Exhaust pressure Lube oil pressure Over speed trip Differential expansion : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 34 MW 50 125 ton/hr 502 40kg/cm SP 46 5 1 3.3 atm 2.16 ton/hr 0.105kg/cm088 9kg/cm >3300 rpm +6 to -4

Standard Operating Procedure:

Standard operating procedure for combined cycle plant 1. Pre Start Checkups 2. No PTW'S should be pending on machine. 3. 64 KV breaker to be in closed position (Unit Transformer). 4. Battery voltage and charger should be healthy. 5. DC Lube Oil Pump should be in healthy position. 6. Gas valve before the scrubber should be open. 7. Diesel engine breaker should be 'IN' condition. 8. CT/6AC AC temperature should be 22* 2 centigrade. 9. Machine to be 'READY TO START' on CRT. No alarm persisting onprotection panel & CRT.

10. Ratching must be ON. 11. One no. seal air fan must be in running condition. 12. Lube Oil level should not be less than E. 13. Cooling water level should be normal. 14. All cooling water valves in TAC must be in open position. 15. Vapour extraction fans must be in service. 16. PHE (Plate Type Heat Exchanger) should be charged, related valvesshould be in Open condition. 17. Puffing must be ON. 18. AC/DC Oil pump breaker must be 'NORMAL' 19. Excitation breaker should be healthy. 20. Availability of ON base, OFF base, TK1, TK2 Base cooling fans shouldbe ensured. 21. CO2 fire system should be healthy DIESEL ENGINE : 1. Fuel oil level should be normal 2. Lube Oil level to be normal 3. Cooling water valves should be in "OPEN' condition 4. Air Blower Turbo Charger valve latch should be in NORMAL condition 5. Exhaust temperature should be less than 150* centigrade. In case of higher temperature machine should be kept on cranking. 6. There should be no lube oil? Water leakages. 7. All wooden/unwanted man material should be removed from site toavoid fire. AFTER GIVING START COMMANDTO OBSERVE FOLLOWING SEQUENCE OF OPERATION. 1. Diesel Engine idle speed around 900 RPM. 2. Check rise in temperature at the temperature gauge cooling wateroutlet. 3. Diesel Engine speed to accelerate about 1000 RPM 4. At 1000 RPM Turbine speed excitation appears on AVR display. 5. Firing starts, flame scanners S2, S3, S7, S8 APPEARS AT 1200 RPMapprox. 6. Base cooling fan starts. 7. Diesel engine speed to accelerate up to 2300 RPM. 8. Field flashing starts 9. Diesel engine isolates at 60% of turbine speed 10. Turbine comes on fire 11. Synchroniser to be on auto, if not on auto select manual mode andincrease voltage.11 KV breaker to be closed manually. 12. M/C lube oil pump stops. 13. TK1 & TK2 fans start. 14. Compressor bleed valve closed. 15. IGV fully opens. 16. Diesel engine stops

WATCH FOLLOWING PARAMATERS WHILE MACHINE ON LOAD. 1. Vibration on bearings. 2. Lube oil header temperature. 3. Lube oil header pressure. 4. Hydraulic oil pressure. 5. Hydraulic trip oil pressure. 6. Battery charger should be healthy. Battery voltage should >120V 7. Cooling water pressure. 8. Air sealing system. 9. TAD should < 170 mm. 10. GAD should < 150 mm. PRECAUTIONS DURING SHUT DOWN 1. Load comes to zero 2. AC lube oil pump starts 3. Flame cuts off at 2400 RPM NOTE: ABOVE PROCEDURE IS FOR NORMAL RUNNING, IF PROBLEMPERSISTS TAKE ACTION ACCORDING TO SITE SITUATION.

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