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Teachers comments Strengths 1) The schools vision and philosophy and objectives are reflected well in the functioning

of school. 2) Academics are well maintained with the co-curricular activities, overall development of child is taken care. 3) The school has all facilities for overall growth of the child. 4) The school has well balanced education, arts and sports facilities for the overall development of the child. 5) Our library is very well equipped and neither the students nor the teachers ever return disappointed from there. A wide range of books for all ages and all kinds are available. 6) The workshops and in-house training sessions are really helpful in enriching our teaching skills and I have always felt polished in terms of innovative ideas after attending them. 7) The vision and mission of the school are always kept in mind and due justice is done to them while planning and execution of the academic year. 8) The school is very strong in keep up the lesson plan-weekly, monthly and yearly plans. 9) It provides intensive and frequent training to the staff. 10) The school gives opportunities to student s to excel in all the areas (curricular/co-curricular etc). 11) School believe in having a clear picture about the future (where children are motivated to be selfsufficient and creative) rather than using old methodology of teaching. 12) Highly planned approach for each and every work, 13) a) Right from school bus students are taken attendance. b) Separate mobile for conductors for school/parent to communicate. c) Teaching with proper/perfect -Lesson plan, week plan, Year plan , Absolutely Amazing My school is the best. 14) Maintenance of lesson plan is very good. 15) Mobiles are restricted to the school premises. 16) Excellent in-house training to the teachers is given. 17) Teachers are recognized and groomed by the school. 18) The school to my knowledge gives no scope for compromise especially in the areas which are related to the integrity. 19) It gives us scope to analyze and improve. 20) The school has a vision and it stands for it. 21) This is not just a remark, it is being observed in every step and every walk in this school. 22) Meticulously screening even if we try to bring out certain areas which could be improved further, I would say it is a part of developing and no areas are untouched. The school strives for excellence. 23) The format of the report card has to be changed and revised. 24) Our school manages academics and co-curricular activities very well. 25) Our computer labs are acquainted with all new operation systems. 26) We are very well acquainted with all the FAs components.

27) The best thing about school is that it gives equal importance to academics and co-curricular activities. 28) Activity oriented teaching is practiced in all the classes. 29) Students at schools are encouraged to participate in all the competitions held outside the Chirac. 30) Our positive sidea) Our school manages academics and co-curricular activities very efficiently. b) We are very well acquainted with the FAs as weve been conducting formative assessment tests before it has been introduced in CBSE. c) Our children are exposed to all types of environment and they are open and prepared for everything after their higher secondary school. 31) The school works at the holistic development of the child. 32) Strengths:- I think the school gives a lot of freedom to the teaching-learning process, in terms of going out of the text books , taking the interest of the children in mind, their energy levels in mind. The teaching learning experiences are always a pleasure in short! 33) There is a very good scope for individual growth and development for the staff as well as for the students in the school. 34) School does follow all CCE practice. Little bit of time management is required for performing (activities, group work etc). 35) The key strength I believe is the importance given for the overall development of the child, where the child is provided the platform to better himself in the areas of his choice. The curriculum followed in the school also includes all these in it. 36) I am very much impressed with the school facilities given to us. Opportunities and encouragement given to us. 37) The school is very well organized compared to other schools. 38) Need to improve in expediting the process of providing the requirements for the teaching activity. 39) The school has all the facilities for the overall development of the child. 40) CHIREC can enroll the students who are differently abled as this develops a sense of acceptance, respect, responsibility towards the society especially when we are concerned with the holistic development of the child. 41) Areas of appreciation:- an excellent organization which really takes care of the teachers in all aspects. Management is always approachable and always extends their helping hand an trust when required. 42) Various skills of the teachers are improved because of the different workshops and training programmes conducted by the school. 43) The strength of the school is its continuous upgrading and bringing in new and effective changes, its ever growing and developing. 44) Every teacher is growing and developing with the flow of the school. Chirec has given a platform for the students and teachers to develop and match the pace with the world. 45) It is indeed a wonderful experience working in CHIREC.

Suggestions: 46) 47) 48) 49) 50) 51) More field trips and excursion for the teachers can be planned. Teachers are burdened with hectic work. We can still look to include more books in the library though we have enough at the moment. Classes 11 and 12 should be given the due importance they deserve in terms of academics. Policies should certainly be more students friendly. If school provides personal laptops and internet facilities to all teachers (especially PGT) our performance can be improved a lot.

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