TheSun 2009-05-04 Page08 Pakistan Retakes Key Road in Anti-Taliban Offensive

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8 theSun | MONDAY MAY 4 2009

news without borders

Week Ending May 1
Thai activist blames soldiers for attempt on his life
BANGKOK: The founder of a royalist move- personal aide were also wounded. him killed”, the Bangkok Post reported.
ment that helped topple former Thailand Bullet casings with Royal Thai Army But on Saturday Thanpuying Viriya Cha-
Kamchatka eruption premier Thaksin Shinawatra said yesterday engravings were found at the scene. vakul, a lady-in-wating to Queen Sirikit, told
FAR East Russia’s Shiveluch volcano spewed ash high above he believed soldiers were to blame for an Sondhi, who founded the “Yellow Shirts” INN television that she had no knowledge of
the Kamchatka peninsula in the latest of a series of ongoing assassination attempt on his life last month. anti-Thaksin People’s Alliance for Democ- a plot to kill Sondhi on April 17.
eruptions. Shiveluch is one of the region’s largest and most Speaking for the first time in public since racy (PAD), said he viewed the attack as a “The thought of having Mr Sondhi killed
active volcanoes. the April 17 attack, Sondhi Limthongkul, political threat, but refused to reveal those never crossed my mind,” said Viriya, who
who led a blockade of the kingdom’s main he believed had organised the hit. admitted to having ties to the military top
airports last year, said “a few bad apples” He is hated by Thaksin’s rival “Red brass through her charity work.
Indonesian cyclone in the army were responsible. Shirts” and has enemies among Thailand’s The PAD led protests that preceded
FAR eastern Indonesia’s Aru Islands were drenched by bands of “They are not professional gunmen, business community but pointed the finger Thaksin’s ouster in a coup in 2006.
heavy rainfall spinning around the centre of tiny Cyclone Kirrily. they are a sniper team,” Sondhi told a of blame elsewhere. They returned last year to push out
Such storms are rare in that part of the region, but often affect press conference, giving his explanation “It was done by powerful figures, who- Thaksin’s allies from power and seized
Australian waters to the south. Kirrily spun out not far from of how gunmen wielding AK-47 and M-16 ever the factions are,” Sondhi said. Bangkok’s two airports for nine days late
where it had formed. automatic weapons had shot 100 rounds “It was purely politically motivated, November before a controversial court rul-
at his car but he had survived. not related to business,” he added before ing forced the pro-Thaksin administration
Dirty warming “It was done by a few soldiers, not a announcing he would soon take a long from power.
whole army,” he said. vacation abroad. The Red Shirts responded with their own
A NEW study by a team of scientists from four countries has The media tycoon received 43 stitches In previous interviews, Sondhi said a protest campaign demanding that current
found evidence that previously unconsidered kinds of pollution to a head wound caused by bullet shrapnel “certain lady close to the palace was one premier, Abhisit Vejjajiva, resign and call
are causing a large portion of Arctic warming. A report by the in the dawn attack, while his driver and party among many who ‘chipped in’ to have fresh elections. – Agencies
Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme cautions that
factors like soot, ozone and methane may now be contributing to
the warming of the Arctic and other parts of the world as much as

Pakistan retakes key road

carbon dioxide. The amount of black carbon in the atmosphere,
due to burning, forest fires and inefficient diesel engines, is creat-
ing a haze that absorbs sunlight, warms and falls on snow. The
darkening of the frozen surface then causes more sunlight to be

in anti-Taliban offensive
Dust season
A MASSIVE cloud of choking yellow sand and dust cast a pall
across parts of north and northwest China, reducing visibility
to less than 330 feet and snarling traffic. Residents in the areas
blanketed by the dust were told to stay indoors as much as
possible and to use face masks when venturing outside. Gansu, Pakistani
Ningxia, Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia provinces were the worst PESHAWAR: Pakistani security
forces on Saturday seized control army tanks
affected, according to the China Meteorological Administration. patrol Buner
Such sandstorms often blow eastward from China’s arid region of a key road in northwestern
Buner district as troops and heli- district where
at this time of year, eventually swirling over Japan, South Korea troops recently
and occasionally as far away as North America. copter gunships shelled militant
hideouts, the military said. launched an
The military launched a major offensive against
Earthquakes ground and air assault in Buner militants.
A 5.8 magnitude quake centred near Acapulco sent panicked five days ago under US pressure
residents rushing into the streets as far away as Mexico City. after Taliban militants from
The strong shaking struck as the country was also becoming restive Swat valley infiltrated
alarmed by the mounting number of deaths associated with a adjoining areas and advanced
spreading influenza epidemic. to within 100km of the capital
• Earth movements were also felt in El Salvador, southern Ohio, Islamabad. The military offen-
Newfoundland, western England, Romania, the eastern Afghan- sive has displaced thousands of
Pakistan border region and Hokkaido Island. – Universal Press people, officials said.
Syndicate “Security forces conducted a

successful operation on Ambela-Dagar axis anonymity. “Our information is that militants
and were able to establish link with troops in are now fleeing Buner,” the official said.
Dagar town,” a military statement said. Army spokesman Maj-Gen Athar Abbas
“They are now removing improvised on Friday said some 400 “well-equipped and
explosive devices” and the road will be soon organised” Taliban had been putting up “stiff
open for public, it said. Dagar is Buner’s main resistance” in Buner.
town which the military said was secured on The operation in Buner followed a similar
Wednesday. action launched a week ago in nearby Lower
“Security forces are conducting a mopping Dir district after militants in the Taliban-held
up operation and the area will be clear of Swat valley pushed further south towards
militants very soon,” it said. Islamabad, which is central to Washington’s
The fresh fighting came as the White strategy for stopping the insurgency in neigh-
House said US President Barack Obama bouring Afghanistan.
would host a summit with his Afghan and Pakistan ceded control of Swat valley in
Pakistani counterparts on Wednesday amid February, signing a deal to allow religious
growing US concern over the deteriorating hardliners to enforce Islamic law in the region
situation in the region. in order to end a bloody two-year rebellion
A senior military official earlier said led by a radical cleric.
helicopters and artillery continued to pound But instead of disarming as required
Taliban hideouts in the towns of Ambela, Pir under the deal, the Taliban pushed further
Baba and Sultanwas which were considered south towards Islamabad, prompting the
militant strongholds. army offensive. The military says around 200
“We have besieged a Taliban compound militants have been killed in the Lower Dir
in Ambela where militants had been holding and Buner assaults. It put its own toll at about
a meeting,” said the official, who requested a dozen soldiers dead. – AFP

Sri Lanka rebels ask British, French for help

COLOMBO: Sri Lanka’s cornered Tamil Tiger the Sri Lankan government promptly rejected it
fighters appealed to Britain and France yes- and vowed to fight on until the separatist gueril-
terday to broker a truce to halt a government las were completely defeated.
military offensive that threatens to wipe out Britain’s Foreign Minister David Miliband and
the rebels. his French counterpart Bernard Kouchner left Sri
The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) Lanka on Thursday after urging the government
said in a letter to the British and French foreign to stop the fighting and allow humanitarian ac-
ministers, who visited Sri Lanka last week, that cess to the conflict zone.
they wanted a ceasefire to end decades of A special envoy sent by Japan, which is Sri
conflict. Lanka’s main foreign aid donor, wrapped up a
“We are ready to engage in the process to three-day visit on Saturday by calling for civilians
bring about a ceasefire and enter into negotia- caught up in the violence to be protected.
tions for an enduring resolution to the conflict,” Yasushi Akashi asked the remaining Tigers,
the Tigers said in the letter, which was e-mailed who are holed up on the island’s northeast
to news organisations. coast, to allow tens of thousands of trapped
The rebels offered a truce last Sunday, but civilians out of the conflict area. – AFP

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