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theSun | MONDAY MAY 4 2009 13


ADB: Asia must retool to

boost domestic demand
NUSA DUA (Indonesia): Asia must boost by slashing benchmark lending rates and countries such as China and India, while
market summary
APRIL 30, 2009

domestic consumption and end its de- spending billions of dollars to stimulate others said it meant a “dangerous” expan-
pendence on exports as external demand their economies. sion of lending by a bank with a record of INDICES CHANGE
plunges in the world economic slump, the But Kuroda said such measures would weak oversight. FBMEMAS 6541.86 +154.61
Asian Development Bank said yesterday. not be enough without structural reform to Chinese Vice-Finance Minister Li Yong, COMPOSITE 990.74 +23.28
The call was echoed by regional finance end the region’s dependency on demand Indian Finance Secretary Ashok Chawla INDUSTRIAL 2256.10 +33.28
ministers gathered at the ADB’s annual CONSUMER PROD 303.32 +3.60
from rich countries. and Indonesian Finance Minister Sri Over the INDUSTRIAL PROD 74.32 +0.25
meeting on the Indonesian resort island “Over the longer term, developing Mulyani Indrawati were among the offi-
of Bali, where strategies for overcoming Asia is starting the process of rebalancing cials who backed Kuroda’s calls for efforts
longer term, CONSTRUCTION 189.60 +5.69
the worst financial crisis in 70 years took growth from excessive dependence on ex- to stimulate domestic consumption. developing TRADING/SERVICES 133.74 +3.95
FINANCE 7539.03 +117.32
centre stage. ternal demand to greater resilience on both They called for traditional methods such Asia is PROPERTIES 621.28 +19.62
Meanwhile the finance ministers of the consumption and investment,” he said. as greater spending on infrastructure, but starting the PLANTATION 4981.84 +141.44
Association of Southeast Asian Nations “Already there are signs that domestic also stressed the need for more investment process of MINING 255.33 -2.03
(Asean) plus China, Japan and South Korea consumption is remaining strong in Asia in education and social safety nets to give FBMSHA 6886.77 +181.78
moved closer to the creation of a regional and may well lead the way out of this Asian consumers, especially the poor, the re-balancing FBM2BRD 4305.73 +35.37
currency pool designed to bolster crisis-hit downturn.” confidence to spend. growth TECHNOLOGY 12.90 +0.26
economies. The ADB is predicting growth of 3.4% The ADB says the economic crisis has from TURNOVER VALUE
Japanese Finance and Economy Min- for the region this year, compared with kept some 60 million Asians in extreme excessive 1.639bil RM1.783mil
ister Kaoru Yosano said Japan and China more than 9% in 2007. poverty who otherwise would have been
had each agreed to chip in US$38.4 billion The bank plans to increase its overall able to improve their standards of living.
dence on
(RM139 billion) for the US$120 billion
(RM434.4 billion) scheme known as the
lending assistance by more than US$10
billion (RM3.62 billion) this year and next,
In addition to the Chiang Mai swap
pool, Yosana said Japan was considering a external Bursa expected to
Chiang Mai Initiative.
ADB president Haruhiko Kuroda said
including US$3 billion (RM10.86 billion) to
support more fiscal stimulus spending.
scheme to offer yen swaps worth up to ¥6
trillion (RM218.65 trillion) to be tapped in
demand be steady this week
to greater
Asia’s main export markets had experi- That would bring total ADB assistance emergencies. SHARE prices on Bursa Malaysia are
enced a “massive contraction in demand” during the period to about US$32 billion Such swap agreements can be tapped resilience expected to be steady this week with
since the implosion of the US mortgage (RM119 billion), compared with about to ease liquidity trouble as they boost the on both buying interest still likely to focus on
market triggered the global banking crisis US$22 billion (RM79.64 billion) in 2007 and amount of foreign currency regional banks consump- banking, plantation, gaming, steel and
last year. 2008, it said. can access while helping companies that tion and construction stocks, dealers said.
The flow-on effect had seen interest The increased lending is possible thanks use foreign currencies when trading. They said the positive outlook for
rates on bonds spike higher and Asian cur- to a decision by member states last week to The ADB has said growth could lift to
invest- the domestic economy in the second
rencies depreciate with the flight of foreign triple the ADB’s capital base, from US$55 around 6% in developing Asia next year. ment.” half of the year, coupled with the US
capital out of emerging markets, he told a billion (RM199 billion) to US$165 billion The bank focuses on lending for poverty – Kuroda Federal Reserve’s outlook that the
seminar alongside Asian finance ministers (RM597.3 billion). alleviation in Asian developing nations and economy is improving, will boost buy-
including Yosano. Some critics said the move was unneces- has 67 member countries including 19 ing momentum in the local market.
Asian governments have responded sary given the massive reserves of member from outside Asia. – AFP However, they said, profit-taking
may limit the gains.
“Persistent buying in selected

ADB wants to share M’sia’s experience heavyweights will help the key index
to extend its gains this week,” a dealer
He said some rotational play, par-
NUSA DUA: The Asian Devel- tal Increase (GCI V) to meet the nancing, which was very much companies managed to get ticularly on small- and big-cap stocks,
opment Bank (ADB) is keen to capital requirements of ADB in welcomed as Malaysia saw a contracts worth US$111 mil- will continue to dominate the market
share Malaysia’s experience assisting countries affected by real need for ADB to enhance lion (RM412.9 million). this week.
and expertise in helping mem- the global economic crisis. its support for private sector Husni said Malaysia has also The market started the previ-
ber countries in generating eco- Husni, leading the Malay- activities. agreed to ADB’s proposal to or- ous week on negative territory on
nomic growth and wellbeing sian delegation to the meet- “This is especially so in ganise a Business Opportunity profit-taking after the market run-up
of the people, Second Finance ing and also to the Asean+3, areas that will directly help Seminar in Malaysia this year recently.
Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad welcomed ADB’s proposal, to generate economic growth, aimed at informing the busi- News on the outbreak of the swine
Husni Hanadzlah said. stating that although Malaysia create employment, to increase ness community in Malaysia flu also encouraged investors to cash
He said this was expressed has been relatively successful income earning opportunities of ADB-financed projects.
Rivals out their position.
by the ADB president Haruhiko in developing the nation, it and to encourage existing, as Malaysia has appointed the are run- However, the market managed to
Kuroda during a meeting still needs to learn from other well as new entrepreneurs.” Construction Industry Devel- ning out stage strong rebound on Thursday,
with him on Saturday on the countries. “Continuous support to the opment Board (CIDB) to be the encouraged by firm Wall Street as well
sidelines of the ongoing 42nd Going forward, he said, private sector is also crucial in co-organiser of the seminar,
of time: as regional markets.
Annual Meeting of the Board of Malaysia is transforming its contributing towards economic the purpose of which was to fa- Ferguson The local bourse was closed on
Governors of the ADB here. economy from mixed labour liberalisation,” he said. miliarise prospective supplier, pg 31 Friday for Labour Day.
“We’ve had a lengthy dis- and capital-intensive to In that respect, Husni hoped manufacturers and contractors On Friday-to-Friday basis, the
cussion on enhancing further value-added economy, and is that more Malaysian companies with ADB procedures for pro- benchmark KLCI was lower by 1.94
cooperation between ADB and introducing further economic would be given opportunity to curement of goods and works, points at 990.74.
the government of Malaysia, liberalisation. implement projects financed and prospective consultants The weekly turnover increased to
and also the private sector in “Malaysia also wishes to by ADB. with ADB procedures for re- 6.361 billion shares worth at RM5.443
Malaysia,” Husni told Bernama strengthen its bilateral and In 2008, ADB awarded con- cruitment of consultants. billion from 5.514 billion shares worth
here yesterday. multilateral cooperation, which tracts worth US$200 million The ADB Meeting of the RM5.822 billion the previous week.
He said Malaysia would is in line with our development (RM744 million) to Malaysian ADB Board of Governors, held Volume on the Main Board, how-
continue to support ADB for philosophy of mutual benefit.” companies in the form of here from Saturday to tomor- ever, declined to 5.427 billion units
the benefit and prosperity of the He said the president of goods, related services and civil row involved around 3,500 valued at RM5.147 billion from 5.447
Asia and the Pacific Region. ADB also stated his desire to works as well as consulting representatives of 67 countries. billion units valued at RM5.598 billion
Malaysia has joined other strengthen the relationship with services as compared to year – Bernama previously.
ADB member countries in sup- the private sector in Malaysia 2007, where Malaysian The Second Board’s volume in-
porting the Fifth General Capi- through fi- creased to 550.146 million shares worth
RM237.525 million versus 437.317 mil-
lion shares worth RM135.410 million
previously. – Bernama

GM could follow Chrysler into bankruptcy: Analysts Maybank now one of best-cap banks
DETROIT: General Motors law practice group. Italy’s Fiat, would give Chrysler necessary to ensure the long-run
could soon follow Chrysler into “But it’s unrealistic to expect “a new lease on life”. viability” of General Motors. KUALA LUMPUR: Malayan Banking Bhd (Maybank) is now
bankruptcy protection and the that the process will go smoothly While Obama said his team “If they do not, govern- one of the best capitalised banks in Asia after the successful
process is unlikely to be simple and quickly,” Bernstein said. would continue to work with GM ments will not participate in completion of its RM6.02 billion rights issue.
or swift for either troubled auto- “The company is massive, its op- to develop a long-term viability the restructuring,” he said In a statement here on Saturday, Maybank said the
maker, analysts warned. erations are complex, and it has plan ahead of a June 1 deadline after announcing that the Cana- rights shares, listed on Bursa Malaysia last Thursday and
“Bankruptcy may indeed be thousands of potential claimants he also warned that “we simply dian government would allocate said to be the largest in Malaysian corporate history, were
the last, best option to restruc- and interested parties.” cannot keep this company or US$2.4 billion (RM8.688 billion) oversubscribed by 128%.
ture General Motors because In announcing Chrysler’s any company afloat on an end- to help Chrysler emerge from Its president/chief executive officer, Datuk Seri Abdul
of the multitude of challenges bankruptcy Thursday, President less supply of tax dollars”. bankruptcy. Wahid Omar, said the rights issue reflected strong investor
the company faces and its Barack Obama insisted that Canadian Prime Minister A smattering of bondhold- confidence in the Maybank brand and the long-term growth
deeply entrenched stakehold- “Chrysler and GM are going to Stephen Harper warned that both ers were blamed for blocking a strategy of the group.
ers,” said Doug Bernstein, head come back” and said a restruc- the US and Canadian govern- deal to restructure Chrysler out He said investors’ response to the exercise has been
of Plunkett Cooney’s banking, turing under court protection, ments “will insist that all of the of court and GM’s bondholders most encouraging, more so given that it was achieved in a
bankruptcy and creditors’ rights along with a partnership with stakeholders make the sacrifices seem equally intransigent. – AFP challenging economic environment. – Bernama

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