Research Methods II

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Department of Business Administration

Course Title: Course Code: Pre-requisite Courses: Credit Hours: Semester: Degree: Research Methods BUS 612 Statistical Inference Three (3) Fifth (5) MBA Program

Course Description: This course aims at providing an understanding of the process of Research applicable to various segments of business and social life. It also aims to develop an attitude in the students for research and scientific learning. Course Objectives: This course has been designed keeping the following objectives in mind: 1. To review the basic concepts of research philosophy and terminologies. 2. To enable the students to use quantitative tools for research. 3. To create awareness and understanding of contemporary tools to assess the quality and standard of research articles, publications and reports. 4. To provide guidelines to establish relations between academic research and business development. 5. To review research methodology and instruments for research. Learning Outcomes: At the end of this course, the students should be able to: 1. Recognize the importance of research as a first step in Business Studies. 2. Translate basic/applied business issues into appropriate academic research questions. 3. Use different software for statistical analysis and interpretation including SPSS, Amos, and E-Views etc. 4. Understand and apply the skills required to design and conduct research studies using qualitative and/or survey methods. 5. Acquire the ability to interpret research results and establish the substantive meaning and implications of the findings for managerial practice.

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Teaching Methodology: Teaching at Iqra University is learner oriented. Students are involved in lectures, assigned readings, reference readings, exercises, case studies, presentations, and class discussions. In the same way, grading tends to focus on the students overall performance and participation in the classroom activities. Code of Conduct: Students have to follow the rules stated below to avoid a failing grade in the course: Understand and follow the University policy regarding attendance. Arrive in and leave the classroom strictly on time. Late arrival will be marked as absence. If you leave the classroom in the middle of a session even for a short while, you will be marked absent. Keep your cell phone off during the class. Do the assigned readings for a class before coming to the class. Maintain a disciplined, cordial, and respectful attitude towards the teacher and your fellow students. Submit your homework on the due date before the class begins. Do not plagiarize from books, journals, or the internet. Do not cheat (make someone else do your work or present work for some other course as work for this course). The teachers decisions about marks and grade will be final. Course Contents: Week 1. Topics to be covered Introduction: Introduction to Research Role of Research in Social Sciences & Business Elements of Scientific Research Types of Research: Pure vs. Applied Research Quantitative vs. Qualitative Research Methodology & Design: Descriptive Research Causal-Analytical Research Causal-Comparative Research Historical Research Experimental Research Exploratory Research Problem Formulation Understanding and Developing Research Frameworks and
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4. 5.

Models Identification of Variables Parts of a Research Proposal Quiz

Development of Hypotheses of the research Types of hypothesis Statement of Hypothesis Literature Review & Problem Formulation


Instruments & methods for data collection

Measurement and Scaling Concepts Types of measures Types of scales 7. Attitude Measurement Types of attitudes and their relevant scales

Questionnaire Construction Open ended questions Close ended questions MID-TERM EXAMINATION


Different types of Surveys Survey method and business research Basic Method of Communication with respondents


Sampling: Methods & Application Sample Designs and Sampling Procedures Types of Sampling Relevance of sampling technique to research question


Determination of Sample Size Statistical Analysis & Interpretation of Data Basic Data Analysis: Descriptive Analysis Entering data in SPSS Regression analysis using SPSS Univariate Analysis Multivariate Analysis Using SPSS for Univariate/ Multivariate analysis


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Tests of Differences Tests of mean differences Standard Errors & Degree of Freedom ANOVA



Econometric issues: Type I and Type II Errors Multi-co linearity Heteroscedasticity Endogeneity & Exogeneity Auto-correlation Methods of Qualitative Research Narrative Research Phenomenology Participatory Action Research Grounded Theory Ethnography



The Research Report Contents of a research paper Managerial decision making and Research Policy implications Research for managers Report

FINAL EXAMINATION Rescheduling of Class: The teachers at Iqra University are very particular about taking their classes, but in case of an emergency, an alternate teacher may conduct the class. Students are informed through SMS in case of rescheduling of a class. Grading Policy: A Grade: B+ Grade: B Grade: C+ Grade: C Grade: F Grade: 88 and above 81-87 74-80 67-73 60-66 Below 60

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Marks Distribution of 100%: Quizzes: Project/Project presentations: Class participation/behavior: Mid-term: Final Exam: Total Recommended Reading(s): 1. Research Methods for Business & Management, by L.R. Gay and P.L. Diehl. (Latest Edition) 2. Business Research Methods, by C. William Emory. (Latest Edition) 3. In addition the teacher may prescribe any additional reading material. 4. Research Methodology for Economists: Philosophy and Practice, by Glenn L, Johnson. (Latest Edition) 5. Research Methodology: Methods & Techniques, by C. R. Kothari. (Latest Edition) ______10_____ ______15 ____ ______10_____ ______25_____ ______40_____ 100_ ___

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