1vest Manha Tarde Linguas Estrangeira B

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Vestibular Simulado Geral

Extensivo e Terceiro
Manh Tarde

As questes referem-se ao texto a seguir. In recent years there have been suggestions that, instead of raising sheep, Australia should be raising kangaroos, which (unlike sheep) are native Australian species that are adapted to Australian plants and climates. It is claimed that the soft paws of kangaroos are less damaging to soil than are the hard hooves of sheep. Kangaroo meat is lean, healthy, and (in my opinion) absolutely delicious. In addition to their meat, kangaroos yield valuable hides. All of those points are cited as arguments to support replacing sheep herding with kangaroo ranching. However, that proposal faces real obstacles, both biological and cultural ones. Unlike sheep, kangaroos are not herd animals that will docilely obey one shepherd and a dog, or that can be rounded up and marched obediently up ramps into trucks for shipment to the slaughterhouse. Instead, kangaroo ranchers have to hire hunters to chase down and shoot their kangaroos one by one. Further problems with kangaroos are their mobility and ability to jump fences: if you invest in promoting growth of a kangaroo population on your property, and if your kangaroos perceive some inducement to move (such as rain falling somewhere else), your valuable crop of kangaroos may end up 30 miles away on somebody elses property. Kangaroo meat is accepted in Germany and some is exported there, but the sale of kangaroo meat faces cultural obstacles elsewhere. For Australians, kangaroo meat has little appeal, and they continue to prefer their more traditional types of meat, especially lamb and beef. Many Australian animal welfare advocates oppose kangaroo harvesting, not taking into consideration the fact that living conditions and slaughter methods are much crueler for domestic sheep and cattle than for wild kangaroos. The U.S. explicitly forbids the importation of kangaroo meat because we find the beasts cute, and because a congressmans wife heard that kangaroos are endangered. Some kangaroo species are indeed endangered, but ironically the species actually harvested for meat are abundant pest animals in Australia.
(DIAMOND J. Collapse. New York: Penguin, 2005. Adaptado)

73. Are these statements TRUE (T) or FALSE (F), according to the text? ( ) Kangaroos do not like sheep. ( ) It costs more to kill a kangaroo than a sheep. ( ) Germany refuses to accept kangaroo meat. ( ) Americans are beginning to appreciate kangaroo meat. ( ) The kangaroos killed for meat are an endangered species. Mark the alternative which presents the correct sequence, from top to bottom. a) T T T F F. b) F T F T F. c) F T F F F. d) T F F F T. e) T F T T F. 74. According to the text, Australians do not eat kangaroo meat because: a) they do not find it as attractive as other types of meat. b) they consider kangaroos to be a tourist attraction. c) the price is much higher than for other types of meat. d) they believe that kangaroo meat causes heart disease. e) a congressmans wife heard that kangaroos are endangered.

Text II
Winter Winter influences nature, people and even history. The winter of 1941 caused the Nazis many casualties from lack of cold weather equipment and played a part in the failure of Operation Barbarossa, the Nazi march on Moscow. In animals and plants, winter plays an important role in their life cycles. Some fur-coated mammals grow a heavier fur coat during the winter. This improves the heat-retention qualities of the fur. The coat is then shed following the winter season to allow better cooling. The heavier winter coat makes this season a favorite for trappers who seek more profitable skins. Snow also affects the ways animals behave, as many take advantage of the insulating properties of snow by

Glossary hides = skins yield = produce slaughter = massacre, abate harvested = colhidas welfare advocates = defensores do bem-estar 1

Vestibular Simulado Geral

Extensivo e Terceiro
Manh Tarde

burrowing in it. Mice and voles typically live under the snow layer. Annual plants never survive the winter. As for perennial plants, many small ones profit from the insulating effects of snow by being buried in it. Larger plants, particularly deciduous trees, usually let their upper part die, but their roots are still protected by the snow layer. Passing seasons change the habits and moods of people. Around winter months, a gloominess, called winter blues or February blahs or Holiday depression during November and December is informally noted amongst people. The severest cases of this type of depression are diagnosed as seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Symptoms include sleeping more, tiredness, depression, and physical aches. Although cases include genetic disposition and stress, the prevailing environmental influence is decreased exposure to light due to winter weather patterns.

The text above associates winter with: I. joy and gloominess. II. sadness and death. III. depression and physical pain. IV. sleeplessness and lack of movement. 76. Choose the correct alternative. a) Only I and II are correct. b) Only III and IV are correct. c) Only II and III are correct. d) Only I and IV are correct. e) Only I and III are correct. 77. Select the alternatives that present sentences in the present perfect Tense. I. He hasnt had any problems so far. II. Shes been to China twice. III. Jack hasnt been feeling well recently. IV. Ann has long blond hair. a) I and II b) III and IV c) II and III d) I and IV e) I and III 78. Mark the alternative that completes the sentences correctly. I. I have __________ seen Jack. He was here a moment ago. II. I have __________ been to Africa, but I would like to go there. III. Have you __________ heard of a place called Porto de Galinhas? IV. This is the best novel he has __________ written. a) already never ever ever b) never ever already just c) already yet ever yet. d) ever already never yet e) yet never ever already

Glossary: coat = pelo, pele trapper = caador que apanha animais em armadilhas profit = lucrar profitable = lucrativo burrow = entocar-se voles = espcie de rato silvestre moods = mal humor decidous = que muda as folhas anualmente; que cai prevailing = predominante perennial = perene, que dura muitos anos 75. According to the text: a) The Nazis were successful in their march on Moscow despite the weather. b) Operation Barbarossa was the name of a battle won by the Russian army against the Nazis. c) Both Nazis and Russians had inappropriate equipment to fight during the winter of 1941. d) The Nazis beat the Russians in Operation Barbarossa. e) Many Nazi soldiers died because they were not appropriately equipped for the cold weather.

Vestibular Simulado Geral

Extensivo e Terceiro
Manh Tarde

79. Mark the alternative that completes the passage correctly. A house-breaker could easily go into that building because of ______ windows were broken, but he might have hurt ______ The poIice could see blood on the ground. They are going to find out what has happened to ______. a) his itself his b) their itself it c) my myself it d) its himself him e) theirs himself his

80. Richard has been working at the bank for three years now. The underlined verb tense can be replaced by a) works b) is working c) has work d) has worked e) have worked


Vestibular Simulado Geral

Extensivo e Terceiro
Manh Tarde

Van Gogh era otro Van Gogh El autorretrato, perteneciente a la coleccin del museo Van Gogh, es del hermano del artista, Theo. El museo descubre el error gracias a un estudio de la oreja del hermano, ms redonda que la del pintor. El Museo Van Gogh de msterdam ha descubierto que un autorretrato del artista fechado en 1887 es, en realidad, un retrato de su hermano, Theo. La clave del hallazgo est en la oreja. Pero no la de Vincent, que casi la seccion de un tajo en 1888, cuando trabajaba en Arls (Francia) con su colega galo Paul Gauguin. La oreja estudiada por los expertos de la sala holandesa pertenece a Theo Van Gogh. Segn Louis van Tilborgh, conservador del museo, la de Theo es redonda y de forma perfecta. Vincent la tena ms carnosa y rojiza. Su barba era tambin ms pelirroja y le creca por las mejillas. El hallazgo coincide con la apertura de la muestra Van Gogh en Amberes y Pars, nueva perspectiva, que permanecer abierta hasta el 18 de septiembre. Adems del gancho de las orejas y los retratos casi gemelos, a travs de 93 cuadros podr seguirse la evolucin del pintor, que pasa del realismo al modernismo. El museo guarda varios dibujos de Theo firmados por Van Gogh, y echaba en falta un cuadro fraternal. Theo financi a Vincent y le mandaba material de pintura adems de sumas en efectivo. Cuando le peda ms suministros, escriba cartas muy largas con una caligrafa excelente y las llenaba de dibujos. La correspondencia entre ambos fue tan abundante, que es uno de los mayores legados artsticos conservados por el museo holands. Theo tena adems una gran frustracin, porque nunca pudo vender los lienzos de su hermano. Van Gogh se hizo famoso a ttulo pstumo y su obra ha sido luego una de las ms cotizadas en las subastas internacionales. Tan unidos estaban, que Theo falleci en 1891, apenas un ao despus que Vincent. El museo de msterdam ha hecho aun dos descubrimientos ms durante la preparacin de la muestra. En el cuadro titulado Trigal con alondra (1887), el ave resulta ser una perdiz. Pero tal vez el hallazgo ms curioso sea el ltimo. El artista vivi en diversos lugares de Francia, entre ellos Pars. Pues bien, la tela El jardn de los enamorados, no retrata un paseo del pueblo galo de Asnires, como se crea. Se encuentra en el barrio parisino de Montmartre. Un lugar tan concurrido en 1887, fecha de ejecucin del lienzo, como ahora.
(Disponvel em: <http://www.elpais.com/articulo/cultura/Van/Gogh/era/Van/Gogh/elpepucul/20110621elpepucul_16/Tes>. Acesso em: 21 jun. 2011.)

73. De acordo com o texto, correto afirmar: a) A descoberta de que trata a reportagem diz respeito a um autorretrato pintado por Theo Van Gogh e assinado por seu irmo Vincent. b) A exposio Van Gogh en Amberes y Pars, nueva perspectiva permaneceu aberta ao pblico por um longo perodo, j que o quadro de que fala a reportagem ficou sem ser mostrado desde 1887. c) A orelha de Theo Van Gogh, e no a de Vincent Van Gogh, foi a chave da principal descoberta relatada pelo texto. d) As quatro descobertas importantes feitas em relao obra de Van Gogh acrescentam novas informaes sobre quadros conhecidos no mundo inteiro e que tm aparecido em leiles internacionais. e) Os problemas psicolgicos que Vincent Van Gogh enfrentou foram acentuados pela falta de um relacionamento fraternal com Theo, seu irmo. 74. Leia o fragmento: La oreja estudiada por los expertos de la sala holandesa pertenece a Theo Van Gogh. Segn Louis van Tilborgh, conservador del museo, la de Theo es redonda y de forma perfecta. Vincent la tena ms carnosa y rojiza. Su barba era tambin ms pelirroja y le creca por las mejillas" As palavras que melhor traduzem as palavras sublinhadas, sem alterar o sentido do texto, so, respectivamente: a) peritos, curador, rolia, cheia. b) peritos, dono, avermelhada, ruiva. c) especialistas, dono, rolia, cheia. d) especialistas, dono, avermelhada, cheia. e) especialistas, curador, avermelhada, ruiva.

Vestibular Simulado Geral

Extensivo e Terceiro
Manh Tarde

75. Segundo o texto, possvel afirmar: a) A exposio, de que trata a reportagem, contar com as pinturas e os desenhos de Van Gogh da sua fase modernista, pois as obras da fase realista sero revistas e expostas posteriormente devido s novas descobertas. b) As pinturas de Theo assinadas por Vincent esto na exposio Van Gogh en Amberes y Pars, nueva perspectiva, na qual ainda se sentia falta de mais um quadro fraternal. c) Embora hoje em dia no seja to disputado pelos visitantes, o bairro parisiense de Montmartre serviu como cenrio para um dos quadros de Van Gogh chamado de O jardim dos apaixonados. d) Os irmos Van Gogh tinham uma relao que ia alm dos laos familiares, visto que Theo se encarregava de tentar comercializar as obras de Vincent, sem ter xito na poca. e) Theo conseguiu que as obras do seu irmo Vincent fossem leiloadas internacionalmente, embora tenham vivido pouco para constatar o xito das vendas, ao morrerem em 1891 e 1890, respectivamente. 76. De los numerales extrados del texto, el nico que tiene la grafa correcta es: a) mil ochocientos ochenta y ocho b) mil ochocientos y ochenta y siete c) deciocho d) noventa tres e) dos mil y once 77. De las palabras a seguir, extradas del texto, la nica que presenta la clasificacin correcta cuanto a la reglas de acentuacin es: a) coleccin grave b) msterdam sobresdrjula c) jardn aguda d) crea aguda e) ejecucin llana

Texto 1

Disponvel em: <http://2.bp.blogspot.com/qrvGMzK4ZJQ/TI5rajXjMkI/AAAAAAAAABM/P-1s1vMAtR8/ s1600/MiguelitoyMafalda.jpg>. Acesso em: 30 jun. 2011.)

78. Com relao ao exposto na tirinha, correto afirmar: a) Miguelito interpreta literalmente a mensagem expressa por Mafalda. b) A atitude de Miguelito compatvel com o objetivo de Mafalda em sua sugesto. c) A fala de Mafalda uma analogia falta de tempo dos adultos para atender as crianas. d) A personificao do livro sugerida por Mafalda uma aluso imaginao da criana. e) A reao de Mafalda expressa a falta de compreenso sobre a mensagem recebida. 79. Segundo a tirinha, correto afirmar: a) H uma crtica educao por no fomentar a leitura na infncia. b) H a constatao de que a leitura pode ser uma boa opo quando no se tm amigos para brincar. c) As crianas esto ficando mais tempo sozinhas devido ao trabalho dos pais. d) As crianas consideram a leitura um tdio porque as impede de brincar. e) Independentemente do livro, a leitura o melhor amigo para as crianas.

Texto 2

Vestibular Simulado Geral

Extensivo e Terceiro
Manh Tarde

(Disponve em: <http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_qrvGMzK4ZJQ/TJ5KLbGP_SI/AAAAAAAAABk/W3nkyzTt 1MU/s1600/20070423084821-forges-feria.jpg>. Acesso em: 30 jun. 2011.)

80. Com relao charge, assinale a alternativa correta. a) Com a idade, as pessoas deixam de praticar atividades fsicas e se dedicam leitura. b) O desinteresse pela leitura e por atividades culturais, no cotidiano, se apresenta com o passar dos anos. c) H um exagero na atitude do homem, que se mostra excessivamente voltado para os esportes. d) H uma crtica atitude consumista das mulheres. e) H uma representao negativa de valores socioeconmicos em relao leitura e aos esportes.

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