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The Stillwater

It is the mission of First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Stillwater to be the church of Jesus Christ in the world. We do so by developing DISCIPLESHIP, Enabling OUTREACH, and embodying COMMUNITY in our lives together.

Volume 2013 | June 18
Dean Phelps to Preach Sunday in Owens Absence

Next Week, Owen and Sondra will be on the Jamaica Mission Trip. On Sunday, the Interim Regional Minister, Rev. Dean Phelps will be preaching. Dean most recently served as an Associate Regional Minister in Indiana. He moved with his wife, Debbie, to Oklahoma last fall. Often you will find Dean holding a guitar and singing. In fact, he travels regularly to Mountain View, AR to play and sing there. While Owen and Sondra are gone next week, the Elders will help take care of pastoral needs. Please contact Nancy Crenshaw or Keri Bruce, co-chairs of the Elders, if needs arise.

Volunteer Driver Needed For a Few Months

Jan Wilson is home from the hospital, but needs someone to pick her up and drive her to the hospital at 3:30 for daily infusions for the next 3 months. You dont need to stay with her, and the ride home is set up. Can you volunteer to take a week, or even a day here or there? Please contact the church office or Ila Whitsel at 372-7250.

2 for 200 Passes the 50% Mark!

Our efforts at FCC to help our communitys children go back to school ready to learn and with confidence is working! Thanks to everyone who has donated to our effort, by check or by clipping money to the clothesline in the sanctuary. This week we raised an additional $430.00, bringing our current total to $2,426.00 toward our goal of $4,500! We have accomplished 54% of our goal! Way to go FCC! It is exciting to be a part of a larger community effort to help the communitys kids! We also have the Block Party/Application Sign up Events and Clothing Distribution Days coming up. We need 5 or 6 people at each of these events. Can you help? Please call Leila Beeby or the church office to volunteer. (1) Whispering Hills Apartments - June 22, 6-9pm (2) Chapel Ridge Apartments - June 29, 6-9pm (3) Clothing Distribution Day at Salvation Army - Aug 9 and 10.

Official Board Meetings Thursday, June 20th at 7:30pm

We know it is vacation time. However, as many board members as possible are asked to attend the Official Board Meeting on Thursday June 20th at 7:30. Thanks, Sonny Apman, Board Chairman.

Wednesday Night Fellowship Planning


Mark Your Calendar

June 20 Official Board Meeting June 22-June 29 Group 1 of Jamaica Mission Trip June 29-July 6 Group 2 of Jamaica Mission Trip June 30 Red Cross Blood Drive

Even in the middle of summer hustle and bustle we are planning for something that will make your midweek inspiring and uplifting. WNF will resume on Sept. 4th. Sondra is thinking about programming that will help us get to know and appreciate each other on a deeper level. If you have a talent or story to share with this congregation, please contact Sondra soon so we can MARY ELIZABETH CRISWELLS dream and brain storm together.

Please join us to celebrate

Thank You to Alyson Friesen June 30 will be Alyson Friesens last Sunday as our interim Contemporary Music Director. She will continue to play with the praise band, but has felt the need to take a break from worship leadership. Please, take a moment to express your gratitude for the good work that she has done for us. The search committee for a new CMD has resumed. The members of that committee are: Don Mitchell, Gary Varnell, Michelle Schaecher, and Aaron Sharp. Please keep this group in your prayers as they search for someone who will build on what Alyson has done.


Saturday, June 29th 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm First Christian Church Your presence is her gift

Join us this Sunday for Dean Phelps Message, Traditional 9:00am Sunday School 10:10 Contemporary 11:10

The Care and Feeding of A Candle

Owen Cayton, Senior Minister When physical exhaustion overtakes the body, sleep is the remedy. When spiritual exhaustion overtakes the soul, silence is the remedy. - Leonard Sweet A couple weeks ago, after the boys came home from a great week at Dry Gulch with Sondra and Rick and other children, they experienced that dreaded mix of excitement and exhaustion. They had so much fun and couldnt wait to relay all they had done and you could hear the excitement in their voices. They were also excited to spend time with their friends at home, whom they hadnt seen in a week. It was late in the afternoon when the trouble began. They had gone over to a friends house to play while Lori and I were working outside. It wasnt long before one of them came back, quite a bit prematurely in our minds, and went inside. After a few moments, I went in to check on him and I heard crying coming from the boys bedroom. Over the course of our conversation, it became clear that exhaustion was the culprit. To be sure, there was real stimulus for the tears, but under normal circumstances the necessary coping skills would have been readily available. This went on for the rest of the evening at the Cayton household; back and forth, breakdown after breakdown until finally it was bedtime! The thing is, the boys never really seemed aware that they were tired. They felt like they had energy. And God forbid that their parents suggest they were tired No, its just that he is always mean to me. Or, He never does what I want to do. Alas, sleep was the remedy. Even the next day, after a relatively early bedtime and sleeping a little later than usual on a Sunday, they were both back to their easy going and loving selves. There are certainly times when all of us get tired and arent really aware that we are exhausted. It affects our coping skills, though perhaps as adults we can hide it (or we think we can at any rate). And if we find it difficult to recognize that we are physically exhausted, I wonder how difficult it may be to recognize that we are spiritually exhausted. It has been a long time, too long in fact, since I have asked the question: How is your spirit? I ask this question in earnest and hope that you will take some time to ponder it. Just as you might lie down and rest for a while to see if you arent a little tired, I invite you to create a space of silence to think and pray about how it may be with your spirit. Pause and listen to yourself. Pause and listen to God. Shalom, Pastor Owen The Stillwater Christian is a weekly publication of First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). The deadline for articles each week is 1pm Monday. Tracy Freeman, Editor Church Office Phone: 405.372.7722 Fax: 405.372.7726 Find The Stillwater Christian and more information at Send prayer requests and general email to

Sondra Ladd, Children/Youth Ministry Director Jamaica Mission 2013 is Here! After more than a year of planning, preparation and prayer, it is time for JAMAICA MISSION 2013. Cassidy Ladd is already in Jamaica leading a mission group and preparing for our teams to arrive. Saturday morning at 6am, half of group one will depart via United airlines; the second half of Group One will depart via American Airlines at 8am. All 38 of us should be at Galina Breeze by 4:00pm on Saturday afternoon. Our work while at Galina will consist of: construction of the new childrens village work at the infirmary, local schools and farms; interaction with infirmary residents including a beach day; a PE day with child sponsorship participants; at Green Life Farm - work on housing, installation of a water tank, repainting of murals damaged during Hurricane Sandy; and at Galina Breeze, helping with facility improvements. God has an amazing plan for this group of people willing to give a week of summer break to sharing Gods love with people in a far away place. Thank you for joining us in our efforts many of you have contributed in so many ways and continue to contribute by offering prayers during our week of service. Please pray for safe and timely travels and for the ability to share the love of God through our acts of service. Pray for strength and patience and for open hearts and minds. Pray for our spiritual eyes and ears to be open as we join together in unity to accomplish one purpose. As you pray, may you be blessed; knowing YOU are a part of this amazing opportunity. See you all in a couple of weeks. Expect to hear many stories and great reports! No Kids Own Worship June 23 or June 30 Upcoming Events Our next summer adventure begins on Sunday, July 21 when youth and sponsors will be serving the community of El Reno during Mission El Reno 2013. Its not too late to join us! Contact Sondra Ladd for details.


Facts & Figures for June 16, 2013

Attendance(84 and 79)......163 Sunday School......81 General Fund Receipts......$3,710.00 Capital Fund Receipts.......$200.00 Loose Offering/Sunday School...$47.00 Project Funds Receipts....$18,196.84 Preliminary Facts & Figures as of May 31, 2013 YTD Budget Receipts....$196, 617.52 YTD Budget Expenses...$184,829.29 Net Receipts over Expenses...$11,788.23 Presented by Kay Smith, Treasurer,

Happy Birthday to: 6/19 Emma Gade, Russ Wright 6/21 Scott Freeman, Ival Hesser Cecelia McGaha, Gale Hansen, Stephanie Luster 6/22 Nancy Stevens 6/23 Pat Ward 6/24 Owen Cayton 6/25 Mary Elizabeth Criswell Happy Anniversary to: 6/20 Gary and Sharon Wright 6/22 J.W. and Mandy Gross 6/24 Maynard and Wilma Human

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