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The device is designed for measuring low resistance, inductance, capacitance and ESR of
capacitors. Functionally, the circuit can be divided into eight modules:
1. L / C oscillator
2. Block stable current sources (50mA/5mA/0.5mA)
3. Unit responsible for the discharge of the capacitor test
4. Block voltage amplier
5. Block display (Nokia LCD 3310)
6. control buttons
7. PIC18F2520 microcontroller
8. Switch (for switching components of the subjects)
Ycfpocfeo npepuasuaeuo pnn usrepeuun ranux conpofueneuu, uupykfueuocfu, erkocfu u SRC koupeucafopoe.
4yukuuouanuuo, cxery rouo pasufu ua 8 ocuoeuux ropyne:
1. L/C reuepafop
2. Enok ucfouukoe cfaunuuoro foka (50mA/5mA/0.5mA)
3. Enok, ofeeaku sa paspnp ucnufyeroro koupeucafopa
4. Enok ycunufene uanpneuun
5. Enok ofopaeuun uuqoprauuu (Nokia LCD 3310)
6. Kuonku ynpaeneuun
7. Mukpokoufponnep PIC18F2520
8. Korryfafop (pnn korryfauuu ucnufyerux kornoueufoe)

Rpuuuun paofu LC reuepafopa u coofeefcfeeuuo npuuuun usrepeuun uupykfueuocfu u erkocfu (1p 1uF) noppouo onucueafu ue
euy crucna. Sfo noppouo usnoeuo e onucauunx k nopouur ycfpocfear koux e uufepuefe racca. Ofrey nuuu uekofopue
ocoeuuocfu, kofopue unu npureueuu e pauuo cxere u anropufre pacefa. nn usrepeuun uupykfueuocfu u erkocfu
ucnonusykfcn pasuue napu ynoe... fako nopxop noseonun noeucufu fouocfu usrepeuun, oprauusoeae nocfonuuyk,
aeforafueckyk, acfuuyk kanupoeky. T.e. ppeq acfofu LC reuepafopa ue okasueaef cfonu suaufenuuoro enunuun ua fouocfu
usrepeuun kak sfo uno pauee. Take uoeu nopxop k pacefar noseonun usaeufucn of enunuun reeufkoeo erkocfu usrepnero
uupykfueuocfu ua pesynufaf usrepeuun (oua yufueaefcn npu kanupoeke).

Hsrepeuue erkocfu snekfponufueckux koupeucafopoe oprauusoeauo no knaccueckory refopy sapnp koupeucafopa cfaunuuur
ucfouukor foka po onpepeneuuoro ypoeun uanpneuun (0,2v) c napannenuuur nopcefor epereuu sapnpa. B cxere sfo peanusoeauo
cn. opasor. Ropknkeuuu ucnufyeru koupeucafop npepeapufenuuo paspnaefcn (Q1) nocne ero ua uero nopaefcn cfaunuuoe
uanpneuue u eknkaefcn farep ofcefa epereuu. B roreuf pocfueuun uanpneuuer ypoeun 0,2v. cpaafueaef euyfpeuuu
kornapafop u qukcupyefcn epern farepa. anee npoucxopuf pacef erkocfu koupeucafopa. nn cokpaeuun epereuu usrepeuun e
reuk rouo eupafu rakcuranuuu npepen usrepeuun erkocfu ucnufyeroro koupeucafopa (100/300/600 fucn rukpoqapap).

Hsrepeuue SRC (ESR) koupeucafopa u usrepeuue ranux conpofueneuu eunonunefcn no cn. npuuuuny. Ha ucnufyeru koupeucafop
nopaefcn kopofku urnynuc uanpneuun qoprupyeroro ucfouukor cfaunuuoro foka. Sfo eusueaef ecnneck uanpneuun, eenuuua
kofoporo nponopuuouanuua ESR koupeucafopa. ea nocnepoeafenuuo eknkeuuux OY yeenuueakf sfof curuan po ueoxopuroro
ypoeun. anee, nopknkeuuu k euxopy OY rukpokoufponnep perucfpupyef nuk urnynuca u eunonunef auanoro-uuqpoeoe
npeopasoeauue pnn panuueuero pacefa eenuuuu uanpneuun. 3uan suaeuue cunu foka urnynuca u uanpneuue, npouseopufcn
pacef ESR.
Rpu usrepeuuu ESR ranux erkocfe (<10uF) npoucxopuf uesuaufenuuoe saeuueuue nokasauu usrepufenn. He crofpn ua fo, fo
pnufenuuocfu urnynuca ecero 1-2uS sforo pocfafouo pnn foro, fou koupeucafop ycnen ueruoro sapnpufucn, fer carur cnerka
saeucue suaeuue usrepneroro uanpneuun.

e1anu kouc1pykuuu.
Hekofopue ocoeuuocfu koucfpykuuu kofopue cnepyef yecfu npu noefopeuuu. Ropcfpoeuue pesucfopu e noke ucfouuka
cfaunuuoro foka (2. I_source) nyue sareuufu ua nocfonuuue, nocne nopopa ux npurepuoro suaeuun e npouecce uacfpoku
(onucauo uue).
Ropcfpoeuue pesucfopu R3 u R8 e noke ycunufenn (4. Amp) pekoreupyefcn ucnonusoeafu ruorooopofuue. Sfo noseonuf
eunonuufu fouyk nopcfpoky kosq. ycuneuun of suaeuun kofoporo saeucuf fouocfu paofu npuopa (ocoeuuo kpufuuo pnn
Brecfo peyx OY MCP601 rouo ucnonusoeafu opuy MCP602.
Pene e noke korryfauuu (8. Switch) ueoxopuro ucnonusoeafu ucfaunuuoe c peyrn orofkaru paccufauuuru ua uanpneuue 5v.
The principle of the LC oscillator and therefore the principle of measuring the inductance and
capacitance (1p - 1uF) to describe in detail not see the point. This is detailed in the descriptions of
similar devices to whom the Internet weight. I will mention only some features that were used in
this scheme and algorithm of calculation. To measure the inductance and capacitance using different
pairs of probes ... This approach has allowed more accurate measurements to establish a permanent,
automatic, partial calibration. Ie LC oscillator frequency drift does not have such a signicant
impact on the accuracy measurement as it was before. Also, a new approach to calculation has
allowed to get rid of the inuence of interturn capacitance measured inductance in the measurement
(it is taken into account during calibration).

Measurement of capacitance of electrolytic capacitors is organized by the classical method - a

charge the capacitor stable current source to a certain level of voltage (0,2 v) with a parallel
counting the charging time. The scheme is implemented seq. way. Capacitor connected subject pre-
discharge (Q1) and then fed it to a stable voltage and the timer countdown. At the moment of
reaching the voltage level of 0,2 v. triggers an internal comparator and a xed timer. Next is the
capacitance calculation. To reduce the measurement time you can select the maximum limit of
measuring the capacitance of the test capacitor (100/300/600 thousands of microfarads).

Measurement of ESR (ESR) capacitor and the measurement of low resistances is performed by ff.
principle. On the subject capacitor short voltage pulse is applied formed a stable source of supply.
This causes a spike in voltage magnitude is proportional to the ESR of the capacitor. Two series-
connected DU increase the signal to the required level. Further, connected to the output of op amp
microcontroller registers peak of the pulse and performs the analog-digital transformation for
further calculation of voltage. Knowing the value of the current pulse and the voltage produced
calculation of ESR.
When measuring the ESR of small vessels (<10uF) is a slight overstatement of meter readings.
Despite the fact that pulse duration of 1-2uS enough to recharge the capacitor had a little, thus
slightly overestimated the value of the measured voltage.
Construction details.
Some design features that should be considered when repeated. Trimmer to block the source stable
current (2. I_source) should be replaced by the constant, after selecting their approximate value in
the conguration process (Described below).
Trimmer resistors R3 and R8 in the amplier unit (4. Amp) is recommended to use multi. This will
allow ne-tuning of the coefcients. enhance the value of which depends on the accuracy of the
instrument (especially critical for ESR).
Instead of two MCP601 op amp can be used one MCP602.
Relay in switching unit (8. Switch) must be used bistable with two windings rated for 5v.
Capacitors C2 and C5-polar tantalum or "pottery." Choke L1 - such as "dumbbells". Even better, if
the "dumbbells" will be in the ferrite "glass".
Block "S1 optional" is the control unit supply voltage on the LC oscillator. Optionally, there is a
possibility turn off the generator in the measurement mode "elektorlitov" scheme to reduce power
consumption. S1 unit can not use, simply plug the generator to the LC diet.
! To avoid failure of the microcontroller, Jmp jumper should be set only after the voltage setting in
point "B" resistor "R_Vbat" (described below).
The circuit module is missing frequency (prescaler and buffer), although the software itself is
implemented frequency. Measured frequency (with the "correct" amplitude) must be submitted by 6
output MK (F). It should be understood that for modes measuring capacitance and inductance at
input 6 MK must be supplied from the output signal LC oscillator. With this purpose in the scheme
shows the switch. One of the possible solutions of the schematic module frequency (prescaler /
buffer switching) is still under development. If necessary, switching can be arranged on the
switches, as well as diagrams of the input circuits (divider \ buffer) using one of the many schemes
available in Internet.
Setting up and operating the device.
When you rst turn on the device should reset all settings to default. To do this, press 3 and power
on the device. Later this operation can be done from the menu Function section "Reset".
After reset it is desirable to produce off-ON device. By default, after reset the contrast value
Contrast set as 200. You can change the settings menu, or perform off-ON device holding the 4
pressed. In this case, immediately after the device goes into the menu adjust the contrast. Next
button 4 contrast is increased, and button 3 - is reduced.
Koupeucafopu C2 u C5 faufanoeue unu uenonnpuan keparuka. poccenu L1 funa raufenuka. Ee nyue, ecnu sfa raufenuka
ypef e qeppufoeor cfakaue.
Enok S1 optional sfo nok ynpaeneuun nopae uanpneuun nufauun ua LC reuepafop. Onuuouanuuo, cyecfeyef eosrouocfu
ofknkafu reuepafop e peure usrepeuun snekfopnufoe pnn cuueuun suepronofpeneuun cxeru. Enok S1 rouo ue
ucnonusoeafu, npocfo nopknkue LC reuepafop k nufauuk.
!!! Bo useauue euxopa us cfpon rukpokoufponnepa, neperuky Jmp cnepyef ycfauaenueafu fonuko nocne uacfpoku uanpneuun e
foke B pesucfopor R_Vbat (onucauo uue).
B cxere ofcyfcfeyef ropynu acfoforepa (npeppenufenu u yqep) xofn nporparruo car acfoforep peanusoeau. Hsrepneryk
acfofy (c npaeunuuo arnnufypo) cnepyef nopaeafu ua 6 eueop MK (F). Heoxopuro nouurafu, fo pnn paofu peuroe
usrepufenn erkocfu u uupykfueuocfu ua exop 6 MK poneu nopaeafucn curuan c euxopa LC reuepafopa. C sfo uenuk ua cxere
usopaeu korryfafop. Opuu us eosrouux eapuaufoe cxerafueckoro peueuun ropynn acfoforepa (npeppenufenu/yqep,
korryfauun) noka uaxopufcn e cfapuu paspaofku. Rpu ueoxopurocfu korryfauuk rouo oprauusoeafu ua oukuoeeuuux
nepeknkafennx, a e kaecfee cxer exopuux uene (penufenu\yqep) ucnonusoeafu opuy us ruoroucneuuux cxer urekuxcn e

Hac1poka u pao1a c yc1poc1nou.
Rpu nepeor eknkeuuu ycfpocfea cnepyef cpocufu ece uacfpoku k uacfpokar no yronauuk. nn sforo uyuo uaafu kuonky 3 u
eknkufu nufauue ycfpocfea. B panuueuer sfy onepauuk rouo eunonuufu us reuk Function paspen Reset.
Rocne cpoca enafenuuo npouseecfu ofkn-ekn ycfpocfea. Ro yronauuk, nocne cpoca uacfpoek suaeuue koufpacfa Contrast
ycfauaenueaefcn kak 200. Sfo suaeuue rouo usreuufu e reuk uacfpoek unu eunonuufu ofkn-ekn ycfpocfea ypepuean kuonky 4 e
uaafor cocfonuuu. B sfor cnyae nocne eknkeuun ycfpocfeo cpasy nepepef e reuk perynupoeku koufpacfa. anee kuonko 4
koufpacf yeenuueaefcn, a kuonko 3 yreuuuaefcn.

Hac1poka uc1ouuukon c1aunuuoro 1oka.
Ha fouocfu usrepeuun suaufenuuoe enunuue okasueaef akkypafuocfu uacfpoku ucfouukoe cfaunuuoro foka. nn uacfpoku
uyuo nepefu e reuk Function u panee eupafu paspen I_50 kuonko OK. 3afer nopknkufu k knerrar usrepeuun C/ESR
runnuarneprefp. Munnuarneprefp ypef nokasueafu suaeuue foka ypyero urnynuca pnn usrepeuun ESR.
C norouk nopcfpoeuoro pesucfopa (R3) ueoxopuro ycfauoeufu sfof fok kak rouo nue k suaeuuk 50mA. Rocne sforo
sanoruufu nokasauun u ofknkufu runnuarneprefp. anee c norouk kuonok +/- ycfauoeufu e reuk ycfpocfea suaeuue
ofpaaeroe pauee ua runnuarneprefpe c fouocfuk po pecnfux u coxpauufu ero uaae kuonky OK.
Ty e npouepypy ueoxopuro eunonuufu pnn ucfouukoe foka 5 u 0,5mA paspenu I_5 u I_05, ofperynupoeae fok
coofeefcfeykuru nopcfpouuru pesucfoparu, npu sfor usrepeuuoe suaeuue ponuo ufu enucauo e reuk ycfpocfea c
fouocfuk po cofux/fucnuux.
!!! Bauo noruufu, fo nepeknkeuue repy paspenaru ponuo npouseopufucn npu ofknkeuuor runnuarneprefpe. B panuueuer
pekoreupyefcn sareuufu nopcfpoeuue pesucfopu ua nocfonuuue u noefopufu npouepypy uacfpoku.

Hac1poka OY.
Rpouecc uacfpoku OY ceopufcn k nopcfpoke K ycuneuun kaporo OY k suaeuuk ykasauuory e paspenax Amp1 u Amp2. nn sforo
uyuo eupafu peur usrepeuun ESR/C/R u panee:
Peur paofu
kuonky C
Setting up a stable source of current.
The accuracy of the measurement accuracy is signicantly affected by the settings of stable sources
of supply. To congure must go to the menu Function and then select the section "I_50" button
OK. Then connect to the terminals of measuring C / ESR milliammeter. Milliammeter will show
the current value of future momentum for measuring ESR.
C using trimmer (R3) to install the current as close as possible to the value of 50mA. Thereafter
remember reading on and off milliammeter. Next, using the + / - to set the value of the device menu
reected by earlier milliammeter within a tenth and save it by clicking OK.
The same procedure must be run to power source 5 and sections 0,5 mA ... "I_5" and "I_05",
adjusting the current subscript corresponding resistors, with the measured value should be inserted
in the device menu with to two decimal places / thousandths.
It is important to remember that switching between sections should be done with disconnected
milliammeter. Later recommended to replace the trimmer with the constant and repeat the setup
Setting up the OS.
The process of conguring the OS is reduced to tuning gain K of each OU to the value specied in
sections and Amp1 Amp2. for this select the measurement mode ESR / C / R and beyond:
1. Connect to terminals electrolyte knowingly capacity (better to take a small capacitor with a
capacity of 10 - 50uF) and with the resistor R3 and postroechnogo variable Amp1 (~ 6.0) in the
setup menu, make appropriate indications on the screen.
2. Then connect to the terminals of known resistance (preferably 1 - 10 ohms) and with the help of
resistor R8 and postroechnogo variable Amp2 (~ 6.0) in the setup menu, make appropriate
indications on the screen.
On the accuracy of the measurement of resistance will affect the accuracy of setting the current to
current Sources
0.00 -1.00 Om - section "I_50"
1.00 -10.0 Om - section "I_5"
10.0 -100 Om - section "I_05"
Setting LC oscillator.
Setting LC oscillator is reduced to the selection of inductor L1 and capacitor C1 so that the
oscillator frequency, which can be controlled by the regime "Oscillator" was in the range 900kGts.
C2 and C5 should be tantalum or nonpolar "ceramics." Calibration capacitor can be anything in the
range of 500-1200 pF. The main thing that it was capacitor with a minimum of TKE and a known
value of your container. Very well, if it is possible to pre-to measure its real capacity to some
calibrated meter. The value of the total capacity C_cal and C3 should be recorded in the section
"6.Ccal". C3 can not install (.... spied in a similar decision, as an option reducing the total TKE).
Battery indicator.
Display Setting the charge is reduced to the installation at the point "B" voltage equal to about one
third the battery voltage supply. For it is necessary to measure the battery voltage supply at a point
"A" (when the device) U1. Then connect the voltmeter in point "B" achieved by adjusting the
resistor R_Vbat voltmeter U2 equal to about 1 / 3 of U1. Further to calculate the division factor
K_div = U1/U2 and write values to the relevant sections in the menu settings. Also indicate
in setting the voltage with a fully charged battery "V_bat" and minimum battery voltage in which
the device will signal the need to replace / recharge the battery.
Also, to improve the accuracy of the ADC is desirable to specify the exact menu voltage
microcontroller V_ref (on default is 5v) measured it when the device at V_ref.
Measurement of ESR / C / R (from 0.1 - 600 000 uF)
To measure the need to:
1. Enable device (terminals for measuring component-free)
2. Switch the device by pressing the "Mode" (hereinafter M) mode ESR / C / R
3. If necessary, perform a calibration (see below)
4. Connect the measurement component to the terminals (C)
5. The device's screen displays the measurement result.
It should be noted that the speed of measurement affects the measured capacitance of the capacitor.
Maximum limit measurements can be selected in the menu Function (C_max) (stated in
thousands of microfarads)

Calibration mode ESR / C / R.

Calibration is to compensate for the effect of the length of wires Clem and others on the
measurement of internal resistance. For calibration must be in the mode ESR / C / R button
Calibration (hereinafter C). When the menu Close probes (closed probes) should be close to
the device probes the countdown on the screen. After perform the calibration, conguration
information is automatically stored in nonvolatile memory device, which will not subsequently be
calibrated each time you turn on your device.
Measure C (C <1uF)
To measure the need to:
1. Enable device (terminals for measuring component-free)
2. Switch the device by pressing the "M" mode in C-meter
3. If necessary, perform a calibration (see below)
4. Connect the measurement component to the terminals
5. The device's screen displays the measurement result.

Calibration in C mode
Calibration is to compensate for the effect of the length of wires Clem and others in the
measurement capacitor. For calibration must be in mode C (measuring the component connection
terminals are open, measured capacitor is disconnected) and press the button "C".

Measure L
To measure the need to:
1. Enable device (terminals for measuring component-free)
2. Switch the device by pressing the "M" mode in L-meter
3. If necessary, perform a calibration (see below)
4. Connect the measurement component to the terminals
5. The device's screen displays the measurement result.
6. When measuring the inductance (especially the small denominations) for higher accuracy can be
measurement process (without disabling the measured inductance) to calibrate the touch of a button
"C". At the same time The device is calibrated and the display will reect the importance attached
inductance as close to real.
Calibration mode L
Calibration is to compensate for the effect of the length of wires Clem and others on the
measurement of inductance.
There are two types of calibration - 'deep' to calculate the inductance of the probe and the "usual" to
correct the drift of the generator.
Regular calibration is performed by pressing the "C" in the mode of L-meter. Calibration can be
performed with a connected measured inductance to schupam device.
To perform a "deep" calibration, you must click the "C" and keep it pressed until you see signs
Close probes and take away hand (closed probes and clean hands) and then close the test leads to
the end of the reverse reference on the screen, remove your hands and wait for the calibration
process. After calibration, unlock probes.
Deep calibration can not be conducted continuously since after the "deep" calibration value of
inductance Probe connections are stored in volatile memory of microprocessor.

Measure F
To measure the frequency needed:
1. Insert the device
2. Switch the device by pressing the "M" mode in F-meter
3. Select the mode (with or without prescaler) using the "/"
4. Submit the measured frequency of the input of the F (6th output MC).

Change prescaler division factor applied by using the button K. After installation of the
coefcient to preserve the "OK button" value will be stored in nonvolatile memory.

Diagram of the device does not contain modules of the frequency (prescaler and buffer).

Beep "Reminder"
If the measurements are not carried out more than ~ 1 minute, the device begins to publish an
intermittent beep. Further signal repeats every ~ 20 seconds.
Beep "reminder" will not be included, if the instrument is set to "Off".
translation by Kripton2035 (and google...) on october 2011

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