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Environmental Health What is one common aspect all humans share?

The facet of self-preservation; according to current economical means, humanitys salvation relies on commerce. Although Earths conservation is politically important, its not of the highest priority; industrial development seems to come first. Ironically, civilizations will to live, is its self-destruction. Deforestation, carbon pollution, and oil spills, are a few consequences from the use of natural resources to develop new and current nations. Modernitys frail Climate, an article from Chicago Journal argues that our current state of being stems from that our ancestors transformed the world in a kind of joyful apocalypse without exercising due care, blinded by their faith in progress and their belief in the regenerative capacity of nature. Although the contemporary worlds descendants were apparently misguided by avarice and industry, a blind eye was turned to obvious imminent troubles. Its essential that these troubles are emphasized and attended to by many, if not all, to prevent further destruction to the earth as we know it. The points that will be stressed are deforestation, toxin pollution, and the corollary of production and possible ways to lessen the impact it has on the earth. Suppose you have a toothache, and you go to your dentist for advice your dentist advice is the judgment of a suitably qualified expert in his field. This is what Douglas Walton, author of Informal logic, calls a reasonable appeal to authority. According to Author of Histoire Naturelle De L'Air et Des Meteores, and multiple books on comprehensive work on atmospherics, weather, and weather-related natural phenomena, Abbe Richard has the necessary credentials to openly share his thoughts on the earths preservation; he states an epidemic in the Dutch Mollucan Islands had been caused by the destruction of clove plants whose aromatic particles puried the putrid air from a volcano. So while mans actions may enhance climates

and populations, it can also lead to catastrophe. For every action there is a reaction. In support of the statement given by the Chicago Journal by Abbe Richard, it is noted in an editorial from Congressional Budget Office (CBO) on Deforestation and Greenhouse Gasses that, trees protect the earth from Carbon Monoxide by storing it within its wood; with every tree that is cut down carbon is released, consequently adding to the earths pollution. Shelter, simple creature comforts and more makes great use of wood from trees; however, the desire of profit and industry growth will inevitably trigger problems that the people of earth cant rid its self of. According to the Chicago Journal Antoine-Alexis Cadet de Vaux, a renowned pharmacist and agronomist explained: We are plagued by drought and science says, we must not accuse nature but man who, by altering the surface of the earth has changed the course of the atmosphere and thence the inuence of the seasons. So it seems that mans negligence towards the atmosphere has participated in the intensity of natural disasters; it is mans responsibility to establish a method to reduce greenhouse gasses and other everyday toxins used to keep the world spinning. The (CBO) article suggest For that potential to be realized, however, substantial challenges would need to be addressedby providing technical and financial assistance to governments, by creating demand from private markets, or both. Providing assistance to governments and creating demand from private markets would be most effective in places such a Brazil and Indonesia where forest-based carbon emersion is immeasurable. However, the lack of structural integrity is of concern to many investors: leakage, which may negate cost advantages, government corruption and political instability are also factors which are in question before any policy approach for forest-based emissions is taken. (CBO) suggest ways to approach these emission problems, such as: tax credits, incentives, cap-and-trade programs and more. Hopefully

with benefits as such governments and private markets can recognize a silver lining in the few drawbacks needed to better the atmosphere. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has been recognized since 1807 for their services and products and their dedication and cutting-edge research and hightech instrumentation to provide citizens, planners, emergency managers and other decision makers with reliable information they need when they need it. Waltons text states experts are not quoted, and instead their opinion is reported. According to NOAA reports, due to Deep Water oil Spills, studies on Bottled Nosed Dolphins located in Barataria Bay, Louisiana, are in motion to investigate the factors that may be contributing to the dolphin mortalities. As stated by NOAA, the dolphins discovered in Louisianas waters, which have been contaminated by prolonged exposure to oil, are being diagnosed with lung disease, malnourishment, anemia and many other prognoses. Like thats released during deforestation to facilitate

industrialization, oil taints our waters as sacrifice for development; another oxymoron. These types of spills that effects marine life, have a funny way of distributing its poisons to the human body; as a result of food poisoning in such a way, the Food and Drug Administration, NOAA and the Gulf Coast States have used an agreed upon protocol to test seafood and ensure that it is free from harmful oil and dispersant residues. Though industrial growth is certain, those of the NOAA dedicate themselves to prevent such disasters as the Barataria Bay matter. Our self-preservation and aspiration for economic development has made imagination, reality. However, as new ideas come forth, new challenges arise on the other hand, such as; the earths temperature rising due Greenhouse Gas effects and the suffering of aquatic life due to industrialization hick-ups. Our jobs as residents of this planet, is to ensure that our dwelling remains healthy and habitable. To do so; following those with expertise such as, Antoine-Alexis

Cadet de Vaux, Abbe Richard, and the NOAA is coherent to the salvation of this earth. As Walton states No questioning of the expert source is realistically possible.

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