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Week 1 ( 7.

5 Hours )
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Hour 0 (Please go through this before attending the Day 1 SAP SD Training Roadmap DEMO ) What is SAP ? SAP GUI Navigation 2010 Version | ( View Recorded Video ) SAP GUI Navigation Part I SAP GUI Navigation Part II SAP GUI Navigation Video SAP GUI Navigation Exercise SAP GUI Presets ( Required to Practice the SAP SD Exercises below ) SAP Architecture SAP Physical Architecture SAP Logical Architecture Hour 1 - SAP SD Training Roadmap 2011 Version | ( View Recorded Video ) Hour 2 - Introduction to SAP Sales Business Cycle I ( Order to Cash Cycle ) | | ( View Recorded Video ) Hour 3 - Hands-on Lab Hour 4 -Customer Master | ( View Recorded Demo ) SAP Customer Master Exerise SAP Customer Master Exercise ( Simplified Version ) SAP Customer Master Customization ( SAP Customer Account Group ) Number Ranges Delete Master Data in SAP How to Block Master Data in SAP How to view Field Changes to the SAP Customer Master Data How to Create Customer Groups in SAP How to Create SAP Customer Price Lists How to Create New Price Groups How to Create New Shipping Conditions ( Includes Exercise ) How to find the different Sales Areas associated with the Customer Master Hour 5 - Hands-on Lab Hour 6- Material Master | ( View Recorded Demo ) How to Create SAP Material Master ( Including notes on important fields ) SAP Material Master Basic View Exercise SAP Material Master Sales View Exercise SAP Material Master Exercise ( Simplified Version ) How to Create Material Groups in SAP SAP Material Types SAP Product Hierarchy Hour 7 - Hands-on Lab

First Week Exit Test

Test Your Knowledge on the First Week of SAP SD Training by clicking on the link above. Please take this test before proceeding to the next Week. You can ONLY take this test once. So, please ensure that you fully prepare for the test before you attempt it. If you are not able to pass this test, please repeat the covered material. This is a coded test Ask your instructor for the Code to be able to take this test.

SAP SD Training Order to Cash cycle


Recorded Videos of the Order To Cash Cycle Class Below.( View in Full Screen for High Definition ) Scenario 1 : Assume your are a sales employee at Magna Training, handling customer requests for SAP Training. Some customer is looking for SAP SD Training. He want to first find out some good vendors out there in the market. He has sent out an RFI to Magna Training for SAP SD Training. Assume, Magna Training uses SAP to handle their customers. ( Use Customer 1400 and assume material M-01 is SAP SD Training ). Please list out the SAP Document #s as part of the answers Question 1 : You have got an RFI for SAP SD Training. Create an Inquiry in the system for SAP SD Training Question 2 : The customer has responded to the RFI and requested a formal quotation for the same. Create a quotation. ( For help, visit How to create a a quotation in SAP ) Question 3 : The customer liked Magna Trainings quote and wants to place an order for SAP SD Training. How to create a sales order in SAP ? Give the Order Number for the same that you have created. Question 4 : Delivery the order you just created in Question : 3 Question 5 : Bill the order you just created Question 6 : Another customer wants to take 6 SAP trainings from Magna Training. However, he wants to lock in a price of $600 for 9 months. Create a contract for the same with a validity period of 1 month

Question 7 : Create a release order for the contract you created in question 6 Question 8 : Another customer wants to take 6 SAP Trainings from Magna Training The first one in Jan , the second in Feb , the third in March etc. Create a scheduling agreement for the same Question 9 : Delivery the schedule agreement you created in question 8
o o o o

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96 Responses to SAP SD Training batch Jan 2011 Order to Cash cycle


Jayalaxmi February 26, 2012 at 7:23 am #

Hi Siva The following objects are created: Inquiry 0010000075, Quotation 0020000120, Standard Order 0000014043, Delivery 0080016510, Invoice (F2) 0090038558 Could you please help on how to go ahead with Questions 6,7,8,9? Any notes on Contract and Scheduling agreement would help. Thanks Jaya


Ronaldo February 24, 2012 at 6:30 pm #

Siva, How do I enable or disable wm picking, so I could do it manually ? Thanks

siva February 27, 2012 at 5:25 am #

Whether WM is enabled at the plant level is based on the enterprise structure assignment of Plant to Warehouse. Go to [ spro->IMG-> Enterprise Structure->Assignment->Assign Warehouse Number to Plant/Storage Location]. So, for a particular Plant/Storage Location combination, if the WH is not assigned, then WM is disabled If not it is enabled. If WM is enabled, you cannot do manual picking. You would have to do WM Transfer Order.


Mahesh February 12, 2012 at 4:36 pm #

Inquiry 10000065 Quotation 20000098 Order 13928 Delivery 80016450 When I click on Post Goods I get this error Delivery has not yet been put away / picked (completely) How Do I feix this?

siva February 13, 2012 at 9:24 am #

I guess we have discussed this in the class already. We cannot do a PGI unless the goods have been picked. In order to do picking for this scenario, since WM TO is required ( based on the field shown in pic below )

you would have to do a TO by clicking on Subsequent functions -> Transfer Order. Lets discuss the steps in detail if required in tonights class.


Anshu February 12, 2012 at 8:13 am #

Siva, I am getting an error that order # 13817 is incomplete. Please help

siva February 13, 2012 at 9:29 am #

I solved your problem Solution @

siva February 13, 2012 at 9:43 am #

Sorry here

Anshu February 14, 2012 at 4:07 am #

Siva, I am sorry this time its a pricing error. I dont see Net Value.

siva February 14, 2012 at 5:45 am #

What is the Order # ?

Anshu February 14, 2012 at 10:41 am #


siva February 14, 2012 at 2:48 pm #

I do see a net value. Did you fix it already ?


Ilana February 5, 2012 at 12:28 am #

Order 13852 has been created; delivery document 800016417

Anshu February 15, 2012 at 5:06 am #

No, I did notthing to fix it. What does it mean when is says that the Delivery is open ?

Anshu February 15, 2012 at 5:09 am #

Delivery # is 80016467


Anshu February 4, 2012 at 12:28 am #

Siva, I am unable to figure out why my order # 13817 is incomplete and cannot be delivered. Can you please help. Thanks

siva February 8, 2012 at 6:48 am #

The order is on Delivery Block

. Remember, this is NOT a credit block at the transaction level. This is a Customer master level delivery block. So, please do NOT go to VKM3 Instead go to VD05 and release blocks at the master data level. I went to VD05 and seen that there is a block on the customer. (Picture

below ) You can just remove the block and the order will proceed further.


Mital Shah December 19, 2011 at 10:19 pm #

Scenario 1 : Assume your are a sales employee at Magna Training, handling customer requests for SAP Training. Some customer is looking for SAP SD Training. He want to first find out some good vendors out there in the market. He has sent out an RFI to Magna Training for SAP SD Training. Assume, Magna Training uses SAP to handle their customers. ( Use Customer 1400 and assume material M-01 is SAP SD Training ). Please list out the SAP Document #s as part of the answers Question 1: You have got an RFI for SAP SD Training. Create an Inquiry in the system for SAP SD Training Answer: Created Reference-10000079 Question 2: The customer has responded to the RFI and requested a formal quotation for the same. Create a quotation. ( For help, visit How to create a a quotation in SAP )

Answer: Created Quotation- 20000170 with reference to above ref-10000079 Question 3: The customer liked Magna Trainings quote and wants to place an order for SAP SD Training. How to create a sales order in SAP ? Give the Order Number for the same that you have created. Answer: Created order-25606 with above quotation-20000170 Question 4: Delivery the order you just created in Question: 3 Answer: Created delivery-80016669 Question 5: Bill the order you just created Answer: Created billing-90038388 Question 6: Another customer wants to take 6 SAP trainings from Magna Training. However, he wants to lock in a price of $600 for 9 months. Create a contract for the same with a validity period of 1 month Answer: Created Contract-40000269 Question 7: Create a release order for the contract you created in question 6 Answer: Created release order-25607 Question 8: Another customer wants to take 6 SAP Trainings from Magna Training The first one in Jan, the second in Feb, and the third in March etc. Create a scheduling agreement for the same Answer: Created Schedule agreement 30000060


ravi December 15, 2011 at 7:14 pm #

Siva, Can you check the scheduling agreement 30000059 I did it with delivery schedule and inout Forecast Del Sch with one unit per month. Is this right? Thanks, Ravi


Raghava November 4, 2011 at 10:25 pm #

Hi Siva, I am unable to deliver the order I have created. Getting an error No schedule lines due for delivery up to the selected date.

Inquiry Type: IN S. Org/Dist Chan/Div: 1000/10/00 Sold-To-Party: 1400 Ship-To-Party: 1400 Inquiry#: 10000034 Quotation#: 20000107 14127 Order is created w.r.t QT 20000107. Kindly advice. Regards, Raghava

siva November 5, 2011 at 12:49 pm #

Please try to debug using the options specified in the link below. No Schedule Lines due upto to the selected date in sap

Raghava November 5, 2011 at 2:48 pm #

Hi Siva, I tried the scenarios given in the link, 1. changed delivery date didnt help. 2. Change MRP type for material to PD from VM (Automatic reorder) and Reorder point 60., and tried to deliver the order, but same error. 3. option 3, I can see the plant being determined in Sales order shipping header data. Could you please check order # 14127. -Raghava

siva November 7, 2011 at 8:17 am #

Done. Had to change the schedule line category. Earlier it was CV and now I changed it to CP.



deepak November 3, 2011 at 4:20 am #

IN 10000026 created. QT 20000092 created. OR 14075 standard order is created. 80016423 delivery has been created. TO 0000005147 TO created for delivery 80016423 90038197 billing created 40000234 CONTRACT created ( quantity : 6) :Release order 14112 for 2 quantity is created.Release order 14113 was created for 3 quantity. 30000055 SCHEDULING AGREEMENT was created but need to incude the NET price which is missing. Not able to deliver WRT to scheduled agreement which doesnt shows up the material.Kindly advice.


deepak November 2, 2011 at 5:20 am #

Hi Siva: IN 10000026 created. QT 20000092 created. OR 14075 standard order is created. 80016423 delivery has been saved, When i tried to do a PGI i do see the below 2 error messages.. Delivery has not yet been put away/picked (completely) Delivery has not yet been completly proceessed by WM For the 2nd err msg : i tried creating a transfer order LT03 but not able to find an Warehouse number Kinldy advice!


Rajesh October 18, 2011 at 5:39 pm #

Question 1 : You have got an RFI for SAP SD Training. Create an Inquiry in the system for SAP SD Training: Inquiry: 10000020 created, used customer: 1000. Question 2 : The customer has responded to the RFI and requested a formal quotation for the same. Create a quotation. ( For help, visit How to create a a quotation in SAP ) Quotation 20000065 created. Question 3 : The customer liked Magna Trainings quote and wants to place an order for SAP SD Training. How to create a sales order in SAP ? Give the Order Number for the same that you have created. Order: 135085 created. Question 4 : Delivery the order you just created in Question : 3 Delivery: 80016325 created. As ware house management was active, created transfer order # 000005084. Question 5 : Bill the order you just created Billed. Billing document # 90038119 Question 6 : Another customer wants to take 6 SAP trainings from Magna Training. However, he wants to lock in a price of $600 for 9 months. Create a contract for the same with a validity period of 1 month Created contract # 40000221. Question 7 : Create a release order for the contract you created in question 6. Could not create release order as the error msg: the reference is incomplete. Regards, Rajesh


Chetan Unni October 18, 2011 at 12:31 am #

Scenario 1: Assume you are a sales employee at Magna Training, handling customer requests for SAP Training. Some customer is looking for SAP SD Training. He wants to first find out some good vendors out

there in the market. He has sent out an RFI to Magna Training for SAP SD Training. Assume, Magna Training uses SAP to handle their customers. (Use Customer 1400 and assume material M01 is SAP SD Training). Please list out the SAP Document #s as part of the answers Question 1: You have got an RFI for SAP SD Training. Create an Inquiry in the system for SAP SD Training Inquiry is created with respect to Request for Information (RFI) from Customer T-Code: VA11 Inquiry Type: IN Sales Org/Distribution Channel/Division: 1000/10/00 Sold-To-Party: 1000 Ship-To-Party: 1000 Inquiry#: 10000017 Question 2: The customer has responded to the RFI and requested a formal quotation for the same. Create a quotation. (For help, visit How to create a quotation in SAP) Quotation is created with respect to Request for Quotation (RFQ) from Customer T-Code: VA21 Quotation Type: QT Sales Org/Distribution Channel/Division: 1000/10/00 Sold-To-Party: 1000 Ship-To-Party: 1000 Quotation#: 20000062 The Valid from Valid to Date is required for a Quotation (3 Months) Created the Quotation with reference to the Inquiry: 10000017 Question 3: The customer liked Magna Trainings quote and wants to place an order for SAP SD Training. How to create a Sales Order in SAP? Give the Order Number for the same that you have created. Sales Order is created with reference to the Quotation from MAGNA Training to the Customer. Customer liked the Quote and wants to pursue the Training. T-Code: VA01 Sales Order Type: OR Sales Org/Distribution Channel/Division: 1000/10/00 Sold-To-Party: 1000 Ship-To-Party: 1000 Sales Order #: 135067 Created the Sales Order with reference to the Quotation: 20000062

Clicked the Item Selection to bring in the Line Items/Change the Quantity and copied the line items to the Sales order from quotation. Question 4: Delivery the order you just created in Question: 3 Go to Sales Document Tab > Click on Deliver, the control is taken to the Transaction VL01N > Create Outbound Delivery and the information from the Sales Order is pre-populated. Delivery#: 0080016312 has been created in the system The Overall WM Status was set to A Hence created a Transfer Order from VL10n via Subsequent Functions > Create Transfer Order and pressed Enter where ever required. Transfer order#: 0000005079 created in the system Did a Post Goods Issue: Material Document 4900000092 created in the system Question 5: Bill the order you just created T-Code: VF01 Billing Document Type: F2 Sales Org/Distribution Channel/Division: 1000/10/00 Sold-To-Party: 1000 Ship-To-Party: 1000 Billing Document (Invoice #): 90038110 Billing Document is created from a Delivery Document (based on the Line Item Category), The Line Item Category TAN has the Billing Relevance Set to A which is delivery-related billing document Question 6: Another customer wants to take 6 SAP trainings from Magna Training. However, he wants to lock in a price of $600 for 9 months. Create a contract for the same with a validity period of 1 month T-Code: VA41 Contract Type: QC Sales Org/Distribution Channel/Division: 1000/10/00 Sold-To-Party: 1000 Ship-To-Party: 1000 Quantity Contract #: 40000220 Quantity = 1 Item Price = 600 Total Sales Order Value = $ 600 Note: PO number is required Hence, the Customer can use the same Contract for 6 SAP trainings @ $600 Question 7: Create a release order for the contract you created in question 6 Release Order Type: OR Release Order: 135070 created in the system

Created Release Order with reference to the Quantity Contract: 40000220 Question 8: Another customer wants to take 6 SAP Trainings from Magna Training The first one in Jan, the second in Feb, the third in March etc. Create a scheduling agreement for the same Not yet covered in the Class Question 9: Delivery the schedule agreement you created in question 8 Not yet covered in the Class


Chetan Unni October 17, 2011 at 11:42 pm #

Hi Siva, Im having the below error when Im trying to create the Billing Document(F2). Error: 0000135067 000010 Item category TA TAN cannot be invoiced with billing type F2 I looked into the Document Flow and the Outbound delivery still says Being Processed, Is this due to the Material availability? Sales Order: 135067 Please let me know. Thanks Chetan Thanks Chetan

Chetan Unni October 18, 2011 at 12:24 am #

Hello Siva, I found another video where you have explained that the Billing document has to be created w.r.t delivery and not Sales Order based on the Item Category used. I was able to create the Billing Document Thanks Chetan


siva October 18, 2011 at 5:08 am #

I see that the document is completely billed. Can you please elaborate on the question ?



Varughese Thomas October 17, 2011 at 5:06 am #

Hi Siva, Q1) Inquiry Doc # 10000016 Q2) Quotation Doc # 20000061 Q3) Standard Order # 135046 Q4) Delivery # 80016303 Had issue with going further, while trying to do Goods Issue got the error message Delivery has not been put away / picked completely Q5) Billing Doc Not generated yet Q6) Contract QC # 40000218, Did not handle the $600 for 9 months part yet. Need to understand how to do this. Q7) Release Order # 135050

Q8) Scheduling Agreement # 30000054 Q9) Scheduling Agreement Delivery # 80016304 for schedule line 1

siva October 17, 2011 at 5:29 am #

Varughese, You did NOT PGI the Delivery. Remember that a Delivery Documents needs to be technically complete in order to process it further. As discussed in the class, a Delivery needs to be picked and PGIed to be technically complete. Try doing the PGI and then do the billing part.

Varughese Thomas October 19, 2011 at 2:35 am #

Siva, This is where I am having issue. I am not able to do PGI. Which transaction should I use? I tried doing a Transfer Ordeer and it is asking for a Warehouse? Thanks, Varughese

Varughese Thomas October 24, 2011 at 3:47 pm #

Transfer Order # 5094 and Billing Document #90038129 has been created. Thanks, Varughese


Vijay October 16, 2011 at 4:32 am #

Hi Siva,

The links in this page to How to create a a quotation in SAP ,How to create a sales order in SAP are not working. Pls help check Thanks Vijay

siva October 17, 2011 at 5:42 am #

Done. please verify. Thanks for the correction VJ


Muthu October 16, 2011 at 1:26 am #

Inquiry : 10000015 Qoutation : 20000055 Orer: 135022 (1000/10/00) ,135023 Delivery : 80016290 /0080016291 TO : 0000005071 Billing doc :Msg as per log could not create .Item category TA TAN cannot be invoiced with billing type F2. But got the answer from one of your recorded videos. 90038103 created.

Chetan October 17, 2011 at 11:33 pm #

Hello Muthu, Im experiencing the same issue and the Delivery Status says Being Processed Any hints? thanks Chetan


Lukesh October 15, 2011 at 6:04 am #

Tried multiple customers/material combinations but without being able to complete the whole cycle.. infact couldnt deliver anything.. I hope we learn to fix these in subsequent sessions.. lukesh

siva October 15, 2011 at 8:45 am #

Lukesh Can you please specify the combination here ? I will let you know


RAJESH October 12, 2011 at 7:19 pm #

Question 1 : You have got an RFI for SAP SD Training. Create an Inquiry in the system for SAP SD Training Answer: 10000006 Question 2 : The customer has responded to the RFI and requested a formal quotation for the same. Create a quotation. Answer: 20000016 Question 3 : The customer liked Magna Trainings quote and wants to place an order for SAP SD Training. How to create a sales order in SAP ? Give the Order Number for the same that you have created. Answer: 11763 Question 4 : Delivery the order you just created in Question : 3 Answer: 80014988.. while creating delivery i had a pop up stating pricing procedure not completed. Question 5 : Bill the order you just created Answer: error( no billing document was generated.

Lukesh October 15, 2011 at 5:50 am #

Rajesh, you seem to have different material, customer for all your Inquiries, Quotations and sales Order.. Any particular reason?? I was trying to use 1400, M-01 but it kept failing while trying to create deliveries.. Lukesh

siva October 15, 2011 at 8:47 am #

Lukesh Somebody has corrupted 1400 in the system. Please use 1000 Sold-to for now.


Karthik October 12, 2011 at 6:26 am #

Hi Siva, Customer number: 1200 Shipping point: 1200 Plant :1200 Sales area : 1000/10/00 Question 1: You have got an RFI for SAP SD Training. Create an Inquiry in the system for SAP Training Answer 1: 10000007 (IN) SD

Question 2: The customer has responded to the RFI and requested a formal quotation for the same. Create a quotation. Answer 2: 20000045(QT) Question 3: The customer liked Magna Trainings quote and wants to place an order for SAP SD Training. Answer 3: 13394(OR) Question 4: Delivery the order you just created in Question: 3 Answer 4: Stuck in delivery creation because of picked quantity is grayed out. 80016254. Got information from older magnatraining posts. [Solution : This is happening because, Warehouse Management is enabled for the corresponding Plants storage location. The immediate and only solution to this is to create a

Transfer Order in SAP] Transfer order number 0000005051. Question 5: Bill the order you just created Answer 5: 90038089(F2) Regards, Karthik.


Edward Emmory October 10, 2011 at 9:10 pm #

Question 1 : You have got an RFI for SAP SD Training. Create an Inquiry in the system for SAP SD Training Answer: 10000005 Question 2 : The customer has responded to the RFI and requested a formal quotation for the same. Create a quotation. Answer: 20000040 Question 3 : The customer liked Magna Trainings quote and wants to place an order for SAP SD Training. How to create a sales order in SAP ? Give the Order Number for the same that you have created. Answer: 13372 Question 4 : Delivery the order you just created in Question : 3 Answer: 80016242 Question 5 : Bill the order you just created Answer: 90038084 Question 6 : Another customer wants to take 6 SAP trainings from Magna Training. However, he wants to lock in a price of $600 for 9 months. Create a contract for the same with a validity period of 1 month Answer: 40000211 Question 7 : Create a release order for the contract you created in question 6 Answer: 13373 Question 8 : Another customer wants to take 6 SAP Trainings from Magna Training The first one in Jan , the second in Feb , the third in March etc. Create a scheduling agreement for the same Answer: 30000052

Question 9 : Delivery the schedule agreement you created in question 8 Answer: 80016243 Thanks/Regards Edward


Radha Krishna October 3, 2011 at 5:59 pm #

1. Inquiry 10000086 2. Quotation 20000151 3. Standard order 14956 4. Delivery 80016884 5. Billing document 90038592 No billing documents were generated (processing status incorrect)


Armando October 3, 2011 at 4:02 am #

Scenario 1 : Q1 : You have got an RFI for SAP SD Training. Create an Inquiry in the system for SAP SD Training Ans: IN: 10000082 has being created. Sales Area: 1000/01/00 Q2 : The customer has responded to the RFI and requested a formal quotation for the same. Create a quotation. Ans: QT: 20000146 has being created with reference to previous Inquiry. Q3 : The customer liked Magna Trainings quote and wants to place an order for SAP SD Training. How to create a sales order in SAP ? Give the Order Number for the same that you have created. Ans: OR: 14897 has being created with reference to above Quotation Q4 : Delivery the order you just created in Question : 3 Ans: Delivery: 0080016880 has being created based on OR: 14897

Q5 : Bill the order you just created Ans: Getting an exeption: Processing status-> Incorrect Question 6 : Another customer wants to take 6 SAP trainings from Magna Training. However, he wants to lock in a price of $600 for 9 months. Create a contract for the same with a validity period of 1 month Ans: IN: 0010000085 QT: 0020000150 OR: 14947 QC: NOT COVER yet. Question 7 : Create a release order for the contract you created in question 6 Ans: NOT COVER YET Question 8 : Another customer wants to take 6 SAP Trainings from Magna Training The first one in Jan , the second in Feb , the third in March etc. Create a scheduling agreement for the same Ans: NOT COVER YET Question 9 : Delivery the schedule agreement you created in question 8 Ans: NOT COVER YET


Satya Chaganti September 26, 2011 at 8:15 pm #

Question 1 : You have got an RFI for SAP SD Training. Create an Inquiry in the system for SAP SD Training Inquiry order 10000076 has been created Question 2 : The customer has responded to the RFI and requested a formal quotation for the same. Create a quotation. ( For help, visit How to create a a quotation in SAP ) Quotation 20000127 has been saved Question 3 : The customer liked Magna Trainings quote and wants to place an order for SAP SD Training. How to create a sales order in SAP ? Give the Order Number for the same that you have created. Standard Order 14745 has been saved Question 4 : Delivery the order you just created in Question : 3

80016776 has been created Question 5 : Bill the order you just created Document 90038741 has been saved Question 6 : Another customer wants to take 6 SAP trainings from Magna Training. However, he wants to lock in a price of $600 for 9 months. Create a contract for the same with a validity period of 1 month Quantity Contract 40000258 has been saved Question 7 : Create a release order for the contract you created in question 6 Standard Order 14751 has been save Question 8 : Another customer wants to take 6 SAP Trainings from Magna Training The first one in Jan , the second in Feb , the third in March etc. Create a scheduling agreement for the same Scheduling Agreement 30000054 has been saved


Rawlings September 25, 2011 at 1:18 am #

Hi Siva, Why does this error message appear in my attempt to create inquiry: Sales unit PAL is not defined for item 000010. Thanks

siva September 25, 2011 at 4:50 am #

Hi Can you please give me the inquiry # ?

Rawlings September 25, 2011 at 11:10 am #

Dear Siva, The first inquiry # is 10000075 But i get the error message on a second attempt when i click enter after entering the line item details for the first question on order cash cycle excercise.


Purva September 20, 2011 at 11:11 pm #

hi Siva I had to try tons of times got stuck with many different messages and was able to work on questions 1 through 4 In the create order if threw a lot of errors for the SU (unit) = PAL. I do not know what that means question (1 to 4) 17000001= Inquiry number 20000121= Quotation number PO# = test order for siva for magna 14594= order number 80016749= delivery number I was unable to create a transfer order or billing document When i try to create a billing document it tells me the order status is incomplete. I am also not able to check the document flow. Also i have not worked on the questions regarding contract and scheduling as we have not covered that material in the sessions yet. The server also keeps logging me off every few minutes- does it time out? Thanks much!


vivienna September 2, 2011 at 8:33 am #

Siva, I have done the Order and also delivery order with reference to Sales Order, now in the delivery order#80016589 i need to do the packing for this D/O, i go to transaction code HUPAST to do the

packing with reference to Delivery, but there is a msg showing System Could not find the handling unit or packaging material where can i do the setup for this material ? Pls Adv

siva September 2, 2011 at 10:27 am #

Handling Unit Management is NOT part of regular SAP SD We will not be covering that in our course.


vivienna August 28, 2011 at 10:00 am #

Siva, I have some confusion in Transfer Order and need your further assistant. I have done some exercise in Inquiry Quoation Order Delivery Transfer Order Post good Issue Billing Can i directly do Delivery then Post Good Issue and Billing without a Transfer Order ? For my understanding, the Transfer Order is require when the company have control their material in storage location in the same plant, so when transfer order is created , mean it will remove the material from same Plants storage location to another same plants different storage location, am i right ? Can i treat this Storage location as BIN location or Rack for my material ? Correct me if i am wrong. TQ Viv

siva September 2, 2011 at 10:33 am #

1. If the Transfer Order is mandatory for the delivery line item, then it is Mandatory before doing PGI Without that Picking cannot happen. 2. Consider a Transfer Order like an authorized Txn that generates the material document that does the proper posting required for the WH It is NOT transferring from one SL to another. It

is transferring material out of the WH to the staging area for further processing. And any transfer of goods ( either inside the WH from one rack to another or goods going inside/outside the WH ) needs to be documented using a TO


justin August 25, 2011 at 11:19 pm #

hi Siva (tried plenty of times got struck with many messages but finally did it) question (1 to 5) inquiry 10000043 quotation 20000092 standard order 14128 delivery 80016551 (outbound delivery 80016551) transfer order billing document 90038592 went to inquiry and checked the document flow was impressed. question with contract and scheduling I dont have a clue ..

siva August 26, 2011 at 5:02 am #

So you are learning . Good job. It is this struggle that will result in great learning. Keep the

good working going until day 30. Dont worry if you are not able to do contracts/scheduling agreements. There will be seperate classes on the same.


Chan Phuong August 18, 2011 at 10:45 am #

Hi Magna, Please guide me how to configure to remind end user about exist contract of customer when they create sales order for this sold-to party.


siva August 18, 2011 at 12:16 pm #

Chan With all due respect, this forum is intended for our students ONLY. Sorry, we will not be able to answer questions from the general public. We have limited bandwidth and want to concentrate our efforts on our students. Hope you understand.


Zahid Abbas August 12, 2011 at 10:35 pm #


siva August 13, 2011 at 1:54 pm #

I am not able to observe this on the sap order # you mentioned. Can you please give me another order # ?


Gautam July 21, 2011 at 6:03 am #

Question 1 : You have got an RFI for SAP SD Training. Create an Inquiry in the system for SAP SD Training Inquiry 10000027/IN has been saved Question 2 : The customer has responded to the RFI and requested a formal quotation for the same. Create a quotation. ( For help, visit How to create a a quotation in SAP ) Quotation 20000088/QT has been saved Question 3 : The customer liked Magna Trainings quote and wants to place an order for SAP SD Training. How to create a sales order in SAP ? Give the Order Number for the same that you have created. Standard Order 14368/OR has been saved Question 4 : Delivery the order you just created in Question : 3 Delivery 80016717 has been saved(vl02npost goods issue) Question 5 : Bill the order you just created Document 90038829/F2 has been saved(billingbilling document-create) Question 6 : Another customer wants to take 6 SAP trainings from Magna Training. However, he wants to lock in a price of $600 for 9 months. Create a contract for the same with a validity period of 1 month 40000256/QC created with Valid from 21.07.2011 and Valid to 21.04.2012. I have not considered anything related to $600is that ok? Question 7 : Create a release order for the contract you created in question 6 Standard Order/Release Order 14369/OR for quantity 1 is created Standard Order/Release Order 14370/OR for quantity 3 is created Question 8 : Another customer wants to take 6 SAP Trainings from Magna Training The first one in Jan , the second in Feb , the third in March etc. Create a scheduling agreement for the same as I am trying to create the scheduoing agreement it is givving error related to the net price..blank.. Question 9 : Delivery the schedule agreement you created in question 8

is it just creating the delivery of the agreement ie Sales Document->Delivery



Anitha Raja June 15, 2011 at 4:47 am #

Hi Siva, I found the class very interesting and easy to understand i loved the demo class thankyou for giving me an invite I had few doubts 1.U spoke abt seeing order to cash cycle in B -> B perspective not to see in B ->C perspective. I did not understand that part What is the difference? 2. I am not clearly able to make out the difference between Inquiry and Quotation. to me , both looks same 3.U said that the software is already configured by someone, so that u are able to just give minimal amount of data for making an order. My question is who does that configuration for a specific company with specific rates/tax/availability of materials etc???? 4.What is the role of SAP SD consultant??? to configure OR to make orders and billing like the way u showed us today??? 5. When can I decide to get myself enrolled??? 6. How can I try doing the activity you gave us today even before i get enrolled??


Jeny June 3, 2011 at 7:33 pm #

Hi Siva I am Just re- doing the exercises: 1. In: 10000018 2. QT: 2000054 3. OR: 13509 4. & 5.: Delivery and billing I am not able to create the error says: order cannot be delivered long text.



Harsh May 22, 2011 at 9:42 pm #

Hi Siva please discard my previous post. for order no. 13339 i am not able to generate billing, its giving me the error message as listed below : item category TA TAN cannot be invoiced with billing type F2

magnatrain May 23, 2011 at 5:40 pm #

Hi Harsh I did create the delivery for the order 13339. The SAP invoice number is 90038087. I guess you get this error when you try to do the invoice with reference to the order ( rather than with reference to the delivery )

magnatrain May 23, 2011 at 6:12 pm #

Here is the solution to your problem


Harsh May 22, 2011 at 7:30 pm #

hi Siva i am not able to ship the goods and also not able to bill them. following are the details. please let me know where i went wrong. Inquiry 10000007 has been saved Quotation 20000043 has been saved Standard Order 13339 has been saved

Order no : 1339 cannot be delivered There are no schedule lines due for the given order item up to the date chosen Order no: 1339 cannot be delivered No billing documents were generated Thanks Harsh


Mark May 20, 2011 at 4:39 pm #

Hi Siva, I have figured out how to solve the issue with the Delivery creation. Q4 Delivery # 80016234 created and Transfer order 0000005046 created


Mark May 20, 2011 at 3:24 pm #

Hi Siva, Q1 Inquiry # 10000006 created Q2 Quotation #20000042 created Q3 Order # 13338 created Q4 I am unable to create a delivery doc. I am getting the following message: No schedule lines due for delivery up to the selected date. What do I need to change to create the delivery.


Harsh May 5, 2011 at 12:25 am #

Hi Siva, while creating Inquiry and quotation system is asking me to select sale area for customer. I tried couple of options over there but it gives me an error message saying Material M-01 is not defined to sales org 0001


Siva May 20, 2011 at 2:05 am #

You have entered the wrong set of customers or materials. Did you choose the Customers and materials I specified in the scenario ? Please choose them for now, until you can create your own. ( You can do this after we cover the following chapters ) 1. SAP Enterprise Structure 2. SAP Customer Master 3. SP Material Master 4. SAP Sales Document Type Configuration Until then, please use customer 1400, materials , M-01, M-02


Gabriel May 3, 2011 at 11:55 pm #

Hello Siva: I created my sales docs type for S.O and delivery remained in Being processedstatus hence billing cannot be done. Do I need to enter Del Type, From Item and to Item?. Sales ordr no 16427 and Delivery No 800161123

magnatrain May 3, 2011 at 11:59 pm #

Hi Gabriel Sometimes because of delayed updates, it is possible that you might get an error message like that. You would just have to wait for a couple of seconds and try again. Please try it again now , its working . ( I tested it as well )


Banu May 1, 2011 at 9:47 pm #

1) Cant create inquiry with 1400. It gives an error saying M-01 is not allowed for 1400. But was able to create it for 7, Inquiry # 20000184 2)Quotation # 20000186 3)Order # 16407 4) Delivery # 80016110 5) Contract #40000248 6)Order # 16409. Couldnt deliver bcoz it says order hasnt been picked up completely


gursh April 28, 2011 at 1:03 am #

Hello Siva. 1) 20000177 2) 20000178 3) 16357 4) says delivery has QM block 5) couldnt bill because I couldnt deliver 6) Need a new customer number as 1400 group master contract exists. 7) Couldnt do 6 Can you direct me to a demo of a sheduling agreement, I dont think I have covered it. Thanks


gursh April 27, 2011 at 3:33 pm #

Hello, I am trying to do an inquiry, I have input cust no. dist div codes 1000, 10, 00 code m-01 for the product when I hit enter the system says take minimum order quantity 10pc into account in item 00001. If I then press enter the cursor just goes to the lower level and flashes and I cannot complete the inq. Please advise.


Gabriel April 25, 2011 at 2:40 pm #

HelloSiva, What are the Inquiry and Qoutation Type that i need to use. tried to completehe assignment but having problem with docs type hence the error was saying i cannot use or copy a doc type for quotation no is 26002001

siva April 25, 2011 at 2:45 pm #

Hi Gabriel The quotation type that you have created is ZQ01 and ZQ01 does not have the proper configuration to copy over to SAP standard order type OR. We will get to this concept when we visit copy controls. Until then, as I mentioned, please use the following data. Quotation Document Type : QT Sales Order Document Type : OR Master Data : Customer Master : 1400 or 7 Materials : M-01, M-02, M-03, M-04


Jeny Koshy April 12, 2011 at 4:20 am #

1) IN: 10000056 2) QT: 20000145 3) OR: 16283 4) Delivery: I am not able to create billing, error: order cannot be created 5) Billing: since cant do delivery , cant do billing either


Sanjay February 16, 2011 at 3:21 am #

Hi Siva, For Question 6, we tried to create a contract using QC, ZBF01, EC02 but in all the documents we could not find the fields which will allow us to lock the price. Can you please advise if we are looking at the wrong contract types.

Magna Training February 17, 2011 at 6:39 am #

When I saidlock the price , I meant it in business terms. One of the reasons why contracts are created is because, the customer and the company wants to lock down to a price for a fixed amount of material. There is nothing specific in the SAP pricing screen ( Conditions tab ) that needs to be done. Trainer SAP SD Training


yogeuk February 14, 2011 at 12:36 pm #

taken material M-02 10000026inq 20000095quot 13147sales order 4)80015929 delivery 5)billing? its saying date in the past 6)40000207 contract po no 9months 7)release order ? 8)30000056 scheduling agreement 9)was not able to create delivery in schedule agreement, is some thing wrong in choosing the BL scheduling agreement type

Magna Training February 14, 2011 at 1:18 pm #

Yogesh 4. If you are trying to bill the delivery 80015929, then the PGI has not been done. You cannot deliver a delivery before the PGI is done for items that require it. Which document are you trying to deliver ? 7. An order created with reference to a Contract in SAP to release material/services from a contract is called as a Release Order. This is a business terminology. So to answer Q.7 , you just need to create an order with ref. to a contract. 9. We have not covered Scheduling Agreement yet. If you wish to do it, Choose DS as the document type using the t-code = VA31 10. The scheduling agreement you created requires a delivery schedule. Try to create it using DS and let me know. Trainer SAP SD Training


yogeuk February 11, 2011 at 12:15 am #

10000025inq m-01 status discountinued w/o replace (error message) 20000094quot 13146stan order taken material M-02 10000026inq 20000095quot 13147sales order No schedule lines due for delivery up to the selected date its not allowing me to create delivery (error message) **this is for first 5 questions

Magna Training February 11, 2011 at 3:36 am #

Good job Yogesh. That was quick. Keep answering all the questions whenever possible. Btw, we will not be having a class on Saturday/Sunday.

Magna Training February 11, 2011 at 3:37 am #

Please remind me of the schedule line thing in the SAP SD Training class. I will illustrate how to get over it.


Ehsan February 2, 2011 at 1:32 am #

1. QT # 20000085. I am unable to creat sales order aagin for the same error msg cearte sales order not allow ( user status) 2. in second problem where I was able to create sales order but no delivery date. I changed the delivery date at the line item lever and it worked. i was able to create delivery #80015915. but when i tried to post goods. this erroe msg showed up. posting only possible in periods 2011/01 and 2010/12 in company code 1000

Magna Training February 2, 2011 at 5:18 am #

1. The quotation was created before I changed the configuration in the sales document customization and removed the status profile set-up. Now start creating another new quotation and this time you should not have any issues. 2. I will fix this issue. The solution to this can be found under SAP MM Posting Periods . Here is what I am doing to fix this. I am going to close the period 12 and keep 01 and 02 ( Jan and Feb 2011 ) Open in transaction MMPV. This is a MM/FICO consultants job in real-time. Now you should be able to PGI the delivery . Please move on to the next assignment SAP Sales Order Header, Line Item and Schedule Lines


Magna Training February 1, 2011 at 5:10 am #

Hi Ehsaan 1. While searching for the quotation ( while creating the order with reference to the quotation ) use the search tab Sales Document by Customer as opposed to Sales Document According to PO Number. Let me know if you still cant find it. 2. Quotation validity date is different from Requested Delivery date. They are mutually exclusive. 3. Quotation validity date does not come from the master data. However, the Requested delivery date has a number of parameters that it is based on and will be covered as part of the Scheduling class And yes, there are some parameters from the material master that effects the scheduling and hence the Requested Delivery date. 4. Fields turn blue to indicate that this is the field where the error has occurred. The red color indicates the place where the changes need to happen. Usually when this happens, check the status bar for the error message. This is SAPs way of forcing you to correct the mistake before proceeding forward. As discussed in the class today since you have entered an invalid date ( Feb 30th ) , this error has occurred and until you fix it it will not go away. SAP also prohibits you from entering further data until the data is corrected. 5. The Napp error occured because, the original quotation has a status profile that does not allow further order creation. We will discuss this as part of SAP Status Profile Configuration class. This happened because of the last batchs configuration. I have removed it now and you should be able to create quotations without issues going forward. 6. You are not able to create the delivery for SAP Sales Order # 13108 because , the requested delivery date is Feb 9th, 2011 , whereas you were trying to create the delivery on Jan 31st 2011 Which basically means, the system is not ready yet. The way around it is to create a delivery into the future. We will discuss this in the class on the system where I will show you how to change the delivery date. 7. You have probably changed the delivery date at the header level and the message that the system displayed says that the change has not been propagated to the orders schedule line. SAP does not encourage changing the Requested delivery date at the header level. Because, SAP would not understand how to handle the change at the schedule line level. It is always advisable to change the schedule at the schedule line level individually after the order has already been saved


Ehsan January 31, 2011 at 3:31 am #



Magna Training January 30, 2011 at 9:14 am #

Good job guyz. Congrats You just finished your first sap trainingassignment Yes Ehsaan, you did it right. Next time, if you want to create a general contract, use document type QC ( which stands for Quantity Contract ). You can in fact use other contract types as well Like QP,SC etc. However , in order to use WK2 you need an assortment module. We will discuss more on this during our contracts class , which is still due. When I said the contract is good for 9 months, that means, you should create the contract with the start date as today and end date as 9 months from now. Did you do that..? Scheduling agreement is still pending. So dont worry yet. Trainer Sap SD Training


Ehsan January 30, 2011 at 2:52 am #

Siva, this my answers to first 6 questions. inq # 10000020 qt # 20000084 or# 13103 del #80015914 Billing # 90036904 value contract # 40000205 but I am not sure what do with next . In fact i am not sure if I handled q # 6 right. yes I did get contract number some how. but I am not sure if i did correctly. for example contract type i just picked ..WK1from list without any reason.then on next stage it asked me..with or with ref..i had no answer.somehow i got to next screen and under item review I put 600..dont know why..may be i was trying to match your contract price discountso some how I saved it but i dont know how. I got the contract #. I am also confused about about your said this contract was good for 9 months..and then asked to create release order with the validty of 1 month. why? if it is valid for 9 month..obviously its valid for one month too. I have not tried yet q # 8 and 9.


srijyo January 27, 2011 at 6:00 pm #

Q1) Inquiry Doc # 10000017 Q2) Quotation Doc # 20000082 , valid until 01/31/2011. Q3) Order # 13101 Q4) Delivery Doc # 80015912 Q5) Billing Doc # 90036903 Q6) Contract Doc # 4000020, Valid until 02/27/2011. Note: couldnt change the price. I will discuss in the class. Q7) Release Order Doc # 13102 Q8) Scheduling Agreement Doc # 30000054 Q9) Scheduling Agreement Delivery Doc # 80015913. Completed delivery for Jan.

SAP Customer Master Data SAP SD Training Exercise for Jan 2011 Batch

This exercise is on SAP Customer Master Data. Here is a brief Summary of Mondays Session again.

SAP SD Customer Master Class Summary :

Customer Master Contains 3 views ( Data ) 1. General View ( Data ) 2. Sales View ( Data ) 3. Finance View / Company Code View ( Data ) There are 3 transaction codes to create/change/display Customer Master the purpose of each has already been discussed in the session. 1. VD01/02/03 2. FD01/02/03 3. XD01/02/03

For full-fledged, instructor led Online SAP SD Training or other Online SAP Trainingmodules, please visit our Magna Training home page.

The menu path for the corresponding Transaction codes above are 1. [ Logistics -> Sales and Distribution -> Master Data -> Business Partner -> Customer -> Create -> VD01 ] 2. [ Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> Accounts Receivable -> Master Records -> FD01 ] 3. [ Logistics -> Sales and Distribution -> Master Data -> Business Partner -> Customer -> Create -> XD01 ] We have discussed that the Finance Department uses the FD01/02/03 Transactions and the Sales Department uses VD01/02/03 Transaction Codes. We have also gone through how to extend the customer master views via the transaction codes. We have discussed the most important fields that you need to know as an SAP SD Consultant in the Customer Master. 1. 1. 2. 2. 1. 1. 2. 3. 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 4. 3. General Data Name & Address Search Term Sales Data Sales Tab Sales Office Sales Group Customer Group Shipping Tab Shipping Conditions Delivering Plant Order Combination Partial Delivery Allowed Billing Tab Invoice Dates Inco Terms Payment Terms Account Assignment Group Tax Classification Partners Tab Company Code Data

Scenario 1 : A Sales executive ( Julie ) at Company ABC Inc wants to create a new domestic, commercial customer based in SAP on a new order she got from him for a Pump. The name of the Customer is Ehsaan Shah and he needs to be created within the US Sales Organization ( 3000 ) . We are performing a direct sale to him. Ehsaan resides at 1000 Denise Dr, Edison, NJ. The customer

requested that if possible we can combine multiple orders together to save him money on shipments. The customer also said that he will pick-up any shipments from our warehouse to avoid paying for freight. The customer prefers that we ship all the goods related to a single order in a single package if possible because, he does not want to receive multiple shipments for a single order and confuse himself. Since the customer is going to do potentially do multiple orders in a single week, he has requested that we bill him as one invoice for the entire month as opposed to individual invoices. Since the customer is going to pick-up right from the plant, choose the right incoterms. The customer chooses to pay like this - Pay the net due within 60 days. However, if he wishes to pay early, the company ABC Inc wishes to give him the following discounts 3% Cash discount if paid within 14 days and 1% cash discount if paid within 30 days. The companys internal sales employee Dominik Adam got us this customer and all commissions related to the sales for this customer goes to Domnik. Question 1 : Based on the Scenario 1 discussed above, please create a customer master and give the Customer Number and the other details the customer has been created with ( Like, Inco terms, Payment Terms, Distribution Channel , Division, Customer Group, Account Assignment Group, Shipping Conditions, tax classification and the different partner functions used. Scenario 2 : The Sales Executive has successfully created the Customer. Now the Finance Department ( Amy ) needs to be intimated that a customer has been created and needs to be extended with the Financial Data as well. Julie sends an email to Amy specifying the customer number created. Amy looks at the Customer Number and sees which Sales Area the customer has been created in and chooses the right company code and extends the customer to the company code. Amy uses the Company Codes A/R account as a Reconciliation Account. However, after consulting the Finance Controller decides not to offer the payment terms as created by Julie. Instead, the company chooses to offer the customer a payment terms as net due in 50 days with a 2% cash discount if paid in 10 days and 1% if paid in 30 days. Question 2 : Based on the scenario above, please extend the customer master and give the customer numbers Company code, payment terms and Recon. Account. Scenario 3 : An order has come in from Ehsaan Shah and Julie is creating the order for material M-01 for a quantity of 10. Question 3 : When creating the Customer, does the order use the payment terms from the Sales View or the Company code view of the customer master ? Question 4 : Does the Inco terms of the SAP Customer Master ( as Created in Scenario 1 ) match with the inco terms in the Sales Order ?

Question 5 : Can you change the Inco Terms in the SAP Sales Order ? What does this illustrate ? Question 6 : Specify the SAP Customer Group that the Order contains ? Question 7 : How do you know from the order that this orders revenue belongs to a domestic customer ? Question 8 : Where does the bulk of the data from the Customer Master go SAP Sales Order Header or SAP Sales Order Line Item ? Question 9 : Is Dominik Adam available in the SAP Sales Order ? If yes, which tab in the Sales Order is he in ? Question 10 : Find out all the Sales Areas that the Customer Master 1000 exists in ? ( Here is how to find out all the sales areas that the SAP customer master is associated with)

Exercise for Jan 2011 Batch


CHIRAG March 12, 2012 at 5:10 am #

customer108 created customer group 10 price group 03 dilivery priority: low shipping condition: 09 dilivering plant:1000 dilivery date: factory calender us Invoicing list date: monthly Incoterm: from plant terms of payment 002 account assignment group: 01 Tax condition :01


R PATEL March 11, 2012 at 10:15 pm #

Ans 1 :Cust # 107 Ans 2 : Customer numbers Company code =?, Payment terms =0005 Recon. Account = ?. I couldnt answer this question

Ans 3: Yes Ans 4 : Yes Ans 5 : Yes , Incoterm can be changed from SO Ans 6 : ? Ans 7 : 0001 Domestic Revenue , Account TAB Ans 8 : Header Ans 9 : I was not able to create Sales Rep, But ideally we can find this in Partner Function Tab


R PATEL March 11, 2012 at 9:57 pm #

Ans 1 :Cust # 107 Ans 2 : Customer numbers Company code =?, Payment terms = ? Recon. Account = ?


Srini March 10, 2012 at 10:43 pm #

Siva, I created customer # 100266 in sales area 1000/10/00 but could not and add Sales agent Domink Adm as partner.The list of values show only 4 partnet functions. ie. SP/BP/PY and SH and I can not see SE. While creating the customet I selected type as sold to party. Thanks Srini


Nash March 8, 2012 at 9:32 pm #

Scenario 1:Answer 1: Customer number: 105 Inco terms EXW (From Plant) Payment Terms 0002 Distribution Channel 10

Division 00 Customer Group YI (Individual customer) Account Assignment Group 01 (Domestic revenues) Shipping Conditions 09 (Pick up) Tax classification 1 Different partner functions used SP


rambabu March 8, 2012 at 2:44 am #

1. cust 1567 created 2. Question :: how to configure inco terms ??


David February 8, 2012 at 5:24 pm #

Q1. Customer 0000000053 Q2. Customer 0000000053 Q3. Sales view Q4. Yes Q5. Yes, can be overwritten in sales order Q6. 01 Q7. Accounting tab in header Q8. Sales Order Header Q9. yes, partner tab Q10. 0001 01 01 0005 01 00 0005 10 00 0005 12 00 0005 14 00 0005 16 00 0006 01 00 0006 10 00 0006 12 00

0006 14 00 0007 01 00


Satya February 7, 2012 at 1:58 am #

Question 1: Customer # 100244 Inco Terms: CPT (frieght free) Payment Terms: 004 Sales Org.: 1000 Distribution Channel: 10 Division: 00 Shipping Conditions: 02(Standard) Tax Classification: Tax Exempt Partner Functions: SP, BP, PY, SH, Z7, Z8 Search Term: Shah Delivery Priority: 6(Ground) Question 2: Company Code: 3000 Payment Terms: 5000 Reconciliation A/C: 140000 Question 3: Sales View Question 4: ? Question 5: ?


Ilana February 6, 2012 at 3:50 pm #

Siva, I could not save the order due to an issue so the data was lost and I do not have order #.

siva February 7, 2012 at 5:35 am #

Ilana Lets discuss this in the class then.

Dana Brokaw February 7, 2012 at 8:50 pm #

Thank you. I have also had this issue.

Dana Brokaw February 8, 2012 at 3:47 am #

Created Sales Order 13873. Was able to save but not deliver. Incompletion log says Shipping Point needs to be completed.

siva February 8, 2012 at 5:04 am #

Dana I fixed this order. The shipping point determination was not made. In order to fix this, we need to understand shipping point determination in SAP . Dont worry about this yet. Go ahead and process this order further. After may be class 20 or 25, you can start looking into shipping point determination.

Mahesh February 7, 2012 at 9:28 pm #

Siva, If you can provide correct answers that would help us. Especially for Inco Terms and Partner Functions. Thanks


Ilana February 5, 2012 at 6:53 pm #

cannot save an order: requires Shipping Point/Receivi to be populated and there are no values in the field

siva February 6, 2012 at 9:52 am #

Ilana Give the Order #


Ilana February 5, 2012 at 6:51 pm #

Customer 32 3000/10/00 Invoice dates Agreement Monthly Incoterms EXW Terms of Payment 0004 Scenario 2: extended; terms of payment 005 Q3 : Sales View Q4 : Yes Q5 : Yes Q6 : ? Q7 : billing document tab / Acct assignment group Q8 : SO header Q9 : no Q10 : 001 0005 1000 1000 2500



Mahesh February 5, 2012 at 4:00 am #

Created Customer Eshaan Shah MD Customer number 30 Sales Org 3000 Dist Ch 10 Div 00 with address as given and entered contact Sales View Sales Customer group 10 Priv Customer Shipping Selected Order Combination Only complete delivery allowed Delivery priority normal Shipping conditions standard Billing Documents Invoice dates Agreement Monthly Incoterms EXW Terms of Payment 0004 Partner Functions EM 30 BP 30 PY 30 SH 30 Scenario 2 Extended customer to Company code 1000 Change the payment terms to 005 Scenario Getting the following error while creating Order

Ship-to party 30 is not assigned to a sold-to party Message no. VP211



Ronaldo February 4, 2012 at 11:27 pm #

Question 2 : Company code 3000, payment terms 0005 and Recon. Account 144003 Question 3 : Sales View Question 4 : Yes CPT Question 5 : Yes. Can be manually entered. Question 6 : 02 Question 7 : In the Acct assignment group field under billing document tab Question 8 : SAP Sales Order Header Question 9 : Dominik Adam is not available anywhere, We have Ehsaan Shah under Partner tab Question 10 : 0001 01 01 0005 10 00 1000 10 00 1000 12 00 2500 10 00


Ronaldo February 4, 2012 at 10:38 pm #

For Scenario 1: Customer 100240 created. Sales Organization:3000 Dis. channel:10 Division:00 Street Address under Address 1000 Denise Dr 55555 NJ US Est Sales: Sales Office:3000

Sales Group:301 Customer Group:02 Shipping: Delivery Priority:2 Shipping Conditions:09 Delivery Plant:0008 Complete delivery reqd by law Only complete delivery allowed Order combination Billing Documents: Invoices data:AM InvoicingListDates:AM Incoterms:CPT Terms of Payment:0004 Taxcal:1


Dana Brokaw February 4, 2012 at 8:45 pm #

Question 2 : Company code 3000, payment terms 0005 and Recon. Account 144003 Question 3 : Sales View Question 4 : Yes Question 5 : Yes. Can be manually entered. Question 6 : 10 Question 7 : In the Acct assignment grp fied under billing document tab Question 8 : SAP Sales Order Header Question 9 : Yes under Partner tab Question 10 : 1000 01 00 1000 10 00 1000 12 00 1000 16 00



Dana Brokaw February 4, 2012 at 8:36 pm #

Customer Number 100237 Sales Org 3000 DC 01 Div 00 Inco terms EXW Payment terms 0005 Shipping conditions 09 Tax classification 1 Partner Functions SP 100237 Ehsaan Shah BP 100237 Ehsaan Shah PY 100237 Ehsaan Shah SE 900061 Dominik Adam SH 100237 Ehsaan Shah Z7 100237 Ehsaan Shah Z8 100237 Ehsaan Shah


Braj January 20, 2012 at 5:55 pm #

Hi Siva, Could you please share some document which shows step by step partner function determination procedure. Thanks !


Murali Kotikalapoodi January 18, 2012 at 9:34 pm #

Question 3 : When creating the Customer, does the order use the payment terms from the Sales View or the Company code view of the customer master ? When created the sales order HP001 the payment terms came from the Sales View and not from CC

Question 4 : Does the Inco terms of the SAP Customer Master ( as Created in Scenario 1 ) match with the inco terms in the Sales Order ? Ans: Yes the Inco terms come from the SAP Customer Master to the sales order HP002 Question 5 : Can you change the Inco Terms in the SAP Sales Order ? What does this illustrate ? Ans: Yes you can change the Inco terms which means you can over ride the Customer Master terms at the time of creating the sales order. Question 6 : Specify the SAP Customer Group that the Order contains ? Ans: Customer Group 10 for the order HP003 Question 7 : How do you know from the order that this orders revenue belongs to a domestic customer ? Ans: From the CM account Acctasggrp (found in the sales header) I have not defined that in the customer master and hence it could not pick up anything here. It is in Sales Data/Billing Docs Question 8 : Where does the bulk of the data from the Customer Master go SAP Sales Order Header or SAP Sales Order Line Item ? Ans: Sales Order Header. Line item will be added in the order.


Murali Kotikalapoodi January 11, 2012 at 1:18 am #

Question 1 Answers: Customer NO : 32144 Inco terms : EXW payment Terms: 004 Acct. Asgmt grp: 01 Sals Org 3000 DChl: 01 Div: 00 Shipping Conditions: 09 Partner Functions: SE Question 2 Answers: CCode : 1000 Recon A/C: 140000 Payment Terms 0005


N Ishaq January 9, 2012 at 1:06 am #

1. scenario2: Company code:0008 Recon.account:AR Account Terms of Payment:0005 Scenario3: Sales Order: 13509 Scenario 4: Yes Scenario5: Yes. changed from CPT to CFR Scenario 7: Sales Order Overview Sold to : Edison NY Ship to: Edison NY Scenario 8: Header Scenario 10: 0001,01,01 0005,10,00 1000,10,00 1000,12,00 2500,10,00


N Ishaq January 9, 2012 at 12:17 am #

For Scenario 1: Cust: 100221 Sales Area: Distribution Channel:Division as 3000:10:00 Street Address under Address 1000 Denise Dr 73937 NJ US Est Sales: Sales Office:3000

Sales Group:301 Customer Group:01 Shipping: Delivery Priority:02 Shipping Conditions:09 Delivery Plant:0008 Complete delivery reqd by law Partial delivery per item : Only complete delivery allowed Billing Documents: Invoicing dates :AM Incoterms:CPT Terms of Payment:0004 Taxcal:1 ..thks


Guru January 7, 2012 at 9:36 pm #

scenario2: Company code:0006 Recon.account:14000 Terms of Payment:0005 Scenario3: Sales View Scenario 4: Yes Scenario5: Yes,inco terms that are defined in Customer master can be modified from Sales order. Scenario 7: Account Assignment Group. Scenario 8: header Scenario 10: 0001,01,01 0005,10,00

1000,10,00 1000,12,00 2500,10,00



Guru January 7, 2012 at 9:03 pm #

For Scenario 1: Customer 16386 created. Sales Organization:3000 Dis. channel:10 Division:00 Street Address under Address 1000 Denise Dr 73937 NJ US Est Sales: Sales Office:3000 Sales Group:301 Customer Group:01 Shipping: Delivery Priority:02 Shipping Conditions:09 Delivery Plant:0006 Complete delivery reqd by law Billing Documents: Incoterms:CPT Terms of Payment:0004 Taxcal:1


Mital Shah December 7, 2011 at 2:05 am #

Exercises Scenario 1 : A Sales executive ( Julie ) at Company ABC Inc wants to create a new domestic, commercial customer based in SAP on a new order she got from him for a Pump. The name of the Customer is Ehsaan Shah and he needs to be created within the US Sales Organization ( 3000 ) . We are performing a direct sale to him. Ehsaan resides at 1000 Denise Dr, Edison, NJ. The customer requested that if possible we can combine multiple orders together to save him money on shipments. The customer also said that he will pick-up any shipments from our warehouse to avoid paying for freight. The customer prefers that we ship all the goods related to a single order in a single package if possible because, he does not want to receive multiple shipments for a single order and confuse himself. Since the customer is going to do potentially do multiple orders in a single week, he has requested that we bill him as one invoice for the entire month as opposed to individual invoices. Since the customer is going to pick-up right from the plant, choose the right incoterms. The customer chooses to pay like this Pay the net due within 60 days. However, if he wishes to pay early, the company ABC Inc wishes to give him the following discounts 3% Cash discount if paid within 14 days and 1% cash discount if paid within 30 days. The companys internal sales employee Dominik Adam got us this customer and all commissions related to the sales for this customer goes to Domnik.

Question 1 : Based on the Scenario 1 discussed above, please create a customer master and give the Customer Number and the other details the customer has been created with ( Like, Inco terms, Payment Terms, Distribution Channel , Division, Customer Group, Account Assignment Group, Shipping Conditions, tax classification and the different partner functions used.

Answer: Create Customer 9742 with following info. Account group: 0001, Sales Organization: 3000, Dist.Chan:10, Divison: 00 Inco Term: EXW-From Plant, Payment Terms- 0004 3% for 14 days, 1% for 30 days, Net for 60 days Customer Group: 10 private customer, Account Assignment Group: 01 Domestic revenue Shipping Conditions: 09-Pick up, tax classification: 1 liable for tax Partner Function: SP- Sold to party- 9742, BP bill to party- 9742, PY-payer-9742, SH-ship to party -9742, Y1- sales representative 900061

Scenario 2 : The Sales Executive has successfully created the Customer. Now the Finance Department ( Amy ) needs to be intimated that a customer has been created and needs to be extended with the Financial Data as well. Julie sends an email to Amy specifying the customer number created. Amy

looks at the Customer Number and sees which Sales Area the customer has been created in and chooses the right company code and extends the customer to the company code. Amy uses the Company Codes A/R account as a Reconciliation Account. However, after consulting the Finance Controller decides not to offer the payment terms as created by Julie. Instead, the company chooses to offer the customer a payment terms as net due in 50 days with a 2% cash discount if paid in 10 days and 1% if paid in 30 days.

Question 2 : Based on the scenario above, please extend the customer master and give the customer numbers Company code, payment terms and Recon. Account. Answer: Company code: 1000, payment terms: 0005 2% for 10 days, 1% for 30 days, Net for 50 days, Recon. Account: 140000

Scenario 3: An order has come in from Ehsaan Shah and Julie is creating the order for material M-01 for a quantity of 10. Question 3: When creating the Customer, does the order use the payment terms from the Sales View or the Company code view of the customer master? Answer: Order 25446 created and payment term use from sales view not from company code. Question 4 : Does the Inco terms of the SAP Customer Master ( as Created in Scenario 1 ) match with the inco terms in the Sales Order ? Answer: yes, its matched. Question 5: Can you change the Inco Terms in the SAP Sales Order? What does this illustrate? Answer: Yes, we can change Inco Terms In Sales order and says message: Freight is redetermined. Question 6: Specify the SAP Customer Group that the Order contains? Answer: 10-private customer. Question 7: How do you know from the order that this orders revenue belongs to a domestic customer? Answer: Go to sold to party in header and go to Accounting tab you can find there. Question 8: Where does the bulk of the data from the Customer Master go SAP Sales Order Header or SAP Sales Order Line Item? Answer: Most data from customer master go to Sales order header. Question 9: Is Dominik Adam available in the SAP Sales Order? If yes, which tab in the Sales Order is he in? Answer: Go to Sales order line item and go to partner tab you can find him on the list. Question 10 : Find out all the Sales Areas that the Customer Master 1000 exists in ? ( Here is how to find out all the sales areas that the SAP customer master is associated with )

Answer: Type VD02 and click on Customers sales area you can find all data exits in Customer master 1000.


Mallikarjun December 4, 2011 at 6:40 pm #

Question 1 : Based on the Scenario 1 discussed above, please create a customer master and give the Customer Number and the other details the customer has been created with ( Like, Inco terms, Payment Terms, Distribution Channel , Division, Customer Group, Account Assignment Group, Shipping Conditions, tax classification and the different partner functions used Ans. customer created : 9866, 2.Incoterms: Cif, 3. Payment terms: 0001( Payment Immediately Due net) 4. Distribution channel: 10 5.Customer Group:01( Industrial customers) 6.Account assignment Group: 01( Domestic revenues) 7. Shipping conditions:01( As soon as possible) 8 Tax classification: be:1 ,De:1,nl:1,us:1 9Partner functions:sp:9866,sh:9866,bp:9866,py:9866 Question 2 : Based on the scenario above, please extend the customer master and give the customer numbers Company code, payment terms and Recon. Account. customer created using fd01: 9866 payment terms:0001(Payment Immediately due net Recon account:1.40,000(Tax receivables domestic) company code:1000 When creating the Customer, does the order use the payment terms from the Sales View or the Company code view of the customer master ? a. Sales view: billing document. Payment terms 4 ans. yes they will match in sap customer master wrt sales 5 a) yes we can change the incoterms in sap sales order 6 a) customer group :01: Industrial customers 7 a) Account assignment group: 01( domestic revenues) 8 a) sales area header

9) 10) Sales org :1000, Name: Germany frankfurt,Dis channel:10, Name: Final customer sales, Div 00


Jerry November 20, 2011 at 5:16 pm #

Hi SIva, I was trying to create a Customer Ehsan Sha (as per the exercise, however the Sold-to-party, and pther partner functions are not being determined. is there any particular configuration that i need to do? Kindly advice. Regards, Jerry

siva November 20, 2011 at 5:28 pm #

Standard Account Group or your own customer account group ? If it is a new customer account group you would have to do a config at the partner determination level.

siva January 9, 2012 at 5:33 am #

If you have created your own Customer Account Group, then the corresponding Partner Determination should also be done.


Radha Krishna November 9, 2011 at 5:53 am #

Question 1 : Cust 24681

SOrg 3000 Dist Ch 10 Div 00 Sale Dist 5 Cust grp 10 Ship Cond 09 Incoterms EXW Tof Pymt 0004 Tax Class BE-1, BR-1, CA-1 2 3, CN-1, DE-1, NL-1, US-1 Question 2 : Company Code 3000 Payment Terms 0005 Recon Acct 144003 Cust 24681 created. Question 3 : Sales View Question 4 : Yes they match. Question 5 : Yes, it can change. This shows that the Incoterms are modifiable even in the sales order. Question 6 : Customer Group 10 Private Customer Question 7 : AcctAssgGr shows 01 Domestic revenues Question 8 : SAP Sales Order Header Question 9 : Yes, available in the Partners Tab Question 10 : Exists in the following (Sales Org/Distr.Chl/Division): 0001/01/01 0005/10/00 1000/10/00 1000/12/00 2500/10/00


Vish November 7, 2011 at 4:56 pm #

Question 1 : Based on the Scenario 1 discussed above, please create a customer master and give the Customer Number and the other details the customer has been created with ( Like, Inco terms, Payment Terms, Distribution Channel , Division, Customer Group, Account Assignment Group, Shipping Conditions, tax classification and the different partner functions used. Ans : Customer # 28002 Created ; Sales/D/D : 3000/10/00, Inco Terms : CFR, Shipping Conditions :

09 ( Pick Up ), Tax Classification : 1 ( Liable ), ST/Sh-to/BT/Payer : 28002, Payment Terms : 004, Invoicing Dates : AM Question 2 : Based on the scenario above, please extend the customer master and give the customer numbers Company code, payment terms and Recon. Account. Ans : Re-Con Account # 125003, Payment terms changed to : 005 Scenario 3 : An order has come in from Ehsaan Shah and Julie is creating the order for material M01 for a quantity of 10. Ans : SO 14175 created Question 3 : When creating the Customer, does the order use the payment terms from the Sales View or the Company code view of the customer master ? Ans : Sales View Question 4 : Does the Inco terms of the SAP Customer Master ( as Created in Scenario 1 ) match with the inco terms in the Sales Order ? Ans : Yes Question 5 : Can you change the Inco Terms in the SAP Sales Order ? What does this illustrate ? A : Yes. This illustrates that the INCO Terms is modifiable in other documents such as Sales Order. Question 6 : Specify the SAP Customer Group that the Order contains ? >> Not sure of the question/ Didnt understand it Question 7 : How do you know from the order that this orders revenue belongs to a domestic customer ? A : 01 Sold to Party ? ( because 01 is domestic ) Question 8 : Where does the bulk of the data from the Customer Master go SAP Sales Order Header or SAP Sales Order Line Item ? A : Sales Order Header Question 9 : Is Dominik Adam available in the SAP Sales Order ? If yes, which tab in the Sales Order is he in ? A : No Couldnt find a Tab for Sales Representative. Question 10 : Find out all the Sales Areas that the Customer Master 1000 exists in ? A : Sales Area : 3000/10/00

Sudhakar November 9, 2011 at 1:39 am #

Siva, I created customer nos:7227 and 7557 when I go to modify the customer the sales area data and company data were greyed out. Also as I mentioned earlier in the class that I wanted to add material M-01 to the customer 7227 I created and I am getting error as Ship to party is not allowed for 7227. Please take a look at the customers that I created. Thanks, Sudhakar.

siva November 10, 2011 at 5:13 am #

You can go to VD02 and it should NOT be in display mode. I just checked it and found that I was able to change the customer. What do you mean by adding material to customer ? Did you mean add material to sales order ?


raghava November 4, 2011 at 11:46 pm #

Customer Master data Question 1 : Based on the Scenario 1 discussed above, please create a customer master and give the Customer Number and the other details the customer has been created with ( Like, Inco terms, Payment Terms, Distribution Channel , Division, Customer Group, Account Assignment Group, Shipping Conditions, tax classification and the different partner functions used. Created Customer Master 7337 Payment terms immediate due on net. Dist channel 10 Div 00 Customer group 0001 Sold to Party Account assignment Group Inco terms FOB Question 2 : Based on the scenario above, please extend the customer master and give the customer numbers Company code, payment terms and Recon. Account

Company Code 1000 Rec. Acc 140000 Trades receivable domestic Terms Of payment 0005 An order has come in from Ehsaan Shah and Julie is creating the order for material M-01 for a quantity of 10 Created an order, while creating an order, when customer 7337 that is created selected, error is thrown no pricing terms selected for this customer. Went back to VD02 and provided cust acct group as domestic Order number 14128 Question 3: When creating the Customer, does the order use the payment terms from the Sales View or the Company code view of the customer master? Used from Sales view (0001) Question 4 : Does the Inco terms of the SAP Customer Master ( as Created in Scenario 1 ) match with the inco. terms in the Sales Order ? Yes Question 5: Can you change the Inco Terms in the SAP Sales Order? What does this illustrate? Yes, Allows to override the default value for inco terms from customer master data in sales order. Question 6 : Specify the SAP Customer Group that the Order contains ? Question 7 : How do you know from the order that this orders revenue belongs to a domestic customer ? Acct. Assig group in Sales order Question 8 : Where does the bulk of the data from the Customer Master go SAP Sales Order Header or SAP Sales Order Line Item ? Most of customer master data is applicable to Sales order header. Question 9 : Is Dominik Adam available in the SAP Sales Order ? If yes, which tab in the Sales Order is he in ? No, Dominik Adam is not listed. Question 10 : Find out all the Sales Areas that the Customer Master 1000 exists in ? Tcode VD03 => Click on Customer Sales area Customer sales Org- 1000, D.Chan 10 Div 00

Sudhakar November 8, 2011 at 12:31 am #

Question 1 : Based on the Scenario 1 discussed above, please create a customer master and give the Customer Number and the other details the customer has been created with Customer Number: 7227

Inco terms: CPT Payment Terms: 0004 Distribution Channel: 01 (Direct Sales) Division: 00 (Cross Division) Customer Group: 0001 Sold to Party Account Assignment Group: Shipping Conditions: 09 tax classification : 01 different partner functions: Sold to Party : 7227 Ship to Party : 7227 Payer : 7227 Bill to Party : 7227 Question 2 : Based on the scenario above, please extend the customer master and give the customer number: 7227 Company code: 3000 payment terms :0005 Recon. Account:144001 Question 3 : When creating the Customer, does the order use the payment terms from the Sales View or the Company code view of the customer master ? Sales view Question 4 : Does the Inco terms of the SAP Customer Master ( as Created in Scenario 1 ) match with the inco terms in the Sales Order ? Yes Question 5 : Can you change the Inco Terms in the SAP Sales Order ? What does this illustrate Yes; You can change the Inco terms based on the type of sales order. Question 6 : Specify the SAP Customer Group that the Order contains ? 10 Private Customer Question 7 : How do you know from the order that this orders revenue belongs to a domestic customer ? From Account Assign Group Question 8 : Where does the bulk of the data from the Customer Master go SAP Sales Order Header or SAP Sales Order Line Item ? SO Header Question 9 : Is Dominik Adam available in the SAP Sales Order ? If yes, which tab in the Sales Order is he in ? Order Data Question 10 : Find out all the Sales Areas that the Customer Master 1000 exists in ? ( Here is

how to find out all the sales areas that the SAP customer master is associated with ) Create customer screen and enter ALL SALES AREAS


Ali.Surti November 3, 2011 at 3:52 am #

Question 1 : Based on the Scenario 1 discussed above, please create a customer master and give the Customer Number and the other details the customer has been created with ( Like, Inco terms, Payment Terms, Distribution Channel , Division, Customer Group, Account Assignment Group, Shipping Conditions, tax classification and the different partner functions used. Answer: Account group: sold to party Customer number: 123 Sales organization = 1000 Distrib. Channel = 10 Division = 00 Sales Data Tab: Sales office: Sales group: Transportation Zone: 000001-Eastern zone Shipping Data Tab: Shipping Conditions: 10 Immediately. Delivery Plant: 1000 germany Partial Shipments: Partial Delivery Not Allowed(b cos customer wants to save on shipping and freight) Billing Data Tab/Payment Transactions: Inco Terms: EXW Payment Terms: 004 Account Assignment Group: 01 Domestic revenues Tax Classification: Germany 0 Partner Functions Tab: Partner Functions: SP Sold-to party: 123 BP Bill-to party: 123 PY Payer: 123 SH Ship-to party :123 Save- Customer 123 was created

Question 2 : Based on the scenario above, please extend the customer master and give the customer numbers Company code, payment terms and Recon. Account Account Management Tab: Customer 123 Reconciliation Account: 140000 Trade receivable Company Code: 1000 Payment Transaction Tab: Payment Terms: 0005 Save Scenario 3: An order has come in from Ehsaan Shah and Julie is creating the order for material M01 for a quantity of 10. Order type=OR Sales org- 1000 Dist Chan=10 Division=00 Sold to party= using search for customer name= 123 Standard order= 13409 Save Question 3: When creating the Customer, does the order use the payment terms from the Sales View or the Company code view of the customer master? From Sales view Question 4 : Does the Inco terms of the SAP Customer Master ( as Created in Scenario 1 ) match with the inco. terms in the Sales Order ? Yes Question 5: Can you change the Inco Terms in the SAP Sales Order? What does this illustrate? Yes I was able to change the defaulted Inco Terms. It is possible to override the defaulted Inco Terms in Sales Order. Question 6 : Specify the SAP Customer Group that the Order contains ? 01 Industrial (from Customer Master) Question 7 : How do you know from the order that this orders revenue belongs to a domestic customer ? The Account Assignment group indicates 01 domestic revenue.

Question 8 : Where does the bulk of the data from the Customer Master go SAP Sales Order Header or SAP Sales Order Line Item ? The master data mostly applies to the header. Question 9 : Is Dominik Adam available in the SAP Sales Order ? If yes, which tab in the Sales Order is he in ? Answer:YES, on Order Header ->Partner tab Question 10 : Find out all the Sales Areas that the Customer Master 1000 exists in ? VD02 or VD03 and Click on customer saes area Customer sales areais 1000/10/00


Daniel Letta October 28, 2011 at 5:19 pm #

Question 1 : Based on the Scenario 1 discussed above, please create a customer master and give the Customer Number and the other details the customer has been created with ( Like, Inco terms, Payment Terms, Distribution Channel , Division, Customer Group, Account Assignment Group, Shipping Conditions, tax classification and the different partner functions used. Answer: Account group: sold to party Customer number: Internal Sales organization = 3000 Distrib. Channel = 10 Division = 00 Sales Data Tab: Sales office: 3000. Sales group: 301 Transportation Zone: 000002 Region West Shipping Data Tab: Shipping Conditions: 10 Immediately. Delivery Plant: 0006 New York. Partial Shipments: Partial Delivery allowed. Billing Data Tab/Payment Transactions: Inco Terms: CIF. Payment Terms: 001 Account Assignment Group: 01 Domestic revenues Tax Classification: Canada PST =2, GST=1, USA 1, The rest 0

Partner Functions Tab: Partner Functions: SP Sold-to party: Internal BP Bill-to party: 3000 PY Payer: 3000 SH Ship-to party :3000 Save- Customer 0000500022 was created Question 2 : Based on the scenario above, please extend the customer master and give the customer numbers Company code, payment terms and Recon. Account Account Management Tab: Customer: 0000500022 Reconciliation Account: 140000 Trade receivable Company Code: 1000 Payment Transaction Tab: Payment Terms: 0005 Save Scenario 3: An order has come in from Ehsaan Shah and Julie is creating the order for material M01 for a quantity of 10. Order type=OR Sales org- 3000 Dist Chan=10 Division=00 Sold to party= using search for customer name= 500022 Standard order= ABCSHAH Save Question 3: When creating the Customer, does the order use the payment terms from the Sales View or the Company code view of the customer master? From Sales view Question 4 : Does the Inco terms of the SAP Customer Master ( as Created in Scenario 1 ) match with the inco. terms in the Sales Order ? Yes Question 5: Can you change the Inco Terms in the SAP Sales Order? What does this illustrate? Yes I was able to change the defaulted Inco Terms. It is possible to override the defaulted Inco Terms in Sales Order.

Question 6 : Specify the SAP Customer Group that the Order contains ? Internal Question 7 : How do you know from the order that this orders revenue belongs to a domestic customer ? The Account Assignment group indicates 01 domestic revenue. Question 8 : Where does the bulk of the data from the Customer Master go SAP Sales Order Header or SAP Sales Order Line Item ? The master data mostly applies to the header. Question 9 : Is Dominik Adam available in the SAP Sales Order ? If yes, which tab in the Sales Order is he in ? Answer: NO, on Order Header ->Partner tab not listed Question 10 : Find out all the Sales Areas that the Customer Master 1000 exists in ? VD02 or VD03 and Click on customer saes area


Varughese Thomas October 24, 2011 at 8:53 pm #

Used transaction VD01 create general data and sales data Account group = ZVT1 sold to party 001 Customer number = 123 Sales organization = 3000 (US) Distrib channel = 10 (Final Customer sales) Division = 00 (cross-division) Sales group = 302 Customer group = 01 (Industrial customers) Shipping condition = 09 (pick-up) Delivery plant = 0006 New York Order combination = yes Partial delivery = A (allowed) Max partials = 1 (1 shipment) Invoice dates = AM (agreement monthly) Inco terms = EXW (from plant) Payment terms = 004 Account assignment group = 01 (Domestic) Tax classification = 1 taxable for all Countries

Question 2 : Based on the scenario above, please extend the customer master and give the customer numbers Company code, payment terms and Recon. Account. Terms 0005 Reccon Acct = 144001 (Trade Receivables company 3000) Scenario 3 : An order has come in from Ehsaan Shah and Julie is creating the order for material M01 for a quantity of 10. Order 135186 created. Question 3 : When creating the Customer, does the order use the payment terms from the Sales View or the Company code view of the customer master ? from Sales View Question 4 : Does the Inco terms of the SAP Customer Master ( as Created in Scenario 1 ) match with the inco terms in the Sales Order ? Yes CFR From Plant Question 5 : Can you change the Inco Terms in the SAP Sales Order ? What does this illustrate ? Yes I was able to change the defaulted Inco Terms. It is possible to override the defaulted Inco Terms in Sales Order. Question 6 : Specify the SAP Customer Group that the Order contains ? 01 Industrial customers Question 7 : How do you know from the order that this orders revenue belongs to a domestic customer ? The Account Assignment group shows 01 domestic revenue. Question 8 : Where does the bulk of the data from the Customer Master go SAP Sales Order Header or SAP Sales Order Line Item ? The majority of master data goes to the header. Question 9 : Is Dominik Adam available in the SAP Sales Order ? If yes, which tab in the Sales Order is he in ? Yes Partners tab VE Sales employee Question 10 : Find out all the Sales Areas that the Customer Master 1000 exists in ? ( Here is how to find out all the sales areas that the SAP customer master is associated with ) Sales Org = 3000 /10 / 00


Rajesh October 18, 2011 at 8:13 pm #

Siva, Question 1 : Based on the Scenario 1 discussed above, please create a customer master and give the Customer Number and the other details the customer has been created with ( Like, Inco terms, Payment Terms, Distribution Channel , Division, Customer Group, Account Assignment Group, Shipping Conditions, tax classification and the different partner functions used. Customer No: 0000500012 created. Sales area: 3000 Distribution Channel: 10 Division: 00 General Data Tab: Customer Name: Ehsaan Shah Search Term: Shah Sales Data Tab: Sales office: 3000. Sales group: 301 Transportation Zone: 000001 Northan Region Shipping Data Tab: Shipping Conditions: 10 Immediately. Delivery Plant: 0006 New york. Partial Shipments: allowed. Billing Data Tab/Payment Transactions: Inco Terms: CIF. Payment Terms: 0013 (Within 14 days 3 % cash discount Within 30 days 2 % cash discount Within 45 days Due net) Account Assignment Group: 01 Domestic revenues Tax Classification: 1 for all Countries (Germany, US) and 0 for canada. Partner Functions Tab: Partner Functions: SP Sold-to party: 3000 BP Bill-to party: 3000 PY Payer: 3000 SH Ship-to party :3000

Question 2 : Based on the scenario above, please extend the customer master and give the customer numbers Company code, payment terms and Recon. Account Account Management Tab: Customer: 500012 Reconciliation Account: 140000 Company Code: 1000 Payment Terms Tab: Payment Terms: 0005 Question 3 : When creating the Customer, does the order use the payment terms from the Sales View or the Company code view of the customer master ? Answer: Sales View form the customer master. ***during Order creation i am getting error: No customer master record exists for sold to party 5000012.***


Chetan Unni October 18, 2011 at 5:12 am #

Hello Siva, Please review it and let me know. Requirements (The following has to be mapped on the Customer Master) 1) Customer wants to buy a Pump (Direct Sale) 2) Domestic Customer 3) Name of the Customer: Ehsaan Shah Chetan Unni 4) US Sales Organization: 1000 5) Customer Address: 1000 Denise Dr, Edison, NJ 6) Combine Multiple Orders together option is selected (Order Confirmation Indicator is checked) 7) Customer will pick up the Shipments directly from the Warehouse (to avoid Freight) Single Order in a Single Package (doesnt want to receive multiple shipments) 9) Bill One Invoice Per Month (Customer will send multiple Orders every week) 10) Inco-terms 11) Payment Terms Net Due 60 Days 12) Discounts from the Company 3% Cash Discount if paid with in 14 days / 1% Cash Discount if paid with in 30 days 13) Sales Employee Dominik Adam

Question 1 : Based on the Scenario 1 discussed above, please create a customer master and give the Customer Number and the other details the customer has been created with ( Like, Inco terms, Payment Terms, Distribution Channel , Division, Customer Group, Account Assignment Group, Shipping Conditions, tax classification and the different partner functions used. Customer No: 753 (Initial Creation Screen External Number assignment) Distribution Channel: 10 Division: 00 General Data Tab: Customer Name: Ehsaan Shah Chetan Unni Search Term: ESHAH (General data Tab) Sales Data Tab: Customer Group: 01 (Industrial Customer/Commercial) Transportation Zone: 00000003 Central Shipping Data Tab: Shipping Conditions: 09 (Customer will pick up the shipment from the Plant to avoid Freight) Billing Data Tab/Payment Transactions: Inco Terms: EXW (From Plant) Payment Terms: 004 (Within 14 days 3 % cash discount Within 30 days 1 % cash discount Within 60 days Due net) Account Assignment Group: 01 Domestic revenues Tax Classification: 0 for all Countries (Germany, US) Partner Functions Tab: Partner Functions: SP Sold-to party BP Bill-to party PY Payer SH Ship-to party Scenario 2 : The Sales Executive has successfully created the Customer. Now the Finance Department ( Amy ) needs to be intimated that a customer has been created and needs to be extended with the Financial Data as well. Julie sends an email to Amy specifying the customer number created. Amy looks at the Customer Number and sees which Sales Area the customer has been created in and chooses the right company code and extends the customer to the company code. Amy uses the Company Codes A/R account as a Reconciliation Account. However, after consulting the Finance Controller decides not to offer the payment terms as created by Julie.

Instead, the company chooses to offer the customer a payment terms as net due in 50 days with a 2% cash discount if paid in 10 days and 1% if paid in 30 days. Question 2 : Based on the scenario above, please extend the customer master and give the customer numbers Company code, payment terms and Recon. Account Account Management Tab: Customer: 753 Reconciliation Account: 140000 Company Code: 1000 Payment Terms Tab: Payment Terms: 0005 Scenario 3 : An order has come in from Ehsaan Shah and Julie is creating the order for material M01 for a quantity of 10. Question 3 : When creating the Customer, does the order use the payment terms from the Sales View or the Company code view of the customer master ? The Payment Terms are always defaulted from the Sales View. Payment Terms: 004 was brought into the Sales Order Question 4 : Does the Inco terms of the SAP Customer Master ( as Created in Scenario 1 ) match with the inco terms in the Sales Order ? Yes (EXW) Philadelphia Question 5 : Can you change the Inco Terms in the SAP Sales Order ? What does this illustrate ? Yes, we can change the Inco Terms in Sales Order Question 6 : Specify the SAP Customer Group that the Order contains ? 01 (Industrial customer) Question 7 : How do you know from the order that this orders revenue belongs to a domestic customer ? The Accounting Group is 01 Domestic revenues Also, if the Customer is created for US Company Code, the Customer is a Domestic Customer. Question 8 : Where does the bulk of the data from the Customer Master go SAP Sales Order Header or SAP Sales Order Line Item ? SAP sales order Header Question 9 : Is Dominik Adam available in the SAP Sales Order ? If yes, which tab in the Sales Order is he in ?

Customer Master (Sales View) > Partner Functions Tab Sales Order (Partners Tab) Thanks Chetan


Larry Cabral October 17, 2011 at 9:36 pm #

Question 1 : Based on the Scenario 1 discussed above, please create a customer master . VD01 create general and sales information Account group = 001 sold to party 001 Customer number = 19102 Sales organization = 3000 (US) Distrib channel = 01 (direct sales) Division = 00 (cross-division) even though first order is for a pump (div = 01) General address information ???? Search term ??? I put in Ehsaan Shah Sales office = 3000 (PHI US) Sales group = 301 Customer group = 01 (Industrial customers) Shipping condition = 09 (pick-up) Delivery plant = 3000 New York Order combination = yes Partial delivery = A (allowed) Max partials = 1 (1 shipment) Invoice dates = AM (agreement monthly) Inco terms = EXW (from plant) Payment terms = 004 Account assignment group = 01 (Domestic) Tax classification = 1 taxable Question 2 : Based on the scenario above, please extend the customer master and give the customer numbers Company code, payment terms and Recon. Account. Terms 0005 Reccon Acct = 144003 (Accounts recv company 3000)

Scenario 3 : An order has come in from Ehsaan Shah and Julie is creating the order for material M01 for a quantity of 10. Order 135008 created. Question 3 : When creating the Customer, does the order use the payment terms from the Sales View or the Company code view of the customer master ? Yes 0005 (50 10/2% 30/1% from scenario 2). Question 4 : Does the Inco terms of the SAP Customer Master ( as Created in Scenario 1 ) match with the inco terms in the Sales Order ? Yes EXW pickup Customer Will Call (Text I entered) Question 5 : Can you change the Inco Terms in the SAP Sales Order ? What does this illustrate ? Yes I changed from EXW to COD and a warning message appeared indicating that freight had been recalculated The text did not change Certain order valus can be modified depending on the stage of processing and this can affect downstream events in this case potentially pricing. Question 6 : Specify the SAP Customer Group that the Order contains ? 01 Industrial customers as coded Question 7 : How do you know from the order that this orders revenue belongs to a domestic customer ? The Account Assignment group indicates 01 domestic revenue. Question 8 : Where does the bulk of the data from the Customer Master go SAP Sales Order Header or SAP Sales Order Line Item ? The master data mostly applies to the header. Question 9 : Is Dominik Adam available in the SAP Sales Order ? If yes, which tab in the Sales Order is he in ? Yes Partners tab VE Sales employee Question 10 : Find out all the Sales Areas that the Customer Master 1000 exists in ? ( Here is how to find out all the sales areas that the SAP customer master is associated with ) Sales Org = 3000 01 Direct sales Sales Org = 3000 10 Final customer sales (I mistakenly first created the customer using the 10 distribution channel. I copied the customer to create records for the 01 direct sales distribution channel).


SAK October 16, 2011 at 11:41 pm #

Siva, Can you please throw some light on the following Partial Deliveries fields (in terms of their relevance at a Sales Order Header levelvsSales Order Line level? Complete delivery reqd by law Is this at a Header level (applicable to the whole order)? What if this is checked, but not enough inventory is going to be available to ship the entire ordersuch as for example, the end of a Diwali shipping season when the company is down to the last few units, and doesnt plan to make any more of a certain product? Can the order not be shipped at all? Partial delivery per item, Max. partial deliveries, and the Tolerance fields The way I understand it, these are specific to each Line Item on the order, i.e., these dont apply to the order as a whole..Is my understanding correct?

siva October 17, 2011 at 5:44 am #

Partial Deliveries is NOT a field, rather an SAP norm. The way to over-ride it is by using Complete Delivery either at the Customer master level or at the Sales Order Level. Partial Deliveries Scenarios could be any of the following . 1. Split Deliveries 2. Partial Quantities per line item being delivered 3. Partial Line Items ( among the entier list ) being delivered ( You can call this as split deliveries also ) Maximum partial deliveries is to ensure that the system doesnt break up a delivery into too many deliveries which can cause logistics issues for customers. It applies to the entire order. Tolerances can apply at the header level only ( since they are a customer choice, hence at the customer master level ) Lets discuss this in the class.


SAK October 16, 2011 at 11:29 pm #

Siva, Nice Exercises. Thank you. Q1. Created Account 500008 with Account Group 0001 and for Sales Area 3000 / 10 / 00

Incoterms EXW Philadelphia Payment Terms 0004 Dist channel 10, Division 00 Customer group 01 Account assignment group 01 Shipping conditions 09 Tax Class 0 for all countries Partner functions SP, BP, PY, SH 500008, SE 900061 Q2. Company 3000, Recon 144003, Payment terms 0005 Q3. Payment Terms 0004 from the Sales View Q4. Incoterms matches master data Q5. Incoterms can be changed on sales order. System merely proposes a default value. Q6. Customer Group 01 Q7. How do you know from the order that this orders revenue belongs to a domestic customer? Based on the Account Assignment Group on the Accounting tab on the order header. Also based on the Sales Area data on the Sales tab. Q8. Bulk of the Customer default data ends up on the sales order header. Question 9 : Dominik Adam is visible on the Partners tab on the order header. Question 10 : Sales Areas for Customer 1000: 0001 Sales Org. Germany 01 Direct Sales 01 Pumps 0005 Germany Frankfurt 10 Final customer sales 00 Cross-division 1000 Germany Frankfurt 10 Final customer sales 00 Cross-division 1000 Germany Frankfurt 12 Sold for resale 00 Cross-division 2500 Netherlands/Rotterdm 10 Final customer sales 00 Cross-division

SAP Customer Master Simplified Version SAP SD Training Batch Feb 2011
This is a brief summary of the simplified version of the SAP Customer Master that has been discussed in the class. A more detailed SAP Customer Master is also available and will be discussed in another class with more examples. Learn more about SAP SD Traininghere and other SAP Training modules like SAP CRM Training or SAP HR Training here. Summary : We have discussed the 3 views of the Customer master and discussed the most important fields in the SAP Customer Master. General View 1. Name 2. Search Term

3. Address 1. 2. 3. 4. Sales View Shipping Conditions Tax Classification Different Partner Functions Payment Terms Company Code View We have also discussed that the data in the company code view will be filled up either by the SAP FICO Consultants or by you based on the data given to you by the SAP FICO Consultant. More notes here. How to Delete Master Data in SAP How to Block Master Data in SAP How to create Customer Groups in SAP

Scenario 1: You are a Sales employee at ABC Computers Inc. A customer just called and inquired about a computer and asked for a quotation. As part of the Sales Process, you have collected the following information. His name is John Smith and his address is 1000 Denise Dr, Edison , NJ. He typically likes the computers to be shipped immediately and he is ordering on behalf of a non-profit organization. He wishes to pay within 60 days. He also mentioned that Dominik Adam ( One of our Field Sales employee ) has told him about this ABC Company and requested to place an order. Question 1 : Create a Customer Master using the details mentioned above. Use the Sales Organization, Distribution Channel and Division of 1000/10/00 and the company code as 1000. Hint : Follow the steps here - How to create a Customer Master in SAP

Responses to SAP Customer Master Simplified Version Exercise:


David February 19, 2012 at 9:37 pm #

Customer Master Created Created customer David01 Shipping Conditions- 10(Immeidate) Payment Terms- NT60 (Net 60) Tax Exempt: 0 Partner: SE 900061 Dominik Adams


Anshu January 29, 2012 at 5:37 am #

Siva, While creating and order I get an error Entry TA does not exist in TVAK . How can I get past this and create an order. I dont see OR order type in the list either.


Mital Shah December 11, 2011 at 10:28 pm #

1. Explain in your own words when you would use a new Price List Category? Answer: I would use a new Price List Category when some customer or group of customer needs to give special pricing. Ex-Wholesale customer and retail customer assigning it to different price list 2. Create a new Price List Category Zx* and give it a description of Agency Customer Answer: Created a new Price List Category ZM 3. Create a new SAP Customer Master and give the customer Number here. Answer: Created New Customer 9742. 4. Assign the newly created price list category Zx to the customer master created in Step . 3 above Answer: Assign price List Category to Customer 9745


Mital Shah December 9, 2011 at 4:23 am #

Customer 20111(john smith) created under 1000/10/00 and company code 1000 with all requirements.


Vandana November 22, 2011 at 5:54 am #

Hi Siva, Question 1 : Create a Customer Master using the details mentioned above. Use the Sales Organization, Distribution Channel and Division of 1000/10/00 and the company code as 1000. customer #25675 has been created for sales area 1000/10/00 and for company code 1000.

Payment term: Net 60 Shipping Condition: 10 (Immidiately) Tax terms: Tax exempt


Vishwanath November 7, 2011 at 1:43 pm #

Created Customer Johnny Smith Customer # 28000 , Co Code 1000, Sales Org 1000 , Distro 10, Div 00 Address : 1000 Denise Drive, Edison NJ Created Material ABC Computer ( High Speed Computer ) Inquiry # 10000035 created ( Johnny Smith inquiry about 1 computer ) Sales Order # 14166 Created Q: 1. When creating the Material Master Data where can I add the price of the material. I entered the Standard Price of 5000 in MMR but when I create an Inquiry using this material, it doesnt show the Total Price. 2. The currency for Material Master with Plant 1000 and Sales Org 1000 is default EUR. How can that be changed to USD 3. When trying to create an order using Inquiry #14166 as reference its producing an error. I had to create a separate Order.

Vish November 19, 2011 at 4:15 am #

Please ignore my earlier questions. Standard OR 25218 was created with reference to Inquiry # 10000035


Radha Krishna November 7, 2011 at 4:25 am #

Created customer w/ following info: Customer: 5709 Customer Name: John Smith

Search Name: JSMITH Address: 1000 Denise Dr, Edison, NJ USA Sales Group: NP (Non Profit Company) Payment Terms: NET60 (Pay with in 60 Days) Sales Employee: Dominik Adam Sorg/DC/DV = 1000/10/00 Thanks, Radha Krishna


Rajesh October 18, 2011 at 8:29 pm #

Siva, Customer master created with # 5000013 with Sales area:1000/10/00 Regards, Rajesh


Chetan Unni October 18, 2011 at 5:26 am #

Scenario 1: You are a Sales employee at ABC Computers Inc. A customer just called and inquired about a computer and asked for a quotation. As part of the Sales Process, you have collected the following information. His name is John Smith and his address is 2301 Woodland Park Dr, Houston ,TX 77077 He typically likes the computers to be shipped immediately and he is ordering on behalf of a non-profit organization. He wishes to pay within 60 days. He also mentioned that Dominik Adam ( One of our Field Sales employee ) has told him about this ABC Company and requested to place an order. Question 1 : Create a Customer Master using the details mentioned above. Use the Sales Organization, Distribution Channel and Division of 1000/10/00 and the company code as 1000. Customer: 754 Customer Name: John Smith Search Name: JSMITH Address: 2301 Woodland Park Dr, Houston, TX 77077 Sales Group: NP (Non Profit Company) Payment Terms: NET60 (Pay with in 60 Days)

Sales Employee: Dominik Adam Sorg/DC/DV = 1000/10/00 Thanks Chetan



Muthu October 16, 2011 at 1:25 am #

Customer no : 2400 (3000,10,00) sales and general views created.


Edward Emmory October 9, 2011 at 2:14 pm #

Question 1 : Create a Customer Master using the details mentioned above on scenario 1. Use the Sales Organization, Distribution Channel and Division of 1000/10/00 and the company code as 1000. Answer: Customer number: 14235 Sales area: 1000/10/00 Company code: 1000 Customer group: NP created (Non Profit company) Payment term: Net 60 Delivery priority: 1 (high) Shipping Condition: 10 (Immidiately)

SAP SD Customer Master Customization

Customer Master Customization
Related Trainings SAP Training SAP SD Training SAP Access Customer master is the primary master data in SAP SD. Typically SAP SD functional consultant will have to customize the customer master at least a little bit to suit the requirements of the project. Since this is very standard data and needs to be synced across systems ( For Example ECC CRM ),

SAP allows very little customization to the customer master. Nevertheless, SAP allows full customization in the customer master in terms of fields (Hide, show, grey out fields, make fields mandatory etc)and external interfaces ( Interacting with external tax vendors like Vertex etc ) .

Configuration Menu Path is [ SPRO -> IMG -> Logistics General -> Business Partner -> Customers -> Control ]

Configure Field Statuses in Customer Master Step 1. - The control is defined at the customer account group level. So for a customer type of Soldto 0001 , the fields can be customized. Select the Customer Account Group. In this case we have
selected the 0001 Sold-to Party.

Step 2. - A customer master in standard R/3 can have multiple views General view, company code view and the sales view. Double click on the corresponding text in the Field status tab to customize the specific view.

Step 4. - Fields in the customer master data are grouped into Status Groups or Field Status Groups . For example, the Address group contains all the fields related to the address data like the name, street name, zip code etc. Select the right field status group.

o o o o

Step 5 .- Each field can have any of the following 4 statuses These statuses are self-descriptive. Suppress Do not show the field in the master data. Required Entry Make this field mandatory. Optional Entry Make this field an optional entry. Display Gray out this field.

DEMO Here is an example of the customer master Name field for the standard customer account group 0001- Sold to party. The little check mark in the name field signifies that the field is indeed mandatory.

Now change the radio button of the first field ( Name 1/Last name ) to Opt. entry.

If you create a new customer now, you can see that the name of the customer will be optional ( As is evident by the lack of the check mark in the Name field )

Please click here for SAP training.

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31 Responses to SAP SD Customer Master Customization


Raghava April 6, 2012 at 2:24 pm #

1. Created Account group ZBR1 (SPRO->IMG>Logistics General>Business partner>Customers>Define account groups) a copy of 0001 2. Now go to partner determination TCODE (VOPAN) or path SPRO>IMG>Sales and dist>Basic Functions>Partner determination 3. Created a new partner function for customer master say copy of SP (BS) 4. Assigned newly created partner function BS to account group ZBR1 5. Created a new partner procedure copy of AG (BG) 6. Assigned the partner function BS in partner procedure BG 7. BG Partner determination procedure Assignment to account group ZBR1 created. 8. Now created a new customer # 128 belong to ZBR1 account group, the partner determination proc in sales area is BG 9. Now created a sales order xx for this new customer, a new partner function is determined automatically since mandatory field is selected in partner function.


Thyaga March 6, 2012 at 1:09 pm #

Suppose i have added 3 custom fields in the table for customer and they do not appear in the Transaction but in another UI, for example, a WEB UI. How will i make these 3 fields mandatory through SPRO, so that they appear mandatory in WEB UI also? Thanks Regards


Ilana March 2, 2012 at 4:39 pm #

ZIL is created


Ilana March 2, 2012 at 4:39 pm #

accpunt group ZIL is created


Ilana March 2, 2012 at 4:38 pm #

created account grp ZIL


David February 19, 2012 at 10:00 pm #

Created Account group ZDG1- 0001 Sold to


Ronaldo February 6, 2012 at 8:46 pm #

created account group ZRD1 copy of 0001



Ilana February 5, 2012 at 7:26 pm #

created account group IL


Mahesh February 5, 2012 at 4:10 pm #

Created Account Groups and ZMD1 Sold to party MD 0001 ZMD2 Ship to Party MD ZMD3 Bill to Party MD ZMD4 Payer MD


Guru January 9, 2012 at 5:43 pm #

Customer Account Group Sold-To-Party-1638 created.


jitesh December 24, 2011 at 9:17 am #

Created Account group: Z003 > tcode is OVT0. It controls: 1) Field selection 2) No range 3) One time customer or not? 4) Text determination procedure, partner determination procedure 5) out put type


Mital Shah December 10, 2011 at 10:47 pm #

Hi Siva, I created Customer account group as M001-SoldToParty_mit


Pooja November 9, 2011 at 11:51 pm #

Hi Siva How do I switch from external no. assignment to internal no.assignment?

siva November 10, 2011 at 4:59 am #

In Customer Account Group, you can specify a number range ( defined in VN01 ) . Create your own customer account group and try it. If not, please give me the details here and I will fix it for you.


Prem November 5, 2011 at 12:51 pm #

Siva, I tried to customer last name field but it is not allowing me to save.It prompts a window as Prompt for Customizing project. I am not sure what to enter in Request. Please advise. Thanks, Prem


Vinay October 19, 2011 at 2:41 pm #

Is there a way to suppress/hide/display the fields in Addtional Data in the KNA1 ?



Larry Cabral October 17, 2011 at 10:35 pm #

Account Group ZLC1 defined (copy from 0001 Sold-to-Customer). Fields customized. Assumption Once a customer is created using an account group because previously defined field values in the customer record may not correspond to the requirements of the different account group.


RAJESH October 14, 2011 at 10:42 pm #

Created Account group: R001


Lukesh October 14, 2011 at 8:29 am #

Created Account group ZLS1..


Edward Emmory October 11, 2011 at 4:16 pm #

Customer acc grp: Z001 created (field customization done) Rgds/ Edward


jitesh September 22, 2011 at 8:16 pm #

Ans: Created Y020 account group as a copied from 0001 sold to party. t-code is ovt0


Nas September 18, 2011 at 8:19 pm #

Created new account group ZN56 copying Sold-to party 0001


Muthu August 14, 2011 at 11:32 pm #

Hi Siva, I tried creating a test customer with no 66661 under 1000 ,10,00. When filling up the Sales area view,I am facing problems with the Taxes section. It is greyed out and I cant enter anything.I cant proceed further because it says check tax classification,mnt incomplete.I went into SPRO,and even tried to make this field to optional , as described in one of your articles to customise the Billing docs in the Maintain field status Group But still it does not work.Can you please help?

siva August 16, 2011 at 6:08 am #

As discussed in todays class you have succesfully achieved this. But, PLEASE do NOT change standard Customer Account Groups. It will create problems for others. Hope you understand.


Sahil July 3, 2011 at 2:19 pm #

Account Group Customization Created my own account group ZSAH


jawid July 2, 2011 at 8:25 pm #

excellent explanation with screen shot for the novice..Hat off



Harsh June 30, 2011 at 2:46 am #

I tried creating my own account groups as Sold to party (AG) k01 Bill to party (RE) k03 Payer (RG) k02 Ship to party k04 Sales rep k05 One time customer K06 I was not able to find partner determination for last three accounts group. What should I do?


Navdeep June 20, 2011 at 2:14 am #

Siva how do you go to this path: SPRO -> IMG -> Logistics General -> Business Partner -> Customers -> Control

siva June 20, 2011 at 5:35 am #

Type in SPRO in the command window ( where you enter the t code ) and click on SAP Rerefence IMG and then the rest of the path is pretty obvious. Lets dicuss this on Mondays class if required.


siva June 14, 2011 at 6:27 am #

Hi Julie The solution is given in the URL under the Additional Training material The links is given below. Please reply back if you have questions. If you dont have screenshots, please post it here. Otherwise as usual, send me an email.


Julie June 14, 2011 at 6:24 am #

Can you please take a look at the screen shot and tell me where am i going wrong .and also I am not getting the Tax details in the Billing Tab when I am creating the customer ..???

Number Ranges
SAP SD Training Concept A number range is a sequence of numbers with a start and an end. It also contains the current number that is being used. For example, when a sales document of type OR is being created, the number range lies between 1 and 199999. Also it is defined as an internal number range. So when a new sales order is being created, the user does not enter the sales order number when saving. Instead SAP automatically generates a sales order number in the system for our reference. Number ranges have two purposes. One is for the System to internally identify the sales order with a number for easy retrieval and management. The other is for the users to visually identify a document type just by looking at the number. For example, if orders of type OR have the number range mentioned above, and Quotes have a different number range This makes it very easy for the user who is creating them to identify if the number is an order or a quotation. SAP CRM Training SAP Access SAP Training

Configuration Number ranges vary by area. For example, sales document number ranges are configured in [VN01]. Accounting document number ranges are defined in [FBN1]. However, the concept in same
anywhere. The menu path to define sales document number ranges is [ SPRO -> IMG -> Sales and Distribution -> Sales -> Sales Documents -> Sales Document Header -> Define Number Ranges for Sales Documents ] Each number range is divided into an interval. You can do the following.

For more details, visit us at SAP Training and SAP Access

You can view the different number range intervals. For example, 01 stands from 0000000001 to 0000199999 with the current status at 12919. You can also see if the interval has been defined as internal or external.

You can change the status of each of the number ranges Meaning, change the current running number in the interval so that when the next order is created it will be created with 13000 as opposed to 12920.

You can Create New Intervals or delete existing intervals.

Click on the + button on the top to create a new interval. If you enter a number in the current number the newly created order associated with the number range Z9 will start with that number. Otherwise it will start with 0200000001. Also, since we are not marking the number range as External ( in the check box Ext ), the number range is classified as internal and can be only used in situations that demand internal number ranges.

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23 Responses to Number Ranges


Ilana March 2, 2012 at 4:52 pm #

number range ZI is created


David February 19, 2012 at 10:13 pm #

Number Range ZD created


satya February 8, 2012 at 6:21 pm #

Created a number range. No. 46 From Number: 0008400000

To Number: 0008699999 External Number range



Mahesh February 5, 2012 at 4:16 pm #

New number ramge created Z1 Z1 0020000001 0003000000 20000002


Guru January 9, 2012 at 11:03 pm #

Created Internal Number Range :46 Also changed the current number.


Murali Kotikalapoodi January 9, 2012 at 1:55 am #

Created an internal range of numbers with value 96


zaheer January 8, 2012 at 11:13 pm #

Hi Siva, How do we identify which number range is associated with which order type?


Mital Shah December 10, 2011 at 9:10 pm #

created number range MS and SM


Pooja November 20, 2011 at 8:35 am #

Siva Lets say I have two clients X and Y,the current number in X is 085 and current number in Y is 0345.How do I transport from X to Y as 085 already exists in Y?

siva November 20, 2011 at 11:04 am #

First off, number ranges are not transportable. As soon as you create number ranges you will get the message indicating the same. Now, in order to create the number range in production ( either during cut over or in a full productive system ), the changes are done directly in the system. Lets discuss more on this in the class.


Rajesh October 19, 2011 at 12:26 am #

Siva, New number range created: R1. Regards, Rajesh


Larry Cabral October 18, 2011 at 7:05 pm #

3. What occurs when the number range wraps around to start over? Must the implementation design ensure that no historical information (documents) are still in the system when wrapping occurs, or will the system handle multiple documents in the system with the same document number (perhaps by composite key including date)?

To test this question we could alter the latest value for an order number range to cause a rollover condition when generating the next order.


Larry Cabral October 17, 2011 at 6:26 pm #

I created numeric internal number ranges 96 AND 97. I then deleted range 97. I then created an external number range 95. I could not created an alpha numeric range because someone had previously created range 99 as AAAAAAAAA ZZZZZZZZZ and the system would not allow overlap. I saved the table ranges. When I did I received a warning message message indicating that the table ranges will not be transported automaically and that transport must be triggered manually from the initial screen. I returned to the initial screen and manually triggered the transport. I presented with a warning screen indicating that ALL number ranges would be transported with their existing values at the time of transport. I did not complete the transport so as to be safe for the test environment. This raises some interesting questions: 1. The above infers that even if the only desired change is to add a new range for a new custom sales doc (i.e. ZRET), since all ranges will be transported this kind of maint. is best performed during initial system design/setup, and at least only performed when the SD part of the system is entirely quiet? 2. Will the number range function allow you to delete a range that is attached to a sales document type? 3. What occurs when the number range wraps around to start over? Must the implementation design ensure that no historical information (documents) are still in the system when wrapping occurs, or will the system handle multiple documents in the system with the same document number (perhaps by composite key including date)?

siva October 18, 2011 at 5:13 am #

1. YES But the change is instantaneous. So this should not cause a problem big time. But like you said, its best to transport it on weekends. 2. Number range could remain in VN01 but the detachment could happen in sales doc type

config as we have seen 3. Frankly I have not faced this situation yet. But it can definitely happen with clients using SAP over a large period of time. Will test it and let you know. Btw, quick question for you Can you guess how we can test yout Q.3 ?

Pooja November 20, 2011 at 10:43 pm #

Thanks Siva,will remind you in the class then.


Edward Emmory October 11, 2011 at 5:20 pm #

New number range created: 09


jitesh September 22, 2011 at 11:14 pm #

new no range created Zj


Nas September 18, 2011 at 9:31 pm #

Created number range 76.


Mrunal September 18, 2011 at 2:07 am #

Ans1: In a business scenario, where we want to use different product prices for different customers we can create a new price list and assign it to required customers. Ans2: Price list category ZW created for agency customers.

Ans3: Unable to create a new customer currently due to the number range issue. Ans4: Assigned price list category to 30005 in sales area view, sales tab.


justin August 24, 2011 at 11:32 pm #

hi Siva what does internal and external means in usage. thanks Justin


Harsh June 30, 2011 at 4:09 am #

Hi Siva, is it possible to create number range with alpha numeric. can i start number from A1 to A100 for customers

siva June 30, 2011 at 7:06 am #

Harsh Yes you can. Number ranges can be alphabetic or numeric. However, when using alphabetic number ranges, SAP does NOT auto increment. So you would have to use external number ranges.


Harsh June 30, 2011 at 1:38 am #

Hi siva ,

while creating a number range for customers i am having an error message of : please enter initial status please let me know what i should i do about it. Thanks Harsh

How to Delete Master Data in SAP ? Feb 2011 SAP Training Batch

Some students in our SAP Training class today have asked that they have created SAP Customer master XXXXX by mistake and wish to delete the same. Master Data CANNOT be deleted in SAP easily. The only way to delete a Customer Master ( for example ) is to flat it for deletion. The reasons for this have been discussed in the SAP SD Training class today and here is the menu path to do the same.These reasons equally apply well to students in the SAP MM Training Class also for Material Master. Menu Path = [ SAP Easy Access -> Logistics -> Sales and Distribution -> Master Data -> Business Partner -> Customer -> VD06 Flag for Deletion ]

Question 1 : Can we flag a Customer for Deletion Specific to an SAP Sales Area ? Question 2 : In your own words, what is the difference between blocking the Customer Master and Deleting the Customer Maste ? Question 3 : Create a SAP Customer master, and flag it for deletion. Try and create a Sales Order for the same. Are you able to create it ? If so, give the reasons why ? Question 4 : Which step should be performed first ?

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Block Customer Master Flag Customer Master for Deletion Question 5 : When you flag a Customer Master for Deletion and create an SAP Sales orderfor the same the system Displays a Warning Displays an Error message and does not allow further processing Question 6 : Can you reset the Deletion flag in the SAP Customer Master ?
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35 Responses to How to Delete Master Data in SAP ? Feb 2011 SAP Training Batch


Ilana March 2, 2012 at 5:32 pm #

Question 1 : Can we flag a Customer for Deletion Specific to an SAP Sales Area ? Yes Question 2 : In your own words, what is the difference between blocking the Customer Master and Deleting the Customer Maste ? blocking is for particular transactions which are blocked; deletion is for the entire cutomer so that any transaction performed for the customer will pop up a warning message Question 3 : Create a SAP Customer master, and flag it for deletion. Try and create a Sales Order for the same. Are you able to create it ? If so, give the reasons why ? customer 100264 is marked for deletion; the order has been created with a awrning message Question 4 : Which step should be performed first ? Block Customer Master Flag Customer Master for Deletion First block then deletion Question 5 : When you flag a Customer Master for Deletion and create an SAP Sales order for the same the system

Displays a Warning Displays an Error message and does not allow further processing warning message Question 6 : Can you reset the Deletion flag in the SAP Customer Master ? ytes, to uncheck the deletion flag from VD06


David February 20, 2012 at 5:55 pm #

Question 1 : Can we flag a Customer for Deletion Specific to an SAP Sales Area ? Q1. Answer: Yes Question 2 : In your own words, what is the difference between blocking the Customer Master and Deleting the Customer Maste ? Q2. Answer: Blocking will stop all process, but deleting will just create a warning message. Question 3 : Create a SAP Customer master, and flag it for deletion. Try and create a Sales Order for the same. Are you able to create it ? If so, give the reasons why ? Q3. Answer: Yes, you can still create it, but with a warning message. Question 4 : Which step should be performed first ? Block Customer Master Flag Customer Master for Deletion Q4. Answer: First block , then flag for deletion. Question 5 : When you flag a Customer Master for Deletion and create an SAP Sales order for the same the system Displays a Warning Displays an Error message and does not allow further processing Q5. Answer: Displays a warning message. Question 6 : Can you reset the Deletion flag in the SAP Customer Master ? Q6. Answer: Yes, you can reset a deletion flag.


satya February 8, 2012 at 8:59 pm #

Question 1 : Can we flag a Customer for Deletion Specific to an SAP Sales Area ? Yes, we can. Question 2 : In your own words, what is the difference between blocking the Customer Master and Deleting the Customer Maste ? Blocking the customer means not allowing some actions or all actions like ordering, delivering etc. Deleting means totally not allowing to do any sort of actions that is totally removing from the records. Question 3 : Create a SAP Customer master, and flag it for deletion. Try and create a Sales Order for the same. Are you able to create it ? If so, give the reasons why ? Created a customer master, deleted it and able to create order with a warning message. Question 4 : Which step should be performed first ? Block Customer Master Flag Customer Master for Deletion First blocking then deletion. Question 5 : When you flag a Customer Master for Deletion and create an SAP Sales order for the same the system Displays a Warning Displays an Error message and does not allow further processing Displays a warning message. Question 6 : Can you reset the Deletion flag in the SAP Customer Master ? Yes.


Ronaldo February 5, 2012 at 7:31 pm #

Question 1: Can we flag a Customer for Deletion Specific to an SAP Sales Area? Answer: Yes, Go to VD06 and flag a customer for Deletion specific to an SAP Sales Area, or All areas. You can also do a deletion blocks for General data

Question 2: In your own words, what is the difference between blocking the Customer Master and Deleting the Customer Master? Answer:1)Block Customer(VD05)- You can block the customer master for certain reason like fall behind in payment, not paying on time or past his credit limit etc. 2) Delete customer(VD06): If customer master needed to be deleted, then you set the flags for deletion. Question 3: Create a SAP Customer master, and flag it for deletion. Try and create a Sales Order for the same. Are you able to create it? If so, give the reasons why? Answer: Create customer 100241 in 1000/12/00 and flag it for deletion. I am able create order-13858 under customer 10241 but showing message alert that customer is flag for deletion. Question 4: Which step should be performed first? Block Customer Master (VD05) Flag Customer Master for Deletion (VD06) Answer: First you should block the customer master for further required action according to situation(VD05) and if customers no longer buys from company than set the flag for deletion(VD06). Question 5: When you block Customer Master for Deletion and create an SAP Sales order for the same the system Displays a Warning Displays an Error message and does not allow further processing Answer: The system display a warning Customer XXXXX is marked for deletion saves the order, but delivery is not allowed. Question 6: Can you reset the Deletion flag in the SAP Customer Master ? Answer: Yes, you can go back to VD06 and uncheck the deletion flag mark.


Mahesh February 5, 2012 at 5:23 pm #

Question 1 : Can we flag a Customer for Deletion Specific to an SAP Sales Area ? Yes. We can select Deletion flag for specific sales area. Question 2 : In your own words, what is the difference between blocking the Customer Master and Deleting the Customer Maste ?

A customer master blocking can be done for specific blocks, like Order Block, Delivery Block, Billing Block, Block sales support. Which means by blocking delivery we might take orders but delivery is blocked (e.g. if the customer does not have enough credit) Setting deletion flag will make customer unavailable for any functions. Question 3 : Create a SAP Customer master, and flag it for deletion. Try and create a Sales Order for the same. Are you able to create it ? If so, give the reasons why ? As noted in my previous messages I am not able to create orders specific to customer master. Could not test this. Question 4 : Which step should be performed first ? Block Customer Master Flag Customer Master for Deletion Blocking should be performed first. Question 5 : When you flag a Customer Master for Deletion and create an SAP Sales order for the same the system Displays a Warning Displays an Error message and does not allow further processing As noted in my previous messages I am not able to create orders specific to customer master. Could not test this. Question 6 : Can you reset the Deletion flag in the SAP Customer Master ? Yes


Murali Kotikalapoodi January 24, 2012 at 7:19 pm #

Siva, Greetings. I have completed the exercise in the expected lines the customer I have created is 100234 in the sales area 3000, 01, 00. When I tried to created a sales order I have received the following errors It is not allowing me to create order type anything other than ZOR. Throwing an error saying this order type OR is not defined in the Sales Area 300, 01, 00. I have extended the customer to DCl 10 and avoided the error and created an order 13700. Question: Do we have to assign a sales area to the order type ? Question: While creating an order for this customer 100234 with Sales area 3000, 01, 00 it throws an

error that no pricing procedure could be determined. Do I have to assign a pricing procedure to the order type. Appreciate your feedback.

siva January 25, 2012 at 3:51 am #

Hi NO, Generally it is NOT necessary to assign a Sales Area to Sales Doc Type. When you do assign it, it indicates that that sales doc type is ONLY allowed in that sales area. Otherwise, no restrictions YES Remember the A+B+C rule for pricing? A=Sales Area B=Doc Pricing Proc C=Cust. Pricing Proc


Guru January 10, 2012 at 1:41 am #

Question 1: Can we flag a Customer for Deletion Specific to an SAP Sales Area ? Yes, VD06. Question 2: In your own words, what is the difference between blocking the Customer Master and Deleting the Customer Master? Blocking customer master is blocking sales order or/and Delivery or/and Billing transactions for a specific sales area or all sales areas.All unblocked transaction will not effect. Block the customer when you want to temporarily stop business relations with a customer. Blocking can be revoked. Deleting customer master is setting a deletion flag to customer and can be done for a specific sales area or all sales areas to stop Business relations permanently. You need to block the customer account before deletion. Customer Master can be deleted when there is no transaction processed on the customer. You can perform further processing and close existing notifications, orders and so on if necessary. Question 3 : Create a SAP Customer master, and flag it for deletion. Try and create a Sales Order for the same. Are you able to create it ? If so, give the reasons why ?

Sales order can be created with a warning message as customer flagged for deletion. Customer need to block before flag for deletion. Question 4: Which step should be performed first? Block Customer Master Flag Customer Master for Deletion Block Customer Account before setting the deletion flag for customer Master. Question 5: When you flag a Customer Master for Deletion and create an SAP Sales order for the same the system Displays a Warning Displays an Error message and does not allow further processing? A warning message is displayed but further processing is still allowed. Question 6 : Can you reset the Deletion flag in the SAP Customer Master ? Yes can Reset the deletion flag by unchecking the same.


jitesh December 24, 2011 at 10:35 am #

uestion 1 : Can we flag a Customer for Deletion Specific to an SAP Sales Area ? Answer: yes you can flag customer for a particular sales area or all sales area. option has been given in VD06 Question 2 : In your own words, what is the difference between blocking the Customer Master and Deleting the Customer Maste ? Answer: Blocking the Customer master means you are not allowing particular customer to process in further transaction. Marked for deletion: Means you are flagging customer for removing from the system. You cant delete the master data so you can archived them Question 3 : Create a SAP Customer master, and flag it for deletion. Try and create a Sales Order for the same. Are you able to create it ? If so, give the reasons why ? Answer: upon entering the customer number and line item it appears with warning message . you can ignore that message and save the order. it is purely due to customer is not deleted , its just marked for deletion. Question 4 : Which step should be performed first ?

1) Block Customer Master(VD05) 2)Flag Customer Master for Deletion (VD06) Question 5 : When you flag a Customer Master for Deletion and create an SAP Sales order for the same the system Displays a Warning Displays an Error message and does not allow further processing Answer: Displays a warning . it allows you to save the order and further processing. Question 6 : Can you reset the Deletion flag in the SAP Customer Master ? Answer: Yes


Mital Shah December 8, 2011 at 7:16 pm #

Question 1: Can we flag a Customer for Deletion Specific to an SAP Sales Area? Answer: Yes, Go to VD06 and flag a customer for Deletion specific to an SAP Sales Area. Question 2: In your own words, what is the difference between blocking the Customer Master and Deleting the Customer Master? Answer:1)Block Customer(VD05)- If you want to block customer for certain reason like fall behind in payment, not paying on time or past his credit limit etc. than you need to block customer in certain department or block completely. 2) Delete customer(VD06): If customer is no longer buying from company and need to remove it than you make flag for deletion. Question 3: Create a SAP Customer master, and flag it for deletion. Try and create a Sales Order for the same. Are you able to create it? If so, give the reasons why? Answer: Create customer 2003 in 1000/10/00 and flag it for deletion. I am able create order-25461 under customer 2003 but showing message alert that customer is flag for deletion. Question 4: Which step should be performed first? Block Customer Master Flag Customer Master for Deletion Answer: First you should block the customer for further require action according to situation and if customers no longer buy from company than make it flag for deletion. Question 5: When you block Customer Master for Deletion and create an SAP Sales order for the same the system Displays a Warning

Displays an Error message and does not allow further processing Answer: its showing error message that customer 2003 has been assigning to order block and overall block. System is not allowed you to do anything further. Question 6: Can you reset the Deletion flag in the SAP Customer Master ? Answer: Yes, you can go back to VD06 unchecked flag mark.


Radha Krishna November 12, 2011 at 6:34 am #

Question 1 : Yes, check box for flagging Question 2 : Blocking the Customer Master is done for specific reasons such as when a customer is blacklisted for not making payments. It is a process that can be reversed as well ie temporary. Marking a Customer Master for deletion will stop any action to be taken on a customer. Once flagged for deletion, the customer will be archived but not deleted. Question 3 : Sales order cannot be created. A message is displayed stating Customer is marked for deletion Question 4 : Block Customer Master should be performed first since it is a temporary measure. A deletion would be better if the intent is to remove a customer completely instead of still keeping them on the system. Question 5 : When you flag a Customer Master for Deletion and create an SAP Sales order for the same the system Displays a Warning Question 6 : Yes, you can reset the Deletion flag in the SAP Customer Master


Vishwanath November 7, 2011 at 1:55 pm #

Question 1 : Can we flag a Customer for Deletion Specific to an SAP Sales Area ? Ans : Yes Question 2 : In your own words, what is the difference between blocking the Customer Master and Deleting the Customer Master ? Ans : Blocking the customer would only prohibit from carrying out further respective transaction with the customer. Eg : If the customer is Blocked due to bad credit the company cannot create a Sales Order for that customer. Deleting the CMR would delete all the relevant Data for the customer and

will be archived during the next data update which the company carries out during each quarter or fiscal year. Question 3 : Create a SAP Customer master, and flag it for deletion. Try and create a Sales Order for the same. Are you able to create it ? If so, give the reasons why ? Ans : Created Customer 500023 and Flagged for Deletion. When tried to create a SO a Warning Message came up : Customer 00005000023 marked for deletion. Question 4 : Which step should be performed first ? Ans : Ideally Customer Master should be blocked first. However you can flag for deletion without blocking the customer. Block and Deletion are independent of each other. Question 5 : When you flag a Customer Master for Deletion and create an SAP Sales order for the same the system Ans : * Displays a Warning Question 6 : Can you reset the Deletion flag in the SAP Customer Master ? Ans : Yes. Path is the same Logistics > SD > Master Data > BP > Customer > VD06 Flag for Deletion. Uncheck the box and save it


Ali.Surti November 4, 2011 at 4:10 am #

Question 1 : Can we flag a Customer for Deletion Specific to an SAP Sales Area ? Yes.A customer can be flagged for deletion in a specific sales area. Question 2 : In your own words, what is the difference between blocking the Customer Master and Deleting the Customer Maste ? Blocking the customer master means that you dont want to do a certain type of transaction with this customer like taking new orders or delivery etc.But when you flag the customer for deletion you actually want to delete all the relevant data for the customer during next data update. Question 3 : Create a SAP Customer master, and flag it for deletion. Try and create a Sales Order for the same. Are you able to create it ? If so, give the reasons why ? Yes,You can create an order but it gives you a warning messge b4 you start entering the items. Question 4 : Which step should be performed first ? Block Customer Master Flag Customer Master for Deletion.

First comes first and then the second,So at first you can stop all new transactions and when all sales and finance activities are completed then you can delete all the data later on. Question 5 : When you flag a Customer Master for Deletion and create an SAP Sales order for the same the system Displays a Warning Allows to save the order. Question 6 : Can you reset the Deletion flag in the SAP Customer Master ? Yes.


Chetan Unni October 18, 2011 at 5:54 am #

Hello Siva, Please review Question 1: Can we flag a Customer for Deletion Specific to an SAP Sales Area? Yes, we can flag a Customer Master for Deletion for All Sales Area in the System or for a Specific Sales Area (Transaction: VD06) Note: The Customer Master can not be completely deleted from the database. It can only be flagged for Deletion. Question 2: In your own words, what is the difference between blocking the Customer Master and Deleting the Customer Master? Deleting a Customer Master 1) The Customer Master is not required any more and will not be used for any Orders, Billing or Delivery. The Customer Master can be removed based on the archiving standards of a Company (May be every 5 or 10 years) Blocking a Customer Master 1) The Customer Master is blocked to be used for any transaction (Orders, Delivery and Billing). This could be a temporary block on the customer. Question 3: Create a SAP Customer master, and flag it for deletion. Try and create a Sales Order for the same. Are you able to create it? If so, give the reasons why? Created the Customer Master: 755 Deleted the Customer Master for Sales Area: 1000/10/00 Yes, we can create any Sales Order for the Customer 755

But we do receive an Informational Message at the bottom of the Screen Message: Customer 755 is marked for deletion. Question 4 : Which step should be performed first ? o Block Customer Master o Flag Customer Master for Deletion Block the Customer First VD05 Delete the Customer Next VD06 Question 5: When you flag a Customer Master for Deletion and create an SAP Sales order for the same the system o Displays a Warning o Displays an Error message and does not allow further processing Displays a Warning Message, we can still create a Sales Order in the system Question 6: Can you reset the Deletion flag in the SAP Customer Master? Yes, we can reset the Deletion Flag back in the Customer Master. Thanks Chetan


Larry Cabral October 17, 2011 at 10:59 pm #

Question 1 : Can we flag a Customer for Deletion Specific to an SAP Sales Area ? Yes Prompt allows selection of sales area. Also the user can elect to preserve the general master data. Question 2 : In your own words, what is the difference between blocking the Customer Master and Deleting the Customer Master ? Deleting the master data means that it is no longer needed and can be removed from the system after Archiving occurs in A/R or A/P (I am interested in rules/logic that may drive the archive process so data is retained for a defined time, and could also drive reuse of customer numbers). Blocking the customer allows the user to tell the system to not perform (block) certain transaction types (order, delivery, billing) from occurring for that customer. This is usually done as a sequence of steps in closing a customer account. This allows financial transactions (completing outstanding returns/claims,.) to occur to settle the account.

Question 3 : Create a SAP Customer master, and flag it for deletion. Try and create a Sales Order for the same. Are you able to create it ? If so, give the reasons why ? Received a warning message on the bottom of the screen, I was allowed to continue and create the order. The customer master records still exist in the system until archiving occurs in A/R or A/P. Creating transactions for this customer may be necessary to conclude business or to provide emergency service. However, it is generally best practice to block the customer from order input if this account is being closed. Question 4 : Which step should be performed first ? Block Customer Master Flag Customer Master for Deletion Typically you would first block the customer to inhibit new orders from entering the system. This protects available inventory and ensure confirmation data is correct. The account can then be cleaned up and deleted if needed. Question 5 : When you flag a Customer Master for Deletion and create an SAP Sales order for the same the system Displays a Warning Yes on the bottom of the screen. Displays an Error message and does not allow further processing Question 6 : Can you reset the Deletion flag in the SAP Customer Master ? Yes I was able to flag for deletion and reset it to active status.


Edward Emmory October 11, 2011 at 6:55 pm #

Question 1 : Can we flag a Customer for Deletion Specific to an SAP Sales Area ? Answer: Yes Question 2 : In your own words, what is the difference between blocking the Customer Master and Deleting the Customer Master ? Answer: Blocking means customer is stopped from any specific business transaction, while flag for deletion means mark customer for deletion which is removed from master record once system updates Question 3 : Create a SAP Customer master, and flag it for deletion. Try and create a Sales Order for the same. Are you able to create it ? If so, give the reasons why ? Answer: customer 1000000 flag for deletion, created order, but receives warning that customer flag for deletion., order created: 13385, customer is marked for deleted, so not yet deleted

Question 4 : Which step should be performed first ? Block Customer Master Flag Customer Master for Deletion Answer: depends on business scenario and what business requires Question 5 : When you flag a Customer Master for Deletion and create an SAP Sales order for the same the system Displays a Warning Displays an Error message and does not allow further processing Answer: Displays warning Question 6 : Can you reset the Deletion flag in the SAP Customer Master ? Answer: Yes


Kanu Desai October 10, 2011 at 4:43 pm #

1)yes 2)blocking the customer means its blocked for certain reason and is still usable once the block is removed deleting the customer master means its not needed any more 3)sales order created after flagging the customer for deletion, it showed warning 4)block customer master 5)displays a warning 6)yes


Satya Chaganti October 3, 2011 at 1:09 am #

Question 1 : Can we flag a Customer for Deletion Specific to an SAP Sales Area ? Yes Question 2 : In your own words, what is the difference between blocking the Customer Master and Deleting the Customer Maste ?

Blocking the customer master will bock the customer to specific sales area leaving his footprints in the records, where deleting will sweep all the information related to the customer leaving no trace marks Question 3 : Create a SAP Customer master, and flag it for deletion. Try and create a Sales Order for the same. Are you able to create it ? If so, give the reasons why ? Yes am still able to create sales order for flagged customer. Because its flagged but not yet deleted. Question 4 : Which step should be performed first ? Block Customer Master Flag Customer Master for Deletion They both are independent events and have to be used depending on situation Question 5 : When you flag a Customer Master for Deletion and create an SAP Sales order for the same the system Displays a Warning Displays an Error message and does not allow further processing Displays Warning Question 6 : Can you reset the Deletion flag in the SAP Customer Master ? Yes, by unchecking the sales area in transaction [VD06]


Purva September 27, 2011 at 12:14 am #

Question 1 : Can we flag a Customer for Deletion Specific to an SAP Sales Area ? Ans:Yes you can flag the customer for deletion to a specific sales area. Question 2 : In your own words, what is the difference between blocking the Customer Master and Deleting the Customer Maste ? Ans: When a customer is blocked you are temporarily not making transactions with that particular customer, eg: due to non payment issues, or political reasons etc. This is reversible and you can after a while unblock the customer. Deleting a customer means removing the customer and no longer having any future transactions with them. Question 3 : Create a SAP Customer master, and flag it for deletion. Try and create a Sales Order for the same. Are you able to create it ? If so, give the reasons why ?

Ans: Customer 71181 was created and flagged for deletion. When you try and create a sales order for the same- you get a warning message saying the customer is flagged for deletion but you are still able to create the order. This is because the customer is flagged for deletion- but not YET deleted. Question 4 : Which step should be performed first ? Block Customer Master Flag Customer Master for Deletion Ans: there is no such order. They are two different things and depending on the situation you can either block or delete the customer. Question 5 : When you flag a Customer Master for Deletion and create an SAP Sales order for the same the system Displays a Warning Displays an Error message and does not allow further processing Ans: when a customer master is flagged for deletion and you create an order only a warning message is displayed but further processing is still allowed. Question 6 : Can you reset the Deletion flag in the SAP Customer Master ? Ans: Yes you can reset the deletion flag by going to the flag for deletion VD06, and unchecking the tabs selected for flagging.


Jitesh September 23, 2011 at 12:51 am #

answer 1: YES WE CAN FLAG CUSTOMNER SPECIFIC TO sap SALES AREA OR ALL SALES AREA Answer 2: blocking means we can block customer to entering in particular transaction(delivery, billing etc) while deletion of the customer master marked as a archived . Answer 3: created cutomer 3367 and marked all sales area for deletion. upon creating sales order its throwing a warning aysing 3367 is marked for deletion. its allowed you to create order 14703/OR. ????????? Need an expanation why its allowed to create a order although its marked for deletion? Answer 4: first we should block the customer master and if needed then falg it for deletion. Answer 5: its displays the warning saying customer is marked for deletion and allows to create a order. Answer 6: yes use vd06 uncheck previously checked box and save it



Nas September 19, 2011 at 12:10 am #

Question 1 : Can we flag a Customer for Deletion Specific to an SAP Sales Area ? Ans: Yes, we can flag a customer for deletion specific to a sale area or in all areas. Question 2 : In your own words, what is the difference between blocking the Customer Master and Deleting the Customer Master ? Ans: blocks from certain operations, flagging for delete marks for end of the customer in the process. Question 3 : Create a SAP Customer master, and flag it for deletion. Try and create a Sales Order for the same. Are you able to create it ? If so, give the reasons why ? Ans: System allows creating the order with a warning. Need an elaboration. Question 4 : Which step should be performed first ? Block Customer Master Flag Customer Master for Deletion Ans: can you please discuss this. Blocking / flagging for delete can be done from system menu extra in VD02 along with VD05 or VD06. Question 5 : When you flag a Customer Master for Deletion and create an SAP Sales order for the same the system Displays a Warning Displays an Error message and does not allow further processing Ans: Displays a warning a message that this customer is marked for deletion, but allows further processing. Question 6 : Can you reset the Deletion flag in the SAP Customer Master ? Ans: yes, flag can be unchecked/reset by the same transaction.


Mrunal September 17, 2011 at 1:18 am #

Ans1: Yes, we can flag a customer for deletion specific to a sale area or all areas. Ans2: We can block a customer to stop one or more operations like sales, delivery or billing from happening for that customer. So, if sales are blocked no orders or quotes can be created, but deliveries and billing transactions already in the system will not be affected. When a customer is flagged for deletion it cannot be used in any of the transactions. Ans3: Customer 34340 created and marked for deletion. Tried to create a order for it . First the

system gives a warning message that customer is marked for deletion but still allows creating the order and delivering the order. I am thinking it is still allowing proceeding with subsequent transactions because it may be a nightly process which actually archives the customer. But not sure then why we can reset the deletion flag? Ans4: Block first and then Flag for delete. Ans5: Displays a warning a message. Ans6: yes, flag can be reset.


Zahid Abbas September 5, 2011 at 4:34 am #

Question 1 : Can we flag a Customer for Deletion Specific to an SAP Sales Area? ANS 1: YES Question 2 : In your own words, what is the difference between blocking the Customer Master and Deleting the Customer Master? ANS 2: Blocking the Customer Mastre means that u can use it in the future if u remove the block but, when u flag a Customer Master for deletion u cant use it again and u have to start from scratch. Question 3 : Create a SAP Customer master, and flag it for deletion. Try and create a Sales Order for the same. Are you able to create it ? If so, give the reasons why ? ANS 3: You cant create a sales order the message pops upThe customer is flagged for deletion. Question 4 : Which step should be performed first ? Block Customer Master Flag Customer Master for Deletion ANS 4: Block Customer Master(So, u can use it in the future if the need be). Question 5 : When you flag a Customer Master for Deletion and create an SAP Sales order for the same the system Displays a Warning Displays an Error message and does not allow further processing Display a warning ANS 5: Displays an Error message and does not allow further processing Question 6 : Can you reset the Deletion flag in the SAP Customer Master ? ANS 6: Yes



justin August 30, 2011 at 8:44 pm #

answers for the questions under deletion : Question 1 : Can we flag a Customer for Deletion Specific to an SAP Sales Area - yes Question 2 : In your own words, what is the difference between blocking the Customer Master and Deleting the Customer Maste ? Blocking a customer master means the first phase for deletion ,that is by blocking the customer master account no longer posting is made to that account .To block an account there should be no open items . Deleting ,that is flagging an account is extracting the file from the database ,delete and placed in a separate folder (Archived) Question 3 : Create a SAP Customer master, and flag it for deletion. Try and create a Sales Order for the same. Are you able to create it ? If so, give the reasons why ? customer master 7100 was created ,blocked (vd05), flagged (vd06) did that. (hi siva but dont know how to create a sales order for that customer 7100 ) Question 4 : Which step should be performed first ? Block Customer Master Flag Customer Master for Deletion first need to block the customer master, and then need to flag. Question 5 : When you flag a Customer Master for Deletion and create an SAP Sales order for the same the system Displays a Warning Displays an Error message and does not allow further processing customer master 7100 was created ,blocked (vd05), flagged (vd06) did that. (hi siva but dont know how to create a sales order for that customer 7100 ) Question 6 : Can you reset the Deletion flag in the SAP Customer Master ? yes need to go back to vd05 and vd06 and reset and save it


GAUTAM July 21, 2011 at 9:40 pm #

Question 1 89765/1000 is created to test. yes, we can flag(a appears) a customer Question 2 We mark a customer master record for deletion when say, we no longer maintain business relationships with the customer. we mark the customer master record for deletion, the corresponding reorganization program later recognizes this master record and deletes it from the file. The master record is only deleted after all dependent data has been deleted. Block reason is a factor that blocks document processing of document to satisfy your business needs.When we block an account centrally, we can prevent both posting and order processing Question 3 89765/1000 created. can not create the order, getting message Customer 0000089765 is marked for deletion we can not change the customer now also, it says Customer 89765 is marked for deletion in the sales area selected Question 4 First block then delete.May depend on the business condition also Question 5 It displays warning but allows the creation of the order. order 14391 is created. I could also do the delivery also.-80016725. Question 6 I reset it but the a beside the customer no remains.

GAUTAM July 21, 2011 at 9:45 pm #

I misunderstood by was my customer name a

now it is clear..sorry for the confusion.I am not sure about which one to be taken first block or delete


Sahil July 3, 2011 at 2:55 pm #

Answer 1: Yes. Answer 2: Block : Cannot post transactions. Deleting: You Flag it for deletion but deletion takes place when the data is updated Anwer 3: As the customer is flaged for deletion. you are still able to create a sales order, will get a warning a message customer marked for deletion but you can still save the sales order Answer 4. Block first and then Delete Answer 5: Displays a Warning Answer 6: Yes Ans 6:Yes.


karthik June 20, 2011 at 6:50 pm #

A1 yes we can A2 Blocking a customer means to temporarily block him for some specific reason but deleting is stopping all transactions. with him in future. A3 when we mark a company for deletion and then try to create a sales order the system gives a warning as customer.marked for deletion. A4you first block the customer and then flag for deletion. A5 it displays a warning. A6 yes


Raj June 20, 2011 at 4:30 pm #

Ans1: Yes.

Ans2: Blocking the customer means: Users cannot post transactions. Deleting customer means: You can put the flag but you cannot really delete without data is being archived. Ans 3: Since you did not block the customer, you can create S.O with warning message when the Customer is flagged for deletion. Ans 4: You should do the blocking first. Later we can mark for deletion. Ans5: Just displays warning. Ans 6:Yes.


Navdeep June 20, 2011 at 2:36 am #

Question 1 : Can we flag a Customer for Deletion Specific to an SAP Sales Area? yes Question 2 : In your own words, what is the difference between blocking the Customer Master and Deleting the Customer Master? Blocking a customer is to block all/ specific trascations for the customer Deleting a customer means to remove a customer master record and any trasactions associated to that customer Question 3 : Create a SAP Customer master, and flag it for deletion. Try and create a Sales Order for the same. Are you able to create it ? If so, give the reasons why ? No. When the customer is marked for deletion, all transactions related to the customer are blocked. Question 4 : Which step should be performed first ? Block Customer Master Flag Customer Master for Deletion Once we mark the customer master for deletion, wont it automatically block all the transactions???? Question 5 : When you flag a Customer Master for Deletion and create an SAP Sales order for the same the system Displays a Warning Displays an Error message and does not allow further processing Display a warning Question 6 : Can you reset the Deletion flag in the SAP Customer Master ? Yes


Banu May 5, 2011 at 3:09 pm #

I created a Customer (48) (FD01) and assigned 1000/10/00 by going to VD01. But when I try to create a order it says no sales area could be determined fro that customer. Where am I doing a mistake? Thanks


Jeny Koshy April 7, 2011 at 3:01 pm #

1) Yes, we can flag a Customer for Deletion Specific to an SAP Sales Area. 2) BLOCKING a customer means to stop all transaction of that particular customer and DELETING a customer means to hold off the customer transaction when customer is not active. 3) We can create a sales order, we can block the required fields and also delete flags for the customer but customer is not deleted its only set up. 4) Block Customer Master : VD05 Flag Customer Master for Deletion: VD06 5) Displays a WARNING!! 6) Yes, we can reset the flag in SAP system.

siva April 8, 2011 at 5:10 am #

Good Job Jeny. Keep going !!


Vikas March 21, 2011 at 1:58 am #

Question 1 : Can we flag a Customer for Deletion Specific to an SAP Sales Area ? Ans. Yes

Question 2 : In your own words, what is the difference between blocking the Customer Master and Deleting the Customer Master ? Ans. Blocking a customer is to stop the customer from doing transactions and deleteing means deactivating the customer when not in use. Question 3 : Create a SAP Customer master, and flag it for deletion. Try and create a Sales Order for the same. Are you able to create it ? If so, give the reasons why ? Ans. We can create the order but system shows the warning message that customer is marked for deletion. The reason we can create the order because the customer is just marked for deletion and not deleted. Question 4 : Which step should be performed first ? Block Customer Master Flag Customer Master for Deletion Ans. depends Question 5 : When you flag a Customer Master for Deletion and create an SAP Sales order for the same the system Displays a Warning Displays an Error message and does not allow further processing Ans. Displays a warning Question 6 : Can you reset the Deletion flag in the SAP Customer Master ? Ans. Yes


yogeuk March 17, 2011 at 10:12 pm #

1)yes 2)blocking the customer means its blocked for certen resion and is still usable once the blocke is removed deleting the customer master means its not neaded any more 3)16146 sales order created after flaging the customer for deletion, it showed worning 4)block customer master 5)displays a warning 6)yes

How to Block Customers in SAP SD

How to Block Customers
Tweet Related Trainings SAP Training Online SAP SD Training SAP Access Online Concept Sometimes it is necessary to temporarily or permanently block customers. When a customer is blocked, we can configure the system to specifically block a type of sales transactions or all of the sales transactions. There could be multiple reasons for the same. Some examples are given below.
o o o

Customer has repeatedly defaulted on payments and we choose not to sell him anymore Customer has been blacklisted Customers country is on export embargo. ( Ideally SAP GTS should be used, but no SAP installation use SAP Global Trade ) Menu Path [ Logistics -> Sales and Distribution -> Business Partner -> Customer -> Block ]. The tcode for the same is [VD05]. In the selection Screen, select the customer to block along with the specific sales area in which you want the customer to be blocked( if necessary ).

You can block the customer from being entered in any of the sales transactions, of the deliveries or the billing documents. Typically, the customer is blocked from sales transactions only, so that no new orders/quotes are being created for that customer, but existing invoices are not stopped. However, this depends on the requirement. SAP allows us to block a customer from any or all of these 3 transactions.

The blocking reasons in each of the drop downs can be freely defined in configuration

Configuration The blocking reasons for the sales, delivery and billing could all be different if required. The menu path for the same are as follows.
Sales Blocking Reasons => [SPRO -> IMG -> Sales & Distribution -> Sales -> Salesa Documents -> Define and Assign Reasons for Blocking ] or [OVAS] Delivery Blocking Reasons => [SPRO -> IMG -> Logistics Execution -> Shipping -> Deliveries -> Define Reasons for Blocking in Shipping] Shipping block is a little more involved. It has the following options. For example, the block Credit Limits (01) here effects only the goods confirmation, picking and goods issue only. That means that when an order is created for a customer with a delivery block of 01 , the goods confirmation is blocked, the pick list is blocked and the goods issue is blocked.

Billing Blocking Reasons => [SPRO-> Sales & Distribution -> Billing -> Billing Documents -> Define Blocking Reasons for Billing ] . Here the billing blocking reasons are defined.

Demo on How to Block a Customer Block the customer using the delivery block 01 on customer 1400. Now try to create the sales order. The system response will be a warning message Customer 1400 has delivery block: Credit limits. However, it will allow you to save the order. When creating the delivery, you will get the error message Ship-to party is blocked for delivery: 000000140 since this is a delivery block.
o o o o

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17 Responses to How to Block Customers in SAP SD


Ilana March 2, 2012 at 6:01 pm #

Customer 1400 is blocked for delivery; order 14072 has been created and saved with warning Delivery is blocked. Delivery could not be created due to error message Sales order is blocked for delivery


Ronaldo February 5, 2012 at 5:05 pm #

Customer 1400 was blocked at vd05 with deliver block 01 Credit limits. A Sales Order testROn was created with a warning Customer 1400 has delivery block: Credit

limits and saved (13855). The delivery vl01n encountered and error Order cannot be delivered: Sales order is blocked for delivery :Credit limits


Murali Kotikalapoodi January 25, 2012 at 3:38 am #

Customer 1400 was blocked at vd05 with deliver block 01 Credit limits. A Sales Order WALMART002 was created with a warning and saved. The delivery vl01n encountered and error @5C\QError@ WALMART002 Sales order is blocked for delivery: Credit limits


Guru January 13, 2012 at 8:48 pm #

Customer 16386 is delivery blocked with 01 reason .Sales order 13559 is created with warning


Mital Shah December 11, 2011 at 1:05 am #

1) Created Delivery type ZMS and delivery block type ZM and insert value into Delivery block in shipping. 2) Created billing type ZMS and define credit block type and insert value into billing blocking reason field. 3) Created sales document type ZMR and created order block 05 than insert value into sales documents block field. Answer: Order 25502 created used demo scenario and its showing the error message Sales order is blocked for delivery: Credit limits.


Raghava November 24, 2011 at 3:26 am #

If the customer is to be blocked from Credit management perspective for all sales FD32 in Credit control area Indicator: Blocked by credit management With this indicator, a customer is blocked for all credit management business transactions (order

acceptance, delivery, goods issue). You can still, however, post invoices for goods which were already delivered.


Larry Cabral October 17, 2011 at 11:26 pm #

Block the customer using the delivery block 01 on customer 1400. Now try to create the sales order. Several warning are received with regard to the order 1. When the customer is selected. 2. If you reenter the order in change mode. 3. If you try to deliver the order it displays an error log stating it could not be delivered the customer is on credit hold.


Lukesh October 14, 2011 at 11:28 am #

For order block, not allowed to proceed.. For delivery block, got warning.. For Billing block, nothing happened in Sales Order.. Where does this block have an effect?? Lukesh


Edward Emmory October 12, 2011 at 8:32 pm #

Created new order block 04 (embargo) in SAP IMG put order block on customer 1000000 for sales area: 1000/10/00 1. place delivery blocked 01 on ship to: 1400 (sales area: 1000/10/00) created order 13399, received warning, but could save order Could not create delivery, error reads that ship to is blocked


Jitesh September 23, 2011 at 12:23 am #

blocked 3367 customer using blocking types



Jitesh September 23, 2011 at 12:22 am #

successfully created following blocks 1) newsales order block created: 46 sales block assigned to doc type ZJV using vd05 block is applied to all sales area. 2) delivery block created :17 deliver block 17 assigned to Y02(std delivery) 3) billing block created: 10 billing block assigned to Y0f2(std invoice)


Mrunal September 17, 2011 at 1:27 am #

I tried this and it works great. Blocked customer 34340 for delivery. Received error message as mentioned above.


Zahid Abbas August 14, 2011 at 4:19 am #

I have tried and works.also this is a very to navigate.


jitesh August 11, 2011 at 3:44 pm #

hi siva , i blocked the customer using delivery block 01. at the time of creating sales order it would let me save the number and keep displaying message delivery block: credit limit. Material area was in item category was also greyed out.


Navdeep June 20, 2011 at 2:42 am #

I think we will learn about the SPRO when we are doing configuration.

siva June 20, 2011 at 5:33 am #

Thats right Navdeep. But in the meanwhile , you can blidly follow the menu path and do the configuration. If you are not comfortable, you can leave those until we finish configuration , which is going to be next week.


Jeny June 15, 2011 at 1:46 am #

This module is very informative and easy to navigate.

How to view Field Changes to SAP Customer Master Feb 2011 SAP Training Batch

If you want to view the changes that have been done to the SAP Customer Master, use the menu path Environment -> Field Changes. The system will list the fields that have been changed as follows. This concept applies to SAP Material Master also. So this post applies to both SAP SD Training students as well as SAP MM Training students.

If you want to view all the changed values at one, click on All Changes and the system will display the list of all the Old and new values for the field.

If you want to see the exact time and the user id who has done the specific changes, just double click on the change.

Though this is not a typical interview question, all SAP Training students should know this. Question 1 : For SAP Customer Master 1400, give the list of changes that happened on 09.11.1994 Question 2 : On 10.10.96, the SAP Customer Master 1400 was changed . What is the old Recon Account and What is the new Recon Account ? Question 3 : On 08.02.99, the SAP Customer Master 1400s City was changed. Give the User id who has done this change ?

How to create new Customer Groups in SAP ? SAP Training


Here is how you create a new customer group in SAP. This post is for our SAP SD Trainingstudents who are practicing the SAP Pricing exercises as part of their SAP Trainingregimen. The business significance of customer group has already been explained in the class.

Step No. 1 : Go to [ spro -> IMG ->Sales and Distribution -> Master Data -> Business Partners -> Sales -> Define Customer Groups ]

Step No. 2 : Using new entries, create your own customer groups.

Create SAP Price list types here. You would be required to have SAP Access to practice on the same.
o o o o

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Tags: create customer group in sap, customer groups, sap customer group

37 Responses to How to create new Customer Groups in SAP ? SAP Training


Ilana March 2, 2012 at 6:19 pm #

Created ZI Ilana new customer g


David February 20, 2012 at 6:40 pm #

Created customer group ZD= David group


satya February 9, 2012 at 11:34 pm #

Created Customer Grop ZP = Private Customer


Ronaldo February 7, 2012 at 11:18 am #

Created RD = Trading group


Mahesh February 5, 2012 at 6:17 pm #

Copied 01 Industrial customers and created MD Industrial Cust MD Customer Group.


Anshu January 19, 2012 at 7:52 am #

Created JG customer group


Murali Kotikalapoodi January 17, 2012 at 9:55 pm #

ZM Supply chain is created


Guru January 13, 2012 at 9:32 pm #

Customer Group ZG created.


Mital Shah December 11, 2011 at 1:15 am #

Created Customer groups MS-Retails in customer groups.


Mital Shah December 9, 2011 at 3:55 am #

Hi Siva, I have noticed that following link is broken. Create SAP Price list types thanks,

siva December 9, 2011 at 4:45 am #

Mital Thanks for the correction. I fixed it now.


Isaac November 30, 2011 at 7:50 pm #

Hi Siva, 1345 was the cutomer i wanted to create. I used the sales area 1000 10 00. The message was: Customer 1345 is not defined for function SP (table TPAKD). Thanx Isaac



Larry Cabral October 18, 2011 at 2:39 am #

Entered unique name (ZN) and entered to validate. Then saved. I later encountered a maintenance request when leaving the program. I filled in the request information using prompts. The Prompt allowed me to select maint request number VANK900213 Please explain further about custimaztion requests and change transports. I assigned price group to the customer sales area sales data screen pricing statistics section Customer 19102/3000/10/00.

siva October 18, 2011 at 5:03 am #

Larry You can find more information on SAP Transport Requests or How to Create SAP Customization Requests by clicking on the links above.


RAJESH October 14, 2011 at 10:21 pm #

Customer Group RA created


Edward Emmory October 12, 2011 at 8:52 pm #

Customer group: NP (Non-profit company) created


Satya Chaganti October 3, 2011 at 1:32 am #

Customer group 94 creaed



Jitesh September 26, 2011 at 11:05 pm #

new customer group Y7 created: special services group


Kanu Desai September 26, 2011 at 2:50 pm #

Wholesale KD created


David September 26, 2011 at 2:02 pm #

ZD created


Nas September 19, 2011 at 1:09 am #

Again created ZN Online retailer


Mrunal September 17, 2011 at 2:03 am #

Created new customer group ZQ for Quebec customers.


Nasim September 10, 2011 at 5:19 pm #

Problem in saving customer group I followed all the way and created new customer group and then when I click save Button, it throws a Dialogue box Prompt of Customising Request to the screen.


siva September 12, 2011 at 1:29 pm #

Use the following link How to create Transportation Request in SAP


Nasim September 10, 2011 at 4:59 pm #

Created Customer Group ZA Online RetainerN and ZN Online CustomerN


justin August 30, 2011 at 8:58 pm #

hi siva, created 77 wholesale customer


BHANU August 24, 2011 at 10:04 pm #



Muthu August 15, 2011 at 4:39 am #

M6 Customer group created

siva August 16, 2011 at 6:09 am #

Cool Muthu


Jaspreet August 14, 2011 at 7:11 pm #

Hi Siva I am trying to save the customer group i created but getting a pop up message Prompt for Customizing request Please advise

siva August 16, 2011 at 5:58 am #

Jaspreet As discussed in the class, check out the What is Transport Request and How to create Transport request pages on our sap sd training web page


jitesh August 12, 2011 at 11:09 am #

created Z6 group for non profit organisation


GAUTAM July 22, 2011 at 12:32 am #



Sahil July 3, 2011 at 3:54 pm #

Created Customer Group Z8


karthik June 20, 2011 at 6:13 pm #

Hi Siva Q I am not able to find this path to define customer groups could you pl send me the path again. thanks

siva June 21, 2011 at 5:30 am #

Karthik This is under Customization. Type in SPRO in the command window and click on SAP Reference IMG and then follow the menu path as described.

1. SAP Customer Master Simplified Version SAP SD Training Batch Feb 2011 April 27, 2011

[...] How to create Customer Groups in SAP [...]

How to Create new SAP Customer Price List Type

This post is part of the exercises for our SAP Training students which discusses how to Create new SAP Customer Price List Types. The significance of Price List Types will be discussed as part of the SAP Customer Master Class in SAP SD Training Step 1 : Go to [ SPRO -> IMG -> Sales & Distribution -> Basic Functions -> Pricing -> Maintain Pricing Relevant Master Data Fields ]

Step 2 : Select Define Price List Category for Customers

Step 3 : Click on New Entries and create a new Price List Category Exercise : 1. Explain in your own words when you would use a new Price List Category ? 2. Create a new Price List Category Zx* and give it a description of Agency Customer 3. Create a new SAP Customer Master and give the customer Number here. 4. Assign the newly created price list category Zx to the customer master created in Step . 3 above. * Change the x in Zx to a different Alphabet or digit depending on availability.
o o o o

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24 Responses to How to Create new SAP Customer Price List Type


Ilana March 2, 2012 at 6:30 pm #

1. Explain in your own words when you would use a new Price List Category ?

when there is a group of customers that have to be separated from other groups 2. Create a new Price List Category Zx* and give it a description of Agency Customer ZI 3. Create a new SAP Customer Master and give the customer Number here. Created customer 92 4. Assign the newly created price list category Zx to the customer master created in Step . 3 above. Assigned price list category ZI to customer 92 by going to sales tab in sales area view and selecting ZI for customer group field


David February 20, 2012 at 6:46 pm #

1. Explain in your own words when you would use a new Price List Category ? Answer: when you need to differentiate customers for specific pricing requirements. 2. Create a new Price List Category Zx* and give it a description of Agency Customer Answer: priciing list ZD created. 3. Create a new SAP Customer Master and give the customer Number here. Answer: created customer david01 with ZD price list. 4. Assign the newly created price list category Zx to the customer master created in Step . 3 above. Answer: customer david01.


satya February 9, 2012 at 11:56 pm #

1. When our requirements and the existing price list do not match then we have a need to create our own price list category 2. Created the prices list category SD Agency Customer 3. Customer 100253 is created 4. Assigned the new pricing list SD to the customer 100253


Ronaldo February 7, 2012 at 12:25 pm #

1. Explain in your own words when you would use a new Price List Category ? A Price List Category is created to meet specific business requirement . 2. Create a new Price List Category Zx* and give it a description of Agency Customer Created List Price RD RETAIL RONALDO 3. Create a new SAP Customer Master and give the customer Number here. Customer 51 Ronaldos TV 4. Assign the newly created price list category Zx to the customer master created in Step . 3 above. Assigned RD to Customer 51 RONALDOS TV


Mahesh February 5, 2012 at 6:44 pm #

1. Explain in your own words when you would use a new Price List Category ? When the existing price list categories does not meet the pricing requirement we can define price list category to meet business requirement. 2. Create a new Price List Category Zx* and give it a description of Agency Customer Created Price List Category MD 3. Create a new SAP Customer Master and give the customer Number here. Created customer 33 4. Assign the newly created price list category Zx to the customer master created in Step . 3 above. Assigned MD pricelist category. (Also assigned MD customer group created in previous excercise) Note: while creating customer master the partner functions was not letting me fill any information. I entered 30 in the number column (which is the partner function numbers for customer Master Eshan Shah MD creted in the first excercise.) Surprisingly now I am able to create Order for this customer. Siva, can you please explain, I need review of how to create sales orders for customer master. Thanks


Murali Kotikalapoodi January 25, 2012 at 4:12 am #

1. Explain in your own words when you would use a new Price List Category ? Ans: A new price list category is needed when I have a customer who needs a special pricing other than the existing pricing groups. 2. Create a new Price List Category Zx* and give it a description of Agency Customer Ans: A new price ListCategory ZP is created 3. Create a new SAP Customer Master and give the customer Number here. Ans: 100235 created with ZP as the price list category 4. Assign the newly created price list category Zx to the customer master created in Step . 3 above. Ans: Assigned * Change the x in Zx to a different Alphabet or digit depending on availability. Ans: Could not change the Price List Category name only description is changed. I copied that to a different name ZT. Is there a way you can change the name of the Price list+++++++++++++++++++++++ Question Siva++++++++++++++


Mital Shah December 11, 2011 at 10:28 pm #

1. Explain in your own words when you would use a new Price List Category? Answer: I would use a new Price List Category when some customer or group of customer needs to give special pricing. Ex-Wholesale customer and retail customer assigning it to different price list 2. Create a new Price List Category Zx* and give it a description of Agency Customer Answer: Created a new Price List Category ZM 3. Create a new SAP Customer Master and give the customer Number here. Answer: Created New Customer 9742. 4. Assign the newly created price list category Zx to the customer master created in Step . 3 above Answer: Assign price List Category to Customer 9745


Vish November 19, 2011 at 6:23 am #

1. Explain in your own words when you would use a new Price List Category ? A Price List Category is useful when assigning it to a particular customer or group of customers that have special pricing requirements. The pricing to Industrial customers will be differently priced from that of Retail or Wholesale, channel sales etc.

2. Create a new Price List Category Zx* and give it a description of Agency Customer Created Price List V1 Vish Retail 3. Create a new SAP Customer Master and give the customer Number here. Customer 9991 Eagle Products 4. Assign the newly created price list category Zx to the customer master created in Step . 3 above. Assigned V1 to Customer 9991 Eagle Products


raghava November 5, 2011 at 12:38 am #

1. Explain in your own words when you would use a new Price List Category ? Price List category is used for classifying the Pricing for discounts etc for the customers based on Categories like wholesale customer/retail customer etc 2. Create a new Price List Category Zx* and give it a description of Agency Customer Created ZA Agency Customer and requested for customization when prompted for customization request. 3. Create a new SAP Customer Master and give the customer Number here. 009 created. 4. Assign the newly created price list category Zx to the customer master created in Step . 3 above. ZA is assigned to 009 customer master


Rajesh October 19, 2011 at 9:05 pm #

Siva, Please review 1. Explain in your own words when you would use a new Price List Category ? Different pricing startergy may be required for different types of customers, distribution channels,and customer groups. 2.Create a new Price List Category Zx* and give it a description of Agency Customer. Created New price list category R1 and gave description Agency customer. 3. Create a new SAP Customer Master and give the customer Number here. Customer Rajesh created customer # 500016.

4. Assign the newly created price list category R1to the customer master created in Step . 3 above. I am unable to saaign the price list category to the customer created. Need help. Regards, Rajesh


Larry Cabral October 18, 2011 at 12:39 am #

1. Explain in your own words when you would use a new Price List Category ? Different pricing may be required for different types of customers, different distribution channels, different sales organizations/markets, customer groups, . 3. Create a new SAP Customer Master and give the customer Number here. I created a customer in earlier steps with two different distribution channels. I assigned the new price list category of ZC to customer 19102/3000/ distrib chnl 10. 4. Assign the newly created price list category Zx to the customer master created in Step . 3 above. I assigned the new price list category of ZC to customer 19102/3000/ distrib chnl 10.


Edward Emmory October 12, 2011 at 9:07 pm #

1. Explain in your own words when you would use a new Price List Category ? Answer: offer differential prices to individual customers or different customer groups. 2. Create a new Price List Category Zx* and give it a description of Agency Customer Answer: New price list Z9 (Agency Customer) created 3. Create a new SAP Customer Master and give the customer Number here. Answer: customer 1000000 4. Assign the newly created price list category Zx to the customer master created in Step . 3 above. Answer: Price list Z9 inserted on customer master 1000000


Satya Chaganti October 3, 2011 at 2:03 am #

1. Explain in your own words when you would use a new Price List Category ? Sol: Typically, any business will have different pricing categories. They have one for wholesale buyers, other for retail buyers. Maintaining Pricing list category helps to assign different customer groups to different pricing categories. 2. Create a new Price List Category Zx* and give it a description of Agency Customer Sol: Z9 Pricing Cateogory created 3. Create a new SAP Customer Master and give the customer Number here. Sol: 1493 4. Assign the newly created price list category Zx to the customer master created in Step . 3 above. Sol: Assigned Z9 price list for the customer 1493 in sales view


Zahid Abbas September 30, 2011 at 11:54 pm #

1. Explain in your own words when you would use a new Price List Category ? ANS: To give a customer group a particular price 2. Create a new Price List Category Zx* and give it a description of Agency Customer ANS: ZZ is new price list category created 3. Create a new SAP Customer Master and give the customer Number here. ANS: Customer # 32112 4. Assign the newly created price list category Zx to the customer master created in Step . 3 above. ANS: ZZ is Assigned to customer # 32112 * Change the x in Zx to a different Alphabet or digit depending on availability


David September 27, 2011 at 1:21 am #

1. Offer discount or surcharge to a customer 2. ZX Agency Customer

3. 100223 (XD02) Sales Tab 4. ZX price list added to customer master record 100223


David September 27, 2011 at 1:17 am #

1. Offer discount or surcharge to a customer 2. ZX Agency Customer 3. 100223 (XD02) Sales Tab 4. ZX price list added to customer master record 1444


Jitesh September 26, 2011 at 11:14 pm #

ans-1 : new price list category is used to provide a special discount to the particular customer(i.ebulk buyer, Regular customer) Ans-2 new price list created ZJ ; jiteshs discount list Ans-3&4 customer created : 2389 and new price list is ZJ assigned to 2389


Kanu Desai September 26, 2011 at 3:03 pm #

1 Price List Category is created to offer different pricing to customer 2 ZD wholesale KD 3 Customer 23395 created 4 Price list category KD is assigned to customer 23395 5 Sales view Sales Tab


Mrunal September 20, 2011 at 5:26 pm #

Ans1: A new price list category can be used to offer different prices to different customer groups. Ans2: Created ZQ

Ans3: customer 34344 created. Ans4: Price list category ZQ assigned to customer 34344. The field Price list, is on sales viewsales tab.


Nas September 19, 2011 at 2:15 am #

1. Explain in your own words when you would use a new Price List Category ? Ans: To offer differential prices to different customer groups. 2. Create a new Price List Category Zx* and give it a description of Agency Customer Ans: ZK agency Customer Created. 3. Create a new SAP Customer Master and give the customer Number here. Ans: Customer Master Created 76555 relevant for agency business. 4. Assign the newly created price list category Zx to the customer master created in Step . 3 above. Ans: Price list category has been assigned to customer 76555 for sales area 1000-10-00


khawar August 16, 2011 at 12:37 am #

Ans 1: well if we got a customer who is buying in bulk or we can define price group if our customer is regular and ordering from past many years. we would like to give him special price Ans 2: 86 is created with description Special Group Ans 3: New Customer Master Created 68688 and 86 is selected Ans 4: New Customer group TCS FAST Ans 5: we only can change description not group name


jitesh August 12, 2011 at 11:22 am #

ans-1 It is required to create because of a specific customer type like industry. Ans-2 Z2 created for Agency Customer. Ans-3 : created customer master 36003

Ans-4:Assigned new price category Z2 to customer master 36003



GAUTAM July 22, 2011 at 12:48 am #

Answer-1 new price list category is used to define a price list for a particular type of industry/classification(ex retail/UTILITY..) Answer-2 Price List Category ZG created Answer-3 89766/1000 customer created. Answer-4 price list ZG is added to the customer 89766


Sahil July 3, 2011 at 4:19 pm #

1. Explain in your own words when you would use a new Price List Category ? Answer 1 Is it because customer type 2. Create a new Price List Category Zx* and give it a description of Agency Customer Answer 2: New Price List Category Z7 Agency Customer 3. Create a new SAP Customer Master and give the customer Number here. Answer 3 Using Xd02 changed the existing 1444 4. Assign the newly created price list category Zx to the customer master created in Step . 3 above. Answer4 Assigned the new price category Z7 to the customer master record 1444

How to Create a new SAP Customer Price Group

This page is part of the exercises for our SAP Training students which discusses how to Create new SAP Customer Price List Types. The significance of Price List Types will be discussed as part of the SAP Customer Master Class in SAP SD Training Step 1 : Go to [ SPRO -> IMG -> Sales & Distribution -> Basic Functions -> Pricing -> Maintain Pricing Relevant Master Data Fields ]

Step 2 : Select Define Price Group for Customers

Step 3 : Click on New Entries and create a new Price Group for Customers.

Exercise : 1. Describe a business scenario where you could use Customer Price Group ? 2. Create a new Price Group Zx* and name it as New Co-op Buyer 3. Create a new SAP Customer Master and give the customer Number here. 4. Assign the newly created price group Zx to the customer master created in Step . 3 above.

* Change the x in Zx to a different Alphabet or digit depending on availability.

o o o o

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17 Responses to How to Create a new SAP Customer Price Group


Shamika Lahaye June 8, 2012 at 10:44 pm #

Very nice post. I just stumbled upon your blog and wished to say that Ive really enjoyed browsing your blog posts. After all I will be subscribing to your feed and I hope you write again very soon!


Ilana March 2, 2012 at 6:42 pm #

1. Describe a business scenario where you could use Customer Price Group ? When a group of customers needs to be grouped based on specific pricing conditions 2. Create a new Price Group Zx* and name it as New Co-op Buyer ZI 3. Create a new SAP Customer Master and give the customer Number here. 92 4. Assign the newly created price group Zx to the customer master created in Step . 3 above. assigned customer 92 to price group ZI


David February 20, 2012 at 6:53 pm #

1. Describe a business scenario where you could use Customer Price Group ? Answer: group of customer that get a special discount in pricing.

2. Create a new Price Group Zx* and name it as New Co-op Buyer ZD= Davids price group 3. Create a new SAP Customer Master and give the customer Number here. david01 4. Assign the newly created price group Zx to the customer master created in Step . 3 above. david01 has customer group ZD. * Change the x in Zx to a different Alphabet or digit depending on availability.


Ronaldo February 7, 2012 at 1:18 pm #

1. Describe a business scenario where you could use Customer Price Group ? Ans: Due to different requirements in business, groups of customers can be created, for example, group of discount. 2. Create a new Price Group Zx* and name it as New Co-op Buyer Ans: group RD created as New Co-op Buyer 3. Create a new SAP Customer Master and give the customer Number here. Ans: Customer 51 RONALDOS TV 4. Assign the newly created price group Zx to the customer master created in Step . 3 above. Ans: DONE


Murali Kotikalapoodi January 18, 2012 at 8:19 pm #

1. Describe a business scenario where you could use Customer Price Group ? Ans: When the client needs a different pricing terms like discount or waiver etc for a specific customer, then special price group can be created 2. Create a new Price Group Zx* and name it as New Co-op Buyer Ans: Done ZX 3. Create a new SAP Customer Master and give the customer Number here. Ans: Customer 100230

4. Assign the newly created price group Zx to the customer master created in Step . 3 above. Ans: Assigned * Change the x in Zx to a different Alphabet or digit depending on availability.


Mital Shah December 11, 2011 at 11:06 pm #

1. Describe a business scenario where you could use Customer Price Group? Answer: Customer Price Group is created to define the group of customers who share the same pricing requirements ex-discount, price, surcharges and any offer. 2. Create a new Price Group Zx* and name it as New Co-op Buyer Answer: Created a new Price Group ZS and name it : New Co-op Buyer. 3. Create a new SAP Customer Master and give the customer Number here. Answer: Created new Customer 9745. 4. Assign the newly created price group Zx to the customer master created in Step. 3 above Answer: Customer 9745 has assigned to newly created price group ZS.


Rajesh October 19, 2011 at 9:20 pm #

1. Describe a business scenario where you could use Customer Price Group? Different pricing p[rocedure is applicicable for different customer depending on various parameters between company and customer hence different price group.. 2. Create a new Price Group Zx* and name it as New Co-op Buyer Created a new price group value of R1 and named it Co-op buyer. 3. Create a new SAP Customer Master and give the customer Number here. Created customer# 500016 . 4. Assign the newly created price group Zx to the customer master created in Step . 3 above. Having issuse in assiging need help.


Larry Cabral October 18, 2011 at 4:10 am #

1. Describe a business scenario where you could use Customer Price Group? If there is a need to group customer that would share common pricing attributes then the could be assigned the same pricing group. 2. Create a new Price Group Zx* and name it as New Co-op Buyer Created a new price group value of ZM and answered the prompt for the customization request. 3. Create a new SAP Customer Master and give the customer Number here. I assigned the ZM customer price group to customer 19102/3000/10/00 4. Assign the newly created price group Zx to the customer master created in Step . 3 above. I assigned the ZM customer price group to customer 19102/3000/10/00


Edward Emmory October 12, 2011 at 9:18 pm #

1. Describe a business scenario where you could use Customer Price Group? Answer: business scenario where you want to provide distributors special prices 2. Create a new Price Group Zx* and name it as New Co-op Buyer Answer: Price Group Z5 (New Co-op Buyer) Created 3. Create a new SAP Customer Master and give the customer Number here. Answer: Customer master 1000000 4. Assign the newly created price group Zx to the customer master created in Step . 3 above. Answer: Price Group Z5 (New Co-op Buyer) inserted on customer master 1000000


Satya Chaganti October 3, 2011 at 2:14 am #

1. Describe a business scenario where you could use Customer Price Group ? Lets say business have many Bulk Buyers and wanted to give special pricing to them. This could be easily happen if we can maintain a pricing group for these customers and have them asigned to the special pricing list. 2. Create a new Price Group Zx* and name it as New Co-op Buyer Created Z9 3. Create a new SAP Customer Master and give the customer Number here.

#1493 4. Assign the newly created price group Zx to the customer master created in Step . 3 above. Assigned 1493 to the pricing group Z9


Jitesh September 26, 2011 at 11:21 pm #

Ans-1 :In any business there are different types of customer like regular customer. bulk buyer& one time buyer. User can defined the special rate for bulk buyer and regular customer .to differnatiate from one time buyer .to define this difference we need a price price group. Ans-2 Price group ZJ created Ans-3 new price group assigned to customer 2389


Kanu Desai September 26, 2011 at 3:11 pm #

Pricing Group for customer 1: All Customers are classified in different groups. Each group or individual customers may be charged with different prices. The price group will be assigned to a customer depending on which price the customer should be charged. 2: Created price group ZK. 3&4: Assigned price group ZK to 23395


Mrunal September 20, 2011 at 5:40 pm #

Ans1: Customers are classified in different groups. Each group or individual customers may be charged with different prices. The price group will be assigned to a customer depending on which price the customer should be charged. Ans2: Created price group ZQ. Ans3&4: Assigned price group ZQ to 34344.


Nas September 19, 2011 at 8:39 pm #

Exercise : 1. Describe a business scenario where you could use Customer Price Group ? To offer/charge same discount/surcharge. 2. Create a new Price Group Zx* and name it as New Co-op Buyer Ans: ZS Created 3. Create a new SAP Customer Master and give the customer Number here. Ans: 76555 4. Assign the newly created price group Zx to the customer master created in Step . 3 above. Ans: Assigned Successfully


jitesh August 12, 2011 at 11:30 am #

Ans-1: Regular customer will be having a same price group compare to the New one. ans-2 new price group Z2 created Ans-3 new customer master created 36004 Ans-4 assigned new price group Z2 to Customer 36004


GAUTAM July 22, 2011 at 1:08 am #

Answer-1 Customer Price Group is created to define the group of customers who share the same pricing requirements. exdefine a group of customers to whom you want to give the same kind of discount/same freight Answer-2 new Price Group zg is created Answer-3

customer 89766 is created Answer-4 new Price Group zg is added



Sahil July 3, 2011 at 4:33 pm #

1. Describe a business scenario where you could use Customer Price Group ? Answer 1. Regular Customers that alway buy in bulk will have a different price group and compaired to one time customer 2. Create a new Price Group Zx* and name it as New Co-op Buyer Answer 2. A new price group Z9 created and named as Cew Co-op Buyer 3. Create a new SAP Customer Master and give the customer Number here. Answer 3. Changed my exisiting customer master records xd02 4. Assign the newly created price group Zx to the customer master created in Step . 3 above. Answer4. Assigned my newly created price group Z9 to my customer master record 1444

How to Create New Shipping Conditions in SAP

Step 1 : Go to [ spro -> IMG -> Logistics Execution -> Shipping -> Basic Shipping Functions -> Shipping Point and Goods Receiving Point Determination ]

Step 2 : Click on New Entries button and start to create your own shipping conditions.

Exercises 1. Create a new Shipping Condition Zx and give it a description of Fedex XXX 2. Create a new SAP Sales Document type Zxxx ( as a copy of OR ) 3. Assign the newly created Shipping condition to Zx. Try to create an order of type Zxxx that you have just created. What are the shipping conditions that you see in the Sales Order ? 4. Create another shipping conditionZx and give it a description Fedex 3-day XX 5. Create a new SAP Customer Master ( As a copy of 1400 ) 6. Assign the newly created Shipping Condition ( In step No. 4 ) to the Customer master you have created in Step No. 5 7. Create another Sales Order of Type Zxxx with the Customer Master created in Step No. 5 and find out the Shipping Condition determined by SAP List down the following in the forum 1. Both the Shipping Conditions you have created 2. The SAP Sales document type you have created 3. The Order #s you have created in both the cases.
o o o o

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21 Responses to How to Create New Shipping Conditions in SAP


Ilana March 3, 2012 at 4:55 am #

1. Create a new Shipping Condition Zx and give it a description of Fedex XXX Created ZI shipping condition 2. Create a new SAP Sales Document type Zxxx ( as a copy of OR ) Created ZOI sales doc type 3. Assign the newly created Shipping condition to Zx. Try to create an order of type Zxxx that you have just created. What are the shipping conditions that you see in the Sales Order ? Shipping condition ZI is assigned to doc type ZOI. Order 14074 is created with ZI shipping conditions assigned automatically. 4. Create another shipping conditionZx and give it a description Fedex 3-day XX Shipping condition ZL is created 5. Create a new SAP Customer Master ( As a copy of 1400 ) Customer 93 is created 6. Assign the newly created Shipping Condition ( In step No. 4 ) to the Customer master you have created in Step No. 5 Shipping condition ZL is assigned to customer 93 7. Create another Sales Order of Type Zxxx with the Customer Master created in Step No. 5 and find out the Shipping Condition determined by SAP SO 14075 is created with customer 93 and order type ZOI. The shipping condition is taken from sales order type and not from customer master.


David February 10, 2012 at 1:53 am #

Sales Header ZDG1=OR Customer= David1 Used account group ZDG1 Shipping conditions saved in sales header will override customer shipping conditions. Thank you, David



Ronaldo February 7, 2012 at 5:11 pm #

1. Create a new Shipping Condition Zx and give it a description of Fedex XXX Answer: Created a new Shipping Condition RS and give it a description of FedEx GROUND. 2. Create a new SAP Sales Document type Zxxx ( as a copy of OR ) Answer: Created new Sales Document type ZRSD. 3. Assign the newly created Shipping condition to Zx. Try to create an order of type Zxxx that you have just created. What are the shipping conditions that you see in the Sales Order? Answer: Created order type ZRSD and shipping conditions has assigned by system is RS(FedEx ground ), Order:13875 4. Create another shipping conditionZx and give it a description Fedex 3-day XX 5. Answer: Created another shipping condition ZS and gave it description Fedex 3-days 5. Create a new SAP Customer Master ( As a copy of 1400 ) Answer: Created a new Customer master 52 as a copy of 1400. 6. Assign the newly created Shipping Condition (In step No. 4) to the Customer master you have created in Step No. 5 Answer: Assigned shipping condition ZS to Customer master 52. 7. Create another Sales Order of Type ZRSD with the Customer Master created in Step No. 5 and find out the Shipping Condition determined by SAP Answer: Created another sales order of type ZRSD with the customer master 52. SAP system takes shipping condition from sales documents type and overrides shipping condition from customer master. List down the following in the forum 1. Both the Shipping Conditions you have created Answer: Created shipping condition RS and ZS. 2. The SAP Sales document type you have created Answer: Created sales document type ZRSD .

3. The Order #s you have created in both the cases. Answer: Order: 13875 and 13876.


Mahesh February 7, 2012 at 1:00 am #

1. Both the Shipping Conditions you have created MM and ZM 2. The SAP Sales document type you have created ZM Standard Order MD2 3. The Order #s you have created in both the cases. 13871 and 13872 Question to Siva? 7. Create another Sales Order of Type Zxxx with the Customer Master created in Step No. 5 and find out the Shipping Condition determined by SAP Can you please explain this. I was not able to find any Shipping Condition Field. Thanks


Murali Kotikalapoodi January 21, 2012 at 10:29 pm #

1. Both the Shipping Conditions you have created Ans: ZX and ZY 2. The SAP Sales document type you have created Ans: Zxxx 3. The Order #s you have created in both the cases. # 13663 and #13664 **** Inference: The shipping conditions (ZX) created in document type (ZXXX) has precedence over the SC (ZY) created in the customer master.


jitesh December 24, 2011 at 1:57 pm #

1. Create a new Shipping Condition Zx and give it a description of Fedex XXX Answer: created Shipping condition ZJ: next day before 10 am 2. Create a new SAP Sales Document type Zxxx ( as a copy of OR ) Answer: created YOR3 3. Assign the newly created Shipping condition to Zx. Try to create an order of type Zxxx that you have just created. What are the shipping conditions that you see in the Sales Order ? Answer: assigned shipping condition ZJ to YOR3 4. Create another shipping conditionZx and give it a description Fedex 3-day XX Answer: Created ZK ; next day delivery before 5 pm 5. Create a new SAP Customer Master ( As a copy of 1400 ) Created: customer number 1452 6. Assign the newly created Shipping Condition ( In step No. 4 ) to the Customer master you have created in Step No. 5 Answer: Assigned ZK to 1452 into sales view under shipping tab 7. Create another Sales Order of Type Zxxx with the Customer Master created in Step No. 5 and find out the Shipping Condition determined by SAP Answer: created order : it has taken shipping condition from sales document type. So Shipping condition maintained at Sales Document level took priority over customer master as a default.


Mital Shah December 13, 2011 at 6:50 pm #

1. Create a new Shipping Condition Zx and give it a description of Fedex XXX Answer: Created a new Shipping Condition ZD and give it a description of FedEx Express. 2. Create a new SAP Sales Document type Zxxx ( as a copy of OR ) Answer: Created new Sales Document type ZMA. 3. Assign the newly created Shipping condition to Zx. Try to create an order of type Zxxx that you have just created. What are the shipping conditions that you see in the Sales Order? Answer: Created order type ZMA and shipping conditions has assigned by system is ZD(FedEx Express), Order:25539 4. Create another shipping conditionZx and give it a description Fedex 3-day XX Answer: Created another shipping condition ZV and gave it description Fedex 3-days

5. Create a new SAP Customer Master ( As a copy of 1400 ) Answer: Created a new Customer master 4750 as a copy of 1400. 6. Assign the newly created Shipping Condition (In step No. 4) to the Customer master you have created in Step No. 5 Answer: Assigned shipping condition ZV to Customer master 4750. 7. Create another Sales Order of Type Zxxx with the Customer Master created in Step No. 5 and find out the Shipping Condition determined by SAP Answer: Created another sales order of type ZMD with the customer master 4750. Shipping condition is determine by SAP from Sales order type even though shipping condition determine in customer master document. Conclusion: SAP system take shipping condition from sales documents type and overridden shipping condition from customer master. List down the following in the forum 1. Both the Shipping Conditions you have created Answer: Created shipping condition ZD and ZV. 2. The SAP Sales document type you have created Answer: Created sales documents type ZMA and ZMD. 3. The Order #s you have created in both the cases. Answer: Order: 25539 and 25540.


Mital Shah December 12, 2011 at 10:40 pm #

Hi Siva, I try to create sales documents type but some reason I got message :The data is locked by user FUZESERVER49 and can be displayed only. Please unlocked data from fuzeserver49. Thanks, Mital


Nas November 2, 2011 at 4:52 pm #

1. Create a new Shipping Condition Zx and give it a description of Fedex XXX Created shipping condition ZM Fedex LC Tst 1 and saved it (prompted for customizing request. Ans: Created YN. 2. Create a new SAP Sales Document type Zxxx ( as a copy of OR ). I created the YNOR sales document type. 3. Assign the newly created Shipping condition to Zx. Try to create an order of type Zxxx that you have just created. What are the shipping conditions that you see in the Sales Order ? : Can See YN 4. Create another shipping conditionZx and give it a description Fedex 3-day XX I created shipping condition YM. 5. Create a new SAP Customer Master ( As a copy of 1400 ) Customer 1503. 6. Assign the newly created Shipping Condition ( In step No. 4 ) to the Customer master you have created in Step No. 5 Customer 1503 customer 1 was created and the YM transportation code assigned. 7. Create another Sales Order of Type Zxxx with the Customer Master created in Step No. 5 and find out the Shipping Condition determined by SAP NasYm Standard Order (YNOR) 14096 has been saved. Here is YN showing. Which means, customer Master shipping Condition is overridden by Sales Order Document type Shipping Condition.


Larry Cabral October 18, 2011 at 6:59 pm #

1. Create a new Shipping Condition Zx and give it a description of Fedex XXX Created shipping condition ZM Fedex LC Tst 1 and saved it (prompted for customizing request. 2. Create a new SAP Sales Document type Zxxx ( as a copy of OR ). I created the ZLC1 sales document type and the shipping condition ZM during the process. 3. Assign the newly created Shipping condition to Zx. Try to create an order of type Zxxx that you have just created. What are the shipping conditions that you see in the Sales Order ? I created order 135086. It showed the new ZM shipping conditions value. The customer (19102/3000/10/00 was coded with 09 (pickup) as the shipping condition value. The OR standard order document does not have a shipping conditions value assigned. This seems to indicate a hierarchy to select the shipping condition to assign to an order. I assume if the sales document type

contains a shipping condition value it will take precedence over the customer level shipping condition value. 4. Create another shipping conditionZx and give it a description Fedex 3-day XX I created shipping condition ZN Fedex 3-day LC. 5. Create a new SAP Customer Master ( As a copy of 1400 ) Customer 19103 Larry C Test customer 1 was created and the ZN transportation code assigned. 6. Assign the newly created Shipping Condition ( In step No. 4 ) to the Customer master you have created in Step No. 5 Customer 19103 Larry C Test customer 1 was created and the ZN transportation code assigned. 7. Create another Sales Order of Type Zxxx with the Customer Master created in Step No. 5 and find out the Shipping Condition determined by SAP I created order 135090. It showed the ZN shipping conditions value.


Edward Emmory October 13, 2011 at 10:56 pm #

1. Create a new Shipping Condition Zx and give it a description of Fedex XXX Answer: Z3 (Fedex Airshipment) 2. Create a new SAP Sales Document type Zxxx ( as a copy of OR ) Answer: ZOR2 3. Assign the newly created Shipping condition to Zx. Try to create an order of type Zxxx that you have just created. What are the shipping conditions that you see in the Sales Order ? Answer: Z3 also included in new order 13417 4. Create another shipping conditionZx and give it a description Fedex 3-day XX Answer: Z8 (Fedex 3-day shipment) 5. Create a new SAP Customer Master ( As a copy of 1400 ) Answer: Customer 1400 extended to new sales area 3000/10/00 6. Assign the newly created Shipping Condition ( In step No. 4 ) to the Customer master you have created in Step No. 5 Answer: Z8 added to customer master 1400 7. Create another Sales Order of Type Zxxx with the Customer Master created in Step No. 5 and find out the Shipping Condition determined by SAP

Answer: order 13418 created, Z3 shipping condition defaulted, which means the shipping condition added to sales doc type overwrite condition on masterdata List down the following in the forum 1. Both the Shipping Conditions you have created Answer: Z3 & Z8 2. The SAP Sales document type you have created Answer: ZOR2 3. The Order #s you have created in both the cases. Answer: 13417 & 13418


Satya Chaganti October 3, 2011 at 11:51 pm #

1. Create a new Shipping Condition Zx and give it a description of Fedex XXX ####Shipping condition Z9 Created 2. Create a new SAP Sales Document type Zxxx ( as a copy of OR ) ####Z005 Sales document created 3. Assign the newly created Shipping condition to Zx. Try to create an order of type Zxxx that you have just created. What are the shipping conditions that you see in the Sales Order ? ####Z005 document type of Standard Order created 4. Create another shipping conditionZx and give it a description Fedex 3-day XX ####Z5 shipping condition has ben created 5. Create a new SAP Customer Master ( As a copy of 1400 ) ####1493 has been created 6. Assign the newly created Shipping Condition ( In step No. 4 ) to the Customer master you have created in Step No. 5 ####Z5 Shipping condition assigned 7. Create another Sales Order of Type Zxxx with the Customer Master created in Step No. 5 and find out the Shipping Condition determined by SAP

List down the following in the forum 1. Both the Shipping Conditions you have created ####Z9 & Z5 2. The SAP Sales document type you have created ####Z005 3. The Order #s you have created in both the cases. ####14959, 14958


Zahid Abbas September 24, 2011 at 12:50 pm #

1. Create a new Shipping Condition Zx and give it a description of Fedex XXX ANS: YY 2. Create a new SAP Sales Document type Zxxx ( as a copy of OR ) ANS: New Doc.Type ZZYY is created 3. Assign the newly created Shipping condition to Zx. Try to create an order of type Zxxx that you have just created. What are the shipping conditions that you see in the Sales Order ? ANS: Shipping Conditions YY is Assigned to Doc. Type ZZYY 4. Create another shipping conditionZx and give it a description Fedex 3-day XX ANS: Created Shipping Conditions ZF 5. Create a new SAP Customer Master ( As a copy of 1400 ) ANS: Customer # 32112 is created 6. Assign the newly created Shipping Condition ( In step No. 4 ) to the Customer master you have created in Step No. 5 ANS: Assigned Shipping Conditions ZF to Customer # 32112 7. Create another Sales Order of Type Zxxx with the Customer Master created in Step No. 5 and find out the Shipping Condition determined by SAP 1. Both the Shipping Conditions you have created ANS: YY and ZF are created

2. The SAP Sales document type you have created ANS: ZZYY is created 3. The Order #s you have created in both the cases. ANS: 14717 and 14718 are created


Mrunal September 20, 2011 at 11:14 pm #

Ans1: New shipping condition ZQ. Ans2: ZMR1 Ans4: ZQ assigned to ZMR1 in the shipping section. New order 14599 created with customer 1400. Shipping condition is ZQ. Ans4: Z3 created. Ans5 and 6: Customer 34345 created with shipping condition Z3. Ans7: Order 14598 of type ZMR1 for customer 34345 created. The shipping condition is ZQ which is from the sales document type configuration. Shipping condition that was assigned to the customerZ3 was overridden by the sales document type.


SYED SHAH September 19, 2011 at 5:22 pm #

Hi SivaPlz check if I have done the following scenario rightThx Scenario 1 ZU Shipping Condition ZSHA Sales Document 14575 New Sales Order Created Scenario 2 ZZ Shipping Condition 78612 New Customer Master 14576 New Sales Order generated (ZSHA document type used) In both the scenarios, the Shipping Condition determined in the Sales order is ZUThis shows that the Shipping Conditions assigned in the Sales Document has preference over the one assigned in the customer master.



jitesh August 12, 2011 at 11:46 am #

hi siva , i am struggling to create a new document type by copying from OR. path i have used is as follows SPRO>IMG>SD>Sales >Document>Define Sales Document type. when we are trying to copy it from OR to new entry. i dont know how to do it?

siva August 14, 2011 at 4:38 am #

We will discuss this as part of the Sales Document Type class. I think we are not there yet.


Ehsan A Shah August 10, 2011 at 6:31 am #

Siva, Please take a look 1. Created Shipping Condition zx with description fedex123 2. Created sales document ZOR4 and assigned zx. 3. when saving an order with sold to party 1400 and material m-01, got this msg: Incomplete document when clicked on editgot this..shipping possible entries. 4. same msg for Q 4,5,and 6. but this time I saved it anyway. FUZESERVER02SystemVAN2 Please comment

siva August 10, 2011 at 9:01 am #

Read through the SAP Shipping Point Determination slideshow on Day 26 and do the questions in the exercise there. You will get the answer to the question above.


GAUTAM July 22, 2011 at 5:16 am #

siva how to copy a customer to a new onelike copy 1400 to a new one..?? can u please let me know the step


GAUTAM July 22, 2011 at 5:14 am #

Answer-1 ZG created Answer-2 ZGOR created Answer-3 zg is addded to 89766 and sales order 14399 createdshipping condition-FEDEX GAUTAM

How to find the different Sales Areas associated with a Customer Master ? Feb 2011 SAP Training batch

Problem : Many SAP Training students had this problem when discussing customer master. How do you want to find out all the sales areas that a Customer master is associated with ? Solution : Open the SAP Customer Master in Change or Display mode, enter the customer number and click on the Customer Sales Areas button. If the customer exists, SAP will list all the sales areas associated with the Customer Master.

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11 Responses to How to find the different Sales Areas associated with a Customer Master ? Feb 2011 SAP Training batch


Ilana March 3, 2012 at 4:59 am #

Customer 1400 is associated with the following sales area: 100/10/00

narendra March 20, 2012 at 10:17 am #

dear mam,

go to /nse16n and enter the billing table name vbrk and give the customer no. in below option .enter the execute and findout the costomer details and go to document flow and findout the material. kindly regards, narendra


David February 20, 2012 at 6:57 pm #

Sales area associated with 1400 is 1000/10/00


Mital Shah December 12, 2011 at 10:15 pm #

Customer 1400 Associated with following sales organization. 1) Sales org.-:0410, Name:AIE GMBH, Dist.Chan: 50, Name: AAFI, Division: 51, Name: AAFI 2) Sales org.-: 1000, Name: Germany Frankfurt , Dist.Chan: 10, Name: Final Customer Sales, Division: 00, Name: Cross Division 3) Sales org.-:3000, Name: USA Philadelphia , Dist.Chan: 10, Name: Final Customer Sales, Division: 00, Name: Cross Division


Nas November 2, 2011 at 5:09 pm #

Customer 1503 is associated with 3 sales area 0001 Sales Org. Germany 01 Direct Sales 01 Pumps 1000 Germany Frankfurt 10 Final customer sales 00 Cross-division 3000 USA Philadelphia 10 Final customer sales 00 Cross-division


Larry Cabral October 18, 2011 at 8:53 pm #

Customer 19102 is associated with two sales areas:

Sales org. 3000, Distrib Chnl 01, Division 00 Sales org. 3000, Distrib Chnl 10, Division 00


Karthik October 13, 2011 at 2:35 am #

All Sales areas associated with customer 2000 1000/10/00 2500/10/00


Edward Emmory October 12, 2011 at 9:25 pm #

All sales area for customer master 1000 are as follows: 0001/01/01 0005/10/00 1000/10/00 1000/12/00 2500/10/00


Muthu August 8, 2011 at 10:48 pm #

Hi Siva, How can I create a sales area for a customer?For example,when I am creating a new customer, there will not be a sales area associated with it and I get a message sales area does not exist for customer .What do I do?

1. SAP Customer Master Data SAP SD Training Exercise for Jan 2011 Batch- April 10,

[...] 10 : Find out all the Sales Areas that the Customer Master 1000 exists in ? ( Here is how to find out all the sales areas that the SAP customer master is associated with [...]

2. SAP Customer Master Data SAP SD Training Exercise for Jan 2011 Batch | Magna Training Blog | SAP Training | Informatica Training | Cognos Training | Sharepoint Training - March 8, 2011

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