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SAP Credit Management

SAP Credit Management

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Table of Contents What is Credit Management ? Types of Credit Management Simple Credit Check Dynamic Credit Check Organizational Structures & Master Data Customization Example What is Credit Management ? Most enterprises extend credit to their customers. This literally means, selling their goods and collecting money at a later point of time. The amount of credit extended is determined by the customers credit worthiness (Also called credit limit ) . The number of days for which credit is extended is based on the payment terms associated with that transaction. For ex., Customer A could be given a credit limit of $ 100,000 by the company.

Now lets say the customer orders goods worth $ 20,000 with payment terms of Net 45 2 % ( Meaning if the customer pays for the goods within 45 days of purchase, he will be given a 2% cash discount. So instead of paying $20,000, the customer would need to pay ($20,000 2% of 20,000) = $ 19,600. This is to encourage timely payment of their bills and improve cash flow).

The same customer could also place another order for $ 60,000 and still be within his credit limit.

The value of Order A ( $ 20,000 ) and Order B ( $ 60,000 ) put together is called the credit exposure of the customer. If the customer places another order for $ 30,000 more, he now exceeds the credit limit set for him.

So, at the point of ordering (Order C) the customers total receivables ( Value of Order A + Order B ) along with his current order ( Order C ) is checked against this credit limit. Since the customer exceeds the credit limit set for him, the order would be blocked. Credit Exposure = Value of all Open Items + Value of the current Order $ 110,000 = ( $ 20,000 + 60,000 ) + ( $ 30,000 ) This is a very simple example of credit management. In reality, credit management can get pretty complicated and not all the scenarios will be covered in this document.

Types of Credit Management

Types of credit checks: 1. 2. 1. 2. Simple credit check Automatic Credit check Static Credit Check Dynamic Credit Check

Simple Credit Check

This is very similar to the example we have discussed earlier. Simple credit check compares the Customers credit limit to the total of all the items in the order and the value of all open items. Credit Exposure in Simple Credit Check = Value of all Open Items + Value of the Current Sales Order. Open items are orders that have been invoiced to the customer but the payment for the invoices have not been received yet. The system can be configured to either block the delivery, send a warning or an error message when the credit exposure has exceeded the credit limit of the customer.

Dynamic Credit Check

Simple Credit Check alone is not sufficient for most businesses. Instead of just considering open items only, there is a need to consider existing open orders and open deliveries as well. Also, for old and seasoned customers, even if the credit exposure exceeds the credit limit set for the customer, the order can still be processed because of the good payment history with the company. However, for new customers credit needs to be strictly monitored. For the purpose of Credit Management, SAP allows us to recategorize customers into different Risk Categories. Some examples of risk categories could be Medium Risk, High Risk, Low Risk etc. Dynamic Credit Management can be broadly divided into 2 components. Static Credit Check Open Deliveries + Open Invoices + Open Items Dynamic CreditOpen Sales Order Value with a Time period ( Called Check Time Horizon ) Horizon: The use of time horizon can be best explained with an example. Most orders for the holiday season are pre-ordered because of the holiday rush. Orders might start to pile in as early as June, July. The delivery however is to be done in November or December.

For example, in August , Order A for $ 50,000 is a Pre-Ordered to be delivered in November.

Similarly for the month of December, another order, Order B is placed for $ 40,000 to be delivered in December. In case of static credit check, the credit exposure is already $ 90,000. If a regular order is placed in August for another $ 30,000 the credit exposure would exceed the credit limit of $ 100,000. However, in case of dynamic credit check, a horizon of say 2 months would be used to exclude all orders for which the delivery has to be beyond the stipulated horizon. So, order C would not be blocked in case of dynamic credit check.

Organizational Structures & Master Data

Monitoring Credit during SD Processing The master data for those customers whose credit we wish to monitor is created in SD.We determine how high a customers credit limit is to be when creating this data. Credit Control Area An organizational unit that represents the area where customer credit is specified and monitored.Credit Management takes place in the Credit Control Area.A Credit Control Area can include one or more company codes.It is not possible to divide a company code into several Credit Control Areas. Path: IMG -> Enterprise Structure -> Assignment -> Financial Accounting -> Assign Company Code to Credit Control Area.

Customization Settings for Credit Management in SD 1. 1. Define Credit Groups Credit Group groups together different business transactions which should be dealt with, in the same manner with regard to credit check.We enter Credit Groups when we configure the Sales document types for Credit Management. The following credit groups are contained in the standard SAP R/3 system: 01 = credit group for sales order 02 = credit group for deliveries 1. credit group for goods issue

1. 2. Set Sales Documents and Delivery Documents for credit management We can specify in Customizing when,at the point of Order, Delivery or Goods Issue a check on the customers credit limit is to take place.We can specify the Sales document and Delivery document types for which a credit check should be carried out.We can also specify if Credit check can occur at the time of Goods Issue. We can specify the system response if credit check is set.The system can respond in the following ways: - Warning Message The document can be saved. - Error Message

The document cannot be saved. - Setting a Delivery Block The document can be saved, but a delivery block is automatically set.

1. 3. Set Sales and Distribution document items for credit management We can specify for each item category whether credit check is to be carried out.

Path: IMG -> Sales and Distribution -> Basic Functions -> Credit Management/Risk management-> Credit Management/Risk management Settings -> Determine Active Receivables Per Item Category.

1. 4. Define type and scope of credit checks o Simple Credit check A credit limit check can be carried out when sales documents are created or changed.The check is carried out within one credit control area. Simple credit check compares the Customers credit limit to the total of all the items in the order and the value of all open items.

Automatic Credit check The automatic credit check can target certain aspects during a check and run at different times during order processing. We can determine an automatic credit check for any combination of the following:

- Credit Control Area - Risk Category of the Customer - Credit group Path: IMG -> Sales and Distribution -> Basic Functions -> Credit Management/Risk management -> Credit Manageemnt -> Define Automatic Credit Control.

Now lets see an example, by creating 3 Sales orders. Check the Credit Limit for the Customer. Transaction Code: FD32

Here the Credit limit is set at 1,000,000 and the credit exposure is currently 0. Now lets start creating the orders. Transaction Code: VA01 Order Value 1: 200.000,00

Create a second Order. Order value 2: 600.000,00

The credit exposure now is 800,000 ( 200,000 + 600,000 )

Create a third order. Order value 3: 300.000,00 We get the following error message when we create the Order, because the total of the net document value and the open items value has exceeded the credit limit of the customer.

o o o o

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23 Responses to SAP Credit Management


Deitz44 November 14, 2012 at 5:28 pm #

What is the order of consumption of credit? What does it consider first in determining the available credit? (open items, special liabilities or sales values)


Juan October 17, 2012 at 8:58 pm #

This is a crazy question. When considering open items in the credit exposure, can purchase orders (paid or not) to the same customer (as a vendor from this point of view) be included to net in favor as a financial document would do? Thanks.



Bikash October 10, 2012 at 1:01 pm #

its really a nice one


sharmila August 24, 2012 at 5:39 am #

It is very helpful for refreshing about the topic in a single glance. Thanks. Sharmila


SUNIL August 16, 2012 at 9:17 am #

Nice Explanation.


SUNIL August 16, 2012 at 9:16 am #

Very helpful info.


shlee June 6, 2012 at 7:44 am #

Very helpful and thanks!


Sai Lakshmi May 15, 2012 at 2:28 pm #

Very good to understand the concepts for a beginners levelgreat job siva. A suggestion: Would be really thankful if you can cover special scenarios and some common errors that we come across during configuration. Thanks once again!


Josh January 12, 2012 at 7:54 am #

Hi all pls clarify how do i allow a customer creating Deliveries even though he has over dues


Belinda January 9, 2012 at 3:20 am #

Is there any way to credit check only RV document type?

siva January 9, 2012 at 10:21 am #

Yes. The simplest answer is to create a separate credit group for the doc type and assign it to automatic credit management.


Raul November 22, 2011 at 12:22 pm #

Good work! Really appreciable.


SAK November 4, 2011 at 2:12 am #

Siva, I understand that a Company Code can have only one Credit Control Area assigned. In that case, why is it necessary to assign a Credit Control Area to a Sales Area? By definition, the Sales Area includes the Sales Org., which can be assigned only to a single Company Code. In other words, For example, lets say a Company Code has 10 different Sales Areas under it. Once I assign a Credit Control Area to the Company Code, why would it be necessary to again assign Credit Control Area to these Sales Areas individually? Kindly clarify. Thanks.

siva November 4, 2011 at 12:38 pm #

Good question. Dont have an answer as of now

. Lets brainstorm this in the class.

Shyam November 15, 2011 at 12:01 pm #

Hi Sir, From the Sales Order system comes to know that which sales area this order belongs to and from that sales area it comes to know that which sale Org. this order belongs to, from that Sales org. it come to which Co. code the order belongs to and finaly from that Company code it comes to know this order belongs to which CCAr. So as to finally find the customer credit limit for that CCAr and compare the Sales order value with that Credit limit. Pls correct me if im wrong..

siva November 15, 2011 at 12:12 pm #

Remember the short cut ? ( Sales org is assigned to Credit Control Area ) ??



justin September 22, 2011 at 12:59 am #

hi siva Just a clarification in yesterday class you mentioned simple and automatic credit management . in the notes it is given simple and dynamic ,and dynamic is again sub-dived into static and dynamic . IS it a Automatic or dynamic!! thanks justin

siva October 24, 2011 at 9:53 am #

Types of Credit Management 1. Simple Credit management 2. Automatic Credit Management 2.1 Static Credit Management 2.2 Dynamic Credit Management


sivaprasad August 9, 2011 at 5:41 am #

Very nice and simple presentation to understand credit management and especially clarity on horizon period.


V N Rao August 6, 2011 at 11:42 am #

Very simple and systematic presentation of configuration steps. You did a wonderful job.


Niraj Singh July 28, 2011 at 8:01 am #

its really helpfull Thanks siva


yash June 11, 2011 at 5:23 am #

etremely helpful for beginers things are explained in a very simple and precise manner

siva June 12, 2011 at 5:46 am #

Thanks hash

SAP Credit Management SAP Training March 2011 batch


In todays SAP Training class, we have discussed SAP Credit Management, its different configuration options and here are some exercises to solve to understand those concepts better. Sap credit management sap training sap sd training View more presentations from Magna Training Question 1. Create a new Customer ( of SAP Customer Account Group - 001 ) in the sales area of your choice. Specify the SAP Customer Number Question 2. Find out the SAP Credit Control Area that is associated with the Customers Organizational Structure Question 3. Assign a Credit limit of 1,00,000 to the customer created in Q.1 above. Question 4. Create a new SAP Sales Document Type ( as a copy of standard order type OR if possible ) and give the document type -Z019 Question 5. Set the Credit Management to the document type you created in Q.4 to Simple Credit Check. What are the different options available in Simple Credit Check ? Question 6. Create a Sales Order for the Document type ( Created in Q.4 ) and the Customer (

Created in Q.1 ) for a material ( say M-01 ) for a value of 30,000. Specify the SAP Order Number Question 7. What is the Credit Exposure for the Customer ? Question 8. What percentage of the credit limit is used ? Question 9. Create another order for the same customer and Order type Only this time, create the order with a value of around 90,000 ( It does not need to be exactly 80,000 ). What is the System Response ? Did the credit limit warning come up ? Question 10. What is the credit exposure for the Customer now ? Question 11. What percentage of the credit limit is used now ? Question 12. Explain why the credit limit is not exceeded for Q.9 above even though the order value in Q.6 and Q.9 together exceeded the Credit Limit set by you in Q.3 ? Question 13. This time create another order for the same customer and Order type Only this time, create the order with a value of around 1,20,000 ( It does not need to be exactly 1,20,000 ). What is the System Response ? Did the credit limit warning come up ? Question 14. Explain in your own words difference between the system response for Q.9 vs Q.13 ? Question 15. Delivery and Bill the Order you have created in Q.6. Make sure the Accounts are being posted to. Question 16. Check the total receivables for the Customer. What is the value ? Question 17. After performing Q.15 above, what is the new effective Credit limit for the Customer ? Addendum 1 : The following is advanced SAP Credit Management Exercises that talks about Automatic Credit Management. This exercise should only be done after completing the SAP Simple Credit Management Exercises listed above. Hint : If you get confused in the middle, always start with a new customer, set a credit limit to a fixed value say 100,000 and start the transactions from scratch. This eases the pain of understanding SAP Credit Management configuration a bit. Question 18. Repeat Q.1 through Q.4 specified in and specify the answers. Question 19. Create a new SAP Credit Group Zx and assign it to the new SAP Sales Document Type configuration you have created in Q.18 Question 20. This time set the Credit Management settings to Automatic Question 21. Create a new Risk Category ( How to create a new Risk Category in SAP ? ) say Zxx and assign it to the Credit Control area you have chosen in Q.18 above. Question 22. What are the 3 parameters used to determine Automatic Credit Control in SAP ? Question 23. Specify the Automatic Credit Management settings to Static and specify the system reaction to Warning in case the limit exceeds. What configuration have you done to effect this ? Question 24. Set the scenario in Q.23 to block the order in case of credit overage Question 25. Create the following Sales Orders with the Customer and Order type you have crated in Q.18 -> Order 1 30,000 Value -> Order 2 80,000 Value What is the system reaction to the second order ? How is this different from SAP credit Management Reaction in Q.9 above ?

Question 26. Release the order from credit block for Order # 2 in Q.25 above. ( How to release an SAP Sales Order from Credit Block ) Addendum 2 : The following exercise in on SAP Automatic Credit Management with Dynamic Credit Horizon. Its a little tricky especially with testing it and understanding the Dynamic Credit Horizon. Hint : Please try not to do all the questions in this post the same day especially Addendum 2. We are not responsible if you pull your hair out Question 27. Create another Customer, a new Risk Category . Specify the same. Question 28. For the data in Q.27, set the Credit limit to100,000, apply the newly created Risk Category to the Customer. Question 29. In Automatic Credit Management, specify the configuration for the corresponding Credit Control Area, Risk Category and Credit Group as follows -Dynamic Credit Management with Warning as the system response -the order should be blocked for credit in case the credit limit exceeds. -The SAP Dynamic Credit horizon should be 2 months. Specify the configuration you have done for the same. ** Watch out Here comes the tricky part ** Question 30. Create a new Sale order for a value of 50,000, set the delivery date 4 months out into the future. Specify the SAP Sales Order and the delivery date Question 31. Create another Sales Order for a value of 50,000, set the delivery date 5 months out into the future. Specify the SAP Sales Order and the delivery date. Question 32. Create another sales Order for a value of 30,000 do NOT change the SAP system proposed delivery date. Specify the SAP Sales Order Question 33. Specify the Credit Exposure for this customer and explain in your own words why it is so ?
o o o o

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82 Responses to SAP Credit Management SAP Training March 2011 batch


satya February 28, 2012 at 1:22 am #

1. Customer Number 100260 2. 3600 3. In FD32 assigned the credit limit to 100.000 EUR. 4. ZST 5. Set to Credit Check = c, got an error message that there is no need of credit group for simple credit check so removed the credit group. 6. Order no is 14044 7. Credit exposure is 3150000 8. Exceeded by 20,000 Eur, about 15% 9. Order no is 14046 10. Exceeded 30.000,00 EUR 13. Order no is 14052, exceeded by 10.000,00 EUR, and with that warning message it got saved. 14. In both the orders got warning messages, that there is excess amount of credit. 15. Getting an error message that Sales order is blocked for delivery: Credit limits


Ilana February 25, 2012 at 12:38 am #

1.customer 84 2. 3600 3. assigned 4. ZIL 5. set to simple 6. 14031 7. 9,449 8. 47.25% 9. 14,032 10. still the same amount 9,449 11. the same 47,25% 13. 14033 16. del 80016503 Issue: I was not able to complete PGI and billing.


Ronaldo February 24, 2012 at 6:42 pm #

Question 1- Create a new Customer (of SAP Customer Account Group 0001) in the sales area of your choice. Specify the SAP Customer Number Answer: Customer 79 created in 1000/10/00 with 0001(Customer Account Group) Question 2- Find out the SAP Credit Control Area that is associated with the Customers Organizational Structure Answer: SOrg =1000 Credit control Area = 3600 Question 3- Assign a Credit limit of 100,000.00 to the customer created in Q.1 above. Answer: I set the customers credit limit to 100,000.00 USD using FD32 for customer 79/credit control area 3600. Question 4 Create a new SAP Sales Document Type (as a copy of standard order type OR if possible) and give the document type -Z019 Answer: I created Sales document Type ZO88 as a copy of OR using VOV8 Question 5. Set the Credit Management to the document type you created in Q.4 to Simple Credit Check. What are the different options available in Simple Credit Check? Answer: Set the credit check on ZO88 to option A (simple credit check with warning message). The following other credit options are available in simple credit check. B. Run simple credit check error message. C. Run simple credit check Delivery block Question 6.-Create a Sales Order for the Document type (Created in Q.4) and the Customer (Created in Q.1) for a material (say M-01) for a value of 30,000. Specify the SAP Order Number Answer: Order created 14014 with above requirements. Question 7 What is the Credit Exposure for the Customer? Answer: 30,000 Euro Question 8.-What percentage of the credit limit is used? Answer: 30% Question 9 Create another order for the same customer and Order type Only this time, create

the order with a value of around 90,000 (It does not need to be exactly 80,000). What is the System Response? Did the credit limit warning come up? Answer: Created another order 14015 without getting any system warning message, that means simple credit check is not checking any open and unbilled order value, its check only current order value against credit limit value. Question 10. What is the credit exposure for the Customer now? Answer: Credit exposure- 120,000 Euro Question 11. What percentage of the credit limit is used now? Answer: Credit limit is used now-120% Question 12. Explain why the credit limit is not exceeded for Q.9 above even though the order value in Q.6 and Q.9 together exceeded the Credit Limit set by you in Q.3? Answer: Simple credit check checks only order completed and billed + current order value, its not checking any open order value without billing. Ex-1st Order value 30,000 Euro so its less than 100000 Euro credit limit so order created. Ex- 2nd Order Value 90,000 Euro, still less than 100000 Euro credit limit so again order saved. Question 13 This time create another order for the same customer and Order type Only this time, create the order with a value of around 1,20,000 ( It does not need to be exactly 1,20,000 ). What is the System Response? Did the credit limit warning come up? Answer: This time system response with warning message The credit limit has been exceeded by 20000 Euro but order saved 14016 Question 14. Explain in your own words difference between the system responses for Q.9 vs Q.13? Answer: In 2nd order value which is less than credit limit and there is no outstanding complete order invoice so system response no warning message while in 3rd order value is more than credit limit so system response with warning message The credit limit has been exceeded by 20000 Euro Question 15. Delivery and Bill the Order you have created in Q.6. Make sure the Accounts are being posted to. Answer: Delivery 80016492 created and billing invoice- 90038548 created. Accounting document Question 16 Check the total receivables for the Customer. What is the value? Answer: Total receivables for customer 79 30,000 Euro Question 17 after performing Q.15 above, what is the new effective Credit limit for the Customer? Answer: New credit limit for customer 79 is 70,000 Euro



Ronaldo February 24, 2012 at 3:49 pm #

Siva Can you please check the order 14029 and tell me why am I getting the message The accounting document has not yet been created on the billing? Thanks.

siva February 27, 2012 at 5:39 am #

The customer 51 used in the order 14029 does NOT have the corresponding Company Code view defined. If you do not define the company code view in the customer master, the associated reconciliation account will be missing. Hence, the invoice could not be posted. The way I found it out is as follows. I opened the invoice in change mode ( VF02 ) and tried to post the invoice to accounts by clicking on the Green Flag as shown in the class. The error message that I got

was Screenshot is Copyright of SAP AG. All rights reserved. Then I checked out if the customer master had Company code data and it did NOT have.


Mahsh February 24, 2012 at 12:15 am #

Siva, I have created Customer 80 There are two orders 14018 and 14019 are created Del 80016493, 80016494 After deliveries I am getting errors while doing PGI or trying to create Billing. Please clarify whats wrong. Thanks


jitesh January 22, 2012 at 6:40 pm #

Question 1. Create a new Customer ( of SAP Customer Account Group 001 ) in the sales area of your choice. Specify the SAP Customer Number Answer: Customer created ; 15(1000/10/00) Question 2. Find out the SAP Credit Control Area that is associated with the Customers Organizational Structure Answer: CCar: 1000 in enterprise structure under assignment> Financial accounting Question 3. Assign a Credit limit of 1,00,000 to the customer created in Q.1 above. Answer: used T code FD32: assigned 100000 to customer 15 Question 4. Create a new SAP Sales Document Type ( as a copy of standard order type OR if possible ) and give the document type -Z019 Answer: created new YOR7. Question 5. Set the Credit Management to the document type you created in Q.4 to Simple Credit Check. What are the different options available in Simple Credit Check ? Answer: Set option B for doc type YOR7 Options: no credit management A: Simple credit management with warning B: Simple credit management with error message C: Simple credit management and delivery block D: automatic Credit Mnagament

Question 6. Create a Sales Order for the Document type ( Created in Q.4 ) and the Customer ( Created in Q.1 ) for a material ( say M-01 ) for a value of 30,000. Specify the SAP Order Number Answer; YOR7 (13358) Question 7. What is the Credit Exposure for the Customer ? Answer: 30000 (EUR) Question 8. What percentage of the credit limit is used ? Answer: 30% Question 9. Create another order for the same customer and Order type Only this time, create the order with a value of around 90,000 ( It does not need to be exactly 80,000 ). What is the System Response ? Did the credit limit warning come up ? Answer: No Question 12. Explain why the credit limit is not exceeded for Q.9 above even though the order value in Q.6 and Q.9 together exceeded the Credit Limit set by you in Q.3 ? Answer: Because in Simple Credit Management: credit Exposure: = Current order value+ open item In Order1 and order 2 We created order for EUR 30000 and 90000 respectively but we didnt delivered it or billed it and not posted to account. so order 1 and order 2 has been gone through without warning. If we have billed order 1 and also posted to account then we would not able to create order 2. This is a kind of flaw in simple credit management Question 13. This time create another order for the same customer and Order type Only this time, create the order with a value of around 1,20,000 ( It does not need to be exactly 1,20,000 ). What is the System Response ? Did the credit limit warning come up ? answer: Error message of credit limit is exceeded by xxxxxxx Question 14. Explain in your own words difference between the system response for Q.9 vs Q.13 ? Answer: Because in Simple Credit Management: credit Exposure: = Current order value+ open item In Order1 and order 2 We created order for EUR 30000 and 90000 respectively but we didnt delivered it or billed it and not posted to account. so order 1 and order 2 has been gone through without warning. If we have billed order 1 and also posted to account then we would not able to create order 2. This is a kind of flaw in simple credit management Question 15. Delivery and Bill the Order you have created in Q.6. Make sure the Accounts are being posted to. Answer: delivery: 80016242

Billing: 90038039 accounting: 1400000007 Question 16. Check the total receivables for the Customer. What is the value ? answer: 58500 Question 17. After performing Q.15 above, what is the new effective Credit limit for the Customer ? Answer: 40500 Addendum 1 : The following is advanced SAP Credit Management Exercises that talks about Automatic Credit Management. This exercise should only be done after completing the SAP Simple Credit Management Exercises listed above. Hint : If you get confused in the middle, always start with a new customer, set a credit limit to a fixed value say 100,000 and start the transactions from scratch. This eases the pain of understanding SAP Credit Management configuration a bit. Question 18. Repeat Q.1 through Q.4 specified in and specify the answers. Answer: Created new customer: 16 Document type:yor6 FD32: 10000 Question 19. Create a new SAP Credit Group Zx and assign it to the new SAP Sales Document Type configuration you have created in Q.18 answer: created new credit group Z1 Question 20. This time set the Credit Management settings to Automatic answer: assign category D to Sales doc type : YOR6 and credit group : Z1 Question 21. Create a new Risk Category ( How to create a new Risk Category in SAP ? ) say Zxx and assign it to the Credit Control area you have chosen in Q.18 above. Answer: created New Risk category : Finance>acc receivable> Credit management> Define risk category: Zj3 Question 22. What are the 3 parameters used to determine Automatic Credit Control in SAP ?(OVA8) Answer: Credit control Area+ Credit group+ Risk category Question 23. Specify the Automatic Credit Management settings to Static and specify the system reaction to Warning in case the limit exceeds. What configuration have you done to effect this ? Answer: Hit T-code : OVA8 , check mark static and then set reaction to C or A and status blocked. Also assigned risk category in FD32 and check mark block field

Answer: Question 24. Set the scenario in Q.23 to block the order in case of credit overage Question 25. Create the following Sales Orders with the Customer and Order type you have crated in Q.18 -> Order 1 30,000 Value -> Order 2 80,000 Value Answer: created order 13363 its gone through. second order 13364 got blocked by issuing error message. What is the system reaction to the second order ? How is this different from SAP credit Management Reaction in Q.9 above ? Answer: second order didnt go through. System threw a error message saying that it cant be processed due to credit limit exceed by 5000 Question 26. Release the order from credit block for Order # 2 in Q.25 above. ( How to release an SAP Sales Order from Credit Block ) Answer: VKm3 to release the order from the credit block Addendum 2 : The following exercise in on SAP Automatic Credit Management with Dynamic Credit Horizon. Its a little tricky especially with testing it and understanding the Dynamic Credit Horizon. Hint : Please try not to do all the questions in this post the same day especially Addendum 2. We are not responsible if you pull your hair out Question 27. Create another Customer, a new Risk Category . Specify the same. Answer: created customer 17, new Risk category ZJ4: moderate risk Question 28. For the data in Q.27, set the Credit limit to100,000, apply the newly created Risk Category to the Customer. Answer: Assigned Zj4 and 100000 under FD32 to customer 17 and Cr control area: 1000 Question 29. In Automatic Credit Management, specify the configuration for the corresponding Credit Control Area, Risk Category and Credit Group as follows -Dynamic Credit Management with Warning as the system response -the order should be blocked for credit in case the credit limit exceeds. -The SAP Dynamic Credit horizon should be 2 months. Specify the configuration you have done for the same. ** Watch out Here comes the tricky part **

Answer: following configuration has been done Goto OVA8 Checked: dynamic, reaction set to D, Stautu/blocked tiked,Open delivery and open order ticked, Horizon 2 then saved the changes Question 30. Create a new Sale order for a value of 50,000, set the delivery date 4 months out into the future. Specify the SAP Sales Order and the delivery date Answer: Order YOR8 13368 < delivery date: 26/05/2012 Question 31. Create another Sales Order for a value of 50,000, set the delivery date 5 months out into the future. Specify the SAP Sales Order and the delivery date answer: 13368/Yor8. delivery date: 22/06/2012 . Question 32. Create another sales Order for a value of 30,000 do NOT change the SAP system proposed delivery date. Specify the SAP Sales Order Answer:13369/yor8, delivery date: 01/02/2012 Question 33. Specify the Credit Exposure for this customer and explain in your own words why it is so ? answer: Credit exposure for the customer is EUR 30000 Dynamic credit management = Open order+ open delivery+ Open billing+ Open item+ current order value+ horizon here horizon is for 2 months so any order beyond 2 month wont be considered . so first two orders are meant to deliver far out in future(4 & 5 months). it wont be considered in Dynamic credit management. Only order for 30000 eur would have been considered.


Murali Kotikalapoodi January 21, 2012 at 6:55 am #

Question 1: Customer number Ans: 100232 in sales area 1000 with CCode 1000 created Question 2. Find out the SAP Credit Control Area that is associated with the Customers Organizational Structure Ans: Credit Control area for CCode 1000 is 1000

Question 3. Assign a Credit limit of 1,00,000 to the customer created in Q.1 above. Ans: Credit Limit 100000 is set Question 4. Create a new SAP Sales Document Type ( as a copy of standard order type OR if possible ) and give the document type -Z019 Ans: Z0CM is created Question 5. Set the Credit Management to the document type you created in Q.4 to Simple Credit Check. What are the different options available in Simple Credit Check ? Ans: Have three options Selected B A Run Simple credit check and warning message B Run Simple credit limit check and error message C Run simple credit limit check and delivery block Question 6. Create a Sales Order for the Document type ( Created in Q.4 ) and the Customer ( Created in Q.1 ) for a material ( say M-01 ) for a value of 30,000. Specify the SAP Order Number Ans: Order # 15637 is created for 30,000 EUR Question 7. What is the Credit Exposure for the Customer ? Ans: 30,000 Question 8. What percentage of the credit limit is used ? Ans: 30% Question 9. Create another order for the same customer and Order type Only this time, create the order with a value of around 90,000 ( It does not need to be exactly 80,000 ). What is the System Response ? Did the credit limit warning come up ? Ans: No It created an order # 13658 for a value of 82,500 was accepted. Question 10. What is the credit exposure for the Customer now ? Ans: The Credit exposure of the customer is 112,500 Question 11. What percentage of the credit limit is used now ? Ans: 112.5 % Question 12. Explain why the credit limit is not exceeded for Q.9 above even though the order value in Q.6 and Q.9 together exceeded the Credit Limit set by you in Q.3 ? Simple credit limit only checks the credit limit when the combined value of open items and the current order is above the credit limit. Here there is no open items as no delivery and no invoice was generate and sent to A/C hence the credit limit was never checked. Question 13. This time create another order for the same customer and Order type Only this time, create the order with a value of around 1,20,000 ( It does not need to be exactly 1,20,000 ). What is the System Response ? Did the credit limit warning come up ?

Ans: Yes the credit limit error came up saying that this order exceeded the limit by 12,500 and order did not go through. Question 14. Explain in your own words difference between the system response for Q.9 vs Q.13 ? Ans: In Q9 the sum of open items and current orders did not exceed the credit limit and hence the order went through. Here in Q13 the current order exceeded the credit limit and hence order did not go through. Also I have selected the simple credit check to B which means there will be an error and hence the order did not go through. Question 15. Delivery and Bill the Order you have created in Q.6. Make sure the Accounts are being posted to. ********Ans: Not able to Deliver as some issue with the scheduled lines.*********** Question 16. Check the total receivables for the Customer. What is the value ? Question 17. After performing Q.15 above, what is the new effective Credit limit for the Customer ?


Mital Shah December 28, 2011 at 4:07 am #

Question 1- Create a new Customer (of SAP Customer Account Group 0001) in the sales area of your choice. Specify the SAP Customer Number Answer: Customer 9902 created in 1000/10/00 with 0001(Customer Account Group) Question 2- Find out the SAP Credit Control Area that is associated with the Customers Organizational Structure IMG -> Enterprise Structure -> Assignment -> Financial Accounting -> Assign Company Code to Credit Control Area IMG -> Enterprise Structure -> Assignment -> Sales & Distribution -> Assign Sales Area to Credit Control Area Answer: Credit control Area = 1000 and organizational structure =1000 Question 3- Assign a Credit limit of 1, 00,000 to the customer created in Q.1 above. Answer: I set the customers credit limit to 100,000.00 EUR using FD32 for customer 9901/credit control area 1000. Question 4 Create a new SAP Sales Document Type (as a copy of standard order type OR if possible) and give the document type -Z019 Answer: I created Sales document Type ZO17 as a copy of OR using VOV8

Question 5. Set the Credit Management to the document type you created in Q.4 to Simple Credit Check. What are the different options available in Simple Credit Check? Answer: Set the credit check on ZO17 to option A (simple credit check with warning message). The following other credit options are available in simple credit check. B. Run simple credit check error message. C. Run simple credit check Delivery block Question 6.-Create a Sales Order for the Document type (Created in Q.4) and the Customer (Created in Q.1) for a material (say M-01) for a value of 30,000. Specify the SAP Order Number Answer: Order created 13376 with above requirements. Question 7 What is the Credit Exposure for the Customer? Answer: 30,000 Euro Question 8.-What percentage of the credit limit is used? Answer: 30% Question 9 Create another order for the same customer and Order type Only this time, create the order with a value of around 90,000 (It does not need to be exactly 80,000). What is the System Response? Did the credit limit warning come up? Answer: Created another order 13377 without getting any system warning message, that means simple credit check is not checking any open and unbilled order value, its check only current order value against credit limit value. Question 10. What is the credit exposure for the Customer now? Answer: Credit exposure- 120,000 Euro Question 11. What percentage of the credit limit is used now? Answer: Credit limit is used now-120% Question 12. Explain why the credit limit is not exceeded for Q.9 above even though the order value in Q.6 and Q.9 together exceeded the Credit Limit set by you in Q.3? Answer: Simple credit check checks only order completed and billed + current order value, its not checking any open order value without billing. Ex-1st Order value 30,000 Euro so its less than 100000 Euro credit limit so order created. Ex- 2nd Order Value 90,000 Euro, still less than 100000 Euro credit limit so again order saved. Question 13 This time create another order for the same customer and Order type Only this time, create the order with a value of around 1,20,000 ( It does not need to be exactly 1,20,000 ). What is the System Response? Did the credit limit warning come up?

Answer: This time system response with warning message The credit limit has been exceeded by 20000 Euro but order saved 13378 Question 14. Explain in your own words difference between the system responses for Q.9 vs Q.13? Answer: In 2nd order value which is less than credit limit and there is no outstanding complete order invoice so system response no warning message while in 3rd order value is more than credit limit so system response with warning message The credit limit has been exceeded by 20000 Euro Question 15. Delivery and Bill the Order you have created in Q.6. Make sure the Accounts are being posted to. Answer: Delivery 80016240 created and billing invoice- 90038086 created. Accounting document 1400000003 Question 16 Check the total receivables for the Customer. What is the value? Answer: Total receivables for customer 9901- 30,000 Euro Question 17 after performing Q.15 above, what is the new effective Credit limit for the Customer? Answer: New credit limit for customer 9901 is 70,000 Euro Addendum 1: The following is advanced SAP Credit Management Exercises that talks about Automatic Credit Management. This exercise should only be done after completing the SAP Simple Credit Management Exercises listed above. Hint: If you get confused in the middle, always start with a new customer, set a credit limit to a fixed value say 100,000 and start the transactions from scratch. This eases the pain of understanding SAP Credit Management configuration a bit. Question 18 Repeat Q.1 through Q.4 specified in and specify the answers. Answer: 9903 created in 1000/10/00 with 0001(Customer Account Group) Credit control Area = 1000 and organizational structure =1000, I set the customers credit limit to 100,000.00 EUR using FD32 for customer 9903/credit control area 1000. I created Sales document Type ZO18 as a copy of OR using VOV8 Question 19 Create a new SAP Credit Group Zx and assign it to the new SAP Sales Document Type configuration you have created in Q.18 Answer: Go to SPRO-imageSales and Distribution-basic functions-credit management/risk management/credit management/define credit groups Created new credit group Z8. I assigned credit group Z8 to sales order document Z018 using VOV8. Question 20 This time set the Credit Management settings to Automatic Answer: Set to Automatic= D the credit management in ZO16

Question 21. Create a new Risk Category ( How to create a new Risk Category in SAP ? ) say Zxx and assign it to the Credit Control area you have chosen in Q.18 above. Answer: Path: SPRO-image-finance accounting-account receivable and account payable- credit management-credit control account-define risk categories Created new credit risk group ZMS and assigned to credit control area 1000. Question 22. What are the 3 parameters used to determine Automatic Credit Control in SAP? Answer: Credit control area, risk category and credit group Question 23. Specify the Automatic Credit Management settings to Static and specify the system reaction to Warning in case the limit exceeds. What configuration have you done to affect this? Answer: Go to: IMG Sales and Distribution Basic Functions Credit Management/Risk management Credit Management Define Automatic Credit Control. I added an automatic credit control for Low Risk sales mit (credit control area 1000, risk category ZMS, and document credit group Z8). I set the check type to static, the reaction A (warning), check open orders = yes, check open deliveries = yes. Question 24. Set the scenario in Q.23 to block the order in case of credit overage Answer: Go to: IMG Sales and Distribution Basic Functions Credit Management/Risk management Credit Management Define Automatic Credit Control. In (Low risk Sales Mit) Credit control area 1000, risk cat. ZMS, Doc. Credit grp. Z8-Set status/block= yes Question 25. Create the following Sales Orders with the Customer and Order type you have crated in Q.18 -> Order 1 30,000 Value -> Order 2 80,000 Value What is the system reaction to the second order? How is this different from SAP credit Management Reaction in Q.9 above? Answer: 1st Order- 13382 and 2nd order- 13384 created. Question 26. Release the order from credit block for Order # 2 in Q.25 above. ( How to release an SAP Sales Order from Credit Block ) Answer: Go to VKM3 and release order 13384.


zaheer December 25, 2011 at 8:56 pm #

Hi Siva, Please check if answers are correct. Exe: Credit management

Question 1. Create a new Customer ( of SAP Customer Account Group 001 ) in the sales area of your choice. Specify the SAP Customer Number Answer: Created customer # 29991 with account group 0001 Question 2. Find out the SAP Credit Control Area that is associated with the Customers Organizational Structure Answer: Credit control area associated with the customer organizational structure is 1000(Credit control area Europe) Question 3. Assign a Credit limit of 1,00,000 to the customer created in Q.1 above Answer: credit limit set to 100,000 for customer #29991 Question 4. Create a new SAP Sales Document Type ( as a copy of standard order type OR if possible ) and give the document type -Z019 Asnwer: Document type z019 created from doc type or Question 5. Set the Credit Management to the document type you created in Q.4 to Simple Credit Check. What are the different options available in Simple Credit Check ? Answer: I have set simple credit check A to the doc z019 Options available for simple check are Blank: No credit limit check A: Run Simple credit limit check and warning message B: Run Simple credit limit check and error message C: Run Simple credit limit check and delivery block D: credit management automatic credit control Question 6. Create a Sales Order for the Document type ( Created in Q.4 ) and the Customer ( Created in Q.1 ) for a material ( say M-01 ) for a value of 30,000. Specify the SAP Order Number Answer: Order created # 13338 with material quantity 35*859=30,065 Question 7. What is the Credit Exposure for the Customer ? Answer: Credit exposure consist is 30,065. Question 8. What percentage of the credit limit is used ? Answer:30.065% of the credit limit is used Question 9. Create another order for the same customer and Order type Only this time, create the order with a value of around 90,000 ( It does not need to be exactly 80,000 ). What is the System Response ? Did the credit limit warning come up ?

Answer: another order with order #13339 worth 89336 created but still there is no warning of credit limit. Question 10. What is the credit exposure for the Customer now ? Answer: the credit exposure of the customer is still 119.401. Question 11. What percentage of the credit limit is used now ? Answer: 119,40% of the credit limit is used. Question 12. Explain why the credit limit is not exceeded for Q.9 above even though the order value in Q.6 and Q.9 together exceeded the Credit Limit set by you in Q.3 ? Answer: Credit limit is not exceeding because there are no open items in the system and current order values were also under the limit of allotted credit limit for the customer. In simple credit management system doesnt count the value of open orders it only counts current order+ open items. Question 13. This time create another order for the same customer and Order type Only this time, create the order with a value of around 1,20,000 ( It does not need to be exactly 1,20,000 ). What is the System Response ? Did the credit limit warning come up ? Answer: Yes warning came up because the current orders value is exceeding the allotted credit limit of the customer. Question 14. Explain in your own words difference between the system response for Q.9 vs Q.13 ? Answer: In both of the scenarios there were no open items available so the system only considered value of the current order, in Q13 Value of the current order was under the credit limit so the system didnt show any warning but in question 13 value of the current order was exceeding the credit limit so system had issued warning message. Question 15. Delivery and Bill the Order you have created in Q.6. Make sure the Accounts are being posted to. Answer: made delivery and billing of order number 13338, Delivery number 0080016232 and billing number 0090038080, value of the document is 30,065 Question 16. Check the total receivables for the Customer. What is the value ? Answer: The total receivable in the accounting document is 30,065 Question 17. After performing Q.15 above, what is the new effective Credit limit for the Customer ? Answer: The new effective credit limit is 100,000 30,065 = 69935

Addendum 1 Question 18. Repeat Q.1 through Q.4 specified in and specify the answers. Answers 1: Answer: Created customer # 29992 with account group 0001 Answer 2: Credit control area associated with the customer organizational structure is 1000(Credit control area Europe) Answer 3: credit limit set to 100,000 for customer #29992 Asnwer4: Document type z020 created from doc type or Question 19. Create a new SAP Credit Group Zx and assign it to the new SAP Sales Document Type configuration you have created in Q.18 Answer: Credit group zx created and assigned it to sales doc z020 Question 20. This time set the Credit Management settings to Automatic Answer: Set credit management setting to D(Automatic) Question 21. Create a new Risk Category ( How to create a new Risk Category in SAP ? ) say Zxx and assign it to the Credit Control area you have chosen in Q.18 above. Answer: High risk category assigned to credit control area 1000 with credit group zx Question 22. What are the 3 parameters used to determine Automatic Credit Control in SAP ? Answer: Credit group, Credit control area and risk category determine automatic credit control in SAP. Question 23. Specify the Automatic Credit Management settings to Static and specify the system reaction to Warning in case the limit exceeds. What configuration have you done to effect this ? Answer: For setting automatic credit management to Static SPROIMGSales and Distribution Basic FunctionDefine automatic credit control Checked the static button and chosen A (warning) as a reaction Question 24. Set the scenario in Q.23 to block the order in case of credit overage Answer: I have checked the Status/Block option to block the order in case of credit overage Question 25. Create the following Sales Orders with the Customer and Order type you have crated in Q.18 -> Order 1 30,000 Value -> Order 2 80,000 Value Answer: I have assigned risk category to the customer from transaction fd32 and created

Order 13345 with value 30065 and saved the order. Customers credit limit is 30% used. I tried to create another order 13346 with value 80,000 but this time I got static credit check credit limit exceeding message, the order is blocked for delivery. This scenario is different than Q 9, because now system is using automatic static check and considering open orders as well when checking customers credit limit. Question 26. Release the order from credit block for Order # 2 in Q.25 above. ( How to release an SAP Sales Order from Credit Block ) Answer: I have released the sales document from credit check using VMK3 Transaction Addendum 2 : Question 27. Create another Customer, a new Risk Category . Specify the same. Question 28. For the data in Q.27, set the Credit limit to100,000, apply the newly created Risk Category to the Customer. Answer: Created new customer 29993 and credit category zs1 and assigned it to customer control area. Question 29. In Automatic Credit Management, specify the configuration for the corresponding Credit Control Area, Risk Category and Credit Group as follows -Dynamic Credit Management with Warning as the system response -the order should be blocked for credit in case the credit limit exceeds. -The SAP Dynamic Credit horizon should be 2 months. Specify the configuration you have done for the same Answer: In Automatic credit management I have created a new entry and assigned newly created risk category zs1 to the credit control area. I have enabled the check for dynamic credit management and status block for blocking order in case the limit exceeds. I have entered 2 month in the horizon field as well. Question 30. Create a new Sale order for a value of 50,000, set the delivery date 4 months out into the future. Specify the SAP Sales Order and the delivery date Answer: Order number 13347 created for value 50,000 with delivery date 01-05-2012 Question 31. Create another Sales Order for a value of 50,000, set the delivery date 5 months out into the future. Specify the SAP Sales Order and the delivery date. Answer: Order Number 13348 created for value 49822 and delivery date 01.06.2012 Question 32. Create another sales Order for a value of 30,000 do NOT change the SAP system proposed delivery date. Specify the SAP Sales Order

Answer: Created order number 13349 for value 30,065 on systems default date 05-01-2012 and saved it. Question 33. Specify the Credit Exposure for this customer and explain in your own words why it is so ? System exposure is only 30,065 and the value of previous two orders is not included in it because dynamic credit check is enabled and the horizon is set to 2 months. System is intelligently handling credit management in such a way that company is not losing current business opportunity because of deliveries which are due after 2 months.

How to remove SAP Sales orders from Credit Block Feb 2011 SAP Training Batch

When you try to deliver an SAP Sales order that has been blocked for Credit, the system issues an error message as follows.

If you are a new student undertaking SAP SD Training, you would definitely face this problem. How do you resolve this? Solution: Use Transaction code [ VKM3 ] to release orders from credit block.

For example, specify the order number in the selection screen of VKM3 , and execute the transaction.

Select the SAP Sales Order in question and click on the turn green and then click on the save button.

release flag. The line selected should

The system will show a message displaying the SAP Sales Order that has been released.

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SAP SD Pricing Fundamentals

Fundamentals of SAP SD Pricing
Related Trainings SAP Access SAP Training SAP SD Training

Pricing is one of the core concepts in SAP SD and all SD consultants need to know pricing. Just as the name says, SAP SD Pricing is configuring the system to effectively determine the price of a product under different circumstances. The most easiest example to explore pricing is to take a simple grocery bill and expand on it.

Consider this as an extract of a grocery bill. You have purchased some items from the Produce section and some from the stationery section. Your Produce sub-total is 18.00 and your stationery sub-total is 10.00. You have been taxed 10% and your total comes to 27.00 as shown in the picture above.

Lets just explore on how the pricing is calculated on line item No. 10 Milk. However, they might not be shown on the bill but are internal to the company selling the product. Lets explore how a potential bill could be created. As you can see from the picture below, there is a Base Price from the price list 5.00 . And since the bill is for a retail customer , there is a retail discount of 1.00. So the sub-total for the line item 10 is 4.00.

Condition Type :

The types of calculation ( whether its a price, discount or a tax calculation, and in price if its a retail price or a wholesale price or a variant price etc ) are called condition type. Normally, condition types

of a particular kind are not cumulative Meaning if there are more than 1 Pricing condition type, they dont add up instead the last pricing condition type is taken by the system. There are some exceptions to this however. For example when pricing a car, its the sum of the different pricing condition types that gives you the Price. They are called variant condition types.

A requirement is a piece of code that calculates if a particular condition type should be evaluated or not. This is not necessarily the only way to check if. However, since this involves hard-coding the logic in the system, this functionality should be used sparingly. For example, the following piece of code says, If the item is not relevant for pricing do not price it. Functional consultants should be aware of the final result SY-SUBRC. SUBRC stands for SUB Routine Return Code. Typically in SAP, a return code of 0 signifies a success. Otherwise its a failure. * Pricing is turned on in item category configuration (TVAP)

For more details, visit us at SAP Training and SAP Access

* Pricing is turned on in item category configuration (TVAP)

form kobed_002. sy-subrc = 4. if komp-kposn ne 0. check: komp-prsfd ca BX. check: komp-kznep = space. endif. sy-subrc = 0. endform. * Prestep form kobev_002. sy-subrc = 0. endform. Similarly, the following picture shows a simple requirement. There are 2 types of discount condition types Retail and Wholesale. If the customer is retail, then apply that discount. If the customer is wholesale, then apply the other discount. So the actual total depends on who the Orders customer is. The same can be achieved using many different ways, but this is sure one hard-coded way to do it.

A sub-total as the name implies holds temporary totals before the final price is calculated. As shown in the picture below, the Gross price is a sub-total that results from the base price. The Net Price is a sub-total that is arrived at subtracting the Discount percentage off of the Gross Price. There are many additional steps that might be required to arrive at the final price. For example, if the item is taxable, should the tax be applied on the Gross Price or the Net Price..? That actually depends on the business scenario. However, the Sub-totals allow for easily identifying and computing values for further use.

Alternative Calculation Type

The value 5.00 for the Base Price ( shown in the picture above ) is derived based on condition records which we will see much further in the discussion. However, if the condition type should NOT be calculated based on a condition record, but should be calculated based on an external or internal logic, then an alternative calculation routine should be used. Each alternative calculation routine is a 3 digit number between 1 and 999 that contains a piece of code that does some calculation either internally or externally and returns a value. That value will be used to calculate the condition type as opposed to a condition record. A simple example for the same is US Taxes. Taxes in the US and Canada are based on Jurisdiction code. There are around 50000+ jurisdiction codes in the US alone ( Based on all possible variations of City, County, State and District ). And they change continuously. So it is not practical for companies to keep track of the changes in tax rates. There are external tax companies ( Called Tax Vendors ) that only does this. So it is wiser for companies to just call an external tax vendor using a remote function call, get the tax rate as relevant for the corresponding jurisdiction code and return that value to the pricing procedure.

Account Key
When an invoice is created, the finance departments wants the corresponding Sales, expenses, tax accounts etc to be updated on the fly. The account key in the pricing procedure ( with the help of Account Determination ) helps in identifying which G/L account this should the amount flow into. A simple example could be

Account KeyDescriptionCustomer A/C GroupMaterial A/C GroupG/L Account ERL Sales Wholesale Consumables 1000040 ERL Sales Wholesale Stationery 1000050 ERS Discounts Wholesale Consumables 1100040 ERS Discounts Wholesale Stationery 1100050

This is a flag ( A Check mark ) that is used to signify if the pricing condition type is being used in the calculation or not. For example, the actual cost of the material ( not the price but the cost price ) is available in all pricing procedures, since this is used by Controlling ( CO ) to evaluate profitability. However, the value should not be relevant when pricing to the customer. So, if you need informational condition types for further analysis set them up in the pricing procedure as statistical.

Print Flag
The print flag is another check mar that is used to tell SAP if the particular pricing condition type should be printed on the final bill or not. As discussed in the previous example, the cost condition type should not be printed on the invoice. With the advent of advanced technologies like SmartForms, Adobe Forms etc, this flag has almost no use ( Since what is printed and what is not is decided mostly by these programs ).

SAP Pricing Configuration

Now that we have understood the basic terminology used in Pricing, lets dig deeper into the configuration. The configuration is very similar to SAP Condition Technique. We will only discuss the rest of the pricing relevant stuff going forward.

Maintain Condition Records

A condition record is actually a row in a database table. The actual database table is defined in the Condition Table assigned to the Access Sequence. Lets start by creating an condition record for a condition type PR00. The transaction code to create the same is [VK11]. The menu path is [ Logistics -> Sales and Distribution -> Master Data -> Condition -> Select Using Condition Type ]. Enter the pricing condition type, and select the right Condition Table.

Enter the values and save the record. There are some advanced concepts like rebate functionality, condition supplements, scales etc which will not be discussed here.

SAP Pricing DEMO

Lets start by creating a new sales order for the customer and material that we have created condition records for and see the effect of the condition records on the sales order pricing. A sales order is shown below for Customer 1400 and for the material M-01 that we created the condition record for with a price value PR00 of 50. Select the line item and click on the Nickel button in the bottom ( Pricing button ) to view the pricing details for that line item.

You will be taken to the Line Items Condition tab where the pricing details can be viewed specific to that line item. As you can see, the PR00 value is set as 50.00 which is exactly what we have set in the pricing condition record.

Lets say somebody else has entered the condition record for that material and you have just created the sales order. Now if you want to analyze and backtrack why the pricing is coming up as 50.00 click on the Analysis button as shown below.

A new screen opens up where if you explore the particular condition type ( PR00 in this case ) you will see for which combination ( customer material in this case ) that pricing has been picked up.

You can just click on the area highlighted above to see further details of the condition record. For example, if you click on PR00 above, you will be taken to a new screen that shows you the actual condition record, its validity ( Valid From and Valid To dates ) along with the value for PR00.

This concludes SAP SD Pricing Fundamentals. Related Exercises

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31 Responses to SAP SD Pricing Fundamentals


orojas November 6, 2012 at 5:47 pm #

I am looking for a mix n match solution in the natural ERP. Is this possible or only at the point of sale POS ? Thanks


amit October 31, 2012 at 4:04 pm #

awesome explanation.. many many thanks


Sarah October 25, 2012 at 3:39 pm #

Hi, I need to get an access to SAP Logon system for practice. Please tell me how can I get it? Thanks


Praveena October 18, 2012 at 1:14 pm #

what is the difference between order condition and billing condition.


Raghava April 3, 2012 at 5:27 am #

Hi Siva, I am getting the below error when m-02 material is used in sales order creation. I tried to dig in to check whats happening behind the material configuration, but couldnt trace it.

Error: Material M-01 found on the basis of entry M-02 (reason Advertising campaign) -Raghava


Sachin January 23, 2012 at 10:54 am #

Please suggest a possible solution to the problem below: Problem : I need to give discount (on Basic price of both materials not necessarily in same material group) subject to a condition that a specified minimum qty of each product is purchased in the same sales order. if the qty of even any 1 of the products goes below the minimum specified qty, the discount should not be provided on any item. This needs to be done for individual / group of customers.

siva January 23, 2012 at 12:14 pm #

When scenarios get complication, try not to look for config based solutions Rather look at solutions like Alternate calculation Routine etc. Also, I dont think you are a Magna Training student. Our answers are ONLY restricted to the students of our Training Institute.


Siddaram January 19, 2012 at 8:55 am #

Hi All, *Business wants, the Sales Order qty entered in many sales orders to be considered and given the Graduate -Interval Scale for the line items, but as per my testing this applies only for single line item in that SO! If any one knows this can be met somehow, please share your ideas? Graduate- interval scale i.e. Scale type D, this needs to be maintained in condition type customization only! e.g.: (For Customer/Material Disc. with condition type: K005) the Scale is set as below; to 100 Qty 5Rs/ea Disc.

to 200 Qty 10Rs/ea Disc. to 500 qty 12Rs/ea Disc. If Ive two SO, 1. 23456 with Disc. line item qty as 50 2. 23457 with Disc. line item qty as 150, The Scale should apply accordingly, i.e In First SO, for 50 Qty the Disc should be 50*5= 500 Rs, And for Second SO, out of 150, first 50 qty should be applied with 5Rs Disc. and remaining 100 with 10Rs Disc. Hope you understand the requirement here, let me know so that i can explain you more in case required. The above request holds good if the single SO with one line item in it. but not if 2 SO there your feedback much appreciated, Thank you Best Regards, Sid.


Isaac December 26, 2011 at 1:05 am #

Hi Siva, I hv created a new condition type in an attempt to include some discounts for the materials. Unfortunately, the newly created condition type does not seem to respond the way it was supposed to act. Here r my different parameters: Condtion table: 780 Access sequence. ZHOS Condtion Type (Material): ZHOS Condtion type (discounts): ZPOD Pricing Procedure: ZHOSPP Document Type: ZHOS Customer 1376 Material M-o1 Thanx

siva December 27, 2011 at 9:10 am #

Please give me the order # Isaac.

Isaac December 27, 2011 at 11:16 am #

Here is the order number: 13372


Ajay Kota December 23, 2011 at 9:24 am #

Hi SD Gury, Once condition recored is maintained, can I change value for that condtion type in sales order. Thank & Regards, Kota


Isaac December 20, 2011 at 1:45 am #

Hi Siva, I hv created the different parameters so that I can dictate the system with my new price. Unfortunately, my newly created condition type is remaining inactive. Here r my different parameters: Condtion table: 780 Access sequence. ZHOS Condtion Type. ZHOS Pricing Procedure: ZHOSPP Customer PP. F Document PP: Document Type: ZHOS Customer 1376 Material M-o1


siva December 20, 2011 at 7:06 am #

Can you please give me the order # ?


Sudhakar December 19, 2011 at 3:30 pm #

Siva, I have a question on pricing. I was trying to create a pricing scenario for customer group. I created base price for the material and trying to give 2% discount to a particular customer group. When I try to do that in SO discount is getting added instead of deducting. I tried to change the sign to -ve in the condition type but I didnt get the answer. Here are the details: Pricing Procedure: Condition Table : 875 Access Sequence: Y856 Condition Type: Z875 Pricing Proc: Z856BS CPP: % DPP: > Customer No: 7152 Material : L10 ORG: DELL, IS, CM (Company, Distribution Channel, Division) Please verify. Thanks, Sudhakar.

Sudhakar December 19, 2011 at 3:31 pm #

Customer Group: YI for the above question.


Sudhakar December 19, 2011 at 3:32 pm #

SO ordertype : YOR


Sudhakar December 5, 2011 at 11:47 pm #

I am getting above error please take to look at it. Mandatory condition PR00 is missing I created the pricing procedure Z856BS with condition type Z856 and access seq of Y856 and table 856. Cust. PP = % Doc PP = > My SO doc type is YOR. S.org is DELL; Dis Channel : IS and Div: CM Thanks, Sudhakar.

siva December 6, 2011 at 4:47 am #

Hi Sudhakar I am not sure what your Customer # is. If you can give me your customer number, I can try and simulate an order. As of now, I checked the pricing procedure and found out that PR00 is being made mandatory in the pricing procedure Z856BS and it is possible that you have NOT maintained the condition record for PR00. As you can see from the picture below, PR00 is set to Required in your Pricing Procedure. Try and maintain the condition record and let me know if you still have problem.

rajib December 19, 2011 at 5:36 am #

for pr00 missing error , go to pr00 and mentain the condition records ,

rajib December 19, 2011 at 5:37 am #

for pr00 missing error , go to vk11and mentain the condition records for pr00


mrikas September 14, 2011 at 1:04 am #

This article gives a clear picture of the fundamentals of pricing.


BALDEEP SONI September 2, 2011 at 1:04 pm #

This article is really very informative and the best part is the way of explaining it. It completely give the overview for the beginner on how it is connected to our day to day life.Hence making it much simpler to understand.


Tee August 24, 2011 at 8:35 pm #

Its a great work helping people by explaining with screen shots and every detail.. But if you know there is a mistake in the total, then it should be fixed.instead of having them got stuck there and keep them thinking, that it should be 29, how it is 27. Thanks

siva August 25, 2011 at 5:25 am #

Tee I agree with you my friend. Thanks for pointing out. I will fix it. Just was pressed for time.


GAUTAM July 27, 2011 at 5:53 pm #

siva.. section -SD Pricing demo.. for PR00, you hav set up the amount for M-01 as 100, but in the next Price screen, you are getting 50 dollars, in the explanation, it is also written as As you can see, the PR00 value is set as 50.00 which is exactly what we have set in the pricing condition record.... as I understand, it is set up as 100, and it should display as 100. Can you please clarify the same? Gautam

siva July 29, 2011 at 5:14 am #

Both were screenshots taken during different scenarios. If its 50 its 50 , if its 100 its 100. No complications there.


GAUTAM July 27, 2011 at 5:50 pm #

Siva In the first screen, after Tax, of 1.00 dollar, why the price is going down, in our life, after tax, the price goes up. The total should be 28+1 =29, why it is 28-1=27??? Gautam

siva July 29, 2011 at 5:12 am #

Thats a mistake. Nothing different from real life

Gautam August 11, 2011 at 5:53 am #

Thanks Siva for the clarification.


mrinal July 19, 2011 at 3:39 pm #

whats the difference between condition types ek1 & ek2 in pricing

SAP Condition Technique SAP Training Feb 2011 Batch


In todays SAP Training class, we have discussed condition technique in detail. The summary of the class is given below. SAP Condition technique comprises of 7 steps 1. Field Catalog ( Check if the required fields are available in the standard SAP supplied Field Catalog ) 2. Pricing Condition table ( Create condition table by selecting fields from the Field Catalog ) 3. SAP Access Sequence ( Create a new Access Sequence and include pricing condition tables in it ) 4. Pricing Condition Type ( Create a new condition type using the appropriate condition category and assign it to an Access Sequence ) 5. SAP Pricing Procedure ( Create a new Pricing procedure and include the condition types in it ) 6. Pricing Procedure Determination ( Determine the Pricing Procedure based on a a number of parameters ) 7. Condition Records ( Create new Condition records based on condition type ) Sample Demo Video on SAP Pricing Condition Technique here.

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1. Payment Terms to be Dynamically Determined SAP SD Training Scenarios | Magna Training | SAP Training | Online SAP Training - April 8, 2011 [...] other easier way is to use SAP Pricings SAP Condition Record. As part of our SAP SD Training, we have learnt that Condition Record [...]

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Condition Technique in SAP

Condition Technique in SAP
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Condition technique is THE most pervasive and a very flexible methodology used by SAP to aid the consultant in configuring complex business rules. Some modules ( SD, MM ) are more dependent on it than others. We are taking Pricing as an example here, but will not enter into the domain of Pricing (which is pretty large by itself ). This article is also useful for consultants working in other modules like FICO who might require an understanding of Condition Technique before they understand Pricing

What is Condition Technique

Condition Technique is an SAP configuration technique/methodology that is used to configure complex business rules. Consider it as a rules engine. For example, in SD it is used across multiple functionalities Pricing, Outputs, Texts etc. In MM the same technique is used to configure Schemas ( Same as Pricing ).

Why is Condition Technique Used

Condition technique is used when a complex, ever-changing set of business rules need to be configured as generically as possible in the system. Nothing could capture the essence of this statement more than the complex rules that businesses use to Price their products/services. For example, in pricing, each organization has their own set of business rules including base price, margins, discounts, taxes, surcharges, deals/promotions, price lists etc. For a single system to be generic enough to cater to all of these complex needs is a challenge in itself and that is exactly what condition technique tries to solve.

Condition Technique at a Very High Level

There are 7 key components of Condition Technique. Not all of the components are used all the time. But it is beneficial to learn all of them just in case you want to solve complex problems like pricing. . Field Catalog Field Catalog consists of all the possible set of fields that play a role in determining the business rules Condition Table Condition table is a database table that is created from a small subset of the field catalog as part of the customization. Access Sequence Access sequence comprises of a sequence of condition tables prioritized in a particular order. Condition type Each condition type represents a logical component of the condition technique. For example, excise tax could be one of the logical components of pricing and it could be represented using one condition type or a combination of multiple condition types. Procedure A procedure is a combination of multiple condition types. For example, in output determination procedure, all the sequence of condition types might exist Like EDI, Print, Fax etc. Procedure Determination Finally the procedure is assigned to the final document type that is effected by the business rule. It may not make much heads or tails just yet. But continue to read and you will be surprised how simple and powerful this is. Condition technique could be learnt either bottom up or top-down.

However, we are trying to explain it here using the bottom-up approach. Also, it is much easier to explain condition technique using a standard SAP functionality as an example. We will take the most complicated example/use ( Pricing ) and that way all of the aspects of the condition technique will be covered. The menu path to be followed is under [ SPRO -> Sales & Distribution -> Basic Functions > Pricing ].

Field Catalog
Field catalog consists of all the possible fields that will play a role in affecting the business functionality. Please remember that this transaction is Cross-Client . Click on Define Field Tables and double click on Conditions: Allowed Fields

The list of available fields will be shown. These fields are got from the following structures. You can add new fields from any of the standard pricing communication structures
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KOMP ( Line Item level Pricing Communication Structure ) KOMK ( Header Level Pricing Communication Structure ) KOMG (Combination of the above structures ) If your business requires that new fields ( not available in the above communication structures ) be available in the field catalog, then they need to be added to the structures in either of the .INCLUDE or .APPEND components. Without complicating things further, lets move forward to Condition Table.

Condition Table

Condition Table is an actual transparent database table that is created from the list of fields selected from the field catalog. Lets look at an already existing condition table. Click on Display Condition Tables and select 005 . This is the condition table for Customer/Material.

As you can see, this table contains the fields Customer , Material ( Forget about Sales organization and distribution channel for now . They are common fields ).

Click on the button Technical Overview and you will get the detailed table-like view of the condition table.

Creating a table is just as simple. Pick a number ( Above 500 and less than 1000 because the name of the actual database table will be prefixed with A . So if you create a number say 701, an actual database table will be created with the name A701. You can verify the same using table browser SE16 ). You have a choice of either copying from the existing table and adding more fields or creating a completely new table. Lets start by creating a new condition table say 899.

Start by entering the number 899 and hit enter. You will be shown a empty column to the left and list of available fields from the field catalog on the right. If you want to select one of the fields, just double click it. There is no scroll-bar to move down, so position your cursor on the right column and hit page-down to see more fields. Fields that were already added will be highlighted in blue in the field catalog. For example, in this case, we have chosen country as the field. Now lets generate the condition table. Hit on the Generate Table button in the application tool bar. SAP will show a log of the table generated ( A899 ).

Access Sequence
An Access Sequence is virtually a sequence in which the condition tables are accessed to determine which parameter to consider. For example, in pricing, if you want the discount per material to overrule the discount per customer , then you would position the discount per material condition table above the discount per customer table.

Click on Define Access Sequence and then choose Maintain Access Sequence. Once again please remember that an access sequence is Client Independent as well. As discussed before, an access sequence consists of Access Sequence -> Accesses ( Condition Tables ) -> Fields (of the condition table ) Lets explore the Access Sequence A001

Select A001 and double-click on Accesses

As you can see, the Access Sequence A001 consists of condition tables A005, A007, A006, A004 in that order.

You can explore the fields in the corresponding condition tables by selecting any of them and double-clicking on fields. There are other fields that effect how the access sequence performs, but that is currently outside of the scope of this primer.

Condition Type
Condition type is a very important component of condition technique. Condition types form the basis for procedures. The logical sequence of arrangement is as follows. While the condition table aggregates fields in the field catalog, an access sequence aggregates condition tables and lays them down in a sequence. A condition type however is just associated to an Access Sequence ( It does not Aggregate ) . The role of an condition type is to determine the type rather than determine something from a sequence of steps. Condition Type -> Access Sequence -> Condition Tables -> Fields Lets take the simple example of PR00 ( The basic price condition type ).

Double click on it to know more about its controls.

The first of the control being its attachment to the access sequence ( In this example, the condition type PR00 is attached to Access sequence PR02 ).

The rest of the data is very specific to Pricing and will not be in the scope of this article.

A procedure is an aggregation of multiple condition types. Procedure -> Condition Type -> Access Sequence -> Condition Tables -> Fields

For example, click on Maintain Pricing Procedure and then search for RVAA01 which is the standard pricing procedure used.

Double click on Control Data to know more about the different condition types aggregated under Procedure. This is the most complicated screen of condition technique for pricing, but other areas like output determination, text determination are pretty simple.

Procedure Determination
While the procedure itself determines the sequence of condition types to evaluate the rules, the procedure determination involves determining the right procedure to be used for the specific scenario. For example, this step determines under what circumstances the procedure RVAA01

needs to be used as the pricing procedure to evaluate pricing for that document

As you can see from the picture below, RVA001 will be used as the pricing procedure when the conditions ( The Sales Organization should be 0001, distribution Channel should be 01 , the division should be 01 and the document pricing procedure should be A and the customer pricing procedure should be 1 ) Which is another way of saying under a particular sales area, for a particular sales order type ( for eg., contracts ) , and a customer type ( say wholesale customer ) , use the logic in procedure RVAA01
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14 Responses to Condition Technique in SAP


Ghanem August 7, 2012 at 3:54 pm #

Thanks for nice pricing tutorial! Useful for SAP SD consultants.


pooyou May 2, 2012 at 12:21 pm #

Your explainations are clear, easy to read and easy to understand. Thank you very much, I hope you will write more trainings like that one!


uday April 11, 2012 at 10:04 am #

for a same condition type ..im getting 2 different amounts for 2 diff purcharge orders..plz help


Tahar Yacoub March 23, 2012 at 12:39 pm #

Hello, This is quite useful materials . simple and neat; Thanks a lot


Murali February 8, 2012 at 1:33 am #

Siva, Greetings. As a SD functional consultant do we create procedures. As the procedure is a combination of condition types how we sequence the condition types in a procedure. Is there any business example you have documented to get more understanding. Appreciate your reply.

siva February 8, 2012 at 5:05 am #

Murali yes We do create procedures (If you are talking about pricing procedures, account determination procedures, text determination procedures etc). I guess we have discussed about them in detail in the classes.


Anshu January 22, 2012 at 4:34 pm #


You mentioned in class not to save the Condition table as Local object but when I am trying to create table 899 and saving it I get the meassge Specify the package or flag it as a local object . I am not sure what to fill in the field Package. What does this mean ? Can I ingnore this an save it as Local object for pratice ?

siva January 23, 2012 at 5:38 am #

Ideally the package will be given by your ABAP or Basis consultant in a real project. For now, in our IDES system choose Z_IDES as the package name.


zaheer December 28, 2011 at 9:53 pm #

I have created table=911 Access Sequence = s911 and assigned table 911 to access sequence Created Cond type= t911 and assigned it access sequence t911 Created pricing procedure=za0911 Created doc pricing procedure=? Created Customer pricing procedure = Created doc = z019 and customer customer=29994 I have completed the step for pricing procedure determination by assigning sales area, doc pricing procedure , customer pricing procedure and condition type to the appropriate fields. In the end I created condition record to the condition type t911 and created sale order number 13391 to check if condition setting is working properly. Pricing has been determined in the order and everything is working fine


ravi December 28, 2011 at 4:39 pm #


I was analyzing the logic behind Cond Tech and following is my perspective It seems interesting to understand this process when you look at it in the reverse direction of the 7 steps. Let me explain We will take the case of pricing being the object being calculated using cond tech. End result = Price for a material M and customer C In order to get there, we need an equation to calculate pricing. One has to pick from several possible equations defined to calculate price. The way to choose one of such equations is done in the Assignement step and the choice is made by using DPP, CPP and ???. If there are several equations defined in the SAP system to calculate pricing, assignment picks exactly one based on the values of the variables resulting from current transaction. Now, we are at the point we have an equation to calculate pricing. Lets say this is pricing proc. Typically an equation has several terms, in pricing lets say Base price disc1 disc2 promo1 promo2 + tax1 + tax2 + delivery etc Each of these terms is represented by condition type. So we have a condition type for Base price, disc1, disc2, etc. This is why there is a many to one from Cond types to Pric Proc (step4 to step5). Lets consider tax1 term of the equation (condition type) There are several possible tables in the system resulting in calculating this term(condition type). Which table should be looked at is determined by the Access Sequence. Eg. There may be 3 different tax tables based on Region (States like NY, CA, Tx etc) Sales Org and Distrib Channel (Retail, Online,Wholesale etc eg, online out of state sales have no sales tax at the moment) CAG (some cust account groups may have taxes waived or discounted) Each of the above represent a Condition Table. Current transaction may result in different tax calculations from each of the above scenarios (Condition Tables). However, the access sequence decides on which one of the tables need to be picked. Ofcourse, condition tables are defined based on System variables (SOrg, DC, Region, CAG from the above example)

These system variables come from Field Catalog. If one can imagine how the SW evolved over the years, you can see that some of these variables associated with objects have been incorporated as new requirements/situations come along and the SW developers would throw in a new variable here and there to solve the problem on hand, resulting in significant redundancies inthe system, meaning you can end up with same result in multiple ways. Same is true with Cond tech as well.As I think of why CPP and DPP etc could not be a part of Field Catalog, above is what I postulate.. This is my high level understanding of the theory and i am certain to get much more clarity as I do some exercises. Please correct any gross mis-assumptions. Regards, Ravi


Isaac December 1, 2011 at 4:21 am #

Hi Siva, As per our conversation earlier today in our class, please find the following details abt the transaction: Order number: 25364 Document type: z001 Customer: 1601 Problem encountered: Pricing error- mandatory condition MWST is missing. Thanx Isaac


Ehsan A Shah October 22, 2011 at 2:20 am #

Siva, When creating Pricing Procedure Determination for 1000/10/00, DoPr is A and CuPP is 1 PriP =ZMA01, CTyp = ZMA1, Why I am getting error an entry already exist?



Shyam June 15, 2011 at 3:12 am #

Why is a condition table number should be above 500? are the first 500 reserved by SAP? Are they the standard tables from which I can copy the fields if they match my requirements??

siva June 15, 2011 at 6:35 am #

Shyam Yes you are right. The first 500 are reserved for SAP. In fact, starting with ECC 6.0 , numbers until 600 are reserved for SAP. SAP strongly recommends that we start our custom condition tables between 601 and 999. To understand this concept you will have to understand the concepts of namespace, upgrades etc. Our forums are only open to the students of Magna Training. Apologize I will not be able to reply going forward.

Pricing Condition Technique Practice Questions


Business Scenario ( To be included as part of SAP Training Exercises ): Company ABC has decided to give discount to customer 1400. For this it has been decided to create a new Pricing Procedure and include this discount condition type in the pricing procedure. You will need to design a pricing model that includes creating 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Condition Table Access Sequence Condition Type Pricing Procedure Condition Records and finally test and see if the Condition Type is getting determined automatically in the Sales Order. 1.Create a condition table 9## and include the fields Sales Organization, Distribution Channel, Division and Customer.

IMG->Sales and distribution->Basic Functions->Pricing->Pricing Control->Define Condition Tables-> Create condition tables Select the fields Sales Organization, Distribution Channel, Division and Customer from the field catalog. Give a description to the table. Click on Generate button. Use development class Z001 when prompted and save the table. 2.Create an access sequence Z### and assign the condition table created in Step 1 to this access sequence. IMG->Sales and distribution->Basic Functions->Pricing->Pricing Control->Define Access Sequences-> Maintain Access Sequences Click on New entries , enter the Access Sequence and description. Select Accesses (on the left hand side) and enter the condition table created in Step 1. Select Fields and you should be able to see the fields defined for the condition table created earlier. Save the access sequence. 3. Create and save a new condition type, ZD## and then assign access sequence created in previous step to it. IMG->Sales and distribution->Basic Functions->Pricing->Pricing Control->Define ConditionTypes->Maintain Condition Types Select condition type K007, click on Copy As enter condition type ZD## and description. Change the access sequence used for condition type from K007 to Z###. Save the condition type. 4. Create a new pricing procedure Z##PRC and assign the condition type ZD## to it. IMG->Sales and distribution->Basic Functions->Pricing->Pricing Control-> Define and assign Pricing Procedures->Maintain Pricing Procedures Select existing pricing procedure RVAA01 and click on Copy As, enter pricing procedure Z##PRC and description. Add your new condition type ZD## to your new pricing procedure Z##PRC, by replacing the K007 condition type with ZD##. Save the pricing procedure. 5. Creating a new customer pricing procedure key A. If it already exists use the same. IMG->Sales and distribution->Basic Functions->Pricing->Pricing Control-> Define and assign Pricing Procedures->Define customer pricing procedure. Click on new entries and enter the customer pricing procedure key A and description and then save. 6. Pricing procedure determination.

IMG->Sales and distribution->Basic Functions->Pricing->Pricing Control-> Define and assign Pricing Procedures->Define Pricing procedure determination Enter a Sales area, the document pricing procedure key A, and the customer Pricing Procedure key created in the earlier step and the new Pricing Procedure Z##PRC. 7. Change your customer to use the new pricing procedure. For customer 1400, change the customer pricing procedure key to the key that you created in Step 5.(T-code: xd02). 8. Create and save a discount condition record using your ZD## condition type for sales organization entered during Pricing Procedure determination (Step 6), sold-to-party 1400. The discount percentage should be 5%. (T-code: VK11). 9. Testing : Create a standard order. Customer: 1400 PO number: ### Requested delivery date: In one week Material: M-01 Quantity: 10 If the item condition screen does not show condition type ZD## with the proper values, analyze the problem using the Analysis button.
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83 Responses to Pricing Condition Technique Practice Questions


Raghava April 5, 2012 at 3:29 pm #

1. Created table 935 with sales area/customer fields 2. ZBCS access sequence created. 3 ZBCS new condition type created for discount (a copy of standard discount k007) 4. ZBCS01 Pricing procedure created and replaced customer discount K007 with the newly created condition type ZBCS 5. Used existing cust.pp and doc.pp (A) 6. Determined pricing procedure for Sales area 1000/10/00, cpp (A), dpp (A) with new pricing procedure created ZBCS01 and condition type ZBCS 7. Changed customer 124 to use cust.p.p (A) and document type ZBCO to use doc.p.p (A) 8. Applied 5% discount for the newly created condition type for sales area 1000/10/00 and customer 124 and saved condition record. 9. 14184 Created a sales order for document type ZBCO (doc.p.p A) and customer 124 (cust.p.p A) for material m-01 (price 100.00 Eur) for 10 quantity and the overall price shown is 950.00 Eur after applying 5% new discount condition created.


Raghava April 5, 2012 at 6:37 am #

Basic sales price determination with Material and customer combination. Created a new condition table with fields material and customer 939 ZBCM access sequence is created. ZBCM condition type created for the access sequence ZBCM ZBCM01 pricing procedure created with conditions type aggregation ZBCM Now use existing cust.p.p () and doc.p.p (=) determined pricing procedure for sales area 1000/10/00, cust.p.p () and doc.p.p (=) Created a new customer 125 with cust p.p () Now defined condition record for material m-01 and customer 125 price of 44.00 eur Created a sales order 14180 for doc type ZBCO (doc.p.p =) for customer 125 and material m-01. Pricing procedure ZBCM01 is determined with condition ZBCM and the price of material 44.00 detected in the new order created.


Guru February 17, 2012 at 1:54 pm #

Hi Siva,

I am trying to implement a freight charge for the customer 16386. Condition table :760 (fields:sales org,Inco terms,Destination country) Access Seq:ZA12 Condition type:ZF12 Cust Pricing Proc:] Pricing Procedure:Z12PRC Pricing Proc determination 1000 10 00 A ] Z12PRC ZF12 I think I followed all the steps for condition technique.But When I create an order for customer 16386 (with Std OR) I am not able to see my Condition type ZF12.Can you please check with the above info what is the wrong? Looking forward for your reply.

Murali February 17, 2012 at 8:42 pm #

Guru, I got curious when saw your question. Since I am also learning I want to work on this. Just want to understand what condition records you have created. i did not find any condition records (VK13) i created one for each country (US, CH, CE) with inco terms as CFR. Now I looked into the price determination and looks it was not existing so I created the price determination. Now what I do not understand is how you define the pricing with the variables destination country, inco terms and sales org. as your calculation type and scales are weight based. There is no condition record for the material or the weight and how will the discouts be calculated. Siva can you please help us understand the concept where we are going wrong.

Guru February 20, 2012 at 10:33 am #

Hi Murali,

Thanks for looking in to my problem.The condition record that I created is ZF12 with Country code visible to you.

E, Inco terms : EXW, and Sales org =1000.I am not sure why it is not

Guru February 20, 2012 at 10:35 am #

Hi Murali, Thanks for looking in to my problem.The condition record that I created is ZF12 with Country code DE, Inco terms : EXW, and Sales org =1000.I am not sure why it is not visible to you.

Guru February 20, 2012 at 10:37 am #

Siva, Can you please look into the problem? waiting for your reply.

magnatrain February 20, 2012 at 5:23 pm #

Hi Guru/ Murali I dont see order #16386 in the system. Is there something I am missing ?

Murali February 20, 2012 at 5:41 pm #

Hi, Thanks for the response. #16386 is the customer number. I think Guru did not save the order after seeing the price not determined. I have created an order # 13972 to test. Appreciate your help.

Guru February 20, 2012 at 6:40 pm #

Thanks Murali.You are right.

siva February 21, 2012 at 5:50 am #

Murali, Thanks for checking this out. I just happened to see the order, go to line item level pricing and found that ZF12 has been working fine. However, PR00 has been made as manual in the pricing procedure

So, I have fixed that in the pricing procedure and created another sales order 14002 and ZF12 came up fine as shown below.

Please let me know if I am missing anything here.

Guru February 21, 2012 at 8:24 am #

Hi Siva, Yesterday, I did couple of changes . 1. In the pricing procedure, I removed Manual checks for some of the condition types include condition type ZF12. Even after that ZF12 hasnt come in Pricing. 2. After going to Pricing Analysis, I configured some of the missing condition records.Even though ZF12 has not come in Pricing. 3. My Customer 16386 configured for US and I am determining Pricing for DE.So I changed to DE in customer Master 16386. Then I was able to see ZF12 in order Pricing . I think steps 1 and 3 are solved my problem. Please correct me.

siva February 21, 2012 at 9:12 am #

Cool, I guess you are the Guru now Glad to see you work things out. Try

and go more deeper into pricing I am sure it will be very beneficial to you.

satish April 4, 2012 at 9:53 am #

Hi Guru Did you activate the given condtion type in your pricing proccedure V/08 with what ever condtion type oyu have defined if you have done this then your condtion will be activated . Incase even after doing it if this condtion is not activated . Please go and see if there are any supleement condtions active or any deleton indicator is set . In case you still face this issue you can reach me at my id shriyasuhaas@gmail.com


Murali February 8, 2012 at 4:06 am #

Condition table 944 is created Access sequence ZMKK Condition Type ZDMK PriPc ZMKPR1 Customer Priciing Doc A Condition table with 5% discount is created Order # 13889 is created


Ehsan A Shah February 2, 2012 at 4:59 am #

Hi Siva, .1 Condition table A859 Created 2. Access Sequence ZES5 Created 3.Condition type ZDES created 4.Pricing procedure ZES RC Created.

5 DOC PRI PROC A ..CREATED 5.Cust Pri Procedure.1CREATED 6.S org 1000, Distr chnl 10, Dv 00, Doc Pri A, Cust Pri 1, 7. Pri Pr ZESPRC Created 7. Made changes to Doc Type and Customer Master accordingly. 8 created P.O. # 13806 And now the question. 1. Why it does not let me create a different PriP Determination and gives an error when I try to choose different DoPP and CuPP indicator as compare to above ZESPRC with same PriP, Cond Type and S.O + Dch + Div. 2. On second attempt by changing different indicators it let me save the Procedure but did not let me creat PO and says ..No Price Procedure is determined. would you please explain both senario?

siva February 2, 2012 at 5:47 am #

I am not sure if I understand your question right. As long as the A+B+C ( Sales Area + DPP + CPP ) rule is satisfied, pricing procedure determination is done. There should not be an ambiguity at this point.


Anshu January 23, 2012 at 12:22 pm #

Siva I am trying to do the exercise but getting stuck with the dialog box that is asking Request can you please tell me what to do.

siva January 23, 2012 at 1:53 pm #

If you are talking about Transport Request or Customizing Request, please see http://www.magnatraining.com/transport-request-how-to-handle-your-first-sapcustomization-request-sap-training-feb-2011-batch/

Anshu January 24, 2012 at 3:51 am #

No, its not the Transport Request

Murali February 8, 2012 at 4:10 am #

This is the package request system is asking for, if I guess correctly. Please insert Z_IDES and it will work fine.


zaheer December 29, 2011 at 8:33 pm #

Create a condition table 9## and include the fields Sales Organization, Distribution Channel, Division and Customer. Answer: Condition table 912 created with the fields sales org, distribution channel, division and customer. Create an access sequence Z### and assign the condition table created in Step 1 to this access sequence. Answer: Access sequence s912 is created Click on New entries , enter the Access Sequence and description. Select Accesses (on the left hand side) and enter the condition table created in Step 1. Select Fields and you should be able to see the fields defined for the condition table created earlier. Save the access sequence. Answer: I have assigned the condition table to the access sequence and checked the mapping of the fields as well. 3. Create and save a new condition type, ZD## and then assign access sequence created in previous step to it.

Answer: Created new discount condition type za07 and assigned newly created access sequence in the field of access sequence Create a new pricing procedure Z##PRC and assign the condition type ZD## to it. IMG->Sales and distribution->Basic Functions->Pricing->Pricing Control-> Define and assign Pricing Procedures->Maintain Pricing Procedures Select existing pricing procedure RVAA01 and click on Copy As, enter pricing procedure Z##PRC and description. Add your new condition type ZD## to your new pricing procedure Z##PRC, by replacing the K007 condition type with ZD##. Save the pricing procedure. Answer: New pricing procedure z92prc created and discount condition k007 has been replaced by newly created discount condition za07. Enter a Sales area, the document pricing procedure key A, and the customer Pricing Procedure key created in the earlier step and the new Pricing Procedure Z##PRC. 7. Change your customer to use the new pricing procedure. For customer 1400, change the customer pricing procedure key to the key that you created in Step 5.(T-code: xd02). Answer: Pricing procedure determination has done, I have assigned new doc and customer pricing procedure with the required sales area to the pricing procedure. Create and save a discount condition record using your ZD## condition type for sales organization entered during Pricing Procedure determination (Step 6), sold-to-party 1400. The discount percentage should be 5%. (T-code: VK11). Answer: condition record created with 10% discount. I have created order number 13400 to test the condition setting and got the desired result


Mital Shah December 28, 2011 at 11:04 pm #

Hi Siva, Company ABC has decided to give discount to customer 1400. For this it has been decided to create a new Pricing Procedure and include this discount condition type in the pricing procedure. You will need to design a pricing model that includes creating 1. Condition Table 2. Access Sequence 3. Condition Type 4. Pricing Procedure 5. Condition Records

and finally test and see if the Condition Type is getting determined automatically in the Sales Order. 1.Create a condition table 9## and include the fields Sales Organization, Distribution Channel, Division and Customer. IMG->Sales and distribution->Basic Functions->Pricing->Pricing Control->Define Condition Tables-> Create condition tables Select the fields Sales Organization, Distribution Channel, Division and Customer from the field catalog. Give a description to the table. Click on Generate button. Use development class Z001 when prompted and save the table. Answer: created condition table- 945 with following fields from field catalog. 1) customer- KUNNR, 2) Sales org.- VKORG, 3) Dist. Chan. VTWEG, 4) Division- SPART Use Z_IDES for save it.(That provided by ABAP consultant) 2. Create an access sequence Z### and assign the condition table created in Step 1 to this access sequence. IMG->Sales and distribution->Basic Functions->Pricing->Pricing Control->Define Access Sequences-> Maintain Access Sequences Click on New entries , enter the Access Sequence and description. Select Accesses (on the left hand side) and enter the condition table created in Step 1. Select Fields and you should be able to see the fields defined for the condition table created earlier. Save the access sequence. Answer: Created Access Sequence ZMAS, assign condition table 945 to ZMAS. Also, double click on fields and see, its blue arrow and green icon next to field. 3. Create and save a new condition type, ZD## and then assign access sequence created in previous step to it. IMG->Sales and distribution->Basic Functions->Pricing->Pricing Control->Define ConditionTypes>Maintain Condition Types Select condition type K007, click on Copy As enter condition type ZD## and description. Change the access sequence used for condition type from K007 to Z###. Save the condition type. Answer: Copy of PROO -Created new condition type ZMA5 and set access sequence ZMA5 to ZMA5 condition type. 4. Create a new pricing procedure Z##PRC and assign the condition type ZD## to it. IMG->Sales and distribution->Basic Functions->Pricing->Pricing Control-> Define and assign Pricing Procedures->Maintain Pricing Procedures Select existing pricing procedure RVAA01 and click on Copy As, enter pricing procedure Z##PRC and description. Add your new condition type ZD## to your new pricing procedure Z##PRC, by replacing the K007 condition type with ZD##. Save the pricing procedure. Answer: Copy of RVA01 and created new pricing procedure- ZMA005 Insert condition type ZMA5 and delete unwanted condition types. 5. Creating a new customer pricing procedure key A. If it already exists use the same. IMG->Sales and distribution->Basic Functions->Pricing->Pricing Control->

Define and assign Pricing Procedures->Define customer pricing procedure. Click on new entries and enter the customer pricing procedure key A and description and then save. Answer: Created new customer pricing procedure M and also sales documents type procedure 0 6. Pricing procedure determination. IMG->Sales and distribution->Basic Functions->Pricing->Pricing Control-> Define and assign Pricing Procedures->Define Pricing procedure determination Enter a Sales area, the document pricing procedure key A, and the customer Pricing Procedure key created in the earlier step and the new Pricing Procedure Z##PRC. Answer: Assigned 1000/10/00, pricing procedure-ZMA005, Condition type-ZMA6 and customer pricing product key M and documents product key 0 Assigned 1000/10/00, pricing procedure-ZMA006, Condition type-ZMA5 amd customer pricing product key M and documents product key 0 7. Change your customer to use the new pricing procedure. For customer 1400, change the customer pricing procedure key to the key that you created in Step 5.(T-code: xd02). Answer: set pricing procedure to customer 9902 and documents key type (using vov8) to ZO18 (documents type). 8. Create and save a discount condition record using your ZD## condition type for sales organization entered during Pricing Procedure determination (Step 6), sold-to-party 1400. The discount percentage should be 5%. (T-code: VK11). Answer: Set 100 euro per pc for material m-01, condition type- ZMA5. Also set 5% for material m-01, condition type ZMA6 9. Testing : Create a standard order. Customer: 1400 PO number: ### Requested delivery date: In one week Material: M-01, Quantity: 10 If the item condition screen does not show condition type ZD## with the proper values, analyze the problem using the Analysis button. Answer: Created sales document 13392 using ZO18 documents type for 9902 customer. Thanks, Mital


Sudhakar C December 21, 2011 at 3:16 pm #

I was trying to create a pricing scenario for customer group. I created base price for the material and trying to give 2% discount to a particular customer group. When I try to do that in SO discount is getting added instead of deducting. I tried to change the sign to -ve in the condition type but I didnt get the answer. Here are the details: Pricing Procedure: Condition Table : 875 Access Sequence: Y856 Condition Type: Z875 Pricing Proc: Z856BS CPP: % DPP: > Customer No: 7152 Material : L10 Customer Group: YI Order Type: YOR ORG: DELL, IS, CM (Company, Distribution Channel, Division) I hvent saved the order as it is not giving the results I need. Please verify by creating a new SO using above details and see what might be the problem. Also I created another pricing condition ZDMG where I wanted to have a scale type discount for material group. I created the condition records for this but system is not recognizing. Material Grps: LPTP (Laptops) , DST (Desktops)


Ali.Surti November 30, 2011 at 5:51 pm #

Created condition table 958 with field catalog SO/DC/DV/CUST for sales org Z555/Distribution channel Z5/Division Z5. Created access sequence Z556 with condition table 958 and made it exclusive. Created Condition type ZD55 and assigned access sequence Z556 to it. Created pricing procedure Z5PRPR and assigned condition type ZD55 to it. Created condition record ZD55 with 10% discount for customer 55. Document pricing procedure used A. Customer pricing procedure used 1. Assigned pricing prcedure to sales area/cpp/dpp.

Created order# 25355 and analysed it. All the conditions(price and discount) work properly.


Satya Chaganti November 16, 2011 at 5:45 am #

Solution 1: Table A996 has been created Solution 2: Access Sequence Z996 has been created Solution 3: CDN type ZD69 with ACCS SQN Z996 has been created Solution 4: Pricing Procedure ZVA996 has been created Solution 5: Customer Pricing Procedure ` && Document Pricing Procedure has been created Solution 6: Sales area + DPP + CPP 1000/10/00 + + ` has been created Solution 7: Customer 1996 with customer pricing procedure has been created && Sales Document type Z996 Assigning DPP to has been created Solution 8: Condition Record for Condition type ZD69 and customer 1996, sales area 1000/10/00 with discount 5% has been created Solution 9: Tested Its working , checked the pricing condition and did my analysis


Muthu November 11, 2011 at 5:25 am #

A.Condition Table : A989 B.Access Sequence : ZAS1 C.Condition Type : ZRV1 D.Pricing Procedure : ZRVPP E.Condition Records: Order 14165 created and tested. Exercise: Customer : 9988 (3000,10,00) Comp code 0001 doc pricing procedure: | (Pipe) customer pricing procedure: 4

sales doc type :ZM1 item category: ZMM1



Nas November 10, 2011 at 3:03 am #

1.Create a condition table 9## and include the fields Sales Organization, Distribution Channel, Division and Customer. IMG->Sales and distribution->Basic Functions->Pricing->Pricing Control->Define Condition Tables-> Create condition tables Select the fields Sales Organization, Distribution Channel, Division and Customer from the field catalog. Give a description to the table. Click on Generate button. Use development class Z001 when prompted and save the table. Ans: Table 935 Created. 2.Create an access sequence Z### and assign the condition table created in Step 1 to this access sequence. IMG->Sales and distribution->Basic Functions->Pricing->Pricing Control->Define Access Sequences-> Maintain Access Sequences Click on New entries , enter the Access Sequence and description. Select Accesses (on the left hand side) and enter the condition table created in Step 1. Select Fields and you should be able to see the fields defined for the condition table created earlier. Save the access sequence. Ans: Access Sequence Y935 created. 3. Create and save a new condition type, ZD## and then assign access sequence created in previous step to it. IMG->Sales and distribution->Basic Functions->Pricing->Pricing Control->Define ConditionTypes>Maintain Condition Types Select condition type K007, click on Copy As enter condition type ZD## and description. Change the access sequence used for condition type from K007 to Z###. Save the condition type. Condition Type : Y935 created and access sequence Y935 assigned. 4. Create a new pricing procedure Z##PRC and assign the condition type ZD## to it. IMG->Sales and distribution->Basic Functions->Pricing->Pricing Control-> Define and assign Pricing Procedures->Maintain Pricing Procedures Select existing pricing procedure RVAA01 and click on Copy As, enter pricing procedure Z##PRC and description. Add your new condition type ZD## to your new pricing procedure Z##PRC, by replacing the K007 condition type with ZD##. Save the pricing procedure.

Answer: Pricing Procedure ZV935D created from RVAA01 and Y935 replaced K007. 5. Creating a new customer pricing procedure key A. If it already exists use the same. IMG->Sales and distribution->Basic Functions->Pricing->Pricing Control-> Define and assign Pricing Procedures->Define customer pricing procedure. Click on new entries and enter the customer pricing procedure key A and description and then save. Ans: created, assigned 6. Pricing procedure determination. IMG->Sales and distribution->Basic Functions->Pricing->Pricing Control-> Define and assign Pricing Procedures->Define Pricing procedure determination Enter a Sales area, the document pricing procedure key A, and the customer Pricing Procedure key created in the earlier step and the new Pricing Procedure Z##PRC. Ans: 1000-10-00 and ZV935D determined. 7. Change your customer to use the new pricing procedure. For customer 1400, change the customer pricing procedure key to the key that you created in Step 5.(T-code: xd02). Answer : Done 8. Create and save a discount condition record using your ZD## condition type for sales organization entered during Pricing Procedure determination (Step 6), sold-to-party 1400. The discount percentage should be 5%. (T-code: VK11). Answer: Done 9. Testing : Create a standard order. Customer: 1400 PO number: ### Requested delivery date: In one week Material: M-01 Quantity: 10 If the item condition screen does not show condition type ZD## with the proper values, analyze the problem using the Analysis button. ZOR Order 25004 for customer 1400. Its Showing the discount: Y935. However it was not accepting upper/Lower Limit. ZOR Order 25005 for customer 1503. Its Showing the discount: Y935.


Edward Emmory November 9, 2011 at 9:25 pm #

1.Create a condition table 9## and include the fields Sales Organization, Distribution Channel, Division and Customer.

IMG->Sales and distribution->Basic Functions->Pricing->Pricing Control->Define Condition Tables-> Create condition tables Answer: condition tale: 911 (Sales org./Distr. Chl/Division/Ship-to) 2.Create an access sequence Z### and assign the condition table created in Step 1 to this access sequence. Answer: access sequence created Z911 3. Create and save a new condition type, ZD## and then assign access sequence created in previous step to it. Answer: Condition type ZDES 4. Create a new pricing procedure Z##PRC and assign the condition type ZD## to it. Answer: pricing procedure ZEEPRC (ZDES condition type added) 5. Creating a new customer pricing procedure key A. If it already exists use the same. Answer: already exist (customer pricing procedure A) 6. Pricing procedure determination. Answer: pricing proc. deter done (0410/50/51/A/A/ZEEPRC) 7. Change your customer to use the new pricing procedure. For customer 1400, change the customer pricing procedure key to the key that you created in Step 5.(T-code: xd02). Answer: done (customer 1400 extended to sales area 0410/50/51 with doc pric. A) 8. Create and save a discount condition record using your ZD## condition type for sales organization entered during Pricing Procedure determination (Step 6), sold-to-party 1400. The discount percentage should be 5%. (T-code: VK11). Answer: done 9. Testing : Create a standard order. Customer: 1400 PO number: ### Requested delivery date: In one week Material: M-01 Quantity: 10 If the item condition screen does not show condition type ZD## with the proper values, analyze the problem using the Analysis button. Share this:


Ehsan A Shah October 25, 2011 at 11:56 am #

Siva, When creating Pricing Procedure Determination for 1000/10/00, DoPr is A and CuPP is 1 PriP =ZMA01, CTyp = ZMA1, Why I am getting error an entry already exist?

siva October 26, 2011 at 6:49 am #

That is because, such an entry already exits Just do a search for 1000/10/00/A/1 and you will already find an entry for it.


justin October 23, 2011 at 8:39 am #

Answers: STEP1-created a condition table 908 with fields sales organisation ,dis.channel,division ,customer. STEP 2-.Access sequence Z908 is been created and assigned to condition table 908. STEP 3-condition type k007 is copied and renamed as Zcon and assigned to access sequence Z908. STEP 4-standard pricing procedure RVAA01 is copied and Zrv908j pp is created . under the condition types k007 is changed to Zcon and saved. STEP5- Document pricing procedure is created ^-justin dpp is created . STEP 6-customer pricing procedure is created . STEP 7- Pricing procedure determination . assigned sales area (1000,10,00) + dpp+cpp ,pricing procedure created and condition type. STEP 8-created customer 4546 and assigned the customer pricing procedure to the sales view. STEP 9- created condition record for Zcon with a 5% discount . STEP 10-created a order with customer 4546 and found the 5% discount has kicked in according to the customization.



Mallikarjun October 6, 2011 at 7:48 am #

Sir, while creating condition table, sold to party is red & while saving i am getting a msg: select a document for kunag. can u please tell me y i am getting like this?

siva October 6, 2011 at 10:16 am #

Please Select Customer ( KUNNR ) for now .


Indira September 26, 2011 at 8:59 pm #

1.Create a condition table 9## and include the fields Sales Organization, Distribution Channel, Division and Sold-to party. ANSWER 1: A988 2.Create an access sequence Z### and assign the condition table created in Step 1 to this access sequence. ANSWER 2: ZMA1 3. Create and save a new condition type, ZD## and then assign access sequence created in previous step to it. ANSWER 3: ZMA2 4. Create a new pricing procedure Z##PRC and assign the condition type ZD## to it. ANSWER 4: ZMA001 5. Creating a new customer pricing procedure key A. If it already exists use the same. ANSWER 5: CREATED 6. Pricing procedure determination.

ANSWER 6: 1000/10/00 > ZMA001



jitesh September 13, 2011 at 4:53 pm #

1.Create a condition table 9## and include the fields Sales Organization, Distribution Channel, Division and Sold-to party. ANSWER 1: 949 2.Create an access sequence Z### and assign the condition table created in Step 1 to this access sequence. ANSWER 2: ZJS4 3. Create and save a new condition type, ZD## and then assign access sequence created in previous step to it. ANSWER 3: ZDS1 4. Create a new pricing procedure Z##PRC and assign the condition type ZD## to it. ANSWER 4: ZDSNEW 5. Creating a new customer pricing procedure key A. If it already exists use the same. ANSWER 5: CREATED 7 6. Pricing procedure determination. ANSWER 6: 1000=10=00=A=7=ZDSNEW=ZDS1 7. Change your customer to use the new pricing procedure. For customer 1400, change the customer pricing procedure key to the key that you created in Step 5.(T-code: xd02). CREATED NE CUSTOMER 56456 8. Create and save a discount condition record using your ZD## condition type for sales organization entered during Pricing Procedure determination (Step 6), sold-to-party 1400. The discount percentage should be 5%. (T-code: VK11). VK11= 56456 9. Testing : Create a standard order. OR; 14466 CREATED , DISCOUNT APPEARS THERE. Customer: 1400

PO number: ### Requested delivery date: In one week Material: M-01 Quantity: 10 ANSWER 9: ORDER # 14416


Muthu September 10, 2011 at 9:35 am #

Cond table created : 956 Access sequence : ZMMV cond type : ZDMM Pricing procedure : ZMMPRC Cust pricing procedure :A Pricing procedure determination : 1000+10+00+A+Z order created : 14221


Zahid Abbas September 9, 2011 at 8:50 pm #

1.Create a condition table 9## and include the fields Sales Organization, Distribution Channel, Division and Sold-to party. ANSWER 1: # 996 2.Create an access sequence Z### and assign the condition table created in Step 1 to this access sequence. ANSWER 2: ZOYA (Access Sequence) 3. Create and save a new condition type, ZD## and then assign access sequence created in previous step to it. ANSWER 3: YOYA (Condition Type) 4. Create a new pricing procedure Z##PRC and assign the condition type ZD## to it. ANSWER 4: ZAHID2 ( New Pricing Procedure)

5. Creating a new customer pricing procedure key A. If it already exists use the same. ANSWER 5: Used A 6. Pricing procedure determination. ANSWER 6: Did that 7. Change your customer to use the new pricing procedure. For customer 1400, change the customer pricing procedure key to the key that you created in Step 5.(T-code: xd02). 8. Create and save a discount condition record using your ZD## condition type for sales organization entered during Pricing Procedure determination (Step 6), sold-to-party 1400. The discount percentage should be 5%. (T-code: VK11). 9. Testing : Create a standard order. Customer: 1400 PO number: ### Requested delivery date: In one week Material: M-01 Quantity: 10 ANSWER 9: ORDER # 14416


khawar September 9, 2011 at 7:46 pm #

1.Create a condition table 9## and include the fields Sales Organization, Distribution Channel, Division and Sold-to party. Ans: Condition Table A534 Defined 2.Create an access sequence Z### and assign the condition table created in Step 1 to this access sequence. Ans: Access Sequence ZTIN is defined Create and save a new condition type, ZD## and then assign access sequence created in previous step to it. Ans: Condition Type ZZIN 7. Change your customer to use the new pricing procedure. Ans: Pricing procedure ziii defined. 8. Customer 57777

9. Sales Order Ans: 14414 and it working



Gautam September 7, 2011 at 2:28 am #

1.Condition table A981 Created 2.Access Sequence zgd1 3)Condition type ZD81 created 4)Pricing procedure zg3prc 5) Cust Pri Procedure A 6) S org 1000, Distr chnl 10, Dv 00, Doc Pri A, Cust Pri A, Pri Pr zg1prc Created 7) Cust pri proc in sales area Dats changed From 1 to A 8)zd81record created for customer 65433 9) 14354/OR order created. it is showing my condition type alsowith proper value, it is clear.. but got this error.. Pricing error: Mandatory condition MWST is missing as I clicked on the analysis tab..got this The requirement 008 was assigned for this access in the access sequence. This requirement was not met in the preliminary condition step and so the access was not executed. can you please help on this

Gautam September 7, 2011 at 3:00 am #

Siva I have solved this issueit was related to the tax set up in the customer master..I did not set it up for that customer, so I was getting that error.. Thanks anyway.



Gautam August 11, 2011 at 11:50 pm #

Siva while creating access sequence, I am not able to see the fields as written by you Select Fields and you should be able to see the fields defined for the condition table created earlierSelect Fields and you should be able to see the fields defined for the condition table created earlier can you please help to solve this?? I am stuck on thistried many ways but could not solve.

siva August 12, 2011 at 5:53 am #

I am not able to understand those dashes. Can you please be a little more elaborate ?

Gautam August 12, 2011 at 4:30 pm #

siva.when I am click on the fields on the left hand side, in my case the fields are not appearing and getting error field assignment has not been made, however as I go the table, i see my fields there.

siva August 13, 2011 at 1:55 pm #

If you see a warning there, ignore it and hit Enter you should be able to go into the field mapping. Please let me know if you have problems with this, I will show it to you in the class.

Gautam August 20, 2011 at 2:04 am #

Siva i tried , hit entered several times, still getting the error.. can u please help please..i am stuck


Gautam August 11, 2011 at 7:27 pm #

1. Condition table A981 Created 2. Access Sequence zgd1 while saving getting error The field assignment has not yet been made sequence is not showing me the fieldsthat is the problem???? Can you please let me know the problem related to this


Navdeep July 24, 2011 at 3:49 am #

1. Cond. Table: 786 (Organization, Distribution Channel, Division, Material) 2. Access Sequence: Z786 Assigned to table 786 3. Condition Type: ZP76 Assigned AS Z786 to C.Type ZP76 4. pricing procedure. ZPNAV7 5. Customer: 98765 Cust. PP: 9 For Document type ZORN, changed Doc.PP to 4

6. Pricing procedure determination. 1000 10 00 A A ZNAV96 ZP76 7. Used (T-code: VK11). To configure the following prices for Sales Org. 1000, Dist. Channel 10 and Division 00 M-01 USD 45/ PC M-02 USD 65/ PC 9. Testing : Create a standard order. Nav Std. Order 13340 is created

Navdeep July 24, 2011 at 3:51 am #

Pricing Proc. Determination 1000 10 00 4 9 ZNAV96 ZP76


Sahil July 23, 2011 at 2:51 pm #

1.Create a condition table 9## and include the fields Sales Organization, Distribution Channel, Division and Sold-to party. IMG->Sales and distribution->Basic Functions->Pricing->Pricing Control->Define Condition Tables-> Create condition tables Select the fields Sales Organization, Distribution Channel, Division and Sold-to party from the field catalog. Give a description to the table. Click on Generate button. Use development class Z001 when prompted and save the table. Answer: Condition Table Sales Area nad Customer created = 944 2.Create an access sequence Z### and assign the condition table created in Step 1 to this access sequence. IMG->Sales and distribution->Basic Functions->Pricing->Pricing Control->Define Access Sequences-> Maintain Access Sequences Click on New entries , enter the Access Sequence and description. Select Accesses (on the left hand side) and enter the condition table created in Step 1. Select Fields and you should be able to see the fields defined for the condition table created earlier. Save the access sequence.

Answer: Access Sequence = ZSSC 3. Create and save a new condition type, ZD## and then assign access sequence created in previous step to it. IMG->Sales and distribution->Basic Functions->Pricing->Pricing Control->Define ConditionTypes>Maintain Condition Types Select condition type K007, click on Copy As enter condition type ZD## and description. Change the access sequence used for condition type from K007 to Z###. Save the condition type. Answer: Condition Type = ZDSC 4. Create a new pricing procedure Z##PRC and assign the condition type ZD## to it. IMG->Sales and distribution->Basic Functions->Pricing->Pricing Control-> Define and assign Pricing Procedures->Maintain Pricing Procedures Select existing pricing procedure RVAA01 and click on Copy As, enter pricing procedure Z##PRC and description. Add your new condition type ZD## to your new pricing procedure Z##PRC, by replacing the K007 condition type with ZD##. Save the pricing procedure. Answer: Pricing Procedure ZSMPRC replaced customer discount condition type K007 with ZDSC 5. Creating a new customer pricing procedure key A. If it already exists use the same. IMG->Sales and distribution->Basic Functions->Pricing->Pricing Control-> Define and assign Pricing Procedures->Define customer pricing procedure. Click on new entries and enter the customer pricing procedure key A and description and then save. Answer: Kept the customer pricing procedure as 1 standard 6. Pricing procedure determination. IMG->Sales and distribution->Basic Functions->Pricing->Pricing Control-> Define and assign Pricing Procedures->Define Pricing procedure determination Enter a Sales area, the document pricing procedure key A, and the customer Pricing Procedure key created in the earlier step and the new Pricing Procedure Z##PRC. Answer: Sales area + Doc pp + Cus PP= Prcing Procedure 1000-10-00+A+1=ZSMPRC 7. Change your customer to use the new pricing procedure. For customer 1400, change the customer pricing procedure key to the key that you created in Step 5.(T-code: xd02). Answer: Changed to 1 standard

8. Create and save a discount condition record using your ZD## condition type for sales organization entered during Pricing Procedure determination (Step 6), sold-to-party 1400. The discount percentage should be 5%. (T-code: VK11). Answer Condition Type ZDSC Sales Organisation 1000 Customer 1400 Cusmtomer discount 5% 9. Testing : Create a standard order. Customer: 1400 PO number: ### Requested delivery date: In one week Material: M-01 Quantity: 10 If the item condition screen does not show condition type ZD## with the proper values, analyze the problem using the Analysis button. Answer: Standard Order created with customer discount condition type ZDSC, discount given 5%, the standard order number 13335


Navdeep July 22, 2011 at 1:11 am #

1.Create a condition table 9## and include the fields Sales Organization, Distribution Channel, Division and Sold-to party. IMG->Sales and distribution->Basic Functions->Pricing->Pricing Control->Define Condition Tables-> Create condition tables Select the fields Sales Organization, Distribution Channel, Division and Sold-to party from the field catalog. Give a description to the table. Click on Generate button. Use development class Z001 when prompted and save the table. Cond. Table: 986 2.Create an access sequence Z### and assign the condition table created in Step 1 to this access sequence.

IMG->Sales and distribution->Basic Functions->Pricing->Pricing Control->Define Access Sequences-> Maintain Access Sequences Click on New entries , enter the Access Sequence and description. Select Accesses (on the left hand side) and enter the condition table created in Step 1. Select Fields and you should be able to see the fields defined for the condition table created earlier. Save the access sequence. Access Sequence: Z986 SIVA: How do we add the table to Access Sequence 3. Create and save a new condition type, ZD## and then assign access sequence created in previous step to it. IMG->Sales and distribution->Basic Functions->Pricing->Pricing Control->Define ConditionTypes>Maintain Condition Types Select condition type K007, click on Copy As enter condition type ZD## and description. Change the access sequence used for condition type from K007 to Z###. Save the condition type. Condition Table: ZD96 4. Create a new pricing procedure Z##PRC and assign the condition type ZD## to it. IMG->Sales and distribution->Basic Functions->Pricing->Pricing Control-> Define and assign Pricing Procedures->Maintain Pricing Procedures Select existing pricing procedure RVAA01 and click on Copy As, enter pricing procedure Z##PRC and description. Add your new condition type ZD## to your new pricing procedure Z##PRC, by replacing the K007 condition type with ZD##. Save the pricing procedure. SIVA: Getting a msg Select entries before performing the function 5. Creating a new customer pricing procedure key A. If it already exists use the same. IMG->Sales and distribution->Basic Functions->Pricing->Pricing Control-> Define and assign Pricing Procedures->Define customer pricing procedure. Click on new entries and enter the customer pricing procedure key A and description and then save. Cust. PP: A 6. Pricing procedure determination. IMG->Sales and distribution->Basic Functions->Pricing->Pricing Control-> Define and assign Pricing Procedures->Define Pricing procedure determination Enter a Sales area, the document pricing procedure key A, and the customer Pricing Procedure key created in the earlier step and the new Pricing Procedure Z##PRC. 7. Change your customer to use the new pricing procedure. For customer 1400, change the customer pricing procedure key to the key that you created in Step 5.(T-code: xd02).

Changed Cust. PP to A 8. Create and save a discount condition record using your ZD## condition type for sales organization entered during Pricing Procedure determination (Step 6), sold-to-party 1400. The discount percentage should be 5%. (T-code: VK11). 9. Testing : Create a standard order. Customer: 1400 PO number: ### Requested delivery date: In one week Material: M-01 Quantity: 10 If the item condition screen does not show condition type ZD## with the proper values, analyze the problem using the Analysis button.


Arjun July 21, 2011 at 6:25 pm #

1. C.table 978 2. acc seq z978 SIVA ???=>sold-to-party is red not green, So seleted customer insted of sold to in C.table. could you pls. explaine me how to fix this. 3. c.type ZD78 4. p.procedure- Z78PRC created and updated c.type ZD78 5. p.proc A alreay exist 6. PP determination added 7. Cust 30003 PP key updated. 8. condition rec added for conditon type ZD78 and cust 30003 9. SO created -14385

siva July 22, 2011 at 5:20 am #

Hi Arjun As discussed in the class, you have to look at the technical fields during the creation of condition table before you actually generate the condition table. In the case that we discussed today, sold-to ( KUNAG ) was chosen. Instead choose Customer ( KUNNR )



Raj July 18, 2011 at 10:06 pm #

1.Condition Table 927 created. 2. Access sequence Z927 created. 3. Condition Type Z927 created. 4. Pricing Procedure Z927PR created. 5. Customer Pricing Procedure A already exists. 6. Pricing procedure determination. Done 7. Changed the Customer Pricing Procedure to A for the customer 98768 8. The condition record has been created with 5% discount 9. Standard Order 14337 has been saved.


Mark June 10, 2011 at 9:36 pm #

1.Condition Table 925 created. 2. Access sequence Z478 created. When assigning condition table 925 to AS Z478 I checked under fields and sold-to-party is red not green, Why? 3. Condition Type ZD42 was created. 4. Pricing Procedure Z42PRC was created. 5. Customer Pricing Procedure A already exists. 6. Pricing procedure determination. Done 7. I can not find the customer pricing procedure key on the xd02 screen. Can you tell me where it is located? 8. The condition record has been created. 9. Standard Order 13606 was created. However item condition screen does not show condition type ZD42.


Sriram May 26, 2011 at 11:54 pm #

1. Condition table A662 Created 2. Access Sequence Zsm1 Created

3.Condition type Zsm1 created 4.Pricing procedure Zsm1pr Created.



Banu May 26, 2011 at 6:33 pm #

A) Creatd 3 condition tables 890 Customer/ciy code 891 Customer/material 892 Material B) Access Sequence Created ZB12 10 890 20 891 30 892 c) Condition Type Copied from PROO. ZB12 D) Prcing Procedure Copied RVAAUS to a new one ZB1200 E) Created a new sales order ZBGN F) New Customers 60, 61, 62 in 3000 10 00 G) New condition record H) Sales Order 13354 and 13355 created


Banu May 26, 2011 at 3:07 am #

While generating a condition table it prompts me to enter Create Object directory and cannot create a customization request after that even if I choose some random package. It gives me an error.

Appreciate your help.


Banu May 26, 2011 at 6:23 pm #

Figured this one out. Just had to hit local groups


Shivkumar March 17, 2011 at 7:56 am #

1. A929 2. Z029 3. ZD29 4. Z29PRC 5. Created the customer pricing procedure / 6. Done 7. Done 8. Done 9. Standard Order 16144 was created with the condition type ZD29


Roji March 16, 2011 at 11:09 pm #

Sir, anytime I tried to set the pricing procedure the system kept closing on me 1. Condition Table 705 created 2. Access Sequence ZROJ created 3. Condition Type ZDRM created 4. SYSTEM CLOSES EVERYTIME I SELECT PRICING PROCEDURE>>PRICING PROCEDURES 5. Cust Pricing procedure = K 6. Dependent on # 4 7. Dependent on # 4

8. Dependent on # 4 9. Dependent on # 4


Vikas March 16, 2011 at 8:25 pm #

Answers: 1. Condition Table A983 Created 2. Access Sequence ZA93 3. Condition Type ZDA9 4. Pricing Procedure ZA9PRC 5. Created Customer Pricing Procedure B and Created Document Pricing Procedure / 6. Detarmined Pricing procedure: SOrg. 1000, DChl 10, Dv 00, DoPr /, CuPP B, PriPr 7. Changed customer Pricing procedure from D to B 8. Created Condition recrod 9. Standard Order 16139 has been created with Pricing condition ZDA9


shambhavi gupta March 16, 2011 at 3:51 pm #

1. Condition table A688 Created 2. Access Sequence Z123 Created 3.Condition type ZD18 created 4.Pricing procedure Z18PRC Created. 5.Cust Pri Procedure D Copied from A 6.S org 1000, Distr chnl 10, Dv 00, Doc Pri A, Cust Pri D, Pri Pr Z18PRC Created 7.Cust pri proc in sales area Dats changed From 1 to D 8.ZD18 (Fast Entry Screen) 9.Standard Order 16138 created with ZD18 pricing procedure.

siva002 March 16, 2011 at 3:58 pm #

That was pretty fast I should say Cool. I think you are the first SAP SD Training student to

complete this without any questions. Good Job Shambhavi.



yogeuk March 9, 2011 at 1:20 pm #

condition table a932 access z111 condition type zd12 pricing procedure z12prc how to create condition record ?

siva002 March 9, 2011 at 2:01 pm #

Yogesh Use SAP Transaction code VK11 to create condition records. This is based on condition Type. After choosing the condition type, if you have a number of condition tables associated with the corresponding Access Sequence, you would have to choose the correct one to maintain the condition record. In this case ZD12, there is only 1 condition table. However, if you consider the case of PR00, and use VK11 to create condition records, the system will prompt you to choose the right Key Combination. - SAP Customer / Material - SAP Price List Category / Currency / Material - SAP Material

Siva002 March 9, 2011 at 2:08 pm #

Here is how to do Pricing Analysis that we discussed in todays class. Goto Conditions Tab -> Analysis Button in the bottom. This will show you the following. 1. SAP Pricing Procedure 2. Different Condition Types associated with the Pricing procedure.

You can dig down into the Pricing Condition types, and if there are no condition records found for a particular access, the system will say, Condition Record is missing If there are condition records, you need to dig down into the Access, and then you will find the Amount associated with that condition record. Also, you can directly go to the SAP Condition Record from the Analysis screen in the SAP Sales Order by drilling down in the Pricing condition type.


srijyo February 25, 2011 at 6:48 am #

Siva, Can you please check pricing procedure ZSRI01 and condition type ZSRI? I created a sales orders 16022/16023 and these are not picking ZSRI01 procedure. Need help.

siva002 February 25, 2011 at 7:02 am #

Hi Sri 1. SAP Sales order 16022 belongs to the Sales area ( 1000/10/00 ) with a Customer Pricing Procedure of 1 and a Customer Pricing Procedure of A 2. In order for the pricing procedure ZSR101 to be picked up for the sales order, the following combination should be configured during determination 1000 + 10 + 00 + 1 + A = ZSRI01 But for this combination in SAP, the pricing procedure configured is RVAA01 as shown below.


siva002 February 25, 2011 at 7:12 am #

The best way to test this ( and not disturb the standard determination shown above ) is to assign a new SAP document pricing procedure to the custom order type you have configured and another custom customer pricing procedure to the customer in question and do the following 1000 + 10 + 00 + X + Y = ZSRI01 where X is the Document pricing procedure and Y is the customer pricing procedure Trainer SAP Training

siva002 February 25, 2011 at 7:38 am #

Also, here is how you can define your own SAP Document Pricing Procedure and SAP Custom Pricing Procedure

Gautam August 11, 2011 at 7:07 pm #

this pages does not open . If allowed, can you please load the same.

srijyo February 25, 2011 at 2:47 pm #

Thank you Siva! I think I did this assignment but I must have not saved it right. I will try the redo the assignment and test it again.

srijyo February 26, 2011 at 12:46 am #

Siva, I received another error. Condition type ZSRI is not in procedure A V PR0000 Message no. VK045

siva002 February 26, 2011 at 2:20 am #

Can you give the Document Number or the pricing procedure that is missing ZSRI ? Trainer SAP Training

srijyo March 16, 2011 at 2:43 am #

Siva, I received an error message for sales order 16137. When I go to price analysis and double click on ZJAN condition record, I received the following error. Condition type ZJAN is not in procedure A V PR0000 Message no. VK045

siva002 March 16, 2011 at 2:53 am #

Did you get that error when you clicked on the condition record in Pricing analysis ? Actually, I am not sure how to fix it. Its a safe error though. It does not effect pricing. Thats the good news. I will try and figure out the reason for that error message. Trainer SAP Training


Magna Training February 7, 2011 at 6:28 am #

Alfred Sorry about the delay. Here are the steps based on your scenario. 1. Verified the SAP Pricing Condition Table 955. Good to go. 2. Verified the SAP Pricing Condition Type ZPQ1. Good to go. 3. Now, the Access Sequence you created is also good. Now, you need to connect these together. Here are the steps. Step No. 1. Go to the Access Sequence. Step No. 2. Select the Access sequence ZPQ1 and click on Accesses in the left hierarchical navigation. Step No. 3. Click on New Entries button and enter a sequence number and enter the SAP Condition Table 955 you have already created. Step No. 4. Select the SAP Condition table you have just entered and select Fields in the left hierarchical navigation. The system will show you a warning. Ignore it by hitting enter a couple of times. You will be taken to the field mapping. Make sure the fields that are mapped have a Green square against them. That means, SAP was able to map them properly. Finish this step and let me know and I will provide the next steps ( SAP Pricing Procedure Creation/ inclusion of SAP Pricing condition type in the procedure, assignment of the procedure to sales doc type etc ) . Just in case you want to get refreshed on SAP Condition technique , click on the link. It contains all the 7 steps in detail. Tutor SAP SD Training


Alfred Danny February 7, 2011 at 5:58 am #

Hi Siva, We have created a Condition Table #955 (by Choosing Customer & Material), the condition type chosen to copy is (PR00) and named as ZPQ1. Then, we went to access sequence and created new entries and entered ZPQ1(Descriptions Alfred / Sanjay Pricing ) and then saved it. Could you please help us to provide the Work flow process on how to go head for the Access and Fields with examples or guide us to complete the one we created

When I go for the next step to do Access, below is the message I am getting.

1. SAP Pricing Exercises Mar 2011 SAP Training Batch - December 29, 2011 [...] on SAP Pricing for students of our SAP Training March 2011 Batch. This will complement other SAP Pricing Training exercises. As usual, refer back to the condition technique slideshow that has been discussed in the [...]

2. SAP Pricing Exercises Mar 2011 SAP Training Batch | Magna Training Blog | SAP Training | Informatica Training | Cognos Training | Sharepoint Training - March 16,

[...] on SAP Pricing for students of our SAP Training March 2011 Batch. This will complement other SAP Pricing Training exercises. As usual, refer back to the condition technique slideshow that has been discussed in the [...]

3. SAP VOFM Routines SAP Training 2011 Batch | Magna Training Blog | SAP Training | Informatica Training | Cognos Training | Sharepoint Training - March 14,

[...] areas in SAP SD Training like SAP Copy Controls, SAP Pricing Requirements, SAP Data Transfer Routines use ABAP routines configured and coded in VOFM [...]

4. SAP Customer Pricing Procedure Jan 2011 SAP Training batch | Magna Training Blog | SAP Training | Informatica Training | Cognos Training | Sharepoint Training - February 25, 2011
[...] is how you can define a customer pricing procedure in SAP. For exercises on pricing, please visit SAP SD Pricing Exercises. This post augments the students knowledge of SAP Pricing as discussed in the SAP [...]

How to create/change SAP Pricing Condition Tables SAP Training March 2011 Batch

The transaction to create / change SAP Pricing Condition tables is [V/05 ]. The menu path for the same is [spro -> IMG -> Sales & Distribution -> Basic Functions -> Pricing -> Pricing Control -> Define Condition Tables ] . View more SAP Pricing exercises here as part of our standard SAP Training exercises.

Enter the Condition table

After the table opens up, click on the Technical View button on the top.

You will see a technical description of the fields there.

One of our SAP SD Training student Vikas had this question that his fields were not matching in the Access Sequence. In situations like this, you would have to double check the technical field when matching the condition table technical fields to the fields in the document.
o o o o

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7 Responses to How to create/change SAP Pricing Condition Tables SAP Training March 2011 Batch


Raghava April 7, 2012 at 2:42 pm #

Important thing to consider while customizing or creating a condition table is to consider the sequence of the key fields and which fields wants to be appeared in header and item. This affects the performance of the system during pricing and it is always best practice to take an approach of Top to low level hierarchy (say org elements>Header>to item level items eg: Sales org/Distr.Channel/Customer/Material etc)


Anshu January 23, 2012 at 2:02 pm #

If we find out that the Technical Descriprion of the chosen fied in incorect how can we remove from our selection. Is there a another way other than starting over ?


Harsha Halyal November 30, 2011 at 4:48 pm #

How to create a new pricing field which is not there in standard .?

Raghava April 7, 2012 at 2:38 pm #

Goto VOK0>Environment>Condition table>Field catalog> Add new entries or make a copy of existing standard field (as per your business need) and can create your own set of fields (starting with Y or Z).

1. SAP Pricing Exercises Mar 2011 SAP Training Batch - December 29, 2011 [...] How to find out the technical names in the SAP Condition Table Share this: [...]

2. How to create/change SAP Pricing Condition Tables SAP Training | Sap Training Schools - March 17, 2011
[...] See the article here: How to create/change SAP Pricing Condition Tables SAP Training [...]

3. SAP Pricing Exercises Mar 2011 SAP Training Batch | Magna Training Blog | SAP Training | Informatica Training | Cognos Training | Sharepoint Training - March 16,

[...] How to create/change SAP Pricing Condition Tables SAP Training March 2011 Batch March 16, 2011 [...]

SAP Document Pricing Procedure Feb 2011 SAP Training batch


Here is how you can create your own SAP Document pricing procedure. The other post onCustomer Pricing Procedure discusses from a standard spro menu path perspective. You can follow the same.

Or otherwise, you can use the menu path that we discussed in the class [ VOK0] to create your own Document Pricing Procedure. Once again, this post should be used to solve the SAP Training Pricing Exercises. For more SAP SD Trainingexercises, subscribe Magna Trainings RSS Feed. Step 1 : Goto Transaction code [ VOK0] Step 2 : Goto the menu path Pricing Procedure -> Document Pricing Procedure -> Maintain

Create your own entries.

o o o o

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4 Responses to SAP Document Pricing Procedure Feb 2011 SAP Training batch


Tom February 26, 2011 at 2:26 pm #

Does this training exercise apply to previous versions of SAP? Is the SAP interface and functionality alot different in previous releases?

siva002 March 1, 2011 at 4:19 am #

Yes it does apply to most previous versions ( Atleast from 4.6B, 4.7, ECC 5.0 and ECC ) Trainer SAP SD Training

1. SAP Pricing Exercises Mar 2011 SAP Training Batch | Magna Training Blog | SAP Training | Informatica Training | Cognos Training | Sharepoint Training - March 16,

[...] a new SAP Document Pricing Procedure. Its just 1 character, so please ensure you dont tread on other [...]

2. SAP Customer Pricing Procedure Jan 2011 SAP Training batch | Magna Training Blog | SAP Training | Informatica Training | Cognos Training | Sharepoint Training - February 25, 2011
[...] Here is how you can create your own SAP Document Pricing Procedure. [...]

SAP Customer Pricing Procedure Jan 2011 SAP Training batch


Here is how you can define a customer pricing procedure in SAP. For exercises on pricing, please visit SAP SD Pricing Exercises. This post augments the students knowledge of SAP Pricing as discussed in the SAP Training class and does not have any value on its own without attending our SAP SD Training class. Step 1 : Goto [ spro -> IMG -> Sales & Distribution -> Basic Functions -> Pricing -> Price Control -> Define and Assign Pricing Procedure ]

Step 2 : Choose Define Customer Pricing Procedure

Here is how you can create your own SAP Document Pricing Procedure.
o o o o

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Tags: sap customer pricing procedure

1. SAP Pricing Exercises Mar 2011 SAP Training Batch | Magna Training Blog | SAP Training | Informatica Training | Cognos Training | Sharepoint Training - March 16,

[...] a new SAP Customer Pricing Procedure. Once again its just 1 character, so please be [...]

ow to create a new Price list type in SAP ? SAP Training


Price List type is a very important SAP SD Pricing master data. They are freely definable and assigned to the Customer Master. So an SAP Sales Order created for a particular customer will have that price list type available in pricing. Here are the steps used to define them. Use this post to create new price lists types in SAP to solve the SAP SD Pricing Exercises in SAP SD Training. Step No. 1 : Go to [ SPRO -> IMG -> Sales and Distribution -> Basic Functions -> Pricing -> Maintain price relevant master-data fields ]

Step No.2 : Choose Define Price List Categories for Customers and click on Choose

Step No.3 : Click on new entries and create your own price list type.

Please extend your SAP Access if you need to practice on the same after the SAP Trainingclasses are done.

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o o o

1. SAP Pricing Exercises Mar 2011 SAP Training Batch - December 29, 2011 [...] the examples of their price lists. Please understand that these Price lists are different from the SAP Pricelist type field in the SAP Customer [...]

2. SAP Pricing Exercises Mar 2011 SAP Training Batch | Magna Training Blog | SAP Training | Informatica Training | Cognos Training | Sharepoint Training - March 16,

[...] the examples of their price lists. Please understand that these Price lists are different from the SAP Pricelist type field in the SAP Customer [...]

3. How to create new Customer Groups in SAP ? SAP Training | Magna Training Blog | SAP Training | Informatica Training | Cognos Training | Sharepoint Training - February 23, 2011
[...] SAP SD Training, SAP Training create customer group in sap, customer groups, sap customer group How to create a new Price list type in SAP ? SAP Training LikeBe the first to like this [...]

SAP Pricing Exercises Mar 2011 SAP Training Batch


Here are more exercises on SAP Pricing for students of our SAP Training March 2011 Batch. This will complement other SAP Pricing Training exercises. As usual, refer back to the condition technique slideshow that has been discussed in the class to solve this exercise. The menu paths to configure all the pricing elements ( 7 steps ) is available at SAP Pricing Condition Technique Exercise Pricing Master Data Required : The following master data needs to be created to complete this exercise. Please do not proceed further without successfully creating these. You can always refer
o o o

back to the respective links to know more about creating them. Create a SAP Customer master exactly similar to 1400 say 123456 Create a new SAP Document Pricing Procedure. Its just 1 character, so please ensure you dont tread on other students. Create a new SAP Customer Pricing Procedure. Once again its just 1 character, so please be careful. If you are confident you can use an existing pricing procedure, please use it. Other Configuration : Please finish the following configuration as well. Create a new SAP Sales Document type ( as a copy of OR ) say ZYYY

o o o

Create a new SAP item category ( as a copy of TAN ) say ZXXX Make sure the following combination exists . ZYYY + NORM = ZXXX Business Scenario : ABC Computers wants to price its desktop range of products ( material group 00200 ) and has decided on the following Logic. All prices are in USD. Logic : First pricing should be checked for Customer-Material Combination. If such a price is not found, then look for material group specific price for the material ( ie. if the material is found under a certain material group, then select that price list ). If such a price is also not found, then default to the Base Price List. Find below the examples of their price lists. Please understand that these Price lists are different from the SAP Pricelist type field in the SAP Customer Master. Base Price List Material M-01 M-02 M-03 M-04 Customer Specific Price List Material M-01 M-02 M-03 M-04 Customer ( sold-to ) 1400 1400 1400 1400 Price 90 100 110 120 Price 100 120 130 140

SAP Material Group Specific Price List Material M-01 M-02 M-03 M-04 Material Group 00103 00207 00200 00200 Price 95 85 80 130

Question 1 : Configure an SAP Pricing Condition type and corresponding SAP Access Sequence and associate it to the SAP Pricing Condition tables that can cater to the scenario above and provide the following 1. The SAP Pricing Condition type you have configured 2. The SAP Access Sequence you have configured 3. The SAP Pricing Condition tables you have configured Question 2 : Configure a new SAP Pricing Procedure and include the configuration you have done on Q.1 above 1. Provide the SAP Pricing Procedure you have created

Question 3 : Configure the SAP Pricing Procedure Determination so that for Customer 123456, when a sales order of type ZYYY is created, the pricing procedure will be determined. List the configuration to do the same below. Question 4 : Create an SAP Sales Order and ensure that the pricing procedure has been determined 1. Give the SAP Sales Order Number 2. How did you determine in the transaction that the pricing procedure you have configured is being used in the transaction ? Addendum : How to find out the technical names in the SAP Condition Table
o o o o

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Tags: condition technique, customer pricing procedure, document pricing procedure,pricelist type, pricing procedure determination, sap pricing, sap pricing condition technique

41 Responses to SAP Pricing Exercises Mar 2011 SAP Training Batch


Raghava April 6, 2012 at 4:11 am #

Hi Siva, Does changing a condition table for which a price determination is already done and a sales order is created but not yet invoiced. Will affect the pricing determination in this case when the condition table is modified? Regards, Raghava


Raghava April 6, 2012 at 12:06 am #

Existing customer pricing procedure A is used and created a new doc pricing procedure (symbol single quote) Created a SAP Customer Master exactly similar to 1400 -> 126 and has cust.pp A

Created a new document type ZBCO copy of OR and has doc.pric.proc Created a new Item category ZBCO copy of TAN and assigned item category for ZBCO doc type + Item cat group NORM. Created condition tables for Basic Material pricing list, Customer/Material pricing list, Material/Material group 937 Condition table Material 938 Condition table Material/Customer 943 Condition table Material/Material group ZBPL Access sequence created with all above condition tables ZBPL Condition type (copy of PR00) created and assigned the above sequence ZBPL01 Pricing procedure for the condition type ZBPL A cust.pp , doc.pp are used Determined pricing procedure for sales area 1000/10/00, A (cpp), (dpp) with ZBPL01 and condition type ZBPL Saved condition records for mat/material group (0207) m-01 material a price of 20.00 eur Now created an order 14186 for material m-01. Pricing 20.00 eur of mat/mat group combination which has item cat ZBCO and pricing condition type ZBPL is determined, since there are no mat or cust/mat pricing records. From analysis of condition records, we can determine what the pricing procedure has been determined. Again created a condition record for Cust/Material combination for condition type ZBPL of price per unit 33.00 eur Now created 14187 another order for m-01, since the sequence of cust/mat has precedence over a mat/mat group, cust/mat pricing is determined.


Murali February 9, 2012 at 6:40 am #

Question 1 : Configure an SAP Pricing Condition type and corresponding SAP Access Sequence and associate it to the SAP Pricing Condition tables that can cater to the scenario above and provide the following The SAP Pricing Condition type you have configured ZMK2 The SAP Access Sequence you have configured ZMKP The SAP Pricing Condition tables you have configured 947,960,959

Question 2 : Configure a new SAP Pricing Procedure and include the configuration you have done on Q.1 above Provide the SAP Pricing Procedure you have created ZMKPR2 Question 3 : Configure the SAP Pricing Procedure Determination so that for Customer 62, when a sales order of type ZPR1 is created, the pricing procedure will be determined. List the configuration to do the same below. Question 4 : Create an SAP Sales Order and ensure that the pricing procedure has been determined Give the SAP Sales Order Number 13905 The pricing procedure is determined.


Murali February 9, 2012 at 4:34 am #

Siva, I am doing something wrong here. I created the condition tables 947 (using the existing ones), 959 and 960. Now I have created an access key ZMKP and assigned the tables to this. When I tried to see the assigned fields it says that the field assignment is not made. Can you help me where I went wrong. Appreciate your help. Murali

Murali February 9, 2012 at 4:44 am #

I think it was a warning and I pressed enter and it took care of itself. Please correct me if I have done anything wrong.

siva February 9, 2012 at 6:09 am #

You have absolutely done the right thing. I hope you remember from the class that Access Sequence in Pricing is a 2 step hierarchical structure In the second step when the field assignment is made initially, you get the warning, You just have to press enter to ignore it. You will not get it again once the assignments are done.



Mital Shah December 30, 2011 at 11:38 pm #

Hi Siva, Pricing Master Data Required: The following master data needs to be created completing this exercise. Please do not proceed further without successfully creating these. You can always refer back to the respective links to know more about creating them. Create a SAP Customer master exactly similar to 1400 say 123456 Create a new SAP Document Pricing Procedure. Its just 1 character, so please ensure you dont tread on other students. Create a new SAP Customer Pricing Procedure. Once again its just 1 character, so please be careful. If you are confident you can use an existing pricing procedure, please use it. Answer: Go to XD01 and created new customer 9904 (As a Copy of 1400) 1000/10/00, company code -1000 customers. Account group: 0001 Go to VOK0 and created Document pricing procedure:@ and customer pricing procedure: N Other Configuration: Please finish the following configuration as well. Create a new SAP Sales Document type (As a Copy of OR ) say ZYYY Create a new SAP item category ( as a copy of TAN ) say ZXXX Make sure the following combination exists . ZYYY + NORM = ZXXX Answer: Go to VOV8 and created new sales Document type ZYMR (As a Copy of OR) Go to VOV7 and created new item category ZXM (As a Copy of TAN) Go to SPRO-IMG-Sales and Distribution-Sales-Sales Documents-Sales Document item-Assign Item Category- ZYMR+NORM=ZXM Business Scenario : ABC Computers wants to price its desktop range of products ( material group 00200 ) and has decided on the following Logic. All prices are in USD. Logic : First pricing should be checked for Customer-Material Combination. If such a price is not found, then look for material group specific price for the material ( ie. if the material is found under a certain material group, then select that price list ). If such a price is also not found, then default to the Base Price List. Find below the examples of their price lists. Please understand that these Price lists are different from the SAP Pricelist type field in the SAP Customer Master. Base Price List Material Price M-01 100 M-02 120

M-03 130 M-04 140 Customer Specific Price List Material Customer ( sold-to ) Price M-01 1400 90 M-02 1400 100 M-03 1400 110 M-04 1400 120 SAP Material Group Specific Price List Material Material Group Price M-01 00103 95 M-02 00207 85 M-03 00200 80 M-04 00200 130 Question 1 : Configure an SAP Pricing Condition type and corresponding SAP Access Sequence and associate it to the SAP Pricing Condition tables that can cater to the scenario above and provide the following 1. The SAP Pricing Condition type you have configured Answer: Go to VOK0 and under condition type created new condition type: Z949 (As a Copy of PROO) and assign Access sequence Z949 to it. 2. The SAP Access Sequence you have configured Answer: Go to VOK0 and under condition type created new Access sequence: Z949 and assign three condition tables as follow A949, A953 and A954 3. The SAP Pricing Condition tables you have configured Answer: Go to VOK0 and under environment and condition table- created new condition table: A949 (Customer/Material), A953 (Material/Material Group) and A954 (Material) Question 2 : Configure a new SAP Pricing Procedure and include the configuration you have done on Q.1 above 1. Provide the SAP Pricing Procedure you have created Answer: GO to VOK0 and under pricing procedure created new pricing procedure Z94901and configure condition typeZ949 in control section under procedure section. Also under pricing procedure go to pricing determination and configure 1000/10/00 (sales org., dist. Chan and division), Document pricing procedure:@, customer pricing procedure: N, pricing procedure Z94901 and condition type Z949. Question 3 : Configure the SAP Pricing Procedure Determination so that for Customer 123456, when a sales order of type ZYYY is created, the pricing procedure will be determined. List the configuration to do the same below. Answer: Go to XD02 and modify customer 9904 go to sales area data and under sales tab

assign customer pricing procedure N Go to VOV8 and modify document type ZYMR Assign document pricing procedure @. Question 4 : Create an SAP Sales Order and ensure that the pricing procedure has been determined 1. Give the SAP Sales Order Number Answer: Sales order: 13404 2. How did you determine in the transaction that the pricing procedure you have configured is being used in the transaction? Answer: Go to Line item level condition tab you can see condition type Z949 and if you want to analysis than click on analysis button. And it will take you to condition analysis screen and you can find pricing procedure Z94901 with other details information like which condition table use for pricing etc. Thank, Mital


Mital Shah December 29, 2011 at 1:49 am #

Hi Siva, The following link is not working, can you please fix it. How to find out the technical names in the SAP Condition Table http://blog.magnatraining.com/2011/03/16/how-to-createchange-sap-pricing-condition-tables-saptraining-march-2011-batch/ Thanks, Mital

magnatrain December 29, 2011 at 5:41 am #

done. Thanks for the corrections Mital.


Nas November 30, 2011 at 5:27 pm #

In relation to 25131, I tried group condition and changing scale basis values in CT and other value combinations. Please advise.


Nas November 30, 2011 at 4:52 pm #

Siva, Can you please check the pricing for sales order (OR) 25131 and for M-04 there is scale based price for PR00 as follows 01 200 10 180 20 160 100 -150. I wanted to achieve for order quanity 100 to pickup the price 150, but insteas it is bring PR00 4 Times in the condition view of item pricing. Where it is going wrong siva?


shah November 30, 2011 at 5:08 am #

Hi Siva, When I Input stocks in the plant, I get the following error: Account determination for entry INT GBB ____ BSA 7920 not possible: Plz help me out.details are: Plant: 9090 Storage location: 9090 Materials: HN-01, HN-02, HN-03 & HN-04 Your help is appreciated!


Ravi November 17, 2011 at 10:07 pm #


Can you take a look at cust 25002 and try changing the CPP to ? ( Ravi CPP). It shows up possible list of values and but when I select it, the field is still empty and keeps prompting me to fill in the Pricing Procedure field. I am not able to save the Customer Master with the new PP. Thanks, Ravi

siva November 18, 2011 at 6:32 am #

Looks like ? is a reserved character. I just saw it in the error message. Try to use another character.


Nas November 12, 2011 at 1:40 am #

Have redone again for ZSIG01 procedure without discount or freight. Havent tried limit of manual price setting. Create a SAP Customer master exactly similar to 1400 say 123456 o Ans: 1505 Created o Create a new SAP Document Pricing Procedure o Ans: N Created and assigned to ZSIG o Create a new SAP Customer Pricing Procedure. o Ans: N Created and Assigned to 1505 If you are confident you can use an existing pricing procedure, please use it. Other Configuration : Please finish the following configuration as well. o Create a new SAP Sales Document type ( as a copy of OR ) say ZYYY o Ans: ZSIG Created o Create a new SAP item category ( as a copy of TAN ) say ZXXX o Ans: ZSIG o Make sure the following combination exists . o ZSIG + NORM = ZSIG + Manual ones.. o Business Scenario : ABC Computers wants to price its desktop range of products ( material group

00200 ) and has decided on the following Logic. All prices are in USD. Logic : First pricing should be checked for Customer-Material Combination. If such a price is not found, then look for material group specific price for the material ( ie. if the material is found under a certain material group, then select that price list ). If such a price is also not found, then default to the Base Price List. Find below the examples of their price lists. Please understand that these Price lists are different from the SAP Pricelist type field in the SAP Customer Master. Base Price List Material Price M-01 100 M-02 120 M-03 130 M-04 140 Customer Specific Price List Material Customer ( sold-to ) Price M-01 1400 90 M-02 1400 100 M-03 1400 110 M-04 1400 120 SAP Material Group Specific Price List Material Material Group Price M-01 00103 95 M-02 00207 85 M-03 00200 80 M-04 00200 130 Question 1 : Configure an SAP Pricing Condition type and corresponding SAP Access Sequence and associate it to the SAP Pricing Condition tables that can cater to the scenario above and provide the following The SAP Pricing Condition type you have configured Ans: ZSIG The SAP Access Sequence you have configured Ans: ZSIG 10 835 Customer/Material 20 939 Material/Matl Group 30 938 Material The SAP Pricing Condition tables you have configured Ans: 835 Customer/Material

939 Material/Matl Group 938 Material See Above Question 2 : Configure a new SAP Pricing Procedure and include the configuration you have done on Q.1 above Ans: Pricing Procedure ZSIG01 Created from RVAA01. Question 3 : Configure the SAP Pricing Procedure Determination so that for Customer 123456, when a sales order of type ZSIG is created, the pricing procedure will be determined. List the configuration to do the same below. Ans: 1000 + 10 + 00 + N + N = ZSIG01 Determined. Question 4 : Create an SAP Sales Order and ensure that the pricing procedure has been determined 3. Sales Order 25042 Created. 4. How did you determine in the transaction that the pricing procedure you have configured is being used in the transaction ? I created condition records for M-02, M-03 and M-04 in a way that in case on M- 02 it fails in Sequence 10, 20 but picks 30, in case of M-03, fails in sequence 10, but gets at 20 and in case of M04 gets the pricing record at sequence 10. I checked the item level condition records and the analyzed for confirmation. It all works perfect.


Nas November 11, 2011 at 10:16 pm #

Create a SAP Customer master exactly similar to 1400 say 123456 ANSWER: Customer 000001503 is created. Create a new SAP Document Pricing Procedure. Its just 1 character, so please ensure you dont tread on other students. ANSWER : New Document Pricing Procedure is created Create a new SAP Customer Pricing Procedure. Once again its just 1 character, so please be careful. ANSWER : New Customer Pricing Procedure is created Create a new SAP Sales Document type ( as a copy of OR ) say ZYYY ANSWER : ZEVI is created Create a new SAP item category ( as a copy of TAN ) say ZXXX ANSWER : ZEVI is created = ZEVI + NORM Question 1 : Configure an SAP Pricing Condition type and corresponding SAP Access Sequence and associate it to the SAP Pricing Condition tables that can cater to the scenario above and provide the following

A.The SAP Pricing Condition type you have configured ANSWER: Condition type ZEVI is created B.The SAP Access Sequence you have configured ANSWER: Access Sequence ZEVI is created C.The SAP Pricing Condition tables you have configured ANSWER: These pricing tables are Created A835, A836 and A737 Question 2 : Configure a new SAP Pricing Procedure and include the configuration you have done on Q.1 above A.Provide the SAP Pricing Procedure you have created ANSWER 2: New Pricing Procedure ZEVI01 is created Question 3 : Configure the SAP Pricing Procedure Determination so that for Customer 123456, when a sales order of type ZYYY is created, the pricing procedure will be determined. List the configuration to do the same below. ANSWER 3: Sales Org = 1000 Dist. Channel = 10 Division = 00 Doc.Pric.proc = Cust. pric.proc = Pricing Procedure = ZEVI01 Condition Type = ZEVI Question 4 : Create an SAP Sales Order and ensure that the pricing procedure has been determined A.Give the SAP Sales Order Number ANSWER A: Order # 25039 B. How did you determine in the transaction that the pricing procedure you have configured is being used in the transaction ? ANSWER B: Pricing Procedure Zahid4 was given the Condition type ZEVI that was assigned the condition table(material/customer) which is picked up by the order type ZEVI.


Jitesh September 14, 2011 at 10:42 pm #





Zahid Abbas September 11, 2011 at 4:18 am #

Create a SAP Customer master exactly similar to 1400 say 123456 ANSWER: Customer 20205 is created by copying 1400 Create a new SAP Document Pricing Procedure. Its just 1 character, so please ensure you dont tread on other students. ANSWER : New Document Pricing Procedure # is created Create a new SAP Customer Pricing Procedure. Once again its just 1 character, so please be careful. ANSWER : New Customer Pricing Procedure # is created Create a new SAP Sales Document type ( as a copy of OR ) say ZYYY ANSWER : YAAR is created Create a new SAP item category ( as a copy of TAN ) say ZXXX ANSWER : ZAYO is created = YAAR + NORM Question 1 : Configure an SAP Pricing Condition type and corresponding SAP Access Sequence and associate it to the SAP Pricing Condition tables that can cater to the scenario above and provide the following A.The SAP Pricing Condition type you have configured ANSWER: Condition type PROV is created B.The SAP Access Sequence you have configured ANSWER: Access Sequence Z514 is created C.The SAP Pricing Condition tables you have configured ANSWER: These pricing tables are Created A531,A532 and A533 Question 2 : Configure a new SAP Pricing Procedure and include the configuration you have done on Q.1 above

A.Provide the SAP Pricing Procedure you have created ANSWER 2: New Pricing Procedure Zahid4 is created Question 3 : Configure the SAP Pricing Procedure Determination so that for Customer 123456, when a sales order of type ZYYY is created, the pricing procedure will be determined. List the configuration to do the same below. ANSWER 3: Sales Org = 3000 Dist. Channel = 10 Division = 00 doc.Pric.proc = # Cust. pric.proc = # Pricing Procedure = Zahid4 Condition Type = PROV Question 4 : Create an SAP Sales Order and ensure that the pricing procedure has been determined A.Give the SAP Sales Order Number ANSWER A: Order # 14424 B.How did you determine in the transaction that the pricing procedure you have configured is being used in the transaction ? ANSWER B: Pricing Procedure Zahid4 was given the Condition type PROV that was assigned the condition table(material/customer) which is picked up by the order type YAAR.


Zahid Abbas September 10, 2011 at 5:40 am #

Siva Sir, My order # 14418 is picking up my pricing condition YAAZ but it is giving me the error message as follows Pricing Error: Mandatory Condition MWST is missing.

I have gone back to my Pricing Procedure and have seen MWST under the controlsbut I have not been able to figure it out. I know that MWST is about out put tax. Plz help me whenever u can. Thanks


Zahid Abbas September 10, 2011 at 5:38 am #

Siva Sir, My order # 14418 is picking up my pricing condition YAAZ but it is giving me the error message as follows Pricing Error: Mandatory Condition MWST is missing. I have gone back to my Pricing Procedure and have seen MWST under the controlsbut I have not been able to figure it out. I know that MWST is about out put tax. Plz help me whenever u can. Thanks


Zahid Abbas September 10, 2011 at 5:33 am #

Create a SAP Customer master exactly similar to 1400. ANSWER : Customer 12125 Create a new SAP Document Pricing Procedure. Its just 1 character, so please ensure you dont tread on other students. ANSWER : Customer Pricing procedure $ is Created. Create a new SAP Customer Pricing Procedure. Once again its just 1 character, so please be careful. ANSWER : Customer Pricing procedure T is Created. Other Configuration : Please finish the following configuration as well. Create a new SAP Sales Document type ( as a copy of OR ) say ZYYY. ANSWER : New Document Type ZAWA is Created.

Create a new SAP item category ( as a copy of TAN ) say ZXXX. ANSWER : New Item category ZOOO is created. Make sure the following combination exists . ZYYY + NORM = ZXXX Question 1 : Configure an SAP Pricing Condition type and corresponding SAP Access Sequence and associate it to the SAP Pricing Condition tables that can cater to the scenario above and provide the following A.The SAP Pricing Condition type you have configured ANSWER A: Pricing Condition Type YAAZ is created. B.The SAP Access Sequence you have configured ANSWER B: Access Sequence ZORE is created C.The SAP Pricing Condition tables you have configured ANSWER C: Condition Tables A541, A542 and A543 are created. Question 2 : Configure a new SAP Pricing Procedure and include the configuration you have done on Q.1 above A.Provide the SAP Pricing Procedure you have created ANSWER Q2: Pricing Procedure Zahid3 is created. Question 3 : Configure the SAP Pricing Procedure Determination so that for Customer 123456, when a sales order of type ZYYY is created, the pricing procedure will be determined. List the configuration to do the same below. ANSWER Q3: Zahid3 is created. Question 4 : Create an SAP Sales Order and ensure that the pricing procedure has been determined A.Give the SAP Sales Order Number ANSWER A: Order # 14418 B.How did you determine in the transaction that the pricing procedure you have configured is being used in the transaction ? ANSWER B: Go to the header of the order and click on to the sales tab there u can see pricing procedure ZAHID3.


Gautam September 8, 2011 at 4:14 am #

Customer No-67754 and 98768 Sales doc type ZDPR SAP item category ZGP2 Condition tableA875 SALES AREA + CUSTOMER + MATERIAL A876 SALES AREA + MATERIAL GROUP + MATERIAL A877 SALES AREA + CUSTOMER + MATERIAL ACCESS SEQUENCE-ZGD2 as per following 10 A875 SALES AREA + CUSTOMER + MATERIAL 20 A876 SALES AREA + MATERIAL GROUP + MATERIAL 30 A877 SALES AREA + CUSTOMER + MATERIAL COND TYPEZD82 PRICING PROCEDURE ZGPRC ZGPRC IS ASSIGNED TO 1000+10+00+A+A 14370/ZDPR is created for the customer 67754it is talking the correct price as per the customer 14378/ZDPR is created for the customer 98768 it is taking the price from mat group/material and base price. M-01=======price from base price as the mat group was different M-02=======price from mat group/material as the material group for the material was as per the set u;p By going to the Analysis tab, one could see the pricing procedure being picked up.


Sahil July 24, 2011 at 4:09 am #


Create a SAP Customer master exactly similar to 1400 say 123456 Answer: 55667 Create a new SAP Document Pricing Procedure. Its just 1 character, so please ensure you dont tread on other students. Answer: 3 wp pricing Create a new SAP Customer Pricing Procedure. Once again its just 1 character, so please be careful. Answer: 3 store customer If you are confident you can use an existing pricing procedure, please use it. Other Configuration : Please finish the following configuration as well. Create a new SAP Sales Document type ( as a copy of OR ) say ZYYY Answer: Sale Doc Type ZSM1 Create a new SAP item category ( as a copy of TAN ) say ZXXX Answer: Item category YSM1 Make sure the following combination exists, ZYYY + NORM = ZXXX Answer: ZSM1 + NORM = YSM1 Condition Technique 1. Condition Table Tcode: V/03 776-condition table ABC computers sales area, material 777-condition table ABC computers salea area, customer, material 778-condition table ABC computers salea area, material, material group 2. Access Sequence Tcode: V/07 Answer Acces Sequence = ZABC 3. Condition Type Tcode V/06 Answer: ZABP 4. Pricing Procedure Tcode V/08 Answer: ZABCCP pricing procedure assign the condition type ZABP 5. Assign procing procedure to sales document type Tcode OVKK Answer sales Area + Doc PP + Customer PP = Pricing Procedure 1000-10-00 + 3 + 3 = ZABCCP

6. Condition Condition This job is preformed by the end user Tcode VK11 Answer Condition type zABPMaterial Material M-01-100 M-02-120 M-03-130 M-04-140 Creating a sales order using ZSM1 Customer 55667 sales Order 13338 Customer Specfic Price List Answer Condition type ZABPMaterial / Customer Material Customer M-01-5566790 M-02-55667100 M-03-55667110 M-04-55667120 Creating a sales order using ZSM1 Customer 55667 sales Order 13339 Question 1 : Configure an SAP Pricing Condition type and corresponding SAP Access Sequence and associate it to the SAP Pricing Condition tables that can cater to the scenario above and provide the following A.The SAP Pricing Condition type you have configured Answer: ZABP B.The SAP Access Sequence you have configured Answer: ZABC C.The SAP Pricing Condition tables you have configured Answer: 776 777 778 Question 2 : Configure a new SAP Pricing Procedure and include the configuration you have done on Q.1 above A.Provide the SAP Pricing Procedure you have created Answer: ZABCCP Pricing Procedure

Question 3 : Configure the SAP Pricing Procedure Determination so that for Customer 123456, when a sales order of type ZYYY is created, the pricing procedure will be determined. List the configuration to do the same below. Answer: Sale Area + Doc PP + Customer PP = Pricing Procedure 100010-00 + 3 + 3 = ZABCCP, where sales order ZSM1 and custoemr 55667 Question 4 : Create an SAP Sales Order and ensure that the pricing procedure has been determined A.Give the SAP Sales Order Number Answer: 13338 and 13339 B.How did you determine in the transaction that the pricing procedure you have configured is being used in the transaction Answer: Go to the Condition view and click Analysis (Price Log) Question 5 : How to find out the technical names in the SAP Condition Table Answer : In the create condition table field overview screen on the menu path there Technical View option which gives you technical names


karthik July 22, 2011 at 9:04 pm #

created order no 14409 and 14410 but could not get the prices .Pl look into it and tell me where i am wrong


karthik July 22, 2011 at 7:28 pm #

customer 78787 created sales doc type zkor created Item category zkan created doc pricing proce + customer pricing proc 7 tables 751(material),752(material+customer) and 753 (material+material group) created access table z751 created condition type z751 created

siva July 23, 2011 at 12:46 am #

zkka01- pricing procedure


Arjun July 22, 2011 at 4:44 pm #

cust 30006 doc p.pro 7 cust p.pro- 7 s.doc.typ ZORD Item cat ZTN6 tables 979 (cus+mat), 981 (mat+ mat grp), 982 (mat) acc seq Z979 con typ Z979 p.proc Z979PR and then updated C.typ PR00 to Z979 P. proc determination added. Cond records -using VK11 for cus+mat, mat+ mat grp, mat S.order 14404 cust 30006, priced picked correctly from (cust+mat) S.O 14405 create for differnt cust 30003, pricing was pulled from correct condition recards( mat table) S.O 14406 created for differnt cust 30003, m-02 ( mat grp00207),price picked form condition recards (mat+mat grp table.)


Raj July 19, 2011 at 7:47 pm #

Scenario 1 : The SAP Pricing Condition type you have configured Ans:Z928 The SAP Access Sequence you have configured

Ans:Z928 The SAP Pricing Condition tables you have configured Ans:928,929,931 Scenario 2 : Configure a new SAP Pricing Procedure and include the configuration you have done on Q.1 above.Provide the SAP Pricing Procedure you have created Ans: Z928PR Scenario 3 : Configure the SAP Pricing Procedure Determination so that for Customer 123456, when a sales order of type ZYYY is created, the pricing procedure will be determined. List the configuration to do the same below. Ans: Pricing Procedure is assigned to Sales area plus Cust. Pric. Proc. plus Doc. Pric. Proc. Scenario 4 : Create an SAP Sales Order and ensure that the pricing procedure has been determined Give the SAP Sales Order Number Ans:Standard Order 14355 has been saved How did you determine in the transaction that the pricing procedure you have configured is being used in the transaction ? Ans: Double click on item and check conditions tab. Addendum : How to find out the technical names in the SAP Condition Table Ans: By clicking the technical view


Banu May 27, 2011 at 7:43 pm #

1) Created 3 condition tables : Material 766 Customer/Material 767 Material Group 768 2) Created two access sequences ZB13 Has only Material (766)

ZB14 Has both 767 (marked as exclusive) and 768 3) Created two condition types ZB13 Copied from PROO. No alterations. Access sequence set to ZB13 ZB14 Copied from PROO. Changed condition class to Discount and Calculation type to Fixed Value Also changed the Plus/Minus to Negative. Access Sequence set to ZB14 4) Defined a pricing procedure ZBGN00 copied from RVAA01. Listed three entries 2 ZB13 4 ZB14 5 Just a total from 2 to 4 5) Created a new Doc and Cust. pricing procedure (&). Also created a new Document ZGPN from OR 6) Created 2 new customers 63 and 64 7) Assigned pricing procedure 1000,10,00 + & + & = ZBGN00 Since M-01 thru M-04 are under the same material group 00207, created a new material X-01 copying from M-01. Assigned X-01 under a different material group 00200 9) Condition record For ZB13 M-01 thru M-04 ( 100, 120, 130, 140) and X-01 (230) For ZB14 Customer/Material, 63/M-01 thru M-04 ( 10, 20, 20, 20), X-01 (19) Material Group, 00207 (13) 10) Created 4 sales orders 13357 With customer 63, material M-01 thru M-04 13358 With customer 64, material M-01 and M-02 13359 With Customer 63, material X-01 13360 With Customer 64, material X-01

Banu May 27, 2011 at 7:46 pm #

By the way I didnt create that icon with coolers. It must have got transferred from my word document. If at ll I had to put some icon it should ve been a head with no hair.

siva May 28, 2011 at 1:05 am #

no worries. makes the site look cool as well

thanks for that


Vikas March 19, 2011 at 8:27 pm #

Answers: Create a SAP Customer master exactly similar to 1400: Created 99991 (1000/10/00) Create a new SAP Document Pricing Procedure. Its just 1 character: Created Create a new SAP Customer Pricing Procedure. Its just 1 character: Created ^ Other Configuration : Create a new SAP Sales Document type ( as a copy of OR ) Created ZORV Create a new SAP item category ( as a copy of TAN ) Created ZTAV ZORV + NORM = ZTAV Condition tables created: 606/ 607/ 608 Access Sequence created ZA67 Condition Type: PR66 Question 1 : Configure an SAP Pricing Condition type and corresponding SAP Access Sequence and associate it to the SAP Pricing Condition tables that can cater to the scenario above and provide the following: Ans: The SAP Pricing Condition type you have configured: PR66 The SAP Access Sequence you have configured: ZA67 The SAP Pricing Condition tables you have configured: 606 (Customer Specific), 607 (Material Group Specific), 608 (Material/ Base Price)

Question 2 : Configure a new SAP Pricing Procedure and include the configuration you have done on Q.1 above. Provide the SAP Pricing Procedure you have created: Ans: RVAA66 Question 3 : Configure the SAP Pricing Procedure Determination so that for Customer 123456, when a sales order of type ZYYY is created, the pricing procedure will be determined. List the configuration to do the same below. Ans: Configured Customer Pricing Procedure for customer 99991 to ^ (Done via transaction XD02) Pricing procedure Determination: SOrg 1000/ DChl 10/ Dv 00/ DoPr / CuPP ^/ PriPr RVAA66/ CTyp PR66 Question 4 : Create an SAP Sales Order and ensure that the pricing procedure has been determined Give the SAP Sales Order Number How did you determine in the transaction that the pricing procedure you have configured is being used in the transaction ? Ans: Created order 16159, click item condition by selecting the desired line item. Condition type PR66 appears to be correct with correct pricing.


Roji March 19, 2011 at 3:37 pm #

Configuration: Customer Master 4040 Doc Pricing Proced $ Cust Pricing Proced & Sales Doc RMOR Item Cat RMIC RMOR + NORM = RMIC Done QUESTION 1: 1. Pricing Condition Type ZAPR 2. Access Sequence ZROJ 3. Pricing Condition Tables: 879 Cust/Material 894 Material/Mat Grp 895 Material

QUESTION 2: 1. Pricing Procedure ZAPRIL QUESTION 3: OVKK > 1000 > 10 > 00 > $ > & > ZAPRIL > ZAPR QUESTION 4: 1. Order# 16158 2. VA03 > Highlight line item > Select Item Conditions > my condition type ZAPR appears with the correct pricing I provided via VK11


Vikas March 18, 2011 at 1:26 pm #

Sir, I have completed all the steps mentioned in the Pricing Exercise. But when I am creating Standard Order, its not reflecting pricing for any of the line items. Please see it once. Attached is the excel sheet with customization details. I tried to do the analysis but I was not able to understand the problem. Please help me with that. http://blog.magnatraining.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/prcing-exrecise-2.xls Regards Vikas


Shiv March 17, 2011 at 11:58 am #

Hi Siva I am having problems with the below exercise I have completed the entire process but the pricing for Line item 10 is incorrect and for line items 20, 30 and 40 are not reflected. An excel document with all the customisations done by me is attached for your perusal. Can you please check and inform me. Regards

Shiv http://blog.magnatraining.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/prcing-exrecise1.xls

siva002 March 17, 2011 at 12:21 pm #

Hi Yogesh I checked out the plant ZAUT. It was not available. As you can see below, there is no ZAUT Plant defined. Hence the error.

Can you email me the screenshot of the error that you get when you create the material master ? Trainer SAP Training

siva March 17, 2011 at 1:22 pm #

Hi Shiv There is an issue with field level mapping in the Access Sequence. As you can see from the picture below ( SAP Pricing Analysis at the line item level of the sap sales order you mentioned ), fields for the Access sequence are missing. http://blog.magnatraining.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/moz-screenshot-26.png I checked out the Access Sequence and found out that there were 2 problems in it. http://blog.magnatraining.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/moz-screenshot-27.png

1. The flag Exclusive is not checked. We have discussed the importance of it. 2. The fields have not been mapped. The tables 770,771 should all be grayed out if they would have been mapped. You would have seen me doing this as part of the demo in the class. All you have to do is select the condition table row and double-click on Fields in the left. You will get a warning message like so but you can ignore it. http://blog.magnatraining.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/moz-screenshot-29.png I did not save it so go ahead and play with it and do the changes as specified. Please comment if you have questions. Also, going forward, please use the forum to post your questions. If there is a file to be attached , you can send me the same. Good luck with the exercise.


srijyo March 17, 2011 at 4:29 am #

Question 1 : Configure an SAP Pricing Condition type and corresponding SAP Access Sequence and associate it to the SAP Pricing Condition tables that can cater to the scenario above and provide the following 1. The SAP Pricing Condition type you have configured ANS:- ZSR5 2. The SAP Access Sequence you have configured ANS:- ZSR5 3. The SAP Pricing Condition tables you have configured ANS:692- Customer/material 693- material/material group 691- material Question 2 : Configure a new SAP Pricing Procedure and include the configuration you have done on Q.1 above 1. Provide the SAP Pricing Procedure you have created ANS:- ZSRI05 Question 3 : Configure the SAP Pricing Procedure Determination so that for Customer 123456, when a sales order of type ZYYY is created, the pricing procedure will be determined. List the configuration to do the same below. ANS:By assigning the following

100/10/00+~+S= ZSRI05 (Sales area+ DCUPP+CuPP = customer pricing procedure) and also the condition records for condition tables (692- Customer/material, 693- material/material group,691- material) are maintained via vk11. Question 4 : Create an SAP Sales Order and ensure that the pricing procedure has been determined 1. Give the SAP Sales Order Number Ans:- Sales order # 16141 2. How did you determine in the transaction that the pricing procedure you have configured is being used in the transaction ? ANS:- As per the pricing analysis the pricing procedure ZSRI05 is determined and price assigned to condition record (customer/material) was selected which was assigned to condition type ZSR5.

siva002 March 17, 2011 at 9:56 am #

Perfect Answers Sri. Good job !


Vikas March 16, 2011 at 10:31 am #

Sir, While doing Pricing Condition Technique Practice Questions, I created condition table 983. Now I am trying to create access sequence ZA93, its showing red button beside sold-to-party field saying as Select a document field for KUNAG Please see the attached screenshot and help me with that Regards, Vikas

siva002 March 16, 2011 at 10:41 am #

Check the Addendum in the blog that contains a link How to find out the technical names in the SAP Condition Table The fields you have chosen are wrong. Instead of KUNAG, choose KUNNR_V or KUNNR if you are looking for sold-to.

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