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The real meaning of Fornication By Robin Harris Spiritual Teacher of Progressive Truths

Let me be clear on the reason for writing this: I am not submitting this to promote promiscuity or immorality. I am writing this however to liberate and remove shame, fear, and guilt. Again, this article in no way sanctions illicit behavior. So, what am I talking about? I want to brielfy discuss the true meaning of fornication by looking at its origin and the etymology of the word FORNICATION. For too long many have lived in humiliation because ministers, etc. have taught that premarital sex is sin against God. Lets look at the origin and original connotation: The word derives from Latin, fornix meaning "arch", supposedly as a euphemism for "brothel" fancying with prostitutes. In architecture, the term refers to vault; this usage, by way of prostitutes in Rome who supposedly "frequented the vaulted arcades surrounding the Coliseum. Also, the Greek word for fornication is porneia, which means harlotry---sex with prostitutes/prostitution (including adultery and incest) The term also referred to a vaulted cellar or similar place where prostitutes plied their trade. This sense of fornix in Late Latin yielded the verb fornic r , "to commit fornication," from which is derived fornic ti , "whoredom, fornication." To engage in activities with prostitutes. Therefore, quick and to the point, premarital sex and fornication is not the same thing. The original meaning of the word was dealing with sex with prostitutes. Moreover, the behavior would sometime take place in the vaulted areas---synagogues, brothels and such as stated above. Over the course of time, the word was broadened and took on a different meaning---a catch all term. Remember, there was no bible in the 1300s when this word may have originated the precious King James Version was not implemented until 1611. This word and many other meanings lost its true translation by the scribes and translators. That my friends are entire different topic, but one worth discussing. Again, I wanted to submit this not for any reader to become irresponsible with sexual activities. Monogamy, celibacy, and abstinence are still honorable. But I wrote this to uncover and kill yet another sacred cow. I want to remove guilt and self torture and condemnation. Human beings are sexual sensual beings. We have been created to create and express ourselves. You are the imagery of God.

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