Consumer Behaviour

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Jaypee Business School

A constituent of Jaypee Institute of Information Technology University A-10, Sector: 62 NOIDA- 201301

BM 242: Consumer Behavior MBA- Trimester-V, October December, 2009 Course Outline
Course Coordinator: Siddharth Mishra Introduction: Businesses need revenues to exist. Revenue comes from customers who purchase and ultimately ensure the consumption of the companys goods and services. It is common sense that if the customers are favorably disposed towards a company, its revenues and ultimately profits will be high. This course seeks to understand how different types of customers (and consumers; they are not necessarily the same) react to different inputs provided by a firm. Course Objective: At the end of the course, the students would have acquired the following skills. Understand different types of customers and their buying behaviour Appreciate the way customers respond to different market stimuli Link consumer behaviour study to marketing campaigns launched by different companies The course will lay the foundation for subsequent inputs on 4P management, marketing strategy and other advanced courses in marketing. Pedagogy: The course will be handled through class lectures and assignments. Evaluation: Mid term: 30% End Term: 30% Assignment1: 20% Assignment2: 20% For the assignments, the group structure of MM-I shall be followed. The students may choose to pursue the same companies they had studied in MM-I projects.

Detailed Course Outline: Sessions 1 2-3 Topics Consumer Behavior- Introduction, importance and role. Consumer Needs and Motivation Individual Differences Personality and Consumer Behavior What is personality, nature of personality Personality Types, Cognitive Personality Factors Consumer Perception Perception and Sensation , Dynamics of Perception , Consumer Imagery Perceived Price, Brand Image Learning and Consumer Involvement Behavioral Learning Theories, Developing Brand Loyalty, Brand Equity Nature of consumer Attitudes, What is attitude? Structure of Models of Attitude, Semantic, Thurston, Likert and other scales, Consumer Attitude Formation And Change, cognitive dissonance theory and role of commitment Communication and Persuasion Communication process, Designing Persuasive Communication, Media and Message Strategy Group Dynamics and Consumer Preference Groups Types of Consumer Relevant Groups Role of Reference Groups Family, Social Class and Consumer Behavior Family Life Cycle, Function of Family, Role in decision making What is a social class? Measurement of Social Class, Lifestyle Profiles, Consumer Behavior Application Influence of Culture on Consumer Behavior, Characteristics and Measurement of Culture, Values of Culture, Role of Sub-Culture, Role of Race, Age, Sex, Geographical Location and Religion in Consumer Behavior, Cross Cultural Consumer Analysis, Global vs. Local Strategies Readings Chapter 1-4 Chapter 5


Chapter 6


Chapter 7


Chapter 8


Chapter 9


Chapter 10


Chapter 10-11


Chapter 12-13

Sessions 16-17



Topics The consumer Decision Making Process Personal Influence and the Role of Opinion Leaders Measurement of Opinion Leadership, interpersonal flow of communication, Opinion Leadership and Promotional Strategy, Choosing and Consuming Diffusion of Innovation What is Innovation? The Adoption Process Profile of Innovator Public policy and Consumer Protection Consumer Influences on Organization Deceptive Advertising, Corrective Advertising Marketing of social causes, Regulation of Environmental concerns and marketing claims

Readings Chapter-16


Text Book: Consumer Behavior by Schiffman and Kanuck Reference Book: Consumer Behavior, Building Marketing Strategy by Del I Hawkins, Roger J Best, Kenneth A Coney and Amit Mookerji

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