Angioma - Art of Dermatology - DR

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Angioma - Art of Dermatology - Dr. Jessica Krant

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Art of Dermatology 860 5th Avenue, New York NY, 10065 ph (212) 488-5599 Main Menu

You are here: Home / Cosmetic Services / Angioma

What is an Angioma?
An angioma is a benign, harmless growth made of small blood vessels that appears at the surface of the skin. It is usually magenta or purple in color and dome-shaped, occurring frequently on the face, neck, arms and upper trunk of the body. The two most common types of angiomas are cherry and spider angiomas. Young females are most often affected.

Types of Angiomas
Cherry angiomas, which are the most common type of these lesions, are clusters of tiny blood vessels or capillaries that may stick out above the surface of the skin and may be unsightly, ranging in color from red to purple. Spider angiomas are seen within the skin and are red spots that have tiny legs radiating out that make them appear in the shape of a spider. 1/3


Angioma - Art of Dermatology - Dr. Jessica Krant

Treatments Available
Several simple treatments can help to minimize or remove angiomas. Liquid nitrogen spray, or freezing, can be effective for small to medium sized angiomas and requires no anesthesia. Electrodessication requires local anesthesia and lightly burns them off. The easiest way to treat multiple angiomas at one visit is the Cutera(R) Excel(R) vascular laser, which uses a pulse of laser light that is only attracted to the color red to heat the angiomas and make them melt away over several days while protecting surrounding tissue. This treatment requires no anesthesia and can be very effective. If you are suffering with angiomas, call to set up an in-person consultation with Dr. Krant to discuss the available methods and which option may be for you. The two of you can then set up an effective plan to meet your needs in treating and removing the unsightly Angiomas.

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Angioma - Art of Dermatology - Dr. Jessica Krant

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Medical & Cosmetic Dermatology 860 5th Avenue, New York NY ph (212) 488-5599

2013 Art of Dermatology LLC New York City Dermatologist Dr. Jessica Krant | Resources | Sitemap


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