Ashland Church Summer 2013 Newsletter

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The Ashland Press

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Transitions in Church Life

As in all areas of life, there are many transitions in the life of the church. One of these is saying goodbye to people that we love so dearly. As of May 1, the Buck family became a part of a church work in Pennington, NJ as our assistant pastor Ken, accepted a call to Grace Presbyterian Church to be there pastor. We will also be sending Fred and Claudia Tahan into Gospel ministry as they transition their lives to serve full-time in Albania. Both of these families have been key pasts of our ministry and leadership here at Ashland Church, and they will be missed incredibly. I am reminded of the times in scripture when Paul would leave an area where he ministered, and the sorrow that was expressed as God would move him on to the next area of ministry, and I find myself experiencing this same pain as I think about sending out these two families. At the same time, I also find myself rejoicing over the realized vision and mission that is taking place through the work of Ashland Church. Ashland is a church which not only reaches deeply into our community, but is also extending its reaches to other parts of New Jersey as well as the world. You may want to reach out to both the Buck and the Tahan family as they transition in ministry. Please hold them close in your times of prayer. We will have a more formal opportunity to send out both of these families over the next couple of weeks and months. We will let you know through announcements and email. If you are not currently on our email list, please contact the church office. Also please continue to pray for Ashland Church, as we strive to faithfully fulfill the great mission of our Savior through the power of His Spirit. Its great to be your Pastor,

Wednesday Evenings in July 7 to 8:30 PM

Preschool Play Group 3 to Entering Kindergarten
Your preschoolers will have a blast with their own games and crafts & making new friends while learning about Jesus with fun Bible lessons. (Suggested donation $10)

Sports & Art Camp

After the elective time of basketball, soccer, wrestling, baseball/softball fielding skills, drama, and art we will gather together for a snack and an interactive, multi-media Bible Lesson. (Suggested donation $10)

VBS August 12-16

9 AM - 12 PM Preschool - Middle School Its time to head out to SonWest Roundup VBS where buckaroos learn to trust Jesus! Ride the trail through the Old Testament stories of Moses to help kids discover Jesus unchangeable love. Kids will enjoy heart racin activities like games, crafts, music, skits, Bible stories, and mighty tasty snacks! (Suggested Donation $10)

Food Pantry
Park Avenue Community Church
The food pantry continues to get approximately 235-265 families a month with new people applying for food assistance every month. February ~ 239 families, 488 adults, 296 children March ~ 266 families, 535 adults, 322 children April ~ 242 families, 501 adults, 255 children As always, we thank everyone who contributes in any way to the food pantry!~Elaine Mackner


Summer Devotional
Starting July 1 we will be reading through Bruce Main's (from Urban Promise) new book "The Promise Effect". We will take each of the 52 short devotions as a daily reading. HOW TO USE THE PROMISE EFFECT (from "Read it. Pray it. Do it. Pick it up when you can and put it down when you must. Grab a story during an in-between time, waiting for a kid to get out of choir practice or that moment when youve turned off the TV for the night but youre not yet ready to call it a day. Or read a quote in the morning and let it bounce around your head as you drive that day. Feel free to make notes in the margins. Add your reactions, journal your progress. How is the Promise Effect happening in your life? This is not a book to be kept on a shelf in pristine condition. It wants to get ragged." The cost of the book is $10. For your copy, please contact the office, 856-429-8844 or

I am so excited and feel so blessed to be serving beside you all during our second May I Serve You Campaign! This month the Ashland Family has been reaching out to serve our community in some amazing ways! Some rode a 30 mile bike race to raise funds for Urban Promise while others have been training for the Bethany Christian Services "A Home for Every Child" 5k coming up on June 1. We have people willing to go out and get their hands dirty for Habitat for Humanity, the Urban Promise workday and in preparing our grounds for the Picnic Outreach on June 9. Many of you have been reaching out to hurting children, families, and individuals whether it be through weekly service at Park Avenue's Food Pantry, monthly Sunday School Classes at Voorhees Pediatrics, collecting items for a local women's shelter or special projects at Ronald McDonald House and Brightview Assisted Living. Small groups and individuals are venturing out to minister to kids at skate parks and participate in Philly Street witnessing. Those with artistic talents are using their gifts to raise money for Eagles Wings in Albania. Discipleship groups are praying for opportunities to share the love of Christ with those around them. The list goes on. I do not want to share things so we can give ourselves a big pat on the back and move on. Rather I share these things to encourage you to keep pushing on. Keep reaching out to those around you and share Christs love and hope through your words and your actions. If you haven't yet, consider how you can get involved in the Mission and Vision of Ashland Church. Feel free to contact me to figure out how to do so.

Deacon Update
I consider it an honor and great joy to serve our Lord and the people of Ashland Church as the new moderator of Deacons. I also want to welcome the present and new members who will be serving. As I have listened to our pastor speak on the messages of May I Serve You. I am reminded of the fact that as a believer in Christ we are, all called to serve our Lord. You don't have to be on a committee or a Deacon to serve God. With that in mind, I would like to take the opportunity of ways we may serve those in need: Transportation to doctors appointments., Taking someone to the grocery store who may not drive., Babysitting children., Making a meal for a new mom or a senior., Visiting a shut-in. Please feel free to contact me if you are willing & available to serve in any way. Your sister in Christ, ~Gloria Proctor, Moderator of Deacons

Church Picnic, Sunday, June 9 Following the Worship service

Dear Ashland Church, I wanted to thank everyone for having the confidence in me and supporting me as I lead the Women of Ashland over the last several years. It has been a true privilege serving you and was so blessed to serve along a dedicated team that made everything come together. I commend all of you including Elynor Smith, Grace Mackin, Kathy Mauger, Jenn Riddle, Pam Coursen, Nancy Cominsky, Karen Walker, Virginia Cutler, Sonja Campbell, and Kim Boland for heeding the call and using your gifts and talents to serve our church. I am very happy to hand the baton over to Karen Witt, who not only has a heart for women, but also has over thirty years of experience in running groups and is an excellent teacher. Karen shared some ideas she has for the future and I am thrilled for what God is going to do through her and through all of you. ~Claudia Tahan

Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth. 1 John 3:18 ~ Janine Fleming, Children and Outreach

May I Serve You : newor not so new?

As we read the following passages from the first chapter of Isaiah, we witness Gods exclamation of displeasure toward a nation whose worship no longer glorified their God: Hear, O heavens! Listen, O earth! For the LORD has spoken: "I reared children and brought them up, but they have rebelled against me! Stop bringing meaningless offerings! Stop doing wrong, learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow. Apparently, a major part of the rebellion of Judah and Jerusalem involved neglecting to care for those in need. The charge of caring for those whom God loves is evident in the very early days of the Christian church. As early as the third century, a lengthy period of preparation for baptism has developed. This period of Christian preparation typically began early in the year, and culminated in a ceremonious baptism, which would allow worshipers full participation in the worship service. It seems that part of this process involved close examination of the lives of those hoping to join the Church on Easter Sunday. One of the earliest Christian documents, The Apostolic Tradition, bears record to the nature of the examination: And when those who are to receive baptism are chosen, let their life be examined: have they lived good lives when they were catechumens? Have they honored the widows? Have they visited the sick? Have they done every kind of good work? And when those who brought them bear witness to each He has, let them hear the gospel. Participation in May I Serve You during the third century probably did not involve exactly the same activities, and may not have even been called May I Serve You; but we do know that Ashland Church follows a long tradition of responding to Gods call to serve our neighbors in need.

~Carol Holmes
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Building a Strong Foundation for your children through Sunday School.

Deuteronomy 6:5-7 (NIV)

Set Free Additions Recovery Group

Hey everyone, I just wanted to take some time and update you on our addictions ministry here at Ashland Church. Every Monday and Thursday night for the last two and a half years we've had the opportunity to share the power of Christ with lots of struggling people who by the grace of God have been led to our door step. Through Gods power, were able to tell them how God has broken the powerful chains of our sins and addictions, and by believing in Him we can be set free from our bondage. Not everyone that hears this message turns to God right then and there, but we know that God has used this meeting to plant a seed in their hearts and at the right time, will use it to transform their lives. I know this because that's how it happened in my life as well as many others. It's a true blessing to see the fruit in the people lives that continue to come out and continue to fight the fight. Pray for our leadership and our attenders as this can be a difficult ministry to be involved in. Also pray for the lost people to that we meet each week that God would soften their hearts to His message and create a heart in them that only wants to serve God. And just FYI, not everyone in set free is there for problems with drugs and alcohol, on average about half of our people deal with other things like food addictions, sexual and pornography addictions, and also the "pleasing others" addiction. Most people don't realize how addicted they are to pleasing other people. It can control your life so strongly that it causes depression, stress and other substance abuse problems. As always I ask you to evaluate your lives and see if there's any sin that you struggle with that is controlling you and steering you away from God....because if there is, than you need to be at set free. Thanks for your prayers and support, grace and peace, ~ Matt Thompson

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.
Proverbs 22:6(ESV)

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.
The Student (Children and Youth) Ministries of Ashland Church exist to help you as parents in raising your children to have a growing and active relationship with Jesus as they mature into adults. One of the ways we do that is through our Sunday School ministry at 9 am on Sunday mornings. We are truly blessed have a team of dedicated, loving and fun teachers who are giving their time to minister to our children. Recently we have been evaluating and changing the curriculum to work through the Westminster Catechism which teaches Bible truths using simple questions and answers in order to give our children a firm foundation as they develop a deeper relationship with Jesus, grow to know God's word, and make it a part of their lives. We are also blessed to have teachers for adult classes that can lead us as we explore Christianity, dig deeper into the Bible and learn more about our life issues like parenting and marriage. I hope you will consider making Sunday morning Christian Education classes a part of your families routine. Please take advantage of the resources for you and your children. ~ Janine Fleming, Children and Outreach

Youth Update
Velocity is a spectacular camp that we go to every summer. It's held on the grounds of Kenyon College in Gambier, Ohio and it's an exciting week where we always have a lot of fun and come back with lots of stories. But it's also where we take the time to understand what it is that Jesus has done, and continues to do, for us. Dates: June 24-29 Cost: $385* includes all expenses (transportation, room, board, and any camp fees). Contact: Any of your Ashland Youth leaders, such as Joe or Chris. Registrations should be in by Sunday, June 2nd. Fundraising events are being held to help defer the cost as well. * Scholarships and other payment options are available. Please do not let the expense keep you from going. Again, talk to your youth leaders, such as Joe or Chris, if you have questions about the cost. June 7 Game Night 7-9 PM June 21 Movie Night 7-9 PM June 24 - 29 Velocity July 12 Game Night 7-9 PM July 26 Movie Night 7-9 PM August 2 Game Night 7-9 PM August 12-16 VBS August 23 Movie Night 7-9 PM September 6 Fall Kick Off Cookout 7-10 PM
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ABC Ministry Update

Girl Scouts Memorial Day Soccer Equipment Collection- The girl scouts will be collecting equipment during the tournament as a service project. Appeal for donations- We are looking for used bibles, PCs, laptops, used sneakers, soccer equipment, and toys. ABC Scholars- Six pioneer scholars will be graduating in June. Fred suggested that the top scholar receive a present, such as a laptop. Esther suggested that we wait until the test results come in to determine the award winner. We will collect the information and then make as decision as a committee as to who receive the award. Approval for Shipment- We are looking to send a shipment this summer with the equipment that we have collected in late June or early July. Fred and Esther will research the price of the shipment and bring the price to the committee for final approval.

Journey Small Group Testimonials

A small but growing movement in our church is happening through weekly journey groups. Journey is a 3 year comprehensive opportunity to grow in Christ. Here men and women come together to connect in a smaller group and one on one settings, learning what it means to be an equipped follower of Christ, an how to invert in the loves of other men or women.
My participation in the Journey Group this year has provided me with a deeper understanding of my faith and what it means to really be a disciple of Christ and disciple others. The material is thought provoking and has pushed me to really think about who I am as a Christian. I have spent quality time building relationships with the other members of my group and I consider myself truly blessed to have these women in my life. ~Peg Buckley Journey has helped me by giving me accountability in my walk with God as I continue to learn new things and think about so many different areas of my spiritual walk that need to be addressed and challenged. It has opened my eyes to a daily "mission" to the world. ~Tamera Cupschalk I have been a part of journey for 2 years now. A small group of us gather together regularly to delve deeper into the Word, and apply it to our lives. Discovering who we are in terms of our identity in Christ helps us to in grow in awareness of needs around us. We are developing deeper relationships with each other as sisters in Christ, by support and encouragement. Its neat to look back as see how much we have grown individually and as a group. Its amazing what we have kept in prayer and given God praise! We are continuing to grow spiritually, learning how to share our faith, and live what we are called to "the great commission" to go make disciples of all nations. ~Stephanie Wiley Its truly been a blessing to meet each week with several of my brothers to study and discuss the precepts of the bible, doctrine, and christian living as we each strive to become more like Christ in heart and lifestyle. The same can be said about sharing in our triumphs and struggles and the prayer for each other and our families. Its been challenging but highly rewarding. I definitely feel like a sharpened knife (Proverbs 27:17). ~Dave Riddle Being an American, Christian male I am usually to busy or to self absorbed to meet with Godly men. Journey provides a unique opportunity for that to happen. It is also a great comfort to know that I can count on the men in my group to provide honest, Christlike accountability. ~Brian Fleming

Womens Ministries Transition

It was a busy spring for Womens Ministries. April saw the return of our rummage sale which helps some of us empty overflowing closets of things that we no longer need but may be of help to another family. Several hundred dollars were raised. Those funds are applied to our card ministry, the youth ministry and several of our missionaries who can always use that little extra for their many expenses. Special thanks goes to Sonja Campbell, Grace Mackin and Elynor Smith who spent many tiring hours making this happen. April ended with a unique and special visit one Friday night at Sarah Johnsons house. A few of the ladies that are part of Womens ministries (whom as Sarah tactfully put it, left 25 behind them a while back) were able to get to know some truly special young women in our church in their 20s and teens whom we rarely get to spend time with. They are impressive and delightful and we look forward to having more opportunities to get to know each other. Then with May came the Mothers Day Tea on Saturday morning. It was a lovely event with a little more than 50 ladies attending, some of them from our sister church in Somerdale. The ladies that head up Womens Ministry worked tirelessly, baking, setting up, and cleaning up and I am so thankful for all of their efforts. They gave us a special couple of hours away from our everyday routines. We were also able to collect many personal care items for the ladies of a local womens shelter that cares for those women who have been caught up in abusive situations and who need healing and a fresh start. But the real significance of this event was spending time with Claudia Tahan who will be moving on from Womens Ministries now to become a full time missionary with her husband Fred to the country of Albania this summer. We sadly say goodbye to a woman whose devotion to our Lord is an inspiration to us all and who has given of herself to our church family in countless ways over the years. We are especially thankful for her years heading up Womens Ministries! She has overseen so many events, organized many wonderful Bible studies and book clubs and was always available as a listening ear if you needed her. And that was while she was working full time, part of many other ministries in the church and involved in their ministry to Albania. We thank God for her energy and wisdom. Please keep in touch with her and keep her in prayer as she takes on this new challenge with her husband. Thank you Claudia! We love you! So now what? I am leaving my ministry with the deacons for many years with part of my heart, I am finding, still planted there but with a spirit of great excitement and anticipation as I take on the reigns of Womens Ministry. This summer we will look forward to seeing many of our ladies prepare to attend the Women of Faith Event in Philadelphia early September and we will be starting our preparations behind the scenes for our annual Christmas dinner. We also will be hosting a covered dish luncheon early in October just for the ladies after our church service. It will be a chance for us all to visit together and for us to get more information out to you about Womens Ministry. Stay tuned for more information as the summer goes on. In the front of our church there is a sign with our church name on it and in big letters underneath proclaims that we are a place to call home. In our chaotic and troubled world what a wonderful way to call in the lost and believers looking for a comforting place to put down roots. Ladies, it is the desire of Womens Ministries that you have a place where your heart will be comforted, uplifted, accepted and loved. Please come join us as often as you can. We love you! ~Karen Witt, Director of Womens Ministries

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