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GPA 2172-09 Frequently Asked Questions

DCP Midstream has implemented GPA 2172-09, an industry standard from the Gas Processors Association. What is GPA-2172? GPA standard 2172-09 sets the standard for calculations of information from the gas analysis, the current version replaces GPA 2172-06 and GPA 181-86. The standard has been jointly published as API 14.5

What are the major changes covered in the new GPA 2172-09? The major changes in the new GPA 2172 involve the following areas; a. Water content should be calculated on the flowing basis of the gas stream. This can be accomplished through the use of a wet analysis or by adjusting the volume for water vapor (based on flowing pressure and temperature of the gas stream) and then using a dry analysis. GPM values should be adjusted for Z (compressibility). H2S should not be assigned a heating value in the calculation of BTU

b. c.

How will DCP Midstream implement these changes? DCP Midstream will apply the calculated water content based on flowing pressure and t emperature to the hourly volume and then use the dry analysis. Calculated GPM values will be adjusted for Z (compressibility). H2S will not be given a heating value in the calculations.

The letter I received says you will be implementing a standard pressure base. What does this mean? NAESB standards call for volumes to be at a 14.73 pressure base, as do the federal requirements for reporting production. Currently DCP reports volumes at various pressure bases. With this change we will begin reporting all our volumes at a 14.73 pressure base. This will not impact reported MMBTU values since the pressure base conversion for volume and BTU cancels out when MMBTU is calculated. Example; 100 MCF at 14.65 with a 1.100 BTU = 110 MMBTU. Converted to 14.73 results in 100*.9946 = 99.46 MCF, 1.100 BTU *1.0054 = 1.106 BTU or 99.46*1.106 = 110 MMBTU.

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