Ec2 QP 510011

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Summative Assessment I, 2011


Maximum Marks: 80 Instructions: The question paper is divided into four sections. Section A: Section B: Section C: Section D: Reading Writing Grammar Literature


Time: 3 hours

20 marks 20 marks 20 marks 20 marks

SECTION A (Reading 20 Marks)

Q1. Read the following passage carefully: I learned to handle money at a very young age. But most children become adults with little or no financial literacy. Here are four ways to make children understand money. The first way is to set good examples. Children must understand by example that money comes from hard work, and that it must not be wasted. I grew up seeing my parents work hard, earn more and save sensibly and like Dad I have never run into debt. Secondly, we must teach basic money management at home, because thats never taught at school. Many parents dont discuss money with their children, one reason why there is financial illiteracy among adults. Most experts feel its best to give an allowance, depending on the childs age and how much the parent feels is right. By the time I was in high school my Dad told me about his small investments fixed deposits, gold and property. Today I know that he was allocating his assets to spread the risk. Children also learn money management by working part time jobs teenagers can work part time in advertising, malls and restaurants. These jobs provide the joy of their very first earnings: theyll also learn the dignity of labour. Today, many youngsters are deep in credit - card debt, and parents are partly to blame; for not teaching them that borrowing money, costs money which can ruin you. Make children understand that the craving for more and more which their friends might have is not wise or appropriate behaviour. Answer by choosing the most suitable options : (a) Setting a good example for children helps in : (i) Understanding by examples. (ii) Knowing that money comes from hard work. (iii) Not wasting money. Page 1 of 10 (5 marks)





(iv) Observing that working hard and saving avoids debt. Financial literacy means : (i) Handling money at a young age. (ii) Childhood interpretation of money. (iii) Money management by working, saving and increase of assets. (iv) Working in part-time jobs and earning for the first time. Basic money management can be taught at home by : (i) Discussing money at home. (ii) Giving an allowance (iii) Talking about investments in various areas such as property and gold. (iv) All of the above. Allocating assets to spread the risk means : (i) investing in many ventures. (ii) savings in bank deposits and certificates. (iii) investing widely in assets. (iv) small investments in gold, property and fixed deposits. Young adults get caught in debt traps because : (i) their parents didnt make them financially literate. (ii) they didnt work part-time. (iii) high rates of interest. (iv) craving for too much and living beyond their means. (5 marks)


Read the following passage carefully: Long, long ago, in a big forest, there were many trees. Among the cluster of trees, there was a very tall pine tree. He was so tall that he could talk to the stars in the sky. He could easily look over the heads of the other trees. One day late in the evening, the pine tree saw a girl approaching him. He could see her only because of his height. The little girl was in tears. The pine tree bent as much as he could and asked her : What is the matter ? Why are you crying ? The little girl, still sobbing, replied, I was gathering flowers for the Christmas garland and I have lost my way. The pine tree said to the little girl, It is late in the evening. It will not be possible for you to return to your house, which is at the other end of the forest. Sleep for the night at this place. The pine tree pointed out to an open cave like place under him. The little girl was frightened of wild animals. The girl quickly crept into the cave-like place. The pine tree was happy and pleased with himself. He stood like a soldier guarding the place. He was pleased with himself for doing this duty. After some time, the pine tree heard the wolves coming that way. (a) The little girl was crying as _________. (i) (ii) (iii) she had a habit of doing so. she had lost her garland. she was afraid of the wild animals.

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(iv) (b)

she could not trace the way back her home in the forest.

The pine tree could see the little girl because _________. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) he had a desire to develop friendship with her. the stars informed him about the little girl. he heard the sobbing of the girl. he was the tallest tree in the forest.


The little girl spent the night in the cave-like place as _________. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) she was directed by the pine tree to do so. she wanted to see the hidden animals inside it. the weather outside was very cold. the cave-like place was covered with tree trunk.


The pine tree was happy with himself because he __________. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) was proud of his height. had got a chance to do his duty. could locate the girl who had lost her way in the forest. succeeded in commanding the stars.


The meaning of the word `crept is _________. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) walked pushed crawled pulled (5 marks)


Read the following poem carefully: The Leader Patient and steady with all he must bear, Ready to meet every challenge with care, Easy in manner, yet solid as steel, Strong in his faith, refreshingly real, Isnt afraid to propose what is bold, Doesnt conform to the usual mould, Eyes that have foresight, for hindsight wont do, Never backs down when he sees what is true, Tells it all straight, and means it all too. Going forward and knowing hes right, Even when doubted for why he would fight,

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Over and over he makes his case clear Reaching to touch the ones who wont hear. Growing in strength, he wont be unnerved, Ever assuring hell stand by his word. Wanting the world to join his firm stand, Bracing for war, but praying for peace, Using his power so evil will cease : So much a leader and worthy of trust, Here stands a man who will do what he must. On the basis of your reading of the above poem, complete the following statements : (1) This poem is about the qualities a ____________ should possess. (2) Doesnt conform to the usual mould suggests that the person being described has qualities ___________. (3) The leader would fight bravely but at the same time pray for ___________. (4) Using his power so evil will cease : Here cease means to ___________. (5) A true leader is a man who can be ___________. Q4. Read the following passage carefully: ASIATIC BLACK BEAR The commercial trade in bear parts especially the gall bladder, which is used in traditional Chinese medicine-poses a major threat to the Asiatic black bear. Besides poaching, there is loss of habitat and increased confrontation with man. Only a small proportion of the bear population in the country is within protected areas. Since bears move to different habitats and elevations depending on the season, they come into conflict with humans. S. Sathyakumar, Head of the Department of Endangered Species at the Wildlife Institute of India, says that bears become increasingly territorial during their breeding season in summer and tend to attack whatever resources are available. Cases of mauling also tend to increase making human-bear conflict common, especially in mountainous regions. Most of the bears found in India spread across the hill states of Jammu and Kashmir, Uttrakhand, Himachal Pradesh and North East. A comprehensive count of Asiatic bears in India is not available but estimates put their number at anywhere between 6000 and 7000. However, their numbers can fall if poaching continues and the habitat shrinks further. On the basis of your reading of the above passage, complete the following sentences. Write the answers in your answer sheet against the correct blank numbers. (1) (2) (3) Asiatic bear is usually hunted for ___________. Major threat is posed to this bear by ___________. Cases of mauling tend to increase during their breeding season because ___________. Bears are usually found in India in ___________ The word in the passage which means dying out/ at risk is ___________. Page 4 of 10 (5 marks)

(4) (5)

SECTION B (Writing 20 Marks)

Q5. You have been served with the following notes on Kashmir. Develop a paragraph in about 80 words on Kashmir ; the Paradise of India using all these notes. Kashmir Surrounded by mountains, snow-covered peaks, beautiful lakes and gardens. Kesar (saffron) grown on hilly terrain. Visited by tourists throughout the year. Kashmiri people keep Kangri to warm themselves. Wicker work, Kashmiri embroidery, walnut work the chief handicrafts of Kashmiri people. Dal lake- the famous oneHouse boats. Kashmirheaven created by God on earth. Peoplehelpfulenjoy delicious food. (4 marks)


You are Shailendra living at H.N. 390 Sector 14, Gurgaon. Write a letter to your friend living at M-13 Greater Kailash New Delhi, describing your return journey from your ancestral village and the fantastic memories of village life that you still cherish. (120 words) The pictures given below are of mobile phones made by different companies getting popularity among all age groups at the same time troubling them. Write a speech giving negative as well as positive aspects of cell phones. (150 words)

(8 marks)


(8 marks)

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SECTION C (Grammar 20 Marks)

Q8. Complete the following passage by choosing the correct options from the options given below : Ahmad was afraid (a) __________ the animals residing (b) ____________the forest. Once he had a chance to go (c) __________ some brave boys (d) __________ a forest picnic (a) (i) (iii) (b) (i) (iii) (c) (i) (iii) of to at into along with by (ii) (iv) (ii) (iv) (ii) (iv) from off in on with beside (1x4=4 marks)

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(i) (iii)

to in

(ii) (iv)

on at


Look at the notes given below and complete the paragraph that follows by choosing the correct options : facts about ants - amazing - more so - their names - ants brain processing power - like a computer - some birds - drop ants inside their feathers - reason - the ants squirt formic acid - it removes the parasites crazy ants - habit of running here and there erratically - weaver ants famous - communication and nest building behaviour. The facts about ants are simply amazing. The ants brain (a) Some birds drop ants inside their feathers because (b) .Crazy ants have the (c) .Weaver ants are well known for their (d) . (a) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) had a processing power like a computer. has a processive power like a computer. having being a processing power like a computer. havent a processing power like a computer.

(4 marks)


(i) (ii) (iii)

the formic acid squirted by the ants will not remove parasites. the formic acid squirted by the ants removes parasites. the formic acid squirted by the ants helps to change

the colour of the parasites. (iv) (c) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (d) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) the formic acid squirted by the ants is used by the parasites. habit of running here and there erratically. habit of running here and there happily. habit of sleeping all the time. habit of jumping from the nests. communication and creativity. communication and nest building behaviour. communication and ability to kill parasites. communication and parenting.

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Q10 .

Rearrange the following words and phrases to make meaningful sentences. (a) (b) (c) (d) one computer/Internet allows/to send/messages/computer/to another Net now/to converse/issue/debate/allows/or discus/people all kinds/this/of files/network/stores remote/it/on one/allows/computer/people/to connect/computer/to a

(4 marks)

Q11 .

There is one error in every line of the following passage. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet. Ensure that the correct word is underlined. Do not copy the passage. Incorrect Once, an ant which has come to drink at a stream fell in the water and was carried (a) (b) ________ ________ ________ ________ correct _______ _______ _______ _______

(4 marks)

away by the swift current. It was in great danger for(c) drowning. A dove, perch on a nearby tree (d)

saw the ants danger and dropped a leaf into the water. The ant climbed on to these and was carried to safety. Sometimes after this a hunter, creeping through the bushes, saw a dove asleep, and took a careful aim for the gun. (e) (f) (g) (h) ________ ________ ________ ________ _______ _______ _______ _______

Q12 .

Read the following conversation and fill in the blanks to complete the passage given thereafter. Bryan : I stayed up all night yesterday to watch a James Bond movie Marathon. Wife : Its more than clear from your swollen eyes, Bryan. Whats so special about the Marathon ? Bryan : It brought back memories of my youth. Wife : Were you a spy, Bryan ? Bryan : No, I was a ticket collector at a cinema complex. As Bryans wife brought him his morning tea, he yawned and announced that (a) __________ to watch a James Bond movie Marathon. She was not amused to hear this . Handing him the tea, she casually remarked (b) __________ and wanted to know what was so special about the Marathon. Bryan took a sip and said that (c) __________ in order to tease him, she

(4 marks)

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asked him sarcastically (d)__________. Bryan smiled and replied that he had been a ticket collector at a cinema complex.

SECTION D (Literature 20 Marks)

Q13 . (A) Read the extract and answer the following questions by choosing the most appropriate options. Next night when the Nightingale Shook her head and twitched her tail, Closed an eye and fluffed a wing And had cleared her throat to sing She was startled by a croak (a) The Nightingale was eager to sing because _______ (i) the song was good (ii) she wanted to gain applause (iii) a solitary loon wept (iv) the sumac tree was in full bloom (b) She was startled by ___________ (i) the frogs croak (ii) ladies with tiaras (iii) Duck of Kent (iv) the toad (c) She twitched her tail to _________ (i) earn money (ii) start vocal training (iii) perfect her technique (iv) sing a song OR And for Loona Bimberton, she refused to look at an illustrated paper for weeks and her letter of thanks for the gift of a tiger-claw brooch was a model of repressed emotion. (a) Loona didnt look at papers for weeks because ______. (i) they praised Packletide (ii) she lost her brooch (iii) Packletide killed a tiger (iv) Loona could not kill a tiger (b) Who gave her the gift ? (i) Miss Mebbin (ii) Mrs Packletide (iii) Algerian aviator (iv) the villagers (c) Her emotions were repressed because _________ (i) she was an emotional person (ii) she was envious of Miss Mebbin (iii) she was a paid companion (iv) she was envious of Mrs Packletide (B) Ill tell you what Ive got to do. On Monday next Ive got to do three things. (3x2=6marks)

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(i) (ii)

These words are spoken by ___________ to ___________. The listeners reaction to the speakers declaration is that they are ___________. ___________ has made the speaker decide on three things.


Q14 .

Answer any four of the following questions in 30-40 words each. (a) (b) What were the hardships faced by Nicola and Jacopo ? In the story, The Letter the postmaster called Ali a pest. Do you find his comment, justified ? Explain. Nightingale was responsible for her own fate. Elucidate. Why does the Mirror state that the pink coloured, opposite wall is a part of its heart ? How did Mrs. Mebbin exploit Mrs. Packletide ?

(2X4=8 marks)

(c) (d)


Q15 .

Answer the following in about 150 words. Imagine Ali writes a letter to one of his friends about what he does before his death. Write that letter on his behalf. OR You are Abel Merryweather. Express your ideas /feelings after you wake up and come to know about your daughters feelings/ greed and intentions.

(6 marks)

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