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Marketing Communication :

Definition: :
Definition: The process by which a marketer develops and presents stimuli to a defined target audience with the purpose of eliciting a desired set of responses. Marketing communication tools: Direct tools Indirect tools Advertising - Public relations Personal selling - Sponsorships Direct marketing - Word of mouth Exhibitions

Slide 3:
Forget the 4 Psthink of 4 Cs Forget productstudy consumer wants and need Forget priceunderstand the consumers cost to satisfy that want or need Forget placethink of the consumers convenience to buy Forget promotionsthe word is communication

Hero Honda Pleasure Image :

Hero Honda Pleasure Image Hero Honda Pleasure Functional 100cc engine Gearless comfort Light weight and easy to maneuver Social Image of a modern woman Symbol of self reliance Mental I have an identity I can decide where I wish to go I can stand up against the tide Spiritual This is my personal belonging Girls are special; so is my bike Based on the Market Research

Brand Key: Why Hero Honda Pleasure ? :

Reason to believe Benefits Deliverables Insight Competitive Environment Established Players 9% Share for HH Pleasure in Yr 1 Target young girls , working Women as well as GAON Ki GORI Women need their own space They want their own identity They want to stand at par with men Essence Style Comfort Easy ride A womans true Friend Legacy of Hero Honda Proven technology Established service Independence Effortless drive Fuel Economy Image Youthful n Vibrant Expression of the woman Brand Key: Why Hero Honda Pleasure ? Values and personality

Brand Strategy :

Brand Strategy Pleasure: Not just a scooter, its a lifestyle A womans identity Symbol of free spirit Prized possession A friend for a life A comprehensive communication to drive the strong product to grow at 20% YOY growth rate (same as market growth) Enhance the Brand Communication to build the Brand in the Mind, Heart and Soul of the audience

Communication Strategy :
Communication Strategy Enhance the image of Pleasure as most preferred scooter for women. Connect with the target group as a unique lifestyle and personality brand To be present at almost every touch point with the communication target group To break the clutter and communicate the Brand message. The Objective The Goal The Task The Challenge

Creative Strategy :
Creative Strategy Convey the positioning and enhance imagery Emotional as well as rational approach Stress of the Exclusive for Women factor Influence the influencers. Sense of belonging with the Brand Pleasure Carry the halo effect of the Hero Honda into the Scooter segment Its a Pleasure; Its my Pleasure; Its Our Pleasure

Creative advertising

Media Habits: find out habits and decide advertising :

Media Habits: find out habits and decide advertising When I need information the first place I look is the internet 37% I am a TV addict 45% I am a regular cinema goer 27% I find the newspaper supplements really worth reading 53% I read a newspaper most days 60% I listen to the radio every day 31% Source: TGI 2007

Media Strategy :
Media Strategy Print 2 insertion /week 1 in Mainline 1 Regional Print TV 5 Mainline Channel 3 General Entertainment Channel 1 Regional Satellite Channel DD channels Radio Radio Spots Outdoor Hoardings Activation Sales Promotion Activity

Digital Space :

Digital Space Website Banners ads: Impress with banner and direct to Pleasure Community online. Community tie-up with Sunsilk Gang of Girls. User generated Content on Female Blogs Search engine Ads Google - Scooter/ Pleasure =Hero Honda Pleasure. Promote offers through SMSs On Women day. SMS icons of Pleasure. Yahoo Female Avatars of Pleasure. MSN cool zones with Pleasure Branding. Develop ring tones for the Pleasure Signature Tune Pre email pop ups. Viral advertising of Pleasure

Experiential/ Trial Inducing :

Experiential/ Trial Inducing Experience the Pleasure of being a Girl zones Special events for Womens Day Career, Gossip and Discussion forums Workshops for Health, Beauty and Well being Moonlight Pleasure Trails Miss Pleasure contest Sponsorship in college festivals Long-term Friendships are difficult to replace Just4Her Showrooms Ground Activation

Thanks for listening :

Thanks for listening Thank You Its been a Pleasure

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