Speaking in Tongues

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Speaking In Tongues

Adegoke Omotunde

IANL Books


Speaking In Tongues published by IANL Books First Edition

Copyright 2013 Adegoke Omotunde All rights reserved.

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All the scriptures referenced in this book are from the Holy Bible, New International Version, NIV Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.

Chapter 1
On The Day of Pentecost


impossible to write on the subject of

speaking in tongues without making reference to the baptism of the Holy Spirit (the baptism of fire), an event that took place on the day of Pentecost, the birthplace and source of all authentic spiritual gifts given to man after Christ ascended to heaven. In the book of Acts 2: 1- 4, the Holy Bible states, that on the day of Pentecost a sudden sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where the disciples were sitting. The disciples saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each 5


of them. They were each filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in tongues as the Spirit enabled them. An important point to observe is that they spoke in tongues as the Holy Spirit enabled them.

The word enabled means that they spoke as the Spirit empowered or allowed them to speak. I have emphasised this point to highlight the fact that nobody had a need to teach or encourage them to speak in tongues; it was the Holy Spirit that enabled them to speak in whatever language they needed to proclaim the wonders of God. Two other observations to note in the book of Acts 2: 5 12; God-fearing Jews from every nation under the heaven were present to bear witness of this event. This established two key facts, that those speaking in tongues were Galileans and they were speaking in the native tongues of the people

present on that day. Therefore, they were all amazed and perplexed, the same way people are amazed and perplexed or even irritated when they see or hear Christians speaking in tongues today. The same way some individuals made fun of the disciples back then, some people make fun of those that speak in tongues today.

God does not need the permission or approval of any authority on earth to perform his wonders or pour out His Spirit. The baptism of fire is a fulfillment of prophecy Joel 2: 28-29 and Acts 2:17-21. As a believing Christian, you also dont need any ones approval to speak in tongues; neither do you need anyone to teach you how to speak in tongues. All you need is the baptism of the Holy Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit that enables the gift of speaking in tongues. The


kingdom of God is not about mere words alone but Power from on high.

Chapter 2
What Is Speaking In Tongues?


in tongue is speaking in another besides your own native

tongue/language. The word tongue just means language in this particular context. Speaking in tongues can be divided into two broad categories.

Human Tongues Heavenly Tongues or the tongues of angels (Angelic tongues) 1 Corinthians 14:1


Human tongues
This category of tongue speaking enabled by the Holy Spirit, is the ability of a person to speak an unlearnt, human language (Example: French, Arabic, Swahili etc.) supernaturally. The Holy Spirit alone enables this ability. No Human intervention is required.

Angelic/ Heavenly/Spiritual tongues

This category of tongue speaking enabled by the Holy Spirit, is the ability of a person to speak an unknown language that may sound like nonsense to the human ear and mind. It is usually not understood by the person speaking it, or those hearing it, unless a person with the supernatural gift of interpreting the tongue is present. I would also like to stress that neither of these categories of tongues requires human

intervention. No one needs to teach you how to speak in tongues or ask you to repeat after them. The Holy Spirit gives full enablement. The only thing you need is faith in God and prayers.

Why tongues?

The first category (human tongues) of speaking in tongues is to proclaim the wonders of God and preach the good news of the Kingdom of God (the gospel) to those that otherwise would not have heard the gospel in their own language. This is Gods supernatural way of reaching out to the nations and also edifying the Church.

The second category (angelic tongues) is to edify the individual member of the Church and for prophecy if an interpreter is present. This form of tongue speaking is used in private 11


prayers as well. Uttering mysteries (Secrets) unto the Lord. This is you praying in the spirit. Even though your mind may not understand what you are saying, your spirit is

communicating with God. So don't feel uneasy next time you speak in tongues during your private prayers, it is perfectly fine, this is a gift God as given you. However if you still feel a need to also pray in understanding, go ahead, and do so. This may just put you at ease if you are not yet comfortable with praying in tongues. Just remember that all things work together for good for those that love the Lord. Ask God for the gift of interpretation of your tongues, you will be pleasantly surprised.

Are angelic tongues real?

Consider these Bible references and questions. In Genesis 2:16, in what language did God

command man saying You are free to eat from any tree in the garden. How did Adam understand what God said? Therefore by implication, it can only be the native language of heaven. In what language did Adam speak when God gave him a suitable partner Eve? Genesis 2:23. It must have been the native language he inherited from God. In what language did Satan speak with Eve? I leave this part of scripture for you to consider. In Genesis 11:1-9, the tower of Babel, what was the one language the whole world spoke at the time before God confused the language of men? Feel free to send me your thoughts by email at sit@covenantzone.com.

The point here is, there is a language or languages that mankind has forgotten. God has through His Spirit awoken the unconscious man. Whatever language we lost from the 13


incident in the Garden of Eden from the first Adam, we have regained through the second Adam Jesus the Christ. However we need to fully understand and learn how to grow in the use and full vocabulary of this new spiritual language speaking in tongues. Are all tongues authentic? No. There are loads of perversions out there. Especially, if you have been trained to speak in tongues.

There is a third point I would like to make here concerning tongues. This is from Daniel 5:26 28, the written tongue/language. In this part of scripture from the Old Testament, God could have written in a language King Belshazzar would understand, but He didn't. He wrote in a language no one could read except Daniel. Daniel was the one who interpreted the writing. Therefore in modern times, we also need those with the gift of interpretation.



Three words, Mene Tekel Peres was translated as: Mene: God has numbered the days of your reign and brought it to an end.

Tekel: You have been weighed on the scales and found wanting.

Peres: Your kingdom is divided and given to the Medes and Persians.

So, next time when you hear someone utter only three words in tongues, don't be so quick to jump to a conclusion that the person is uttering rubbish. Our modern mind is so quick to judge all things through concepts already familiar to us. We should be using the spirit of discernment, a gift of the Holy Spirit.

Chapter 3
Order In The Church When Speaking In tongues


spirit of the prophet is subject to the

prophet. This simply means that you have control over yourself when the power of the Holy Spirit comes upon you to speak in tongues. On the day of Pentecost there is no indication in scripture stating that the 120 disciples had control over their utterances, thats why they were perceived as drunk. However, they were filled with the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:4).



In 1 Corinthians 14 apostle Paul was not condemning speaking in tongues but

addressing the use of the gift of speaking in tongues in the context of worship. The real issue he was addressing was order, pertaining to the mode of worship in the Church at Corinth. Otherwise in Acts 2:39, he would not have concluded by saying Therefore, my brothers and sisters, be eager to prophesy, and do not forbid speaking in tongues. The emphasis on order is clear from Acts 2:26-28. He also placed the same emphasis on prophecy in Acts 2:29-33.

Therefore, any modern teaching that tries to forbid speaking in tongues is not consistent with scripture nor is it Gods intent. Yes, speaking in tongues may be a sign for unbelievers according to apostle Paul; it is unbelievers evangelised not believers. Just as

prophesy is for the believer. So I can safely say that both gifts are needed and should be encouraged in the Church. The Church should teach her congregation the appropriate way to use spiritual gifts.

My conclusion here is that order is important in our worship to God when it comes to expressing the gifts of the Holy Spirit. So many individuals should not be prophesying at the same time neither should many be speaking in tongues without interpretation. This only applies to public meetings and not your private time in Gods presences. Though we can ask the question, was there order on the day of Pentecost? Dont be afraid if God has enabled you through the Holy Spirit to speak in tongues. It is your God given gift. Accept it and give all glory to Him and Him alone.



Chapter 4
The Purpose of Speaking In Tongues

The purpose for speaking in tongues is in twofold base on the two broad categories stated in chapter two. The human tongues given supernaturally without any learning involved are given to preach the gospel to those who otherwise would not have anyone preach to them in their own native language. This is Gods supernatural method of reaching the lost regardless of race. This sort of supernatural tongue speaking is not common today. This may be down to the facts that we have translators, interpreters and technology. The Holy Bible has also been translated into so

many languages. Im sure if such a gift is needed today, God will still give it where and when required.

The second category Angelic/Spiritual tongues is given to the individual believer to utter mysteries unto the Lord. This is a gift to edify and strengthen the individual believer. The same gift edifies the Church if the gift of interpretation is given. If an interpreter is not present then the gift edifies the individual. We have to remember that this is a spiritual language, not created by man. Therefore it is not strange that your brain and the brains of others may resist such a gift due to lack of understanding. Not understanding a language does not make it any less of a language. The fallen mind will never understand the things of the Spirit.



Tongues are also used in spiritual prayers, to utter things unto God that no one else can understand, except your spirit man and God. Think of this like an encrypted prayer. Ultimately, all the spiritual gifts are given by God to build up the Church of Jesus the Christ.

Chapter 5
Who Can Speak In Tongues? Over the years I have heard this question asked
many times at Christian group meetings. Who can speak in tongues?

The answer to this question is simple. A born again Christian that has received the baptism of fire, this is the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Dont be deceive; there are fake tongues out there. To truly speak in tongues according to the Holy Bible, you must receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. There is no other authentic way. Speaking in tongues is a gift of the Holy Spirit. It does not matter if you have not yet been baptised in water. When apostle Peter visited the household of Cornelius all they needed to 23


hear was the gospel and their faith rose. Faith comes by hearing, hearing by the word of God. Acts 10: 44 - 48. 44 While Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit came on all who heard the message. 45 The circumcised believers who had come with Peter were astonished that the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out even on Gentiles. 46 For they heard them speaking in tongues and praising God. Then Peter said, 47 Surely no one can stand in the way of their being baptised with water. They have received the Holy Spirit just as we have. 48 So he ordered that they be baptised in the name of Jesus Christ. Then they asked Peter to stay with them for a few days. It is interesting to know that the reason the circumcised believers that went with Peter, knew that Gentiles of the household of Cornelius had received the Holy Spirit was because they heard them speaking in tongues. This same pattern happened on the day of

Pentecost. God Himself performs the baptism of the Holy Spirit; this is what John the Baptist said about the different types of baptism. Matthew 3:11 I baptise you with water for repentance. But after me comes one who is more powerful than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptise you with the Holy Spirit and fire. The baptism of water is unto repentance an outward expression of accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. The baptism of the Holy Spirit is that of re-birth, re-generation, re-newal and power from above. A child of God can and should speak Gods language. Not just the language or languages of a fallen world. This includes your mode of thinking, believing and faith. Your mind is ultimately renewed daily by the power given to you through the Holy Spirit. Scripture becomes your guiding tool to 25


understand the nature and commandments of God and His purpose for your life. The Holy Spirit will guide you after you receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, John 14:26, But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.

Chapter 6
Is Every Believer Meant to Speak In Tongues?

According to the Holy Bible not every believer

that received the baptism of the Holy Spirit were reported to have spoken in tongues. When apostle Paul, then known as Saul had his encounter on his way to Damascus, there are no references that he spoke in tongues. However, in 1 Corinthians 14:18 19, I thank God that I speak in tongues more than all of you. But in the church I would rather speak five intelligible words to instruct others than ten thousand words in a tongue. It is clear that he did speak in tongues. So Paul was not anti-



tongue speaking, he just preferred order and understanding in Church worship. Considering what happened on the day of Pentecost all the disciples began to speak in tongues as the Holy Spirit enabled them, so we can conclude that all the disciples/apostles spoke in tongues. Taking into account that apostle Paul was not with the disciples of Jesus on the day of Pentecost, he received his baptism separately and also spoke in tongues. Apostle Paul also mentioned uttering mysteries unto God pertaining to speaking in tongues in 1 Corinthians 14: 2,14 and he also considered praying in tongues as praying in the spirit. Though not all tongues were understood or a human language. Paul stated that not all speak in tongues, not all prophecy.

I can say that not all believers in the days of apostle Paul spoke in tongues. The reason, we

may never know. May be resistance to the gift of speaking in tongues, fear of rejection by the Church or members of the local congregation. A lot of believers spoke in tongues as soon as they received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. God determines which or what gift you receive. So every believer should pray for the gift of speaking in tongues and prophecy. If it was necessary to be imparted to the apostles at the beginning (foundation) of the Church, then it should be equally important for us today. Dont let anyone talk you out of the gift of speaking in tongues, but use the gift wisely.



Chapter 7
Other Evidence Apart From Speaking In Tongues I have added this chapter to state that speaking
in tongues is not the only evidence, that you have received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. However the experience of the day of Pentecost became the benchmark in the days of the apostles. The immediate prove of their baptism in the Holy Spirit was the ability to speak in tongues as the Holy Spirit enabled them. No coaching, no long sermon or even water baptism required.

There are many other spiritual gifts like healing, miracles and so on, these gifts are not in

themselves proof of being baptised in the Holy Spirit. The only other evidence that is compelling is the fruit of the Spirit. No one can produce the fruit of the Spirit without the Holy Spirit.

Spiritual Gifts that can be produced without the baptism of the Holy Spirit
The gift of healing, vision, prophecy and works of wonder are all gifts that can be reproduced without the baptism of the Holy Spirit. This is not to say that the same type of gifts are not given by God, but these gifts on their own are not proof that the Holy Spirit is in operation. There are a few bible references from the Old and New Testament to consider. In the book of Exodus 4:4, God said to Moses to reach out to 31


the tail of the snake and it turned back into his staff, this was the power of God at work.

In Exodus 7:10-12, Pharaohs sorcerers and magicians also turned their staff into a snake by their secret arts, though Aarons staff/snake swallowed that of the sorcerers. The point here is, that the act could be produced using a secret art. So you cannot depend on signs and wonders alone as proof of the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

Sorcerers also see visions, in the book Acts 8:9, Simon the sorcerer, amazed all the people of Samaria, they saw him as someone great until the apostles arrived to proclaim the power and gospel of the Kingdom of God. Then they demonstrated true power and wisdom from on high. The same applies in Acts 13:5-7. Therefore

just demonstrating these gifts without the fruit of the Spirit does not prove that God is a work.

My encouragement to you is to get baptised in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. If you dont speak in tongues dont worry, pray to God and He will show you the most appropriate way forward. As long as you bear the fruit of the Spirit, you are ok. Pray for God to give you other spiritual gifts. I pray that you have peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit all the days of your life, in Jesus name amen.



About The Author

Rev. Adegoke Omotunde has

pastored as a volunteer for over 18 years in England. He currently serves as the lead Pastor of New Covenant Church, in the city of Milton Keynes United Kingdom, and the Associate Pastor of Edmonton Conference, under the spiritual

leadership of Rev. Dr. Paul Jinadu (General Overseer). In the last 10 years he has served as the national youth minister of New Covenant Church (UK)

He is professionally trained as a systems analyst (Software Engineer) and worked in various

investment banks across Europe, and other software projects on the continent of Africa. He loves



reading, traveling, music, socialising and graphics design.

The author is also an inspirational public speaker, life coach and mentor of young people around the world.

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