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Gracia's events

1. Fate Gracia: Hey, wait. While walking through town, (MC) heard a voice calling out from behind. Gracia: I knew it was you, (MC)! I'm a little afraid to ask, but do you remember me by any chance? Option A: Yes, I remember you. Option B: What was your name again? If Option A: [Friendship with Gracia raised] Gracia: Oh, I'm so glad! I remember you, so that means you remember me. That's just how things are in the world. Yes. If Option B: Gracia: Oh, no. Gracia: But our meeting cannot be a coincidence. This is fate. Option A: Fate? Option B: Are you sure? If Option A: Gracia: Yes, fate. If Option B: Gracia: Yes, I'm sure. It's fate. Gracia: I once heard a friend of mine telling that to a girl he had just met. My friend is very knowledgeable. This is what he said. "The next time we meet, fate will turn into destiny". I'm not quite sure what it means though. Tell me! What is destiny? Option A: Fate that cannot be changed. Option B: It's just a pick-up line. If Option A: [Friendship with Gracia raised] Gracia: Oh, I see. So fate can be changed but destiny cannot. If Option B: Gracia: Oh. So, changing fate to destiny is something that sways girls? Gracia: You're pretty knowledgeable too. I like you! Servant: My lady, it is almost time. We must return to the grounds.

Gracia: Oh, no. Just when I was having a good time. Let's meet again by accident sometime, (MC). It's a promise! 2. Destined for Friendship While walking through the outskirts of town, (MC) noticed Gracia standing alone. Gracia: Oh, it's you! What a coincidence to meet again like this! Gracia looked happy, but then her smile turned into a frown. Gracia: If we are seen here, someone will become suspicious. You should go. Farewell. Mitsuhide Akechi had instigated a rebellion against Nobunaga, and Gracia apparently had some bad memories. Gracia looked as if she was going to cry, but (MC) spoke. Option A: I don't mind if they are suspicious. Option B: It'll be all right. If Option A: [Friendship with Gracia raised] Gracia: You don't? Wonderful! If Option B: [Friendship with Gracia raised] Gracia: Oh. It will? Good, then. Gracia: You are so kind. Why? Please tell me! Option A: Because we're friends. Option B: Because I'm fond of you. If Option A: [Friendship with Gracia raised] Gracia: What? You're my friend? If Option B: [Friendship with Gracia raised] Gracia: What? You're fond of me? Gracia: Oh, I get it! We met twice by accident, so this must be destiny! You and I are destined to be friends. Yes! This is the power of friendship. I feel better now. Gracia smiled brightly. Just then, her maid appeared. Servant: There you are, my lady! Your family is worried about you. Gracia: Oh. I must return home. Put out your hand and make a fist. Hurry up,

now. Looking intently at (MC), Gracia made a fist and held it out in front of her. Not understanding what was going on, (MC) made a fist as well. Gracia bumped her fist against (MC)'s fist. Gracia: Do you not know what this is? It's what friends do as a greeting! Until we meet again! 3. For a Friend After the fierce battle, (MC) spotted Gracia in a corner of the battlefield. Gracia: Oh, (MC), it's you. Are you all right? Option A: What about you? Are you hurt? Option B: Why did you come to the battlefield? If Option A: [Friendship with Gracia raised] Gracia: Not at all. I feel great. Thank you for worrying about me. I knew you and I were destined to be friends! If Option B: Gracia: Why? Because my friend was in trouble. Coming to a friend's aid is only natural, right? Gracia extended her fist, smiling. (MC) responded in kind, and they bumped fists together. Gracia: I will put my life on the line for you. Option A: I will do the same for you. Option B: You don't have to do that. If Option A: [Friendship with Gracia raised] Gracia: Naturally. If Option B: [Friendship with Gracia lowered] Gracia: Why? You're my friend. Gracia: True friends put their lives on the line for one another. We were destined to be friends for life and nothing can change that. Servant: My lady, look at you! You're filthy! This is unacceptable. You should not be in places like this. Gracia: Looks like I've been found. Now I must return. Let's meet again. 4. Another Friend

Gracia: ... And that's what happened. Magoichi: Well, good for you. Gracia was chatting with Magoichi Saika in a friendly manner. Gracia: Oh, (MC)! You came at a good time! I was just telling Mago about you. About how we were destined to be friends. Magoichi: Hey, (MC). It looks like the two of you are getting along fairly well. You two look like sisters lined up like that. Look after your sister now, got it? Option A: I don't know. Option B: You can count on me. If Option A: Gracia: How rude! It's as if you are trying to push me off onto each other! If Option B: [Friendship with Gracia raised] Magoichi: I knew I could count on you. Thanks. Gracia: How rude! Gracia: You will still always be my friend, Mago. Or can there only be one person who is destined to be someone's friend? I wonder how that works. Magoichi: What do you mean, "destined to be friends"? Gracia: Tell me, Mago! Magoichi: Hey, (MC). Do something about this girl, will you? 5. Ajika Invited by Gracia, (MC) was walking with her in the castle town. Just then, they heard the voice of a peddler coming from somewhere. Merchant: Ajika! Ajika! Get your ajika! Gracia: Ajika? (MC)! What's ajika? Tell me. Option A: It's a fish that looks bad but tastes good. Option B: It's craftwork made out of things like bamboo or straw. If Option A: Gracia: Hmm. I want to try it. Hey you, peddler. I'll take one ajika fish. Merchant: One ajika fish? Oh, this must be what you want.

The peddler took out a fish made out of bamboo. Gracia: Hmm. (MC), this isn't what you said at all! You said it looked bad, but this is really cute. If Option B: [Friendship with Gracia raised] Gracia: Hmm. I want to see. Hey you, peddler. Show me your ajika. Merchant: All right, here they are. The peddler lined up some items made from bamboo. Gracia: Hmm. Look, (MC)! I like this basket! It's so cute! Gracia took the craftwork under her arm with a satisfied look on her face, and walked away. The peddler caught (MC)'s sleeve as (MC) tried to follow her. Merchant: You haven't paid yet. (MC) paid. Gracia was already disappearing into the distance. 6. Perils of the Town Invited by Gracia, (MC) was walking with her in the castle town. Gracia came to a crowd of people and stopped. Gracia: What's this? As she pushed her way through the crowd, she saw Okuni, dancing. After Okuni finished dancing, she started to collect money from the spectators. Okuni: Donations are for the Izumo Shrine. Come now, don't be stingy. Thank you, thank you. Thanks very much. Gracia: My. What a pretty face. (MC), tell me. What are these donations for? Option A: It's money for a shrine. Option B: It's using the name of a shrine to squeeze money out of people. If Option A: [Friendship with Gracia raised] Gracia: The contributions are offerings to Izumo Shrine? That sounds like it would bring good fortune. Okuni: That's right, young lady. If you donate a large amount, good fortune will surely come to you.

If Option B: [Friendship with Okuni lowered] Gracia: So, she is taking the people's money by dishonest means? Okuni: You there, young lady. Did you say something? Okuni, smiling, came up to where they were looking on from a distance. Okuni: It looks like the gods have brought us together. How much would you like to donate? Intimidated by the smiling Okuni, the pair gave her all the money they had. Okuni: My, how generous. May you be blessed. Okuni left with a satisfied look on her face. Gracia: This is good, right, (MC)? I'm sure good fortune will come to us now! 7. Beauty and the Bear As (MC) and Gracia walked through the town, Lady Kai and Kunoichi approached them. Kai: Look at that girl! She's so cute. Doesn't she have the face of a doll? Kunoichi: Who? Where? Oh, yes, she is a jewel. Unused to such praise, Gracia flushed red with embarrassment. Gracia: I'm not that cute. Even Mago said I wasn't worth defending. But my father is a handsome man. His hair is the silkiest in the land. And my mother is very cute. My father thinks so from the bottom of his heart! He said that he had been to told to marry someone else, not mother! But he said that she was the only one for him. But I'm not cute. Father scolds me often. You are the ones who are cute. Tell me. Who are these people? Option A: This is Ujinaga Narita's daughter, Lady Kai. Option B: This is a bear. If Option A: [Friendship with Kai raised] Gracia: Oh! You're a princess. I knew you seemed refined. And you're so pretty! Kai: Please, I'm not used to being told things like that. If Option B: Gracia: Oh. So you're a bear. How cute. Here you are, little bear. Have some honey. Kai: Hey! Stop it! Leave me alone!

Gracia: This girl here looks a little audacious, but she's very cute. Who is she? Option A: She is the world's most beautiful and talented ninja. Option B: She is a clown, who performs on the streets. If Option A: [Friendship with Kunoichi raised] Gracia: Oh. The world's greatest ninja! And so pretty! A flower that blooms in the dark. Beautiful but dangerous. Kunoichi: Well, I've never been told those kinds of things before. If Option B: Gracia: A lowly clown! She's so cute. And you're right, she is lowly! Kunoichi: You don't have to keep calling me "lowly". Or a clown, for that matter. If both Options B were chosen: Gracia: I got to learn about lowly clowns and bears today. What a satisfying day! If either of the Options A were chosen: Gracia: I'm so happy to have met such remarkable people today! If Option B was chosen the first time, and Option A was chosen the second time: Kai: She thinks I'm a bear and you're a flower that blooms in the darkness. Are we that different? Something is wrong with the world. If Option A was chosen the first time, and Option B was chosen the second time: Kai: Did you hear that? I'm a born princess! Anyone can tell! If either of the Options B were chosen: Kunoichi: You...! Gracia walked away in high spirits. 8. Faith (MC) found Gracia on the battlefield, with the smell of battle still in the air. Gracia: (MC), tell me. Why must people fight each other? Option A: Because people have different ambitions. Option B: Because people want to protect different things. If Option A: Gracia: They should just throw away their petty ambitions.

If Option B: [Friendship with Gracia raised] Gracia: To protect something? I don't understand. What does fighting protect? All I see is loss. Gracia: It may be fine for those whose intentions are carried out and who die. But what about the rest of us? We are left to live in sadness. Am I wrong? Tell me, (MC). Will people ever stop fighting? Option A: They will one day, I'm sure of it. Option B: I will stop the fighting. If Option A: Gracia: They will? Are you sure? If Option B: [Friendship with Gracia raised] Gracia: You will? Can I hold you to your word? Gracia: Lying is a thief's trait, you know. (MC) nodded confidently. Gracia: You are my friend, so I will believe you. Servant: My lady. You keep running off to dangerous places. Gracia: I'm glad we got to talk! Let's meet again, (MC). 9. Always Beneath the peaceful sky, (MC) and Gracia took a carefree stroll through the castle town. Gracia: When I first met you, I didn't know much about the world. Since then, I've seen the many good and many bad things this world has to offer. And you have taught me many things. I am grateful to you. Do you think I've grown up? What do you think? Option A: Yes. Option B: No, you're still just a child. If Option A: [Friendship with Gracia raised] Gracia: Really? Oh, good. If Option B: Gracia: Hmph. No, you're the child. If you were an adult, you would have praised me. Gracia: I've enjoyed being with you. I'm glad we became friends.

Gracia's servant could be seen in the distance. A palanquin was waiting for her. Gracia: Well, I should be off before she decides to call for me. I've worried my family enough. It's about time I settled down. I can't stay a child forever. Option A: You're really grown up. Option B: Growing up can be hard. If Option A: [Friendship with Gracia raised] Gracia: Haven't I? I really have grown up. If Option B: Gracia: Is it? Well, it's better than being a child. Gracia: But no matter how much time may pass, I will always be me, and you will always be you. Gracia then turned around and ran towards her servant who was waiting for her. Gracia climbed inside the palanquin, and with a smile, reached out her fist. (MC) did the same, and they knocked fists one last time. Gracia: We'll be friends forever. Understood? Gracia then smiled as she shut the door to the palanquin. The way she smiled made her look a little more grown up.

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