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Nature uses the fractal method for creation

Out of the book The English Language from Hungarian viewby Csaba Varga: In order to learn natures building methods we take a magnifying glass and look at the structure of a snowflake. This very impressive structure extends from a central point. First a solo crystal will be born. This seed starts further growth by a set way at certain corners of it. This growing or multiplication follows additional geometrical rules. (For example: around a circle only six other circles with the same radius may be placed.) Beautiful structures are built, if the process goes on for a long time.

Snowflake The mathematical name of this structure is fractal. The basic building or growing method of these fractals is very simple and the newly born crystals will inherit it. Nevertheless, the formation will become a very complicated structure in all dimensions.

In this case a fractal is produced through a mathematical formula artificially. The fractal is not just one of the words curiosities; it is natures only basic creating method. If nature creates growth it will have necessarily a fractal structure. This unique building method of nature is well demonstrated by the structures of the brain, a cauliflower and a kernel of a hazel nut as well as the form of a tree or our vascular system.

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a) Vascular system b)Treec) Coral These are in space openly free developing fractals

d) Cauliflower e) Brain f) Kernel of a walnut These are fractals, which try to fill out most of a restricted space. Their similarity is obvious. If we examine any of natures fractal growths, then it becomes obvious that all of them have started as a seed, which contains the core of this growth. In other words: every natural, all-directionally grown structure has a starting kernel containing the essence of growth (life). In their reproduction, all living features inherit just the basic method of building.

The Living Language of the Stone Age

The English Language from the Hungarian View

AnimaKnyv: The Living Language of the Stone Age (Eurasias Nostratic Language) by Csaba Varga 2003 / 2009


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