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Airline Transport Pilot Licence Aeroplane Flight Test Report

Qualification Assessment 1. Personal Details

Last Name Given Name(s) Holds Flight Crew Licence Yes Yes No No Type I/R Current If Yes, Client ID Number Yes No Age (21)

Holds Instrument Rating (Multi)

Date of last Instrument Rating Competency Flight Test (dd/mm/yy)

2. Experience
Total Flight Time (Co-Pilot max 50%) Pilot in Command in aeroplanes (or 150 hours pilot in command; balance made up with 50% command practice time) Cross Country Pilot in Command in aeroplanes Cross Country Pilot in Command in aeroplanes at night Cross Country Co-Pilot or Cross Country Pilot in Command additional Night Flight Pilot in Command or Co-Pilot Instrument time Instrument flight time (1500) (250)

(100) (25)

(200) (100) (100) (75) (50)

3. Knowledge
NZ Examination credits all held KDRs signed by instructor ATPL Air Law valid until (dd/mm/yy)
(max 5 years from credit issue date)

4. Medical
NZ Class 1 Medical Certificate held Expiry date (dd/mm/yy)

5. Examiner Details
Part 119/141 Aviation Training Organisation Assessment completed by (Flight Examiner or Approved Person) Date (dd/mm/yy) Client ID Client ID

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CAA 24061/05 Rev 10 : Oct 09

Name Flight Test Report 6. Aircraft Details

Aircraft type Type rating held


Registration ZK Aircraft satisfactory for test and IFR equipped

7. Flight Planning
Meteorological reports (copy required) IFR Plan filed (copy required) Route nominated by Examiner (including alternate)

8. Assessment Checklist
Assessment Criteria Check Form for ATPL Flight Test
Task Page No.* Rating Critical Element? Comment




Personal preparation Meteorology (copy required) Operational environment Flight planning (copy required) Fuel management Fuel Details required
Climb Diversion Descent

16 18 20 22 24
En route Holding Reserve Kgs/lbs/litres Total safe endurance

No Yes (x2) Yes Yes Yes (x3)

Total fuel carried A/C performance & limitations Take off distance Aircraft Loading Weight and Balance (T/O weight to be at or near maximum authorised landing weight) A/C airworthiness/documentation External pre-flight inspection Cockpit preparation Crew briefings (conduct/quality) Engine start Taxi Pre-takeoff/pre-departure preparation Takeoff roll Rejected takeoff


26 28 Maximum authorised landing weight Actual take off weight 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46

Yes (x2) Landing distance Yes (x2)

Yes (x3) No No No No Yes Yes Yes (x2) Yes (x2)

Engine failure at or after V1 48 Yes (x3) Simulated power failure after V2 at ceiling take off minima for aircraft (IMC to be simulated & zero thrust set subsequently by the testing officer). Power failure may occur at any time during take off in an approved simulator. Heading maintained after failure Control of drag factors and use of trim Identification of failed engine Transition to instrument flight & initial climb Instrument departure procedures Climb procedures Cruise procedures Descent, approach & landing preparation Descent procedures 50 52 54 56 58 60 No No No No No No

* Page Number relates to CAA Flight Test Standards Guide, ATPL Issue, Aeroplane
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Task Page No.*

0-70 70-85 85-100
Critical Element? Comment

Holding Instrument holding procedures Initial approach procedures Radar vectoring for an approach Precision approach (ILS) Non-precision approach

62 NDB 64 66 68 70 VOR Yes No Yes Yes GPS

Instrument approaches NDB VOR LLZ GPS DME ARC Inst. approach circle visually, app & 72 Yes landing One eng inop (OEI) performance 74 Yes At alternate-standard entry to the holding pattern (an engine will be failed some time after arrival; zero thrust will be set subsequently by the testing officer). Missed approach procedures 76 No Diversion procedures Normal landing Crosswind landing One engine inoperative landing Taxiing to parking Engine shutdown & securing the aircraft Crew self evaluation (debrief/operation/review/critique) Threat & error management (critical task) Com process decision making (inquir/advoc/asser) Com process decision making (coms decisions) Team building leader+ follower/ship/concern/task Team building interperson relationship/group climate Workload manage/situate/aware/prep/plan/ vigilance Workload/manage/situate/aware/wload/dist /dist/avoid Coms with cabin crew company & pax Completion of checks & use of checklists ATS procedures and compliance RFT procedures Loss of communications procedures Aircraft handling by reference to instruments Use of automation Navaid management and tracking Systems operations and procedures Management of a system malfunction Emergency equipment Unusual attitudes (upset recovery) (critical task) Management of ACARS advisories Go-around from a GPWS alert if applicable Recovery from a wind shear encounter Knowledge of flight rules Adherence to organisations SOPs (critical task) Lookout in VMC
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78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 100 102 104 106 108 110 112 114 116 118 120 122 124 126 128 130 132 134 136 138 140

No Yes (x2) Yes (x2) Yes (x2) No No No Yes (x4) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No Yes (x3) No Yes No No Yes (x4) No
CAA 24061/05 Rev 10 : Oct 09



Any procedural or planning aspects etc. that the examiner considers necessary (to be noted by the examiner)

Flight navigation log - copy required OR FMC Computer Flight Plan required

9. Result
Pass Yes No Date

Examiners name (print) Licence held Examiners signature No.

10. Remarks

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CAA 24061/05 Rev 10 : Oct 09

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