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Passive Voice re-write the sentences in the passive without changing the meaning A professional photographer will take

e all my wedding photographs. They told Peter not to play such loud music. Everybody should read this article carefully. Bob sold the house in the park to Mr Brown. People believe that the Loch Ness Monster really existed. Passive to Active re-write these passive sentences in active voice. My car needs to be serviced. My car .. Mary was sacked last week. Lucys purse was stolen on the underground. The Good, The Bad and The Ugly was filmed in Spain. Conditionals re-write the sentence so the sentence has the same meaning We didn't see the latest James Bond film because the cinema was closed.

She doesn't understand because you haven't explained the situation to her.

You won't get a promotion if you dont work harder.

We didn't pick you up at the ferry terminal because you didn't phone us.

Relative Pronouns There's the lady. Her dog was killed. I have a friend. He's a wonderful skater. The boy broke the window. He ran away. Scrabble is a very enjoyable game. I play Scrabble every weekend.

Camilo Jos Cela died a few months ago. He wrote Viaje a La Alcarria. Modals re-write the sentence so it has the same meaning I'm sure John locked the office before leaving. He always does.

If I were you I would tell him the truth.

It isn't necessary for her to phone me back.

Mark finished the project on his own although it wasn't necessary to do so.

It was a mistake to sell the house. I wish I hadn't.

Connectors- re-write the sentence with the word given, so it has the same meaning Many sportsmen are disqualified as a consequence of their illegal use of drugs. (consequently)
John won the race. Nevertheless, he didn't feel happy. (DESPITE)

We need to increase sales. Therefore, we'll start a new advertising campaign. (SO) Wish Clauses I once hit a policeman and I got arrested. If only I was so noisy every night that my neighbours couldnt stand me. I wish I have always been so proud and arrogant that I didnt let anyone help me. I wish

I forgot to turn off the oven and my house caught fire. I wish Answer Key Active to Passive My wedding photographs will be taken by a professional photographer. Peter was told not to play such loud music. This article should be read carefully. The house in the park was sold to Mr Brown by Bob. It is believed that the Loch Ness Monster really existed.

Passive to Active My car needs to be serviced. My car needs servicing. They sacked Mary last week. Someone stole Lucys purse on the underground. They filmed The Good, The Bad and The Ugly in Spain.

Conditionals If the cinema hadnt been closed we could/would have seen the lastest James Bond film. We could/would have seen the latest James Bond film if the cinema had been open. If you had explained the situation to her she would have understood. She would have understood if you had explained the situation to her. If you work harder you will get a promotion. If you had phoned us we would have picked you up at the ferry terminal. We would have picked you up at the ferry terminal if you had phoned us. Relative Pronouns There's the lady whose dog was killed. I have a friend who is a wonderful skater. The boy, who broke the window, ran away.

Scrabble is a very enjoyable game which/that I play every weekend. Camilo Jos Cela, who Viaje a La Alcarria, died a few months ago.

Modals Luke must have locked the office before leaving. He always does. You should tell him the truth. /You ought to tell him the truth. She neednt phone me back./She doesnt have to call me back. Mark finished the project on his own although he didnt have to. Mark finished the project on his own although he neednt have. I shouldnt have sold the house, it was a mistake. Connectors Many sportsmen illegally use drugs consequently they are disqualified. Despite winning the race, John didnt feel happy. We need to increase sales so we'll start a new advertising campaign. Wish Clauses If only I hadnt hit a policeman I wouldnt have been arrested. I wish I hadnt been so noisy every night and my neighbours may/might have liked me. I wish I hadnt been so proud and arrogant and let someone help me. I forgot to turn off the oven and my house caught fire. I wish I hadnt forgotten to turn off the oven and my house wouldnt have caught fire.

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