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Heat exchangers
The failure modes associated with heat exchangers are:

Corrosion Design fault Erosion External event Fire/explosion Human error Impact Maintenance faults Overheating Overpressurisation Structural failure Vibration Wrong/defective equipment The technical measures that may be appropriate for each of these failure modes are identified in each of the above links.

Corrosion measures
measures to prevent, Control or mitigate major accidents involving corrosion effects of heat exchangers are: Prevention Coatings Selection of materials Control Corrosion monitoring Inspection Leak detection Mitigation Emergency response Isolation Plant layout (escalation) PPE Secondary containment Spill treatment

Design fault measures

measures to prevent, Control or mitigate major accidents involving design faulteffects of heat exchangers are: Prevention Design Codes - buildings Design codes - plant Control Inspection Leak detection Relief systems Vent systems Mitigation Emergency response Isolation Plant layout (escalation) PPE

Secondary containment Spill treatment

Erosion measures
measures to prevent, Control or mitigate major accidents involving erosion effects ofheat exchangers are: Prevention Design codes - plant Control Inspection Leak detection Mitigation Emergency response Isolation Plant layout (escalation) PPE Secondary containment Spill treatment

External event measures

measures to prevent, Control or mitigate major accidents involving external eventeffects of heat exchangers are: Prevention Design Codes - buildings Design codes - plant Control Flood protection Lightning protection Relief systems Wind loading protection Mitigation Emergency response Isolation Plant layout (escalation) PPE Secondary containment Spill treatment

Fire/explosion measures
measures to prevent, Control or mitigate major accidents involving fire/explosioneffects of heat exchangers are: Prevention Design codes - plant Earthing Hazardous area classification Operating Procedures Control Explosion relief Leak detection Vent systems Mitigation Emergency response Isolation Plant layout (escalation) PPE Secondary containment Spill treatment

Human error measures

measures to prevent, Control or mitigate major accidents involving human erroreffects of heat exchangers are: Prevention Operating procedures Control Alarms Mitigation Emergency response

Control systems Training

Isolation Plant layout (escalation) PPE Secondary containment Spill treatment

Impact measures
measures to prevent, Control or mitigate major accidents involving impact effects ofheat exchangers are: Prevention Lifting procedures Maintenance procedures Operating procedures Permit to work Control Leak detection Training Mitigation Emergency response Isolation Plant layout (escalation) PPE Secondary containment Spill treatment

Maintenance faults measures

measures to prevent, Control or mitigate major accidents involving maintenance faults effects of heat exchangers are: Prevention Maintenance procedures Control Inspection Leak detection Permit to work Training Mitigation Emergency response Isolation Plant layout (escalation) PPE Secondary containment Spill treatment

Overheating measures
measures to prevent, Control or mitigate major accidents involving overheatingeffects of heat exchangers are: Prevention Design codes - plant Maintenance procedures Operating procedures Reliability of utilities Control Alarms Control systems Training Trips Mitigation Emergency response Isolation Plant layout (escalation) PPE Secondary containment Spill treatment

Overpressurisation measures
measures to prevent, Control or mitigate major accidents involving overpressurisation effects of heat exchangers are: Prevention Design Codes - plant Maintenance procedures Operating procedures Control Alarms Relief systems Training Trips Vent systems Mitigation Emergency response Isolation Plant layout (escalation) PPE Secondary containment Spill treatment

Structural failure measures

measures to prevent, Control or mitigate major accidents involving structural failureeffects of heat exchangers are: Prevention Design Codes - buildings Design codes - plant Control Inspection Mitigation Emergency response Isolation Plant layout (escalation) PPE Secondary containment Spill treatment

Vibration measures
measures to prevent, Control or mitigate major accidents involving vibration effects of Heat Exchangers are: Prevention Design codes - plant Control Inspection Leak detection Maintenance procedures Training Mitigation Emergency response Isolation Plant layout (escalation) PPE Secondary containment Spill treatment

Wrong/defective equipment measures

measures to prevent, Control or mitigate major accidents involving wrong/defective equipment effects of Heat Exchangers are: Prevention Change procedures Control Alarms/Trips Mitigation Emergency response

Design codes - plant

Leak detection Relief systems Training

Isolation Plant layout (escalation) PPE Secondary containment Spill treatment

05 May 2006 10:13:16 +0100

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