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Lauren A.

3963 Los Arabis Dr. Lafayette, CA 94549 541-556-1716


Research Scientist in the I AM Sciences

Affective Neuroscience/Phrenology/Psychoneuroimmunology- brain stem, midbrain, limbic system, neocortex, hippocampus, amygdala, nucleus accumbens, locus coeruleus, basal ganglia, cerebellum, pontomesencephalon, hypothalamus-suprachiasmatic nucleus, supraoptic nucleus, arcuate nucleus, paraventricular nucleus o Psychotropic Pharmacology-tetrahydrocannabinol receptor, anadamide, MDMA, methylone, 4-flouromethcathinone, pentylone, flephedrone, MDPBP, LY503430, Parkinsons Neuregulins, NRG-3, auromatic amino acid decarboxylase, 5-HT, NMDA, AMPA, orexin, oxytocin, vasopressin, nitric oxide, capsaicin, glutamate, monosodium glutamate, ascorbate, essential fatty acids, CoQ10, glycine Glial activation, purkinje cells, collateral sprouting, LTP o Temporal Lobe Epilepsy-NMDA/PCP receptors, globus pallidus, dopaminergic toxicity, kainite, pilocarpine, leptin Psychomotor Epilepsy-acquired temporal lobe seizure disorder (PTSD), HPA axis, neuropeptide S o PSD95-hippocampus- ErbB-4 and NMDA receptors, AMPA, nitric oxide, glutamate, neuregulins o Endocannaboid System-mirror neurons, volmeronasal organ, eimer organs, ruffini organslamellated corpuscles, pacinian corpuscles, ruffini endings, merkel cells, meissner corpuscles, prepollux, fascia, ER81 o P2X ion channel receptors-ATP, extracellular ATP, purines, purinoceptors, pyrimidines, luminescence, scaffold/anchoring proteins, Rohon-Beard cells, grandmother cells, o Leptin, CNS-LTD, LTP Hypothalamus-energy metabolism, arcuate nucleus, agouti-related peptide, hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus, agmatine, neuropeptide Y, Neuropeptide S, long term homeostatic mechanisms Hippocampus-leptin receptors, BK channel activation, PI 3-kinase, phosphatidylinositol-3, 4, 5-triphosphate, LTD, LTP Schizoaffective Disorder/Schizotypal Personality-hippocampus-rooting reflex, separation distress, gliosis, backward masking, prepulse inhibition, two voices conversing, activation of HPA axis, persistent belief in extrasensory phenomena, unusual sensory experiences, LTP o Extrapyramidal Syndromes-tardive dyskinesia, 5HT2A, DNA chip analysis Consciousness-DMT, thalamus, reticular formation, pineal gland, pituitary gland, cerebellum, glial cells-rewired temporal cortex o Rectal Distention- brain stem o Bells Theorem-quantum physics, dream-like state, alpha/theta brain wave patterns o Subconscious Mind/Conscious Mind-sixth sense link o Egyptian Stream Internal Alchemy-KA body, siddhis (clairgnosis), skhem, uraeus, apophis, sine waves, KA body autonomy, quantum reality o Biological Consciousness-Cells-integral membrane proteins (IMPs), receptor proteins, effectors proteins Cell membrane-sodium-potassium ATPase channel-recharging biological battery, harmonic resonance Gold-transduction, programmable cellular membrane, silicone chip

RAT Lab Electronics- I AM Schoolroom-frequency 1,800-2,000Hz, 12 strand DNA- the Great Great Silence, Liquid Light, Mighty I AM Presence, Cosmic Light, Cosmic Key, Electronic Body, Higher Mental Body, Atomic Accelerator, Absorption Reflector, Light Projector o Radio Communication-etheric ray-high/medium/low-sound ray, light ray Radio-television /LCD-tracking, remote sensing, remote viewing-television, digital watch faces, computer screen, computer, printer, scanner, internet, microwave, cell phone, digital camera, automobile sensors Glass, crystal, silica o Computer Internet Technology-tracking electromagnetic data via personal computer Scalar waves, terahertz radiation, L-fields, T-fields Dental radiographs-monitoring of the CNS-central sun Medical robotics TTL pulses, firing, pyroelectric, piezoelectric, polyvinylidene fluoride EEG, MEG, fMRI, TMS, PET, polysomnograph (PGO waves), electromyography, autoradiography, proto-oncogenes, insitu hybridization, gene cfos, cfos protein, fos expression Fourier analysis, attractor patterns, chaos theory Interstellar Alliance-Essassani-contact crystal, permission slip, hyperconductive energy, tertiary matrix, ionic field, prime radiant, harmonic resonator beat RAT Play-ludic play o Vestibular, cerebellar, basal ganglia systems o Kluver-Bucy syndrome o Playground for the mind-programming cortical functions, fos changes Diablo Foods Internship-HeartMath Research Institute

Southern Oregon University / BS Psychology
Ashland, OR Rogue Community College Medford, OR Santa Catalina High School / BS Religion Monterey, CA

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