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Thepresentationsofdatameansexhibitionofdatainsuchaclearandattractive manner that these are easily understood and analysed. Forms of Presentation of data

Textual/Descriptive Presentation

Tabular Presentation

Diagrammatic Presentation

Tabulation IT is the process of presenting data in the form of a table. Parts or Components of Table.

Table Title Number



Bodyof Unitof Source Head theTable measure Note ment

Food Note

Features of a good table. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) Compatible Title Helpful in comparisan IdealSize Stubs Headings Percentage and ratio Source of Data Kinds of Table

According to purpose

According to originality

According to construction


Types of Diagramatic Presentation

Geometric Form Pre Diagram Bar Diagram

Frequency Diagram Histogram Frequency Polygon Frequency curve Ogive curve

Arithmetic Graph or Time series graph

u u u u u u


Sub Percentage Divided

Sub divided bar diagram are those diagrams which present simultaneously, total values and parts there in a set of a data. Pie or circular diagram is a circle divided into various segment showing the percent valve of a series. Histogram is graphical presentations of a frequency distribution of a continuous series. Frequency polygon is drawn by joining the mid points of the tops of rectangles in a histogram. Frequency curve is obtained by joining the points of a frequency polygon through free hand smoothed curves not by straight lines. Cumulative frequency curves or ogive curve is the curve which is constructed by plotting cumulative frequency data on the graph paper in the form of a smooth curve.

1 Marks Question 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What is meant by tabulation? Define caption as a part of table. What is meant by manifold table? Define bar diagrams. State the meaning of subdivided bar diagrams. Define piediagram.


7. 8. 9.

What is meant by histogram? State the meaning of frequency curve. Write the name of the curve which is formed by joining mid point of the top of all rectangles in a histogram.

10. Define the ogive curve 11. What is meant by false base line.

3/4 Marks questions 1. 2. 3. 4. State three features of a good table. State the merits of tabular presentation. Define piediagram. Write the steps of making piediagram. Present the following data by multiple bar diagram. Year 2007 2008 2009 1st Class 40 80 100 IInd Class 80 100 120 Passed 130 120 180


Present the following data of final consumption expenditure of a family with the help of a piediagram. Items Cloths Food Education Electricity Others Expenditure (in rupees) 1600 2400 1000 1500 2500



Make a histogram from following data Marks 3035 3540 4045 4550 5055 5560 6065 6570 No. of students 10 24 30 44 28 22 14 8


Persent the following data in a piediagram. Items Wages Bricks Wooden work Paint Steel Cement Supervision Others % expenditure 15 20 5 10 25 12 07 06

5/6 Marks questions 8. Marks 010 1020 2030 3040 4050 5060 6070 7080 No.of Students 20 14 24 26 28 38 40 10



Make Frequency polygon or frequency curve. Marks 3035 3540 4045 4550 5055 5560 6065 6570 No. Students 10 12 20 26 38 28 18 12

Answer of one marks question. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The method of arranging data orderly in form of rows and columns is known as tabulation Caption is the title given to the columns of a table. It indicate information contained in the columns. Manifold table shows more than three characteristics of the data. Bardiagramsarethosediagramsinwhichdataarepresentedintheform of bars and rectangles. Sub divided bar diagrams are those diagrams in which more than one data are presented simultaneously, total values and parts there in a set of data. Piediagramisacircledividedintovarioussegementshowingthepercent value of a series. Histogram is a graphical presentation of a frequency distribution of a continuous series. Frequency curve is obtained by joining the points of a frequency polygon through freehand smoothed curves not by straight lines. Frequency polygon.

6. 7. 8. 9.

10. It is the curve which is constructed by plotting cumulative frequency data on the graph paper in a form of a smooth curve. 11. Whenthereisalargegapbetweenzeroandminimumvalueofavariable than to minimise this gap we use false base line.


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