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Cytomel Side Effects

When the thyroid gland is unable to secrete enough thyroid hormone (medically known as hypothyroidism), Thyroid replacement therapy is needed such as Liothyronine. Cytomel is a synthetic version of Liothyronine, a thyroid hormone (also known as T3 ) used to treat hypothyroidism. Cytomel, is a prescription medication that works identical to the liothyronine. It is approved to treat hypothyroidism (decreased blood level of thyroid hormone), goiters (inflammation in the thyroid gland), and myxedema (body changes associated to prolonged hypothyroidism). Thyroid hormone is responsible for metabolism. Without this hormone, it will result in poor bodily functions such as slow speech, poor growth, weight gain, lack of energy, and hypersensitivity to cold. If taken correctly, Cytomel reverses these symptoms.

Understanding Cytomel Side Effects: Knowing What It Is Used For and How It Works

Thyroid gland produces two different hormones, the thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronin (T3). These hormones are primarily responsible to increase the basal metabolic rate, affect protein synthesis, help regulate bone growth, and increase sensitivity to catecholamines such as adrenaline. These hormones are important in developing all cells of the human body. They help regulate carbohydrate, protein, and fat metabolism, affecting how human cells convert to energy compounds. Although thyroid gland usually produces more T4 than T3, but when the need arises, especially since T3 is much more active than T4, the body can naturally convert T4 hormone into T3 hormone. If the thyroid does not make enough hormones, there are few different thryroid replacement options, including synthetic thyroid hormones like Cytomel. Manufactured by King Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Cytomel are not made from animal thyroids, thus are less likely to cause allergic reactions and may provide more precise regulation of thyroid levels. When T4 is not appropriately converted int T3, in such case a T3 replacement therapy like Cytomel would work better. However, during the treatment using Cytomel, some people may experience side effects, either minor or severe. Always consult your doctor for proper medication and treatment as (mentioned) Cytomel is a prescription medication.

An Introduction to Cytomel Side Effects

Although not everyone using Cytomel will experience secondary effects of the medication, some people are able to tolerate it quite well. But for some who may have minor side effects and doesnt require special treatment, it is still advisable to notify health care professional if any common Cytomel side effects persist.

Common Cytomel Side Effects

Side effects typically occur if not administered appropriately, like when the dose is high. Increase level of thyroid hormone can cause hyperthyroidism symptoms and needs to be adjusted. However, here are some of the minor side effects (but not limited to) in using Cytomel medication include: Hypertension (High blood pressure) Tachycardia (rapid heart rate) Heart palpitation Increased or loss of appetite (weight gain or loss) Fever Increased sweating Ill feeling Feeling hot all the time Shakiness Muscle weakness Disturbed sleeping pattern Insomnia headache Anxiety Nervousness Irritability Hyperactivity Emotional changes Difficulty breathing Painful breathing Flushing Diarrhea Nausea and vomiting Abdominal cramps (stomach cramps) Hair loss Signs of weakened bones or broken bones

Signs of congestive heart failure or CHF Menstrual problems Fertility problems

This may not be a complete list of all common side effects in using Cytomel as there are some which are not reported. Contact your health care provider if any unusual feelings that may occur. However, seek emergency medical attention if any of these symptoms become severe when using Cytomel, such as: Severe allergic reactions Unexplained rashes or hives Swelling of the mouth, face, lips, tongue, throat, arms, legs, feet Sudden weight loss or gain Excessive sweating Severe headache Seizures Tremor Pounding in the chest Inability of tolerate hot weather conditions Irregular heart rhythym Wheezing or other sever breathing problems

Rare Cytomel Side Effects

Studies suggest that there are certain rare side effects that have surfaced in using Cytomel. These are rare cases and difficult to tell whether or not it is induced by taking Cytomel or caused by other medications Cardiopulmonary arrest Hypotension Myocardial infarction Phlebitis

Twitching If any of these rare cases occur, or if you have questions about unusual symptoms in using Cytomel, contact your health care specialist.

Avoiding Cytomel Side Effects: What Should I Tell My Healthcare Provider Before Starting Treatment?

Some medications or medical conditions may interact with Cytomel and may result further complication. Tell your health care provider if any of these medication conditions apply to you: Pregnant, plan to become pregnant, or breastfeeding Allergies to any medicines, food, or other substances Have recent surgery, or plan to have one Taking any prescription or non-prescription medicine, herbal products, or dietary supplements If taking blood thinners Have heart diseases, high blood pressures, diabetes, overactive thyroid, or myxedema

Some medicines may interact in using Cytomel and may have dangerous result. Tell your doctor if you are taking any of these medicines: Estrogen or birth control pills Anticoagulants, digitalis glycosides, tricyclicantidepressants, vasopressors, ketamine Insulin or other diabetes medicines Some illegal drugs and alcohol

Cytomel Warnings and Precautions

Cytomel may increase the level of blood sugar, therefore, glucose tolerance may change and diabetic conditions may worsen. People, especially older people with high sugar should monitor their blood sugar regularly and consult your doctor about any unusual signs and symptoms. Cytomel may also cause the

heart to work harder, thus people with heart problems like angina should discuss with their medical provider how Cytomel may affect their condition, and discuss about the right dosage of this medication for any special monitoring. Older people may be more sensitive to the effects of Cytomel, and therefore, close monitoring is needed, particularly those with heart problems

Conclusive Thoughts on Adderall Side Effects People with no thyroid problem should never use Cytomel, especially for weight loss purposes. A high dosage of Cytomel may cause weight loss however high enough to cause dangerous and harmful result. If you have not discussed this medication with your health care provider, or if you are not sure on how to administer this medication properly, speak to your doctor for guidance and advice. do not stop taking this medication suddenly without your doctors approval, nor give this medication to anyone else even if they have exactly the same conditions or symptoms as you do. It can be very dangerous and life-threatening for people to use this medication without your doctors prescription!

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