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Agreement Form Introduction and welcome 4 5

SECTION 1 Queen Margaret University and AMC Students Responsibilities 6

Matriculation Fees Participation Examinations and Assessments Plagiarism/Cheating Turnitin Referencing Communication Personal Academic Tutor Academic Learning Centre Regulations, Policies and Codes of Conduct Extenuating Circumstances Counselling Centre Careers and Employability Centre 6 6 7 7 8 9 9 10 11 11 12 12 13 14

SECTION 2 The Modular Framework

The academic year - University calendar 2011-12 Key features of undergraduate programmes o modules o module level Module descriptors Key components of a module descriptor Attendance regulations Assessment

17 18 18 18 18 19 21

SECTION 3 Your Programme

Programme structure and supplementary information................................ Programme management............................................................................ o Student Staff Consultative Committee.............................................. o Programme Committee..................................................................... o The Board of Examiners...................................................................

22 33 34 34 35

SECTION 3 Your Programme (continued)

Progression & Award Board of Examiners............................. 35 Joint Board of Examiners....................................................... 36 o Subject Group Teams....................................................................... 36 o The School Board.. 36 o Sources of advice/guidance.............................................................. 37 o Information for students with special needs...................................... 37 o International Students....................................................................... 37 QMU& AMC Student Union ...........................................................................38 o The role and remit of the students representatives. 38 o Required time commitment of student representatives.................... 39

SECTION 4 Procedures and Regulation for your Programme 40

Criteria for assessment........................................................................ 40 General regulations for all students.........................................................45 Undergraduate programmes o assessment regulations 45 o continuation of study regulations 45 o regulations for award 45

SECTION 5 University Sources & sources of Information


Harvard Reference System......................................................................46 o Recognition of prior learning 46 o Support Services and Organisations 47 o Registry Services..........................................................................47 o Health and safety arrangements...................................................48 Equal opportunities at QMU & AMC........................................................49 Academic appeals procedure..................................................................49

1. Data Protection Act 1998.........................................................................50 2. Assessment Regulations.51

Agreement Form
Please complete this form and hand it in to the Course Leader seven days from receipt of the Handbook. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

QUEEN MARGARET UNIVERSITY, EDINBURGH AKMI METROPOLITAN COLLEGE, THESSALONIKI BA in Mass Communication & Media Arts I have received and read the Programme Handbook. NAME (Please print): PROGRAMME:


Introduction and Welcome

Our handbook provides you with essential information about Queen Margaret University and AMC. We have divided the handbook into five sections: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Your responsibilities as a student Information about the modular structure of your programme Information specific to your chosen programme of study Procedures and regulations for your programme of study University information

Queen Margaret University provides a range of electronic information and throughout this handbook you will find relevant links for further information which may be obtained from the University web site and other sources of information. We have taken the greatest of care to try to ensure the information contained in this Handbook is correct. We can therefore give no guarantee that it is completely free of errors or omissions.

**Remember all the staff at QMU and AMC are here to help so if you are not sure please ask**

SECTION 1 A Queen Margaret University and AMC Students Responsibility

1. The Students Responsibility This handbook is designed to help you get up to speed with University life as quickly as possible. Throughout you will find information we hope you will find useful. As a student at Queen Margaret University and AMC you have certain responsibilities to yourself, your study, your colleagues, your community and your School.

As a student of Queen Margaret University and AMC you are required to go through the process of matriculation which confirms you agree to the Universitys regulations, policies and codes of conduct. Matriculation basically means registering formally on your programme of study. New students are currently required to matriculate in person at AMC during induction period. You can get this information from your programme leader during your induction sessions. The process of matriculating to the programme and taking a matriculation number for the Universitys records is personal. You have to refer to your programme leader who sends the applications to QMU. The programme leader, the programme team and the QMU head of School evaluate the candidates applications after the successful completion of the second year of their IVT studies. An interview also takes place through which the course leader investigates the students expectations of the degree year programme. Candidates that are professionals or graduates from other educational institutions or drama schools are auditioned. The enrolment period starts in June and lasts till September every year. ON LINE MATRICULATION

Remember it is your responsibility to ensure your fees are paid, even if the funding is coming from a third party. Not only the cost for attending the basic course of the 6

programme but also the cost for attending extra seminar courses beyond the basic course of the programme is part of the fees. In cases of financial difficulties please contact the Academic Advisor Peri Papadimitriou tel: 2310241010 or your programme leader, who can support you in such cases

Benefits of student participation rather than attendance. Participation; a move towards student ownership Participation within group activity Participation embedded in learning and teaching and module delivery

The philosophy of the programme aims at students participation and not only at students attendance. For this reason, learning is enhanced through group activities, tutorials, seminars, workshops, etc even in the theoretical modules. Consequently, the active and steady participation is an inextricable part of your attendance in this programme of studies. In cases of serious problems which make student unable to attend lessons, he/she has to inform the course leader. For more information, see the relevant paragraph on extenuating circumstances which follows.

Examinations and Assessments

The Programme Leader will provide an examination schedule. The provision of this information comes in two stages. The first being that examinations normally take place in weeks 14 and 15 of each semester. The more detailed information relating to days, time and locations of examinations is published at least 2 weeks before the examination date. It is your responsibility to ensure you attend the required examinations for the modules you are enrolled upon. Please ensure you find out exactly when and where your examination takes place well in advance. Students who require provision of special examination arrangements must inform their Programme Leader as soon as possible and normally not later than four weeks before the first examination. Instructions to candidates of examinations can be found at You are also required to follow the coursework submission procedures and meet the necessary deadlines. Note that late submission of assessments will be penalised. Any student who submits work to be assessed after the assessment submission date, without the prior agreement of the Programme Leader and the Module Co-ordinator, or without good or agreed cause, will have marks deducted according to the following criteria: if submitted, in a first diet, after the due date but within one calendar week (i.e. up to 6 days after submission date) a maximum mark of 40% can be achieved for undergraduate programmes if submitted, in a first diet, after one calendar week (i.e. 7 days or more) a 7

mark of 0% will be awarded if coursework is submitted after the due date for a re-assessment a mark of 0% will be awarded.

Always check when your assessments are due for hand in and plan your work accordingly. This is your responsibility. Do not leave all assessments until the last minute as this may place a lot of stress on you. You must keep a copy of all assessed work handed in. If you are unsuccessful in any of your assessments your reassessment arrangements and resubmission details will be given by the Programme Leader. The resit examination details and timetable will also be provided by the Programme Leader.

QMUs degrees and other academic awards are given in recognition of a candidates own achievement. Plagiarism is defined as The presentation by anyone of another persons ideas or work (in any medium, published or unpublished) as though they were his or her own Along with other forms of academic dishonesty such as personation, collusion, falsification of data, computer and calculation fraud, examination room cheating and bribery, plagiarism is considered an act of academic fraudulence and is an offence against University discipline. Plagiarism includes: Inclusion in your work of more than a single phrase from another persons work without the use of quotation marks and acknowledgement of the source of information. Using another persons work by simply changing a few words or altering the order of presentation without acknowledgement. Copying the work of another candidate, with or without that candidates knowledge or agreement. Prevention All members of staff will explain to you at the start of each session that plagiarism and academic fraud are unacceptable forms of cheating, which will be penalised severely. Such warnings will be repeated during the session and are especially necessary where dissertations, projects or coursework are substantial elements of the curriculum. These warnings will be accompanied by specific advice from Subject Areas about what constitutes plagiarism and academic fraud. For example, such advice will indicate the distinction between legitimate and illegitimate use of acknowledged or unacknowledged sources within that specific discipline; what is regarded as acceptable collaboration between students undertaking joint project work. 8

Scrutiny of academic work should be sufficient to ensure that signs of plagiarism or unacceptable levels of co-operation, whether intentional or not, are detected at an early stage and brought to students attention through tutorial guidance and in some cases perhaps by written warning. Academic staff responsible for assessment and guidance should be aware of cultural relativities that may affect some students approach to referencing. In providing guidance, staff will be expected to acknowledge cultural differences and to exercise appropriate sensitivity.

Queen Margaret University and AMC can offer its students the opportunity to check their own work against a huge database of other work via the Turnitin system. This is an online service which enables students and staff to carry out electronic comparison of students' work against electronic sources including other students' work. Currently Queen Margaret Universitys and AMCs academic staff would not submit every piece of student work through Turnitin but staff can use this system if they suspect plagiarism has taken place. For full details of the possible outcomes if you submit work that is plagiarised please refer to the Universitys assessment regulations which can be found on the Quality web site: Guidance on how to avoid plagiarism through good scholarship can be found by following this link:- This system can detect plagiarism in texts written in the English language. This programme run in the Greek medium, tutors have additional safety ways (search engines) to prevent and avoid such incidents.

The QMU Guide to the Harvard System of Referencing This guide has been developed to provide staff and students with a common referencing style to work with at Queen Margaret University. Some subject areas follow different referencing conventions so it is very important that you always check the guidelines given to you by your tutors. This guide is based on the British Standards Recommendations for references to published materials, BS1629 and Citing and referencing published material, BS5605. It is QMUs interpretation of the standard Harvard system of referencing. You can view (or print out) a PDF version of this guide from: Write and Cite: The QM Guide to the Harvard System of Referencing (190 KB)

It is the policy of the School to develop and encourage the use of the e-mail and for the purposes of secure and speedy communication. All students are therefore required to regularly check and maintain their e-mail account as members of staff will regularly use your e-mail for communication purposes. Academic Staff Academic staff can be contacted via telephone AMC telephone center 2310-241010, email or during pre arranged surgery times. Academic Staff George Michalis, Course Leader, Political scientist Dimitra Dimitrakopoulou, Political Communication, Lecturer Dimitra Kehagia, Political Communication, Lecturer Maria Mavrommati, Research Methods, Lecturer Dimitris Koutsiabasakos, Director, Lecturer Nikos Tsoutsoulis, Director, Lecturer School Office Peri Papadimitriou Generally students should contact the administration team via the AMC telephone center. Alternatively, you can call into the School Office reception desk if you wish to speak to one of the team face to face. The administration office staff will contact you via your email or general updates and information will be sent by email. It is your responsibility to check your email on a daily basis as room changes, updates etc will be posted here regularly. In the School Office reception desk, you can be informed for any administrative issue or you can arrange a meeting with your programme leader or one of your tutors for dates and hours that are not the given. You can also contact your programme leader, the reception desk, the students advisors and tutors via e-mails. You have to check your e-mail inbox regularly in order to get informed of the programme leaders, tutors and Secretarys replies and announcements. It is your responsibility to check tour e-mail daily. Administrative Staff George Michalis Director Magdalene Remoundou Course Leader - Head of International Department Peri Papadimitriou Academic Advisor Students Students should contact their peers via email or telephone.


Change of address/personal details If you have a change of home and/or term time address or personal details inform your Programme Leader and the School office reception desk.

Personal Academic Tutor

Every student is allocated a Personal Academic Tutor (PAT) for their time at Queen Margaret University and AMC. Your PAT is there to help you throughout your period of study at AKMI. It is your responsibility to: To respond promptly to requests from their PAT for a meeting and to bring any agreed notes or information to those meetings To respect the times which the PAT has said they will be available To keep the PAT informed of circumstances that may have an effect on their studies

Please go to the Quality Website for further information Personal Academic Tutors role: Academic Learning Centre The Academic Learning Center is a unique friendly student-centered service that provides an intellectually stimulating approach to developmental instruction and general academic assistance to students who need extra help with their studies. At Athens Metropolitan College, students are expected to perform well and thrive in an intellectually demanding environment. Hence, the Academic Learning Centre is designed to assist those students who lag behind in certain skills and need help in attaining academic excellence. The Academic Learning Centre offers assistance to students in many and multifaceted learning tasks, including:

improving academic writing skills improving study skills understanding research projects and research procedures one on one paper consultation academic honesty plagiarism, paraphrasing and citation

Individual and small group tutoring is available to currently enrolled Athens Metropolitan College by appointment only. Appointments can be scheduled for one hour per day, and a student may receive up to 2 hours of tutoring per week. Students may seek academic assistance on their own, or will need to attend tutoring sessions upon the request of their teachers, personal tutors and course leaders.


Regulations, Policies and Codes of Conduct

None of us like to get bogged down in regulations, policies and codes of conduct but it is your responsibility to ensure you have an understanding of how these can affect you and what you must do if you start to run into difficulties or need to speak to someone about personal problems that are, or may affect your performance. The institutions regulations can be found on the Quality web site: Here you will find regulations relating to: Assessment and examinations; Academic appeals; Board of Examiners Codes of conduct relating to: Student discipline; Complaint procedure; Equal Opportunity Policy

Extenuating Circumstances
Of equal importance is the following link which will take you to our extenuating circumstances guidelines %20%20Circumstances%20Revised%200506%20(2).doc It is accepted that, from time to time, circumstances beyond your control may affect your ability to undertake assessment on time, or may affect your performance in assessment. It is also recognised that assessment periods can be stressful. However, you need to be able to plan and manage your time and workload, to meet deadlines, to cope with a certain level of stress, and to manage their University studies alongside other responsibilities in life. It is also essential to recognise that illnesses and difficult life events do occur, and that it is a normal part of life to have to manage these and continue with work or study. Extenuating circumstances are defined as: circumstances beyond the students control which either prevent the student from submitting a piece of course work or sitting an examination, or cause the student to perform less well in his or her course work or examinations than he or she might otherwise have been expected to do (on the basis of other work). If you know you will be unable to meet the deadline for coursework, or attend an examination due to circumstances beyond your control you should submit a completed Extenuating Circumstances Claim form, along with supporting evidence, to your Programme Leader in good time, so that the potential implications can be considered. The Extenuating Circumstances Claim Form may be collected from the Programme Leader Office or can be downloaded via the following link: 12

Alternatively, arrangements will be made to post or email a copy of the form where you are unable to travel to the University for valid reason [e.g. illness, residence at a distance, work commitments].
In the case of course work, a request for an extension should also be submitted if required , normally before and no later than the date the coursework assignment was due.

We recommend you take some time to familiarise yourself with the range of important and essential information available via this link. COUNSELLING CENTRE Mission Statement The AKMI Metropolitan College Counselling Centre aims to optimise the well-being of students by providing them with support and with the opportunity to examine the issues which prevent them from maximising their full potential. Counselling Centre The AKMI Metropolitan College Counselling Centre aspires to certain standards and goals, including: Having qualified psychologists and counsellors who are committed to ongoing professional development Ensuring that the services provided operate within ethical guidelines and specific codes of behaviour for psychologists and counsellors Maintaining a professional focus that is free of bias and discrimination Establishing sound student feedback procedures in order to improve the type of support services offered Aims The Counselling Centre aims to offer students: Free, voluntary and confidential counselling The opportunity to receive support and advice from trained professionals Opportunities to attend structured group settings over a variety of counselling related themes and topics Counselling Centre Services The Counselling Centre offers individual support and advice to students who are faced with personal problems - for example anxiety, stress, depression, eating disorders and bereavement. The Counselling Centre can also help students with other issues such as family problems, relationship problems, making difficult decisions or choices and problems adjusting to academic life and academic demands. Who is the service for? The services of the Counselling Centre are available to all registered students of AKMI Metropolitan College Confidentiality Any information that students provide to staff at the Counselling Centre will be kept strictly confidential and will not be revealed to any third parties, unless there is reason to believe that the student or others may be at risk. 13

Appointments Students wishing to make an appointment can complete and submit an appointment request card, located outside the counselling centre. The counselling centre staff will contact students as soon as possible in order to schedule a meeting. Alternatively, in cases of emergency, students can call the counselling centre. CAREERS AND EMPLOYABILITY CENTRE The Careers and Employability Centre aims to provide high quality information, advice and guidance to AKMI Metropolitan College students and graduates. We are committed to delivering this in a professional, impartial and accessible way and aim to equip our students and graduates with the skills and knowledge to effectively choose and manage their careers. Our Mission Our purpose is to increase AMC students' & graduates confidence and abilities to construct meaningful careers. We do this by delivering career development and job search support to help AMC students & graduates build success on their own terms. What we offer As a user of the Careers and Employability Centre you can expect guidance and support to help you: Make realistic decisions about your next steps. Explore comprehensive information about occupations, employers, postgraduate training and vacancies. Understand and assess the available opportunities. Assess your own potential. Choose wisely from all the options open to you. Make and implement an agreed plan of action.

The Careers and Employability Centre offers information, advice and guidance in the following ways: DROP-IN SERVICE 1) Deciding what help you need A Career Consultant will spend a few minutes with you to clarify your current stage of career planning and give guidance on how we can best help you to move forward. Where confidential matters arise, or where a student indicates a need for privacy, a private room will be used. 2) Providing the most appropriate help Beyond your initial guidance meeting the Consultant may: Provide some relevant information or direct you to self help materials. 14

Make an appointment with a Career Consultant, to discuss your career plans in more depth. Make an appointment with a Career Consultant to help you to find further relevant information or to give advice on applications and interviews.

WORKSHOPS, TALKS, PRESENTATIONS They are one or two hours in length and can help you clarify your career questions, connect with other students who share the same concerns and build lifelong skills. These sessions address specific aspects of the process of looking for work or deciding on career options. Topics covered by our workshops, talks and presentations include: You and Your Career Options. Career Choice and Your Personality. Postgraduate study and ways of funding it. Finding Work! Job Researching on the Internet. CV and Cover Letter. Interview Techniques. Workplace Etiquette. Young entrepreneurship. How to Find Summer Work. How to Find Part-Time Work.

VACANCIES The Careers and Employability Centre has details of placements, internships and permanent vacancies of relevance to our students and graduates. The Vacancy database is updated regularly with information notified to us direct from employers. Guidance which is: Free, impartial, and focused on the individual. Unbiased towards particular education, training or employment. Confidential within the Careers and Employability Centre. Guidance and assistance from staff who: Treat you with respect. Treat all members of the diverse College community with fairness at all times. Are trained and experienced in the area of work in which they are involved. Are aware of developments in education, training and employment and can advise you appropriately. Are part of wide network of experts who will collaborate to ensure the best possible help.



2. The Modular Framework

The academic year The academic year is split into two semesters. Normally, students would undertake half of the required modules in the first semester and the other half in the second. Undergraduate study is based on modules which are credit rated. A 10 credit module is based on 100 student hours of work and a 20 credit rating module is based on 200 student hours of work (including assessment). A student must complete 120 credit points at each level of the course


University Calendar of Key Dates 2010/11

Week Beginning 3 October 2011 10 17 24 31 7 November 2011 14 21 28 5 December 2011 12 Week number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Induction 3 8 October 2011 10th October 2011 - SEMESTER 1 STARTS [STANDARD DATE COURSES] Friday 28th October 2011 AMC closed (National Holiday) Hand in the 1st assignment-script of Digital Filmmaking I Hand in the 1st assignment essay Mass Media & Modern Society Hand in the 1st assignments of Research Methods Students receive feedback on the 1st assignment - script of Digital Filmmaking I Hand in the 1st assignment essay Media Politics & Public Sphere Students receive feedback on the 1st AMC closes Friday, 16th December 2011 assignments of Research MethodsMass Media & Modern SocietySubmission of the final assignment of Computer Assisted Research & Reporting CHRISTMAS VACATION CHRISTMAS VACATION CHRISTMAS VACATION AMC re-opens Monday, 9 January 2012-Semester I continues. Students receive feedback on the 1st assignment of Media Politics & Public Sphere & on the final assignment of Computer Assisted Research & Reporting. Submission of the final assignment of E-Journalism Revision for modules with Semester 1 assessment Revision/Assessment for modules with Semester 1 assessments **EXAMS** Students receive feedback on the final assignment of E-Journalism SEMESTER 1 ENDS 3RD FEBRUARY 2012. Exams (written & oral) of Research MethodsMass Media & Modern Society-Media Politics & Public Sphere Submission of 2nd assignment of Digital Filmaking I Submission of final assignment of New Technologies on the Set & in the Post Production I Free week Students receive feedback on 2nd assignment of Digital Filmaking I & on final assignment of New Technologies on the Set & in the Post Production I SEMESTER 2 STARTS Monday 27th of February, AMC Closed (Bank Holiday)-

19 26 2 January 2012 9


16 23

13 14



6 February 2012 13 20 27 5 March 2012 12 19 26 2 April 2012 9 16 23 31 7 May 2012 14 21

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Submission of the 1st assignment of New Technologies Applications in Mass Media Oral Presentation 1st assignment of Media law & Ethics -Students receive feedback on the 1st assignment of New Technologies Applications in Mass Media AMC closes for Easter Holiday-EASTER VACATION EASTER VACATION Monday 23 April 2012 - AMC re-opens Students receive feedback on the 1st assignment of Media law & Ethics Tuesday 1st of May, AMC Closed (Bank Holiday) Submission of the final assignment of Media Management Submission of assignments & final projects of Digital Filmaking I - New Technologies on the Set & in the Post Production I Exams- Submission of the final project 2nd assignment of New Technologies Applications in Mass Media

9 10 11 12 13




4 June 2012 11 18 25 2 July 2012 9


Students receive feedback on assignments & final projects of Digital Filmaking I - New Technologies on the Set & in the Post Production I and the final project 2nd assignment of New Technologies Applications in Mass Media Final written exam of Media law & Ethics -Students receive feedback on Media ManagementStudents receive feedback on 2nd assignment of New Technologies Applications in Mass Media - Semester 2 ends

Exam board dates to be confirmed

Key Features of Undergraduate Programmes

Modules Each standard module normally contributes either 10 or 20 credits towards your degree, and full-time undergraduate programmes contain study that equates to 120 credits per year. This is usually, but not always broken down into 60 credits worth of study in semester 1 and 60 credits worth of study in semester 2. An undergraduate degree comprises of 360 credits where a degree with honours comprises 480 credits. There are regulations about the number of credits that you need to achieve to be allowed to progress from one year to the next (see Assessment Regulations in section 4 of this Handbook). There are some exceptions to the standard module size, for example final year dissertations or projects and, on some programmes, supervised work experience. These can be greater than the standard module size, but must be in multiples of 10 credits. A module coordinator administers each module, but this may not be the person who actually teaches the module. If you experience problems relating to a particular module you should discuss these first of all with the lecturer concerned. Module level There are four levels of study within undergraduate degree programmes. Module levels are normally equivalent to the year of study in a conventional full-time degree or Honours degree programme, i.e. level 7 is equivalent to the first year of study, level 8 to the second year of study, and so on . However, in some cases students will have combinations of different levels of modules in each year of study. The University is a party to the SCOTCATS Tariff The tariff for Undergraduate programmes is : Certificate of Higher Education120 credit points at SCQF Level 7 Diploma of Higher Education +120 credit points at SCQF Level 8 Degree +120 credit points at SCQF Level 9 Degree with Honours +120 credit points at SCQF Level 10 Module descriptors The syllabus content, information about assessments and other important details about a module are contained in the module descriptor. You can receive all the module descriptors via the School Office Administration; if you require further information please 18

do no hesitate to contact either the module coordinator or PAT. Key components of a module descriptor. Module number This identifies the module and ensures the correct module descriptor is being used. Module title This will normally be short and descriptive, giving a clear idea of the content of the module. Semester and mode of Study This lets you know when the module runs and if it delivered and available to both full and/or part time students. Credit Rating This shows how many credits you will achieve if you successfully pass this module. Normally this would be either 10 or 20 but can sometimes be as much as 40 for large projects. Module coordinator This gives the name of the member of staff who is responsible for the administration of the module (but is not necessarily the person who will teach the module). Module Team This gives you the names of the teaching team, who may or may not include the module coordinator. Prerequisite This indicates if you are required to take and successfully complete a module before enrolling this one. Aims This is where the module coordinator outlines the aims of the module and identifies how these aims are to be achieved. Learning Outcomes Here the module coordinator describes what you should know or be able to do upon successful completion of the module. Learning Experiences This lists the learning experiences the student will engage with and includes an indication as to the workload involved. Normally a 10 credit module requires 100 hours and a 20 credit module 200 hours of work to obtain a successful outcome. Various types of work/learning may be specified. Lectures: large classes led by a lecturer. The purpose of lectures is to introduce/develop new concepts and to demonstrate their applications. Most lecturers will provide student with notes whereas others will expect you to take notes during the lecture. It is always worth finding time at the end of each week to go through the weeks 19

lecture notes to consolidate the material you were taught. Students may record lectures where appropriate; however students will be expected to speak with the lecturer in advance. Tutorials/Seminars: smaller group sessions in which students participate in group discussion and may be asked to present a paper, or lead the discussion. In tutorials you have the opportunity to ask about anything that you did not understand in lectures, or to practise or discuss examples of material covered in lectures. Most tutors require you to prepare something in advance. Tutorials and their advance preparation are vital to University learning. Practical: workshops led by lecturers or demonstrators in which you learn practical skills. Supervised assessment: formal assessments which require attendance at specified times and which are supervised normally examinations. Student centred learning: work undertaken independently within the scope of the module, for example reading on the subject, using computers/library facilities, thinking, writing, and revising. Other: this covers forms of learning such as networked learning via the World Wide Web, or other computer learning packages. Assessment pattern This section tells you what is involved in assessing the module and includes the indicative length of written work, and the relative weighting (%) which each assessed element carries Content This is a brief summary telling the reader what the module is about. Main Texts Here the module coordinator will identify indicative key texts Please note that students are required to supply their own working materials (for example pen drives). Lecturers will advise students about what they have to buy. Attendance Regulations 1.1 Undergraduate full-time students are expected to register on twelve 10-credit modules, or equivalent, in any one academic year. They may, with the approval of the programme's admission tutor, register on ten, eleven, thirteen or fourteen. They may with the additional approval of their funding body register for eight. 1.2 Undergraduate students studying seven or fewer 10-credit modules, or equivalent, will be governed by such of the University regulations as affect part-time students. 1.3 A student must attend elements of the programme where students' absence will be detrimental, not only to his or her performance, which is his or her own responsibility, but will also be detrimental to the performance of his or her fellow students; e.g. in interactive group sessions such as tutorials, seminars and practicals and work which is subject to group assessment, like theatre performances and theatre scenes. All students will have their attendance monitored for participatory/interactive sessions. All attendance policies must be acknowledged by students. IONS 20

1.4 Students are required to inform their Programme/Subject Leader or Year Tutor of: a. proposed absence, in advance; b. absence because of illness, completing the University certificate specifying the cause of absence; c. absence due to illness covering periods of assessments of over 6 days with a medical certificate. If the above information is not passed to the Programme/Subject Leader or Year Tutor, the Programme Committee/Board of Study may require the student to withdraw. Assessment Modules are assessed in different ways, e.g. through coursework and/or exams. The module descriptor indicates how each module will be assessed, the week in which the assessment takes place and the weighting of each assessment component in relation to the overall mark for the module. Pay particular attention to when assignments are due for submission. Assignments that are submitted late can only achieve the minimum pass mark and you are therefore disadvantaging yourself by not getting full credit for work done. Please refer to Section 4 for detailed information in relation to assessment submission. An assessment schedule for each semester will be provided by the Programme Leader. This gives you a clear picture of when each assessment is due and allows you to plan your workload appropriately. Make sure that you read the Assessment Regulations carefully, particularly in relation to late submissions. If you are given Criteria for Assessment for general written assignments (essays or reports) or for a specific assessment within a module, read these carefully as they indicate the criteria that staff will use when marking that assessment. Tutorial participation is important in all modules, but for certain modules it contributes substantially to the learning outcomes and is therefore formally assessed, contributing to your overall mark for the module. Ensure that you follow the Coursework Submission Procedures (and Coursework Style Notes). Please refer to the University Calendar of Key Dates towards the beginning of this section to find out which weeks your assessments will take place. Times, dates and locations for examinations will be available on the Programme Leader Office.



3. Your Programme This section provides you with important information about your programme of study: what's covered and what you are expected to achieve academically by undertaking this programme. Information is also provided about the relevant committees for the programme which have responsibility for managing the programme and making decisions about your assessment.
PART Programme Structure and Supplementary Information
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Awarding institution Teaching Institution Final Award Programme Title SCQF Level Mode of delivery and duration Date of validation Queen Margaret University AKMI Metropolitan College

BA in Mass Communication & Media Arts

F/T (1 academic year) P/T (2 academic years) June 2011

Educational Aims of the programme The Educational aims of the programme are to produce graduates who: I. Have an informed, critical and creative approach to understanding media, culture and communications in contemporary society; II. Have an informed, critical and creative approach to their own forms of media, communicative and expressive practice; III. Are enabled to meet the challenges of employment (including self-employment) in a society in which the cultural, communications and public relations industries play an increasingly central role 11 Learning Outcomes of the Programme

Knowledge and understanding On completion of the programme, students will have gained knowledge and understanding of: 1. the modernist and postmodernist theories in order to demonstrate their effect on culture and society 3.1.2 2. the impact of the media on society and the extent to which they are capable of shaping social consciences 3.5.4 3. media content critically by treating media in general and news production in particular in relation to the various discourses operating in our society 3.5.3, 3.5.6,; 4. the methods and tools employed by political parties in their attempts to influence the media and shape public opinion 3,1.9,


5. the processes involved in the production of news and other media cultural forms 3.3.3, 3.3.8 6. the role of censorship and propaganda in information management in all kinds of TV programmes and the cinema. The influence of censorship and propaganda in media market.3.3.3 7. identify media institutions as businesses3.1.1, 3.1.3 8. the business side of the media and will appraise the demands placed on the media industry by market competition3.2.3 9. issues pertaining to managing media organizations. 3.3.7 10. the nuances of the law as it relates to their profession3.3.6. 11. the motives of industry processes and their effects on both market structure and the consumer-citizen3.3.4 12. current economic and political debates surrounding each media technology3.1.2 13. processes and outcomes on how and why a new technology is adopted.3.26,3.3.5 14. digital medium in order to yield personal expression of the technology3.3.5 15. good practice in e-journalism and various types of writing for the web.3.1.1, 3.1.5, 3.3.5 16. the challenges that the Internet and World Wide Web represent to the traditional values and definitions of journalism and e-journalism in particular3.2.5, 3.3.5 17. current issues and debates within the online and interactive media by recognizing that communication is an interactive process between sender and receiver and thus displaying a greater understanding of visual communication3.3.2, 3.4.7

Intellectual (thinking) skills

Skills of Intellectual Analysis On completion of their programme graduates will demonstrate the ability to: 1. appraise reported research findings on the basis of their validity and reliability4.1.4, 2. organise the appropriate methods in order to estimate results in Mass Media4.1.3, 4.1.5 3. the media as critical factors in the creation of subculture4.1.1, 4.1.2 4. be sensitised to the messages of the mass media with respect to decoding and analysing them4.1.4 5. be provided with insight into the impact of the media on society and the extent to which they are capable of shaping social consciences 4.1.3, 6. be able to manage media content critically by treating media in general and news production in particular in relation to the various discourses operating in our society4.1.3, 7. to demonstrate an ability to critically analyse the relationship between the media, politics and the public sphere in contemporary liberal democracies4.1.3 8. to critically evaluate current economic and political debates surrounding each media technology4.1.4 9. To experiment with the new technologies by applying them on their projects and evaluate their effects.4.1.2 10. analyse and criticize visual design and layout by learning how to think creatively4.1.4 11. to recognise some of the challenges that the Internet and World Wide Web represent to the traditional values and definitions of journalism and e-journalism in particular, to distinguish and compare the modern values of journalism with the traditional ones.4.1.1


Research Skills On completion of their programme graduates will demonstrate the ability to: 12. to explain the appropriateness of a research method 4.2.1 13. be in a position to apply different research techniques4.2.2 14. appraise reported research findings on the basis of their validity and reliability4.2.4 15. to compose research techniques used in the area of communications4.2.3 16. will present independent research in written form4.2.1,4.2.5 C. Practical skills Media Production Skills On completion of their programme graduates will demonstrate the ability to: 1. to explain the appropriateness of a research method 4.3.3 2. to apply different research techniques4.3.3 3. to compose research techniques used in the area of communications.4.3.3 4. able to manage media content critically by treating media in general and news production in particular in relation to the various discourses operating in our society4.3.5 5. to distinguish the ability offered by a new technological method in order to apply it in their work4.3.1 6. demonstrate in-depth knowledge of the digital medium in order to yield personal expression of the technology4.3.3, 4.3.2 7. able to collect various formats in production in the digital environment4.3.3 8. to schedule a sound plan of advanced effects and organise the digital image in production and post-production.4.3.3 9. be able estimate the medium and compose professional broadcast quality material.4.3.1, 4.3.2, 4.3.5 10. demonstrate knowledge of the ways that new technologies are applicable to the set and post-production4.3.1, 4.3.3, 4.3.5 11. critically employ the knowledge gained for the purposes of promoting and selling their work.4.3.5 12. employ the number of techniques used in processing data for extracting relevant information.4.3.3 Creative, innovative and imaginative skills 13. To experiment with the new technologies by applying them on their projects and evaluate their effects4.4.2 14. to collect various formats in production in the digital environment4.42 15. to prepare complete products by using cutting edge technology in their field of interest4.4.2 16. to prepare complete products by using cutting edge technology in their field of interest4.4.3 17. employ the number of techniques used in processing data for extracting relevant information4.4.2 18. arrange the appropriate software, such as free-text database managers and statistical packages for processing data in order to exhibit accuracy, reliability and relevance.4.4.2 D. General Skills Skills of social and political citizenship


On completion of their programme graduates will demonstrate the ability to: Demonstrate an ability to critically analyse the relationship between the media, politics and the public sphere in contemporary liberal democracies 4.5.2 Analyse the methods and tools employed by political parties in their attempts to influence the media and shape public opinion4.5.3 Evaluate the processes involved in the production of news and other media cultural forms4.5.4 to assess the motives of industry processes and their effects on both market structure and the consumer-citizen4.5.2 Transferable skills On completion of their programme graduates will demonstrate the ability to: will evaluate the way mass media operate within social frameworks and give rise to new cultures or subcultures, or corrode national cultures on the way to establishing a globalised cultural reality 5.3,5.9 To compose the previous technology with the modern one5.9 will be in position to schedule a sound plan of advanced effects and organise the digital image in production and post-production.5.4 design a technically and artistically full film project in digital medium5.1,5.6, 5.7 to prepare complete products by using cutting edge technology in their field of interest5.1,5.4 critically employ the knowledge gained for the purposes of promoting and selling their work.5.4 experiment with new technologies5.9 be able to demonstrate ability to extract data in various formats and import them in appropriate software for processing5.7 organise personal search strategies and prepare their own search abilities and/or shortcomings5.9 be in a position to compose data of various formats from various sources and process them for the purposes such as showing trends or testing a claim5.9 evaluate their findings in formats appropriate for use for a variety of purposes and intended audiences.5.3 analyse and criticize visual design and layout by learning how to think creatively.EJ5.9 Materialise a research project on an aspect of the host organisation and work as professionals, in order to examine the different positions of the placements and to arrange the tasks undertaken. present independent research in written form5.9

Teaching/learning methods and strategies lectures seminars workshops directed learning independent study


Assessment academic essay examination written research report oral presentation practical or creative product (in appropriate medium)

The key elements in the approach to teaching and learning (and development and delivery of the course according to the aims and objectives set by the course team) are: 1 2 3 4 5 6 An emphasis on student-centred training The integration of specialist subject areas in the Media with appropriate contributions by various specialists as visiting lecturers. The incorporation of academic learning and an applied, vocational outlook so as to allow a critical evaluation of working methods and tools. Cinema projections of historic films of the cinema. Academic teaching methods include lectures, seminars, practical workshops, rehearsals, tutorials, individual and group projects. Obligatory participation of students in workplaces (internship) in order to build and identify partnerships and collaborations with professional groups to ensure that students are given access to the industry.

Programme structures and features, curriculum units (modules), credits and award requirements (including any periods of placement) In the third year of studies, the core modules combine the scientific direction of the Mass Media in relation to the media arts, society, media politics, law and the art of communication and advertisement. Students are familiarized with the research methods relating to the Mass Media. Concerning the two strands of the programme, students participate in laboratory courses according to their specialization and are interns in TV & Film production companies, TV channels, newspapers, magazines, radio stations, internet, theatres. Students can also participate in special seminars. Core Modules - Research Methods - Mass edia & Modern Society - Media, Politics & the Public Sphere - Media Management - Media Law & Ethics - New Technologies Applications In Mass Media Credit Points 10 10 10 10 10 10


Strand I: Film & Tv Directing Digital Filmmaking I Digital Filmmaking II New technologies on the set and in the post production I New technologies on the set and in the post production II Internship

10 10 10 10 20

Strand : Journalism Computer-assisted research and reporting 10 E-journalism 10 Internship 20 Internship programme Students placements are arranged during the end of semester winter of the third year for the journalism strand and during the beginning of semester winter for the direction strand. These periods have been chosen so as to allow students to attain valuable working experience prior the start of their career. The responsible employers who supervise the students should: Report the progress and attendance of students during their internship. Communicate regularly with the AMC academic supervisors Evaluate the students progress at the end of the internship with a written report Internships usually comprise a combination of research, writing and skills acquisition, relative to the programme needs and the aims that are set by the intern. During internship, given the fact that the work on placement is the basis for the final assignments of the students prior their graduation,the academic supervisors are available to offer advice and guidance. Each student who participates in the internship programme receives a completion certificate. Internship is not paid and is an obligatory module of 20 credit units which is graded. Programme structure & Assessment Schedule Core Modules Module
Research Methods Mass edia & Modern Society Media Politics & the Public Sphere



Media Management New Technologies Applications In Mass Media Media Law & Ethics



Winter Winter

10 10

Spring Spring

10 10






Modules of Journalism Strand Module

Computer-assisted Research & Reporting E-journalism

Semester Winter Winter

Credits 20 20

Module Internship

Semester Spring

Credits 20

Modules of Film & TV Directing Strand Module

Digital Filmmaking I New technologies on the Set & in the PostProduction I

Semester Winter Winter

Credits 10 10

Digital Filmmaking II New technologies on the Set & in the PostProduction II

Semester Spring Spring

Credits 10 10


Winter 3d Year Core modules Research Methods Mass edia & Modern Society


Credits 10

Assessment Written essay of research (50%) 1,500 -2,000 words. Written final exams (50%) Written essay of research (40%) 1,500 -2,000 words. Oral Presentation final exam (60%) Written essay of research (50%) 2,000 -2,500 words. Written final exams (50%) Written essay of research 2,000 -2,500 words (100%) Written essay of research with an attached scenario of application 2,000 words (60%) Materialisation of the scenario in digital format with duration 00.30 -03.00 minutes (40%) 28


Media, Politics & the Public Sphere Media Management


10 New Technologies Applications In Mass Media 10

Media Law & Ethics


Oral presentation (50%) with duration 12.00-15.00 minutes. Written final exams (50%) Written essay of research 1,500 -2,000 words (100%) Final written essay of research 2,000 -2,500 words (100%) Submission of script (60%) Final Project (40%) storyboard or decoupage dvd with rehearsals & casting Final written report editing plan (100%) Final Project and a journal with self evaluation report (100%) Final written editing report (30%) Final Project (70%) 3 self-reports 3 evaluation reports (100%)

Computer-assisted Research & Reporting E-journalism Digital Filmmaking I

10 10 10

New technologies on the Set & in the PostProduction I Digital Filmmaking II New technologies on the Set & in the PostProduction II Internship

10 10

10 20

The duration of the studies in BA in Mass Communication and Media Arts is one academic year of full time. At the end of the year, a Board of Examiners takes place. An award will be conferred upon satisfaction of the following conditions: the candidate was a registered student of the University at the time of his or her assessment and has fulfilled all financial obligations to the University and AMC; the candidate has completed a programme approved by the University as leading to the award being recommended; the award has been recommended by a Board of Examiners convened, constituted and acting under regulations approved by Senate.

Methods of students assessment


As the main focus of the course is student centred learning, the principles that underlie module assessment methods are: Assessment is part of the learning process and a means of confirming learning outcomes Assessment is a means of providing feedback to students, lecturers and employers Assessment confirms that students have acquired the necessary skills and knowledge or offers insight into learning problems so that action can be taken to achieve appropriate improvements Assessment provides students with a sense of achievement and motivation to develop further skills and knowledge as well as to transfer these skills and knowledge to situations in life and work Assessment provides present and future employers with evidence / confirmation of students achievements, skills and knowledge. Students are assessed on the basis of their progress in written essays and exams, oral presentations, critical analysis, reports on their projects and in the final projects (film and TV programmes productions which are recorded in audio-visual digital format). The method of assessment and its weighting are contained in the Module Descriptor of each module. Assessment of a module To pass an undergraduate module, a student must obtain at least 40% overall, and at least 30% in each component of assessment as specified in the module descriptor. This regulation applies to the first attempt at the module only. Student progression from one level of the programme to the next is at the discretion of the Board of Examiners taking into account students performance in all modules and the amount of academic credit accrued during the year. Reassessment Reassessment is permitted in order to allow a student to make good an initial failure. This affords the student an opportunity to demonstrate the standard required to pass modules, and ultimately to gain an award. The Board of Examiners may at its discretion allow an undergraduate student to be reassessed in up to eight taught modules (equivalent to 80 credits) in any one academic year. The Board of Examiners may at its discretion allow a postgraduate student to be re-assessed in up to four taught modules during the course of their studies. The Board of Examiners shall decide on the form of the reassessment (e.g. written examination, viva voce, or an additional assignment), taking into account the nature of the failed module and the nature of the failure. This may differ from the format of the first assessment and need not be the same for all students provided equity of experience is maintained. The Board of Examiners can allow for full or partial reassessment of the components as appropriate. 30

A student, who is reassessed for a module failure in an undergraduate module, where there are no clear extenuating circumstances, shall be awarded no more than 40% on passing the re-assessment. Criteria for Admission Age on entry Candidates must be at least 19 years of age in the year of entry. This is the age of graduation from IVT studies. Minimum Entry Requirements The entry requirements for the BA in MASS COMMUNICATION & MEDIA ARTS are as follows: 1. Graduation (Lyceum) certificate with a total mark no less than 10 in the 020 mark scale 2. Successful completion of the two-year IVT AKMI Journalism or Film & TV Directing Course (Media Department. All students who have successfully completed the two-year IVT AKMI Journalism or Film & TV Directing Course can enter the BA in Mass Communication & Media Arts programme). 3. Interview with the Programme Leader and a member of the Course Committee. 4. Completion of an application form that is to be subsequently assessed by the Departments Course Committee. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) All other candidates who do not come from IVT studies, like professionals without undergraduate studies or other special cases, will be evaluated by the Programme Leader and the members of the Course Committee. The following candidates are also eligible for admission to the course: University graduates Transfers from Institutes of Post-Secondary and Higher Education offering similar specialisations. Professional journalists, directors, cameramen, editors with at least a three-year experience in their profession. It is stressed however that the final decision for entry to the programme of a candidate with professional experience and/or prior learning is taken by Queen Margaret University. All other qualifications will be mapped against the SCQF framework and QMU standards of the division of Media, Communication and Performing Arts and as such will be dealt with on a case by case basis with credit being given if relevant. Support for students and their learning The programme provides the following student support: Personal Academic Tutors Student handbooks Access to Student Learning Services, Library and IT support Representation through Student-Staff Committees Students consultants Quality Assurance arrangements 31

Methods for evaluating and improving the quality and standards of teaching and learning mechanisms for review and evaluation of teaching, learning, assessment, the curriculum and outcome standards. Module questionnaires and review Annual staff and student review of programme leading to Annual Monitoring Report External Examiner reports Module evaluation forms Student progression and employment rates Committees with responsibility for monitoring and evaluating quality and standards Programme Committee Staff student Consultative Committee Board of Examiners Mechanisms for gaining student feedback on the quality of teaching and their learning experience Staff Student Consultative Committee Tutorials with academic staff Module Evaluation Forms Informal student meetings Staff development priorities include Appropriate research Continual relevant development within the industry The aim of these modules is to improve the students skills and qualifications in order to enhance and understand the disciplines of Mass Media on practice. Therefore they are supported throughout by professional directors and students on other programmes. This third year of study builds on the previous two years of the IVT Diploma. The Degree Level: During the degree level, students have the opportunity to apply and exercise all the previous obtained skills in order to emphasize them at a higher level. This will be achieved through the preparation of complete performances accompanied by written responses in order that students can critically analyse their approaches and the methods they followed. All performances take place in professional stages, both indoors and outdoors. Students will work with professionals in every step of the performance preparation in order to demonstrate their skills in the best possible way. Students of BA in Mass Communication & Media Arts will be supported by the students of other IVT specialties such as cameramen, Cinema & TV Directors, stage designers, make-up artists, hairdressers, photographers, graphic designers, etc. in order to complete their projects. Theory is built into all the modules, but alongside the practical studies, there are also studies in theatre semiotics to help build students critical analysis skills.During the 3d 32

level of studies, the educational procedure combines the personal study and individual education with the team education. This combination aims at the greatest development of the students competences. The progress of the educational process in the three levels of studies is developed gradually. Seminars Lectures by Visiting Lecturers During the three-year study, a diverse range of master classes, seminars or workshop events will be programmed throughout the courses by renowned visiting lecturers, established in their field, scientists, known journalists, theatre, TV and cinema scientists, directors, stage designers, musicians. The aim of these educational activities is the information and skills development of students through the contact and communication with the specialized people from the market

Programme Management
The BA in Mass Communication & Media Arts will be administered by the Dean of School of Arts, Social Sciences and Management: Dean: Dr Christine Bovis Cnossen Head of Subject, Media Communication and Performing Arts and Senior Lecturer, Film and Media : Dr Richard Butt. Programme Leader The Programme Leader is George MIchalis Political Scientist & Director of AKMI Metropolitan College in Thessaloniki Module Co-ordinators Each module is administered by a Module Co-ordinator through liaison with the Programme Leader. Module Co-ordinators will be supported by external visiting lecturers with expertise in the subject areas. Personal Academic Tutors You will be allocated to a member of staff for ongoing academic support. The role of the Personal Academic Tutor is to: Discuss and advise on modules, assessment extensions, problems with organising workload Offer adaptive strategies and dealing with academic problems or other student difficulties including absences Liaise the Board of Examiners, programme committee or support staff on behalf of the student as required Provide records of documentation (tutorial forms, letters relating to progress through programme, extenuating circumstances) relating to students to School Office for storage with student file Offer advice on career issues related to own professional expertise and provide references. Programme Committee The Programme Committee is the major decision-making body and is the forum for policy concerning conduct, review and development of the programme and students. The Programme Committee for the BA in Mass Communication and Media Arts will be chaired by the Programme Leader. Its membership includes all of the full-time academic 33

staff who teaches or assesses on the course, representation from the relevant subject area, and student representation from each year of the course. The chairperson may invite any non-member to attend a meeting and participate in the discussions. Student/Staff Consultative Committee The Student/Staff Committee will be chaired by one of the student representatives and will meet twice per semester to ensure an adequate and effective opportunity for discussion between students and staff, and to facilitate full and wide student participation. The function of the Committee is to provide a forum for constructive discussion about the programme in general terms, the demands of the programme or scheme on students and possible developments. Board of Examiners The Board of Examiners is chaired by the QMU Head of Subject concerned and appointed by the Senate. Queen Margaret University and AMC are committed to responding to the needs of its students and there are two particular committees, which include student representatives. These are the Programme Committee and the Student Staff Consultative Committee which are an important means of having your voice heard. All programmes of the University have a number of committees responsible for managing their operation and making decisions about students' academic performance, these are: Student Staff Consultative Committee The Programme Committee The School Board Boards of Examiners

Student Staff Consultative Committees

A Student Staff Consultative Committee operates for each programme of study to provide a forum for students and staff to have constructive discussion about the programme in general terms such as the demands of the programme on students, and future and possible developments. It considers any matters directly related to the programme and to report or make recommendations as felt necessary to the Programme Committee. The membership of the Committee is drawn from staff teaching on the programme and student representatives with more students than staff. The student membership should cover the main subject areas and activities of the programme. It is appropriate for a student to convene the committee and a member of staff to act as secretary. Each academic year there are 4 scheduled meetings of the Student Staff Consultative Committee (2 in each semester) in order to review the educational procedures followed so far and find solutions to possible students difficulties. If there is a case of an urgent issue which needs to be immediately resolved then an extra meeting takes place. The minutes of these meetings are attached in the Annual Monitoring Report to be discussed in the Board of Examiners at the end of the academic year. Minutes from this Committee are presented to the Programme Committee for discussion/review and action.

The Programme Committee


The Programme Committee exercises the overall academic and operational responsibility for the programme and its development within defined policies, procedures and regulations. This Committee is responsible for maintaining and enhancing the academic standards of the programme through monitoring and evaluation of the aims, objectives and structure of the programme and to ensure the establishment and development of mechanisms to ensure student feedback is available in a timely manner. Additionally this Committee reviews academic regulations, admissions policy statements, assessment instruments and the development of teaching and learning methods. It is responsible to ensure that the programme is resourced to agreed levels by recommendations to, and negotiations with, the Dean of School, and the Deans of any contributing Schools and that the programme delivery is effectively managed. This includes such detail as time-tabling, access to teaching rooms, access to specialist facilities. It will monitor student admission, student progress and evaluate the provision of student counselling and welfare provision as well as being responsible for the formal submission of the necessary documentation for the approval, accreditation or assessment of the programme to the appropriate professional and accreditation bodies, in line with the Universitys established procedures. Minutes from this Committee are presented to the School Board.

Boards of Examiners
Boards of Examiners are responsible for making decisions about students' performance including decisions about progression and award. Analytically, it is responsible for agreeing the level of performance for each student on each module under consideration, confirming marks for modules and deciding whether a student should be awarded a pass or fail in any module within their jurisdiction and the mechanisms for re-assessment especially in cases of extenuating circumstances. The Board reviews the students' whole performance across all the modules and makes decisions. The Board, in reaching its decisions, is guided by the Universitys academic regulations and, exceptionally, any programme specific regulations approved at the time of validation and as laid out in the definitive programme document. Normally, there are at least two meetings of the Board of Examiners each year, one at the end of Semester 2 and the other after the re-examinations prior the beginning of the new academic year in order to decide on the students performance in the reexaminations.

Progression and Award Board of Examiners

The Profile Board of Examiners is responsible to the Academic Council of the University, via the School for reaching decisions about students' performance. It receives confirmed module marks and recommendations on pass and fail and information about extenuating circumstances for students. The Board reviews the students' whole performance across all the modules and makes decisions. The Board, in reaching its decisions, is guided by the Universitys academic regulations and, exceptionally, any programme specific regulations approved at the time of validation and as laid out in the definitive programme document.

Joint Board of Examiners

After the completion of each academic year and prior to the beginning of the new 35

academic year, a Joint Board of Examiners takes place which thoroughly analyses the Annual Monitoring Report, a document written by the Programme Leader with the participation of the programme team where needed. The AMR consists of a review of the academic year that has just been completed, a report by the Programme Leader as a reply to the External Examiners report, which refers to the progress of the course according to the Exam Board, the minutes of the Student and Staff Consultative Committee meetings as well as a table with the issues that have to be resolved and the kind of action that will be taken. During this Board, final decisions are taken and start to get materialized by the responsible QMU Committees. The Head of School (convener), the Programme Leader, the Programme Team and the External Examiner take part in the Joint Board of Studies.

Subject Group Team

Each Programme belongs to a Subject Group. The Programme Leader, within this group is responsible for the day-to-day running of the programme. The Subject Group is responsible for the overall management of the Programmes within its grouping. The programme BA in Mass Communication & Media Arts belongs to the QMU School of Social Sciences, Media & Communication. The programme leader and the programme committee refer and report to the QMU Dean of the School of Social Sciences, Media & Communication.

The School Board

Programme Leader George Michalis Module Leaders and members of the teaching team CORE MODULES Research Methods Mass edia & Modern Society Media Politics & the Public Sphere Media Management New Technologies Applications In Mass Media Media Law & Ethics Internship STRAND JOURNALISM MODULES Computer-assisted Research & Reporting George Michalis Dimitra Dimitrakopoulou Dimitra Dimitrakopoulou 36 MODULE COORDINATOR Maria Mavrommati Dimitra Kehagia Dimitra Kehagia Dimitra Kehagia Dimitra Dimitrakopoulou Dimitra Kehagia MODULE TEAM George MIchalis

E-journalism STRAND FILM & TV DIRECTING MODULES Digital Filmmaking I & New technologies on the Set & in the PostProduction I &

MODULE COORDINATOR Dimitris Koutsiabasakos Dimitris Koutsiabasakos

MODULE TEAM Iosifidis Anastasios Iosifidis Anastasios

Sources of advice/guidance
If you have any queries about a particular module you should discuss these with the Module Coordinator concerned. If you have queries relating to the programme you should speak to your Programme Leader. If you need general advice about University procedures you should contact you Personal Academic Tutor. Your Personal Academic Tutor is there to advise you throughout your time at University and you should get to know him/her well. If you experience difficulties of a personal or practical/financial nature, you can discuss these with your Tutor, or you can seek help from a wide variety of University counselling support services Please follow this link to find out what your Personal Academic Tutor can do for you:

Information for Students with Special Needs

Queen Margaret University and AMC are committed to equality of opportunity and believes in a culture of diversity and inclusion. We offer flexible educational programmes to suit many different groups of students. We aim to offer an accessible curriculum, which can be adapted to meet individual needs in an environment where consideration is given to enabling everyone to participate in all aspects of academic and social life. All Schools have a Disabled Students Co-ordinator to look after the interests of particular students. Full details of services available are provided in the University Student Diary or via the Student Services Website which can be found at; If a student, as a result of a disability, is unable through special needs to be assessed by the prescribed method for the module, the Programme Committee/Subject Panel/Board of Studies may determine alternative assessment methods, bearing in mind the need to assess the student on equal terms with other students. The Board of Examiners will ratify any such decisions. Variations may include the following: 1. an extension of the normal registration period for completing an award 2. extra time being allowed for assessments 3. alternative or modified assessments 37

4. use of scribes in assessments 5. use of viva voce assessment 6. use of appropriate aids (such as word processor, Brailler, tape-recorder, large print scripts etc.) Extra time will be allocated in examinations for students with disabilities and students whose special circumstances may affect their performance. In both cases students must submit certification to attest their eligibility. Unless otherwise specified in the certification, such students will be allocated 25% extra time. Students should normally submit requests for extra time to Programme Leaders at least six weeks before each diet of examinations. Disabled candidates are dealt and evaluated according to their situation in order to enter the programme. AMC does not support every disability in the new programmes that are about to be materialised until the programmes became stable and the administrative and teaching staff be properly educated in order to handle disabilities effectively.

International Students

The University provides support for International Students. Additionally, you might want to contact the School Office for help and guidance. The entry requirements are the same as for all the students but you also have to provide a certificate showing your adequate knowledge of the Greek Language. If you require any further help regarding your course please contact your Programme Leader or PAT. They will be pleased to help you to settle comfortably into your new environment. All international students whose first language is not Greek should note that for time limited assessments (examinations) you are allowed an extra 25% of time at any Level 1 or Level 2 examination. This will be built into the assessment programme for you unless specifically excluded by a module. In addition you may take a language-only dictionary into any examination.

QMU and AMC Student Union

The Students Union is the representative, campaigning and recreational body of the students at AMC, it aims to provide a safe and friendly environment with which to enhance the student experience at AMC. The Students Union is run by students for students, who are all elected each year in October to represent students. The role and remit of the Student Representative The Student Representative is responsible for his/her particular year of study of her/his own programme. The Student Representative has two functions the first is to consult with the students on the programme to get their ideas and note any concerns they may have about any aspect of their education and to represent the ideas and the concerns of students on the programme at the appropriate fora: 38

Staff Student Consultative Committees Programme Boards Elections Programme Leaders are normally expected to open nominations for programme representatives within the first two weeks of semester 1, but of course the programme will be able to change its representative at a later date if it so wishes. Required time commitment of Student Representatives Representatives must commit sufficient time to prepare for and attend at least three Student Staff Consultative Committee meetings and three Programme Committee meetings per academic year. They should also allow a few minutes each week/fortnight to get the views of students on the programme and to feed back information to them from other bodies.



4. Procedures and Regulations for Assessment & Award
This section is designed to provide you with important information about the assessment procedures and regulations for your programme. It is really important that you read and understand this section as you will have to be familiar with the standards set for presentation and content of assessed work and the rules which govern your academic progress.

Criteria for Assessment

Each module has a separate criteria for assessment which you will be given along with the assessment itself. However, here is the University guidance to give you the general idea of what is expected. Assessment is primarily a matter of academic judgement, and the computational structure is designed to facilitate consistent judgements. A students overall performance on an undergraduate module will be given marks within one of seven grades as follows: Grade A B C D E F G Mark 70% and above 60 69.9% 50 59.9% 40 49.9% 30 39.9% 20 29.9% 19.9% or below Interpretation an outstanding performance exceptionally able very good performance average performance satisfactory performance fail poor fail bad fail Corresponding level in an Hons degree classification first class upper second lower second third class fail fail fail



First Covers all aspects of the question. Upper Second Covers most aspects of the question. Lower Second May not address some major aspects of the question. Answer based mainly on lecture material. Third Fails to address a number of major aspects of the question. Some relevant information from lectures. There may be some major factual errors. Much of the material may not be directly relevant. Not always clear what was intended. Some organisation of the material Assertion with little concern for evidence. Fail Addresses relatively few of the major aspects of the question. May be too short. Little evidence of relevant knowledge. May cite personal anecdote. There may be many major factual errors. Little of the material is directly relevant. Often difficult to discern what was intended. Little structure apparent. Assertion without concern for evidence. Bad Fail Addresses none of the major aspects of the question. Probably too short. Almost no relevant knowledge. May rely on personal anecdote. Little or no factual accuracy Answers a totally different question to that set. Hardly ever possible to discern what was intended No structure apparent Assertion without evidence

Coverage of the question

Knowledge of relevant material

Accuracy Relevance Clarity of expression Organisation Evaluation of theory, methodology and/or empirical evidence.

Evidence of extensive independent reading including books and recent journal articles (in addition to suggested readings). All the material is accurate. All the material is directly relevant. All points expressed clearly and succinctly. Excellent (possibly original) organisation of the material. Shows excellent appreciation of the strengths and weaknesses of theories, methodologies and empirical evidence and their interplay. May show knowledge of the historical development of the field.

Evidence of independent reading including books and journal articles. There are no major factual errors. Almost all the material is directly relevant. Most points expressed clearly and succinctly. Very clear organisation of material. Shows good appreciation of the strengths and weaknesses of theories, methodologies and empirical evidence and their interplay. Perhaps some indication of the history of the area.

There may be some minor factual errors. Some of the material may not be directly relevant. Some points may not be expressed clearly. Clear organisation of material. Makes some attempt to evaluate theories, methodologies and empirical evidence and to justify claims.

Personal Contribution

May present own (possibly novel) view of the material, perhaps integrating evidence from or drawing parallels with other areas of the discipline. May make insightful predictions about the future development of the area.

May present own view of the material, perhaps integrating evidence from or drawing parallels with other areas of the discipline. May make sensible predictions about the future development of the area.

May make some attempt to present own view of the material showing some concern for its justification.

May make some attempt to present own view of the material but with little concern for its justification.

May present own view of the material but without any attempt to justify it.

May present a personal view that is irrelevant to the question.


Coursework style notes

Written assignments should be written in Arial or Times New Roman 12 and justified. Bibliography and sources should follow the Harvard Referencing System, as mentioned above. Do not forget to insert page numbers. The attachments follow the Bibliography . New students get informed prior the beginning of the new academic year of the course work submission procedures, the importance of deadlines, their contact with their tutors during the preparation of their assignments and the penalties that they may have in cases of inexcusably late submission.

Time of Submission
The above tables provide information about Submission periods for each assignment. Specific dates of submission for each module will be announced by either the module leaders or the course leader at the start of each semester.

Penalties for delayed submission

Again, dedication to QMU assessment regulations is of great importance. You should always submit your assignment and participate in written and practical assessment on time. In cases where you face a significant problem impeding your assessment participation/submission you should contact your course leader as soon as possible and refer to the extenuating circumstances paragraph in this handbook (chapter 1). Any student who submits work to be assessed after the assessment submission date, without the prior agreement of the Programme Leader and the Module Coordinator, or without good or agreed cause, will have marks deducted according to the following criteria: if submitted, in a first diet, after the due date but within one calendar week (i.e. up to 6 days after submission date) a maximum mark of 40% can be achieved for undergraduate programmes and a maximum mark of 50% for postgraduate programmes if submitted, in a first diet, after one calendar week (i.e. 7 days or more) a mark of 0% will be awarded if coursework is submitted after the due date for a re-assessment a mark of 0% will be awarded. Moreover, as you can see in the tables above written assignments have a word limit. Teaching staff does not encourage you to compose enormous essays in order to obtain a good grade but rather clear and concise pieces of written work. Penalties for writing

essays outside the word limitation are presented below: A piece of written work which exceeds the specified word limit by 10% or more will receive a maximum mark of 40%. In each piece of written work where a word limit is identified, students are required to include and clearly state the total number of words used. The number of words counted should include all the text, references and quotations used in the text, but should exclude abstracts, supplements to the text, diagrams, appendices, reference lists and bibliographies

Location and process of Submission

Written assignments will be submitted to either the school office or course leader at the arranged day and time. Late submission will be penalised (see the previous paragraph). You should always provide 1 hard copy and 1 electronic copy. During the submission of your written assignment, you should complete a blind marking form with your personal data which will be the cover page of your assignment. There are cases when the coursework cannot be blind marked


General Regulations
The University has a set of approved regulations which apply to all programmes and set out the criteria for gaining an award of the University, the criteria for progression on a programme and standards for assessment in a module. Links to the relevant extracts from the University Regulations are provided below, for further information please see the current Regulations held on the Quality web site: AMC follows QMU rules and regulations. Nevertheless, AMC has set specific regulations for BA in Mass Communication and Media Arts. These regulations are stated throughout this document. Significant specific regulations concern attendance regulations (see participation paragraph in section 1 of this document), participation etc. You are strongly advised to read this document thoroughly and contact staff members for any enquiry.

Assessment Regulations
Assessment regulations The full detailed assessment regulations can be found at assessment regulations:

Continuation of Registration Regulations

Continuation of Registration Regulations Continuation of study regulations are available in section 9 at the following link

Regulations for Award

Undergraduate awards of the University Regulations pertaining to Undergraduate awards of the University are available under Section 8 at the following link



5. University Services and Sources of Information for all Students This section is designed to provide you with information about central University services and resources, which are available to support your learning and your experience as a University student. It includes information about the main services, contact numbers and sources of further information.

Harvard Reference System

What is the Harvard system? In academic writing you have to credit every source of information and ideas that you have used. There are several different methods for doing this. The Harvard System is one way of citing references in your assignments and giving the sources of those references. You can find a Write and Cite Guide on the QMU Library website which can be found at

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

Some students come to QMU & AMC with a range of prior learning and experience. We dont want to waste your time teaching you about things you already know therefore Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is a way to apply for partial or full exemption from having to undertake a module. RPL describes the use of prior learning, either as a formative tool as part of personal development or as a summative tool for the award of credit. The learning may have taken place either as part of a formal educational course or as part of an informal life or work experience outside formal educational settings. This acknowledges that there may be a stage of discussion, reflection and formative assignments, prior to any formal application for the accreditation of prior learning. 46

The final decision for entry to the programme of a candidate with professional experience and/or prior learning is taken by Queen Margaret University. All other qualifications will be mapped against the SCQF framework and QMU standards of the division of Media, Communication and Performing Arts and as such will be dealt with on a case by case basis with credit being given if relevant. For the full details relating to RPL please click on the following link:

Support Services and Organisations

Student Support Services We do this by providing professional services, through the development of innovative projects, and by working with other colleagues and the Student Union to provide support for all aspects of student life. AKMI Metropolitan College provides you the support and help you might need during your studies for the smooth operation of the educational procedures. Ultimate goal of the continual student support is the provision of high quality studies which are according to the modern pedagogic and professional advances as well as your stay in a friendly environment. Our services can be grouped into four main areas:

Information and Guidance Student Transition and Skills Development Careers and Employment

The Registry has a critical role in the administration of academic and student services within Queen Margaret University & AKMI METROPOLITAN COLLEGE. The Registry of AMC follows the procedures of QMU Registry since the educational procedures and the regulations are common and apply to both institutions. Staff of the Registry aim to provide an efficient, effective and professional service to the various client groups to whom they provide information, advice and support. The Admissions function provides prospective and current students, academic staff and senior management with appropriate and up-to-date information on all aspects relating to entry requirements and admissions' procedures and processes, national and local student application trends, student loan arrangements, access and hardship arrangements, and matriculation procedures.


Staff are responsible for statistical returns to external bodies, and for the provision of management information and performance indicators. The Records Administration function provides advice to students, academic staff and senior management on all aspects relating to examinations, Boards of Examiners, External Examiners, statistical returns to external bodies, management information and performance indicators, tuition fee liability, Graduation, course and module records, student academic programmes and student academic transcripts. The Quality Enhancement Unit is concerned with advising academic staff and senior management on all aspects relating to quality assurance and enhancement. Staff plan and organise validation, review and accreditation events, support key academic committees such as the Quality Assurance Agency. The Quality Enhancement Unit is also responsible for overseeing the University's system for External Examiners and for monitoring adherence to the University's academic policy and procedures. The Administration of the AMC is responsible for the proper application of the above regulations and procedures. To achieve this goal, the administrative staff and the programme leaders are in constant communication with the responsible QMU staff. The QMU department that is responsible for the information, development and progress of the educational qualifications and skills of the teaching staff includes in its educational activities the teaching staff of QMU programmes that are materialized by AMC. Life Long Learning seminars are organized by QMU in Thessaloniki having as a goal to educate educators by sending QMU educators. Similar seminars are also organized by AMC for the education and information of its teaching staff in general. Additionally, the Quality Enhancement Unit co-ordinates research degree activity in the University by providing a central administrative function to enable, enhance and facilitate effective research degree procedures. Key activities include administration of all University research degrees and the provision of pro-active policy advice and support to our research population. You can find the QEU website at:

Staff of the Registry develop and implement policy and procedures in relation to all of the above.

Health & Safety Arrangements

Adherence to the safety practices laid down by the University and your School is required by all students within the School. AKMI Metropolitan College is supervised by the Greek Ministry of Education and is obliged to follow all the fire safety regulations that the Greek legislation defines for the buildings of Greek Educational institutions. The Greek legislation regularly checks on the proper fire safety procedures. Educational institutions buildings follow the construction regulations that are related to the students safety in cases of emergency and immediate evacuation of the building. Furthermore, the educational institutions buildings in Greece have to be ant seismic. There are first aid kits in certain areas of the buildings. Please, ask the secretary of the building you are. 48

Equal Opportunities at QMU & MC

Queen Margaret University welcomes diversity amongst its students, staff, applicants and visitors, recognising the particular contributions to the achievement of the institution's mission that can be made by individuals from a wide range of backgrounds and experiences. The institution is committed to ensuring that all of its activities are governed by principles of equality of opportunities. AMC which follows the QMU guidance and practice for the programmes that are originated by QMU is about to enhance its educational provisions in the near future in order to provide education to any interested. Since this issue needs to be carefully handled, AMC is under the preparative procedures in order to support students with disabilities. ur programmes can be attended by students with dyslexia, a problem that AMC can handle due to its long experience.

Academic Appeals Procedure

With the best processes and systems in place things can still go wrong. To ensure you get every opportunity to appeal QMU and AMC have set up an Academic Appeals Procedure. A student has the right to appeal in certain circumstances if he or she is unhappy about an assessment or examination result. The appeal may be in respect of any decision of the Board of Examiners that affects the students grade or progress. Those hearing the appeal will not attempt to re-examine the student, nor to appraise the professional judgement of the examiners, but will consider whether or not the decision of the Board of Examiners was fair, and whether or not all relevant factors were taken into account. You can find full information relating to the Academic Appeals Procedure at: Other Information This handbook has a lot of information within it and provides links to a huge range of electronic information. Please remember the staff at QMU and AMC are here to help. To access the Registry of QMU website please click on the following link:


Appendix 1

Data Protection Act 1998

Introduction The University needs to keep certain personal data, for example about its staff and students, to fulfil its purpose and to meet its legal obligations to funding bodies and government. In holding personal data the University must comply with the Data Protection Act 1998 & the Greek Law 2472/1997. The 1998 Act contains eight Data Protection Principles with which the University must comply at all times when processing personal data. Data Protection Principles Personal data must: 1. be obtained and processed fairly and lawfully and shall not be processed unless certain conditions are met. 2. be obtained for a specified and lawful purpose and shall not be processed in any manner incompatible with that purpose. 3. be adequate, relevant and not excessive for those purposes. 4. be accurate and kept up to date. 5. not be kept for longer than is necessary for that purpose. 6. be processed in accordance with the data subject's rights. 7. be kept secure from unauthorised access, accidental loss or destruction. 8. not be transferred to a country outside the European Economic Area, unless that country has equivalent levels of protection for personal data. The University and all its staff who process or use personal information must ensure that they follow these Data Protection Principles at all times. In order to ensure that this happens, the University has developed this Data Protection Policy You can find more guidance on University procedures in compliance with the Act at:


PART A POLICY AND PRINCIPLES 1.0 General provision for assessment 2.0 Context 3.0 The purpose of assessment 4.0 Principles of assessment 5.0 Fairness, reliability and validity of assessment 6.0 Forms of assessment PART B AWARD REGULATIONS 7.0 Marks, grades and levels of performance 8.0 Award 9.0 Decision on award classification in borderline cases (undergraduate degrees) 10.0 Decision on an award in absence of complete assessment information 11.0 Withdrawing from a module 12.0 Transcripts PART C ASSESSMENT REGULATIONS 13.0 Terminology 14.0 Programme regulations 15.0 Assessment of a module 16.0 Decisions on student progression 17.0 Reassessment 18.0 Repeating a module 19.0 Assessment of disabled students and of students whose first language is not English 20.0 Penalties for word limits and late submission of assessment PART D RESPONSIBILITIES AND EXPECTATIONS 21.0 Student responsibilities in assessment 22.0 Responsibility of other individuals and bodies in assessment

23.0 24.0

Project supervision
Academic dishonesty and plagiarism

PART E APPENDICES Undergraduate Grade Marking Criteria Postgraduate Grade Marking Criteria




1.0 1.1 General provision for assessment and awards The authority for approving programmes and granting awards rests with the Senate of Queen Margaret University. Senate is also responsible for maintaining the academic standards of these awards. One of the major mechanisms for the assurance of academic standards is the assessment of students. These regulations provide the structure within which students shall be assessed and whereby their assessment contributes to the achievement of the award. These General Assessment Regulations shall govern all taught programmes which lead to a University award except where Senate shall determine otherwise. Each student is enrolled on a programme and is subject to the regulations of that programme, which in its turn is subject to the Universitys overall policy and regulations. An award will be conferred upon satisfaction of the following conditions: the candidate was a registered student of the University at the time of his or her assessment and has fulfilled all financial obligations to the University; the candidate has completed a programme approved by the University as leading to the award being recommended; the award has been recommended by a Board of Examiners convened, constituted and acting under regulations approved by Senate. 1.5 Senate is the ultimate authority in the University for the ratification of academic decisions and may, in extreme circumstances over-rule a Board of Examiners. It will normally refer matters of concern back to the Board of Examiners for reconsideration. Acting within the above principles, a Board of Examiners will exercise its judgement in reaching decisions on individual candidates. It is responsible for interpreting the assessment regulations for the programme, in the light of the University's requirements and good practice in higher education and its academic judgement should not lightly be questioned or overturned. Appeals by students against the decisions of Boards of Examiners shall be subject to University procedures and practices, as set out in section of the Governance and Regulations dealing with Academic Appeals and Student Complaints and in the University Student Diary and Handbook. Context The strategy for the Quality Enhancement of Learning, Teaching and Assessment (QELTA) is the key strategy for the delivery of taught programmes of study at QMU and this assessment policy should be read in conjunction with the QELTA strategy. Assessment is integral to the design of programmes of study leading to the award of academic credit and to the award of degrees and diplomas. Programme content is specified through regulations governing Programme Development, Modification, Monitoring and Review. In particular, the learning outcomes and assessment strategy for any programme are defined by a Programme Specification.

1.2 1.3 1.4



2.0 2.1




Assessment is the process of forming a judgment about the quality and extent of learning in relation to the intended learning outcomes of a students programme of study. In view of the variety of programmes, it is recognised that there is a need for a variety of forms of assessment, which should reflect the aims of that programme of study and the mode of study. Whatever the type of assessment, it should be fair, valid, reliable, useful and transparent. In addition to its role in relation to the maintenance of academic standards, an equally important function of assessment is to develop effective student learning. In this context it is essential that assessment is both integrated into the learning experience and that it motivates the learner. Purpose of assessment Assessment satisfies a number of related requirements, namely that it: is integrated with the process of student learning; demonstrates that a student has achieved the learning outcomes for their programme of study; justifies the award of academic credit based on actual student achievement provides confidence in the maintenance of academic standards both internally and to external stakeholders; supports the evaluation and enhancement of programme design and delivery; provides meaningful feedback to students on their performance on a programme of study which promotes learning; provides meaningful information to employers, PSBRs and other organisations on the knowledge and competencies of a graduate; supports the enhancement of programme design and programme delivery. Additionally, assessment may be used as a diagnostic tool to determine the current knowledge and skills of a student and to assist in the formulation of a programme of future study. Principles of assessment Assessment regulations establish a framework for the conduct of assessment across all taught programmes. This framework of assessment regulations will specify the extent of local interpretation at School level and in support of specific programme requirements. Assessment regulations will establish sound procedures for the advanced communication of assessment requirements (including assessment criteria), the submission, conduct of examinations, marking and moderation of assessments, the progression of students, the remediation of failure and the conduct of meetings of Boards of Examiners. The regulations will ensure that academic standards are maintained and that there is a retention schedule for copies of assessments and feedback on assessments. Assessment regulations will be reviewed on a periodic basis to ensure that they remain fit for purpose. As part of the procedures for the validation and review of awards, programme teams are required to develop an assessment strategy which demonstrates a close alignment with


3.0 3.1


4.0 4.1


4.3 4.4


the full range of intended learning outcomes (including knowledge and understanding, intellectual skills, practical skills and transferable skills) and mode(s) of study of that programme, including the requirements of professional and statutory bodies. 4.5 Programme assessment strategies will be designed to assess all intended learning outcomes but should reduce the level of assessment to the minimum required to demonstrate the above and should avoid duplication. QMU is committed to principles of best practice in assessment, as established by the QAA Code of Practice section 6: Assessment of Students. QMU is committed to the principles of equality of opportunity and assessment regulations and procedures will be designed such that they actively promote equality of opportunity, irrespective of age, disability, gender, sexual orientation, race, religion and belief. QMU subscribes to the principle of anonymous marking, wherever this is practicable. QMU supports the principles of the award of credit and of credit transfer, as specified by the SCQF, in all of its assessment procedures. QMU supports the recognition of, and the award of credit for, prior learning. QMU recognises the need for transparency in the assessment of students. QMU recognises the need for a detailed student transcript, in accordance with the Diploma Supplement, as a means of communicating the broad range of formal and informal learning achieved by a student. All modules which are designed to lead to the award of academic credit will be expressed in terms of learning outcomes that are capable of assessment and will include details of the assessment and of the assessment criteria to be employed. All modules which lead to the award of academic credit will come under the purview of a Board of Examiners and will be assigned to an External Examiner. The normal language of assessment is English, but other languages may be used where this is described as part of the definitive document for a programme and, in these cases, the language of instruction and assessment will be clearly shown on the students transcript. Programme specifications will specify the format of assessment but, as a minimum requirement, QMU requires a student to submit a digital copy of all assessments, wherever this is practicable and this digital copy will act as the archive copy of that assessment; QMU requires staff as a minimum to submit feedback and grading for each assessment component on a pro forma. This applies to coursework and examinations. Feedback on course work will normally be individual. Feedback for examinations may be generic, however all students also have the right to request individual feedback. A digital copy of this pro forma will act as the archive copy of the feedback and grade awarded for that assessment. Pro formae may be completed electronically or scanned instead if handwritten. A digital copy of student assessments and the related feedback pro formae will be kept during the time that a student is matriculated, and as specified by the Universitys Records Retention Schedule.

4.6 4.7

4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12


4.14 4.15





5.0 5.1

Fairness, reliability and validity of assessment Assessment can take many different forms, as dictated by the variety of programmes and learning outcomes but, in all cases it should be: Fair, in that there should be equality of treatment across all programmes and that there should be a consistent approach to equality and diversity; Valid, that is the assessment can be shown to be relevant to the intended learning outcomes; Reliable, in that there should be consistency of processes and standards across the institution and that there should be comparability of both the volume and complexity of assessment in relation to credit and level; Useful, in that it contributes to the knowledge and competencies and employability of the learner; Transparent, in that the requirements of the assessment in terms of intended learning outcomes and assessment criteria are made clear to the student.


To maximise accuracy and fairness of assessment programme teams are expected to follow the procedures for marking, moderation and blind double marking set out below. The terms marking, moderation and blind double marking are defined as follows: Marking The process of assessing students work, taking into account QMU guidelines for assessment feedback, the relevant criteria/mark schemes as devised by programme and/or module teams. Moderation The process of confirming the consistency of the mark and feedback provided by the original marker(s) Blind double marking Marking conducted without access to marks, annotations or comments from any other marker. Both markers must use the relevant criteria and provide feedback to students in the agreed format.


All assessed work should have associated marking criteria. These guides to marking should be developed simultaneously with assessment instruments and, where practicable, be approved by the External Examiner. Sharing of approved marking criteria with students is a required feature of good practice. All feedback given to students should relate to the agreed marking criteria. All summative assessments for undergraduate and postgraduate programmes that are not blind-double marked must be moderated on a sampling basis as a means of verifying the accuracy of marking. The size of the sample to be moderated must be at least the square root of the total number of students (rounded to the nearest whole number) taking the assessment plus all borderline fails. The sample should include a range of performance and the minimum size should be six pieces of assessed work. All assessments contributing the equivalent of more than 25 per cent to the final award at SCQF levels 9, 10, 11 and 12 must be blind double-marked for the whole cohort. This includes Honours projects and postgraduate dissertations.




Where there are differences between first and second markers, these should be resolved through a process of discussion and negotiation. On occasions where such differences cannot be resolved through this method, the case will be referred to a third marker. In circumstances where an External Examiner has concerns about the submitted marks for a sample of assessments, the External Examiner may not modify one or more marks of the sample group of students but must moderate the marks of the whole cohort. External Examiners may make recommendations only on the adjustment of marks. It is the responsibility of the Programme Team to consider these recommendations and take a final decision on the student mark. The University operates a standardised system for anonymous marking to ensure fairness in the assessment process. Matriculation numbers are shown on the front cover of coursework or examination booklets, to assist in tracking and monitoring of anonymised work. Proposals for exemption for modules that cannot be anonymously marked will be considered through the Universitys validation and review process or committee structure as appropriate. School Boards will review the implementation of anonymous marking across programmes and report to the Educational Policy Committee on its operation as necessary. In all cases module co-ordinators have responsibility for the conduct and quality control of assessment in their own module(s). Programme Leaders are deemed responsible for the quality of assessment across programmes and are accountable to the Head of Subject through the Programme Committee. Deans of School have responsibility for assessment policy and staff development (as it affects assessment) within the parameters set by the University and any relevant professional and statutory bodies. It is expected however that this responsibility will be delegated to Heads of Subject. School Offices are responsible for the maintenance and retention of records of all raw first and second marks. The Student Records Office under the direction of the Assistant Registrar (Student Records) will maintain a central archive of approved final marks. Forms of assessment The form and balance of assessment for each module should be such as to provide the most accurate assessment of the student's achievement of the module's aims, objectives and learning outcomes. Assessment may be by end-of-module assessment; or by intermittent or periodic assessment undertaken during the course of the module. The module descriptor and the Programme Specification shall specify the relative assessment pattern, including weightings across components. The assessment pattern must be based on the intended learning outcomes of that module. Normally assessment will relate to some or all of the learning outcomes of a single module. Where an assessment covers learning outcomes from two or more modules, this must be clearly described in the Programme specification and module descriptors. By the commencement of each module the module co-ordinator must advise the enrolled students of the form of the assessment and the timing of the components which make up the assessment. This will be consistent with the overall framework established for the programmes assessment, as specified in the module descriptors.







6.0 6.1






At the start of each programme, Subject Areas will inform students of the assessment regulations for the programme governing progression and award, and of any changes thereto. Written work shall be marked and returned in accordance with University procedures and practices. Attendance conditions can be imposed but must be made clear to students and a register of attendance taken.

6.6 6.7



7.0 7.1 7.2 Marks, grades and levels of performance Assessment is primarily a matter of academic judgement, and the computational structure is designed to facilitate consistent judgements. A students overall performance on an undergraduate module will be given marks within one of seven grades as follows : Grade A B C D E F G 7.3 Mark 70% and above 60 69.9% 50 59.9% 40 49.9% 30 39.9% 20 29.9% 19.9% or below Corresponding level in an Honours degree classification first class upper second lower second third class fail fail fail

A students overall performance on a postgraduate module will be given marks within one of eight grades as follows : Grade A B C D E F G H Mark 80% and above 70 79% 60 69% 50 59% 40 49% 30 39% 20 29% 19% or below Award classification Distinction Distinction Pass Pass Fail Fail Fail Fail


These grades should be used in a consistent fashion at all levels of assessment whether it is judging a students overall performance; a cohorts performance, a module grade, or a piece of assessed coursework. The criteria for each of the grades above are listed in Appendices A1 and A2. Normally subjects will be assessed using marks and grades. However, in exceptional circumstances subjects may be assessed using grades only. This will be recorded in programme regulations. If an undergraduate subject is assessed using a grade only, then the following gradeto-mark conversion scheme shall be used for the purposes of computation: Grade Mark A 77 B 65 C 55 D 45 E 35 F 25 G 10

7.5 7.6



If a postgraduate subject is assessed using a grade only, then the following grade-tomark conversion scheme shall be used for the purpose of computation.


Grade Mark

A 85

B 75

C 65

D 55

E 45

F 35

G 25

H 10

In most cases, the mark is set at the midpoint of the band. However, it is proposed that the mark at Grade A should be limited to 85 to reflect the comparatively few marks likely to be awarded over 90%. 7.9 If appropriate, examiners may adjust the raw marks attained by students in individual subjects, but the basis of the scaling must be reported to the Board of Examiners who will be asked to endorse the scaling. Award To gain an undergraduate award, a student must normally be a registered student at the University for at least one academic year. Minimum registration periods for postgraduate awards are set out in the Taught Postgraduate Framework. To qualify for the following awards the student must fulfil the subject specific requirements for the name of the award and also: Cert HE Dip HE Degree Honours Degree Graduate Diploma Postgraduate Certificate Postgraduate Diploma Masters Degree 120 credit points at SCQF Level 7 240 credit points, at least 120 at SCQF Level 8 360 credit points, at least 120 at SCQF Level 9 and 120 at SCQF level 8 480 credit points, at least 120 at SCQF Level 10 and 120 at SCQF Level 9 120 credit points, at minimum of SCQF Level 9 60 credit points, at SCQF Level 11 120 credit points, at SCQF Level 11 180 credit points at SCQF Level 11

8.0 8.1

10 SCQF Credits are equivalent to 5 European Credits (ECTS) therefore 120 SCQF credits equals 60 ECTS 8.2 The classification of the award of the Degree with Honours will be based on the marks obtained in Level Three (20%) and Level Four (80%). Weighted aggregate scores will be rounded to one decimal place. The classification will be based upon the average mark obtained by combining the weighted results of all modules studied in Levels Three and Four. 70 and above >=60% and <70% >=50% and <60% >=40% and <50% 8.3 First Class Second Class: Upper division Second Class: Lower division Third Class

The award of an Ordinary Degree can include an award with distinction, in cases where the average mark for the twelve 10 credit modules (or equivalent) at Level Three is 65% or higher. The award of Taught Postgraduate degrees and diplomas can include an award with distinction. A distinction is granted if the average mark (each module being weighted in relation to its size the dissertation will be weighted x 4) is 70% or over. The award of Taught Postgraduate Certificate is without distinction. When granted an award a student will automatically be de-registered and must reapply if they wish to proceed to a higher or different award.




8.6 8.7

Where a student is admitted to the University at Level Four the classification will be based entirely on Level Four grades. Where a student is admitted to a Level and given additional credit at that level gained externally, the grades from that credit may contribute to the classification where the credit is at the appropriate Level and where marks are available. Otherwise the classification will be based on grades gained entirely within the University. Decision on award classifications in borderline cases (undergraduate degrees) All weighted average marks falling 0.5 per cent or less below the classification boundary are automatically reclassified at the higher level. All weighted average marks falling between 0.5 per cent and two percent below the classification boundary are deemed borderline cases. In these cases the final classification is determined by the preponderance of marks across level 4 credits. Borderline cases where any 60 or more credits (core or elective modules) are achieved in the classification above the boundary will be awarded the higher classification of degree. Additional viva voce examinations involving External Examiner should not be used in the consideration of borderline cases. Decision on an award in absence of complete assessment information Boards of Examiners have discretion to make an award in the absence of complete assessment information where it is established to the satisfaction of the Board of Examiners that: such absence is due to a valid documented cause, which would include, but not be limited to, a students illness; there is enough evidence of the student's achievement at the level at which they are being examined, which would normally equate to 2/3rds of the assessable work at that level, or evidence is subsequently obtained. Where Boards of Examiners use their discretion to make an award in the absence of complete assessment information, the justification for this action should be included in the minutes of the meeting.

9.0 9.1 9.2

10.0 10.1


Awards may be recommended with or without Honours or distinction as appropriate. In order to reach such a decision the Board of Examiners may assess the candidate by any appropriate and reasonable means. Any such assessment will for the purpose of these regulations be deemed a first assessment. The Board of Examiners has a duty to gain as much information about the candidates ability and performance as possible before making decisions. Decisions made in absence of complete information must aim to ensure consistency of standard and equality of opportunity for the student under consideration as compared with his/her peers. The student must not be put in a position of unfair advantage over other candidates for the award. Withdrawing from a module A student withdrawing from a module after 25% of the duration has elapsed may provide the module co-ordinator with a written explanation of reasons for withdrawal. If the module co-ordinator accepts these as valid extenuating circumstances, the student will

10.3 10.4

11.0 11.1


suffer no academic penalty, i.e. the withdrawal will not count as a fail. The student will receive a transcript showing them as withdrawn and will receive no credit. 11.2 12.0 12.1 A student withdrawing from a module after 25% of the duration without providing evidence of extenuating circumstances will be recorded as a fail. Transcripts The students printed assessment record or academic transcript shall specify for each module taken: 12.2 12.3 the title the credit points and the level (if defined) the academic year in which most recently taken the grade and mark most recently obtained the name of the University together with, if appropriate, the name of any other institution sharing responsibility for the students programme of study or research the location of study Language of instruction/assessment Decision on progress/award

The Universitys transcript meets the requirements of the European Diploma Supplement. Guidance on European Credit Points is provided for all students receiving transcripts in the accompanying Guidance Notes.



13.0 Terminology For the purposes of these regulations the following definitions shall apply: 13.1 Component A component is defined as an individual piece of assessment, for example an examination or an essay. Some modules will have one assessment component only. Others may have multiple components.

13.2 Reassessment Reassessment means the opportunity to re-sit an assessment component which has been failed once only. Normally reassessment happens within the same academic year or shortly thereafter. The timing of the reassessment is at the discretion of the Board of Examiners but must allow the student sufficient time to prepare. ( condition 1.2.2) 13.3 Repeat A student who has been reassessed and has failed an assessment for the second time may be offered the opportunity to repeat the module in its entirety with full reassessment facilities. This is at the discretion of the Board of Examiners. The timing of the repeat module and attendance requirements are at the discretion of the Board of Examiners Programme regulations Programme regulations for progression and award are written in the context of the Universitys general assessment regulations; they should be interpreted in that context and where they are silent the Universitys general assessment regulations are taken to apply. Programme specific regulations shall cover the following points : the requirements for passing a module the requirements for progression the conditions and limits to the provision for re-assessment of modules the conditions and limits to the provision for repeating a module or a level the conditions under which a student shall be required to withdraw from the programme It is expected that Programme regulations will be consistent with the Universitys general assessment regulations. Any exceptions must be approved through the validation or committee approval process. 15.0 15.1 Assessment of a module To pass an undergraduate module, a student must obtain at least 40% overall, and at least 30% in each component of assessment as specified in the module descriptor. To pass a postgraduate module, a student must obtain at least 50% overall, and at least 40%. in each component of assessment as specified in the module descriptor. This regulation applies to the first attempt at the module only. Regulations for reassessment and repeat of modules are detailed below.

14.0 14.1



Where a student is reassessed in an undergraduate module at a second attempt or repeats an undergraduate module in its entirety, the maximum mark that can be achieved for the module is 40%. Where a student is reassessed in a postgraduate module at a second attempt or repeats a postgraduate module in its entirety, the maximum mark that can be achieved for the module is 50%. The nature and extent of the failure will not affect the students right to be reassessed. Module specific regulations which deviate from 15.1 and 15.2 must be approved through the Universitys validation committee approval process and clearly recorded in the module descriptor. Applications may be made to the Programme Leader, who will consult with the Module Co-ordinator, with appropriate supporting documentary evidence, for: extension to an assessment deadline; deferment of an examination; special arrangements for undertaking an examination.



16.0 16.1

Decisions on student progression Student progression from one level of the programme to the next is at the discretion of the Board of Examiners taking into account students performance in all modules and the amount of academic credit accrued during the year. The main Board of Examiners is responsible for determining: Whether the student remains in registration The conditions governing the students progression The award for which the student is eligible



Where there is a tiered system of Boards of Examiners, the subsidiary Board will have the authority to moderate and confirm marks and grades for each of the modules for which it is responsible, and determine the form and timing of any re-assessment offered. Decisions on a students continued registration will be made at the end of each academic year, after re-assessment results are known. The main Board of Examiners will take account of the following guidelines in making their decisions. For undergraduate full-time students: a) Pass modules rated to a total of 80 or more credits continue in registration as a fulltime student Full-time students can take a maximum of 160 credits in any academic year. This regulation is intended to support students carrying forward modules and not to facilitate completion of studies in a shorter time than the usual minimum period of registration. b) Pass modules rated to a total of 60 or 70 credits continue in registration as a parttime student but may not register for modules rated at more than 70 credits in the next year of study c) Pass modules rated at 50 credits or less required to discontinue registration For undergraduate part-time students Pass 50% or more of the modules taken continue in registration






A part-time student allowed to continue in registration, wishing to transfer to full-time study will have her or his application considered by the programmes admission tutor. Transfer is not at the students discretion. The only decisions available to the Board of Examiners on progress and award shall be: a) Continue passed all assessments b) Required to be reassessed in the failed module(s) before continuing c) Continue but required to be reassessed in the failed/deferred module(s) in next academic year d) Continue but required to repeat the failed module(s) in next academic year e) Offered opportunity to repeat the entire level in next academic year before continuing f) Offered opportunity to repeat failed module(s) in next academic year as a part-time student before continuing g) Continue in part time registration (applies to part-time students only) h) No re-assessment allowed required to withdraw from course i) Decision deferred outstanding assessments as a first diet j) Decision deferred outstanding re-assessments k) Recommendation to Senate for specific awards



Undergraduate programmes of study are designed on four levels corresponding with Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework levels 7, 8, 9 and 10, with conceptual and material progression being designed into the structure from level to level. Thus it is expected that students will progress from level to level, and the structure of the programme and the timetables are developed accordingly. Although the above regulations may allow a full time student to stay in full time registration albeit without a completed level of study, it may not be possible to construct a programme around the timetable available which is academically coherent and which makes best advantage of the students time. In most cases students will be expected and advised but not required to complete a level of study before progressing to the next level.

16.10 Full-time students may not normally proceed to Level 4 study unless they are eligible for the award of an Ordinary Degree or exceptionally fall short by only 20 credit points. 16.11 A student may cease to be registered for a postgraduate award if he or she: a) fails to register on any module in two successive semesters without prior approval (unless enrolled on a dissertation); b) is granted the award of PgCert, PgDip, MSc, MA, MBA, Executive Masters or MFA; c) fails to have the dissertation proposal approved after two submissions d) accumulates fails as specified in regulations 16.12 and 16.13 16.12 A student will normally be required to withdraw from a postgraduate award if he or she accumulates four or more failures, whether or not these have been later redeemed through reassessment, on any standard taught modules (15 credits). A failure is defined as an unsuccessful attempt at the assessment for a module. For example, this could be failures in four separate modules at the first diet, or failure at first and second diet in one module and failures at first diet in two other modules. 16.13 Individual postgraduate programmes with a non-standard structure may define programme specific regulations under which a student may be required to withdraw. These regulations should be broadly in line with the above principle. In other words, students will normally be allowed to accumulate at least three failures, but will not be


allowed to fail 50% of the taught modules at the first attempt. Programme specific regulations defined to meet the requirements of professional bodies should be approved by the validation panel. 17.0 17.1 Reassessment Reassessment is permitted in order to allow a student to make good an initial failure. This affords the student an opportunity to demonstrate the standard required to pass modules, and ultimately to gain an award. The Board of Examiners may at its discretion allow an undergraduate student to be reassessed in up to eight taught modules (equivalent to 80 credits) in any one academic year. The Board of Examiners shall decide on the form of the reassessment (e.g. written examination, viva voce, or an additional assignment), taking into account the nature of the failed module and the nature of the failure. This may differ from the format of the first assessment and need not be the same for all students provided equity of experience is maintained. The Board of Examiners can allow for full or partial reassessment of the components as appropriate. Normally, a student may not be reassessed in a module more than once, other than when the module is repeated. A candidate for reassessment is not entitled to be reassessed in components that are no longer part of the programme. A Board of Examiners may, at its discretion, make such special arrangements as it deems suitable in cases where it is inappropriate for students to be reassessed in the same elements, or by the same methods as at the first attempt. All reassessments shall take place before the commencement of the next session of the programme. They should be late enough to allow the students time to prepare themselves, and to avoid overload of assessment shall normally take place in the autumn diets. A student who is reassessed for a module failure in an undergraduate module, where there are no clear extenuating circumstances, shall be awarded no more than 40% on passing the re-assessment. A student who is reassessed for a module failure in a postgraduate module, where there are no clear extenuating circumstances, shall be awarded no more than 50% on passing the reassessment. All reassessment results shall be based only upon performance in reassessments; no marks may be carried forward from a students first attempt at the assessments. To pass an undergraduate module at reassessment, students must achieve at least 30% in each reassessed component and a weighted average of at least 40%. A student who has been absent from an assessment or who has performed badly due to illness or other good cause acceptable to the Board of Examiners shall be allowed to take the assessment and it shall be treated as a first assessment. For more information Repeating a module Boards of Examiners will take into account a students overall academic progress in deciding whether or not to permit repetition of a module.



17.4 17.5





18.0 18.1



In the event of a failure after reassessment in a module, the Board of Examiners may permit a student to repeat the module, with full re-assessment facilities. No parts of the previous assessment may be carried forward. The regulations for attendance shall apply to the repeated module unless otherwise specified by the Board of Examiners. A student may repeat a failed module only once. Where a module is repeated the mark and grade obtained will replace the mark and grade achieved at earlier attempts. When repeating a module regulation 15.1 will apply to assessment of individual components. However, the maximum overall mark that can be achieved when repeating an undergraduate module is 40%. The maximum overall mark that can be achieved when repeating a postgraduate module is 50% Assessment of disabled students and of students whose first language is not English Disabled students


19.0 19.1

19.1.1 If, through disability, a student is unable to be assessed by the prescribed method for the module, the Programme Leader may determine alternative assessment methods on the advice of the module co-ordinator. This will be recorded in the students Individual Learning Plan. In determining alternative assessment methods Programme Leaders will take into account the need to assess the student on equal terms with other students. The Board of Examiners will ratify any such decisions. Variations may include the following: an extension of the normal registration period for completing an award; extra time being allowed for assessments; alternative or modified assessments; use of scribes in assessments; use of viva voce assessment; use of appropriate aids (such as word processor, Brailler, tape-recorder, large print scripts). 19.1.2 Extra time will be allocated in examinations for disabled students and students whose circumstances may affect their performance. In both cases students must submit certification to attest their eligibility. Unless otherwise specified in the certification, such students will be allocated 25% extra time. 19.1.3 Students should normally submit requests for extra-time to Programme Leaders at least six weeks before each block of examinations. Approval of requests rests with the Programme Leader with advice from the relevant Disabled Student Co-ordinator and in consultation with the Module Co-ordinator. However, students with existing Individual Learning Plans outlining relevant adjustments (e.g. extra time or particular aids) for exams will not be required to make a separate request to Programme Leaders and will not be required to make separate arrangements before each block. Details of all students to be allocated extra-time must be submitted by Subject Areas to the Records Administration Section of Registry in conjunction with exam papers. Programme Leaders should indicate particular aids required, such as provision of separate rooms, scribes or computer facilities. 19.1.4 Arrangements for the assessment of disabled students will be made prior to, or at the point of assessment. Further allowance or compensation for disability will not be made in the marking of assessed work. 19.2 Students whose first language is not English


19.2.1 All students whose first language is not English will normally be permitted to use language-only dictionaries in examinations. Electronic dictionaries are not permitted (please refer to Exam Regulations section). 19.2.2 Except where a programme is specifically exempt, all students in undergraduate Levels 1 and 2 whose first language is not English will be eligible for 25% extra-time in examinations. Details of all such students to be allocated extra-time must be submitted by Subject Areas to the Records Administration Section of Registry in conjunction with exam papers. 19.2.3 Programmes may apply for exemption from allocating extra-time in examinations to students in undergraduate Levels 1 and 2 whose first language is not English. Proposals should be submitted to the School Board for approval. All relevant programme documentation, particularly student handbooks, must make this exemption explicit. The following programmes are exempt: BSc (Hons) and Graduate Diploma Speech and Language Therapy; BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy. 20.0 20.1 Penalties for word limits and late submission of assessment A piece of written work which exceeds the specified word limit by 10% or more will receive a maximum mark of 40% for undergraduate or 50% for postgraduate programmes. In each piece of written work where a word limit is identified, students are required to include and clearly state the total number of words used. The number of words counted should include all the text, references and quotations used in the text, but should exclude abstracts, supplements to the text, diagrams, appendices, reference lists and bibliographies. Any student who submits work to be assessed after the assessment submission date, without the prior agreement of the Programme Leader and the Module Co-ordinator, or without good or agreed cause, will have marks deducted according to the following criteria: if submitted, in a first diet, after the due date but within one calendar week (i.e. up to 6 days after submission date) a maximum mark of 40% can be achieved for undergraduate programmes and a maximum mark of 50% for postgraduate programmes if submitted, in a first diet, after one calendar week (i.e. 7 days or more) a mark of 0% will be awarded if coursework is submitted after the due date for a re-assessment a mark of 0% will be awarded.






21.0 21.1 Student responsibility in assessment It is the responsibility of students to: familiarise themselves with the regulations for their course. Students should consult their Programme/Scheme Handbook and/or their academic tutor; attend examinations and observe the Universitys Instruction to Candidates in Examinations (to be read out to students prior to the start of examinations). In brief, these require candidates to attend in good time, to bring their matriculation card, not to communicate with other candidates, not to cheat, not to disrupt the event, to complete the answer paper as instructed, not to bring into the hall any unauthorised material and not to remove any part of an answer paper from the hall; familiarise themselves with the examination periods (both first attempt and reassessment and make themselves available for the examination period); recognise the role of assessment in the achievement and recognition of their learning; submit work for assessment as required, in accordance with the regulations for their course; provide evidence, in advance of the Board of Examiners, of any extenuating circumstances. This evidence is normally written by an independent source such as a medical practitioner and should be forwarded to the Programme Leader. Students should be aware that Boards of Examiners will take account of all certificated or verified evidence submitted on behalf of students in their deliberations on individual performance. 21.2 If a student fails to attend examinations or submit work for assessment without good cause, the Board of Examiners has the authority to deem the student to have failed the assessments concerned. Fraudulent practices such as copying, cheating, collusion, plagiarism (i.e. the presentation by an individual of another persons ideas or work (in any medium, published or unpublished) as though they were his or her own) are serious academic offences and will incur appropriate penalties. Students are urged to seek advice from the Programme Leader or other tutors if in any doubt about the foregoing practices. All students are expected to seek clear guidance on the form and manner in which assessments are to be completed. If a student is found to have cheated or attempted to gain an unfair advantage, the Board of Examiners has authority to deem the student to have failed part or all of the assessment and to determine whether or not the student shall be permitted to be reassessed. Students must ensure the proper acknowledgement of the borrowings from other sources, whether published or unpublished. Subject areas should provide guidance on how such borrowings should be acknowledged in a manner appropriate to that discipline.






Serious cases of cheating and plagiarism will be referred for consideration through the Universitys disciplinary procedure. Undertaking fraudulent practices can result in a student being required to leave the University. QMU has a policy to use the TurnItIn UK plagiarism detection system, or other equivalent systems, to help students avoid plagiarism and improve their scholarship skills. This service is available to all matriculated students at QMU. Tutors at QMU may submit student work to TurnItIn UK or another equivalent system.


Responsibility of other individuals and bodies in assessment 22.1 Senate, through its Educational Policy Committee, has the responsibility for: 22.2 the development of assessment policy; monitoring the use of this policy by the Schools; periodically reviewing and revising this policy.

The Deans of School have the responsibility for ensuring that: programmes within that School conform to this Policy; assessment processes are approved and reviewed; assessment processes are secure; through the annual monitoring process, there is reflection on student performance in assessment and in relation to programme learning outcomes; periodic review of assessment strategies are conducted; staff are supported in the development of assessment strategies and practices; students are involved in the evaluation of assessment strategies; External Examiners are briefed on this Policy; issues arising through the implementation of this Policy are conveyed to EPC.


Programme Leaders have the responsibility for: assuring that academic standards are maintained through the effective use of this policy and its local implementation via the programme definitive document; monitoring the outcomes of assessment and reporting these outcomes to the School.


Academic staff have the responsibility to: design assessments that both conform to this policy and which assess the specified learning outcomes and which make reasonable adjustments to meet the needs of all learners; provide feedback on student performance in relation to assessment outcomes.


Project supervision 69


General All project supervision meetings with undergraduate, postgraduate and research students must be documented, signed by both student and supervisor, and filed as a record of the supervisory process. Documentation should include the date and duration of the meeting and a summary of the discussion.


Honours Project Supervision

23.2.1 The time allocated to supervision of Honours level projects and dissertations should normally be no less than three hours and not more than five hours per student. These minimum and maximum time allocations apply only to supervisory meetings with students and do not include time taken to read draft work. 23.2.2 Early in the academic year all supervisors should hold an initial meeting with their supervisees to discuss key elements of the process, including expectations, regulations, terms of reference and operational procedures. This meeting could be held as a joint meeting between a supervisor and all of his/her supervisees. A record of all meetings between a student and their supervisor should be lodged in the student file at the time of submission of the project or dissertation. 23.2.3 Staff members should normally read and give feedback on one draft only and should not mark or re-write this work. 23.3 Postgraduate project and research supervision Further information is available in the Taught Postgraduate Framework and Research Degrees Regulations. 24.0 24.1 Academic dishonesty and plagiarism Introduction

24.1.1 This institutions degrees and other academic awards are given in recognition of the candidates achievement. Plagiarism is therefore, together with other forms of academic dishonesty such as personation, falsification of data, computer and calculation fraud, examination room cheating and bribery, considered an act of academic fraud and is an offence against University discipline. 24.1.2 Plagiarism is defined as follows: The presentation by an individual of another persons ideas or work (in any medium, published or unpublished) as though they were his or her own. 24.1.3 In the following circumstances academic collusion represents a form of plagiarism: Academic collusion is deemed to be unacceptable where it involves the unauthorised and unattributed collaboration of students or others work resulting in plagiarism, which is against University discipline. 24.1.5 QMU has a policy to use the TurnItIn UK plagiarism detection system, or other equivalent systems, to help students avoid plagiarism and improve improve their scholarship skills. This service is available to all matriculated students at QMU. QMU tutors may submit student work to TurnItIn UK, or another equivalent system.



Referencing Students attention is drawn to the guide to referencing available in the library.



24.3.1 All members of staff should explain to their students at the start of each session that plagiarism and academic fraud are unacceptable forms of cheating, which will be penalised severely. Such warnings should be repeated during the session and are especially necessary where dissertations, projects or coursework are substantial elements of the curriculum. Every opportunity should be taken to reinforce this message by incorporating it in published material such as Programme or scheme guides and, in the case of postgraduate research students, by its inclusion in the Code of Practice for Supervised Postgraduate Research. 24.3.2 These warnings should be accompanied by specific advice from Subject Areas about what constitutes plagiarism and academic fraud. For example, such advice should indicate where a particular discipline makes the distinction between legitimate and illegitimate use of acknowledged or unacknowledged sources; what is regarded as acceptable collaboration between students undertaking joint project work; and what is expected of a dissertation or thesis. Dissertations should clearly indicate whether it is an original contribution to knowledge or a critical survey of published material. Training students to make such distinctions is part of the academic process and should be formally and publicly acknowledged as such. This is particularly significant since some of the cases arising stem from genuine ignorance on the part of the students who have never received guidance on how to acknowledge sources properly. 24.3.3 Scrutiny of academic work should be sufficient to ensure that signs of plagiarism or unacceptable levels of co-operation, whether intentional or not, are detected at an early stage and brought to students attention through tutorial guidance and in some cases perhaps by written warning. 24.3.4 Dissertation supervisors and other academic staff responsible for assessment and guidance should be aware of cultural relativities that may affect some students approach to referencing. In providing guidance, staff will be expected to acknowledge cultural differences and to exercise appropriate sensitivity. 24.4 Identifying and reporting

24.4.1 All concerns by tutors related to plagiarism must initially be discussed with the Programme Leader or other designated person who is responsible for making the decision to progress the case further under the Universitys guidelines. 24.4.2 If it is judged that the case falls into the category of poor academic practice that requires only remedial action, then the Programme Leader shall inform the student and either carry out the actions required or ensure that they are carried out via the referring tutor such as referring a student to the Student Learning Centre. 24.4.3 If it is judged that there is academic misbehaviour or academic misconduct, then the case will be referred to the Dean of School under the QMU Code of Discipline. The Programme Leader will be responsible for the submission of evidential material to the Dean of School and for informing the student or students involved and any referring staff member of the decision to move to the Disciplinary process. 24.5 Investigation



The Dean of School or other person designated by the Dean shall investigate all referred cases. In consultation with the Academic Registrar, the Dean will determine if the case may be dealt with summarily under Section 5 of the QMU Code of Discipline. The Dean will interview the student before any other steps are taken under the Code of Discipline. The Dean will advise the student in writing of the referral, invite the student to make representations and advise the student of the support mechanisms available. At the interview, a friend or representative may accompany the student. If the Dean considers it appropriate to do so, and if the student agrees, the matter may be dealt with summarily, without recourse to a disciplinary committee. A designated member of the School Office will attend the student interview. The School Office will maintain records of all cases referred to the Dean or to a Disciplinary Committee. The member of the School Office acting as the Secretary to the Examination Board, will report the outcome of the case to the Board. This will be appropriate only in those cases where the allegation has been upheld, and the penalty applied by the Dean of School or the Disciplinary Committee. The designated member of the School Office will also, when appropriate: migrate case records to a new field in ISIS; delete migrated records from ISIS after the expiry date defined by QMU regulations; remove case records when a student leaves QMU.



24.5.4 24.5.5



The student will be responsible for: Providing evidence on request; Attending an investigatory meeting; Either accepting a disciplinary recommendation or proceeding to an appeal under the provisions of the Code of Discipline.

24.5.8 24.5.9

In the case of a distance learning student an investigatory meeting can be conducted by any appropriate means. At all times, students will be able to call upon the support and guidance of the Students Union. It is expected that the Students Union will have trained staff to support students and to attend interviews/meetings with the Dean and/or the Disciplinary Committee.

24.5.10 If the matter is dealt with summarily, the Dean will consider written or oral evidence as he or she thinks fit. That may include any plagiarism detection software or other dishonesty detection mechanisms made available by QMU. It will also include any evidence or representations from the student or students involved as well as from the Programme Leader or from any other member of staff deemed necessary to make a determination. This can include expert witnesses. The QMU student record system may also be checked for previous recorded instances of proven plagiarism. 24.5.11 If there is a possibility that the allegation, if proved, may lead to the suspension or exclusion of the student, then the case must be referred to a Disciplinary Committee.


24.5.12 In the case of a distance learning student, a telephone or video conference interview will be organised and the student fully briefed about the timing and structure of the interview; 24.5.13 If a finding of guilt is made, the Dean may impose any of the penalties set out in the Code of Discipline, other than expulsion from the University. At the termination of the proceedings, the Dean will write a short report. In the event of a finding of guilt, the report will set out the misconduct alleged, a brief summary of evidence received, the grounds for the finding of guilt, the penalty imposed, and the factors taken into account in deciding the penalty. A copy of the report will be sent to the student, to the Programme Leader and to the referring Tutor. If the report contains recommendations concerning examination marks, a copy of the report will also be sent to the appropriate Board of Examiners. 24.5.14 There is a right of appeal against a finding of guilt.



Undergraduate Grade Marking Criteria Grade A 80% and above Outstanding performance, exceptionally able Demonstrates comprehensive understanding of the question or problem and presents evidence of extensive reading of appropriate texts reflected in illuminating references in work. Shows exceptional originality in problem solving, analysis and evaluation, and presents arguments in a fluent and convincing manner. Displays the ability to synthesise concepts, knowledge and theory and exceptional insight and critical thinking. Grade A 70-79.9% Outstanding performance Shows clear understanding and interpretation of the question set. Includes all of the most relevant information/issues raised by the question. Demonstrates knowledge of appropriate reading through references to texts and journal material. Shows thorough understanding of theoretical/conceptual issues. Demonstrates ability to present answers in a balanced and coherent way. Shows awareness of value judgements/assumptions embodied in the question. Demonstrates ability to analyse issues raised and evaluate evidence presented. Grade B 60-69.9% Very good performance In awarding a mark in this range the marker will be looking for essentially the same kind of evidence as used above, but will mark in this range where the evidence is not so strong in relation to each category, or where the work does not match up to the standards in two or three categories. Grade C 50-59.9% Average performance Generally understands the question and interprets the question appropriately. Brings in most of the main points/issues raised by the question. Only isolated reference to reading. Generally understands concepts involved, theoretical understanding rather shallow. Presents points reasonably clearly; demonstrates some analytical ability. Shows awareness of value positions required by the question.

Grade D 40-49.9% Satisfactory Performance Limited understanding of the question set. Discusses some of the main points/issues raised by the question. Limited reference to reading. Some understanding of concepts - limited but accurate factual information. Muddled/unclear presentation. Unsupported value statements. Grade E 30-39.9% Fail Unsatisfactory standard. Some attempt to address issues in the question but which do not quite meet the criteria outlined for an acceptable answer. Grade F 20-29.9% Poor Fail Clear failure. Limited attempt to address the issues in the question set but which do not meet the criteria outlined for an acceptable answer in a number of respects. Grade G < 20% Bad fail


Marks in this range will be awarded for wrong or negligible answers and non-response.


Postgraduate grade marking criteria The student will provide evidence of the following to achieve recognition of the grade banding: Grade A 80%+ Excellent performance, exceptionally able

Mastery of the specialist area that demonstrates exceptional insight and breadth of knowledge. Excellent comprehension of scholarly techniques and / or the research-base. Presents extensive evidence of critical and deep knowledge of the specialist and related areas. Ability to challenge and develop existing theory and/or professional practice within the specialist area. Demonstrates outstanding originality in the application of knowledge and the development and inter-relationship between concepts, theories, policies and practice. Displays outstanding potential to undertake research or be a leading practitioner within a specialist area. Demonstrates exceptional ability in synthesising knowledge from different disciplines. Meets the learning outcomes of the module or assessment. 70- 79.9% Very good performance [distinction mark is 70%]

Grade B

Mastery with very good and critical comprehension of the specialist area with extensive evidence of deep knowledge of relevant and related theories, principles and concepts of the major aspects of the area.

Very good comprehension of scholarly techniques and / or the research-base. Presents evidence of critical and deep knowledge of the specialist and related areas. Some ability to challenge and develop existing theory and/or professional practice within the specialist area. Demonstrates ability to identify, conceptualise and define or redefine concepts, theories, policies and practice. Displays potential to undertake research or be a leading practitioner within a specialist area. Demonstrates significant ability in synthesising knowledge from different disciplines. Meets the learning outcomes of the module or assessment. 60- 69.9% Good performance

Grade C

Mastery with good comprehension of the specialist area with some evidence of deep knowledge of relevant and related theories, principles and concepts, but lacking depth or critique in some areas.

Good comprehension of scholarly techniques and / or the research-base. Presents evidence of understanding of some advanced or complex issues at the forefront of the subject or professional area. A good comprehension of how concepts and knowledge may be applied to inform judgements and develop advanced ideas, policies or practices. Demonstrates ability in synthesising knowledge from different disciplines.


Meets the learning outcomes of the module or assessment. 50- 59.9% Satisfactory performance

Grade D

Mastery with satisfactory comprehension of the specialist area with some insight into relevant and related theories, principles and concepts, but lacking depth or critique in some areas.

Limited comprehension of scholarly techniques and / or the research-base. Some evidence of knowledge relating to advanced, current and complex issues within the subject or professional area, but only in parts of the work. Some ability to identify and comprehend how concepts and knowledge may be applied to inform judgements and develop ideas, policies or practices. Demonstrates some ability in synthesising knowledge from different disciplines. Meets the learning outcomes of the module or assessment. 40-49.9% Unsatisfactory performance - Fail

Grade E

Unsatisfactory comprehension of the specialist area and little evidence of deep understanding of theories, principles and concepts. Insufficient evidence of knowledge relating to advanced, current and complex issues at the forefront of the subject or professional area. Insufficient evidence of comprehensive and critical knowledge related to the theoretical concepts, scholarly techniques or the research-base supporting a specific area with some accurate factual information.

Unsatisfactory evidence of how knowledge may be applied to inform judgements and develop advanced ideas, policies or practices with little originality of thought. Demonstrates little ability in synthesising knowledge from different disciplines. Meets only some of the learning outcomes of the module or assessment. 30-39.9% Poor Fail

Grade F

Unsatisfactory; does not meet learning outcomes of the module. Limited attempt to demonstrate knowledge of the specialist area with inadequate evidence available. Minimal evidence of knowledge and insight into theories, principles and concepts. Inadequate evidence of critical and deep knowledge related to a specialist area. Restricted evidence of advanced current and complex issues at the forefront of the subject or professional area.

Insufficient evidence of comprehensive and critical knowledge related to the theoretical concepts, scholarly techniques or the research-base supporting a specific area. Demonstrates no ability to synthesise knowledge from different disciplines. Incomplete evidence of how knowledge may be applied to inform judgements and develop advanced ideas, policies or practices with little originality of thought. Does not meet the learning outcomes of the module or assessment.


Grade G

20-29.9% Bad fail

Clear failure, does not meet learning outcomes of the module. Minimal knowledge of the specialist area and lack of evidence of deep understanding of theories, principles and concepts. Inadequate and incomplete evidence of critical and deep knowledge related to a specialist area and of advanced, current and complex issues at the forefront of the subject or professional area.

Deficient in evidence of comprehensive and critical knowledge related to the theoretical concepts, scholarly techniques or the research-base supporting a specific area. No ability to synthesise knowledge from different disciplines. No understanding of how knowledge may be applied, to inform judgements and develop advanced ideas, policies or practices with little originality of thought. Does not meet the learning outcomes of the module or assessment. <20% Very bad fail and non-submission

Grade H

Demonstrates a serious and unacceptable lack of knowledge and understanding of the specialist area. No evidence of deep understanding of theories, principles and concepts. Deficient in critical and deep knowledge related to a specialist area. No evidence of comprehensive and critical knowledge related to the theoretical concepts, scholarly techniques or the research-base supporting a specific area. Inadequate understanding of how knowledge may be applied, with originality, to inform judgements and develop advanced ideas, policies or practices. No understanding of advanced, current and complex issues at the forefront of the subject and professional area. No ability to synthesise knowledge from different disciplines Does not meet the learning outcomes of the module or assessment.


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