Thermodynamics Important Questions

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1. Explain the following terms: (a)Process (b)Cycle. 2. What is PMM1? Why it is impossible? 3. Write the Kelvin-Planck statement of the second law of Thermodynamics? 4. The coefficient of performance (COP) of a heat pump is 5. Find the COP of a refrigerator if both are reversible devices interacting bet same source temperature & sink temperature? 5. Why Carnot cycle is not practicable for a stream power plant? 6. Define triple point and identify the triple point of water? 7. What is the significance of compressibility factor? 8. State the Avogadros law and state its significance? 9. Define specific humidity? How does it differ from relative humidity? 10. What is adiabatic mixing and write the equation for that? PART B 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What are the corollaries to the first law of Thermodynamics? What is meant by internal energy? What is a process involved in a Carnot cycle, sketch the same in P-V and T-S diagram? What is a temperature entropy diagram? Sketch the Rankine cycle on a P-V plane and name the various process. Stream in a pipeline with a pressure of 1000kpa flows through a throttling calorimeter where pressure is 100kpa and temperature is 120C. What is the initial quality of steam if enthalpy remains constant during throttling? State the Daltons law of Partial Pressure? Write the Maxwell equation and its significance? Define dew point temperature? What is Sensible heating?

7. 8. 9. 10.

PART B 11. (a) 10 kg of fluid per minute goes through a reversible steady flow process. The properties of fluid at the inlet are P1 = 1.5 bar, 1 = 26 kg/m3, v1 = 100 m/s and u1 = 910 kJ/kg and at the exit are P2 = 5.5 bar, 2 = 5.5 kg/m3, v2 = 190 m/s and u2 = 710 kJ/kg. During the passage, the fluid rejects 55 kJ/s and rises through 55 m. Determine : (i) the change in enthalpy (h) (ii) work done during the process (w). (16) (b) (i) The Properties of a system, during a reversible constant pressure non-flow process at P = 1.6 bar. Changed from v1 = 0.3 m3/kg, T1 = 20C to v2 = 0.55 m3/kg. T2 = 260C. The specific heat of the fluid is given by Cp = (

where T is in C. Determine the heat added, work done, change in internal energy and change in enthalpy per kg of fluid. (8) (ii) A nozzle is a device for increasing the velocity of a steadily flowing stream. At the inlet to a certain nozzle, the enthalpy of the fluid passing is 3000 kJ/kg and the velocity is 60 m/s. At the discharge end, the enthalpy is 2762 kJ/kg. The nozzle is horizontal and there is negligible heat loss from it. (1) Find the velocity at exit from the nozzle. (2) If the inlet area is 0.1 m2 and the specific volume at the inlet is 0.187 m3/kg, find the mass flow rate. (3) If the specific volume at the nozzle exit is 0.498 m3/kg, find the exit area of the nozzle (8) (a) (i) Deduce the expression for the displacement work in an isothermal process. (4) (ii) Three grams of nitrogen gas at 6 atm and 160C is expanded adiabatically to double its initial volume, then compressed at constant pressure to its initial volume and then compressed again at constant volume to its initial state. Calculate the net work done on the gas. Draw the p-V diagram for the process. Specific heat ratio of nitrogen is 1.4. (12) (b) (i) One litre of hydrogen at 273 K is adiabatically compressed to one-half of its initial volume. Find the change in temperature of the gas, if the ratio of two specific heats for hydrogen is 1.4 (4) (ii) The velocity and enthalpy of fluid at the inlet of a certain nozzle are 50 m/sec and 2800 kJ/kg respectively. The enthalpy at the exit of nozzle is 2600 kJ/kg. The nozzle is horizontal and insulated so that no heat transfer takes place from it. Find (1) Velocity of the fluid at exit of the nozzle (2) Mass flow rate, if the area at inlet of nozzle is 0.99 m2 (3) Exit area of the nozzle, if the specific volume at the exit of the nozzle is 0.495 m3/kg. (12) 12. (a) A reversible heat pump is used to maintain a temperature of 0 in a refrigerator when it rejects the heat to the surroundings at 27 . If the heat removal rate from the refrigerator is 1500 kJ/min. Determine the C.O.P of the machine and work input required. If the required input to run the pump is developed by a reversible engine which receives heat at 400 and rejects heat to atmosphere. (16) (b) (i) Give the Clausius statement of second law. (3) (ii) A house hold refrigerator is maintained at a temperature of 275 K. Every time the door is opened, warm material is placed inside, introducing an average of 442 kJ, but making only a small change in the temperature of refrigerator. The door is opened 20 times a day, and the refrigerator operates at 15% of the ideal COP. The cost of work is Rs 2.50 per kWhr. What is the bill for the month of April for this refrigerator? The atmosphere is at 303 K. (13) (a) A heat engine operating between two reservoirs at 100 K and 300 K is used to drive heat pump which extracts heat from the reservoir at 300 K at a rate twice that at which engine rejects heat to it. If the efficiency of the engine is 40% of the maximum possible

and the co-efficient of the heat pump is 50% of the maximum possible, make calculations for the temperature of the reservoir to which the heat pump rejects heat. Also work out the rate of heat rejection from the heat pump if the rate of supply of heat to the engine is 50 kW. (16) (b) (i) Show that the efficiency of a reversible engine operating between two given constant temperatures is the maximum. (8) (ii) A heat pump working on the Carnot cycle takes in heat from a reservoir at 5C and delivers heat to reservoir at 60C. The heat pump is driven by a reversible heat engine which takes heat from reservoir at 840C and rejects heat to reservoir at 60C. The reversible heat engine also drives a machine that absorbs 30 kW. If the heat pump extracts 17 kJ/s from the reservoir at 5C, determine (1) The rate of heat supply from 840C source, and (2) The rate of heat rejection to 60C sink. (8) 13. (a) (i) With a neat diagram, explain the regenerative Rankine cycle with an open feedwater heater. (8) (ii) In a thermal plant operating on a Rankine cycle, superheated steam at 50 bar and 500C enters a turbine, the isentropic efficiency of which is 0.8. The condenser pressure is 0.05 bar and it delivers saturated liquid to a feed pump, the isentropic efficiency of which is 0.7. Determine the thermal efficiency of the power plant and the mass flow rate of steam required for 50 MW net power generation. (8) (b) A cyclic steam power plant is to be designed for a steam temperature at turbine inlet of 633 K and an exhaust pressure of 8 kPa. After isentropic expansion of steam in the turbine, the moisture content at the turbine exhaust is not to exceed 15%. Determine the greatest allowable steam pressure at the turbine inlet, and calculate the Rankine cycle efficiency for these steam conditions. Estimate also the mean temperature of heat addition. (16) (a) 1 kg of steam initially dry saturated at 1.1 MPa expands in a cylinder following the law PV1.13 = C. The pressure at the end of expansion is 0.1 MPa. Determine (i) The final volume (ii) Final dryness fraction (iii) Work done (iv) The change in internal energy (v) The heat transferred. (b) (i) Draw Rankine cycle with one closed type feed water heater. Assume the condition of steam before entering the turbine to be superheated. Sketch the cycle on T-s diagram. (6)

(ii) In a ideal reheat cycle, the steam enters the turbine at 30 bar and 500C. After expansion to 5 bar, the steam is reheated to 500C and then expanded to the condenser pressure of 0.1 bar. Determine the cycle thermal efficiency, mass flow rate of steam. Take power output as 100 MW (6+4)

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