Acceptance Article

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Acceptance Article - 31 Date : 04.06.13 What is acceptance ? I believe that knowing self is easier than knowing others .

If I know myself well , it will be easy to understand others . Because they are only mere extension of myself . To know and understand myself , I should have a unbiased view . Generally I have a biased view about myself due to the trick of the mind and ego . To have a unbiased mind I have to tame my mind to be a servant so that it cant pose thoughts automatically whenever not desired at the time of self-understanding . This taming of the mind will come from meditation and constant reflection on life events/situation with right spiritual knowledge . So to understand the acceptance properly , it is mandatory that we should have a mind tamed (thoughtless) state where we can reflect with an unbiased manner . If we remember the cause and effect equation , the output is fixed when there are definite inputs . Out of these inputs , there are some inputs contributed by me and the other inputs are contributed by the society , nature , cosmic forces etc . The inputs other than me are not under my control . The inputs by me are mostly guided by my flickering mind based on my sanskar , karmic layers , conditioning etc . As mostly I am not present (as my mind is the master) during giving my inputs , mostly I do not have also any control in my portion of the inputs . If almost all the inputs are not under my control , how can the output will be as per my desire ? Since the output is beyond my control in most of the cases , I have 2 options . One is to accept the output with love , compassion , understanding , with full responsibility and the other is not to accept . If we accept with full responsibility and understanding , I do not suffer . My full responsibility is due to the fact that , my portion of the inputs are due to mind which is also my own creation though as a result of ignorance . If I do not accept , I grumble , get angry , blame others , curse fate , get stressful etc and continuously suffer . In this process I also continuously create new karma to suffer further in future . The key here to acceptance is , things are bound to happen in a particular way irrespective of happiness or suffering to us as the required inputs are present due to various reasons beyond my control . In this input/output system my contribution is also there . Unless I correct my portion of the inputs the result will be always the same . My inputs are due to my past karma which I should accept . At that time or in the past , I had worked in a particular way depending on my knowledge and mind . Now I cant change those inputs . But now if I accept the output and suffer with understanding , love and compassion to myself , the reaction will lose all its emotional content thereby the seed of this karma is destroyed for any future action . If I accept this way in my day today work with a smile (with full acceptance) , I will be slowly and steadily wiping out my karmic layers . Therefore the key is , acceptance is not with a feeling of compulsion , frustration , anger , helplessness etc , but with love and understanding . This is because I am responsible for my portion of the inputs and now that I am knowledgeable , I will act differently . Even if my inputs are with full knowledge , I do not have control on the inputs from society , cosmic forces , nature etc . So if I do not accept I suffer . The inputs other than me are the grand design of the unknown which I have to obey with respect , love and understanding and compassion . This is the key of acceptance due to which the enlightened masters do not suffer whatever the case may be .

There was one enlightened master living in a village . One young unmarried girl became pregnant . When the family members started questioning about the father of the would be child , she took the name of that enlightened master . The parents went to the master and told him that you are the father of that would be child . The master replied is it so ? Thereafter when the baby was born , the parents handed over the baby to the master . The master took care of the baby with the help of the neighbours . The mother of the baby could not bear the condition of the child and told to their parents that , the master is not the father but someone else in the village . The parents went to the master and told the story . The master replied , is it so? The parents took away the child . Please see the level of acceptance of that master . The question may be coming in the mind that , is it possible to have an acceptance like that of the master . Who says that ? If we understand the matter , we apply it in our day today life to the extent possible . We get the blissfulness the extent we accept and life is journey of continuous going up or down in a ladder . No one even , the enlightened masters climbed up the ladder from the 1st step and then to the last step . Each one pass through the same steps one after another by burning his own karmic layers and in the end reaches at the top . But the difference is , one may be continuously going down or sitting on a step of the ladder without further movement due to ignorance .The choice is yours .

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