Objectives:: AC Steady State Power

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AC Steady State Power

1. We examine instantaneous power.
2. We examine average power.
3. We examine complex power.
4. We examine power factor correction.

1. Breadboard.
2. Function generator.
3. PSpice software.
4. Connecting wires.
5. Oscilloscope.
6. Resistors, Capacitor, Inductor.

1. Ramifications of power.
2. Power factor correction.

Done by: Shady1Arafeh & Ahmad Mujahed
AC Steady State Power
We have many types of power instantaneous,
average, apparent, active, reactive, and complex

the instantaneous power is p(t) = v(t)i(t) & it can

be written as p(t) = 0.5(VpIp)[cos(θv-θi) + cos(2ωt
+ θv + θi )] ,And we have Another power is the
average power Pave = 0.5(VpIp) cos(θv-θi) and it
can be written as Pave = Vrms Irms cos(θv-θi).

the power factor is Pf = cos(θv-θi) = cosθZL and the

load in RC circuit has a leading power factor & a
lagging power factor in RL circuits. And the
complex power is defined as S = Vrms I*rms , S =
P + jQ where Q is the reactive power and the
magnitude of the complex power is the apparent
power and the phase is the power factor angle.

Calculation and data

Done by: Shady2Arafeh & Ahmad Mujahed
AC Steady State Power

 Ramifications of Power:
We connect the circuit shown below and then take
some readings and fill the following table :

Source voltage Source voltage

Amplitude Angle
2v 0

the source voltage is V = 2cos (6280t)

w=2π*1000=6280 rad.s

load voltage load voltage Angle

2v 0

the load voltage is V = 2cos (6280t)

w=2π*1000=6280 rad.s

load current load current Angle


Done by: Shady3Arafeh & Ahmad Mujahed

AC Steady State Power
11mA A=0.8 , B=1.4
so the angle =34.8

Pf = cos(θv-θi) = cos(34.8) = 0.82

Pave = Vrms Irms cos(θv-θi) =0.5*2*0.011cos34.8 =
0.00902 w
Apparent power = Vrms Irms = 0.5*2 *0.011 = 0.011w

 power factor correction:

We connect a parallel capacitor with the circuit and
measure the power factor then we fill the following

load current load current Angle

1.7mA A=0.2 , B=0.4
So the angle is 30o

Pf = cos(θv-θi) = cos(30) = 0.866

 the parallel capacitor increasing the power
factor and the inductor decrease it,so that we
Done by: Shady4Arafeh & Ahmad Mujahed
AC Steady State Power
can decrease the loss of power by adding a
capacitor parallel to the load in order to
consume most of the power dissipated

 the power factor in the capacitive and

inductive load is zero because cosθZL = cos-90=
cos90 =0

Done by: Shady5Arafeh & Ahmad Mujahed

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