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Lecture 1:

The study of Political Science

Political Science
Systematic study of state and government

Greek word polis City or sovereign state

Latin word scire to know

Scope of Political Science

Political Theory
Entire body of doctrine relating to the origin, form, behaviour and purpose of the state

Public Law
Organization of government limitation of government authority powers and duties of government offices and officers obligation of one state to another

Public Administration
Methods & techniques used in the actual management of state affairs by the different branches of government

Why should a student study Political Science

Education for citizenship

Teaching g the students their obligation as a citizens of the country

Essential part of liberal education

eternal vigilance is the price of liberty

Knowledge & understanding of government

A good citizen must know the answer to the following:
how the government operates; interest & forces behind policies; result of the policies; rights & obligation

Concepts of State and Government

A community of persons more or less numerous permanently occupying a definite portion of territory

Elements of State

1 People
Mass of population living within the state

No requirement as to the number not be too small or too large

2 Territory
Land jurisdiction of the State

Territorial domain Aerial domain

3 Government
rule or to govern

Refers to the agency through which the will of the state is formulated, expresses and carried out.

4 Sovereignty
Supreme power of the state to command and enforce obedience from people within jurisdiction

2 manifestation: Internal: within its territory External: without subject to or control by other state (independence)

Origin of State
Divine Right Theory
State is a divine creation Rulers is obtained by God to govern the people

Necessity or force theory

State is created through force Great warriors imposing into the weak

Enlargement of the family which remained under the authority of the father or mother






Social Contract Theory

State is formed by deliberate & voluntary compact among people to form a society and organize government for their common good

Political concept

Group of people bound together by characteristic (people)

Subject to external control

May or may not be independent of external control

May consist of 1 or more nation

Made up of several State

State cannot exist without a government but it is possible to have a government without State

A government may change (form) but the state as long as its essential elements are present, remains the same

Purpose & necessity of government

Advancement of the public welfare

It should exist & continue to exist for the benefit of the people governed.

2 Consequence of absence
Without an organized structure there would be anarchy & disorder.
Feeling of fear & insecurity

Progress & development will not be possible

Forms of government
As to number of person exercising sovereign powers

Supreme & final authority is in the hands of a single person Absolute: ruler rules by divine right Limited: ruler rules in accordance with a constitution

Political powers is exercised by a few privileged class

Political power is exercised by majority of the people
Direct or pure Indirect, representative or republican

Forms of government
As to extent of powers exercised by the central or national government

Unitary government
Control of the national & local affairs is exercised by the central or national government

Federal government
The powers of government are divided between two sets of organs National affairs and Local affairs

Forms of government
As to the relationship between the executive & legislative branches of government

Parliamentary government
The state confers upon legislature the power to terminate the tenure of office of the real executive.

Presidential government
The state makes the executive constitutionally independent

Representative democracy , Unitary & presidential government with separations of power Some aspects of pure democracy: initiative and referendum

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