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CONTRACT OF LEASE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS ______________________________ a domestic corporation organized and existing under the

laws of the Republic of the Philippines with business address at ___________________________, represented herein by ____________________ hereinafter referred to as the LESSOR; AND ________________________________________ with postal address at ____________________________ hereinafter referred to as the LESSEE. WITNESSETH That the LESSOR hereby leases unto the LESSEE and the latter thereby accept and leases one ____________________ located at the ________________________________________. NOW THEREFORE, the parties hereby agree on the following terms and conditions: 1. The term of this LEASE CONTRACT shall be for a period of _______________ (_) YEARS commencing from ______________ to _________________________; 2. This contract may be renewed upon the consent or mutual agreement of both parties. After this contract has terminated for any reason whatsoever and the LESSEE still continues to occupy the leased premises, the same shall be understood as running on a month to month basis and subject to the same conditions stipulated herein and may be terminated by either party upon thirty (30) days notice to the other; 3. The net monthly rental shall be _________________ Pesos (Php. _____________.00) plus Twelve percent (12%) VAT, provided that on the second year of this contract, the lease shall be increased by ten percent (10%), to be paid through post-dated checks every ___________ day of the month, without the necessity of demand; 4. The LESSEE shall pay the LESSOR _____ (_) month ADVANCE amounting to ________________ Pesos (Php. ____________.00) and __________ (_) Months DEPOSIT amounting to ______________ Pesos

(Php ___________.00) for a total of ______________ Pesos (Php. __________________00) only; 5. The LESSEE shall have to secure clearances and proof of payments from MWSS/Maynilad, Meralco, PLDT, BayanTel and other related utility firms in the event that this LEASE CONTRACT be terminated, expired, pre-terminated and before the LESSOR refund the deposits; 6. The deposits shall not be applied to any unpaid rental but shall be refundable at the expiration of this lease contract after deducting there from any cost for repair or damage to the leased premises and payment of unpaid water, electricity, telephone charges and other related utility expenses; 7. The 1 month advance shall be used exclusively for the payment of the last month covered by this contract, or in case of pre termination, it shall be applied for the payment of the last month, only if the proper notice was given within the required period. It cannot be used to cover any unpaid rentals or for any other purpose; 8. The LESSEE shall not directly or indirectly sublease, assign, transfer, convey, mortgage or in any way, encumber his rights over the leased premises or any portion thereof; 9. All ordinary repairs within the premises that may arise due to the daily use of the facilities therein shall be for the account and expense of the LESSEE without the right of reimbursement; 10. Any improvements introduced in the leased premises shall belong to the LESSOR with no right on the part of the LESSEE to compensation or reimbursement at the termination of the contract of lease; 11. The LESSEE shall use the leased premises exclusively for ___________ and shall have no right to use the same for any other purpose; 12. All charges for light, water, telephone, etc. used within the premises shall be for the sole account and expense of the LESSEE; 13. Upon failure to pay the monthly rental on the due date, the LESSEE shall be charged a late penalty of TEN Percent (10%) of the monthly rental for every delinquent month to be computed from the date of delinquency; 14. Upon failure on the part of the LESSEE to pay TWO (2) consecutive monthly rentals, the LESSOR shall have the full right to eject the LESSEE from the premises without the necessity of court action and the deposits shall be forfeited in favour of the LESSOR;

15. The LESSOR or its duly authorized representative shall have the right to inspect the leased premises at any reasonable hour of the day; 16. The LESSEE shall be responsible for any damage caused to the leased premises; 17. In the event that the LESSEE wishes to pre-terminate this contract for any reason whatsoever, the deposits shall not be applied to any unpaid rentals and shall be forfeited in favour of the LESSOR. Likewise, the LESSEE shall give due notice to the LESSOR of its intention to pre-terminate TWO (2) months prior to the effectivity of the pre-termination; That failure to give such notice shall render the LESSEE liable for the corresponding monthly rental; 18. Upon termination of the contract, the LESSEE shall surrender and yield peacefully to the LESSOR the premises in good condition as determined by the LESSOR, together with the improvements thereon; 19. The LESSEE further agrees and obligates himself to pay the LESSOR Attorneys Fee, Liquidated damages, Sheriffs fee and all other expenses relative thereto should the LESSEEs eviction be enforced through a writ of execution or though court action; 20. Violation of any of the above terms and conditions will produce ipso facto the rescission of this CONTRACT OF LEASE and the forfeiture of all deposits. IN WITNESS WHEREFORE, the parties have hereunto affixed their signature this ____day of ____________, 20__, here at Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines.



SIGNED IN THE PRENSENCE OF: _____________________________ ___________________________


ACKNOWLEDGMENT BEFORE ME, a Notary Public for and in ___________________________, Philippines, personally appeared LESSOR and LESSEE above-named, exhibiting their __________________________, shown below their names above, known to me and to me known to be the same persons who executed the foregoing Contract of Lease. That acknowledged to me that the same is their voluntary act, will and deeds. This instrument, consisting of four (4) pages, including this page where the acknowledgment has been written, all the parties, including their instrumental witnesses, affixed their signatures above their names on page 2 and on the left hand margins of page 1 thereof. WITNESS MY HAND AND NOTARIAL SEAL, this _________ _________________, 20___ in ____________________________________. day

NOTARY PUBLIC Doc. No. _____ Page No. _____ Book No. _____ Series of 2013.

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