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Silver Wire Tutorial Part 5

The last of the design is silver wire that is a series of small loops. It is very important to do some thinking and put in the loops that use up the most wire first. It will become evident as the design is progressed. Select a gouge that fits the design and plunge in the first circle.

Plunge in the second circle. When plunging in these circles make sure that you tip the gouge forward so that the cut will be going into the wood plumb.

This gouge will join the circles.

Start the wire on inside of one circle and go around to complete the next circle.

Cut the wire at a slight angle so that it will cut into the other wire and make a tight joint.

Tap the whole wire in place at once using a small flat surface. Remember if the wire does not go in or if it bends, take it out, make the grove wider and try again.

Do the next circle the same way. The only difference is that it is only one loop.

Notice how the gouge is tipped forward to make the cut go into the wood plumb. This is very important. If the cut is not plumb the wire will not want to turn around the circle without bending.

Again cut to length with a bevel cut on the end.

Tap in as before.

The ends are very small. Use the correct size gouge. Here you can cut both ends at once to save time.

Bend the end of the wire to the correct size first. I find that using drill bits for this purpose works well.

Finish the last loop.

The last loop is ready to go in. Fill in the small pieces of wire that appear to go through the center of the loops. Wet it as before to swell the wood.

Using a fine file and emery paper, bring the wire down to the same height. Do not bring it down to the surface of the wood at this time, only so it is all even on the top edge.

Some paper will make quite a mess. Not a problem, just use a pencil eraser to remove the dirt.

Rub the whole design with 0000 steel wool to remove any remaining burs.

Put the patch box door in place and then it is ready for stain. This is when the design will come to life.

Once the stain is thoroughly dry you can apply the finish of your choice. I like to use Permalyn Sealer at least for the first two coats because it is as thin as water and it will seep into the wood around the wire and act just like glue. Flood the area

around the wire and keep it wet with sealer for about fifteen minuets to ensure the sealer penetrates deep down around the wire.

After the sealer has penetrated, rub it with your fingers until the finish is almost dry. This will also help to drive the sealer in around the wire.

Using 0000 steel wool clean the sealer off the surface of the silver. Do this very gently. If you look closely with a light off to the side you can see when the silver is clean. Be careful not to go through the finish on to the wood. I usually use Permalyn sealer for all of the coats, but at this point you can use any finish of your choice. APPLY ALL BUT THE LAST COAT OF FINISH.

After the finish is thoroughly dry and there is only one more coat to go on the wood, using a piece of fine emery paper on a flat file, bring the silver down so it is just above the surface of the sealer. The last few strokes can be done with just a very fine piece of emery paper. Once again rub the silver down with 0000 steel to polish it.

Now is the time to do any engraving on the leafs Apply the final coat of finish. Allow several drying days and rub down the entire finish with 4f fine Pumice mixed with Paraffin oil.

This is the finished product.

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