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100 South 8th Street Arma, KS 66712 Tel.

Mailing Address: PO Box 948 Arma, KS 66712

Weekly Bulletin Saint Joseph Church, Arma


GIRARD Sat. 5:30pm Sun. 10:00 am


ARMA 4:00pm 8:00 am

The faith-filled parishioners of Saint Joseph Catholic Church of Arma, in union with the Blessed Trinity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, value tradition and prayer. We are committed to strong leadership, responsive community service, and forming caring, welcoming, intimate relationships with our fellow brothers and sisters. We seek to become a more diverse, vibrant, active church family. Notes from the Pastor: HAPPY FATHERS DAY to all our fathers! Particularly at this time where traditional marriage and family structures are challenged and threatened, celebration recognizing the role and value of the male father is very important. Also, God has commanded us to honor our father and mother. Just as we honor our mothers, equally our earthly fathers deserve to be honored and recognized as well! With the fourth of the ten commandments, I would like to remind you of a passage from the Book of Sirach: those who takes care of their father when they are old are storing riches in heaven God bless our fathers! Those whose fathers have already gone ahead of us (like mine), this day is certainly a day of remembrance of their loving presence. May they rest in peace! And for all our fathers who are still with us, may they experience the love and respect of their children and may the grace of God keep them strong and guide them on the right path always! Let us pray for some of our youth in the diocese who will be participating in two big activities this coming week: Prayer & Action in Augusta, KS, June 16 to 21. It is our dioceses summer Catholic youth ministry program for high school students where young people pray together and work together to serve those who are in need. It gives our young people participants a mission experience! Then on the weekend of June 21-23, 2013 at the Crowne Plaza DIA, in Denver, Colorado, will be the Steubenville of the Rockies Conference. With an exciting lineup of speakers, musicians, and presenters, this conference will challenge our Catholic youth to not just learn about the Holy Spirit, but to get to know Him as the living presence of God in our lives. The Sacraments are the highlight of the weekend. Teens will join in two dynamic Eucharistic Liturgies during the weekend and will be given numerous opportunities to participate in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. There is also a powerful time of Eucharistic Exposition and Adoration. Many young people (last year there were 2,200 and they are anticipating another large crowd this summer) have come to participate. We are happy and blessed that some of our youth Next Sunday(06/23/2013) 8:00 AM Kaylee Bogina Dave & Dustin Ashmore Cindy Ashmore Joe Broyles Tom & Debra Amershek in Girard are able to participate in this gatherings (four are going to the Prayer and Action, and five are going to Steubenville. Unfortunately, no one from Arma. Hopefully some of our youth will get involved in the future activities). Reminder again to our children in Arma: Totus Tuus is fast coming on July 7 to 12 at Saint Michael Church in Girard. I hope and pray you are going to avail of this opportunity. There are registration forms at the back of the church. This Thursday, June 20th marks my second year here in Girard and Arma! Praise be to God! I am going into my third year! Wow, where did the time go? It seems like I got here only yesterday! As I mark this anniversary, I thank God once again for the opportunity to serve Him by serving you. I thank God for all your cooperation and support. While we have done some things, we know the mission is not yet over. There are still lots of work that awaits us. Please continue to pray for me that unworthy as I am, God will continue to pour out His grace for the gift of inspiration to carry on the ministry that He has entrusted me. Rest assured of my constant prayers for all of you and I hope and pray we will continue to be united in prayer and love as we continue to fulfill the mission God has entrusted to us! God bless you all! Fr. Roger

Saint Joseph Parish Mission Statement:

&21)(66,21 Sat. 2:00-2:45pm 3:15-3:45pm Weekdays before Mass; anytime by appointment.

STAFF Fr. Roger Lumbre Pastor Janel Scales/Marcel Normand Bookkeeper/Bulletin Editor Rectory Office Hours Wednesdays 9AM-Noon Tel. (620) 347-4525

Next Saturday (06/22/2013) Altar Servers: Ushers E. M. E. Lectors: Gift Bearers 4:00 PM Kyla & Allie Zornes Wally Rons & Don Zornes Linda Carpino Barry Bedene Virginia Rowland & Louise Jarboe

Mass Schedules & Intentions for June 15th-23rd:

June 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 4:00 PM 5:30 PM 8:00 AM Sunday 10:00 AM 7:00 AM Monday 5:30 PM Tuesday Wednesday 6:30 PM 8:00 AM Thursday 8:30AM-3PM 7:00 AM Friday 8AM-6PM 4:00 PM Saturday 5:30 PM 8:00 AM Sunday 10:00 AM Saturday Geno Marchetti Ken & Helen Norris Raymond LaSota Pro Populo Kelly Kotzman-Janzen NO MASS Jack McClaskey Ad Dantis Eucharistic Adoration Ken & Helen OToole NO Eucharistic Adoration Paul Westhoff Helen OToole Joe Jackson Jack McClaskey Arma Girard Arma Girard Girard Arma Girard Arma Arma Girard Girard Arma Girard Arma Girard

COLLECTIONS Last Week Contributions Expenses Over/ (Under)

Saint Josephs Upcoming Events Eucharistic Adoration: Thursdays from 8:30am to 3:00pm Finance Council Next Meeting, TBA After 5:30pm Mass St. Ann Altar Society Next meeting, TBA Parish Hall at 6pm Chair Members at Large Secretary Parish Council Next Meeting, TBA After 5:30pm Mass Knights of Columbus 1st Tuesday of Month, 7pm St. Michael Parish Hall

July 2012 to date $68,040.21 $60,299.44 $7,740.77


Parish Pastoral Council Officers: Pat Westhoff Betty Rons, Dustin Ashmore, Joe Broyles, Debbie Amershek Karen Pryer Parish Finance Council: Chair Fred Bogina Members Bill Harman, Judy Wingebach, Linda Broyles

St. Thomas More: Defender of the Church Thomas More was born in London in 1478, the son of a successful lawyer. He received a remarkable education, even worked as a page in the home of the Archbishop of Canterbury, Cardinal Morton. (before the Protestant Revolt) At age 14, the Golden Anniversary cardinal sent young More to study at Oxford University. He became a lawyer and Attention all Anniversary Committee Members!! Our meeting is later a member of the Parliament. He soon attracted King Henry VIIIs attention, and eventually became the Kings advisor. reset to July 11, Thursday at 7PM at the hall. Thank you! There was a time that More wanted to be a priest, but instead, married and they had four children. As a devout Catholic, he attended Mass daily and prayed a great deal. Totus Tuus At age 51, in 1529, King Henry appointed him Lord Chancellor of England (much St. Michaels Totus Tuus week is scheduled for Sunday, July 7 like our attorney-general) at a time when the Church was in great upheaval. King through Friday, July 12 this summer. For grade school age chilHenry and the Pope in Rome were quarreling over the Kings personal life. Henry dren (grades 1-6) the program runs from 9:00am-3:00pm. The day was questioning the Popes authority. He had married Catherine in the Church, but he includes catechetical instruction, daily Mass, songs, games, and now wanted to divorce her and marry Ann Boleyn, a lady of his court. Henry wanted recess. Children should bring a sack lunch. For high school and to annul the marriage, but the Pope refused. More, as Lord Chancellor, tried to ignore the quarrel, but it came to a climax in the early 1530s when Henry forced Parliament junior high youth, the program runs Sunday - Thursday 7:30pm9:40pm. The evening sessions include talks on topics of interest to to pass a law making him (Henry) Head of the Church of England and thus severing young Catholics, the opportunity for Adoration and the sacrament relations with Rome. More refused and resigned this position. Anne Boleyns friends wanted to see her Queen and they knew that Mores enof Reconciliation, and a night of fellowship with the team memdorsement of the marriage to the King would carry much weight with the English bers. Cost of the program is one dozen healthy snacks (granola people. The new Lord Chancellor, Oliver Cromwell, with the Kings permission, bars, cracker packs, fruit, etc. per family. Please mark your calen- devised a plan that all bishops and nobles (including More) must take an oath acdars and plan to join us! Registration forms are in the back of the knowledging the King as Head of the Church rather than the Pope. More refused, Church. was arrested and imprisoned in the Tower of London in 1534. A questionable trial was held and More was condemned to die. On June 22, 1535, he was beheaded as a traitor, yet he prayed for Henry before he died. He died a martyr in defense of the Church. His feast day is this coming Saturday, June 22. Articles by Marcel Normand

Worship Committee: Chair Karen Pryer E.M.Es Joann Black Ushers/Greeters Bill Harman Altar Society Judy Smerchek Lectors Marcel Normand Music Jan Harman

About Fathers My dad passed away twenty-six years ago when he was at the threshold of 80. No matter how much you love your dad, youre aware that the years pile up and there will be a time when you must say goodbye. My brother, Richard, and I were fortunate to have had a great Dad who taught us work habits along with the traditional values of honesty, loyalty, love of family, and respect for others. He was our familys inspiration and stability and I think of him daily. A special day like Fathers Day makes the reminiscing stronger. We all have fathers or mothers or other family members whom we have lost and miss greatly. Good fathers are wonderful, for if youve achieved any success in this life, its probably due to an exceptional father or mother. Heres something to think about: A father is a man who expects his son to be as good a man as he meant to be. I know Id be a better person if I held myself to the same standard to which I held my boys. All of us wish wed have done better in the Dad department. Many men have little understanding of what it means to be a father. For any vocation to be lived in the context of Gods love, Gods grace is necessary. Here follows a priceless letter of one father to his son: Dear Son: So long as you live in this house, you follow the rules. When you have your own house, you can make your own rules. In this house, we do not have a democracy. I did not campaign to be your father. You did not vote for me. We are father and son by the grace of God and I accept that privilege and awesome responsibility. In accepting it, I have an obligation to perform the role of a father. I am not your pal. Our ages are too different. We can share many things, but we are not pals. I am your father. This is 100 times more than what a pal is. I am also your friend, but we are on entirely different levels. You will do, in this house, as I say, and you may not question me, because whatever I ask you to do is motivated by love. This will be hard for you to understand until you have a son of your own. Until then, trust me. Your father All you dads, Happy Fathers Day!


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