St. Michael's May 26, 2013 Bulletin

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Weekly Bulletin Saint Michael Church, Girard


GIRARD Sat. 5:30pm Sun. 10:00 am

ARMA 4:00pm 8:00 am

We the parishioners of Saint Michael the Archangel, through leadership and strong traditions are faithful disciples of the teachings of Jesus Christ and His Catholic Church. We commit ourselves to be generous stewards of our faith, our parish, and our community. We strive to involve all members to be united in one parish family for the salvation of all. Notes from the Pastor: Happy Memorial Day to all of us, although it may be a sad memorial for some. May God give strength for those who still continue to grieve! For our Memorial Day celebration, you are all invited to celebrate with us at the Mass in Greenbush Cemetery at 10 AM this Monday, May 27th and so we have no mass at 7AM here in church. Memorial Day originally honored military personnel who died in the Civil War (1861-1865). The holiday now honors those who died in any war while serving with the United States. Giving us an idea of military personnel who died, the following is provided by CNN Fast facts of US War Casualties: Civil War - Approximately 620,000 Americans died. The Union lost almost 365,000 troops and the Confederacy about 260,000. More than half these deaths were caused by disease. World War I 116,516 Americans died, more than half from disease. World War II - 405,399 Americans died. Korean War - 36,574 Americans died. Vietnam Conflict - 58,220 Americans died. More than 47,000 Americans were killed in action and nearly 11,000 died of other causes. Operation Iraqi Freedom - 4,466 U.S. service members have died. Operation New Dawn - 66 U.S. service members have died Operation Enduring Freedom - 2,219 U.S. service members have died as of May 21, 2013. Our veterans, their families and relatives must have some kind of experience that brings back memories -sad and joyful-and appreciation for all those who have served our land. In my five years as Army Chaplain, I have performed a few next of kin (NOK) notifications of and a few funeral services for fallen soldiers. All of them are sad and memorable, but two of them I felt much personally connected with. One was an army colonel who died in Iraq when their chopper was shot down by a rocket propelled grenade. He was married to a Filipina and have two young children. Having known them before that happened affected me more. The other one was a young high school graduate who joined the marines. Weve been friends before he graduated from High School and he was inspired to join the service when he learned I was going to be a chaplain for the army. I visited him once at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. One day in 2007, after I was conducting a suicide prevention training for a unit, I got a message from his dad, that Next Sunday(06/02/13) 10:00 AM Max & Molly Adams, E. & J. Brokob, I. Fisher, J. Duling Chris Sponsel Denny Heidrick Tim & Marilyn Hey Family
my friend committed suicide in the camp. Irony of ironies. How painful they are sometimes. I told these stories as we honor our fallen comrades of the United States military. This remembrance comes with a deep sense of appreciation for their giving of themselves in the service of the country and for their sacrifice in ensuring our freedom. May God grant them eternal peace and bless their families and loved ones left behind! Congratulations to Denny Heidrick for being chosen as a new member of our Parish Pastoral Council. Again for our brother and sister who were not chosen, I hope and pray that you dont lose heart. God has not rejected you. It means God has other plans for you and you are called to do other ministry. Remember the words of Saint Paul There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit; there are different forms of service but the same Lord; there are different workings but the same God who produces all of them in everyone. 1 Cor. 12:4-6 God has some other plans for you! You might even be called to this ministry at the Parish Council but surely not yet at this time. Big Thank you to Michelle Puckett for organizing our High School Seniors appreciation last Sunday. Thank you also to all who helped: their catechists, Dr. and Mrs. Adam Paoni, Pat Westhoff, the junior parents and all who contributed their time, talent, and treasure to give honor to our High School seniors who have been a part of our PSR classes and other activities of the Church!

Saint Michael Parish Mission Statement:

&21)(66,21 Sat. 2:00-2:45pm 3:15-3:45pm Weekdays before Mass; anytime by appointment.

STAFF Fr. Roger Lumbre Pastor Janel Scales Bookkeeper/Bulletin Editor Faith Paoni Secretary Rectory Office Hours Tues-Fri 9AM-Noon Closed on Mondays Tel. (620) 724-8717

Next Saturday (06/01/13) Altar Servers: E. M. E. Lectors: Gift Bearers 5:30 PM M. Reif & D. Davenport Rachel Ausemus Mary Twarog Jerry & Diane Hanson Family

Mass Schedules & Intentions for May 25th-June 2nd:

May 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 June 01 02 4:00 PM 5:30 PM 8:00 AM Sunday 10:00 AM 10:00 AM Monday 5:30 PM Tuesday Wednesday 6:30 PM 8:00 AM Thursday 8:30AM-3PM 7:00 AM Friday 8AM-6PM 4:00 PM Saturday 5:30 PM 8:00 AM Sunday 10:00 AM Saturday Raymond LaSota Ben Bradshaw Pro Populo Helen OToole Kay Arthur (Greenbush Cemetery) Ad Dantis NO MASS NO MASS NO Eucharistic Adoration NO MASS NO Eucharistic Adoration Frank Doue Kay Arthur Special Intention Pro Populo Arma Girard Arma Girard Girard Arma Girard Arma Arma Girard Girard Arma Girard Arma Girard

come the night before the funeral to pray the rosary. Wouldnt it be to our advantage to pray the rosary daily for ourselves, for others, or just to honor the Lords mother? Last Week July 2012 to date We would think so. If you do pray the Rosary daily, know that: 1) Jesus will never be Contributions $3,383.00 $123,777.65 able to see you as a stranger when you come to die. You will have thought of Him and Children's Offering $15.60 $1,172.76 been close to Him in those great mysteries of His Love set forth in the Rosary; 2) Love me, love my Mother --we think it is not possible to really love the Lord if we Expenses $118,393.38 dont love His Mother also. The Rosary encompasses both. Our Blessed Mother told Over/ (Under) $6,557.03 the children of Fatima: Pray, pray a great deal. Pray the Rosary everyday. Do not offend God anymore, for He is already too greatly offended. --Words from Fr. John Reinkemeyer in 1980. Saint Michaels Upcoming Events This coming Friday, May 31, is the Feast of the Visitation, the 2nd of the Joyful Mysteries, which tells the story of Marys visit to her cousin, Elizabeth, who was with Finance Council Parish Council child, which would be John, the Baptist. When Elizabeth heard Marys greeting, the Tony Stonerock-Chair Dale Coomes-Chair baby leaped in her womb; and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit, and she cried Next Meeting, June 6th Next Meeting, June 11th out, Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb! (Luke: 1, 41-42) At this occasion, Mary spoke what is known as the Magnificat. We, too, Rosary Altar Society Knights of Columbus should be open to the Holy Spirit to fill us with the love of the one, true God in our Next meeting, TBA 1st Tuesday of Month, 7pm hearts. Draw strength from the Rosary as often as possible. At 6:30pm in the Hall. St. Michael Parish Hall


Helping Hands Need help or want to volunteer, Call Carrie Smith, 724-6684

Daughters of Isabella Call Marilyn Bradshaw, 724-7133

That Man in You Friday mornings at 6am

Thank you also to Nancy Hofer and the Arts and Environments for continually preparing our church environment especially the altar for our liturgical celebrations: decorating it with white colors for Easter, then changing it to red and hanging all those banners which made our altar prettier for Pentecost, and then to green for the ordinary season. Good job and thank you for all your efforts. If you want to help in this committee, let us know! This weekend we welcome Fr. Chad Arnold the associate pastor and director of Our Lady of Lourdes Colgan Catholic School in Pittsburg. He will be saying our 5:30PM Saturday and 10AM Sunday masses and preach about catholic education. He will surely give us an idea about catholic education in our diocese and especially at Our Lady of Lourdes. Also, this Thursday, May 30th is the installation mass of Archbishop Elect Jackels in Dubuque, Iowa. With four other priests, we will be driving there for this occasion. Consequently we have no mass Wednesday till Friday in Girard and Arma, and no adoration on Friday. Thank you for your understanding. May God bless you all! Fr. Roger Memorial Day Mass at Greenbush Mass on Monday, May 27th, will be at the Greenbush Cemetery at 10:00am, with the military honor guard at 9:00am. Rosary Closeup This Week: The Visitation We are a generous people. Should any misfortune befall any of us, we are there to help out in the material and spiritual order of things. (Joplin, MO; Moore, OK) Religious groups pitch in when a family loses one of its own. When a parishioner dies, many will

Honoring the Dead on Memorial Day All over the United States this weekend, well be hearing the mournful sound of Taps and the crack of rifles as families and friends pay tribute to Americas fallen. Memorial Day began in honor of soldiers who died in the Civil War, but it has come to revere those who have died in later wars. Its a time for recalling the heroes of war from Lexington and Concord to the bleak mountains of Afghanistan. Were not glorifying war; were respecting those who gave their lives to protect our freedom at home. War has touched the lives of every living American. There are other matters to remember on this weekend. Long before the first settlers reached this continent, God had been preparing it, adorning it with beauty and beneath the soil, rich resources. We also remember those who created our system of law and government, where we can enjoy freedom with fewer restrictions than any other nation on earth. We should recall what God has done for us. Yet, many have either forgotten it, or have allowed it to fade from their minds. I believe we have material affluence, but spiritual poverty in this 21st century. God is ignored more and more from what Ive noticed these past decades. Hundreds of young people grow up with little or no spiritual instruction. Many homes have abandoned that responsibility and, of course, the schools are forbidden to mention God. It wasnt always like this. I had twelve years of public schooling in Arma in the 40s and 50s and God was mentioned and there was prayer whenever it was deemed appropriate and without interference from the courts! We observed Christmas and Easter with school pageants based on Christian stories and our Christmas vacation was never called a winter vacation. Our Thanksgiving observances centered on thanking God for our many blessings and we never thought that wed have to fight to have prayer at our graduations! Our parents picked up where the schools left off. Most of us from that era married and raised our kids in like fashion. Somewhere, our society went wrong as we see many young people grow up without a firm belief in God. This ultimately translates in less interest in occasions like Memorial Day or Veterans Day. What percentage do you think actually visit the cemeteries and lay flowers on loved ones who have passed? Without strong faith, we reap a harvest of immoral, neglectful, or illegal actions. On this Memorial Day, 2013, take your younger family members with you to the cemeteries and recall to them the sacrifices that older generations made to raise their families and protect our freedoms at home. Remind them that we should thank God that someone was willing to die so you and I might live in liberty. If you see a veteran, thank him/her for helping to protect our freedoms. If we forget these things, their sacrifice seems pointless. Articles by Marcel Normand

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