Reading and Language Development

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Reading and Language Development: Early Childhood K-3

December 09, 2005 EDTC Advanced Telecommunications and Distance Learning

Ethnographic Study on Distance Learning Submitted By: Sheena Miles

Reading and Language Development: Early Childhood K-3 Background/Introduction My ethnographic report was performed on the EDUC 633 Reading and Language Development: Early Childhood K-3 class. This course is based upon learning about reading as a thinking process, while integrating language development, learning styles, and individual differences into the curriculum among the K-3 grade audience. The target is to aid students in the understanding of learning as it should be developed in K-3 grade students. During this study, I observed the various techniques that happen within a distance learning class, as well as, what these students expect from this type of strategy for learning, as will be discussed later in my study. Although, I interviewed more than the three students outlined in my report, I only chose to include them because of their unique responses of that from the other individuals within the class. My purpose was to introduce the idea that there are various reasons why students decide to engage in distance learning classes. The next section includes only five, but significant questions asked to the students that are valid to distance learning and this course. These opinionated questions lead to responses that have conducted my study as a whole. Also, included are my reflections, as well as, my conclusions from my study conducted. Within this section, I included noteworthy elements as to what most distance learning students expect from taking on this style of learning. I even included responses made from the other students that I interviewed, but didnt fully include in this study. Moreover, this distance learning research mission turned out to be quite interesting to me as you will now begin to examine.

Interview/Questions In this ethnographic study, I interviewed three distance learning students engaged in the EDUC 633 Reading and Language Development: Early Childhood K-3 class. Following, contains some questions that I asked these students pertaining to distance learning and this course, as well as, their responses. Student A 1. Why did you determine to enroll in a distance learning course generally? My decision evolved from the fact that I wanted the opportunity to gain insight from other students at other colleges.

2. What kind of interaction do you have from other students? When questions are brought up from the professor, students have the opportunity to exchange and communicate their ideas to one another.

3. What dislikes, if any, do you have about taking this distance learning class? Although, I enjoyed the experience of engaging in this type of learning strategy, I did miss the traditional way of learning.

4. Is taking this distance learning class meeting your expectations? Yes, it is. I was able to learn about the idea of others.

5. What do you think makes a successful distance learner?

I think that you have to be able to accept the ideas of others, as well as, being selfmotivated, and responsible. Student B 1. Why did you determine to enroll in a distance learning course generally? Well, from the others point of view, I have a friend from Beauregard Parish who is a single parent of two children. She doesnt have the time to travel back and forth to campus, so this distance learning course helps her out a lot.

2. What kind of interaction do you have from other students? I had the opportunity to communicate with other students from other campuses.

3. What dislikes, if any, do you have about taking this distance learning class? I dont have any dislikes about the course as of now.

4. Is taking this distance learning class meeting your expectations? Yes, it is. I have the opportunity to learn from others, as well as, experiencing a different type of method for learning.

5. What do you think makes a successful distance learner? I think that a successful distance learner includes highly-motivated individuals who are willing to learn in any environment.

Student C 1. Why did you determine to enroll in a distance learning course generally? My main reason for enrolling in this class was because I thought it may be of some challenge for me as I have never been introduced to this specific method of learning.

2. What kind of interaction do you have from other students? The class is able to communicate back and forth with students from another campus, as well as, with students from their own environment.

3. What dislikes, if any, do you have about taking this distance learning class? I dont have any dislikes about taking this class as of now.

4. Is taking this distance learning class meeting your expectations? Yes, absolutely. I love the idea interaction between students in different places is the main string to developing vital learning outcomes.

5. What do you think makes a successful distance learner? I think that a successful distance learner must stay focused on their goals. They must be determined individuals who can manage time effectively and efficiently. A successful distance learner must know how to handle pressure well also. Adapting to more than one learning environment is also an important factor for being a successful distance learner.

Reflections/Conclusions As an outcome from the responses given by these distance learning students, I had the opportunity to reflect on their many ideas. Most students engage in distance learning activities because of the remote areas that they are domiciled in. Many of these areas may lack specific courses that are needed. Others have the desire to become involved in a different type of learning style so that they may gain insight on different issues from students other than themselves, as well as, wanting to become more intellectually challenged. The interaction that comes from this compressed video class includes realtime audio and video feedback between students from different places, which is greatly enjoyable among them because of the integration of others ideas. The only dislike that I was given about taking the distance learning class is the extinction of the traditional way of learning, in which I despise, respectively. Most students enjoy a new approach to learning simply because the traditional way does not incorporate hands-on or interactive learning. Yet, all three of the students agreed that taking the distance learning course did meet their expectations. Moreover, I concur with their statements that successful distance learners must be determined, responsible and highly-motivated individuals who can be adaptive to different learning environments.

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